Bonmin  1.8.8
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
BonTMINLP.hpp File Reference
#include "IpUtils.hpp"
#include "IpReferenced.hpp"
#include "IpException.hpp"
#include "IpAlgTypes.hpp"
#include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp"
#include "OsiCuts.hpp"
#include "IpTNLP.hpp"
#include "CoinError.hpp"
#include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"

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class  Bonmin::TMINLP
 Base class for all MINLPs that use a standard triplet matrix form and dense vectors. More...
struct  Bonmin::TMINLP::SosInfo
 Class to store sos constraints for model. More...
struct  Bonmin::TMINLP::BranchingInfo
 Stores branching priorities information. More...
class  Bonmin::TMINLP::PerturbInfo
 Class to store perturbation radii for variables in the model. More...
struct  Bonmin::TMINLP::MarkedNonConvex
 Structure for marked non-convex constraints. More...
struct  Bonmin::TMINLP::SimpleConcaveConstraint
 Structure which describes a constraints of the form $f[ y F(x) ] with $ F(x) $ a concave function. More...


 (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007
