flopc Namespace Reference

All flopc++ code is contained within the flopc namespace. More...


class  Boolean_base
class  MP_boolean
 Reference counted class for all "boolean" types of data. More...
class  Constant_base
 Base class for all "constant" types of data. More...
class  Constant
 Reference counted class for all "constant" types of data. More...
class  Constraint_base
 Semantic representation of a constraint in a Math Program. More...
class  Constraint
class  MP_constraint
 Semantic representation of a linear constraint. More...
class  DataRef
 Reference to a set of data. More...
class  MP_data
 Input data set. More...
class  MP_stochastic_data
class  MP_domain_base
 Reference to a set of index values. More...
class  MP_domain
 Range over which some other constuct is defined. More...
class  MP_domain_set
 Range over which some other constuct is defined. More...
class  insertFunctor
 Inserter for construction of a subset. More...
class  MP_domain_subset
 Range over which some other constuct is defined. More...
class  MP
class  MP_expression_base
 The base class for all expressions. More...
class  MP_expression
 Symbolic representation of a linear expression. More...
class  TerminalExpression
 The base class for all expressions. More...
class  VariableRef
 Semantic representation of a variable in a Math Program. More...
class  MP_index_base
 Internal representation of a index. More...
class  MP_index
 Representation of an index. More...
class  MP_index_exp
 Representation of an expression involving an index. More...
class  MP_index_mult
 Internal representation of an index expression. More...
class  MP_index_sum
 Internal representation of an index expression. More...
class  MP_index_dif
 Internal representation of an index expression. More...
class  Messenger
 Inteface for hooking up to internal flopc++ message handling. More...
class  NormalMessenger
 Internal use: used when Normal output is selected. More...
class  VerboseMessenger
 Internal use: used when Verbose output is selected. More...
class  MP_model
 This is the anchor point for all constructs in a FlopC++ model. More...
class  MP_set_base
 Internal representation of a "set". More...
class  MP_set
 Representation of a set for indexing into some other construct. More...
class  MP_stage
class  InsertFunctor
 Internal representation of a "set". More...
class  MP_subset
 Internal representation of a "set". More...
 Internal representation of a "set". More...
class  SubsetRef
 Internal representation of a "set". More...
class  Functor
 Function object. More...
class  RowMajor
 Utility class to flatten multidimensional information into single dimentional offset information. More...
class  Named
 Utility interface class for adding a string name onto a structure. More...
class  Handle
 Utility for doing reference counted pointers. More...
class  MP_variable
 Symantic representation of a variable. More...
class  MP_binary_variable
 Specialized subclass of MP_variable where the variable is pre-specified to be binary. More...


enum  Sense_enum { LE, GE, EQ }
 Enumeration for indicating direction of a constraint. More...
enum  variableType { continuous, discrete }
 Enumeration for indicating variable type. More...


void forall (const MP_domain &d, const Functor &f)
 Global function for performing a Functor on each member of a MP_domain.
void forall (const Functor &f)
 Global function for performing a Functor without having a set to operate on.
void operator<<= (const MP_domain &s, const MP_domain &d)
 Global function which copies members of MP_domain d into another (possibly non-empty) MP_domain.
void minimize (const MP_expression &obj)
 This is one of the main entry points for execution

This calls the OsiSolverInterface to execute the solver with the objective of MINIMIZING the argment MP_expression.

void minimize_max (MP_set &d, const MP_expression &obj)
 This is one of the main entry points for execution

This calls the OsiSolverInterface to execute the solver with the objective of MINIMIZING THE MAXIMUM of the MP_expression evaluation of the MP_set.

void maximize (const MP_expression &obj)
 This is one of the main entry points for execution

This calls the OsiSolverInterface to execute the solver with the objective of MAXIMIZING of the MP_expression.

MP_boolean operator! (const MP_boolean &b)
 For computing the logical negation of a boolean

This is used in the normal formation of an expression.

MP_boolean operator && (const MP_boolean &e1, const MP_boolean &e2)
 For computing the logical AND of two booleans

This is used in the normal formation of an expression.

MP_boolean operator|| (const MP_boolean &e1, const MP_boolean &e2)
 For computing the logical OR of two booleans

This is used in the normal formation of an expression.

MP_boolean operator<= (const MP_index_exp &e1, const MP_index_exp &e2)
 constructs a boolean evaluator using operator overloading

This is used in the normal formation of an expression.

MP_boolean operator<= (const Constant &e1, const Constant &e2)
 constructs a boolean evaluator by comparing two constants.
MP_boolean operator< (const MP_index_exp &e1, const MP_index_exp &e2)
 constructs a boolean evaluator using operator overloading

This is used in the normal formation of an expression.

MP_boolean operator< (const Constant &e1, const Constant &e2)
 constructs a boolean evaluator by comparing two constants.
MP_boolean operator>= (const MP_index_exp &e1, const MP_index_exp &e2)
 constructs a boolean evaluator using operator overloading

This is used in the normal formation of an expression.

MP_boolean operator>= (const Constant &e1, const Constant &e2)
 constructs a boolean evaluator by comparing two constants.
MP_boolean operator> (const MP_index_exp &e1, const MP_index_exp &e2)
 constructs a boolean evaluator using operator overloading

This is used in the normal formation of an expression.

MP_boolean operator> (const Constant &e1, const Constant &e2)
 constructs a boolean evaluator by comparing two constants.
MP_boolean operator== (const MP_index_exp &e1, const MP_index_exp &e2)
 constructs a boolean evaluator using operator overloading

This is used in the normal formation of an expression.

MP_boolean operator== (const Constant &e1, const Constant &e2)
 constructs a boolean evaluator by comparing two constants.
MP_boolean operator!= (const MP_index_exp &e1, const MP_index_exp &e2)
 constructs a boolean evaluator using operator overloading

This is used in the normal formation of an expression.

MP_boolean operator!= (const Constant &e1, const Constant &e2)
 constructs a boolean evaluator by comparing two constants.
Constant operator- (const Constant &a)
Constant abs (const Constant &c)
 for computing the absolute value of a constant value.
Constant pos (const Constant &c)
 for returning non-negative value of the constant.
Constant ceil (const Constant &c)
 The ceiling integral value of the input constant.
Constant floor (const Constant &c)
 The floor integral value of the input constant.
Constant minimum (const Constant &a, const Constant &b)
 Returns the smaller of two constants.
Constant maximum (const Constant &a, const Constant &b)
 Returns the larger of two constants.
Constant operator+ (const Constant &a, const Constant &b)
 Returns the sum of two constants.
Constant operator- (const Constant &a, const Constant &b)
 Returns the difference of two constants.
Constant operator * (const Constant &a, const Constant &b)
 Returns the product of two constants.
Constant operator/ (const Constant &a, const Constant &b)
 Returns the quotient of two constants.
Constant mpif (const MP_boolean &c, const Constant &a, const Constant &b)
Constant maximum (const MP_domain &i, const Constant &e)
 Returns the maximum over the domain of the constant.
Constant minimum (const MP_domain &i, const Constant &e)
 Returns the sum of two constants.
Constant sum (const MP_domain &i, const Constant &e)
 Returns the sum of two constants.
Constant product (const MP_domain &i, const Constant &e)
 Returns the sum of two constants.
Constraint operator<= (const MP_expression &l, const MP_expression &r)
 Uses operator overloading to construct an Constraint

Constucts a Constraint using operator overloading.

Constraint operator<= (const Constant &l, const MP_expression &r)
 Uses operator overloading to construct an Constraint

Constucts a Constraint using operator overloading.

Constraint operator<= (const MP_expression &l, const Constant &r)
 Uses operator overloading to construct an Constraint

Constucts a Constraint using operator overloading.

Constraint operator<= (const VariableRef &l, const VariableRef &r)
 Uses operator overloading to construct an Constraint

Constucts a Constraint using operator overloading.

Constraint operator>= (const MP_expression &l, const MP_expression &r)
 Uses operator overloading to construct an Constraint

Constucts a Constraint using operator overloading.

Constraint operator>= (const Constant &l, const MP_expression &r)
 Uses operator overloading to construct an Constraint

Constucts a Constraint using operator overloading.

Constraint operator>= (const MP_expression &l, const Constant &r)
 Uses operator overloading to construct an Constraint

Constucts a Constraint using operator overloading.

Constraint operator>= (const VariableRef &l, const VariableRef &r)
 Uses operator overloading to construct an Constraint

Constucts a Constraint using operator overloading.

Constraint operator== (const MP_expression &l, const MP_expression &r)
 Uses operator overloading to construct an Constraint

Constucts a Constraint using operator overloading.

Constraint operator== (const Constant &l, const MP_expression &r)
 Uses operator overloading to construct an Constraint

Constucts a Constraint using operator overloading.

Constraint operator== (const MP_expression &l, const Constant &r)
 Uses operator overloading to construct an Constraint

Constucts a Constraint using operator overloading.

Constraint operator== (const VariableRef &l, const VariableRef &r)
 Uses operator overloading to construct an Constraint

Constucts a Constraint using operator overloading.

MP_domain operator * (const MP_domain &a, const MP_domain &b)
 operator which creates a new domain as the pairwise combinations of two input domains.
MP_expression operator+ (const MP_expression &e1, const MP_expression &e2)
MP_expression operator+ (const MP_expression &e1, const Constant &e2)
MP_expression operator+ (const Constant &e1, const MP_expression &e2)
MP_expression operator- (const MP_expression &e1, const MP_expression &e2)
MP_expression operator- (const MP_expression &e1, const Constant &e2)
MP_expression operator- (const Constant &e1, const MP_expression &e2)
MP_expression operator * (const Constant &e1, const MP_expression &e2)
MP_expression operator * (const MP_expression &e1, const Constant &e2)
MP_expression operator/ (const MP_expression &e1, const Constant &e2)
MP_expression sum (const MP_domain &d, const MP_expression &e)
Constant operator+ (MP_index &a, MP_index &b)
 returns a Constant as a result of addition of two MP_index values.
Constant operator- (MP_index &a, MP_index &b)
 returns a Constant as a result of a difference of two MP_index values.
MP_index_exp operator- (MP_index &i, const int &j)
 returns an index expression from a difference between an MP_index and an integer.
MP_index_exp operator+ (MP_index &i, const int &j)
 returns an index expression from a sum between an MP_index and an integer.
MP_index_exp operator+ (MP_index &i, const Constant &j)
 returns an index expression from a sum between an MP_index and a Constant.
MP_index_exp operator * (MP_index &i, const Constant &j)
 returns an index expression from a product between an MP_index and a Constant.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MP_model::MP_status &condition)
 allows print of result from call to solve();
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MP_model::MP_direction &direction)
 allows print of direction used when calling solve. (MIN/MAX)
template<int nbr, class T>
vector< T > makeVector (T i1, T i2=0, T i3=0, T i4=0, T i5=0)
 This template makes a vector of appropriate size out of the variable number of arguments.
int mod (int a, int b)
 return the strictly positive modulus of two integers


const int outOfBound = -2
 Distinct return value on conditions where an index goes out of bounds.

Detailed Description

All flopc++ code is contained within the flopc namespace.

Flopc++ is an open source algebraic modelling language implemented as a C++ class library. It uses the common COIN-OR OsiSolverInterface abstract interface to allow for easy integration with many of today's top Math Programming solvers.

main 3 components are listed below. Much of the rest of the code is to facilitate the operator overloading makes this such a powerful modeling environment.

Function Documentation

Constant flopc::operator- ( const Constant &  a  ) 

Constant flopc::mpif ( const MP_boolean &  c,
const Constant &  a,
const Constant &  b 

MP_domain flopc::operator * ( const MP_domain &  a,
const MP_domain &  b 

operator which creates a new domain as the pairwise combinations of two input domains.

Constant flopc::operator+ ( MP_index &  a,
MP_index &  b 

returns a Constant as a result of addition of two MP_index values.

Constant flopc::operator- ( MP_index &  a,
MP_index &  b 

returns a Constant as a result of a difference of two MP_index values.

MP_index_exp flopc::operator- ( MP_index &  i,
const int &  j 

returns an index expression from a difference between an MP_index and an integer.


MP_index_exp flopc::operator+ ( MP_index &  i,
const int &  j 

returns an index expression from a sum between an MP_index and an integer.


MP_index_exp flopc::operator+ ( MP_index &  i,
const Constant &  j 

returns an index expression from a sum between an MP_index and a Constant.

MP_index_exp flopc::operator * ( MP_index &  i,
const Constant &  j 

returns an index expression from a product between an MP_index and a Constant.

std::ostream& flopc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const MP_model::MP_status &  condition 

allows print of result from call to solve();

std::ostream& flopc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const MP_model::MP_direction &  direction 

allows print of direction used when calling solve. (MIN/MAX)

int flopc::mod ( int  a,
int  b 
) [inline]

return the strictly positive modulus of two integers

Definition at line 60 of file MP_utilities.hpp.

Referenced by flopc::MP_set_base::check(), and flopc::MP_set_base::checkStage().

Variable Documentation

const int flopc::outOfBound = -2

Distinct return value on conditions where an index goes out of bounds.

Definition at line 66 of file MP_utilities.hpp.

Referenced by flopc::MP_set_base::check(), flopc::MP_set_base::checkStage(), flopc::SubsetRef< nbr >::evaluate(), flopc::MP_subset< nbr >::evaluate(), flopc::RowMajor::f(), flopc::MP_subset< nbr >::insert(), flopc::MP_subset< nbr >::operator()(), and flopc::MP_data::operator()().

Generated on Sun Nov 14 14:15:36 2010 for Coin-All by  doxygen 1.4.7