Bonmin  1.8.8
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (C) 2006 International Business Machines and others.
2 // All Rights Reserved.
3 // This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
4 //
5 // $Id: BonCurvatureEstimator.hpp 2106 2015-01-20 10:33:55Z stefan $
6 //
7 // Author: Andreas Waechter IBM 2006-10-11
11 #error "Not supported currently"
12 #include "IpTNLP.hpp"
13 #include "IpOptionsList.hpp"
14 #include "IpCompoundSymMatrix.hpp"
15 #include "IpCompoundVector.hpp"
16 #include <vector>
18 namespace Ipopt {
19  //forward declarations
20  class TSymLinearSolver;
21 }
23 namespace Bonmin
24 {
25  using namespace Ipopt;
29  class CurvatureEstimator: public ReferencedObject
30  {
31  public:
37  SmartPtr<Journalist> jnlst,
38  SmartPtr<OptionsList> options,
39  SmartPtr<TNLP> tnlp);
42  virtual ~CurvatureEstimator();
56  bool ComputeNullSpaceCurvature(
57  int n,
58  const Number* x,
59  bool new_x,
60  const Number* x_l,
61  const Number* x_u,
62  const Number* g_l,
63  const Number* g_u,
64  bool new_bounds,
65  const Number* z_L,
66  const Number* z_U,
67  int m,
68  const Number* lam,
69  bool new_mults,
70  const Number* orig_d,
71  Number* projected_d,
72  Number& gradLagTd,
73  Number& dTHLagd);
75  private:
91  void operator=(const CurvatureEstimator&);
96  SmartPtr<Journalist> jnlst_;
97  SmartPtr<OptionsList> options_;
100  std::string prefix_;
103  SmartPtr<TSymLinearSolver> eq_tsymlinearsolver_;
106  SmartPtr<TSymLinearSolver> all_tsymlinearsolver_;
111  SmartPtr<TNLP> tnlp_;
112  Index n_;
113  Number* grad_f_;
114  Index m_;
115  Index nnz_jac_;
116  Index* irows_jac_;
117  Index* jcols_jac_;
118  Number* jac_vals_;
119  Index nnz_hess_;
120  Index* irows_hess_;
121  Index* jcols_hess_;
122  Number* hess_vals_;
129  Index eq_nx_free_;
156  Number* lambda_;
168  SmartPtr<CompoundSymMatrixSpace> eq_comp_proj_matrix_space_;
170  SmartPtr<CompoundSymMatrix> eq_comp_proj_matrix_;
173  SmartPtr<CompoundVectorSpace> eq_comp_vec_space_;
181  SmartPtr<CompoundSymMatrixSpace> all_comp_proj_matrix_space_;
183  SmartPtr<CompoundSymMatrix> all_comp_proj_matrix_;
186  SmartPtr<CompoundVectorSpace> all_comp_vec_space_;
191  std::vector<int> active_x_;
192  std::vector<int> active_g_;
197  bool Initialize();
199  bool PrepareNewMatrixStructure(
200  const Number* x_l,
201  const Number* x_u,
202  const Number* g_l,
203  const Number* g_u,
204  std::vector<int>& active_x,
205  std::vector<int>& active_g,
206  Index& nx_free,
207  Index* x_free_map,
208  Index& ng_fixed,
209  Index* g_fixed_map,
210  SmartPtr<CompoundSymMatrixSpace>& comp_proj_matrix_space,
211  SmartPtr<CompoundVectorSpace>& comp_vec_space);
213  bool PrepareNewMatrixValues(
214  const Index* x_free_map,
215  const Index* g_fixed_map,
216  SmartPtr<CompoundSymMatrixSpace>& comp_proj_matrix_space,
217  SmartPtr<CompoundSymMatrix>& comp_proj_matrix,
218  SmartPtr<TSymLinearSolver>& tsymlinearsolver);
220  bool SolveSystem(
221  const Number* rhs_x,
222  const Number* rhs_g,
223  Number* sol_x, Number* sol_g,
224  const Index* x_free_map,
225  const Index* g_fixed_map,
226  SmartPtr<CompoundVectorSpace>& comp_vec_space,
227  SmartPtr<CompoundSymMatrix>& comp_proj_matrix,
228  SmartPtr<TSymLinearSolver>& tsymlinearsolver);
230  bool Compute_dTHLagd(
231  const Number* d, const Number* x, bool new_x, const Number* lambda,
232  bool new_lambda, Number& dTHLagd);
233  };
235 } // namespace Ipopt
236 #endif
Index eq_ng_fixed_
Number of active constraints.
Index * eq_x_free_map_
Map for pointing from the original x space to the one without fixed variables.
std::string prefix_
prefix to be used when parsion the options for the linear solver
SmartPtr< CompoundSymMatrix > eq_comp_proj_matrix_
Compound Matrix storing the current projection matrix.
SmartPtr< CompoundSymMatrixSpace > eq_comp_proj_matrix_space_
Compound Matrix space for storing the linear system for the projection.
SmartPtr< TSymLinearSolver > all_tsymlinearsolver_
Strategy object for solving the projection matrix for all active constraints.
SmartPtr< TSymLinearSolver > eq_tsymlinearsolver_
Strategy object for solving the projection matrix for equality constraints only.
SmartPtr< Journalist > jnlst_
prefix to be used when parsion the options for the linear solver
SmartPtr< CompoundVectorSpace > eq_comp_vec_space_
Compound Vector space for storing right hand side and solution for the projection system...
SmartPtr< CompoundSymMatrix > all_comp_proj_matrix_
Compound Matrix storing the current projection matrix.
Index * all_x_free_map_
Map for pointing from the original x space to the one without fixed variables.
Index all_ng_fixed_
Number of active constraints.
std::vector< int > active_x_
Storing the activities.
SmartPtr< CompoundVectorSpace > all_comp_vec_space_
Compound Vector space for storing right hand side and solution for the projection system...
Number * eq_projected_d_
Space for storing the direction projected into the equality constraints only.
Index all_nx_free_
Number of free x variables.
Index * all_g_fixed_map_
Map for pointing from the original constraint space to the one with only active constraints.
SmartPtr< CompoundSymMatrixSpace > all_comp_proj_matrix_space_
Compound Matrix space for storing the linear system for the projection.
std::vector< int > active_g_
Storing the activities.
SmartPtr< OptionsList > options_
prefix to be used when parsion the options for the linear solver
Index * eq_g_fixed_map_
Map for pointing from the original constraint space to the one with only active constraints.
Number * lambda_
Space for most recent computed least-square multipliers.
Index eq_nx_free_
Number of free x variables.