
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // ******************** FlopCpp **********************************************
00002 // File: MP_set.hpp
00003 // $Id$
00004 // Author: Tim Helge Hultberg (thh@mat.ua.pt)
00005 // Copyright (C) 2003 Tim Helge Hultberg
00006 // All Rights Reserved.
00007 // ****************************************************************************
00009 #ifndef _MP_set_hpp_
00010 #define _MP_set_hpp_
00012 #include <iostream>
00013 #include <sstream>
00014 using std::cout;
00015 using std::endl;
00017 #include <string>
00018 using std::string;
00020 #include "MP_domain.hpp"
00021 #include "MP_index.hpp"
00022 #include "MP_utilities.hpp"
00024 namespace flopc {
00030   class MP_set_base : public MP_index , public Named {
00031   public:
00032     MP_set_base() : Cyclic(false) {}
00034     virtual int size() const = 0;
00035     virtual operator MP_domain() const = 0;
00036     virtual MP_domain operator()(const MP_index_exp& i) const = 0;
00038     int check(int i) const {
00039       if ((i>=0) && (i<size())) {
00040         return i;
00041       } else {
00042         if (Cyclic == true) {
00043           return mod(i,size());
00044         } else {
00045           return outOfBound;
00046         }
00047       }
00048     }
00049     int checkStage(int i) const {
00050       if ((i>=0) && (i<size())) {
00051         return i*isStage();
00052       } else {
00053         if (Cyclic == true) {
00054           return mod(i,size())*isStage();
00055         } else {
00056           return outOfBound;
00057         }
00058       }
00059     }
00061     virtual int isStage() const {
00062       return 0;
00063     }
00065     bool Cyclic;
00066   };
00079   class MP_set : public MP_set_base {
00080   public:
00082     MP_set(int i = 0): cardinality(i) {}
00087     MP_domain operator()(const MP_index_exp& i) const {
00088       return i->getDomain(const_cast<MP_set*>(this));
00089     }
00091     operator MP_domain() const {
00092       return new MP_domain_set(this,const_cast<MP_set*>(this));
00093     }
00097     MP_domain such_that(const MP_boolean& b) {
00098       return (MP_domain(new MP_domain_set(this,this))).such_that(b);
00099     }
00103     void cyclic() {
00104       Cyclic = true;
00105     }
00107     virtual int size() const {
00108       return cardinality;
00109     }
00110     int last() {
00111       return cardinality-1;
00112     }
00114     static MP_set &getEmpty();
00115   private:
00116     static MP_set Empty;
00117     int cardinality;
00118   };
00120   class MP_stage : public MP_set {
00121   public:
00122     MP_stage(int i = 0): MP_set(i) {}
00123     virtual int isStage() const {
00124       return 1;
00125     }
00126   };
00128   template <int nbr> class MP_subset;
00135   template<int nbr> class InsertFunctor : public Functor {
00136   public:
00137     InsertFunctor( MP_subset<nbr>* s, vector<MP_index_exp> i) 
00138       : S(s), I(i) {}
00139     void operator()() const { 
00140       vector<int> elm(nbr);
00141       for (int i=0; i<nbr; i++) {
00142         elm[i] = I[i]->evaluate();
00143       }
00144       S->insert(elm);
00145     }
00146   private:
00147     MP_subset<nbr>* S;
00148     vector<MP_index_exp> I;
00149   };
00151   template <int nbr> class SubsetRef;
00161   template <int nbr>
00162   class MP_subset : public MP_set {
00163     friend class MP_domain_subset<nbr>;
00164     friend class SubsetRef<nbr>;
00165   public:
00166     MP_subset(const MP_set& s1, 
00167               const MP_set& s2=MP_set::getEmpty(), 
00168               const MP_set& s3=MP_set::getEmpty(), 
00169               const MP_set& s4=MP_set::getEmpty(), 
00170               const MP_set& s5=MP_set::getEmpty()) {
00171       S = makeVector<nbr,const MP_set*>(&s1,&s2,&s3,&s4,&s5);
00172     }
00174     void display(const std::string& s = "") const {
00175       std::map<std::vector<int>, int>::const_iterator i;
00176       cout<<s<<endl;
00177       for (i = elements.begin(); i != elements.end(); i++) {
00178         for (int j=0; j<nbr; j++) {
00179           cout<<(*i).first[j]<<"  ";
00180         }
00181         cout<<endl;
00182       }
00183     }
00185     MP_subset(vector<const MP_set*> s) : S(s) {}
00187     ~MP_subset() {}
00189     int operator()(int i1, int i2=0, int i3=0, int i4=0, int i5=0) {
00190       std::map<vector<int>, int>::const_iterator pos;
00191       pos = elements.find(makeVector<nbr>(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5));
00192       if (pos==elements.end()) {
00193         return outOfBound;
00194       } else {
00195         return pos->second;
00196       }
00197     }
00199     SubsetRef<nbr>& operator()(const MP_index_exp& i1, 
00200                                const MP_index_exp& i2=MP_index::getEmpty(),  
00201                                const MP_index_exp& i3=MP_index::getEmpty(),
00202                                const MP_index_exp& i4=MP_index::getEmpty(),
00203                                const MP_index_exp& i5=MP_index::getEmpty()) {
00204       return *new SubsetRef<nbr>(this,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5);
00205     }
00207     MP_domain& operator()(const SUBSETREF& s) {
00208       return MP_domain(s);
00209     }
00211     int evaluate(const vector<MP_index*>& I) const {
00212       vector<int> vi;
00213       for (int k=0; k<nbr; k++) {
00214         int temp = I[k]->evaluate();
00215         vi.push_back(temp);
00216       }
00217       std::map<vector<int>, int>::const_iterator pos;
00218       pos = elements.find(vi);
00219       if (pos==elements.end()) {
00220         return outOfBound;
00221       } else {
00222         return pos->second;
00223       }
00224     }
00226     void insert(const vector<int> &args) {
00227       bool isOk = true;
00228       for (int i=0; i<nbr; i++) {
00229         if ( S[i]->check(args[i]) == outOfBound ) {
00230           isOk = false;
00231         }
00232       }
00233       if (isOk == true) {
00234         std::map<vector<int>, int>::const_iterator pos;
00235         pos = elements.find(args);
00236         if (pos==elements.end()) {  // insert if not existent
00237           const int v = elements.size();
00238           elements[args] = v;
00239         }
00240       }
00241     }
00242     void insert(int i1, int i2=0, int i3=0, int i4=0, int i5=0) {
00243       insert(makeVector<nbr>(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5));
00244     }
00245     const InsertFunctor<nbr>& insert(MP_index_exp i1, 
00246                                      MP_index_exp i2=MP_index_exp::getEmpty(), 
00247                                      MP_index_exp i3=MP_index_exp::getEmpty(), 
00248                                      MP_index_exp i4=MP_index_exp::getEmpty(), 
00249                                      MP_index_exp i5=MP_index_exp::getEmpty()) {
00250       return *new InsertFunctor<nbr>(this,makeVector<nbr>(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5));
00251     }
00252     virtual int size() const {
00253       return elements.size();
00254     }
00256   private:
00257     vector<const MP_set*> S; 
00258     std::map<std::vector<int>, int> elements;
00259   };
00269   class SUBSETREF : public MP_index_base {
00270   public:
00271     virtual MP_index* getIndex() const {
00272       return 0;
00273     }
00274     virtual MP_domain getDomain(MP_set* s) const {
00275       return MP_domain::getEmpty();
00276     }
00277     int evaluate() const {
00278       return 0;
00279     }
00280   };
00289   template <int nbr>
00290   class SubsetRef : public SUBSETREF {
00291   public:
00292     SubsetRef(MP_subset<nbr>* s, 
00293               const MP_index_exp& i1,
00294               const MP_index_exp& i2,
00295               const MP_index_exp& i3,
00296               const MP_index_exp& i4,
00297               const MP_index_exp& i5) : 
00298       S(s),I1(i1),I2(i2),I3(i3),I4(i4),I5(i5) {} 
00300     operator MP_domain() const {
00301 //          MP_domain_base* base;
00302 //          base = new MP_domain_subset<nbr>(S,
00303 //              makeVector<nbr>(I1->getIndex(), I2->getIndex(), 
00304 //                              I3->getIndex(), I4->getIndex(), 
00305 //                              I5->getIndex()) );
00306 //          base->such_that(B);
00307 //          return base; 
00308       return new MP_domain_subset<nbr>(S,
00309                                        makeVector<nbr>(I1->getIndex(), I2->getIndex(), 
00310                                                        I3->getIndex(), I4->getIndex(), 
00311                                                        I5->getIndex()) );
00312     }
00314     virtual MP_domain getDomain(MP_set* s) const {
00315       return new MP_domain_subset<nbr>(S,
00316                                        makeVector<nbr>(I1->getIndex(), I2->getIndex(), 
00317                                                        I3->getIndex(), I4->getIndex(), 
00318                                                        I5->getIndex()) );
00319     }
00321 //     const MP_domain& such_that(const MP_boolean& b) {
00322 //       return MP_domain().such_that(b);
00323 //     }
00325     SubsetRef& such_that(const MP_boolean& b) {
00326       B = b;
00327       return *this;
00328     }
00330     int evaluate() const {
00331       vector<MP_index_exp> I = makeVector<nbr>(I1,I2,I3,I4,I5);
00332       vector<int> vi;
00333       for (int k=0; k<nbr; k++) {
00334         int temp = I[k]->evaluate();
00335         vi.push_back(temp);
00336       }
00337       std::map<vector<int>, int>::const_iterator pos;
00338       pos = S->elements.find(vi);
00339       if (pos==S->elements.end()) {
00340         return outOfBound;
00341       } else {
00342         return pos->second;
00343       }
00345     }
00346     MP_index* getIndex() const {
00347       return S;
00348     }
00349     MP_boolean B;
00350     MP_subset<nbr>* S;
00351     MP_index_exp I1,I2,I3,I4,I5;
00352   };
00354 } // End of namespace flopc
00355 #endif

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