Bonmin  1.8.8
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007
2 // All Rights Reserved.
3 //
4 // Authors :
5 // Pierre Bonami, International Business Machines Corporation
6 //
7 // Date : 08/16/2007
10 #ifndef TMINLPLinObj_H
11 #define TMINLPLinObj_H
13 #include "BonTMINLP.hpp"
15 namespace Bonmin {
40  public:
42  TMINLPLinObj();
45  virtual ~TMINLPLinObj();
48  void setTminlp(Ipopt::SmartPtr<TMINLP> tminlp);
55  virtual bool get_nlp_info(Ipopt::Index& n, Ipopt::Index& m, Ipopt::Index& nnz_jac_g,
56  Ipopt::Index& nnz_h_lag, Ipopt::TNLP::IndexStyleEnum& index_style);
60  virtual bool get_scaling_parameters(Ipopt::Number& obj_scaling,
61  bool& use_x_scaling, Ipopt::Index n,
62  Ipopt::Number* x_scaling,
63  bool& use_g_scaling, Ipopt::Index m,
64  Ipopt::Number* g_scaling);
68  virtual bool get_variables_types(Ipopt::Index n, VariableType* var_types){
69  assert(IsValid(tminlp_));
70  assert(n == n_);
71  var_types[n-1] = TMINLP::CONTINUOUS;
72  return tminlp_->get_variables_types(n - 1, var_types);
73  }
77  virtual bool get_constraints_linearity(Ipopt::Index m,
78  Ipopt::TNLP::LinearityType* const_types);
83  virtual bool get_bounds_info(Ipopt::Index n, Ipopt::Number* x_l, Ipopt::Number* x_u,
84  Ipopt::Index m, Ipopt::Number* g_l, Ipopt::Number* g_u);
89  virtual bool get_starting_point(Ipopt::Index n, bool init_x, Ipopt::Number* x,
90  bool init_z, Ipopt::Number* z_L, Ipopt::Number* z_U,
91  Ipopt::Index m, bool init_lambda,
92  Ipopt::Number* lambda);
96  virtual bool eval_f(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number* x, bool new_x,
97  Ipopt::Number& obj_value){
98  assert(n == n_);
99  obj_value = x[n-1];
100  return true;}
104  virtual bool eval_grad_f(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number* x, bool new_x,
105  Ipopt::Number* grad_f){
106  assert(IsValid(tminlp_));
107  assert(n == n_);
108  n--;
109  for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
110  grad_f[i] = 0;}
111  grad_f[n] = 1;
112  return true;}
116  virtual bool eval_g(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number* x, bool new_x,
117  Ipopt::Index m, Ipopt::Number* g);
122  virtual bool eval_jac_g(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number* x, bool new_x,
123  Ipopt::Index m, Ipopt::Index nele_jac, Ipopt::Index* iRow,
124  Ipopt::Index *jCol, Ipopt::Number* values);
129  virtual bool eval_h(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number* x, bool new_x,
130  Ipopt::Number obj_factor, Ipopt::Index m, const Ipopt::Number* lambda,
131  bool new_lambda, Ipopt::Index nele_hess,
132  Ipopt::Index* iRow, Ipopt::Index* jCol, Ipopt::Number* values);
135  virtual bool eval_gi(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number* x, bool new_x,
136  Ipopt::Index i, Ipopt::Number& gi);
140  virtual bool eval_grad_gi(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number* x, bool new_x,
141  Ipopt::Index i, Ipopt::Index& nele_grad_gi, Ipopt::Index* jCol,
142  Ipopt::Number* values);
145  virtual bool get_variables_linearity(Ipopt::Index n, Ipopt::TNLP::LinearityType* c){
146  assert(IsValid(tminlp_));
147  assert(n == n_);
148  bool r_val = tminlp_->get_variables_linearity(n-1, c);
149  c[n - 1] = Ipopt::TNLP::LINEAR;
150  return r_val;
151  }
158  Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number* x, Ipopt::Number obj_value){
159  return tminlp_->finalize_solution(status, n - 1, x,
160  obj_value);
161  }
165  virtual const BranchingInfo * branchingInfo() const{
166  return tminlp_->branchingInfo();
167  }
171  virtual const SosInfo * sosConstraints() const{
172  return tminlp_->sosConstraints();
173  }
175  virtual const PerturbInfo* perturbInfo() const
176  {
177  return tminlp_->perturbInfo();
178  }
182  assert(IsValid(tminlp_));
183  return tminlp_->hasUpperBoundingObjective();}
186  virtual bool eval_upper_bound_f(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number* x,
187  Ipopt::Number& obj_value){
188  assert(IsValid(tminlp_));
189  return tminlp_->eval_upper_bound_f(n - 1, x, obj_value); }
192  virtual bool hasLinearObjective(){return true;}
194  Ipopt::SmartPtr<TMINLP> tminlp(){return tminlp_;}
195  private:
197  void gutsOfDestructor();
200  Ipopt::SmartPtr<TMINLP> tminlp_;
202  int m_;
204  int n_;
206  int nnz_jac_;
208  int offset_;
210 };
213 }/* Ends Bonmin namepsace.*/
215 #endif
int nnz_jac_
number of non-zeroes in the jacobian of the transformed MINLP.
Base class for all MINLPs that use a standard triplet matrix form and dense vectors.
Definition: BonTMINLP.hpp:59
virtual bool get_scaling_parameters(Ipopt::Number &obj_scaling, bool &use_x_scaling, Ipopt::Index n, Ipopt::Number *x_scaling, bool &use_g_scaling, Ipopt::Index m, Ipopt::Number *g_scaling)
Return scaling parameters.
virtual bool get_constraints_linearity(Ipopt::Index m, Ipopt::TNLP::LinearityType *const_types)
Return the constraints linearity.
virtual bool eval_g(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, bool new_x, Ipopt::Index m, Ipopt::Number *g)
Return the vector of constraint values.
Ipopt::SmartPtr< TMINLP > tminlp()
return pointer to tminlp_.
int n_
Ipopt::Number of variables in the transformed MINLP.
virtual bool get_nlp_info(Ipopt::Index &n, Ipopt::Index &m, Ipopt::Index &nnz_jac_g, Ipopt::Index &nnz_h_lag, Ipopt::TNLP::IndexStyleEnum &index_style)
Return the number of variables and constraints, and the number of non-zeros in the jacobian and the h...
virtual ~TMINLPLinObj()
virtual const PerturbInfo * perturbInfo() const
Use tminlp_ function.
virtual const BranchingInfo * branchingInfo() const
Use tminlp_ function.
virtual const SosInfo * sosConstraints() const
Use tminlp_ function.
virtual bool eval_jac_g(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, bool new_x, Ipopt::Index m, Ipopt::Index nele_jac, Ipopt::Index *iRow, Ipopt::Index *jCol, Ipopt::Number *values)
Return the jacobian of the constraints.
int m_
Ipopt::Number of constraints in the transformed MINLP.
Class to store sos constraints for model.
Definition: BonTMINLP.hpp:72
Default constructor.
void gutsOfDestructor()
Reset all data.
virtual bool get_starting_point(Ipopt::Index n, bool init_x, Ipopt::Number *x, bool init_z, Ipopt::Number *z_L, Ipopt::Number *z_U, Ipopt::Index m, bool init_lambda, Ipopt::Number *lambda)
Return the starting point.
From a TMINLP, this class adapts to another TMINLP where the original objective is transformed into a...
Ipopt::SmartPtr< TMINLP > tminlp_
Reference TMINLP which is to be relaxed.
virtual bool get_bounds_info(Ipopt::Index n, Ipopt::Number *x_l, Ipopt::Number *x_u, Ipopt::Index m, Ipopt::Number *g_l, Ipopt::Number *g_u)
Return the information about the bound on the variables and constraints.
virtual bool eval_f(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, bool new_x, Ipopt::Number &obj_value)
Return the value of the objective function.
virtual bool get_variables_linearity(Ipopt::Index n, Ipopt::TNLP::LinearityType *c)
overload this method to provide the variables linearity.
virtual bool hasUpperBoundingObjective()
Use tminlp_ function.
Return statuses of algorithm.
Definition: BonTMINLP.hpp:64
virtual bool eval_grad_f(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, bool new_x, Ipopt::Number *grad_f)
Return the vector of the gradient of the objective w.r.t.
virtual void finalize_solution(TMINLP::SolverReturn status, Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, Ipopt::Number obj_value)
Use tminlp_ function.
virtual bool eval_gi(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, bool new_x, Ipopt::Index i, Ipopt::Number &gi)
Compute the value of a single constraint.
virtual bool hasLinearObjective()
Say if problem has a linear objective (for OA)
virtual bool eval_h(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, bool new_x, Ipopt::Number obj_factor, Ipopt::Index m, const Ipopt::Number *lambda, bool new_lambda, Ipopt::Index nele_hess, Ipopt::Index *iRow, Ipopt::Index *jCol, Ipopt::Number *values)
Return the hessian of the lagrangian.
void setTminlp(Ipopt::SmartPtr< TMINLP > tminlp)
set reference TMINLP
virtual bool eval_grad_gi(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, bool new_x, Ipopt::Index i, Ipopt::Index &nele_grad_gi, Ipopt::Index *jCol, Ipopt::Number *values)
Compute the structure or values of the gradient for one constraint.
int offset_
offset for jacobian.
virtual bool get_variables_types(Ipopt::Index n, VariableType *var_types)
Get the variable type.
Stores branching priorities information.
Definition: BonTMINLP.hpp:111
Class to store perturbation radii for variables in the model.
Definition: BonTMINLP.hpp:157
virtual bool eval_upper_bound_f(Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, Ipopt::Number &obj_value)
Use tminlp_ function.
Type of the variables.
Definition: BonTMINLP.hpp:192