CppAD: A C++ Algorithmic Differentiation Package  20171217
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1 // $Id: solve.hpp 3804 2016-03-20 15:08:46Z bradbell $
4 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-16 Bradley M. Bell
7 CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
8 the terms of the
9  Eclipse Public License Version 1.0.
11 A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
12 Please visit http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ for information on other licenses.
13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
14 /*
15 $begin ipopt_solve$$
16 $spell
17  Jacobian
18  Jacobians
19  retape
20  Bvector
21  bool
22  infeasibility
23  const
24  cpp
25  cppad
26  doesn't
27  ADvector
28  eval
29  fg
30  gl
31  gu
32  hpp
33  inf
34  ipopt
35  maxiter
36  naninf
37  nf
38  ng
39  nx
40  obj
41  optimizer
42  std
43  xi
44  xl
45  xu
46  zl
47  zu
48 $$
50 $section Use Ipopt to Solve a Nonlinear Programming Problem$$
52 $head Syntax$$
53 $codei%# include <cppad/ipopt/solve.hpp>
54 %$$
55 $codei%ipopt::solve(
56  %options%, %xi%, %xl%, %xu%, %gl%, %gu%, %fg_eval%, %solution%
57 )%$$
59 $head Purpose$$
60 The function $code ipopt::solve$$ solves nonlinear programming
61 problems of the form
62 $latex \[
63 \begin{array}{rll}
64 {\rm minimize} & f (x)
65 \\
66 {\rm subject \; to} & gl \leq g(x) \leq gu
67 \\
68  & xl \leq x \leq xu
69 \end{array}
70 \] $$
71 This is done using
72 $href%
73  http://www.coin-or.org/projects/Ipopt.xml%
74  Ipopt
75 %$$
76 optimizer and CppAD for the derivative and sparsity calculations.
78 $head Include File$$
79 Currently, this routine
80 $cref/ipopt::solve/ipopt_solve/$$ is not included by the command
81 $codei%
82  # include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
83 %$$
84 (Doing so would require the ipopt library to link
85 the corresponding program (even if $code ipopt::solve$$) was not used.)
86 For this reason,
87 if you are using $code ipopt::solve$$ you should use
88 $codei%
89  # include <cppad/ipopt/solve.hpp>
90 %$$
91 which in turn will also include $code <cppad/cppad.hpp>$$.
93 $head Bvector$$
94 The type $icode Bvector$$ must be a $cref SimpleVector$$ class with
95 $cref/elements of type/SimpleVector/Elements of Specified Type/$$
96 $code bool$$.
98 $head Dvector$$
99 The type $icode DVector$$ must be a $cref SimpleVector$$ class with
100 $cref/elements of type/SimpleVector/Elements of Specified Type/$$
101 $code double$$.
103 $head options$$
104 The argument $icode options$$ has prototype
105 $codei%
106  const std::string %options%
107 %$$
108 It contains a list of options.
109 Each option, including the last option,
110 is terminated by the $code '\n'$$ character.
111 Each line consists of two or three tokens separated by one or more spaces.
113 $subhead Retape$$
114 You can set the retape flag with the following syntax:
115 $codei%
116  Retape %value%
117 %$$
118 If the value is $code true$$, $code ipopt::solve$$ with retape the
119 $cref/operation sequence/glossary/Operation/Sequence/$$ for each
120 new value of $icode x$$.
121 If the value is $code false$$, $code ipopt::solve$$
122 will tape the operation sequence at the value
123 of $icode xi$$ and use that sequence for the entire optimization process.
124 The default value is $code false$$.
126 $subhead Sparse$$
127 You can set the sparse Jacobian and Hessian flag with the following syntax:
128 $codei%
129  Sparse %value% %direction%
130 %$$
131 If the value is $code true$$, $code ipopt::solve$$ will use a sparse
132 matrix representation for the computation of Jacobians and Hessians.
133 Otherwise, it will use a full matrix representation for
134 these calculations.
135 The default for $icode value$$ is $code false$$.
136 If sparse is true, retape must be false.
137 $pre
139 $$
140 It is unclear if $cref sparse_jacobian$$ would be faster user
141 forward or reverse mode so you are able to choose the direction.
142 If
143 $codei%
144  %value% == true && %direction% == forward
145 %$$
146 the Jacobians will be calculated using $code SparseJacobianForward$$.
147 If
148 $codei%
149  %value% == true && %direction% == reverse
150 %$$
151 the Jacobians will be calculated using $code SparseJacobianReverse$$.
153 $subhead String$$
154 You can set any Ipopt string option using a line with the following syntax:
155 $codei%
156  String %name% %value%
157 %$$
158 Here $icode name$$ is any valid Ipopt string option
159 and $icode value$$ is its setting.
161 $subhead Numeric$$
162 You can set any Ipopt numeric option using a line with the following syntax:
163 $codei%
164  Numeric %name% %value%
165 %$$
166 Here $icode name$$ is any valid Ipopt numeric option
167 and $icode value$$ is its setting.
169 $subhead Integer$$
170 You can set any Ipopt integer option using a line with the following syntax:
171 $codei%
172  Integer %name% %value%
173 %$$
174 Here $icode name$$ is any valid Ipopt integer option
175 and $icode value$$ is its setting.
177 $head xi$$
178 The argument $icode xi$$ has prototype
179 $codei%
180  const %Vector%& %xi%
181 %$$
182 and its size is equal to $icode nx$$.
183 It specifies the initial point where Ipopt starts the optimization process.
185 $head xl$$
186 The argument $icode xl$$ has prototype
187 $codei%
188  const %Vector%& %xl%
189 %$$
190 and its size is equal to $icode nx$$.
191 It specifies the lower limits for the argument in the optimization problem.
193 $head xu$$
194 The argument $icode xu$$ has prototype
195 $codei%
196  const %Vector%& %xu%
197 %$$
198 and its size is equal to $icode nx$$.
199 It specifies the upper limits for the argument in the optimization problem.
201 $head gl$$
202 The argument $icode gl$$ has prototype
203 $codei%
204  const %Vector%& %gl%
205 %$$
206 and its size is equal to $icode ng$$.
207 It specifies the lower limits for the constraints in the optimization problem.
209 $head gu$$
210 The argument $icode gu$$ has prototype
211 $codei%
212  const %Vector%& %gu%
213 %$$
214 and its size is equal to $icode ng$$.
215 It specifies the upper limits for the constraints in the optimization problem.
217 $head fg_eval$$
218 The argument $icode fg_eval$$ has prototype
219 $codei%
220  %FG_eval% %fg_eval%
221 %$$
222 where the class $icode FG_eval$$ is unspecified except for the fact that
223 it supports the syntax
224 $codei%
225  %FG_eval%::ADvector
226  %fg_eval%(%fg%, %x%)
227 %$$
228 The type $icode ADvector$$
229 and the arguments to $icode fg$$, $icode x$$ have the following meaning:
231 $subhead ADvector$$
232 The type $icode%FG_eval%::ADvector%$$ must be a $cref SimpleVector$$ class with
233 $cref/elements of type/SimpleVector/Elements of Specified Type/$$
234 $code AD<double>$$.
236 $subhead x$$
237 The $icode fg_eval$$ argument $icode x$$ has prototype
238 $codei%
239  const %ADvector%& %x%
240 %$$
241 where $icode%nx% = %x%.size()%$$.
243 $subhead fg$$
244 The $icode fg_eval$$ argument $icode fg$$ has prototype
245 $codei%
246  %ADvector%& %fg%
247 %$$
248 where $codei%1 + %ng% = %fg%.size()%$$.
249 The input value of the elements of $icode fg$$ does not matter.
250 Upon return from $icode fg_eval$$,
251 $codei%
252  %fg%[0] =%$$ $latex f (x)$$ $codei%
253 %$$
254 and for $latex i = 0, \ldots , ng-1$$,
255 $codei%
256  %fg%[1 + %i%] =%$$ $latex g_i (x)$$
258 $head solution$$
259 The argument $icode solution$$ has prototype
260 $codei%
261  ipopt::solve_result<%Dvector%>& %solution%
262 %$$
263 After the optimization process is completed, $icode solution$$ contains
264 the following information:
266 $subhead status$$
267 The $icode status$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
268 $codei%
269  ipopt::solve_result<%Dvector%>::status_type %solution%.status
270 %$$
271 It is the final Ipopt status for the optimizer.
272 Here is a list of the possible values for the status:
274 $table
275 $icode status$$ $cnext Meaning
276 $rnext
277 not_defined $cnext
278 The optimizer did not return a final status for this problem.
279 $rnext
280 unknown $cnext
281 The status returned by the optimizer is not defined in the Ipopt
282 documentation for $code finalize_solution$$.
283 $rnext
284 success $cnext
285 Algorithm terminated successfully at a point satisfying the convergence
286 tolerances (see Ipopt options).
287 $rnext
288 maxiter_exceeded $cnext
289 The maximum number of iterations was exceeded (see Ipopt options).
290 $rnext
291 stop_at_tiny_step $cnext
292 Algorithm terminated because progress was very slow.
293 $rnext
294 stop_at_acceptable_point $cnext
295 Algorithm stopped at a point that was converged,
296 not to the 'desired' tolerances, but to 'acceptable' tolerances
297 (see Ipopt options).
298 $rnext
299 local_infeasibility $cnext
300 Algorithm converged to a non-feasible point
301 (problem may have no solution).
302 $rnext
303 user_requested_stop $cnext
304 This return value should not happen.
305 $rnext
306 diverging_iterates $cnext
307 It the iterates are diverging.
308 $rnext
309 restoration_failure $cnext
310 Restoration phase failed, algorithm doesn't know how to proceed.
311 $rnext
312 error_in_step_computation $cnext
313 An unrecoverable error occurred while Ipopt tried to
314 compute the search direction.
315 $rnext
316 invalid_number_detected $cnext
317 Algorithm received an invalid number (such as $code nan$$ or $code inf$$)
318 from the users function $icode%fg_info%.eval%$$ or from the CppAD evaluations
319 of its derivatives
320 (see the Ipopt option $code check_derivatives_for_naninf$$).
321 $rnext
322 internal_error $cnext
323 An unknown Ipopt internal error occurred.
324 Contact the Ipopt authors through the mailing list.
325 $tend
327 $subhead x$$
328 The $code x$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
329 $codei%
330  %Vector% %solution%.x
331 %$$
332 and its size is equal to $icode nx$$.
333 It is the final $latex x$$ value for the optimizer.
335 $subhead zl$$
336 The $code zl$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
337 $codei%
338  %Vector% %solution%.zl
339 %$$
340 and its size is equal to $icode nx$$.
341 It is the final Lagrange multipliers for the
342 lower bounds on $latex x$$.
344 $subhead zu$$
345 The $code zu$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
346 $codei%
347  %Vector% %solution%.zu
348 %$$
349 and its size is equal to $icode nx$$.
350 It is the final Lagrange multipliers for the
351 upper bounds on $latex x$$.
353 $subhead g$$
354 The $code g$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
355 $codei%
356  %Vector% %solution%.g
357 %$$
358 and its size is equal to $icode ng$$.
359 It is the final value for the constraint function $latex g(x)$$.
361 $subhead lambda$$
362 The $code lambda$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
363 $codei%
364  %Vector%> %solution%.lambda
365 %$$
366 and its size is equal to $icode ng$$.
367 It is the final value for the
368 Lagrange multipliers corresponding to the constraint function.
370 $subhead obj_value$$
371 The $code obj_value$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
372 $codei%
373  double %solution%.obj_value
374 %$$
375 It is the final value of the objective function $latex f(x)$$.
377 $children%
378  example/ipopt_solve/get_started.cpp%
379  example/ipopt_solve/retape.cpp%
380  example/ipopt_solve/ode_inverse.cpp
381 %$$
382 $head Example$$
383 All the examples return true if it succeeds and false otherwise.
385 $subhead get_started$$
386 The file
387 $cref%example/ipopt_solve/get_started.cpp%ipopt_solve_get_started.cpp%$$
388 is an example and test of $code ipopt::solve$$
389 taken from the Ipopt manual.
391 $subhead retape$$
392 The file
393 $cref%example/ipopt_solve/retape.cpp%ipopt_solve_retape.cpp%$$
394 demonstrates when it is necessary to specify
395 $cref/retape/ipopt_solve/options/Retape/$$ as true.
397 $subhead ode_inverse$$
398 The file
399 $cref%example/ipopt_solve/ode_inverse.cpp%ipopt_solve_ode_inverse.cpp%$$
400 demonstrates using Ipopt to solve for parameters in an ODE model.
402 $end
403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
404 */
407 namespace CppAD { // BEGIN_CPPAD_NAMESPACE
408 namespace ipopt {
409 /*!
410 \file solve.hpp
411 \brief Implement the ipopt::solve Nonlinear Programming Solver
412 */
414 /*!
415 Use Ipopt to Solve a Nonlinear Programming Problem
417 \tparam Bvector
418 simple vector class with elements of type bool.
420 \tparam Dvector
421 simple vector class with elements of type double.
423 \tparam FG_eval
424 function object used to evaluate f(x) and g(x); see fg_eval below.
425 It must also support
426 \code
427  FG_eval::ADvector
428 \endcode
429 to dentify the type used for the arguments to fg_eval.
431 \param options
432 list of options, one for each line.
433 Ipopt options (are optional) and have one of the following forms
434 \code
435  String name value
436  Numeric name value
437  Integer name value
438 \endcode
439 The following other possible options are listed below:
440 \code
441  Retape value
442 \endcode
445 \param xi
446 initial argument value to start optimization procedure at.
448 \param xl
449 lower limit for argument during optimization
451 \param xu
452 upper limit for argument during optimization
454 \param gl
455 lower limit for g(x) during optimization.
457 \param gu
458 upper limit for g(x) during optimization.
460 \param fg_eval
461 function that evaluates the objective and constraints using the syntax
462 \code
463  fg_eval(fg, x)
464 \endcode
466 \param solution
467 structure that holds the solution of the optimization.
468 */
469 template <class Dvector, class FG_eval>
470 void solve(
471  const std::string& options ,
472  const Dvector& xi ,
473  const Dvector& xl ,
474  const Dvector& xu ,
475  const Dvector& gl ,
476  const Dvector& gu ,
477  FG_eval& fg_eval ,
478  ipopt::solve_result<Dvector>& solution )
479 { bool ok = true;
481  typedef typename FG_eval::ADvector ADvector;
484  xi.size() == xl.size() && xi.size() == xu.size() ,
485  "ipopt::solve: size of xi, xl, and xu are not all equal."
486  );
488  gl.size() == gu.size() ,
489  "ipopt::solve: size of gl and gu are not equal."
490  );
491  size_t nx = xi.size();
492  size_t ng = gl.size();
494  // Create an IpoptApplication
495  using Ipopt::IpoptApplication;
496  Ipopt::SmartPtr<IpoptApplication> app = new IpoptApplication();
498  // process the options argument
499  size_t begin_1, end_1, begin_2, end_2, begin_3, end_3;
500  begin_1 = 0;
501  bool retape = false;
502  bool sparse_forward = false;
503  bool sparse_reverse = false;
504  while( begin_1 < options.size() )
505  { // split this line into tokens
506  while( options[begin_1] == ' ')
507  begin_1++;
508  end_1 = options.find_first_of(" \n", begin_1);
509  begin_2 = end_1;
510  while( options[begin_2] == ' ')
511  begin_2++;
512  end_2 = options.find_first_of(" \n", begin_2);
513  begin_3 = end_2;
514  while( options[begin_3] == ' ')
515  begin_3++;
516  end_3 = options.find_first_of(" \n", begin_3);
518  // check for errors
520  (end_1 != std::string::npos) &
521  (end_2 != std::string::npos) &
522  (end_3 != std::string::npos) ,
523  "ipopt::solve: missing '\\n' at end of an option line"
524  );
526  (end_1 > begin_1) & (end_2 > begin_2) ,
527  "ipopt::solve: an option line does not have two tokens"
528  );
530  // get first two tokens
531  std::string tok_1 = options.substr(begin_1, end_1 - begin_1);
532  std::string tok_2 = options.substr(begin_2, end_2 - begin_2);
534  // get third token
535  std::string tok_3;
536  bool three_tok = false;
537  three_tok |= tok_1 == "Sparse";
538  three_tok |= tok_1 == "String";
539  three_tok |= tok_1 == "Numeric";
540  three_tok |= tok_1 == "Integer";
541  if( three_tok )
543  (end_3 > begin_3) ,
544  "ipopt::solve: a Sparse, String, Numeric, or Integer\n"
545  "option line does not have three tokens."
546  );
547  tok_3 = options.substr(begin_3, end_3 - begin_3);
548  }
550  // switch on option type
551  if( tok_1 == "Retape" )
553  (tok_2 == "true") | (tok_2 == "false") ,
554  "ipopt::solve: Retape value is not true or false"
555  );
556  retape = (tok_2 == "true");
557  }
558  else if( tok_1 == "Sparse" )
560  (tok_2 == "true") | (tok_2 == "false") ,
561  "ipopt::solve: Sparse value is not true or false"
562  );
564  (tok_3 == "forward") | (tok_3 == "reverse") ,
565  "ipopt::solve: Sparse direction is not forward or reverse"
566  );
567  if( tok_2 == "false" )
568  { sparse_forward = false;
569  sparse_reverse = false;
570  }
571  else
572  { sparse_forward = tok_3 == "forward";
573  sparse_reverse = tok_3 == "reverse";
574  }
575  }
576  else if ( tok_1 == "String" )
577  app->Options()->SetStringValue(tok_2.c_str(), tok_3.c_str());
578  else if ( tok_1 == "Numeric" )
579  { Ipopt::Number value = std::atof( tok_3.c_str() );
580  app->Options()->SetNumericValue(tok_2.c_str(), value);
581  }
582  else if ( tok_1 == "Integer" )
583  { Ipopt::Index value = std::atoi( tok_3.c_str() );
584  app->Options()->SetIntegerValue(tok_2.c_str(), value);
585  }
587  false,
588  "ipopt::solve: First token is not one of\n"
589  "Retape, Sparse, String, Numeric, Integer"
590  );
592  begin_1 = end_3;
593  while( options[begin_1] == ' ')
594  begin_1++;
595  if( options[begin_1] != '\n' ) CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(
596  false,
597  "ipopt::solve: either more than three tokens "
598  "or no '\\n' at end of a line"
599  );
600  begin_1++;
601  }
603  ! ( retape & (sparse_forward | sparse_reverse) ) ,
604  "ipopt::solve: retape and sparse both true is not supported."
605  );
607  // Initialize the IpoptApplication and process the options
608  Ipopt::ApplicationReturnStatus status = app->Initialize();
609  ok &= status == Ipopt::Solve_Succeeded;
610  if( ! ok )
612  return;
613  }
615  // Create an interface from Ipopt to this specific problem.
616  // Note the assumption here that ADvector is same as cppd_ipopt::ADvector
617  size_t nf = 1;
618  Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::TNLP> cppad_nlp =
620  nf,
621  nx,
622  ng,
623  xi,
624  xl,
625  xu,
626  gl,
627  gu,
628  fg_eval,
629  retape,
630  sparse_forward,
631  sparse_reverse,
632  solution
633  );
635  // Run the IpoptApplication
636  app->OptimizeTNLP(cppad_nlp);
638  return;
639 }
641 } // end ipopt namespace
643 # endif
#define CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(exp, msg)
Check that exp is true, if not print msg and terminate execution.
void solve(const std::string &options, const Dvector &xi, const Dvector &xl, const Dvector &xu, const Dvector &gl, const Dvector &gu, FG_eval &fg_eval, ipopt::solve_result< Dvector > &solution)
Use Ipopt to Solve a Nonlinear Programming Problem.
Definition: solve.hpp:470
Class that contains information about solve problem result.
Class that Ipopt uses for obtaining information about this problem.
Class that connects ipopt::solve to Ipopt.
status_type status
possible values for solution status