qpOASES  3.2.1
An Implementation of the Online Active Set Strategy
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BoundsManages working sets of bounds (i.e. box constraints)
ConstraintProductInterface for specifying user-defined evaluations of constraint products
ConstraintsManages working sets of constraints
DenseMatrixInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to general dense matrices
FlipperAuxiliary class for storing a copy of the current matrix factorisations
IndexlistStores and manages index lists
MatMatrixHeaderStruct containing the variable header for mat file
MatrixAbstract base class for interfacing tailored matrix-vector operations
MessageHandlingHandles all kind of error messages, warnings and other information
MyConstraintProductExample illustrating the use of the ConstraintProduct class
OptionsManages all user-specified options for solving QPs
QProblemImplements the online active set strategy for QPs with general constraints
QProblemBImplements the online active set strategy for box-constrained QPs
MessageHandling::ReturnValueListData structure for entries in global message list
SolutionAnalysisProvides additional tools for analysing QP solutions
SparseMatrixInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to general sparse matrices
SparseMatrixRowInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to general sparse matrices
SparseSolverBase class for linear solvers that are used in a Schur-complement implementation in qpOASES
SQProblemImplements the online active set strategy for QPs with varying matrices
SQProblemSchurImplements the online active set strategy for QPs with varying, sparse matrices
SubjectToBase class for managing working sets of bounds and constraints
SymDenseMatInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to symmetric dense matrices
SymmetricMatrixAbstract base class for interfacing matrix-vector operations tailored to symmetric matrices
SymSparseMatInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to symmetric sparse matrices
TabularOutputStores internal information for tabular (debugging) output