Optimization Services









Optimization Services discover Language (OSdL)

Click to see or download the OSdL WSDL -> OSdL.wsdl [stable]

OSdL (discover) is a Web Service Definition Language for invoking optimization registry services to register and discover services.

To make the discover communication, both the client and the OS registry have to follow the rules specified in the OSdL.wsdl document. The communication is just like any other OSxL client-service style communication on an OS network, with the same underlying networking process described in OShL section. 

The following figure shows the interface part of the OSdL WSDL document. The other part (protocol) of the WSDL document, like all other OSxL WSDL documents, uses the same specifications as OShL.


The most important part of the above figure is the <wsdl:portType> element. The portType element can have one or more <operation> elements. In the OSdL WSDL document, we have four operations: find, register, knock and validate. Each operation corresponds to a method or function in a programming language. So there are usually two parts to an operation: the input element and the output element. The format of both elements is controlled by the message attribute. In the "find" operation for example, we require its input to be of message type “findRequest” and its output to be of message type “findResponse.” The findRequest message is essentially an osql string that represents a query and an osol string that represents an option. The findResponse message is essentially an osul string that represents the uri (or url) addresses of the found services. In the following table, we list the operations specified in the OSdL WSDL document.



String find(String OSqL, String OSoL)

find services in the OS registry

1st input is an OSqL query.
2nd input is an OSoL option for the registry. Options are assumed to be default if empty ("").
Output string is an OSuL that contains URI (or URL) addresses of discovered services.

String register (String osel, String OSoL)

register a new service in the OS registry

1st input is an OSeL string that represents the static entity information of the service.
2nd input is an OSoL option for the registry. Options are assumed to be default if empty ("").
Output is an OSpL process result that indicates whether the register process is successful or not.

String knock (String OSpL, String OSoL)

knock at the OS registry service to get or set process information.

1st input is an OSpL process input that indicates the request action and other related information.
2nd input is an OSoL option for knock options.
Output is an OSpL process result that contains response status and/or requested process information.


String validate (String OSxL)

test whether an OSxL (e.g. OSiL) string is valid against the corresponding schema (e.g. OSiL.xsd).

1st input is an OSxL string to be validated.
2nd input is an OSoL option for the registry. Options are assumed to be default if empty ("").
Output is an OSpL process result that indicates whether the validate process is successful or not.


Click to see or download the OSdL WSDL -> OSdL.wsdl

OSdL Description