CppAD: A C++ Algorithmic Differentiation Package  20171217
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4 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-17 Bradley M. Bell
7 CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
8 the terms of the
9  Eclipse Public License Version 1.0.
11 A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
12 Please visit http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ for information on other licenses.
13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15 /*
16 $begin OdeGear$$
17 $spell
18  cppad.hpp
19  Jan
20  bool
21  const
22  CppAD
23  dep
24 $$
27 $section An Arbitrary Order Gear Method$$
28 $mindex OdeGear Ode stiff differential equation$$
30 $head Syntax$$
31 $codei%# include <cppad/utility/ode_gear.hpp>
32 %$$
33 $codei%OdeGear(%F%, %m%, %n%, %T%, %X%, %e%)%$$
36 $head Purpose$$
37 This routine applies
38 $cref/Gear's Method/OdeGear/Gear's Method/$$
39 to solve an explicit set of ordinary differential equations.
40 We are given
41 $latex f : \B{R} \times \B{R}^n \rightarrow \B{R}^n$$ be a smooth function.
42 This routine solves the following initial value problem
43 $latex \[
44 \begin{array}{rcl}
45  x( t_{m-1} ) & = & x^0 \\
46  x^\prime (t) & = & f[t , x(t)]
47 \end{array}
48 \] $$
49 for the value of $latex x( t_m )$$.
50 If your set of ordinary differential equations are not stiff
51 an explicit method may be better (perhaps $cref Runge45$$.)
53 $head Include$$
54 The file $code cppad/ode_gear.hpp$$ is included by $code cppad/cppad.hpp$$
55 but it can also be included separately with out the rest of
56 the $code CppAD$$ routines.
58 $head Fun$$
59 The class $icode Fun$$
60 and the object $icode F$$ satisfy the prototype
61 $codei%
62  %Fun% &%F%
63 %$$
64 This must support the following set of calls
65 $codei%
66  %F%.Ode(%t%, %x%, %f%)
67  %F%.Ode_dep(%t%, %x%, %f_x%)
68 %$$
70 $subhead t$$
71 The argument $icode t$$ has prototype
72 $codei%
73  const %Scalar% &%t%
74 %$$
75 (see description of $cref/Scalar/OdeGear/Scalar/$$ below).
77 $subhead x$$
78 The argument $icode x$$ has prototype
79 $codei%
80  const %Vector% &%x%
81 %$$
82 and has size $icode n$$
83 (see description of $cref/Vector/OdeGear/Vector/$$ below).
85 $subhead f$$
86 The argument $icode f$$ to $icode%F%.Ode%$$ has prototype
87 $codei%
88  %Vector% &%f%
89 %$$
90 On input and output, $icode f$$ is a vector of size $icode n$$
91 and the input values of the elements of $icode f$$ do not matter.
92 On output,
93 $icode f$$ is set equal to $latex f(t, x)$$
94 (see $icode f(t, x)$$ in $cref/Purpose/OdeGear/Purpose/$$).
96 $subhead f_x$$
97 The argument $icode f_x$$ has prototype
98 $codei%
99  %Vector% &%f_x%
100 %$$
101 On input and output, $icode f_x$$ is a vector of size $latex n * n$$
102 and the input values of the elements of $icode f_x$$ do not matter.
103 On output,
104 $latex \[
105  f\_x [i * n + j] = \partial_{x(j)} f_i ( t , x )
106 \] $$
108 $subhead Warning$$
109 The arguments $icode f$$, and $icode f_x$$
110 must have a call by reference in their prototypes; i.e.,
111 do not forget the $code &$$ in the prototype for
112 $icode f$$ and $icode f_x$$.
114 $head m$$
115 The argument $icode m$$ has prototype
116 $codei%
117  size_t %m%
118 %$$
119 It specifies the order (highest power of $latex t$$)
120 used to represent the function $latex x(t)$$ in the multi-step method.
121 Upon return from $code OdeGear$$,
122 the $th i$$ component of the polynomial is defined by
123 $latex \[
124  p_i ( t_j ) = X[ j * n + i ]
125 \] $$
126 for $latex j = 0 , \ldots , m$$ (where $latex 0 \leq i < n$$).
127 The value of $latex m$$ must be greater than or equal one.
129 $head n$$
130 The argument $icode n$$ has prototype
131 $codei%
132  size_t %n%
133 %$$
134 It specifies the range space dimension of the
135 vector valued function $latex x(t)$$.
137 $head T$$
138 The argument $icode T$$ has prototype
139 $codei%
140  const %Vector% &%T%
141 %$$
142 and size greater than or equal to $latex m+1$$.
143 For $latex j = 0 , \ldots m$$, $latex T[j]$$ is the time
144 corresponding to time corresponding
145 to a previous point in the multi-step method.
146 The value $latex T[m]$$ is the time
147 of the next point in the multi-step method.
148 The array $latex T$$ must be monotone increasing; i.e.,
149 $latex T[j] < T[j+1]$$.
150 Above and below we often use the shorthand $latex t_j$$ for $latex T[j]$$.
153 $head X$$
154 The argument $icode X$$ has the prototype
155 $codei%
156  %Vector% &%X%
157 %$$
158 and size greater than or equal to $latex (m+1) * n$$.
159 On input to $code OdeGear$$,
160 for $latex j = 0 , \ldots , m-1$$, and
161 $latex i = 0 , \ldots , n-1$$
162 $latex \[
163  X[ j * n + i ] = x_i ( t_j )
164 \] $$
165 Upon return from $code OdeGear$$,
166 for $latex i = 0 , \ldots , n-1$$
167 $latex \[
168  X[ m * n + i ] \approx x_i ( t_m )
169 \] $$
171 $head e$$
172 The vector $icode e$$ is an approximate error bound for the result; i.e.,
173 $latex \[
174  e[i] \geq | X[ m * n + i ] - x_i ( t_m ) |
175 \] $$
176 The order of this approximation is one less than the order of
177 the solution; i.e.,
178 $latex \[
179  e = O ( h^m )
180 \] $$
181 where $latex h$$ is the maximum of $latex t_{j+1} - t_j$$.
183 $head Scalar$$
184 The type $icode Scalar$$ must satisfy the conditions
185 for a $cref NumericType$$ type.
186 The routine $cref CheckNumericType$$ will generate an error message
187 if this is not the case.
188 In addition, the following operations must be defined for
189 $icode Scalar$$ objects $icode a$$ and $icode b$$:
191 $table
192 $bold Operation$$ $cnext $bold Description$$ $rnext
193 $icode%a% < %b%$$ $cnext
194  less than operator (returns a $code bool$$ object)
195 $tend
197 $head Vector$$
198 The type $icode Vector$$ must be a $cref SimpleVector$$ class with
199 $cref/elements of type Scalar/SimpleVector/Elements of Specified Type/$$.
200 The routine $cref CheckSimpleVector$$ will generate an error message
201 if this is not the case.
203 $head Example$$
204 $children%
205  example/utility/ode_gear.cpp
206 %$$
207 The file
208 $cref ode_gear.cpp$$
209 contains an example and test a test of using this routine.
210 It returns true if it succeeds and false otherwise.
212 $head Source Code$$
213 The source code for this routine is in the file
214 $code cppad/ode_gear.hpp$$.
216 $head Theory$$
217 For this discussion we use the shorthand $latex x_j$$
218 for the value $latex x ( t_j ) \in \B{R}^n$$ which is not to be confused
219 with $latex x_i (t) \in \B{R}$$ in the notation above.
220 The interpolating polynomial $latex p(t)$$ is given by
221 $latex \[
222 p(t) =
223 \sum_{j=0}^m
224 x_j
225 \frac{
226  \prod_{i \neq j} ( t - t_i )
227 }{
228  \prod_{i \neq j} ( t_j - t_i )
229 }
230 \] $$
231 The derivative $latex p^\prime (t)$$ is given by
232 $latex \[
233 p^\prime (t) =
234 \sum_{j=0}^m
235 x_j
236 \frac{
237  \sum_{i \neq j} \prod_{k \neq i,j} ( t - t_k )
238 }{
239  \prod_{k \neq j} ( t_j - t_k )
240 }
241 \] $$
242 Evaluating the derivative at the point $latex t_\ell$$ we have
243 $latex \[
244 \begin{array}{rcl}
245 p^\prime ( t_\ell ) & = &
246 x_\ell
247 \frac{
248  \sum_{i \neq \ell} \prod_{k \neq i,\ell} ( t_\ell - t_k )
249 }{
250  \prod_{k \neq \ell} ( t_\ell - t_k )
251 }
252 +
253 \sum_{j \neq \ell}
254 x_j
255 \frac{
256  \sum_{i \neq j} \prod_{k \neq i,j} ( t_\ell - t_k )
257 }{
258  \prod_{k \neq j} ( t_j - t_k )
259 }
260 \\
261 & = &
262 x_\ell
263 \sum_{i \neq \ell}
264 \frac{ 1 }{ t_\ell - t_i }
265 +
266 \sum_{j \neq \ell}
267 x_j
268 \frac{
269  \prod_{k \neq \ell,j} ( t_\ell - t_k )
270 }{
271  \prod_{k \neq j} ( t_j - t_k )
272 }
273 \\
274 & = &
275 x_\ell
276 \sum_{k \neq \ell} ( t_\ell - t_k )^{-1}
277 +
278 \sum_{j \neq \ell}
279 x_j
280 ( t_j - t_\ell )^{-1}
281 \prod_{k \neq \ell ,j} ( t_\ell - t_k ) / ( t_j - t_k )
282 \end{array}
283 \] $$
284 We define the vector $latex \alpha \in \B{R}^{m+1}$$ by
285 $latex \[
286 \alpha_j = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
287 \sum_{k \neq m} ( t_m - t_k )^{-1}
288  & {\rm if} \; j = m
289 \\
290 ( t_j - t_m )^{-1}
291 \prod_{k \neq m,j} ( t_m - t_k ) / ( t_j - t_k )
292  & {\rm otherwise}
293 \end{array} \right.
294 \] $$
295 It follows that
296 $latex \[
297  p^\prime ( t_m ) = \alpha_0 x_0 + \cdots + \alpha_m x_m
298 \] $$
299 Gear's method determines $latex x_m$$ by solving the following
300 nonlinear equation
301 $latex \[
302  f( t_m , x_m ) = \alpha_0 x_0 + \cdots + \alpha_m x_m
303 \] $$
304 Newton's method for solving this equation determines iterates,
305 which we denote by $latex x_m^k$$, by solving the following affine
306 approximation of the equation above
307 $latex \[
308 \begin{array}{rcl}
309 f( t_m , x_m^{k-1} ) + \partial_x f( t_m , x_m^{k-1} ) ( x_m^k - x_m^{k-1} )
310 & = &
311 \alpha_0 x_0^k + \alpha_1 x_1 + \cdots + \alpha_m x_m
312 \\
313 \left[ \alpha_m I - \partial_x f( t_m , x_m^{k-1} ) \right] x_m
314 & = &
315 \left[
316 f( t_m , x_m^{k-1} ) - \partial_x f( t_m , x_m^{k-1} ) x_m^{k-1}
317 - \alpha_0 x_0 - \cdots - \alpha_{m-1} x_{m-1}
318 \right]
319 \end{array}
320 \] $$
321 In order to initialize Newton's method; i.e. choose $latex x_m^0$$
322 we define the vector $latex \beta \in \B{R}^{m+1}$$ by
323 $latex \[
324 \beta_j = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
325 \sum_{k \neq m-1} ( t_{m-1} - t_k )^{-1}
326  & {\rm if} \; j = m-1
327 \\
328 ( t_j - t_{m-1} )^{-1}
329 \prod_{k \neq m-1,j} ( t_{m-1} - t_k ) / ( t_j - t_k )
330  & {\rm otherwise}
331 \end{array} \right.
332 \] $$
333 It follows that
334 $latex \[
335  p^\prime ( t_{m-1} ) = \beta_0 x_0 + \cdots + \beta_m x_m
336 \] $$
337 We solve the following approximation of the equation above to determine
338 $latex x_m^0$$:
339 $latex \[
340  f( t_{m-1} , x_{m-1} ) =
341  \beta_0 x_0 + \cdots + \beta_{m-1} x_{m-1} + \beta_m x_m^0
342 \] $$
345 $head Gear's Method$$
346 C. W. Gear,
347 ``Simultaneous Numerical Solution of Differential-Algebraic Equations,''
348 IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory,
349 vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 89-95, Jan. 1971.
352 $end
353 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
354 */
356 # include <cstddef>
357 # include <cppad/core/cppad_assert.hpp>
360 # include <cppad/utility/vector.hpp>
361 # include <cppad/utility/lu_factor.hpp>
362 # include <cppad/utility/lu_invert.hpp>
364 namespace CppAD { // BEGIN CppAD namespace
366 template <typename Vector, typename Fun>
367 void OdeGear(
368  Fun &F ,
369  size_t m ,
370  size_t n ,
371  const Vector &T ,
372  Vector &X ,
373  Vector &e )
374 {
375  // temporary indices
376  size_t i, j, k;
378  typedef typename Vector::value_type Scalar;
380  // check numeric type specifications
381  CheckNumericType<Scalar>();
383  // check simple vector class specifications
384  CheckSimpleVector<Scalar, Vector>();
387  m >= 1,
388  "OdeGear: m is less than one"
389  );
391  n > 0,
392  "OdeGear: n is equal to zero"
393  );
395  size_t(T.size()) >= (m+1),
396  "OdeGear: size of T is not greater than or equal (m+1)"
397  );
399  size_t(X.size()) >= (m+1) * n,
400  "OdeGear: size of X is not greater than or equal (m+1) * n"
401  );
402  for(j = 0; j < m; j++) CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(
403  T[j] < T[j+1],
404  "OdeGear: the array T is not monotone increasing"
405  );
407  // some constants
408  Scalar zero(0);
409  Scalar one(1);
411  // vectors required by method
412  Vector alpha(m + 1);
413  Vector beta(m + 1);
414  Vector f(n);
415  Vector f_x(n * n);
416  Vector x_m0(n);
417  Vector x_m(n);
418  Vector b(n);
419  Vector A(n * n);
421  // compute alpha[m]
422  alpha[m] = zero;
423  for(k = 0; k < m; k++)
424  alpha[m] += one / (T[m] - T[k]);
426  // compute beta[m-1]
427  beta[m-1] = one / (T[m-1] - T[m]);
428  for(k = 0; k < m-1; k++)
429  beta[m-1] += one / (T[m-1] - T[k]);
432  // compute other components of alpha
433  for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
434  { // compute alpha[j]
435  alpha[j] = one / (T[j] - T[m]);
436  for(k = 0; k < m; k++)
437  { if( k != j )
438  { alpha[j] *= (T[m] - T[k]);
439  alpha[j] /= (T[j] - T[k]);
440  }
441  }
442  }
444  // compute other components of beta
445  for(j = 0; j <= m; j++)
446  { if( j != m-1 )
447  { // compute beta[j]
448  beta[j] = one / (T[j] - T[m-1]);
449  for(k = 0; k <= m; k++)
450  { if( k != j && k != m-1 )
451  { beta[j] *= (T[m-1] - T[k]);
452  beta[j] /= (T[j] - T[k]);
453  }
454  }
455  }
456  }
458  // evaluate f(T[m-1], x_{m-1} )
459  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
460  x_m[i] = X[(m-1) * n + i];
461  F.Ode(T[m-1], x_m, f);
463  // solve for x_m^0
464  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
465  { x_m[i] = f[i];
466  for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
467  x_m[i] -= beta[j] * X[j * n + i];
468  x_m[i] /= beta[m];
469  }
470  x_m0 = x_m;
472  // evaluate partial w.r.t x of f(T[m], x_m^0)
473  F.Ode_dep(T[m], x_m, f_x);
475  // compute the matrix A = ( alpha[m] * I - f_x )
476  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
477  { for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
478  A[i * n + j] = - f_x[i * n + j];
479  A[i * n + i] += alpha[m];
480  }
482  // LU factor (and overwrite) the matrix A
483  CppAD::vector<size_t> ip(n) , jp(n);
484 # ifndef NDEBUG
485  int sign =
486 # endif
487  LuFactor(ip, jp, A);
489  sign != 0,
490  "OdeGear: step size is to large"
491  );
493  // Iterations of Newton's method
494  for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
495  {
496  // only evaluate f( T[m] , x_m ) keep f_x during iteration
497  F.Ode(T[m], x_m, f);
499  // b = f + f_x x_m - alpha[0] x_0 - ... - alpha[m-1] x_{m-1}
500  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
501  { b[i] = f[i];
502  for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
503  b[i] -= f_x[i * n + j] * x_m[j];
504  for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
505  b[i] -= alpha[j] * X[ j * n + i ];
506  }
507  LuInvert(ip, jp, A, b);
508  x_m = b;
509  }
511  // return estimate for x( t[k] ) and the estimated error bound
512  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
513  { X[m * n + i] = x_m[i];
514  e[i] = x_m[i] - x_m0[i];
515  if( e[i] < zero )
516  e[i] = - e[i];
517  }
518 }
520 } // End CppAD namespace
522 # endif
#define CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(exp, msg)
Check that exp is true, if not print msg and terminate execution.
void OdeGear(Fun &F, size_t m, size_t n, const Vector &T, Vector &X, Vector &e)
Definition: ode_gear.hpp:367
Define the CppAD error checking macros (all of which begin with CPPAD_ASSERT_)
void LuInvert(const SizeVector &ip, const SizeVector &jp, const FloatVector &LU, FloatVector &B)
Definition: lu_invert.hpp:169
int LuFactor(SizeVector &ip, SizeVector &jp, FloatVector &LU)
Definition: lu_factor.hpp:276
std::complex< double > sign(const std::complex< double > &x)
File used to define CppAD::vector and CppAD::vectorBool.
Scalar value_type