CppAD: A C++ Algorithmic Differentiation Package  20171217
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4 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-17 Bradley M. Bell
7 CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
8 the terms of the
9  Eclipse Public License Version 1.0.
11 A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
12 Please visit http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ for information on other licenses.
13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15 namespace CppAD { namespace local { // BEGIN_CPPAD_LOCAL_NAMESPACE
16 /*!
17 \file rev_jac_sweep.hpp
18 Compute Reverse mode Jacobian sparsity patterns.
19 */
21 /*!
23 This value is either zero or one.
24 Zero is the normal operational value.
25 If it is one, a trace of every rev_jac_sweep computation is printed.
26 */
29 /*!
30 Given the sparsity pattern for the dependent variables,
31 RevJacSweep computes the sparsity pattern for all the independent variables.
33 \tparam Base
34 this operation sequence was recorded using AD<Base>.
36 \tparam Vector_set
37 is the type used for vectors of sets. It can be either
38 sparse_pack or sparse_list.
40 \param dependency
41 Are the derivatives with respect to left and right of the expression below
42 considered to be non-zero:
43 \code
44  CondExpRel(left, right, if_true, if_false)
45 \endcode
46 This is used by the optimizer to obtain the correct dependency relations.
48 \param n
49 is the number of independent variables on the tape.
51 \param numvar
52 is the total number of variables on the tape; i.e.,
53 \a play->num_var_rec().
54 This is also the number of rows in the entire sparsity pattern \a RevJac.
56 \param play
57 The information stored in \a play
58 is a recording of the operations corresponding to a function
59 \f[
60  F : {\bf R}^n \rightarrow {\bf R}^m
61 \f]
62 where \f$ n \f$ is the number of independent variables
63 and \f$ m \f$ is the number of dependent variables.
65 \param var_sparsity
66 For i = 0 , ... , \a numvar - 1,
67 (all the variables on the tape)
68 the forward Jacobian sparsity pattern for variable i
69 corresponds to the set with index i in \a var_sparsity.
70 \b
71 \b
72 \b Input:
73 For i = 0 , ... , \a numvar - 1,
74 the forward Jacobian sparsity pattern for variable i is an input
75 if i corresponds to a dependent variable.
76 Otherwise the sparsity patten is empty.
77 \n
78 \n
79 \b Output: For j = 1 , ... , \a n,
80 the sparsity pattern for the dependent variable with index (j-1)
81 is given by the set with index index j in \a var_sparsity.
82 */
84 template <class Base, class Vector_set>
86  const local::player<Base>* play,
87  bool dependency,
88  size_t n,
89  size_t numvar,
90  Vector_set& var_sparsity
91 )
92 {
93  OpCode op;
94  size_t i_op;
95  size_t i_var;
97  const addr_t* arg = CPPAD_NULL;
99  size_t i, j, k;
101  // length of the parameter vector (used by CppAD assert macros)
102  const size_t num_par = play->num_par_rec();
104  // check numvar argument
105  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( numvar > 0 );
106  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( play->num_var_rec() == numvar );
107  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( var_sparsity.n_set() == numvar );
109  // upper limit (exclusive) for elements in the set
110  size_t limit = var_sparsity.end();
112  // vecad_sparsity contains a sparsity pattern for each VecAD object.
113  // vecad_ind maps a VecAD index (beginning of the VecAD object)
114  // to the index of the corresponding set in vecad_sparsity.
115  size_t num_vecad_ind = play->num_vec_ind_rec();
116  size_t num_vecad_vec = play->num_vecad_vec_rec();
117  Vector_set vecad_sparsity;
118  pod_vector<size_t> vecad_ind;
119  if( num_vecad_vec > 0 )
120  { size_t length;
121  vecad_sparsity.resize(num_vecad_vec, limit);
122  vecad_ind.extend(num_vecad_ind);
123  j = 0;
124  for(i = 0; i < num_vecad_vec; i++)
125  { // length of this VecAD
126  length = play->GetVecInd(j);
127  // set to proper index for this VecAD
128  vecad_ind[j] = i;
129  for(k = 1; k <= length; k++)
130  vecad_ind[j+k] = num_vecad_vec; // invalid index
131  // start of next VecAD
132  j += length + 1;
133  }
134  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( j == play->num_vec_ind_rec() );
135  }
137  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
138  // user's atomic op calculator
139  atomic_base<Base>* user_atom = CPPAD_NULL; // user's atomic op calculator
140  //
141  // work space used by UserOp.
142  vector<Base> user_x; // parameters in x as integers
143  vector<size_t> user_ix; // variable indices for argument vector
144  vector<size_t> user_iy; // variable indices for result vector
145  //
146  // information set by forward_user (initialization to avoid warnings)
147  size_t user_old=0, user_m=0, user_n=0, user_i=0, user_j=0;
148  // information set by forward_user (necessary initialization)
149  enum_user_state user_state = end_user; // proper initialization
150  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
151  //
152  // pointer to the beginning of the parameter vector
153  // (used by atomic functions
154  const Base* parameter = CPPAD_NULL;
155  if( num_par > 0 )
156  parameter = play->GetPar();
157  //
158  // Initialize
159  i_op = play->num_op_rec();
160  play->get_op_info(--i_op, op, arg, i_var);
161  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( op == EndOp );
163  std::cout << std::endl;
164  CppAD::vectorBool z_value(limit);
165 # endif
166  bool more_operators = true;
167  while(more_operators)
168  { bool flag; // temporary for use in switch cases
169  //
170  // next op
171  play->get_op_info(--i_op, op, arg, i_var);
173  // rest of information depends on the case
174  switch( op )
175  {
176  case AbsOp:
177  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 1);
179  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
180  );
181  break;
182  // -------------------------------------------------
184  case AddvvOp:
185  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
187  i_var, arg, var_sparsity
188  );
189  break;
190  // -------------------------------------------------
192  case AddpvOp:
193  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
195  i_var, arg[1], var_sparsity
196  );
197  break;
198  // -------------------------------------------------
200  case AcosOp:
201  // sqrt(1 - x * x), acos(x)
202  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 2);
204  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
205  );
206  break;
207  // -------------------------------------------------
210  case AcoshOp:
211  // sqrt(x * x - 1), acosh(x)
212  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 2);
214  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
215  );
216  break;
217 # endif
218  // -------------------------------------------------
220  case AsinOp:
221  // sqrt(1 - x * x), asin(x)
222  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 2);
224  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
225  );
226  break;
227  // -------------------------------------------------
230  case AsinhOp:
231  // sqrt(1 + x * x), asinh(x)
232  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 2);
234  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
235  );
236  break;
237 # endif
238  // -------------------------------------------------
240  case AtanOp:
241  // 1 + x * x, atan(x)
242  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 2);
244  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
245  );
246  break;
247  // -------------------------------------------------
250  case AtanhOp:
251  // 1 - x * x, atanh(x)
252  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 2);
254  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
255  );
256  break;
257 # endif
258  // -------------------------------------------------
260  case BeginOp:
261  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 1);
262  more_operators = false;
263  break;
264  // -------------------------------------------------
266  case CSkipOp:
267  break;
268  // -------------------------------------------------
270  case CSumOp:
272  i_var, arg, var_sparsity
273  );
274  break;
275  // -------------------------------------------------
277  case CExpOp:
279  dependency, i_var, arg, num_par, var_sparsity
280  );
281  break;
282  // ---------------------------------------------------
284  case CosOp:
285  // sin(x), cos(x)
286  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 2);
288  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
289  );
290  break;
291  // ---------------------------------------------------
293  case CoshOp:
294  // sinh(x), cosh(x)
295  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 2);
297  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
298  );
299  break;
300  // -------------------------------------------------
302  case DisOp:
303  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
304  // derivative is identically zero but dependency is not
305  if( dependency ) reverse_sparse_jacobian_unary_op(
306  i_var, arg[1], var_sparsity
307  );
308  break;
309  // -------------------------------------------------
311  case DivvvOp:
312  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
314  i_var, arg, var_sparsity
315  );
316  break;
317  // -------------------------------------------------
319  case DivpvOp:
320  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
322  i_var, arg[1], var_sparsity
323  );
324  break;
325  // -------------------------------------------------
327  case DivvpOp:
328  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
330  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
331  );
332  break;
333  // -------------------------------------------------
335  case ErfOp:
336  // arg[1] is always the parameter 0
337  // arg[0] is always the parameter 2 / sqrt(pi)
338  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 3, 5);
340  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
341  );
342  break;
343  // -------------------------------------------------
345  case ExpOp:
346  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 1);
348  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
349  );
350  break;
351  // -------------------------------------------------
354  case Expm1Op:
355  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 1);
357  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
358  );
359  break;
360 # endif
361  // -------------------------------------------------
363  case InvOp:
364  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 0, 1);
365  break;
366  // -------------------------------------------------
368  case LdpOp:
370  dependency,
371  op,
372  i_var,
373  arg,
374  num_vecad_ind,
375  vecad_ind.data(),
376  var_sparsity,
377  vecad_sparsity
378  );
379  break;
380  // -------------------------------------------------
382  case LdvOp:
384  dependency,
385  op,
386  i_var,
387  arg,
388  num_vecad_ind,
389  vecad_ind.data(),
390  var_sparsity,
391  vecad_sparsity
392  );
393  break;
394  // -------------------------------------------------
396  case EqpvOp:
397  case EqvvOp:
398  case LtpvOp:
399  case LtvpOp:
400  case LtvvOp:
401  case LepvOp:
402  case LevpOp:
403  case LevvOp:
404  case NepvOp:
405  case NevvOp:
406  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 0);
407  break;
408  // -------------------------------------------------
410  case LogOp:
411  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 1);
413  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
414  );
415  break;
416  // -------------------------------------------------
419  case Log1pOp:
420  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 1);
422  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
423  );
424  break;
425 # endif
426  // -------------------------------------------------
428  case MulpvOp:
429  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
431  i_var, arg[1], var_sparsity
432  );
433  break;
434  // -------------------------------------------------
436  case MulvvOp:
437  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
439  i_var, arg, var_sparsity
440  );
441  break;
442  // -------------------------------------------------
444  case ParOp:
445  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 1);
447  break;
448  // -------------------------------------------------
450  case PowvpOp:
452  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
453  );
454  break;
455  // -------------------------------------------------
457  case PowpvOp:
458  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 3);
460  i_var, arg[1], var_sparsity
461  );
462  break;
463  // -------------------------------------------------
465  case PowvvOp:
466  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 3);
468  i_var, arg, var_sparsity
469  );
470  break;
471  // -------------------------------------------------
473  case PriOp:
474  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 5, 0);
475  break;
476  // -------------------------------------------------
478  case SignOp:
479  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 1);
480  // derivative is identically zero but dependency is not
481  if( dependency ) reverse_sparse_jacobian_unary_op(
482  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
483  );
484  break;
485  // -------------------------------------------------
487  case SinOp:
488  // cos(x), sin(x)
489  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 2);
491  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
492  );
493  break;
494  // -------------------------------------------------
496  case SinhOp:
497  // cosh(x), sinh(x)
498  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 2);
500  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
501  );
502  break;
503  // -------------------------------------------------
505  case SqrtOp:
506  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 1);
508  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
509  );
510  break;
511  // -------------------------------------------------
513  case StppOp:
514  // does not affect sparsity or dependency when both are parameters
515  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 3, 0);
516  break;
517  // -------------------------------------------------
519  case StpvOp:
521  dependency,
522  op,
523  arg,
524  num_vecad_ind,
525  vecad_ind.data(),
526  var_sparsity,
527  vecad_sparsity
528  );
529  break;
530  // -------------------------------------------------
532  case StvpOp:
533  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 3, 0);
534  // storing a parameter only affects dependency
536  dependency,
537  op,
538  arg,
539  num_vecad_ind,
540  vecad_ind.data(),
541  var_sparsity,
542  vecad_sparsity
543  );
544  break;
545  // -------------------------------------------------
547  case StvvOp:
549  dependency,
550  op,
551  arg,
552  num_vecad_ind,
553  vecad_ind.data(),
554  var_sparsity,
555  vecad_sparsity
556  );
557  break;
558  // -------------------------------------------------
560  case SubvvOp:
561  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
563  i_var, arg, var_sparsity
564  );
565  break;
566  // -------------------------------------------------
568  case SubpvOp:
569  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
571  i_var, arg[1], var_sparsity
572  );
573  break;
574  // -------------------------------------------------
576  case SubvpOp:
577  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
579  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
580  );
581  break;
582  // -------------------------------------------------
584  case TanOp:
585  // tan(x)^2, tan(x)
586  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 2);
588  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
589  );
590  break;
591  // -------------------------------------------------
593  case TanhOp:
594  // tanh(x)^2, tanh(x)
595  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 2);
597  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
598  );
599  break;
600  // -------------------------------------------------
602  case UserOp:
603  // start or end an atomic function call
605  user_state == start_user || user_state == end_user
606  );
607  flag = user_state == end_user;
608  user_atom = play->get_user_info(op, arg, user_old, user_m, user_n);
609  if( flag )
610  { user_state = ret_user;
611  user_i = user_m;
612  user_j = user_n;
613  //
614  user_x.resize( user_n );
615  user_ix.resize( user_n );
616  user_iy.resize( user_m );
617  }
618  else
619  { user_state = end_user;
620  //
621  user_atom->set_old(user_old);
622  user_atom->rev_sparse_jac(
623  user_x, user_ix, user_iy, var_sparsity
624  );
625  }
626  break;
628  case UsrapOp:
629  // parameter argument in an atomic operation sequence
630  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( NumArg(op) == 1 );
631  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( user_state == arg_user );
632  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( user_i == 0 );
633  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( user_j <= user_n );
634  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( size_t( arg[0] ) < num_par );
635  //
636  --user_j;
637  // argument parameter value
638  user_x[user_j] = parameter[arg[0]];
639  // special variable index used for parameters
640  user_ix[user_j] = 0;
641  //
642  if( user_j == 0 )
643  user_state = start_user;
644  break;
646  case UsravOp:
647  // variable argument in an atomic operation sequence
648  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( NumArg(op) == 1 );
649  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( user_state == arg_user );
650  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( user_i == 0 );
651  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( user_j <= user_n );
652  //
653  --user_j;
654  // argument variables not available during sparsity calculations
655  user_x[user_j] = CppAD::numeric_limits<Base>::quiet_NaN();
656  // variable index for this argument
657  user_ix[user_j] = arg[0];
658  //
659  if( user_j == 0 )
660  user_state = start_user;
661  break;
663  case UsrrpOp:
664  // parameter result for a user atomic function
665  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 1, 0);
666  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( user_state == ret_user );
667  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( user_i <= user_m );
668  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( user_j == user_n );
669  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( size_t( arg[0] ) < num_par );
670  //
671  --user_i;
672  user_iy[user_i] = 0; // special variable used for parameters
673  //
674  if( user_i == 0 )
675  user_state = arg_user;
676  break;
678  case UsrrvOp:
679  // variable result for a user atomic function
680  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 0, 1);
681  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( user_state == ret_user );
682  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( user_i <= user_m );
683  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( user_j == user_n );
684  //
685  --user_i;
686  user_iy[user_i] = i_var; // variable for this result
687  //
688  if( user_i == 0 )
689  user_state = arg_user;
690  break;
691  // -------------------------------------------------
693  case ZmulpvOp:
694  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
696  i_var, arg[1], var_sparsity
697  );
698  break;
699  // -------------------------------------------------
701  case ZmulvpOp:
702  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
704  i_var, arg[0], var_sparsity
705  );
706  break;
707  // -------------------------------------------------
709  case ZmulvvOp:
710  CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, 2, 1);
712  i_var, arg, var_sparsity
713  );
714  break;
715  // -------------------------------------------------
717  default:
719  }
721  for(j = 0; j < limit; j++)
722  z_value[j] = false;
723  typename Vector_set::const_iterator itr(var_sparsity, i_var);
724  j = *itr;
725  while( j < limit )
726  { z_value[j] = true;
727  j = *(++itr);
728  }
729  printOp(
730  std::cout,
731  play,
732  i_op,
733  i_var,
734  op,
735  arg
736  );
737  // Note that sparsity for UsrrvOp are computed before call to
738  // atomic function so no need to delay printing (as in forward mode)
739  if( NumRes(op) > 0 && op != BeginOp ) printOpResult(
740  std::cout,
741  0,
742  (CppAD::vectorBool *) CPPAD_NULL,
743  1,
744  &z_value
745  );
746  std::cout << std::endl;
747  }
748  std::cout << std::endl;
749 # else
750  }
751 # endif
752  // values corresponding to BeginOp
753  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( i_op == 0 );
754  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( i_var == 0 );
756  return;
757 }
760 // preprocessor symbols that are local to this file
764 # endif
virtual bool rev_sparse_jac(size_t q, const vector< std::set< size_t > > &rt, vector< std::set< size_t > > &st, const vector< Base > &x)
Link, after case split, from rev_jac_sweep to atomic_base.
void reverse_sparse_jacobian_cond_op(bool dependency, size_t i_z, const addr_t *arg, size_t num_par, Vector_set &sparsity)
Compute reverse Jacobian sparsity patterns for op = CExpOp.
Definition: cond_op.hpp:1122
void resize(size_t n)
resize the vector (existing elements preserved when n &lt;= capacity_).
Definition: pod_vector.hpp:180
size_t num_par_rec(void) const
Fetch number of parameters in the recording.
Definition: player.hpp:638
size_t extend(size_t n)
Increase the number of elements the end of this vector (existing elements are always preserved)...
Definition: pod_vector.hpp:115
void printOpResult(std::ostream &os, size_t nfz, const Value *fz, size_t nrz, const Value *rz)
Prints the result values correspnding to an operator.
Definition: op_code.hpp:852
size_t num_vec_ind_rec(void) const
Fetch number of VecAD indices in the recording.
Definition: player.hpp:626
Definition: declare_ad.hpp:44
static Float quiet_NaN(void)
not a number
next UsrrpOp (UsrrvOp) is a parameter (variable) result
Definition: user_state.hpp:25
size_t NumArg(OpCode op)
Number of arguments for a specified operator.
Definition: op_code.hpp:175
Class used to store and play back an operation sequence recording.
Definition: declare_ad.hpp:27
size_t GetVecInd(size_t i) const
Fetch a VecAD index from the recording.
Definition: player.hpp:571
void resize(size_t n)
change the number of elements in this vector.
Definition: vector.hpp:399
size_t NumRes(OpCode op)
Number of variables resulting from the specified operation.
Definition: op_code.hpp:281
next UserOp marks end of a user atomic call
Definition: user_state.hpp:28
atomic_base< Base > * get_user_info(const OpCode op, const addr_t *op_arg, size_t &user_old, size_t &user_m, size_t &user_n) const
unpack extra information corresponding to a UserOp
Definition: player.hpp:517
virtual void set_old(size_t id)
Set value of id (used by deprecated old_atomic class)
Type used to distinguish different AD&lt; Base &gt; atomic operations.
Definition: op_code.hpp:49
next UserOp marks beginning of a user atomic call
Definition: user_state.hpp:19
void get_op_info(size_t op_index, OpCode &op, const addr_t *&op_arg, size_t &var_index) const
fetch the information corresponding to an operator
Definition: player.hpp:485
void reverse_sparse_jacobian_store_op(bool dependency, OpCode op, const addr_t *arg, size_t num_combined, const size_t *combined, Vector_set &var_sparsity, Vector_set &vecad_sparsity)
Reverse mode sparsity operations for StpvOp, StvpOp, and StvvOp.
Definition: store_op.hpp:408
size_t num_vecad_vec_rec(void) const
Fetch number of VecAD vectors in the recording.
Definition: player.hpp:630
Type * data(void)
current data pointer is no longer valid after any of the following: extend, erase, operator=, and ~pod_vector. Take extreem care when using this function.
Definition: pod_vector.hpp:89
next UsrapOp (UsravOp) is a parameter (variable) argument
Definition: user_state.hpp:22
void reverse_sparse_jacobian_load_op(bool dependency, OpCode op, size_t i_z, const addr_t *arg, size_t num_combined, const size_t *combined, Vector_set &var_sparsity, Vector_set &vecad_sparsity)
Reverse mode Jacobian sparsity operations for LdpOp and LdvOp.
Definition: load_op.hpp:618
Check that exp is true, if not terminate execution.
void reverse_sparse_jacobian_csum_op(size_t i_z, const addr_t *arg, Vector_set &sparsity)
Reverse mode Jacobian sparsity pattern for CSumOp operator.
Definition: csum_op.hpp:502
size_t num_op_rec(void) const
Fetch number of operators in the recording.
Definition: player.hpp:622
void printOp(std::ostream &os, const local::player< Base > *play, size_t i_op, size_t i_var, OpCode op, const addr_t *ind)
Prints a single operator and its operands.
Definition: op_code.hpp:547
#define CPPAD_ASSERT_NARG_NRES(op, n_arg, n_res)
Check that operator op has the specified number of of arguments and results.
void reverse_sparse_jacobian_binary_op(size_t i_z, const addr_t *arg, Vector_set &sparsity)
Reverse mode Jacobian sparsity pattern for all binary operators.
Base GetPar(size_t i) const
Fetch a parameter from the recording.
Definition: player.hpp:584
void rev_jac_sweep(const local::player< Base > *play, bool dependency, size_t n, size_t numvar, Vector_set &var_sparsity)
Given the sparsity pattern for the dependent variables, RevJacSweep computes the sparsity pattern for...
void reverse_sparse_jacobian_unary_op(size_t i_z, size_t i_x, Vector_set &sparsity)
Reverse mode Jacobian sparsity pattern for all unary operators.
size_t num_var_rec(void) const
Fetch number of variables in the recording.
Definition: player.hpp:614