Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
\NflopcAll flopc++ code is contained within the flopc namespace
 oCBoolean_baseBase class for all "boolean" types of data
 oCMP_booleanReference counted class for all "boolean" types of data.This contains counters to ConstantBase pointers. These pointers may be of any of the Boolean_base * type. This can be a constant valued boolean as well. explain SUBSETREF explain using pointer in – should be private?
 oCConstant_baseBase class for all "constant" types of data
 oCConstantReference counted class for all "constant" types of data
 oCMP_constraintSemantic representation of a linear constraint.This is one of the main public interface classes. It is always constructed through operator overloading between expressions, constants, and variables. There are many 'friend' overloaded operators to do the constuction. The basic idea is to make the constraint look like a paper-model constraint in C++ code. Once constructed, it should be added to the model
 oCDataRefReference to a set of data
 oCMP_dataInput data set.This is one of the main public interface classes. It is normally directly constructed given a set of indices (domain) over which it is valid. If the data is not bound at construction, either the value() or initialize() method must be called which (deep) copies in the actual data. If one wishes to refer to external data instead rather than doing a deep copy, use the constructor which takes the value pointer as an argument. This copies the original data pointer value (rather than a deep copy).
This is used for construction of :
 oCMP_subsetInternal representation of a "set"
 oCMP_domain_baseReference to a set of index values
 oCMP_domainRange over which some other constuct is defined.This is one of the main public interface classes. One uses this in the context of a constraint, objective, variable, or data. It is usually used in conjunction with an MP_set, or a subset, but can be used without one. It is the range over which the other construct is defined
 oCMP_domain_setRange over which some other constuct is defined.This is one of the main public interface classes. One uses this in the context of a constraint, objective, variable, or data. This class in the MP_domain family uses an MP_set and and index for defining the Range over which the construct is defined
 oCMP_domain_subsetRange over which some other constuct is defined. Uses subsetting.This is one of the main public interface classes. One uses this in the context of a constraint, objective, variable, or data. This class in the MP_domain family uses an MP_subset and a vector of indexes for defining the Range over which the construct is defined
 oCinsertFunctorInserter for construction of a subset
 oCCoefInternal representation of a Coefficient in a matrix
 oCGenerateFunctorFunctor to facilitate generation of coefficients
 oCObjectiveGenerateFunctorFunctor to facilitate generation of the objective function
 oCMP_expression_baseThe base class for all expressions
 oCMP_expressionSymbolic representation of a linear expression.This is one of the main public interface classes. It is the basis for all linear expressions, including constraints, objective function, and expressions involving indexes.
Although these can be created directly and independently, it is expected these will be created through the use of the operators which are later in this file. (operator+, operator-, etc.)
 oCTerminalExpressionThe base class for all expressions
 oCExpression_operatorThe base class for all expressions
 oCMP_index_baseInternal representation of a index
 oCMP_indexRepresentation of an index.This is one of the main public interface classes. It is used to iterate through, or index into an MP_domain. It is also used to share the 'current' index offsets between expressions which share an index
 oCMP_index_expRepresentation of an expression involving an index.This is one of the main public interface classes. It is used to create complex arrangements of index values.
Index expressions can involve:
 oCMP_index_multInternal representation of an index expression
 oCMP_index_sumInternal representation of an index expression
 oCMP_index_difInternal representation of an index expression
 oCMessengerInteface for hooking up to internal flopc++ message handling.In more advanced use of FlopC++, it may be desirable to get access to internal calls for messages. In essence, sub-class this Messenger class, and register it with the MP_model. Also overload whichever message events you wish to handle
 oCMP_modelThis is the anchor point for all constructs in a FlopC++ model.The constructors take an OsiSolverInterface, and (optionally) a replacemente for the Messenger class. There are some built-in changes to the verbosity for output.
The main methods to use are:
 oCMP_set_baseInternal representation of a "set"
 oCMP_setRepresentation of a set for indexing into some other construct.This is one of the main public interface classes. One uses this when constructing MP_domains, and subsets. It is frequent that one would directly construct sets of indices, then use expressions to subset or slice the data
 oCInsertFunctorInternal representation of a "set"
 oCSubsetRefInternal representation of a "set"
 oCSUBSETREFInternal representation of a "set"
 oCFunctorFunction object. Often used
 oCNamedUtility interface class for adding a string name onto a structure
 oCHandleUtility for doing reference counted pointers
 oCMP_variableSymantic representation of a variable.This is one of the main public interface classes. It should be directly declared by clients of the FlopC++. The parametersof construction are MP_set s which specify the indexes over which the variable is defined