06 Sep

Call for Nominations for Directors, COIN-OR Foundation

Nominations are solicited for candidates for up to three director positions
on the Strategic Leadership Board (SLB) and one director position on
the Technical Leadership Council (TLC). All positions are for three
-year terms. Any interested individual is eligible to be a director of
the Foundation.

COIN-OR is evolving rapidly, and directors can have a significant
influence on the development of the Foundation. Candidates should have
an active interest in COIN-OR and be committed to active participation
in SLB and TLC business. For more information on the activities of and
expectations for directors, prospective candidates are encouraged to
contact any of the current directors or the Foundation Secretary (

Up to three directors will be elected to the SLB. Note that membership in
COIN-OR is not required; in fact, one of the open positions is reserved
for a non-member. Candidates with expertise in the software industry or
experience as a director for a non-profit organization will be eagerly

Up to one director will be elected to the TLC. Membership in COIN-OR
is not required.

The Foundation encourages the nomination of any interested individuals,
and particularly users of COIN-OR software, who have not previously
been active participants in COIN-OR projects. Diversity of viewpoint
and skills is both needed and appreciated.

For all director positions, a candidate may be nominated by any
interested individual. Self-nomination is allowed. All nominations
must be seconded by a full member of the Foundation.

Nominations should be emailed to the Secretary (secretary@coin-or.org)
and will be accepted until October 6, 2021. Candidates must agree
to be nominated and will be contacted to provide a short biography and
statement to be distributed to the full members of the Foundation prior
to the election.

More information on the COIN-OR foundation can be found at

06 Sep

COIN-OR Cup Nominations Open

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: 17th annual “COIN-OR Cup” competition sponsored
by the COIN-OR Foundation.

The COIN-OR Cup recognizes and celebrates the best contributions to
open source operations research software development and use
associated with the COIN-OR software collection. To remind you,
COIN-OR stands for “COmputational INfrastructure for OPerations
Research”. It is the definitive collection of free open source
operations research software that lets you concentrate on your
research instead of re-implementing software. See
https://www.coin-or.org. Get on board!


A submission or nomination must contain:
1. A synopsis of an effective use of COIN-OR or valuable contribution
to COIN-OR (or both!), including an explanation of its significance.
Maximum 3 pages (pdf format).
2. Copies of relevant papers or documents (pdf format).
We especially encourage nominations describing effective use of
COIN-OR that the community may not know about.
Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged.

Submission deadline: Friday, October 3, 2021.

Please e-mail your submissions to coin-cup@coin-or.org in a single
zipped archive, containing a description of your submission and copies
of all relevant papers/documents in pdf format.

The winner is normally announced and celebrated during the INFORMS
annual meeting. Due to travel uncertainty, the winner may instead
be announced online at the COIN-OR general meeting; details for the
announcement and celebration will be revealed when available.