Bonmin  1.8.8
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNBonmin(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007
|oCBabSetupBaseA class to have all elements necessary to setup a branch-and-bound
|oCCbcStrategyChooseCutsA class to setup default strategy for Cbc specifying which cut generators to use
|oCSubMipSolverA very simple class to provide a common interface for solving MIPs with Cplex and Cbc
|oCBonChooseVariableThis class chooses a variable to branch on
|oCCurvBranchingSolverImplementation of BonChooseVariable for curvature-based braching
|oCLpBranchingSolverImplementation of BonChooseVariable for curvature-based braching
|oCQpBranchingSolverThis class chooses a variable to branch on
|oCOACutGenerator2Class to perform OA in its classical form
|oCOaDecompositionBaseBase class for OA algorithms
|oCOaFeasibilityCheckerClass to perform OA in its classical form
|oCOaMessagesOutput messages for Outer approximation cutting planes
|oCOaNlpOptimGenerate cuts for the nlp corresponding to continuous relaxation at a node
|oCOuterApproxA class to build outer approximations
|oCCutsGeneralizes OsiCuts to handle quadratic cuts
|oCQuadRowStores a quadratic row of the form l < c + ax + x^T Q x < u
|oCTMINLP2TNLPQuadCutsThis is a derived class fro TMINLP2TNLP to handle adding quadratic cuts
|oCTMINLPLinObjFrom a TMINLP, this class adapts to another TMINLP where the original objective is transformed into a constraint by adding an extra variable which is minimized
|oCBabInfoBonmin class for passing info between components of branch-and-cuts
|oCBonCbcFullNodeInfoHolds information for recreating a subproblem by incremental change from the parent for Bonmin
|oCBonCbcPartialNodeInfoHolds information for recreating a subproblem by incremental change from the parent for
|oCCbcDiverClass to do diving in the tree
|oCCbcProbedDiverClass to do probed diving in the tree
|oCCbcDfsDiverA more elaborate diving class
|oCAmplInterfaceClass for providing an Osi interface to Ipopt with an ampl nl file as input
|oCAmplTMINLPAmpl MINLP Interface
|oCSolReaderA class for reading a .col or .row file containing name for variables and constraints (usually ampl generated file)
|oCAuxInfoBonmin class for passing info between components of branch-and-cuts
|oCBoundsReaderReads a file containing change bounds for variables
|oCBranchingTQPThis is an adapter class that converts a TMINLP2TNLP object into a TNLP, which is now just a QP
|oCNamesReaderA class for reading a .col or .row file containing name for variables and constraints (usually ampl generated file)
|oCCutStrengthenerClass for strengthening OA cuts, and generating additional ones
|oCOsiTMINLPInterfaceThis is class provides an Osi interface for a Mixed Integer Linear Program expressed as a TMINLP (so that we can use it for example as the continuous solver in Cbc)
|oCRegisteredOptionsClass to add a few more information to Ipopt::RegisteredOptions
|oCStartPointReaderThis class reads a file with a starting point for Ipopt initalization
|oCStrongBranchingSolverThis class is the base class for a solver that can be used in BonOsiSolverInterface to perform the strong branching solves
|oCTMINLPBase class for all MINLPs that use a standard triplet matrix form and dense vectors
|oCTMINLP2OsiLPA transformer class to build outer approximations i.e
|oCTMINLP2TNLPThis is an adapter class that converts a TMINLP to a TNLP to be solved by Ipopt
|oCTNLP2FPNLPThis is an adapter class to convert an NLP to a Feasibility Pump NLP by changing the objective function to the (2-norm) distance to a point
|oCTNLPSolverThis is a generic class for calling an NLP solver to solve a TNLP
|oCvectorA small wrap around std::vector to give easy access to array for interfacing with fortran code
|oCBqpdWarmStartWarm start for filter interface
|oCFilterWarmStartWarm start for filter interface
|oCIpoptWarmStartClass for storing warm start informations for Ipopt
|\CIpoptWarmStartDiffDiff class for IpoptWarmStart
\CMyTMINLPA C++ example for interfacing an MINLP with bonmin