06 Sep

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: 20th annual “COIN-OR Cup” competition sponsored by the COIN-OR Foundation.

The COIN-OR Cup recognizes and celebrates the best contributions to open-source operations research software development and use associated with the COIN-OR software collection. To remind you, COIN-OR stands for “COmputational INfrastructure for Operations Research”. It is the definitive collection of free, open-source operations research software that lets you concentrate on your research instead of re-implementing software. See https://www.coin-or.org. Get on board!


A submission or nomination must contain:

1. A synopsis of an effective use of COIN-OR or valuable contribution to COIN-OR (or both!), including an explanation of its significance. Maximum 3 pages (pdf format).

2. Copies of relevant papers or documents (pdf format). We especially encourage nominations describing an effective use of COIN-OR that the community may not know about. 

3. A submission to this Google form: https://forms.gle/CmtnpQoCeCXNiPM17

Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged.

Submission deadline: Friday, October 4th 2024.

Please e-mail your submissions to coin-cup-2024@coin-or.org in a single zipped archive, containing a description of your submission and copies of all relevant papers/documents in pdf format.

The winner will be announced and celebrated during the INFORMS annual meeting.  Details for the announcement and celebration will be revealed when available.

03 Nov

2021 COIN-OR Cup Winners: GRAVITY team

We are pleased to announce that Hassan Hijazi, Guanglei Wang, Ksenia Bestuzheva, Smitha Gopinath, Mertcan Yetkin, and Carleton Coffrin have won the 2021 COIN-OR Cup for their work on “GRAVITY: A Mathematical Modeling Language for Optimization and Machine Learning.” GRAVITY is a software development project directly linked to COIN-OR, which implements a free modeling language, an important tool to consolidate COIN-OR efforts. COIN-OR solvers such as Ipopt, Bonmin and Couenne are open and free, but to use them without programming, it is necessary to make use of commercial tools such as AMPL and GAMS. An open alternative to these languages is a project of great interest to solver developers in general, and allows COIN-OR not to rely on commercial modeling languages to have users who are not programmers. GRAVITY can benefit a number of projects and help democratize access to optimization tools.

Thanks to the judging committee members: Wendel Melo, Marcia Fampa, Fernanda Raupp.

Demo of using Gravity to build a model