CppAD: A C++ Algorithmic Differentiation Package  20171217
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4 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-17 Bradley M. Bell
7 CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
8 the terms of the
9  Eclipse Public License Version 1.0.
11 A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
12 Please visit http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ for information on other licenses.
13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15 /*
16 $begin LuFactor$$
17 $escape #$$
18 $spell
19  cppad.hpp
20  Cpp
21  Geq
22  Lu
23  bool
24  const
25  ip
26  jp
27  namespace
28  std
29  typename
30 $$
33 $section LU Factorization of A Square Matrix$$
34 $mindex LuFactor linear equation solve$$
36 $pre
37 $$
39 $head Syntax$$ $codei%# include <cppad/utility/lu_factor.hpp>
40 %$$
41 $icode%sign% = LuFactor(%ip%, %jp%, %LU%)%$$
44 $head Description$$
45 Computes an LU factorization of the matrix $icode A$$
46 where $icode A$$ is a square matrix.
48 $head Include$$
49 The file $code cppad/lu_factor.hpp$$ is included by $code cppad/cppad.hpp$$
50 but it can also be included separately with out the rest of
51 the $code CppAD$$ routines.
53 $head Matrix Storage$$
54 All matrices are stored in row major order.
55 To be specific, if $latex Y$$ is a vector
56 that contains a $latex p$$ by $latex q$$ matrix,
57 the size of $latex Y$$ must be equal to $latex p * q $$ and for
58 $latex i = 0 , \ldots , p-1$$,
59 $latex j = 0 , \ldots , q-1$$,
60 $latex \[
61  Y_{i,j} = Y[ i * q + j ]
62 \] $$
64 $head sign$$
65 The return value $icode sign$$ has prototype
66 $codei%
67  int %sign%
68 %$$
69 If $icode A$$ is invertible, $icode sign$$ is plus or minus one
70 and is the sign of the permutation corresponding to the row ordering
71 $icode ip$$ and column ordering $icode jp$$.
72 If $icode A$$ is not invertible, $icode sign$$ is zero.
74 $head ip$$
75 The argument $icode ip$$ has prototype
76 $codei%
77  %SizeVector% &%ip%
78 %$$
79 (see description of $cref/SizeVector/LuFactor/SizeVector/$$ below).
80 The size of $icode ip$$ is referred to as $icode n$$ in the
81 specifications below.
82 The input value of the elements of $icode ip$$ does not matter.
83 The output value of the elements of $icode ip$$ determine
84 the order of the rows in the permuted matrix.
86 $head jp$$
87 The argument $icode jp$$ has prototype
88 $codei%
89  %SizeVector% &%jp%
90 %$$
91 (see description of $cref/SizeVector/LuFactor/SizeVector/$$ below).
92 The size of $icode jp$$ must be equal to $icode n$$.
93 The input value of the elements of $icode jp$$ does not matter.
94 The output value of the elements of $icode jp$$ determine
95 the order of the columns in the permuted matrix.
97 $head LU$$
98 The argument $icode LU$$ has the prototype
99 $codei%
100  %FloatVector% &%LU%
101 %$$
102 and the size of $icode LU$$ must equal $latex n * n$$
103 (see description of $cref/FloatVector/LuFactor/FloatVector/$$ below).
105 $subhead A$$
106 We define $icode A$$ as the matrix corresponding to the input
107 value of $icode LU$$.
109 $subhead P$$
110 We define the permuted matrix $icode P$$ in terms of $icode A$$ by
111 $codei%
112  %P%(%i%, %j%) = %A%[ %ip%[%i%] * %n% + %jp%[%j%] ]
113 %$$
115 $subhead L$$
116 We define the lower triangular matrix $icode L$$ in terms of the
117 output value of $icode LU$$.
118 The matrix $icode L$$ is zero above the diagonal
119 and the rest of the elements are defined by
120 $codei%
121  %L%(%i%, %j%) = %LU%[ %ip%[%i%] * %n% + %jp%[%j%] ]
122 %$$
123 for $latex i = 0 , \ldots , n-1$$ and $latex j = 0 , \ldots , i$$.
125 $subhead U$$
126 We define the upper triangular matrix $icode U$$ in terms of the
127 output value of $icode LU$$.
128 The matrix $icode U$$ is zero below the diagonal,
129 one on the diagonal,
130 and the rest of the elements are defined by
131 $codei%
132  %U%(%i%, %j%) = %LU%[ %ip%[%i%] * %n% + %jp%[%j%] ]
133 %$$
134 for $latex i = 0 , \ldots , n-2$$ and $latex j = i+1 , \ldots , n-1$$.
136 $subhead Factor$$
137 If the return value $icode sign$$ is non-zero,
138 $codei%
139  %L% * %U% = %P%
140 %$$
141 If the return value of $icode sign$$ is zero,
142 the contents of $icode L$$ and $icode U$$ are not defined.
144 $subhead Determinant$$
145 If the return value $icode sign$$ is zero,
146 the determinant of $icode A$$ is zero.
147 If $icode sign$$ is non-zero,
148 using the output value of $icode LU$$
149 the determinant of the matrix $icode A$$ is equal to
150 $codei%
151 %sign% * %LU%[%ip%[0], %jp%[0]] * %...% * %LU%[%ip%[%n%-1], %jp%[%n%-1]]
152 %$$
154 $head SizeVector$$
155 The type $icode SizeVector$$ must be a $cref SimpleVector$$ class with
156 $cref/elements of type size_t/SimpleVector/Elements of Specified Type/$$.
157 The routine $cref CheckSimpleVector$$ will generate an error message
158 if this is not the case.
160 $head FloatVector$$
161 The type $icode FloatVector$$ must be a
162 $cref/simple vector class/SimpleVector/$$.
163 The routine $cref CheckSimpleVector$$ will generate an error message
164 if this is not the case.
166 $head Float$$
167 This notation is used to denote the type corresponding
168 to the elements of a $icode FloatVector$$.
169 The type $icode Float$$ must satisfy the conditions
170 for a $cref NumericType$$ type.
171 The routine $cref CheckNumericType$$ will generate an error message
172 if this is not the case.
173 In addition, the following operations must be defined for any pair
174 of $icode Float$$ objects $icode x$$ and $icode y$$:
176 $table
177 $bold Operation$$ $cnext $bold Description$$ $rnext
178 $codei%log(%x%)%$$ $cnext
179  returns the logarithm of $icode x$$ as a $icode Float$$ object
180 $tend
182 $head AbsGeq$$
183 Including the file $code lu_factor.hpp$$ defines the template function
184 $codei%
185  template <typename %Float%>
186  bool AbsGeq<%Float%>(const %Float% &%x%, const %Float% &%y%)
187 %$$
188 in the $code CppAD$$ namespace.
189 This function returns true if the absolute value of
190 $icode x$$ is greater than or equal the absolute value of $icode y$$.
191 It is used by $code LuFactor$$ to choose the pivot elements.
192 This template function definition uses the operator
193 $code <=$$ to obtain the absolute value for $icode Float$$ objects.
194 If this operator is not defined for your use of $icode Float$$,
195 you will need to specialize this template so that it works for your
196 use of $code LuFactor$$.
197 $pre
199 $$
200 Complex numbers do not have the operation $code <=$$ defined.
201 The specializations
202 $codei%
203 bool AbsGeq< std::complex<float> >
204  (const std::complex<float> &%x%, const std::complex<float> &%y%)
205 bool AbsGeq< std::complex<double> >
206  (const std::complex<double> &%x%, const std::complex<double> &%y%)
207 %$$
208 are define by including $code lu_factor.hpp$$
209 These return true if the sum of the square of the real and imaginary parts
210 of $icode x$$ is greater than or equal the
211 sum of the square of the real and imaginary parts of $icode y$$.
213 $children%
214  example/utility/lu_factor.cpp%
215  omh/lu_factor_hpp.omh
216 %$$
217 $head Example$$
218 The file
219 $cref lu_factor.cpp$$
220 contains an example and test of using $code LuFactor$$ by itself.
221 It returns true if it succeeds and false otherwise.
222 $pre
224 $$
225 The file $cref lu_solve.hpp$$ provides a useful example usage of
226 $code LuFactor$$ with $code LuInvert$$.
228 $head Source$$
229 The file $cref lu_factor.hpp$$ contains the
230 current source code that implements these specifications.
232 $end
233 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
234 */
235 // BEGIN C++
237 # include <complex>
238 # include <vector>
240 # include <cppad/core/cppad_assert.hpp>
244 namespace CppAD { // BEGIN CppAD namespace
246 // AbsGeq
247 template <typename Float>
248 inline bool AbsGeq(const Float &x, const Float &y)
249 { Float xabs = x;
250  if( xabs <= Float(0) )
251  xabs = - xabs;
252  Float yabs = y;
253  if( yabs <= Float(0) )
254  yabs = - yabs;
255  return xabs >= yabs;
256 }
257 inline bool AbsGeq(
258  const std::complex<double> &x,
259  const std::complex<double> &y)
260 { double xsq = x.real() * x.real() + x.imag() * x.imag();
261  double ysq = y.real() * y.real() + y.imag() * y.imag();
263  return xsq >= ysq;
264 }
265 inline bool AbsGeq(
266  const std::complex<float> &x,
267  const std::complex<float> &y)
268 { float xsq = x.real() * x.real() + x.imag() * x.imag();
269  float ysq = y.real() * y.real() + y.imag() * y.imag();
271  return xsq >= ysq;
272 }
274 // Lines that are different from code in cppad/core/lu_ratio.hpp end with //
275 template <class SizeVector, class FloatVector> //
276 int LuFactor(SizeVector &ip, SizeVector &jp, FloatVector &LU) //
277 {
278  // type of the elements of LU //
279  typedef typename FloatVector::value_type Float; //
281  // check numeric type specifications
282  CheckNumericType<Float>();
284  // check simple vector class specifications
285  CheckSimpleVector<Float, FloatVector>();
286  CheckSimpleVector<size_t, SizeVector>();
288  size_t i, j; // some temporary indices
289  const Float zero( 0 ); // the value zero as a Float object
290  size_t imax; // row index of maximum element
291  size_t jmax; // column indx of maximum element
292  Float emax; // maximum absolute value
293  size_t p; // count pivots
294  int sign; // sign of the permutation
295  Float etmp; // temporary element
296  Float pivot; // pivot element
298  // -------------------------------------------------------
299  size_t n = ip.size();
301  size_t(jp.size()) == n,
302  "Error in LuFactor: jp must have size equal to n"
303  );
305  size_t(LU.size()) == n * n,
306  "Error in LuFactor: LU must have size equal to n * m"
307  );
308  // -------------------------------------------------------
310  // initialize row and column order in matrix not yet pivoted
311  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
312  { ip[i] = i;
313  jp[i] = i;
314  }
315  // initialize the sign of the permutation
316  sign = 1;
317  // ---------------------------------------------------------
319  // Reduce the matrix P to L * U using n pivots
320  for(p = 0; p < n; p++)
321  { // determine row and column corresponding to element of
322  // maximum absolute value in remaining part of P
323  imax = jmax = n;
324  emax = zero;
325  for(i = p; i < n; i++)
326  { for(j = p; j < n; j++)
328  (ip[i] < n) & (jp[j] < n)
329  );
330  etmp = LU[ ip[i] * n + jp[j] ];
332  // check if maximum absolute value so far
333  if( AbsGeq (etmp, emax) )
334  { imax = i;
335  jmax = j;
336  emax = etmp;
337  }
338  }
339  }
341  (imax < n) & (jmax < n) ,
342  "LuFactor can't determine an element with "
343  "maximum absolute value.\n"
344  "Perhaps original matrix contains not a number or infinity.\n"
345  "Perhaps your specialization of AbsGeq is not correct."
346  );
347  if( imax != p )
348  { // switch rows so max absolute element is in row p
349  i = ip[p];
350  ip[p] = ip[imax];
351  ip[imax] = i;
352  sign = -sign;
353  }
354  if( jmax != p )
355  { // switch columns so max absolute element is in column p
356  j = jp[p];
357  jp[p] = jp[jmax];
358  jp[jmax] = j;
359  sign = -sign;
360  }
361  // pivot using the max absolute element
362  pivot = LU[ ip[p] * n + jp[p] ];
364  // check for determinant equal to zero
365  if( pivot == zero )
366  { // abort the mission
367  return 0;
368  }
370  // Reduce U by the elementary transformations that maps
371  // LU( ip[p], jp[p] ) to one. Only need transform elements
372  // above the diagonal in U and LU( ip[p] , jp[p] ) is
373  // corresponding value below diagonal in L.
374  for(j = p+1; j < n; j++)
375  LU[ ip[p] * n + jp[j] ] /= pivot;
377  // Reduce U by the elementary transformations that maps
378  // LU( ip[i], jp[p] ) to zero. Only need transform elements
379  // above the diagonal in U and LU( ip[i], jp[p] ) is
380  // corresponding value below diagonal in L.
381  for(i = p+1; i < n; i++ )
382  { etmp = LU[ ip[i] * n + jp[p] ];
383  for(j = p+1; j < n; j++)
384  { LU[ ip[i] * n + jp[j] ] -=
385  etmp * LU[ ip[p] * n + jp[j] ];
386  }
387  }
388  }
389  return sign;
390 }
391 } // END CppAD namespace
392 // END C++
393 # endif
#define CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(exp, msg)
Check that exp is true, if not print msg and terminate execution.
bool AbsGeq(const Float &x, const Float &y)
Definition: lu_factor.hpp:248
Define the CppAD error checking macros (all of which begin with CPPAD_ASSERT_)
int LuFactor(SizeVector &ip, SizeVector &jp, FloatVector &LU)
Definition: lu_factor.hpp:276
Check that exp is true, if not terminate execution.
std::complex< double > sign(const std::complex< double > &x)
Scalar value_type