CppAD: A C++ Algorithmic Differentiation Package  20171217
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4 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-17 Bradley M. Bell
7 CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
8 the terms of the
9  Eclipse Public License Version 1.0.
11 A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
12 Please visit http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ for information on other licenses.
13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15 /*
16 $begin ForSparseHes$$
17 $spell
18  Andrea Walther
19  std
20  VecAD
21  Jacobian
22  Jac
23  Hessian
24  Hes
25  const
26  Bool
27  Dep
28  proportional
29  var
30  cpp
31 $$
33 $section Hessian Sparsity Pattern: Forward Mode$$
35 $head Syntax$$
36 $icode%h% = %f%.ForSparseHes(%r%, %s%)
37 %$$
39 $head Purpose$$
40 We use $latex F : \B{R}^n \rightarrow \B{R}^m$$ to denote the
41 $cref/AD function/glossary/AD Function/$$ corresponding to $icode f$$.
42 we define
43 $latex \[
44 \begin{array}{rcl}
45 H(x)
46 & = & \partial_x \left[ \partial_u S \cdot F[ x + R \cdot u ] \right]_{u=0}
47 \\
48 & = & R^\R{T} \cdot (S \cdot F)^{(2)} ( x ) \cdot R
49 \end{array}
50 \] $$
51 Where $latex R \in \B{R}^{n \times n}$$ is a diagonal matrix
52 and $latex S \in \B{R}^{1 \times m}$$ is a row vector.
53 Given a
54 $cref/sparsity pattern/glossary/Sparsity Pattern/$$
55 for the diagonal of $latex R$$ and the vector $latex S$$,
56 $code ForSparseHes$$ returns a sparsity pattern for the $latex H(x)$$.
58 $head f$$
59 The object $icode f$$ has prototype
60 $codei%
61  const ADFun<%Base%> %f%
62 %$$
64 $head x$$
65 If the operation sequence in $icode f$$ is
66 $cref/independent/glossary/Operation/Independent/$$ of
67 the independent variables in $latex x \in B^n$$,
68 the sparsity pattern is valid for all values of
69 (even if it has $cref CondExp$$ or $cref VecAD$$ operations).
71 $head r$$
72 The argument $icode r$$ has prototype
73 $codei%
74  const %VectorSet%& %r%
75 %$$
76 (see $cref/VectorSet/ForSparseHes/VectorSet/$$ below)
77 If it has elements of type $code bool$$,
78 its size is $latex n$$.
79 If it has elements of type $code std::set<size_t>$$,
80 its size is one and all the elements of $icode%s%[0]%$$
81 are between zero and $latex n - 1$$.
82 It specifies a
83 $cref/sparsity pattern/glossary/Sparsity Pattern/$$
84 for the diagonal of $latex R$$.
85 The fewer non-zero elements in this sparsity pattern,
86 the faster the calculation should be and the more sparse
87 $latex H(x)$$ should be.
89 $head s$$
90 The argument $icode s$$ has prototype
91 $codei%
92  const %VectorSet%& %s%
93 %$$
94 (see $cref/VectorSet/ForSparseHes/VectorSet/$$ below)
95 If it has elements of type $code bool$$,
96 its size is $latex m$$.
97 If it has elements of type $code std::set<size_t>$$,
98 its size is one and all the elements of $icode%s%[0]%$$
99 are between zero and $latex m - 1$$.
100 It specifies a
101 $cref/sparsity pattern/glossary/Sparsity Pattern/$$
102 for the vector $icode S$$.
103 The fewer non-zero elements in this sparsity pattern,
104 the faster the calculation should be and the more sparse
105 $latex H(x)$$ should be.
107 $head h$$
108 The result $icode h$$ has prototype
109 $codei%
110  %VectorSet%& %h%
111 %$$
112 (see $cref/VectorSet/ForSparseHes/VectorSet/$$ below).
113 If $icode h$$ has elements of type $code bool$$,
114 its size is $latex n * n$$.
115 If it has elements of type $code std::set<size_t>$$,
116 its size is $latex n$$ and all the set elements are between
117 zero and $icode%n%-1%$$ inclusive.
118 It specifies a
119 $cref/sparsity pattern/glossary/Sparsity Pattern/$$
120 for the matrix $latex H(x)$$.
122 $head VectorSet$$
123 The type $icode VectorSet$$ must be a $cref SimpleVector$$ class with
124 $cref/elements of type/SimpleVector/Elements of Specified Type/$$
125 $code bool$$ or $code std::set<size_t>$$;
126 see $cref/sparsity pattern/glossary/Sparsity Pattern/$$ for a discussion
127 of the difference.
128 The type of the elements of
129 $cref/VectorSet/ForSparseHes/VectorSet/$$ must be the
130 same as the type of the elements of $icode r$$.
132 $head Algorithm$$
133 See Algorithm II in
134 $italic Computing sparse Hessians with automatic differentiation$$
135 by Andrea Walther.
136 Note that $icode s$$ provides the information so that
137 'dead ends' are not included in the sparsity pattern.
139 $head Example$$
140 $children%
141  example/sparse/for_sparse_hes.cpp
142 %$$
143 The file
144 $cref for_sparse_hes.cpp$$
145 contains an example and test of this operation.
146 It returns true if it succeeds and false otherwise.
148 $end
149 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 */
151 # include <algorithm>
152 # include <cppad/local/pod_vector.hpp>
153 # include <cppad/local/std_set.hpp>
155 namespace CppAD { // BEGIN_CPPAD_NAMESPACE
156 /*!
157 \file for_sparse_hes.hpp
158 Forward mode Hessian sparsity patterns.
159 */
160 // ===========================================================================
161 // ForSparseHesCase
162 /*!
163 Private helper function for ForSparseHes(q, s) bool sparsity.
165 All of the description in the public member function ForSparseHes(q, s)
166 applies.
168 \param set_type
169 is a \c bool value. This argument is used to dispatch to the proper source
170 code depending on the vlaue of \c VectorSet::value_type.
172 \param r
173 See \c ForSparseHes(r, s).
175 \param s
176 See \c ForSparseHes(r, s).
178 \param h
179 is the return value for the corresponging call to \c ForSparseJac(q, s).
180 */
181 template <class Base>
182 template <class VectorSet>
184  bool set_type ,
185  const VectorSet& r ,
186  const VectorSet& s ,
187  VectorSet& h )
188 { size_t n = Domain();
189  size_t m = Range();
190  //
191  // check Vector is Simple VectorSet class with bool elements
192  CheckSimpleVector<bool, VectorSet>();
193  //
195  size_t(r.size()) == n,
196  "ForSparseHes: size of r is not equal to\n"
197  "domain dimension for ADFun object."
198  );
200  size_t(s.size()) == m,
201  "ForSparseHes: size of s is not equal to\n"
202  "range dimension for ADFun object."
203  );
204  //
205  // sparsity pattern corresponding to r
206  local::sparse_pack for_jac_pattern;
207  for_jac_pattern.resize(num_var_tape_, n + 1);
208  for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
209  { CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( ind_taddr_[i] < n + 1 );
210  // ind_taddr_[i] is operator taddr for i-th independent variable
211  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( play_.GetOp( ind_taddr_[i] ) == local::InvOp );
212  //
213  // Use add_element when only adding one element per set is added.
214  if( r[i] )
215  for_jac_pattern.add_element( ind_taddr_[i], ind_taddr_[i] );
216  }
217  // compute forward Jacobiain sparsity pattern
218  bool dependency = false;
220  &play_,
221  dependency,
222  n,
223  num_var_tape_,
224  for_jac_pattern
225  );
226  // sparsity pattern correspnding to s
227  local::sparse_pack rev_jac_pattern;
228  rev_jac_pattern.resize(num_var_tape_, 1);
229  for(size_t i = 0; i < m; i++)
230  { CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( dep_taddr_[i] < num_var_tape_ );
231  //
232  // Use add_element when only adding one element per set is added.
233  if( s[i] )
234  rev_jac_pattern.add_element( dep_taddr_[i], 0);
235  }
236  // compute reverse sparsity pattern for dependency analysis
237  // (note that we are only want non-zero derivatives not true dependency)
239  &play_,
240  dependency,
241  n,
242  num_var_tape_,
243  rev_jac_pattern
244  );
245  // vector of sets that will hold the forward Hessain values
246  local::sparse_pack for_hes_pattern;
247  for_hes_pattern.resize(n+1, n+1);
248  //
249  // compute the Hessian sparsity patterns
251  &play_,
252  n,
253  num_var_tape_,
254  for_jac_pattern,
255  rev_jac_pattern,
256  for_hes_pattern
257  );
258  // initialize return values corresponding to independent variables
259  h.resize(n * n);
260  for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
261  { for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
262  h[ i * n + j ] = false;
263  }
264  // copy to result pattern
265  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( for_hes_pattern.end() == n+1 );
266  for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
267  { // ind_taddr_[i] is operator taddr for i-th independent variable
268  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( ind_taddr_[i] == i + 1 );
269  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( play_.GetOp( ind_taddr_[i] ) == local::InvOp );
271  // extract the result from for_hes_pattern
272  local::sparse_pack::const_iterator itr(for_hes_pattern, ind_taddr_[i] );
273  size_t j = *itr;
274  while( j < for_hes_pattern.end() )
275  { CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( 0 < j )
276  h[ i * n + (j-1) ] = true;
277  j = *(++itr);
278  }
279  }
280 }
281 /*!
282 Private helper function for ForSparseHes(q, s) set sparsity.
284 All of the description in the public member function ForSparseHes(q, s)
285 applies.
287 \param set_type
288 is a \c std::set<size_t> value.
289 This argument is used to dispatch to the proper source
290 code depending on the vlaue of \c VectorSet::value_type.
292 \param r
293 See \c ForSparseHes(r, s).
295 \param s
296 See \c ForSparseHes(q, s).
298 \param h
299 is the return value for the corresponging call to \c ForSparseJac(q, s).
300 */
301 template <class Base>
302 template <class VectorSet>
304  const std::set<size_t>& set_type ,
305  const VectorSet& r ,
306  const VectorSet& s ,
307  VectorSet& h )
308 { size_t n = Domain();
309 # ifndef NDEBUG
310  size_t m = Range();
311 # endif
312  std::set<size_t>::const_iterator itr_1;
313  //
314  // check VectorSet is Simple Vector class with sets for elements
315  CheckSimpleVector<std::set<size_t>, VectorSet>(
316  local::one_element_std_set<size_t>(), local::two_element_std_set<size_t>()
317  );
319  r.size() == 1,
320  "ForSparseHes: size of s is not equal to one."
321  );
323  s.size() == 1,
324  "ForSparseHes: size of s is not equal to one."
325  );
326  //
327  // sparsity pattern corresponding to r
328  local::sparse_list for_jac_pattern;
329  for_jac_pattern.resize(num_var_tape_, n + 1);
330  itr_1 = r[0].begin();
331  while( itr_1 != r[0].end() )
332  { size_t i = *itr_1++;
333  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( ind_taddr_[i] < n + 1 );
334  // ind_taddr_[i] is operator taddr for i-th independent variable
335  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( play_.GetOp( ind_taddr_[i] ) == local::InvOp );
336  //
337  // Use add_element when only adding one element per set is added.
338  for_jac_pattern.add_element( ind_taddr_[i], ind_taddr_[i] );
339  }
340  // compute forward Jacobiain sparsity pattern
341  bool dependency = false;
343  &play_,
344  dependency,
345  n,
346  num_var_tape_,
347  for_jac_pattern
348  );
349  // sparsity pattern correspnding to s
350  local::sparse_list rev_jac_pattern;
351  rev_jac_pattern.resize(num_var_tape_, 1);
352  itr_1 = s[0].begin();
353  while( itr_1 != s[0].end() )
354  { size_t i = *itr_1++;
356  i < m,
357  "ForSparseHes: an element of the set s[0] has value "
358  "greater than or equal m"
359  );
360  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( dep_taddr_[i] < num_var_tape_ );
361  //
362  // Use add_element when only adding one element per set is added.
363  rev_jac_pattern.add_element( dep_taddr_[i], 0);
364  }
365  //
366  // compute reverse sparsity pattern for dependency analysis
367  // (note that we are only want non-zero derivatives not true dependency)
369  &play_,
370  dependency,
371  n,
372  num_var_tape_,
373  rev_jac_pattern
374  );
375  //
376  // vector of sets that will hold reverse Hessain values
377  local::sparse_list for_hes_pattern;
378  for_hes_pattern.resize(n+1, n+1);
379  //
380  // compute the Hessian sparsity patterns
382  &play_,
383  n,
384  num_var_tape_,
385  for_jac_pattern,
386  rev_jac_pattern,
387  for_hes_pattern
388  );
389  // return values corresponding to independent variables
390  // j is index corresponding to reverse mode partial
391  h.resize(n);
392  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( for_hes_pattern.end() == n+1 );
393  for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
394  { CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( ind_taddr_[i] == i + 1 );
395  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( play_.GetOp( ind_taddr_[i] ) == local::InvOp );
397  // extract the result from for_hes_pattern
398  local::sparse_list::const_iterator itr_2(for_hes_pattern, ind_taddr_[i] );
399  size_t j = *itr_2;
400  while( j < for_hes_pattern.end() )
401  { CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( 0 < j )
402  h[i].insert(j-1);
403  j = *(++itr_2);
404  }
405  }
406 }
408 // ===========================================================================
409 // ForSparseHes
411 /*!
412 User API for Hessian sparsity patterns using reverse mode.
414 The C++ source code corresponding to this operation is
415 \verbatim
416  h = f.ForSparseHes(q, r)
417 \endverbatim
419 \tparam Base
420 is the base type for this recording.
422 \tparam VectorSet
423 is a simple vector with elements of type \c bool
424 or \c std::set<size_t>.
426 \param r
427 is a vector with size \c n that specifies the sparsity pattern
428 for the diagonal of the matrix \f$ R \f$,
429 where \c n is the number of independent variables
430 corresponding to the operation sequence stored in \a play.
432 \param s
433 is a vector with size \c m that specifies the sparsity pattern
434 for the vector \f$ S \f$,
435 where \c m is the number of dependent variables
436 corresponding to the operation sequence stored in \a play.
438 \return
439 The return vector is a sparsity pattern for \f$ H(x) \f$
440 \f[
441  H(x) = R^T ( S * F)^{(2)} (x) R
442 \f]
443 where \f$ F \f$ is the function corresponding to the operation sequence
444 and \a x is any argument value.
445 */
447 template <class Base>
448 template <class VectorSet>
450  const VectorSet& r, const VectorSet& s
451 )
452 { VectorSet h;
453  typedef typename VectorSet::value_type Set_type;
455  // Should check to make sure q is same as in previous call to
456  // forward sparse Jacobian.
457  ForSparseHesCase(
458  Set_type() ,
459  r ,
460  s ,
461  h
462  );
464  return h;
465 }
466 // ===========================================================================
467 // ForSparseHesCheckpoint
468 /*!
469 Hessian sparsity patterns calculation used by checkpoint functions.
471 \tparam Base
472 is the base type for this recording.
474 \param r
475 is a vector with size n that specifies the sparsity pattern
476 for the diagonal of \f$ R \f$,
477 where n is the number of independent variables
478 corresponding to the operation sequence stored in play_.
480 \param s
481 is a vector with size m that specifies the sparsity pattern
482 for the vector \f$ S \f$,
483 where m is the number of dependent variables
484 corresponding to the operation sequence stored in play_.
486 \param h
487 The input size and elements of h do not matter.
488 On output, h is the sparsity pattern for the matrix \f$ H(x) R \f$.
490 \par Assumptions
491 The forward jacobian sparsity pattern must be currently stored
492 in this ADFUN object.
493 */
495 // The checkpoint class is not yet using forward sparse Hessians.
497 template <class Base>
499  vector<bool>& r ,
500  vector<bool>& s ,
501  local::sparse_list& h )
502 {
503  size_t n = Domain();
504  size_t m = Range();
506  // checkpoint functions should get this right
507  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( for_jac_sparse_pack_.n_set() == 0 );
508  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( for_jac_sparse_set_.n_set() == 0 );
509  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( s.size() == m );
511  // Array that holds the reverse Jacobiain dependcy flags.
512  // Initialize as true for dependent variables, flase for others.
513  local::pod_vector<bool> RevJac(num_var_tape_);
514  for(size_t i = 0; i < num_var_tape_; i++)
515  RevJac[i] = false;
516  for(size_t i = 0; i < m; i++)
517  { CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( dep_taddr_[i] < num_var_tape_ )
518  RevJac[ dep_taddr_[i] ] = s[i];
519  }
521  // holds forward Hessian sparsity pattern for all variables
522  local::sparse_list for_hes_pattern;
523  for_hes_pattern.resize(n+1, n+1);
525  // compute Hessian sparsity pattern for all variables
526  local::for_hes_sweep(
527  &play_,
528  n,
529  num_var_tape_,
530  for_jac_sparse_set_,
531  RevJac.data(),
532  for_hes_pattern
533  );
535  // dimension the return value
536  if( transpose )
537  h.resize(n, n);
538  else
539  h.resize(n, n);
541  // j is index corresponding to reverse mode partial
542  for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
543  { CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( ind_taddr_[j] < num_var_tape_ );
545  // ind_taddr_[j] is operator taddr for j-th independent variable
546  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( ind_taddr_[j] == j + 1 );
547  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( play_.GetOp( ind_taddr_[j] ) == local::InvOp );
549  // extract the result from for_hes_pattern
550  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( for_hes_pattern.end() == q );
551  local::sparse_list::const_iterator itr(for_hes_pattern, .j + 1);
552  size_t i = *itr;
553  while( i < q )
554  { if( transpose )
555  h.post_element(j, i);
556  else h.post_element(i, j);
557  i = *(++itr);
558  }
559  }
560  // process posts
561  for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
562  h.process_post(i);
563 }
564 # endif
567 # endif
void ForSparseHesCheckpoint(vector< bool > &r, vector< bool > &s, local::sparse_list &h)
#define CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(exp, msg)
Check that exp is true, if not print msg and terminate execution.
size_t end(void) const
Fetch end for this vector of sets object.
Vector of sets of positive integers, each set stored as a singly linked list.
Definition: sparse_list.hpp:35
void add_element(size_t i, size_t element)
Add one element to a set.
size_t end(void) const
Fetch end for this vector of sets object.
File used to define pod_vector class.
size_t size(void) const
number of elements currently in this vector.
Definition: vector.hpp:387
Vector of sets of postivie integers, each set stored as a packed boolean array.
Definition: sparse_pack.hpp:33
void post_element(size_t i, size_t element)
Post an element for delayed addition to a set.
void ForSparseHesCase(bool set_type, const VectorSet &r, const VectorSet &s, VectorSet &h)
Private helper function for ForSparseHes(q, s) bool sparsity.
Two constant standard sets (currently used for concept checking).
VectorSet ForSparseHes(const VectorSet &r, const VectorSet &s)
User API for Hessian sparsity patterns using reverse mode.
Check that exp is true, if not terminate execution.
void add_element(size_t i, size_t element)
Add one element to a set.
void resize(size_t n_set, size_t end)
Start a new vector of sets.
cons_iterator for one set of positive integers in a sparse_pack object.
void process_post(size_t i)
process post entries for a specific set.
cons_iterator for one set of positive integers in a sparse_list object.
void rev_jac_sweep(const local::player< Base > *play, bool dependency, size_t n, size_t numvar, Vector_set &var_sparsity)
Given the sparsity pattern for the dependent variables, RevJacSweep computes the sparsity pattern for...
void for_hes_sweep(const local::player< Base > *play, size_t n, size_t numvar, const Vector_set &for_jac_sparse, const Vector_set &rev_jac_sparse, Vector_set &for_hes_sparse)
Given the forward Jacobian sparsity pattern for all the variables, and the reverse Jacobian sparsity ...
Scalar value_type
void for_jac_sweep(const local::player< Base > *play, bool dependency, size_t n, size_t numvar, Vector_set &var_sparsity)
Given the sparsity pattern for the independent variables, ForJacSweep computes the sparsity pattern f...
void resize(size_t n_set, size_t end)
Change number of sets, set end, and initialize all sets as empty.