\newcommand{\B}[1]{{\bf #1}}  \newcommand{\R}[1]{{\rm #1}}
f2cad-20100428: Convert Fortran 77 to C++ AD Types
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Math in Latex   f2cad.htm _printable.htm
Math in MathML   f2cad.xml _priintable.xml

a: Purpose

a.a: cmlib AD Library
Provide a growing 6: subset of cmlib (http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/cmlib/index/index) as a library that can be used with adolc (https://projects.coin-or.org/ADOL-C) , cppad (http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/) , or fadbad (http://www.fadbad.com/fadbad.html) .

a.b: Other Libraries and C++ AD Types
Provide the infrastructure to convert any Fortran 77 code to any C++ AD type.

b: get_started
The getting started examples in 4: get_started show how to use the files in the library with each of the AD types.

c: Example
The examples and tests in 6: library demonstrate the use of each of the Fortran routines in the library with each of the AD types. On the other hand, you should use the interface best for your particular AD type when using the library (see 4: get_started .)

d: Contents
1: Table of Contents
2: Your License for the f2cad Software
3: Installing f2cad
4: Getting Started Using the f2cad Libraries
5: C++ Types Corresponding to Fortran Prototypes
6: f2cad Library
7: Run Test of All the Library Routines
8: Utilities used to Test Library
9: Adding a Fortran Routine to the f2cad Libraries
10: Changes And Additions To f2cad
11: Alphabetic Listing of Cross Reference Tags
12: Keyword Index
13: External Internet References

Input File: f2cad.omh
1: Table of Contents
f2cad-20100428: Convert Fortran 77 to C++ AD Types: : f2cad
    Table of Contents: 1: _contents
    Your License for the f2cad Software: 2: license
    Installing f2cad: 3: Install
    Getting Started Using the f2cad Libraries: 4: get_started
        Getting Started Using Adolc with f2cad Library: 4.1: start_adolc.cpp
        Getting Started Using CppAD with f2cad Library: 4.2: start_cppad.cpp
        Getting Started Using Fadbad with f2cad Library: 4.3: start_fadbad.cpp
    C++ Types Corresponding to Fortran Prototypes: 5: prototype
    f2cad Library: 6: library
        d9knus: 6.1: d9knus
            d9knus.f: 6.1.1: d9knus.f
        d9lgmc: 6.2: d9lgmc
            d9lgmc.f: 6.2.1: d9lgmc.f
        daxpy: 6.3: daxpy
            daxpy.f: 6.3.1: daxpy.f
        dbesks: 6.4: dbesks
            dbesks.f: 6.4.1: dbesks.f
        dbskes: 6.5: dbskes
            dbskes.f: 6.5.1: dbskes.f
        dcsevl: 6.6: dcsevl
            dcsevl.f: 6.6.1: dcsevl.f
        ddot: 6.7: ddot
            ddot.f: 6.7.1: ddot.f
        dgamlm: 6.8: dgamlm
            dgamlm.f: 6.8.1: dgamlm.f
        dgamma: 6.9: dgamma
            dgamma.f: 6.9.1: dgamma.f
        dgefa: 6.10: dgefa
            dgefa.f: 6.10.1: dgefa.f
        dgesl: 6.11: dgesl
            dgesl.f: 6.11.1: dgesl.f
        dint: 6.12: dint
            dint.f: 6.12.1: dint.f
        dscal: 6.13: dscal
            dscal.f: 6.13.1: dscal.f
        idamax: 6.14: idamax
            idamax.f: 6.14.1: idamax.f
        initds: 6.15: initds
            initds.f: 6.15.1: initds.f
        xerror: 6.16: xerror
            xerror.f: 6.16.1: xerror.f
    Run Test of All the Library Routines: 7: run.cpp
    Utilities used to Test Library: 8: utility
        Implementation of Cmlib i1mach Routine in Cpp: 8.1: i1mach
        Implementation of Cmlib d1mach Routine in Cpp: 8.2: d1mach
        f2cad Common Interface to Adolc, CppAD, and Fadbad: 8.3: f2cad_link
            f2cad Common Interface for Adolc: 8.3.1: AdolcLink
            f2cad Common Interface for CppAD: 8.3.2: CppADLink
            f2cad Common Interface for Fadbad: 8.3.3: FadbadLink
        Determine if Two Double Values Are Nearly Equal: 8.4: near_equal
        Implementation of Cmlib xerror Routine in Cpp: 8.5: xerror2cpp
    Adding a Fortran Routine to the f2cad Libraries: 9: add2lib.sh
    Changes And Additions To f2cad: 10: whats_new
    Alphabetic Listing of Cross Reference Tags: 11: _reference
    Keyword Index: 12: _index
    External Internet References: 13: _external

2: Your License for the f2cad Software

2.a: Short Copyright Notice
This software is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License. A brief description of the license follows:
Below is a copy of the GNU General Public License that is provided along with this software. It is a verbatim copy of the file

2.b: Complete Software License
		       Version 2, June 1991

 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
                       59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
your programs, too.

  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.

  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.

  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their

  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.

  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.

  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.

  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.


  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".

Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.

  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.

You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.

  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.

    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
    parties under the terms of this License.

    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)

These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.

Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.

In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.

  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
    customarily used for software interchange; or,

    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
    received the program in object code or executable form with such
    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)

The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.

If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.

  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.

  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.

  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.

If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other

It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.

This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.

  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.

  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.

Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software

  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.





	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs

  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.

  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.

    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:

    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.

You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:

  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.

  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
  Ty Coon, President of Vice

This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

Input File: omh/license.omh
3: Installing f2cad

3.a: Subversion
If you have subversion (http://subversion.tigris.org/) , you can use the following command to get the specified release of
     svn checkout $f2cad_svn/releases/0.
where yyyy is the year, mm is the month, dd is the day, and r is the release number.

3.b: Tarballs

3.b.a: Download
You can download a tarball release of the form f2cAD-0.yyyymmdd.r (http://www.coin-or.org/download/source/CoinBazaar/) ,

3.b.b: Extraction
Use the command
     tar -xvzf f2cAD-0.
to extract the download file into the distribution directory

3.c: User Documentation
The user documentation for releases is included in the doc sub-directory of the distribution directory. The file doc/doc.xml is the top of the documentation tree (note table at top listing the different versions of the documentation).

3.d: Built Sources
The next step is to use f2c (http://netlib.sandia.gov/f2c/index.html) to automatically build the C++ source code from the Fortran source code. In the distribution directory, execute the command:

3.e: Configure
Enter the directory created by the extraction and execute the command:
     ./configure \
[ prefix=prefix ] \
f2c_dir \
[ ADOLC_DIR=adolc_dir ] \
[ CPPAD_DIR=cppad_dir ] \
[ FADBAD_DIR=fadbad_dir ] \
[ CXX_FLAGS=cxx_flags ]
where values in italic are replaced values that you choose, and entries of the form [ ... ] are optional.

3.f: Prefix
The default value for prefix is $HOME; i.e., by default the f2cad include files will install in
and the f2cad libraries are
If you want to install elsewhere, you will have to use this option. For example, if you have permission to write into the directories /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib,
	./configure --prefix=/usr/local
will set up for installing the f2cad include files in the directory
and the f2cad libraries will be
This is the standard location for such files on many systems. If prefix is not a standard location for your system, you will need the compiler switches
prefix/include -L prefix/lib
on the command line when you compile and link your programs with the f2cad libraries.

3.g: F2C_DIR
The directory f2c_dir must be the location where f2c (http://netlib.sandia.gov/f2c/index.html) is installed. To be specific, the files
must be the include file, library file, and executable for f2c.

If you have adolc (https://projects.coin-or.org/ADOL-C) installed on your system, you can specify a value for adolc_dir in the 3.e: configure command line. The value of adolc_dir must be such that
is a valid way to reference the include file adouble.h. In this case, the lib/adolc/libf2c_adolc.a library and the corresponding example and test program example/adolc/run will be built.

If you have cppad (http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/) installed on your system, you can specify a value for cppad_dir in the 3.e: configure command line. The value of cppad_dir must be such that
is a valid way to reference the include file cppad.hpp. In this case, the lib/cppad/libf2c_cppad.a library and the corresponding example and test program example/cppad/run will be built.

If you have fadbad (http://www.fadbad.com/) installed on your system, you can specify a value for fadbad_dir . It must be such that
is a valid reference to fadiff.h. In this case, the lib/fadbad/libf2c_fadbad.a library and the corresponding example and test program example/fadbad/run will be built.

3.k: C++ Errors And Warnings
If the command line argument cxx_flags is present, it specifies compiler error and warning flags. For example,
     CXX_FLAGS="-Wall -ansi"
would specify that error and warning flags -Wall and -ansi should be included in all the C++ compile commands. The error and warning flags chosen must be valid options for the C++ compiler. The default value for cxx_flags is the empty string.

3.l: Building The Libraries
In the f2cad distribution directory, execute the command
This will build the libraries lib/adolc/libf2c_adolc.a, lib/cppad/libf2c_cppad.a, and lib/fadbad/libf2c_fadbad.a.

3.m: Testing
In the f2cad distribution directory, execute the command
	make test
This will compile and run the tests. The results of the tests are stored in the file test.log.

3.n: Final Installation
Once you are satisfied that the tests are giving correct results, you can install the libraries and include files into easy to use directories by executing the command
	make install
This will install f2cad in the location specified by 3.f: prefix .
Input File: omh/install.omh
4: Getting Started Using the f2cad Libraries

4.a: Description
The examples demonstrate how to use each of f2cad libraries libf2c_adolc.a, libf2c_cppad.a, and libf2c_fadbad.a. Adding to the libraries is more complicated and is described in the 9: add2lib.sh section.

4.b: Contents
4.1: Getting Started Using Adolc with f2cad Library
4.2: Getting Started Using CppAD with f2cad Library
4.3: Getting Started Using Fadbad with f2cad Library

Input File: omh/get_started.omh
4.1: Getting Started Using Adolc with f2cad Library

4.1.a: Prototype
int f2cad::dscal_(integer *n, doublereal *da, doublereal *dx, integer *incx);

4.1.b: Description
This is a simple example using Adolc (http://www.math.tu-dresden.de/~adol-c/) and the libf2cadAdolc.a library routine 6.13: dscal to compute the function  \[
f(a) = 

\left( \begin{array}{c}
     1 \\
\end{array} \right)
We check that the derivative of this function, calculated using the Adolc, satisfies  \[
f^{(1)} (a)
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     1 \\
\end{array} \right)

// standard input output library
# include <iostream>

// f2cad set up for adouble
# define F2CAD_USE_ADOLC

// prototype for dscal
# include <f2cad/dscal.hpp>

int main(void)
	// turn on recording of adouble operations
	int tag  = 1;
	int keep = 1;
	trace_on(tag, keep);

	// independent variables
	int n     = 1;   // number of independent variables
	adouble  a[1];   // vector of independent variables
	a[0]   <<= 5.;   // first independent variables

	// create data structure expected by dscal
	integer  m = 2;
	adouble  f[2];
	f[0]     = 1.;
	f[1]     = 2.;
	integer incf = 1;

	// set f = a * f 
	f2cad::dscal_(&m, a, f, &incf );

	// dependent variables
	double fi;
	f[0] >>= fi;     // first dependent variable value
	f[1] >>= fi;     // second dependent variable value

	// turn off recording of adouble operations

	// set differential for a 
	int d    = 1;    // order of the differential  
	double *daMemory = new double [2 * n];
	double **da      = new double * [n];
	int i, j;
	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
		da[j] = daMemory + 2 * j;
	da[0][0] = .5;   // value of a
	da[0][1] = 1.;   // differential for a

	// compute differential for f
	double *dfMemory = new double [2 * m];
	double **df      = new double * [m];
	for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
		df[i] = dfMemory + 2 * i;
	forward(tag, int(m), n, d, keep, da, df);

	// print results
	std::cout << "f(a)  = a * (1, 2)^T" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "f'(a) =     (" 
                  << df[0][1] 
                  << ", " 
                  << df[1][1] 
                  << ")^T" 
                  << std::endl;
	bool ok = df[0][1] == 1. && df[1][1] == 2.;

	// free allocated memory
	delete [] daMemory;
	delete [] dfMemory;
	delete [] da;
	delete [] df;

	if( ok ) 
		return 0;    // no error
	return 1;         // error

Input File: get_started/adolc/run.cpp
4.2: Getting Started Using CppAD with f2cad Library

4.2.a: Prototype
int f2cad::dscal_(integer *n, doublereal *da, doublereal *dx, integer *incx);

4.2.b: Description
This is a simple example using CppAD (http://www.seanet.com/~bradbell/CppAD/) and the libf2cadCppAD.a library routine 6.13: dscal to compute the function  \[
f(a) = 

\left( \begin{array}{c}
     1 \\
\end{array} \right)
We check that the derivative of this function, calculated using the CppAD, satisfies  \[
f^{(1)} (a)
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     1 \\
\end{array} \right)

// standard input output library
# include <iostream>

// f2cad set up for CppAD::AD<double>
# define F2CAD_USE_CPPAD

// prototype for dscal
# include <f2cad/dscal.hpp>

int main(void)
{	using namespace CppAD;

	// independent variables
	size_t n     = 1;                   // number of independent variables
	CppADvector< AD<double> > a(n);     // vector of independent variables
	a[0]          = 5.;                 // value of independent variables
	Independent(a);                     // declare independent variables

	// create data structure expected by dscal
	AD<double> A[1];
	A[0]         = a[0];
	integer M    = 2;
	AD<double>  F[2];
	F[0]         = 1.;
	F[1]         = 2.;
	integer Incf = 1;

	// set f = a * f 
	f2cad::dscal_(&M, A, F, &Incf );

	// dependent variables
	size_t m = 2;                       // number of dependent variables
	CppADvector< AD<double> > f(2);     // vector of dependent variables
	f[0] = F[0];                        // value of dependent variables
	f[1] = F[1];
	ADFun<double> Fun(a, f);            // declare dependent variables

	// set differential for a 
	CppADvector<double> da(n);
	CppADvector<double> df(m);
	da[0] = 1.;

	// compute differential for f
	df    = Fun.Forward(1, da);

	// print results
	std::cout << "f(a)  = a * (1, 2)^T" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "f'(a) =     (" 
                  << df[0] 
                  << ", " 
                  << df[1] 
                  << ")^T" 
                  << std::endl;

	if( df[0] != 1. || df[1] != 2. )
		return 1;  // error
	return 0;          // no error

Input File: get_started/cppad/run.cpp
4.3: Getting Started Using Fadbad with f2cad Library

4.3.a: Syntax
int f2cad::dscal_(integer *n, doublereal *da, doublereal *dx, integer *incx);

4.3.b: Description
This is a simple example using Fadbad (http://www.imm.dtu.dk/fadbad.html/) and the libf2cadFadbad.a library routine 6.13: dscal to compute the function  \[
f(a) = 

\left( \begin{array}{c}
     1 \\
\end{array} \right)
We check that the derivative of this function, calculated using the Fadbad, satisfies  \[
f^{(1)} (a)
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     1 \\
\end{array} \right)

// standard input output library
# include <iostream>

// f2cad set up for F<double>

// prototype for dscal
# include <f2cad/dscal.hpp>

int main(void)
	// independent variables
	doublereal  a[1];  // vector of independent variables
	a[0]   = 5.;      // value of independent variables
	a[0].diff(0, 1);  // declare independent variables

	// create data structure expected by dscal
	integer  m = 2;
	doublereal  f[2];
	f[0]     = 1.;
	f[1]     = 2.;
	integer incf = 1;

	// set f = a * f 
	f2cad::dscal_(&m, a, f, &incf );

	// print results
	std::cout << "f(a)  = a * (1, 2)^T" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "f'(a) =     (" 
                  << f[0].d(0) 
                  << ", " 
                  << f[1].d(0) 
                  << ")^T" 
                  << std::endl;

	// return value not significant
	if( f[0].d(0) != 1. || f[1].d(0) != 2. )
		return 1; // error
	return 0;         // no error

Input File: get_started/fadbad/run.cpp
5: C++ Types Corresponding to Fortran Prototypes

5.a: Description
The following code (extracted from <f2cad/f2cad.hpp>) shows how the prototypes for Fortran functions link to C++ and the AD types:
     typedef enum { test_none, test_pass, test_fail } test_result;
     typedef long int integer;
     # ifdef F2CAD_USE_ADOLC
     # include <adolc/adouble.h>
     # include <adolc/interfaces.h>
     # include <adolc/taping.h>
     typedef adouble doublereal;
     # endif
     # ifdef F2CAD_USE_CPPAD
     # include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
     typedef CppAD::AD<double> doublereal;
     # endif
     # ifdef F2CAD_USE_FADBAD
     # include <FADBAD++/fadiff.h>
     typedef fadbad::F<double> doublereal;
     # endif

Input File: omh/prototype.omh
6: f2cad Library

6.a: Description
This section contains examples and tests for each of the files in the library. These tests run with all three AD packages Adolc, CppAD, and Fadbad. For this reason they use each of the AD packages indirectly though the 8.3: f2cad_link interface In order to do so, these examples and tests include the file <f2cad/f2cad.h> and are not efficient. When you use the library in actual applications, you should not include <f2cad/f2cad.h> and instead define integer and doublereal directly (as done in the 4: get_started examples).

6.b: Contents
6.1: d9knus
6.2: d9lgmc
6.3: daxpy
6.4: dbesks
6.5: dbskes
6.6: dcsevl
6.7: ddot
6.8: dgamlm
6.9: dgamma
6.10: dgefa
6.11: dgesl
6.12: dint
6.13: dscal
6.14: idamax
6.15: initds
6.16: xerror

Input File: omh/library.omh
6.1: d9knus

6.1.a: Prototype
int f2cad::d9knus_(doublereal *xnu, doublereal *x, doublereal *bknu, doublereal *bknu1, integer *iswtch);

6.1.b: Fortran Source
6.1.1: d9knus.f

6.1.c: Notation
We use  K_{\nu} (x) to denote the modified Bessel function of the second kind; i.e., it is the solution of the ODE  \[
x^2 y^{(2)} (x) + x y^{(1)} (x) - ( x^2 + \nu^2 ) = 0
that goes to zero as  x \rightarrow \infty .

6.1.d: Description
The routine d9knus computes the values  \exp(x) K_\nu (x) and  \exp(x) K_{\nu+1} (x) for  x \in [0,1] and  \nu \in [0,1] .

6.1.e: Special Case
By Formula 10.2.17 of Abramowitz and Stegun  \[
     K_{1/2} ( x ) = \sqrt{  \pi / ( 2 x ) } \exp( - x )

# include <cmath>
# include <f2cad/d9knus.hpp>

test_result d9knus(void)
{	bool ok = true;

	// independent variable
	integer    n = 1;          // number of independent variables
	doublereal x[1];           // vector of independent variables
	x[0]         = .75;        // value of independent variable
	f2cad::Independent(n, x);  // declare x as independent variable vector

	// call the routine
	doublereal xnu = .5;
	doublereal bknu, bknu1;
	integer    iswtch;  
	f2cad::d9knus_(&xnu, x+0, &bknu, &bknu1, &iswtch);

	// dependent variables 
	integer     m = 1;          // number of dependent variables
	doublereal  f[1];           // vector of dependent variables
	f[0] = bknu;                // value f[0] = K_nu (x[0]) * exp( x[0] )
	f2cad::Dependent(m, f);     // declare f as dependent variable vector

	// check function value
	double x0    = f2cad::Value( x[0] );
	double f0    = f2cad::Value( f[0] );
	double pi    = 4. * std::atan(1.);
	double check = 1. / sqrt( 2. * x0 / pi );
	ok          &= f2cad::near_equal(f0, check, 1e-10, 1e-10);

	// Evaluate the derivative of f[0] w.r.t x[0]
	double p = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 0);
	check    = - check * check * check / pi;
	ok      &= f2cad::near_equal(p, check, 1e-10, 1e-10);

	if( ok ) 
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/d9knus.cpp
6.1.1: d9knus.f
      subroutine d9knus(xnu,x,bknu,bknu1,iswtch)
c***begin prologue  d9knus
c***date written   770601   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  c10b3
c***keywords  bessel function,double precision,fnlib,special function
c***author  fullerton, w., (lanl)
c***purpose  computes bessel functions exp(x)*k-sub-xnu(x) and exp(x)*
c            k-sub-xnu+1(x) for 0. .le. xnu .lt. 1.
c compute bessel functions exp(x) * k-sub-xnu (x)  and
c exp(x) * k-sub-xnu+1 (x) for 0.0 .le. xnu .lt. 1.0 .
c series for c0k        on the interval  0.          to  2.50000e-01
c                                        with weighted error   2.16e-32
c                                         log weighted error  31.67
c                               significant figures required  30.86
c                                    decimal places required  32.40
c series for znu1       on the interval -7.00000e-01 to  0.
c                                        with weighted error   2.45e-33
c                                         log weighted error  32.61
c                               significant figures required  31.85
c                                    decimal places required  33.26
c***references  (none)
c***routines called  d1mach,dcsevl,dgamma,initds,xerror
c***end prologue  d9knus
      double precision xnu, x, bknu, bknu1, alpha(32), beta(32), a(32),
     1  c0kcs(29), znu1cs(20), alnz, aln2, a0, bknud, bknu0,
     2  b0, c0, euler, expx, p1, p2, p3, qq, result, sqpi2, sqrtx, v,
     3  vlnz, xi, xmu, xnusml, xsml, x2n, x2tov, z, ztov, alnsml,
     4  alnbig
      real alneps
      double precision d1mach, dcsevl, dgamma
      data c0k cs(  1) / +.6018305724 2626108387 5774451803 29 d-1     /
      data c0k cs(  2) / -.1536487143 3017286092 9597559431 24 d+0     /
      data c0k cs(  3) / -.1175117600 8210492040 0682292262 13 d-1     /
      data c0k cs(  4) / -.8524878889 1979509827 0484015509 87 d-3     /
      data c0k cs(  5) / -.6132983876 7496791874 0981769221 11 d-4     /
      data c0k cs(  6) / -.4405228124 5510444562 6798895485 05 d-5     /
      data c0k cs(  7) / -.3163124672 8384488192 9154458921 99 d-6     /
      data c0k cs(  8) / -.2271071938 2899588330 6737717933 96 d-7     /
      data c0k cs(  9) / -.1630564460 8077609552 2746205153 60 d-8     /
      data c0k cs( 10) / -.1170693929 9414776568 7560440431 30 d-9     /
      data c0k cs( 11) / -.8405206378 6464437174 5465934137 92 d-11    /
      data c0k cs( 12) / -.6034667011 8979991487 0960507371 98 d-12    /
      data c0k cs( 13) / -.4332696033 5681371952 0459973669 03 d-13    /
      data c0k cs( 14) / -.3110735803 0203546214 6346977722 37 d-14    /
      data c0k cs( 15) / -.2233407822 6736982254 4861334098 40 d-15    /
      data c0k cs( 16) / -.1603514671 6864226300 6357915286 10 d-16    /
      data c0k cs( 17) / -.1151271736 3666556196 0356977053 05 d-17    /
      data c0k cs( 18) / -.8265759174 6836959105 1694790892 58 d-19    /
      data c0k cs( 19) / -.5934548080 6383948172 3334366959 84 d-20    /
      data c0k cs( 20) / -.4260813819 6467143926 4996130239 76 d-21    /
      data c0k cs( 21) / -.3059126686 4812876299 2636983705 42 d-22    /
      data c0k cs( 22) / -.2196354142 6734575224 9755018155 16 d-23    /
      data c0k cs( 23) / -.1576911326 1495836071 1057506847 60 d-24    /
      data c0k cs( 24) / -.1132171393 5950320948 7577310480 56 d-25    /
      data c0k cs( 25) / -.8128624883 4598404082 7923497144 33 d-27    /
      data c0k cs( 26) / -.5836090089 3453226552 8293493159 49 d-28    /
      data c0k cs( 27) / -.4190124162 3610922519 4523377809 05 d-29    /
      data c0k cs( 28) / -.3008373796 0206435069 5305042128 62 d-30    /
      data c0k cs( 29) / -.2159915206 7808647728 3421680898 32 d-31    /
      data znu1cs(  1) / +.2033067569 9419172967 4444001216 911 d+0    /
      data znu1cs(  2) / +.1400779334 1321977106 2943670790 563 d+0    /
      data znu1cs(  3) / +.7916796961 0016135284 0972241972 320 d-2    /
      data znu1cs(  4) / +.3398011825 3210404535 2930092205 750 d-3    /
      data znu1cs(  5) / +.1174197568 8989336666 4507228352 690 d-4    /
      data znu1cs(  6) / +.3393575706 1226168033 3825865475 121 d-6    /
      data znu1cs(  7) / +.8425941769 7621991019 4629891264 803 d-8    /
      data znu1cs(  8) / +.1833366770 2485008918 4748150900 090 d-9    /
      data znu1cs(  9) / +.3549698447 0441631086 3007064469 557 d-11   /
      data znu1cs( 10) / +.6190324964 6988733220 5244342078 407 d-13   /
      data znu1cs( 11) / +.9819645356 8043942496 0346115456 527 d-15   /
      data znu1cs( 12) / +.1428513143 9649047421 1473563005 985 d-16   /
      data znu1cs( 13) / +.1918949218 8782529896 6162467488 436 d-18   /
      data znu1cs( 14) / +.2394309797 3949891416 2313140597 128 d-20   /
      data znu1cs( 15) / +.2788902468 1534735483 5870465474 995 d-22   /
      data znu1cs( 16) / +.3046066506 3303344258 2845214092 865 d-24   /
      data znu1cs( 17) / +.3131732370 4219181577 1564260932 089 d-26   /
      data znu1cs( 18) / +.3041330989 8785495164 5174908005 034 d-28   /
      data znu1cs( 19) / +.2798403846 3683308434 3185097659 733 d-30   /
      data znu1cs( 20) / +.2446371862 7449759648 5238794922 666 d-32   /
      data euler / 0.5772156649 0153286060 6512090082 40d0 /
      data sqpi2 / +1.253314137 3155002512 0788264240 55 d0      /
      data aln2 / 0.6931471805 5994530941 7232121458 18d0 /
      data ntc0k, ntznu1 / 2*0 /
      data xnusml, xsml, alnsml, alnbig / 4*0.d0 /
      data alneps / 0.0 /
c***first executable statement  d9knus
      if (ntc0k.ne.0) go to 10
      eta = 0.1d0*d1mach(3)
      ntc0k = initds (c0kcs, 29, eta)
      ntznu1 = initds (znu1cs, 20, eta)
      xnusml = dsqrt (d1mach(3)/8.d0)
      xsml = 0.1d0*d1mach(3)
      alnsml = dlog (d1mach(1))
      alnbig = dlog (d1mach(2))
      alneps = dlog (0.1d0*d1mach(3))
 10   if (xnu.lt.0.d0 .or. xnu.ge.1.d0) call xerror (  'd9knus  xnu must
     1 be ge 0 and lt 1', 33, 1, 2)
      if (x.le.0.) call xerror ( 'd9knus  x must be gt 0', 22, 2, 2)
      iswtch = 0
      if (x.gt.2.0d0) go to 50
c x is small.  compute k-sub-xnu (x) and the derivative of k-sub-xnu (x)
c then find k-sub-xnu+1 (x).  xnu is reduced to the interval (-.5,+.5)
c then to (0., .5), because k of negative order (-nu) = k of positive
c order (+nu).
      v = xnu
      if (xnu.gt.0.5d0) v = 1.0d0 - xnu
c carefully find (x/2)**xnu and z**xnu where z = x*x/4.
      alnz = 2.d0 * (dlog(x) - aln2)
      if (x.gt.xnu) go to 20
      if (-0.5d0*xnu*alnz-aln2-dlog(xnu).gt.alnbig) call xerror ( 'd9knu
     1s  x so small bessel k-sub-xnu overflows', 45, 3, 2)
 20   vlnz = v*alnz
      x2tov = dexp (0.5d0*vlnz)
      ztov = 0.0d0
      if (vlnz.gt.alnsml) ztov = x2tov**2
      a0 = 0.5d0*dgamma(1.0d0+v)
      b0 = 0.5d0*dgamma(1.0d0-v)
      c0 = -euler
      if (ztov.gt.0.5d0 .and. v.gt.xnusml) c0 = -0.75d0 +
     1  dcsevl ((8.0d0*v)*v-1.0d0, c0kcs, ntc0k)
      if (ztov.le.0.5d0) alpha(1) = (a0-ztov*b0)/v
      if (ztov.gt.0.5d0) alpha(1) = c0 - alnz*(0.75d0 +
     1  dcsevl (vlnz/0.35d0+1.0d0, znu1cs, ntznu1))*b0
      beta(1) = -0.5d0*(a0+ztov*b0)
      z = 0.0d0
      if (x.gt.xsml) z = 0.25d0*x*x
      nterms = max1 (2.0, 11.0+(8.*sngl(alnz)-25.19-alneps)
     1  /(4.28-sngl(alnz)))
      do 30 i=2,nterms
        xi = i - 1
        a0 = a0/(xi*(xi-v))
        b0 = b0/(xi*(xi+v))
        alpha(i) = (alpha(i-1)+2.0d0*xi*a0)/(xi*(xi+v))
        beta(i) = (xi-0.5d0*v)*alpha(i) - ztov*b0
 30   continue
      bknu = alpha(nterms)
      bknud = beta(nterms)
      do 40 ii=2,nterms
        i = nterms + 1 - ii
        bknu = alpha(i) + bknu*z
        bknud = beta(i) + bknud*z
 40   continue
      expx = dexp(x)
      bknu = expx*bknu/x2tov
      if (-0.5d0*(xnu+1.d0)*alnz-2.0d0*aln2.gt.alnbig) iswtch = 1
      if (iswtch.eq.1) return
      bknud = expx*bknud*2.0d0/(x2tov*x)
      if (xnu.le.0.5d0) bknu1 = v*bknu/x - bknud
      if (xnu.le.0.5d0) return
      bknu0 = bknu
      bknu = -v*bknu/x - bknud
      bknu1 = 2.0d0*xnu*bknu/x + bknu0
c x is large.  find k-sub-xnu (x) and k-sub-xnu+1 (x) with y. l. luke-s
c rational expansion.
 50   sqrtx = dsqrt(x)
      if (x.gt.1.0d0/xsml) go to 90
      an = -0.60 - 1.02/sngl(x)
      bn = -0.27 - 0.53/sngl(x)
      nterms = min0 (32, max1 (3.0, an+bn*alneps))
      do 80 inu=1,2
        xmu = 0.d0
        if (inu.eq.1 .and. xnu.gt.xnusml) xmu = (4.0d0*xnu)*xnu
        if (inu.eq.2) xmu = 4.0d0*(dabs(xnu)+1.d0)**2
        a(1) = 1.0d0 - xmu
        a(2) = 9.0d0 - xmu
        a(3) = 25.0d0 - xmu
        if (a(2).eq.0.d0) result = sqpi2*(16.d0*x+xmu+7.d0) /
     1    (16.d0*x*sqrtx)
        if (a(2).eq.0.d0) go to 70
        alpha(1) = 1.0d0
        alpha(2) = (16.d0*x+a(2))/a(2)
        alpha(3) = ((768.d0*x+48.d0*a(3))*x + a(2)*a(3))/(a(2)*a(3))
        beta(1) = 1.0d0
        beta(2) = (16.d0*x+(xmu+7.d0))/a(2)
        beta(3) = ((768.d0*x+48.d0*(xmu+23.d0))*x +
     1    ((xmu+62.d0)*xmu+129.d0))/(a(2)*a(3))
        if (nterms.lt.4) go to 65
        do 60 i=4,nterms
          n = i - 1
          x2n = 2*n - 1
          a(i) = (x2n+2.d0)**2 - xmu
          qq = 16.d0*x2n/a(i)
          p1 = -x2n*(dble(float(12*n*n-20*n))-a(1))/((x2n-2.d0)*a(i))
     1      - qq*x
          p2 = (dble(float(12*n*n-28*n+8))-a(1))/a(i) - qq*x
          p3 = -x2n*a(i-3)/((x2n-2.d0)*a(i))
          alpha(i) = -p1*alpha(i-1) - p2*alpha(i-2) - p3*alpha(i-3)
          beta(i) = -p1*beta(i-1) - p2*beta(i-2) - p3*beta(i-3)
 60     continue
 65     result = sqpi2*beta(nterms)/(sqrtx*alpha(nterms))
 70     if (inu.eq.1) bknu = result
        if (inu.eq.2) bknu1 = result
 80   continue
 90   bknu = sqpi2/sqrtx
      bknu1 = bknu

Input File: f.omh/d9knus.f.omh
6.2: d9lgmc

6.2.a: Prototype
doublereal f2cad::d9lgmc_(doublereal *x);

6.2.b: Fortran Source
6.2.1: d9lgmc.f

6.2.c: Description
Change this paragraph to a description of this example / test.
# include <f2cad/d9lgmc.hpp>

test_result d9lgmc(void)
	// Replace the following line by an example / test of d9lgmc
	// that returns test_pass if the test passes and test_fail otherwise.
	return test_none;

Input File: example/d9lgmc.cpp
6.2.1: d9lgmc.f
      double precision function d9lgmc(x)
c***begin prologue  d9lgmc
c***date written   770601   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  c7e
c***keywords  complete gamma function,correction factor,
c             double precision,gamma function,logarithm,
c             special function
c***author  fullerton, w., (lanl)
c***purpose  computes the  d.p. log gamma correction factor for
c            x .ge. 10. so that dlog(dgamma(x)) = dlog(dsqrt(2*pi)) +
c            (x-5.)*dlog(x) - x + d9lgmc(x)
c compute the log gamma correction factor for x .ge. 10. so that
c dlog (dgamma(x)) = dlog(dsqrt(2*pi)) + (x-.5)*dlog(x) - x + d9lgmc(x)
c series for algm       on the interval  0.          to  1.00000e-02
c                                        with weighted error   1.28e-31
c                                         log weighted error  30.89
c                               significant figures required  29.81
c                                    decimal places required  31.48
c***references  (none)
c***routines called  d1mach,dcsevl,initds,xerror
c***end prologue  d9lgmc
      double precision x, algmcs(15), xbig, xmax, dcsevl, d1mach
      data algmcs(  1) / +.1666389480 4518632472 0572965082 2 d+0      /
      data algmcs(  2) / -.1384948176 0675638407 3298605913 5 d-4      /
      data algmcs(  3) / +.9810825646 9247294261 5717154748 7 d-8      /
      data algmcs(  4) / -.1809129475 5724941942 6330626671 9 d-10     /
      data algmcs(  5) / +.6221098041 8926052271 2601554341 6 d-13     /
      data algmcs(  6) / -.3399615005 4177219443 0333059966 6 d-15     /
      data algmcs(  7) / +.2683181998 4826987489 5753884666 6 d-17     /
      data algmcs(  8) / -.2868042435 3346432841 4462239999 9 d-19     /
      data algmcs(  9) / +.3962837061 0464348036 7930666666 6 d-21     /
      data algmcs( 10) / -.6831888753 9857668701 1199999999 9 d-23     /
      data algmcs( 11) / +.1429227355 9424981475 7333333333 3 d-24     /
      data algmcs( 12) / -.3547598158 1010705471 9999999999 9 d-26     /
      data algmcs( 13) / +.1025680058 0104709120 0000000000 0 d-27     /
      data algmcs( 14) / -.3401102254 3167487999 9999999999 9 d-29     /
      data algmcs( 15) / +.1276642195 6300629333 3333333333 3 d-30     /
      data nalgm, xbig, xmax / 0, 2*0.d0 /
c***first executable statement  d9lgmc
      if (nalgm.ne.0) go to 10
      nalgm = initds (algmcs, 15, sngl(d1mach(3)) )
      xbig = 1.0d0/dsqrt(d1mach(3))
      xmax = dexp (dmin1(dlog(d1mach(2)/12.d0), -dlog(12.d0*d1mach(1))))
 10   if (x.lt.10.d0) call xerror ( 'd9lgmc  x must be ge 10', 23, 1, 2)
      if (x.ge.xmax) go to 20
      d9lgmc = 1.d0/(12.d0*x)
      if (x.lt.xbig) d9lgmc = dcsevl (2.0d0*(10.d0/x)**2-1.d0, algmcs,
     1  nalgm) / x
 20   d9lgmc = 0.d0
      call xerror ( 'd9lgmc  x so big d9lgmc underflows', 34, 2, 1)

Input File: f.omh/d9lgmc.f.omh
6.3: daxpy

6.3.a: Prototype
int f2cad::daxpy_(integer *n, doublereal *da, doublereal *dx, integer *incx, doublereal *dy, integer *incy);

6.3.b: Fortran Source
6.3.1: daxpy.f

6.3.c: Description
This example uses daxpy.f to compute  \[
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     f_0 \\
\end{array} \right)

\left( \begin{array}{c}
     x_0 \\
\end{array} \right)
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     3 \\
\end{array} \right)
Using the 8.3: f2cad_link routines f2cad::Independent and f2cad::Dependent, this defines the function  \[
f(x) = 
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     5 x_0 + 3 \\
     5 x_1 + 4 
\end{array} \right)
We check that the derivative of this function, calculated using the f2cad::Partial routine, satisfies  \[
f^{(1)} (x)
\left( \begin{array}{cc}
     5 & 0 \\
     0 & 5
\end{array} \right)

# include <f2cad/daxpy.hpp>

test_result daxpy(void)
{	bool ok = true;

	// Input values for daxpy
	doublereal a = 5.;

	integer n    = 2;
	doublereal  x[2];
	x[0]         = 1.;
	x[1]         = 2.;
	integer incx = 1;

	integer m    = 2;
	doublereal  f[2];
	f[0]         = 3.;
	f[1]         = 4.;
	integer incf = 1;

	// declare independent variables
	f2cad::Independent(n, x);

	// set f = a * x + f
	f2cad::daxpy_(&n, &a, x, &incx, f, &incf);

	// declare dependent variables
	f2cad::Dependent(m, f);

	double p;
	p   = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 0);
	ok &= f2cad::near_equal(p, 5., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	p   = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(1, 0);
	ok &= f2cad::near_equal(p, 0., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	p   = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 1);
	ok &= f2cad::near_equal(p, 0., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	p   = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(1, 1);
	ok &= f2cad::near_equal(p, 5., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	if( ok )
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/daxpy.cpp
6.3.1: daxpy.f
      subroutine daxpy(n,da,dx,incx,dy,incy)
c***begin prologue  daxpy
c***date written   791001   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  d1a7
c***keywords  blas,double precision,linear algebra,triad,vector
c***author  lawson, c. l., (jpl)
c           hanson, r. j., (snla)
c           kincaid, d. r., (u. of texas)
c           krogh, f. t., (jpl)
c***purpose  d.p computation y = a*x + y
c                b l a s  subprogram
c    description of parameters
c     --input--
c        n  number of elements in input vector(s)
c       da  double precision scalar multiplier
c       dx  double precision vector with n elements
c     incx  storage spacing between elements of dx
c       dy  double precision vector with n elements
c     incy  storage spacing between elements of dy
c     --output--
c       dy  double precision result (unchanged if n .le. 0)
c     overwrite double precision dy with double precision da*dx + dy.
c     for i = 0 to n-1, replace  dy(ly+i*incy) with da*dx(lx+i*incx) +
c       dy(ly+i*incy), where lx = 1 if incx .ge. 0, else lx = (-incx)*n
c       and ly is defined in a similar way using incy.
c***references  lawson c.l., hanson r.j., kincaid d.r., krogh f.t.,
c                 *basic linear algebra subprograms for fortran usage*,
c                 algorithm no. 539, transactions on mathematical
c                 software, volume 5, number 3, september 1979, 308-323
c***routines called  (none)
c***end prologue  daxpy
      double precision dx(1),dy(1),da
c***first executable statement  daxpy
      if(n.le.0.or.da.eq.0.d0) return
      if(incx.eq.incy) if(incx-1) 5,20,60
    5 continue
c        code for nonequal or nonpositive increments.
      ix = 1
      iy = 1
      if(incx.lt.0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
      if(incy.lt.0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
      do 10 i = 1,n
        dy(iy) = dy(iy) + da*dx(ix)
        ix = ix + incx
        iy = iy + incy
   10 continue
c        code for both increments equal to 1
c        clean-up loop so remaining vector length is a multiple of 4.
   20 m = mod(n,4)
      if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40
      do 30 i = 1,m
        dy(i) = dy(i) + da*dx(i)
   30 continue
      if( n .lt. 4 ) return
   40 mp1 = m + 1
      do 50 i = mp1,n,4
        dy(i) = dy(i) + da*dx(i)
        dy(i + 1) = dy(i + 1) + da*dx(i + 1)
        dy(i + 2) = dy(i + 2) + da*dx(i + 2)
        dy(i + 3) = dy(i + 3) + da*dx(i + 3)
   50 continue
c        code for equal, positive, nonunit increments.
   60 continue
      ns = n*incx
          do 70 i=1,ns,incx
          dy(i) = da*dx(i) + dy(i)
   70     continue

Input File: omh/daxpy.f.omh
6.4: dbesks

6.4.a: Prototype
int f2cad::dbesks_(doublereal *xnu, doublereal *x, integer *nin, doublereal *bk);

6.4.b: Fortran Source
6.4.1: dbesks.f

6.4.c: Notation
We use  K_{\nu} (x) to denote the modified Bessel function of the second kind; i.e., it is the solution of the ODE  \[
x^2 y^{(2)} (x) + x y^{(1)} (x) - ( x^2 + \nu^2 ) = 0
that goes to zero as  x \rightarrow \infty .

6.4.d: Description
The routine dbesks computes the values  K_{\nu + i} (x) where  x > 0 ,  -1 < \nu < 1 ,  i = 0 , 1 , \ldots , nin-1 (if  nin > 0 ),  i = 0 , -1 , \ldots , nin+1 (if  nin < 0 ).

6.4.e: Special Case
By Formula 10.2.17 of Abramowitz and Stegun  \[
     K_{3/2} ( x ) = \sqrt{  \pi / ( 2 x ) } ( 1 + 1 / x ) \exp( - x )

# include <cmath>
# include <f2cad/dbesks.hpp>

test_result dbesks(void)
{	bool ok = true;

	// independent variable
	integer    n = 1;          // number of independent variables
	doublereal x[1];           // vector of independent variables
	x[0]         = .75;        // value of independent variable
	f2cad::Independent(n, x);  // declare x as independent variable vector

	// call the routine
	doublereal xnu = .5;
	doublereal bk[2];
	integer    nin = 2;  
	f2cad::dbesks_(&xnu, x+0, &nin, bk);

	// dependent variables 
	integer     m = 1;          // number of dependent variables
	doublereal  f[1];           // vector of dependent variables
	f[0] = bk[1];               // value f[0] = K_(nu+1) (x[0])
	f2cad::Dependent(m, f);     // declare f as dependent variable vector

	// check function value
	double x0    = f2cad::Value( x[0] );
	double f0    = f2cad::Value( f[0] );
	double pi    = 4. * std::atan(1.);
	double term  = 1. / sqrt( 2. * x0 / pi );
	double check = term * (1. + 1. / x0 ) * exp(-x0);
	ok          &= f2cad::near_equal(f0, check, 1e-10, 1e-10);

	// Evaluate the derivative of f[0] w.r.t x[0]
	double p = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 0);
	check    = - check;
	check   += - term * exp(-x0) / (x0 * x0);
	check   += - (1. + 1. / x0) * exp(-x0) * term * term * term / pi;
	ok      &= f2cad::near_equal(p, check, 1e-10, 1e-10);

	if( ok ) 
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/dbesks.cpp
6.4.1: dbesks.f
      subroutine dbesks(xnu,x,nin,bk)
c***begin prologue  dbesks
c***date written   770601   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  c10b3
c***keywords  bessel function,double precision,fractional order,
c             modified bessel function,sequence,special function,
c             third kind
c***author  fullerton, w., (lanl)
c***purpose  computes a d.p. sequence of modified bessel functions of
c            the third kind of fractional order.
c dbesks computes a sequence of modified bessel functions of the third
c kind of order xnu + i at x, where x .gt. 0, xnu lies in (-1,1),
c and i = 0, 1, ... , nin - 1, if nin is positive and i = 0, 1, ... ,
c nin + 1, if nin is negative.  on return, the vector bk(.) contains
c the results at x for order starting at xnu.  xnu, x, and bk are
c double precision.  nin is an integer.
c***references  (none)
c***routines called  d1mach,dbskes,xerror
c***end prologue  dbesks
      double precision xnu, x, bk(1), expxi, xmax, d1mach
      data xmax / 0.d0 /
c***first executable statement  dbesks
      if (xmax.eq.0.d0) xmax = -dlog (d1mach(1))
      if (x.gt.xmax) call xerror ( 'dbesks  x so big bessel k underflows
     1', 36, 1, 2)
      call dbskes (xnu, x, nin, bk)
      expxi = dexp (-x)
      n = iabs (nin)
      do 20 i=1,n
        bk(i) = expxi * bk(i)
 20   continue

Input File: f.omh/dbesks.f.omh
6.5: dbskes

6.5.a: Prototype
int f2cad::dbskes_(doublereal *xnu, doublereal *x, integer *nin, doublereal *bke);

6.5.b: Fortran Source
6.5.1: dbskes.f

6.5.c: Notation
We use  K_{\nu} (x) to denote the modified Bessel function of the second kind; i.e., it is the solution of the ODE  \[
x^2 y^{(2)} (x) + x y^{(1)} (x) - ( x^2 + \nu^2 ) = 0
that goes to zero as  x \rightarrow \infty .

6.5.d: Description
The routine dbskes computes the values  \exp(x) K_{\nu + i} (x) where  x > 0 ,  -1 < \nu < 1 ,  i = 0 , 1 , \ldots , nin-1 (if  nin > 0 ),  i = 0 , -1 , \ldots , nin+1 (if  nin < 0 ).

6.5.e: Special Case
By Formula 10.2.17 of Abramowitz and Stegun  \[
     K_{3/2} ( x ) = \sqrt{  \pi / ( 2 x ) } ( 1 + 1 / x ) \exp( - x )

# include <cmath>
# include <f2cad/dbskes.hpp>

test_result dbskes(void)
{	bool ok = true;

	// independent variable
	integer    n = 1;          // number of independent variables
	doublereal x[1];           // vector of independent variables
	x[0]         = .75;        // value of independent variable
	f2cad::Independent(n, x);  // declare x as independent variable vector

	// call the routine
	doublereal xnu = .5;
	doublereal bke[2];
	integer    nin = 2;  
	f2cad::dbskes_(&xnu, x+0, &nin, bke);

	// dependent variables 
	integer     m = 1;          // number of dependent variables
	doublereal  f[1];           // vector of dependent variables
	f[0] = bke[1];              // value f[0] = K_(nu+1) (x[0]) * exp( x[0] )
	f2cad::Dependent(m, f);     // declare f as dependent variable vector

	// check function value
	double x0    = f2cad::Value( x[0] );
	double f0    = f2cad::Value( f[0] );
	double pi    = 4. * std::atan(1.);
	double term  = 1. / sqrt( 2. * x0 / pi );
	double check = term * (1. + 1. / x0 );
	ok          &= f2cad::near_equal(f0, check, 1e-10, 1e-10);

	// Evaluate the derivative of f[0] w.r.t x[0]
	double p = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 0);
	check    = - (1. + 1. / x0) * term * term * term / pi;
	check   += - term / (x0 * x0);
	ok      &= f2cad::near_equal(p, check, 1e-10, 1e-10);

	if( ok ) 
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/dbskes.cpp
6.5.1: dbskes.f
      subroutine dbskes(xnu,x,nin,bke)
c***begin prologue  dbskes
c***date written   770601   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  c10b3
c***keywords  bessel function,double precision,exponentially scaled,
c             fractional order,modified bessel function,sequence,
c             special function,third kind
c***author  fullerton, w., (lanl)
c***purpose  computes a d.p. sequence of exponentially scaled modified
c            bessel functions of the third kind of fractional order.
c dbskes(xnu,x,nin,bke) computes a double precision sequence
c of exponentially scaled modified bessel functions
c of the third kind of order xnu + i at x, where x .gt. 0,
c xnu lies in (-1,1), and i = 0, 1, ... , nin - 1, if nin is positive
c and i = 0, -1, ... , nin + 1, if nin is negative.  on return, the
c vector bke(.) contains the results at x for order starting at xnu.
c xnu, x, and bke are double precison.  nin is integer.
c***references  (none)
c***routines called  d1mach,d9knus,xerror
c***end prologue  dbskes
      double precision xnu, x, bke(1), bknu1, v, vincr, vend, alnbig,
     1  d1mach
      data alnbig / 0.d0 /
c***first executable statement  dbskes
      if (alnbig.eq.0.d0) alnbig = dlog (d1mach(2))
      v = dabs(xnu)
      n = iabs(nin)
      if (v.ge.1.d0) call xerror ( 'dbskes  abs(xnu) must be lt 1', 29,
     1  2, 2)
      if (x.le.0.d0) call xerror ( 'dbskes  x is le 0', 17, 3, 2)
      if (n.eq.0) call xerror ( 'dbskes  n the number in the sequence is
     1 0', 41, 4, 2)
      call d9knus (v, x, bke(1), bknu1, iswtch)
      if (n.eq.1) return
      vincr = sign (1.0, float(nin))
      direct = vincr
      if (xnu.ne.0.d0) direct = vincr*dsign(1.d0, xnu)
      if (iswtch.eq.1 .and. direct.gt.0.) call xerror ( 'dbskes  x so sm
     1all bessel k-sub-xnu+1 overflows', 47, 5, 2)
      bke(2) = bknu1
      if (direct.lt.0.) call d9knus (dabs(xnu+vincr), x, bke(2), bknu1,
     1  iswtch)
      if (n.eq.2) return
      vend = dabs (xnu+dble(float(nin))) - 1.0d0
      if ((vend-.5d0)*dlog(vend)+0.27d0-vend*(dlog(x)-.694d0).gt.alnbig)
     1  call xerror (  'dbskes  x so small or abs(nu) so big that bessel
     2 k-sub-nu overflows', 67, 5, 2)
      v = xnu
      do 10 i=3,n
        v = v + vincr
        bke(i) = 2.0d0*v*bke(i-1)/x + bke(i-2)
 10   continue

Input File: f.omh/dbskes.f.omh
6.6: dcsevl

6.6.a: Prototype
doublereal f2cad::dcsevl_(doublereal *x, doublereal *a, integer *n);

6.6.b: Fortran Source
6.6.1: dcsevl.f

6.6.c: Description
The routine dcsevl computes values for a Chebyshev Series; i.e., the return value is  \[
     f(x) = a_0 / 2 + \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} a_i T_i (x)
where  T_i (x) is the i-th order Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind; i.e., it is defined by the recurrence relation  \[
     T_0 (x)     & = & 1 \\
     T_1 (x)     & = & x \\
     T_{i+1} (x) & = & 2 x T_i (x) - T_{i-1} (x)
It follows that the derivatives  T_i^{(1)} (x) satisfy the recurrence relation  \[
     T_0^{(1)} (x)     & = & 0 \\
     T_1^{(1)} (x)     & = & 1 \\
     T_{i+1}^{(1)} (x) & = & 2 T_i (x) + 2 x T_i^{(1)} (x) - T_{i-1}^{(1)} (x)
and the derivative of  f(x) is given by  \[
     f^{(1)} (x) = \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} a_i T_i^{(1)} (x)

# include <f2cad/dcsevl.hpp>

test_result dcsevl(void)
{	bool ok = true;
	// independent variable
	integer  N = 1;
	double   x = .5;
	doublereal X[1];
	X[0]       = x;
	// dependent variable
	integer  M = 1;
	doublereal F[1];
	// polynomial coefficients
	integer n  = 3;
	double     a[3];
	doublereal A[3];
	for(integer i = 0; i < n; i++)
	{	a[i] = 1. / double(i+1);
		A[i] = a[i];

	// declare independent variables
	f2cad::Independent(N, X);

	F[0] = f2cad::dcsevl_(X, A, &n);

	// declare dependent variables
	f2cad::Dependent(M, F);

	// evaluate the Chebyshev polynomials
	double t_0 = 1.;
	double t_1 = x;
	double t_2 = 2. * x * t_1 - t_0;

	// check function value
	double value = f2cad::Value( F[0] );
	double check = a[0] * t_0 / 2. + a[1] * t_1 + a[2] * t_2;
	ok          &= f2cad::near_equal(check, value, 1e-10, 1e-10);

	// evaluate the Derivatives
	double dt_0 = 0.;
	double dt_1 = 1.;
	double dt_2 = 2. * t_1 + 2. * x * dt_1 - dt_0; 
	value       = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 0);
	check       = a[1] * dt_1 + a[2] * dt_2;
	ok          &= f2cad::near_equal(check, value, 1e-10, 1e-10);

	if( ok )
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/dcsevl.cpp
6.6.1: dcsevl.f
      double precision function dcsevl(x,a,n)
c***begin prologue  dcsevl
c***date written   770401   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  c3a2
c***keywords  chebyshev,fnlib,special function
c***author  fullerton, w., (lanl)
c***purpose  evaluate the double precision n-term chebyshev series a
c            at x.
c evaluate the n-term chebyshev series a at x.  adapted from
c r. broucke, algorithm 446, c.a.c.m., 16, 254 (1973).
c w. fullerton, c-3, los alamos scientific laboratory.
c       input arguments --
c x    double precision value at which the series is to be evaluated.
c a    double precision array of n terms of a chebyshev series.  in
c      evaluating a, only half of the first coefficient is summed.
c n    number of terms in array a.
c***references  (none)
c***routines called  xerror
c***end prologue  dcsevl
       double precision a(n),x,twox,b0,b1,b2
c***first executable statement  dcsevl
       if(n.lt.1)call xerror( 'dcsevl  number of terms le 0', 28, 2,2)
       if(n.gt.1000) call xerror ( 'dcsevl  number of terms gt 1000',
     1   31, 3, 2)
       if ((x.lt.-1.d0) .or. (x.gt.1.d0)) call xerror ( 'dcsevl  x outsi
     1de (-1,+1)', 25, 1, 1)
       twox = 2.0d0*x
       b1 = 0.d0
       do 10 i=1,n
         ni = n - i + 1
         b0 = twox*b1 - b2 + a(ni)
 10    continue
       dcsevl = 0.5d0 * (b0-b2)

Input File: omh/dcsevl.f.omh
6.7: ddot

6.7.a: Prototype
doublereal f2cad::ddot_(integer *n, doublereal *dx, integer *incx, doublereal *dy, integer *incy);

6.7.b: Fortran Source
6.7.1: ddot.f

6.7.c: Description
This example uses the routine ddot.f to compute  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cc}
     x_0 & x_1 
\end{array} \right)
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     x_2 \\
\end{array} \right)
Using the 8.3: f2cad_link routines f2cad::Independent and f2cad::Dependent, this defines the function  \[
f(x) =  x_0 * x_2 + x_1 * x_3
We check that the derivative of this function, calculated using the f2cad::Partial routine, satisfies  \[
f^{(1)} (x)
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
     x_2 & x_3 & x_0 & x_1
\end{array} \right)

# include <f2cad/ddot.hpp>

test_result ddot(void)
{	bool ok = true;

	integer n   = 4;
	doublereal x[4];
	x[0]        = 1.;
	x[1]        = 2.;
	x[2]        = 3.;
	x[3]        = 4.;

	// declare independent variables
	f2cad::Independent(n, x);

	// set f = x[0] * x[2] + x[1] * x[3] 
	integer m    = 1;
	doublereal f[1];
	integer incx = 1;
	integer n2   = n / 2;
	f[0]         = f2cad::ddot_ (&n2, x, &incx, x+n2, &incx);

	// declare dependent variables
	f2cad::Dependent(m, f);

	double p;
	p   = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 0);
	ok &= f2cad::near_equal(p, f2cad::Value(x[2]), 1e-10, 1e-10);

	p   = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 1);
	ok &= f2cad::near_equal(p, f2cad::Value(x[3]), 1e-10, 1e-10);

	p   = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 2);
	ok &= f2cad::near_equal(p, f2cad::Value(x[0]), 1e-10, 1e-10);

	p   = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 3);
	ok &= f2cad::near_equal(p, f2cad::Value(x[1]), 1e-10, 1e-10);

	if( ok )
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/ddot.cpp
6.7.1: ddot.f
      double precision function ddot(n,dx,incx,dy,incy)
c***begin prologue  ddot
c***date written   791001   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  d1a4
c***keywords  blas,double precision,inner product,linear algebra,vector
c***author  lawson, c. l., (jpl)
c           hanson, r. j., (snla)
c           kincaid, d. r., (u. of texas)
c           krogh, f. t., (jpl)
c***purpose  d.p. inner product of d.p. vectors
c                b l a s  subprogram
c    description of parameters
c     --input--
c        n  number of elements in input vector(s)
c       dx  double precision vector with n elements
c     incx  storage spacing between elements of dx
c       dy  double precision vector with n elements
c     incy  storage spacing between elements of dy
c     --output--
c     ddot  double precision dot product (zero if n .le. 0)
c     returns the dot product of double precision dx and dy.
c     ddot = sum for i = 0 to n-1 of  dx(lx+i*incx) * dy(ly+i*incy)
c     where lx = 1 if incx .ge. 0, else lx = (-incx)*n, and ly is
c     defined in a similar way using incy.
c***references  lawson c.l., hanson r.j., kincaid d.r., krogh f.t.,
c                 *basic linear algebra subprograms for fortran usage*,
c                 algorithm no. 539, transactions on mathematical
c                 software, volume 5, number 3, september 1979, 308-323
c***routines called  (none)
c***end prologue  ddot
      double precision dx(1),dy(1)
c***first executable statement  ddot
      ddot = 0.d0
      if(incx.eq.incy) if(incx-1) 5,20,60
    5 continue
c         code for unequal or nonpositive increments.
      ix = 1
      iy = 1
      if(incx.lt.0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
      if(incy.lt.0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
      do 10 i = 1,n
         ddot = ddot + dx(ix)*dy(iy)
        ix = ix + incx
        iy = iy + incy
   10 continue
c        code for both increments equal to 1.
c        clean-up loop so remaining vector length is a multiple of 5.
   20 m = mod(n,5)
      if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40
      do 30 i = 1,m
         ddot = ddot + dx(i)*dy(i)
   30 continue
      if( n .lt. 5 ) return
   40 mp1 = m + 1
      do 50 i = mp1,n,5
         ddot = ddot + dx(i)*dy(i) + dx(i+1)*dy(i+1) +
     1   dx(i + 2)*dy(i + 2) + dx(i + 3)*dy(i + 3) + dx(i + 4)*dy(i + 4)
   50 continue
c         code for positive equal increments .ne.1.
   60 continue
      ns = n*incx
          do 70 i=1,ns,incx
          ddot = ddot + dx(i)*dy(i)
   70     continue

Input File: omh/ddot.f.omh
6.8: dgamlm

6.8.a: Prototype
int f2cad::dgamlm_(doublereal *xmin, doublereal *xmax);

6.8.b: Fortran Source
6.8.1: dgamlm.f

6.8.c: Description
This routine computes the allowable limits for the argument to the Gamma function. These limits should also work for the exponential function.

# include <f2cad/dgamlm.hpp>

test_result dgamlm(void)
{	bool ok = true;
	doublereal ad_xmin, ad_xmax;

	f2cad::dgamlm_(&ad_xmin, &ad_xmax);

	double xmin = f2cad::Value(ad_xmin);
	double xmax = f2cad::Value(ad_xmax);

	ok  &= xmin < 0.;
	ok  &= xmax > 0.;
	ok  &= (xmax - xmin) > 50.;
	ok  &= f2cad::near_equal( log(exp(xmin)), xmin, 1e-10, 1e-10); 
	ok  &= f2cad::near_equal( log(exp(xmax)), xmax, 1e-10, 1e-10); 

	if( ok )
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/dgamlm.cpp
6.8.1: dgamlm.f
      subroutine dgamlm(xmin,xmax)
c***begin prologue  dgamlm
c***date written   770601   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  c7a,r2
c***keywords  complete gamma function,double precision,gamma function,
c             limits,special function
c***author  fullerton, w., (lanl)
c***purpose  computes the d.p. minimum and maximum bounds for x in
c            gamma(x).
c calculate the minimum and maximum legal bounds for x in gamma(x).
c xmin and xmax are not the only bounds, but they are the only non-
c trivial ones to calculate.
c             output arguments --
c xmin   double precision minimum legal value of x in gamma(x).  any
c        smaller value of x might result in underflow.
c xmax   double precision maximum legal value of x in gamma(x).  any
c        larger value of x might cause overflow.
c***references  (none)
c***routines called  d1mach,xerror
c***end prologue  dgamlm
      double precision xmin, xmax, alnbig, alnsml, xln, xold, d1mach
c***first executable statement  dgamlm
      alnsml = dlog(d1mach(1))
      xmin = -alnsml
      do 10 i=1,10
        xold = xmin
        xln = dlog(xmin)
        xmin = xmin - xmin*((xmin+0.5d0)*xln - xmin - 0.2258d0 + alnsml)
     1    / (xmin*xln+0.5d0)
        if (dabs(xmin-xold).lt.0.005d0) go to 20
 10   continue
      call xerror ( 'dgamlm  unable to find xmin', 27, 1, 2)
 20   xmin = -xmin + 0.01d0
      alnbig = dlog (d1mach(2))
      xmax = alnbig
      do 30 i=1,10
        xold = xmax
        xln = dlog(xmax)
        xmax = xmax - xmax*((xmax-0.5d0)*xln - xmax + 0.9189d0 - alnbig)
     1    / (xmax*xln-0.5d0)
        if (dabs(xmax-xold).lt.0.005d0) go to 40
 30   continue
      call xerror ( 'dgamlm  unable to find xmax', 27, 2, 2)
 40   xmax = xmax - 0.01d0
      xmin = dmax1 (xmin, -xmax+1.d0)

Input File: omh/dgamlm.f.omh
6.9: dgamma

6.9.a: Prototype
doublereal f2cad::dgamma_(doublereal *x);

6.9.b: Fortran Source
6.9.1: dgamma.f

6.9.c: Description
For arbitrary  x and positive integer values of  \ell ,  \[
     \Gamma(x) & = & \int_0^\infty t^{x - 1} \exp( - t ) \; {\bf d} t
     \Gamma(\ell+1) & = & \ell !
     \Gamma^{(1)} (\ell+1) & = & 
          \ell ! \left( - \gamma + \sum_{k=1}^\ell \frac{1}{k} \right)
where  \gamma is the Euler-Mascheroni constant  \[
     \gamma = 0.57721 56649 01532 86060 65120 90082 ...
# include <f2cad/dgamma.hpp>

test_result dgamma(void)
{	bool ok = true;

	// independent variables 
	integer     n  = 1;         // number of independent variables
	double     ell = 3.;
	doublereal  x[1];           // vector of independent variables
	x[0]          = ell+1.;     // value  of independent variables
	f2cad::Independent(n, x);   // declare x as independent variable vector

	// dependent variables 
	integer     m = 1;          // number of dependent variables
	doublereal  f[1];           // vector of dependent variables
	f[0] = f2cad::dgamma_(x+0); // compute value f[0] = Gamma(x[0])
	f2cad::Dependent(m, f);     // declare f as dependent variable vector

	// check the value of f
	ok &= f2cad::near_equal(f2cad::Value(f[0]), 6., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	// Compute derivative of f w.r.t x using f2cad common interface.
	// This general interface works with adolc, cppad, and fadbad.
	// See GetStarted for package specific more efficient code.
	double gamma = 0.577215664901532;
	double p     = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 0);
	double check = 6. * ( - gamma + 1. + 1./2. + 1./3. ); 
	ok &= f2cad::near_equal(p, check, 1e-10, 1e-10);

	if( ok )
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/dgamma.cpp
6.9.1: dgamma.f
      double precision function dgamma(x)
c***begin prologue  dgamma
c***date written   770601   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  c7a
c***keywords  complete gamma function,double precision,gamma function,
c             special function
c***author  fullerton, w., (lanl)
c***purpose  computes the d.p. complete gamma function.
c dgamma(x) calculates the double precision complete gamma function
c for double precision argument x.
c series for gam        on the interval  0.          to  1.00000e+00
c                                        with weighted error   5.79e-32
c                                         log weighted error  31.24
c                               significant figures required  30.00
c                                    decimal places required  32.05
c***references  (none)
c***routines called  d1mach,d9lgmc,dcsevl,dgamlm,dint,initds,xerror
c***end prologue  dgamma
      double precision x, gamcs(42), dxrel, pi, sinpiy, sq2pil, xmax,
     1  xmin, y,  dint, d9lgmc, dcsevl, d1mach
      data gam cs(  1) / +.8571195590 9893314219 2006239994 2 d-2      /
      data gam cs(  2) / +.4415381324 8410067571 9131577165 2 d-2      /
      data gam cs(  3) / +.5685043681 5993633786 3266458878 9 d-1      /
      data gam cs(  4) / -.4219835396 4185605010 1250018662 4 d-2      /
      data gam cs(  5) / +.1326808181 2124602205 8400679635 2 d-2      /
      data gam cs(  6) / -.1893024529 7988804325 2394702388 6 d-3      /
      data gam cs(  7) / +.3606925327 4412452565 7808221722 5 d-4      /
      data gam cs(  8) / -.6056761904 4608642184 8554829036 5 d-5      /
      data gam cs(  9) / +.1055829546 3022833447 3182350909 3 d-5      /
      data gam cs( 10) / -.1811967365 5423840482 9185589116 6 d-6      /
      data gam cs( 11) / +.3117724964 7153222777 9025459316 9 d-7      /
      data gam cs( 12) / -.5354219639 0196871408 7408102434 7 d-8      /
      data gam cs( 13) / +.9193275519 8595889468 8778682594 0 d-9      /
      data gam cs( 14) / -.1577941280 2883397617 6742327395 3 d-9      /
      data gam cs( 15) / +.2707980622 9349545432 6654043308 9 d-10     /
      data gam cs( 16) / -.4646818653 8257301440 8166105893 3 d-11     /
      data gam cs( 17) / +.7973350192 0074196564 6076717535 9 d-12     /
      data gam cs( 18) / -.1368078209 8309160257 9949917230 9 d-12     /
      data gam cs( 19) / +.2347319486 5638006572 3347177168 8 d-13     /
      data gam cs( 20) / -.4027432614 9490669327 6657053469 9 d-14     /
      data gam cs( 21) / +.6910051747 3721009121 3833697525 7 d-15     /
      data gam cs( 22) / -.1185584500 2219929070 5238712619 2 d-15     /
      data gam cs( 23) / +.2034148542 4963739552 0102605193 2 d-16     /
      data gam cs( 24) / -.3490054341 7174058492 7401294910 8 d-17     /
      data gam cs( 25) / +.5987993856 4853055671 3505106602 6 d-18     /
      data gam cs( 26) / -.1027378057 8722280744 9006977843 1 d-18     /
      data gam cs( 27) / +.1762702816 0605298249 4275966074 8 d-19     /
      data gam cs( 28) / -.3024320653 7353062609 5877211204 2 d-20     /
      data gam cs( 29) / +.5188914660 2183978397 1783355050 6 d-21     /
      data gam cs( 30) / -.8902770842 4565766924 4925160106 6 d-22     /
      data gam cs( 31) / +.1527474068 4933426022 7459689130 6 d-22     /
      data gam cs( 32) / -.2620731256 1873629002 5732833279 9 d-23     /
      data gam cs( 33) / +.4496464047 8305386703 3104657066 6 d-24     /
      data gam cs( 34) / -.7714712731 3368779117 0390152533 3 d-25     /
      data gam cs( 35) / +.1323635453 1260440364 8657271466 6 d-25     /
      data gam cs( 36) / -.2270999412 9429288167 0231381333 3 d-26     /
      data gam cs( 37) / +.3896418998 0039914493 2081663999 9 d-27     /
      data gam cs( 38) / -.6685198115 1259533277 9212799999 9 d-28     /
      data gam cs( 39) / +.1146998663 1400243843 4761386666 6 d-28     /
      data gam cs( 40) / -.1967938586 3451346772 9510399999 9 d-29     /
      data gam cs( 41) / +.3376448816 5853380903 3489066666 6 d-30     /
      data gam cs( 42) / -.5793070335 7821357846 2549333333 3 d-31     /
      data pi / 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 50 d0 /
      data sq2pil / 0.9189385332 0467274178 0329736405 62 d0 /
      data ngam, xmin, xmax, dxrel / 0, 3*0.d0 /
c***first executable statement  dgamma
      if (ngam.ne.0) go to 10
      ngam = initds (gamcs, 42, 0.1*sngl(d1mach(3)) )
      call dgamlm (xmin, xmax)
      dxrel = dsqrt (d1mach(4))
 10   y = dabs(x)
      if (y.gt.10.d0) go to 50
c compute gamma(x) for -xbnd .le. x .le. xbnd.  reduce interval and find
c gamma(1+y) for 0.0 .le. y .lt. 1.0 first of all.
      n = x
      if (x.lt.0.d0) n = n - 1
      y = x - dble(float(n))
      n = n - 1
      dgamma = 0.9375d0 + dcsevl (2.d0*y-1.d0, gamcs, ngam)
      if (n.eq.0) return
      if (n.gt.0) go to 30
c compute gamma(x) for x .lt. 1.0
      n = -n
      if (x.eq.0.d0) call xerror ( 'dgamma  x is 0', 14, 4, 2)
      if (x.lt.0.0 .and. x+dble(float(n-2)).eq.0.d0) call xerror ( 'dgam
     1ma  x is a negative integer', 31, 4, 2)
      if (x.lt.(-0.5d0) .and. dabs((x-dint(x-0.5d0))/x).lt.dxrel) call
     1  xerror ( 'dgamma  answer lt half precision because x too near ne
     2gative integer', 68, 1, 1)
      do 20 i=1,n
        dgamma = dgamma/(x+dble(float(i-1)) )
 20   continue
c gamma(x) for x .ge. 2.0 and x .le. 10.0
 30   do 40 i=1,n
        dgamma = (y+dble(float(i))) * dgamma
 40   continue
c gamma(x) for dabs(x) .gt. 10.0.  recall y = dabs(x).
 50   if (x.gt.xmax) call xerror ( 'dgamma  x so big gamma overflows',
     1  32, 3, 2)
      dgamma = 0.d0
      if (x.lt.xmin) call xerror ( 'dgamma  x so small gamma underflows'
     1  , 35, 2, 1)
      if (x.lt.xmin) return
      dgamma = dexp ((y-0.5d0)*dlog(y) - y + sq2pil + d9lgmc(y) )
      if (x.gt.0.d0) return
      if (dabs((x-dint(x-0.5d0))/x).lt.dxrel) call xerror ( 'dgamma  ans
     1wer lt half precision, x too near negative integer'  , 61, 1, 1)
      sinpiy = dsin (pi*y)
      if (sinpiy.eq.0.d0) call xerror ( 'dgamma  x is a negative integer
     1', 31, 4, 2)
      dgamma = -pi/(y*sinpiy*dgamma)

Input File: f.omh/dgamma.f.omh
6.10: dgefa

6.10.a: Prototype
int f2cad::dgefa_(doublereal *a, integer *lda, integer *n, integer *ipvt, integer *info); int f2cad::dgesl_(doublereal *a, integer *lda, integer *n, integer *ipvt, doublereal *b, integer *job);

6.10.b: Fortran Source
6.10.1: dgefa.f

6.10.c: Description
This example uses the Linpack routines dgefa.f and dgesl.f to solve the linear equation  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cc}
     1 & 2 \\
     0 & 3
\end{array} \right)
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     f_0 \\
\end{array} \right)
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     b_0 \\
\end{array} \right)
Using the 8.3: f2cad_link routines f2cad::Independent and f2cad::Dependent, this defines the function  \[
f(b) = 
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     b_0 - 2 b_1 / 3 \\
     b_1 / 3
\end{array} \right)
We check that the derivative of this function, calculated using the f2cad::Partial routine, satisfies  \[
f^{(1)} (b)
\left( \begin{array}{cc}
     1 &  - 2 / 3 \\
     0 &  1 / 3
\end{array} \right)

# include <f2cad/dgefa.hpp>
# include <f2cad/dgesl.hpp>

test_result dgefa(void)
{	bool ok = true;

	// A is a 2 by 2 matrix in column major order
	doublereal A[4];
	A[0] = doublereal(1); A[2] = doublereal(2);
	A[1] = doublereal(0); A[3] = doublereal(3); 

	// b is a column vector of length 2
	doublereal b[2];
	b[0] = doublereal(1);
	b[1] = doublereal(2);

	// declare independent variables
	integer n = 2;
	f2cad::Independent(n, b);

	// f is a column vector of length 2
	doublereal f[2];
	integer i;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		f[i] = b[i];

	// solve A * f = b
	integer ipvt[2];
	integer lda = n;
	integer job = 0;
	integer info;
	f2cad::dgefa_ (A, &lda, &n, ipvt, &info);
	f2cad::dgesl_ (A, &lda, &n, ipvt, f, &job);

	// check info flag
	ok &= (info == 0);

	// construct the AD function object F : b -> f
	// f[1] = b[1] / 3
	// f[0] = b[0] - 2 * b[1] / 3 
	integer m = 2;
	f2cad::Dependent(m, f);

	double p;
	p    = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 0);
	ok   &= f2cad::near_equal(p, 1., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	p    = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 1);
	ok   &= f2cad::near_equal(p, -2./3., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	p    = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(1, 0);
	ok   &= f2cad::near_equal(p, 0., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	p    = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(1, 1);
	ok   &= f2cad::near_equal(p,  1./3., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	if( ok )
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/dgefa.cpp
6.10.1: dgefa.f
      subroutine dgefa(a,lda,n,ipvt,info)
c***begin prologue  dgefa
c***date written   780814   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  d2a1
c***keywords  double precision,factor,linear algebra,linpack,matrix
c***author  moler, c. b., (u. of new mexico)
c***purpose  factors a double precision matrix by gaussian elimination.
c     dgefa factors a double precision matrix by gaussian elimination.
c     dgefa is usually called by dgeco, but it can be called
c     directly with a saving in time if  rcond  is not needed.
c     (time for dgeco) = (1 + 9/n)*(time for dgefa) .
c     on entry
c        a       double precision(lda, n)
c                the matrix to be factored.
c        lda     integer
c                the leading dimension of the array  a .
c        n       integer
c                the order of the matrix  a .
c     on return
c        a       an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers
c                which were used to obtain it.
c                the factorization can be written  a = l*u  where
c                l  is a product of permutation and unit lower
c                triangular matrices and  u  is upper triangular.
c        ipvt    integer(n)
c                an integer vector of pivot indices.
c        info    integer
c                = 0  normal value.
c                = k  if  u(k,k) .eq. 0.0 .  this is not an error
c                     condition for this subroutine, but it does
c                     indicate that dgesl or dgedi will divide by zero
c                     if called.  use  rcond  in dgeco for a reliable
c                     indication of singularity.
c     linpack.  this version dated 08/14/78 .
c     cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab.
c     subroutines and functions
c     blas daxpy,dscal,idamax
c***references  dongarra j.j., bunch j.r., moler c.b., stewart g.w.,
c                 *linpack users  guide*, siam, 1979.
c***routines called  daxpy,dscal,idamax
c***end prologue  dgefa
      integer lda,n,ipvt(1),info
      double precision a(lda,1)
      double precision t
      integer idamax,j,k,kp1,l,nm1
c     gaussian elimination with partial pivoting
c***first executable statement  dgefa
      info = 0
      nm1 = n - 1
      if (nm1 .lt. 1) go to 70
      do 60 k = 1, nm1
         kp1 = k + 1
c        find l = pivot index
         l = idamax(n-k+1,a(k,k),1) + k - 1
         ipvt(k) = l
c        zero pivot implies this column already triangularized
         if (a(l,k) .eq. 0.0d0) go to 40
c           interchange if necessary
            if (l .eq. k) go to 10
               t = a(l,k)
               a(l,k) = a(k,k)
               a(k,k) = t
   10       continue
c           compute multipliers
            t = -1.0d0/a(k,k)
            call dscal(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1)
c           row elimination with column indexing
            do 30 j = kp1, n
               t = a(l,j)
               if (l .eq. k) go to 20
                  a(l,j) = a(k,j)
                  a(k,j) = t
   20          continue
               call daxpy(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1,a(k+1,j),1)
   30       continue
         go to 50
   40    continue
            info = k
   50    continue
   60 continue
   70 continue
      ipvt(n) = n
      if (a(n,n) .eq. 0.0d0) info = n

Input File: omh/dgefa.f.omh
6.11: dgesl

6.11.a: Prototype
int f2cad::dgefa_(doublereal *a, integer *lda, integer *n, integer *ipvt, integer *info); int f2cad::dgesl_(doublereal *a, integer *lda, integer *n, integer *ipvt, doublereal *b, integer *job);

6.11.b: Fortran Source
6.11.1: dgesl.f

6.11.c: Description
This example uses the Linpack routines dgefa.f and dgesl.f to solve the linear equation  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cc}
     1 & 2 \\
     3 & 4
\end{array} \right)
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     f_0 \\
\end{array} \right)
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     b_0 \\
\end{array} \right)
Multiplying the top row by 3 and subtracting it from the bottom row we obtain the equivalent equation:  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cc}
     1 & 2 \\
     0 & -2
\end{array} \right)
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     f_0 \\
\end{array} \right)
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     b_0 \\
     b_1 - 3 b_0
\end{array} \right)
It follows that  \[
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     f_0 \\
\end{array} \right)
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     b_1 - 2 b_0 \\
     3 b_0 / 2 - b_1/ 2
\end{array} \right)
The code below uses the 8.3: f2cad_link routines f2cad::Independent and f2cad::Dependent, to define the function  \[
f(b) = 
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     b_1 - 2 b_0 \\
     3 b_0 / 2 - b_1/ 2
\end{array} \right)
We check that the derivative of this function, calculated using the f2cad::Partial routine, satisfies  \[
f^{(1)} (b)
\left( \begin{array}{cc}
     -2  &  1 \\
     3/2 &  -1 / 2
\end{array} \right)

# include <f2cad/dgefa.hpp>
# include <f2cad/dgesl.hpp>

test_result dgesl(void)
{	bool ok = true;

	// A is a 2 by 2 matrix in column major order
	doublereal A[4];
	A[0] = doublereal(1); A[2] = doublereal(2);
	A[1] = doublereal(3); A[3] = doublereal(4); 

	// b is a column vector of length 2
	doublereal b[2];
	b[0] = doublereal(1);
	b[1] = doublereal(2);

	// declare independent variables
	integer n = 2;
	f2cad::Independent(n, b);

	// f is a column vector of length 2
	doublereal f[2];
	integer i;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		f[i] = b[i];

	// solve A * f = b
	integer ipvt[2];
	integer lda = n;
	integer job = 0;
	integer info;
	f2cad::dgefa_ (A, &lda, &n, ipvt, &info);
	f2cad::dgesl_ (A, &lda, &n, ipvt, f, &job);

	// check info flag
	ok &= (info == 0);

	// construct the AD function object F : b -> f
	// f[0] = b[1] - 2 b[0]
	// f[1] = 3 b[0] / 2 - b[1]/ 2
	integer m = 2;
	f2cad::Dependent(m, f);

	double p;
	p    = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 0);
	ok   &= f2cad::near_equal(p, -2., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	p    = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 1);
	ok   &= f2cad::near_equal(p, 1., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	p    = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(1, 0);
	ok   &= f2cad::near_equal(p, 3./2., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	p    = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(1, 1);
	ok   &= f2cad::near_equal(p,  -1./2., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	if( ok )
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/dgesl.cpp
6.11.1: dgesl.f
      subroutine dgesl(a,lda,n,ipvt,b,job)
c***begin prologue  dgesl
c***date written   780814   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  d2a1
c***keywords  double precision,linear algebra,linpack,matrix,solve
c***author  moler, c. b., (u. of new mexico)
c***purpose  solves the double precision system  a*x=b or  trans(a)*x=b
c            using the factors computed by dgeco or dgefa.
c     dgesl solves the double precision system
c     a * x = b  or  trans(a) * x = b
c     using the factors computed by dgeco or dgefa.
c     on entry
c        a       double precision(lda, n)
c                the output from dgeco or dgefa.
c        lda     integer
c                the leading dimension of the array  a .
c        n       integer
c                the order of the matrix  a .
c        ipvt    integer(n)
c                the pivot vector from dgeco or dgefa.
c        b       double precision(n)
c                the right hand side vector.
c        job     integer
c                = 0         to solve  a*x = b ,
c                = nonzero   to solve  trans(a)*x = b  where
c                            trans(a)  is the transpose.
c     on return
c        b       the solution vector  x .
c     error condition
c        a division by zero will occur if the input factor contains a
c        zero on the diagonal.  technically this indicates singularity
c        but it is often caused by improper arguments or improper
c        setting of lda .  it will not occur if the subroutines are
c        called correctly and if dgeco has set rcond .gt. 0.0
c        or dgefa has set info .eq. 0 .
c     to compute  inverse(a) * c  where  c  is a matrix
c     with  p  columns
c           call dgeco(a,lda,n,ipvt,rcond,z)
c           if (rcond is too small) go to ...
c           do 10 j = 1, p
c              call dgesl(a,lda,n,ipvt,c(1,j),0)
c        10 continue
c     linpack.  this version dated 08/14/78 .
c     cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab.
c     subroutines and functions
c     blas daxpy,ddot
c***references  dongarra j.j., bunch j.r., moler c.b., stewart g.w.,
c                 *linpack users  guide*, siam, 1979.
c***routines called  daxpy,ddot
c***end prologue  dgesl
      integer lda,n,ipvt(1),job
      double precision a(lda,1),b(1)
      double precision ddot,t
      integer k,kb,l,nm1
c***first executable statement  dgesl
      nm1 = n - 1
      if (job .ne. 0) go to 50
c        job = 0 , solve  a * x = b
c        first solve  l*y = b
         if (nm1 .lt. 1) go to 30
         do 20 k = 1, nm1
            l = ipvt(k)
            t = b(l)
            if (l .eq. k) go to 10
               b(l) = b(k)
               b(k) = t
   10       continue
            call daxpy(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1,b(k+1),1)
   20    continue
   30    continue
c        now solve  u*x = y
         do 40 kb = 1, n
            k = n + 1 - kb
            b(k) = b(k)/a(k,k)
            t = -b(k)
            call daxpy(k-1,t,a(1,k),1,b(1),1)
   40    continue
      go to 100
   50 continue
c        job = nonzero, solve  trans(a) * x = b
c        first solve  trans(u)*y = b
         do 60 k = 1, n
            t = ddot(k-1,a(1,k),1,b(1),1)
            b(k) = (b(k) - t)/a(k,k)
   60    continue
c        now solve trans(l)*x = y
         if (nm1 .lt. 1) go to 90
         do 80 kb = 1, nm1
            k = n - kb
            b(k) = b(k) + ddot(n-k,a(k+1,k),1,b(k+1),1)
            l = ipvt(k)
            if (l .eq. k) go to 70
               t = b(l)
               b(l) = b(k)
               b(k) = t
   70       continue
   80    continue
   90    continue
  100 continue

Input File: omh/dgesl.f.omh
6.12: dint

6.12.a: Prototype
doublereal f2cad::dint_(doublereal *x);

6.12.b: Fortran Source
6.12.1: dint.f

6.12.c: Description
This converts from a doublereal to an integer by rounding toward zero.
# include <f2cad/dint.hpp>

test_result dint(void)
{	bool ok = true;

	// independent variables 
	integer     n = 2;        // number of independent variables
	doublereal  x[2];         // vector of independent variables
	x[0]          =  4.5;     // value  of independent variables
	x[1]          = -3.5;
	f2cad::Independent(n, x); // declare x as independent variable vector

	// dependent variables 
	integer     m = n;           // number of dependent variables
	doublereal  f[2];            // vector of dependent variables
	integer i;
	for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
		f[i] = f2cad::dint_(x+i);
	f2cad::Dependent(m, f);      // declare f as dependent variable vector

	// check function value
	ok &= (f2cad::Value(f[0]) ==  4.);
	ok &= (f2cad::Value(f[1]) == -3.);

	// Compute derivative of f w.r.t x using f2cad common interface.
	// This general interface works with adolc, cppad, and fadbad.
	// See GetStarted for package specific more efficient code.
	for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
	{	double p = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(i, i);
		ok      &= f2cad::near_equal(p, 0., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	if( ok )
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/dint.cpp
6.12.1: dint.f
       double precision function dint (x)
c***begin prologue   dint
c***revision  october 1, 1980
c***category no.  m2
c***keyword(s) truncation,greatest integer,double precision
c***author  fullerton w. (lasl)
c***date written  august 1979
c***purpose  to find the largest integer whose magnitude does
c            not exceed x and convert to double precision.
c august 1979 edition. w. fullerton, los alamos scientific laboratory.
c installed on the vax by dolores montano, c-3, 5/80.
c dint is the double precision equivalent of aint. this portable
c version is quite efficient when the argument is reasonably small (a
c common case), and so no faster machine-dependent version is needed.
c***routines called  d1mach,i1mach,r1mach,xerror
c***end prologue
       double precision x,xscl,scale,xbig,xmax,part,d1mach
       data npart,scale,xbig,xmax /0, 3*0.0d0 /
c***first executable statement    dint
       if(npart.ne.0) go to 10
       ibase = i1mach(7)
       ndigd = i1mach(14)
       ndigi = min0(i1mach(8),i1mach(11)) - 1
       nmax  = 1.0d0/d1mach(4)
       xbig  = amin1 (float(i1mach(9)),1.0/r1mach(4))
       if (ibase.ne.i1mach(10)) call xerror (
     1   'dint   algorithm error. integer base ne real base', 49, 2, 2)
       npart = (ndigd + ndigi -1) / ndigi
       scale = ibase**ndigi
 10    if(x.lt.(-xbig) .or. x.gt.xbig) go to 20
 20    xscl = dabs(x)
       if(xscl.gt.xmax) go to 50
       do 30 i=1,npart
 30    continue
       do 40 i=1,npart
       xscl = xscl*scale
       xscl=xscl - part
       dint = dint * scale + part
 40    continue
       if(x.lt.0.0d0) dint = -dint
 50     call xerror ('dint    dabs(x) may be too big to be represented
     1as an exact integer', 67, 1, 1)

Input File: f.omh/dint.f.omh
6.13: dscal

6.13.a: Prototype
int f2cad::dscal_(integer *n, doublereal *da, doublereal *dx, integer *incx);

6.13.b: Fortran Source
6.13.1: dscal.f

6.13.c: Description
This example uses the routine dscal.f to compute  \[
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     f_0 \\
\end{array} \right)

\left( \begin{array}{c}
     1 \\
\end{array} \right)
Using the 8.3: f2cad_link routines f2cad::Independent and f2cad::Dependent, this defines the function  \[
f(a) = 
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     a \\
     2 a 
\end{array} \right)
We check that the derivative of this function, calculated using the f2cad::Partial routine, satisfies  \[
f^{(1)} (a)
\left( \begin{array}{c}
     1 \\
\end{array} \right)

# include <f2cad/dscal.hpp>

test_result dscal(void)
{	bool ok = true;

	// Input values for dscal
	integer n     = 1;
	doublereal  a[1];
	a[0]          = 5.;

	// declare independent variables
	f2cad::Independent(n, a);

	integer m    = 2;
	doublereal  f[2];
	f[0]         = 1.;
	f[1]         = 2.;
	integer incf = 1;

	// set f = a * f 
	f2cad::dscal_(&n, a, f, &incf );

	// declare dependent variables
	f2cad::Dependent(m, f);

	double p;
	p   = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(0, 0);
	ok &= f2cad::near_equal(p, 1., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	p   = f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(1, 0);
	ok &= f2cad::near_equal(p, 2., 1e-10, 1e-10);

	if( ok )
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/dscal.cpp
6.13.1: dscal.f
      subroutine dscal(n,da,dx,incx)
c***begin prologue  dscal
c***date written   791001   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  d1a6
c***keywords  blas,linear algebra,scale,vector
c***author  lawson, c. l., (jpl)
c           hanson, r. j., (snla)
c           kincaid, d. r., (u. of texas)
c           krogh, f. t., (jpl)
c***purpose  d.p. vector scale x = a*x
c                b l a s  subprogram
c    description of parameters
c     --input--
c        n  number of elements in input vector(s)
c       da  double precision scale factor
c       dx  double precision vector with n elements
c     incx  storage spacing between elements of dx
c     --output--
c       dx  double precision result (unchanged if n.le.0)
c     replace double precision dx by double precision da*dx.
c     for i = 0 to n-1, replace dx(1+i*incx) with  da * dx(1+i*incx)
c***references  lawson c.l., hanson r.j., kincaid d.r., krogh f.t.,
c                 *basic linear algebra subprograms for fortran usage*,
c                 algorithm no. 539, transactions on mathematical
c                 software, volume 5, number 3, september 1979, 308-323
c***routines called  (none)
c***end prologue  dscal
      double precision da,dx(1)
c***first executable statement  dscal
      if(incx.eq.1)goto 20
c        code for increments not equal to 1.
      ns = n*incx
          do 10 i = 1,ns,incx
          dx(i) = da*dx(i)
   10     continue
c        code for increments equal to 1.
c        clean-up loop so remaining vector length is a multiple of 5.
   20 m = mod(n,5)
      if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40
      do 30 i = 1,m
        dx(i) = da*dx(i)
   30 continue
      if( n .lt. 5 ) return
   40 mp1 = m + 1
      do 50 i = mp1,n,5
        dx(i) = da*dx(i)
        dx(i + 1) = da*dx(i + 1)
        dx(i + 2) = da*dx(i + 2)
        dx(i + 3) = da*dx(i + 3)
        dx(i + 4) = da*dx(i + 4)
   50 continue

Input File: omh/dscal.f.omh
6.14: idamax

6.14.a: Prototype
integer f2cad::idamax_(integer *n, doublereal *dx, integer *incx);

6.14.b: Fortran Source
6.14.1: idamax.f

6.14.c: Description
This example uses the routine idamax.f to determine the index corresponding to the maximum element in the vector  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
     1 & 2 & 5 & 4
\end{array} \right)
The maximum element is 5 and its index (in Fortran notation) is 3.

# include <f2cad/idamax.hpp>

test_result idamax(void)
{	bool ok = true;

	// dx is a vector of length 4
	double     data[] = {1, 2, 5, 4};
	doublereal dx[4];
	integer i;
	for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		dx[i] = data[i];

	// other arguments to idamax
	integer n    = 4;
	integer incx = 1;

	// check return value
	ok &= ( 3 == f2cad::idamax_(&n, dx, &incx) );

	if( ok )
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/idamax.cpp
6.14.1: idamax.f
      integer function idamax(n,dx,incx)
c***begin prologue  idamax
c***date written   791001   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  d1a2
c***keywords  blas,double precision,linear algebra,maximum component,
c             vector
c***author  lawson, c. l., (jpl)
c           hanson, r. j., (snla)
c           kincaid, d. r., (u. of texas)
c           krogh, f. t., (jpl)
c***purpose  find largest component of d.p. vector
c                b l a s  subprogram
c    description of parameters
c     --input--
c        n  number of elements in input vector(s)
c       dx  double precision vector with n elements
c     incx  storage spacing between elements of dx
c     --output--
c   idamax  smallest index (zero if n .le. 0)
c     find smallest index of maximum magnitude of double precision dx.
c     idamax =  first i, i = 1 to n, to minimize  abs(dx(1-incx+i*incx)
c***references  lawson c.l., hanson r.j., kincaid d.r., krogh f.t.,
c                 *basic linear algebra subprograms for fortran usage*,
c                 algorithm no. 539, transactions on mathematical
c                 software, volume 5, number 3, september 1979, 308-323
c***routines called  (none)
c***end prologue  idamax
      double precision dx(1),dmax,xmag
c***first executable statement  idamax
      idamax = 0
      if(n.le.0) return
      idamax = 1
      if(incx.eq.1)goto 20
c        code for increments not equal to 1.
      dmax = dabs(dx(1))
      ns = n*incx
      ii = 1
          do 10 i = 1,ns,incx
          xmag = dabs(dx(i))
          if(xmag.le.dmax) go to 5
          idamax = ii
          dmax = xmag
    5     ii = ii + 1
   10     continue
c        code for increments equal to 1.
   20 dmax = dabs(dx(1))
      do 30 i = 2,n
          xmag = dabs(dx(i))
          if(xmag.le.dmax) go to 30
          idamax = i
          dmax = xmag
   30 continue

Input File: omh/idamax.f.omh
6.15: initds

6.15.a: Prototype
integer f2cad::initds_(doublereal *dos, integer *nos, doublereal *eta);

6.15.b: Fortran Source
6.15.1: initds.f

6.15.c: Description
This example uses the routine initds.f to compute the minimum value of m such that  \[
     \sum_{i=m}^{i=n} | a_i | \leq \eta
Note that there are m terms in the rest of the summation; i.e.,  \[
     \sum_{i=1}^{m-1} a_i

# include <f2cad/initds.hpp>

test_result initds(void)
{	bool ok = true;

	//                   a_0,  a_1,  a_2,  a_3,  a_4,  a_5
	doublereal a[]   = { 1e0, 1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5};
	integer    n     = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
	doublereal eta   = 1e-3;
	integer    m     = f2cad::initds_(a, &n, &eta);
	ok &= (m == 4);

	if( ok )
		return test_pass;
	return test_fail;

Input File: example/initds.cpp
6.15.1: initds.f
      function initds(dos,nos,eta)
c***begin prologue  initds
c***date written   770601   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  c3a2
c***keywords  chebyshev,double precision,initialize,
c             orthogonal polynomial,series,special function
c***author  fullerton, w., (lanl)
c***purpose  initializes the d.p. properly normalized orthogonal
c            polynomial series to determine the number of terms needed
c            for specific accuracy.
c initialize the double precision orthogonal series dos so that initds
c is the number of terms needed to insure the error is no larger than
c eta.  ordinarily eta will be chosen to be one-tenth machine precision
c             input arguments --
c dos    dble prec array of nos coefficients in an orthogonal series.
c nos    number of coefficients in dos.
c eta    requested accuracy of series.
c***references  (none)
c***routines called  xerror
c***end prologue  initds
      double precision dos(nos)
c***first executable statement  initds
      if (nos.lt.1) call xerror ( 'initds  number of coefficients lt 1',
     1 35, 2, 2)
      err = 0.
      do 10 ii=1,nos
        i = nos + 1 - ii
        err = err + abs(sngl(dos(i)))
        if (err.gt.eta) go to 20
 10   continue
 20   if (i.eq.nos) call xerror ( 'initds  eta may be too small', 28,
     1  1, 2)
      initds = i

Input File: omh/initds.f.omh
6.16: xerror

6.16.a: Prototype
int f2cad::xerror_(char *messg, integer *nmessg, integer *nerr, integer *level, ftnlen messg_len);

6.16.b: Fortran Source
6.16.1: xerror.f

6.16.c: Description
This example uses the Cmlib routine xerror.f to print the message
	Ok:    xerror
(which is the expected output for this tests; see 7: run.cpp ).

# include <cstring>
# include <f2cad/xerror.hpp>

void xerror(void)
	const char* messg     = "Pass: xerror\n";
	integer     nmessg    = std::strlen(messg);
	integer     nerr      = 1;
	integer     level     = 0;
 	ftnlen      messg_len = (ftnlen) nmessg;   

	f2cad::xerror_(messg, &nmessg, &nerr, &level, messg_len);


Input File: example/xerror.cpp
6.16.1: xerror.f
      subroutine xerror(messg,nmessg,nerr,level)
c***begin prologue  xerror
c***date written   790801   (yymmdd)
c***revision date  820801   (yymmdd)
c***category no.  r3c
c***keywords  error,xerror package
c***author  jones, r. e., (snla)
c***purpose  processes an error (diagnostic) message.
c     abstract
c        xerror processes a diagnostic message, in a manner
c        determined by the value of level and the current value
c        of the library error control flag, kontrl.
c        (see subroutine xsetf for details.)
c     description of parameters
c      --input--
c        messg - the hollerith message to be processed, containing
c                no more than 72 characters.
c        nmessg- the actual number of characters in messg.
c        nerr  - the error number associated with this message.
c                nerr must not be zero.
c        level - error category.
c                =2 means this is an unconditionally fatal error.
c                =1 means this is a recoverable error.  (i.e., it is
c                   non-fatal if xsetf has been appropriately called.)
c                =0 means this is a warning message only.
c                =-1 means this is a warning message which is to be
c                   printed at most once, regardless of how many
c                   times this call is executed.
c     examples
c        call xerror('smooth -- num was zero.',23,1,2)
c        call xerror('integ  -- less than full accuracy achieved.',
c                    43,2,1)
c        call xerror('rooter -- actual zero of f found before interval f
c    1ully collapsed.',65,3,0)
c        call xerror('exp    -- underflows being set to zero.',39,1,-1)
c     latest revision ---  19 mar 1980
c     written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee
c***references  jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error-
c                 handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories,
c                 1982.
c***routines called  xerrwv
c***end prologue  xerror
      character*(*) messg
c***first executable statement  xerror
c     call xerrwv(messg,nmessg,nerr,level,0,0,0,0,0.,0.)
c statement above was commented out and the modified implementation
c below is for standard linking to a c routine
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c This is a limited version of the specifications above for use with f2cad
      integer message(1000)
      n = min(nmessg, 1000)
      do i = 1, n
          message(i) = ichar( messg(i:i) )
100   enddo
      call xerror2cpp(message, nmessg, nerr, level) 

Input File: omh/xerror.f.omh
7: Run Test of All the Library Routines

7.a: Syntax

7.b: Description
These programs will test libf2c_adolc.a, libf2c_cppad.a, and libf2c_fadbad.a respectively. If all the test succeed, they will print
	All the tests passed.
and return the value zero (no error). Otherwise they will print
	At least one test failed.
and return a non-zero value (error).

7.c: Source Code
The source code for these programs follows below. Note that the definition of integer and doublereal, in the prototypes for the Fortran functions, depends on the preprocessor symbols (see 5: prototype ).

// system include files used for I/O
# include <iostream>

// define the types integer and doublereal
# include <f2cad/f2cad.hpp>

// ../add2lib.sh uses this comment for extern command 
extern test_result dbesks(void);
extern test_result dbskes(void);
extern test_result d9knus(void);
extern test_result d9lgmc(void);
extern test_result dgamma(void);
extern test_result dint(void);
extern test_result dcsevl(void);
extern test_result dgamlm(void);
extern test_result initds(void);
extern test_result idamax(void);
extern test_result daxpy(void);
extern test_result ddot(void);
extern test_result dgefa(void);
extern test_result dgesl(void);
extern test_result dscal(void);

// xerror is a special case
extern void xerror(void);

// function that runs one test
bool run(test_result test_fun(void), const char *name)
	bool ok = true;
	switch( test_fun() )
		case test_none:
		std::cout << "None: " << name << std::endl;

		case test_pass:
		std::cout << "Pass: " << name << std::endl;

		case test_fail:
		std::cout << "Fail: " << name << std::endl;
		ok = false;

	return ok;

// main program that runs all the examples
int main(void)
{	bool ok = true;
	using std::cout;
	using std::endl;

	// ../add2lib.sh uses this comment for run command 
	ok &= run( dbesks , "dbesks" );
	ok &= run( dbskes , "dbskes" );
	ok &= run( d9knus , "d9knus" );
	ok &= run( d9lgmc , "d9lgmc" );
	ok &= run( dgamma , "dgamma" );
	ok &= run( dint , "dint" );
	ok &= run( dcsevl , "dcsevl" );
	ok &= run( dgamlm , "dgamlm" );
	ok &= run( initds , "initds" );
	ok &= run( idamax , "idamax" );
	ok &= run( daxpy  , "daxpy"  );
	ok &= run( ddot   , "ddot"   );
	ok &= run( dgefa  , "dgefa"  );
	ok &= run( dgesl  , "dgesl"  );
	ok &= run( daxpy  , "dscal"  );

	if( ok )
		cout << endl << "Pass: None of the tests above failed." << endl;
	else	cout << endl << "Fail: At least one test above failed." << endl;
	cout << "      The next two lines should be identical:" << endl;

	// xerror is a special case because it is not checked automatically
	// and must be checked by eye.
	cout << "Pass: xerror" << endl;
	cout << endl;

	if( ok )
		return 0;
	return 1;

Input File: example/run.cpp
8: Utilities used to Test Library

8.a: Purpose
These library functions are used to test the f2cad library. They are not differentiable versions of original Fortran functions.

8.b: Contents
8.1: Implementation of Cmlib i1mach Routine in Cpp
8.2: Implementation of Cmlib d1mach Routine in Cpp
8.3: f2cad Common Interface to Adolc, CppAD, and Fadbad
8.4: Determine if Two Double Values Are Nearly Equal
8.5: Implementation of Cmlib xerror Routine in Cpp

Input File: omh/utility.omh
8.1: Implementation of Cmlib i1mach Routine in Cpp

8.1.a: Syntax
j = i1mach_(i)

8.1.b: Purpose
This routine uses the C++ standard numeric_limits to implement the specifications required by the cmlib Fortran routine i1mach.

8.1.c: i
The argument i has prototype
It specifies which machine constant to evaluate.

8.1.d: d
The return value i has prototype % integer %d% % and is the value of the requested machine constant.

8.1.e: Mapping
The meaning for the machine constants below was extracted from the comments in the Fortran routine i1mach. The constants corresponding to i = 1, 2, 3, 4 are not defined. If any of these constants are requested, i1mach will generate an assertion error. Also note that, in the f2cad library, single and double precision Fortran values are both represented using C++ doubles. Hence, the return values for single and double precision are the same.
i j
1 standard input unit.
2 standard output unit.
3 standard punch unit.
4 standard error message unit.
5 number of bits per integer storage unit.
6 number of characters per integer storage unit.
7 base used for representation of integers.
8 number of base digits per integer storage unit.
9 largest integer magnitude
10 base for representing floating point numbers.
11 number of base digits in representation of single precision.
12 smallest exponent in representation of single precision.
13 largest exponent in representation of single precision.
14 number of base digits in representation of double precision.
15 smallest exponent in representation of double precision.
16 largest exponent in representation of double precision.

Input File: lib/i1mach.cpp
8.2: Implementation of Cmlib d1mach Routine in Cpp

8.2.a: Syntax
d = d1mach_(i)

8.2.b: Purpose
This routine uses the C++ standard numeric_limits to implement the specifications required by the cmlib Fortran routine d1mach.

8.2.c: i
The argument i has prototype
It specifies which machine constant to evaluate.

8.2.d: d
The return value d has prototype % doublereal %d% % and is the value of the requested machine constant.

8.2.e: Mapping
The Fortran definition for the machine constants below was extracted from the comments in the Fortran routine d1mach. The C++ definitions were extracted from the numeric_limits section of the C++ standard.
i d
1 B**(EMIN-1), the smallest positive magnitude.
2 B**EMAX*(1 - B**(-T)), the largest magnitude.
3 B**(-T), the smallest relative spacing.
4 B**(1-T), the largest relative spacing.
5 LOG10(B).

Input File: lib/d1mach.cpp
8.3: f2cad Common Interface to Adolc, CppAD, and Fadbad

8.3.a: Syntax
void f2cad::Independent(nx)
void f2cad::Dependent(my)
double f2cad::Partial<doublereal>(ij)
double f2cad::Value(z)
double f2cad::Sign(xy)

8.3.b: Purpose
These routines provide a common f2cad interface to the more efficient routines documented as part of the Adolc (https://projects.coin-or.org/ADOL-C) , CppAD (http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/) , and Fadbad (http://www.fadbad.com/fadbad.html) packages. They are not efficient and should only be used the example and tests of routines that have been converted from Fortran to an AD type by f2cad.

8.3.c: doublereal
The type doublereal is the C++ type that corresponds to Fortran single and double precision. This type is mapped to an AD type that depends on the library being used:
Library typedef
libf2c_adolc.a typedef adouble         doublereal
libf2c_cppad.a typedef CppAD::<double> doublereal
libf2c_fadbad.a typedef F<double>       doublereal

8.3.d: integer
The type integer is the C++ type that corresponds to Fortran integers.

8.3.e: Vector Elements

8.3.f: Tape State
Each doublereal type has a tape state and the initial tape state is Empty.

8.3.g: Independent
The argument n has prototype
It specifies the dimension of the domain space for the function being defined. The argument x has prototype
     doublereal *
It is a vector of length n that contains the independent variables (and values) for this function recording. The value of the elements of x are not affected by calling this routine. (The elements are not const in the prototype because the AD information connected to them may be affected.)

8.3.g.a: Tape State
The tape state must be either Empty or Complete when this routine is called. After this routine is called, the tape state will be Recording,

8.3.h: Dependent
The argument m has prototype
It specifies the dimension of the range space for the function being defined. The argument y has prototype
     doublereal *
It is a vector of length m that contains the dependent variables (and values) for this function recording. The value of the elements of y are not affected by calling this routine. (The elements are not const in the prototype because the AD information connected to them may be affected.)

8.3.h.a: Tape State
The tape state must be Recording when this routine is called. After this routine is called, the tape state will be Complete,

8.3.i: Partial
The argument i has prototype
It must be greater than or equal zero and less than the dimension of the range space for the function. The argument j has prototype
It must be greater than or equal zero and less than the dimension of the domain space for the function. The return value from Partial is the partial derivative of the i-th dependent variable with respect to the j-th dependent variable (i-th function value with respect to j-th function argument).

8.3.i.a: Tape State
The tape state must be Complete when this routine is called. The tape state is not affected by this call.

8.3.j: Value
The argument z has prototype
     const doublereal &
This function returns the value corresponding to the doublereal object z .

8.3.k: Sign
The arguments x and y have prototypes
This function returns  \[
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
     + |x| & \R{if} \; y \geq 0
     - |x| & \R{otherwise}
\end{array} \right.

8.3.k.a: Tape State
The tape state must be either Empty or Complete when this routine is called. The tape state is not affected by this call.

8.3.l: Source Code
The following table contains links to the source code for each AD type:

8.3.m: Contents
AdolcLink: 8.3.1f2cad Common Interface for Adolc
CppADLink: 8.3.2f2cad Common Interface for CppAD
FadbadLink: 8.3.3f2cad Common Interface for Fadbad

Input File: omh/f2cad_link.omh
8.3.1: f2cad Common Interface for Adolc
 // assume that F2CAD_USE_Adolc is defined
# include <f2cad/f2cad.hpp>

namespace {
	static bool Recording  = false; // currently recording a function
	static int Domain      = 0;     // domain dimension
	static int Range       = 0;     // range dimension
	static double *Xmemory = 0;     // domain value and differential
	static double **X      = 0;
	static double *Ymemory = 0;     // range value and differential
	static double **Y      = 0;

namespace f2cad {

void Independent(integer n, doublereal *x)
	// check not two Independents in a row
	assert( ! Recording );

	// make sure the set of independent variables not empty
	assert( n > 0 );

	// check for previously defined function (non-zero pointers)
	if( Xmemory != 0 )
	{	assert( Xmemory != 0 );
		delete [] Xmemory;

		assert( Ymemory != 0 );
		delete [] Ymemory;

		assert( X != 0 );
		delete [] X;

		assert( Y != 0 );
		delete [] Y;

	// allocate memory for independent variable value and differential
	// and store domain value in first column of X
	Xmemory = new double[2 * n];
	X       = new double *[n];
	int j;
	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
	{	X[j]    = Xmemory + 2 * j;
		X[j][0] = x[j].value();

	// start recording on tape number 1
	Recording = true;
	Domain    = n;
	Range     = 0;
	int tag   = 1;
	int keep  = 1;
	trace_on(tag, keep);

	// declare independent variables
	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
		x[j] <<= X[j][0];


void Dependent(integer m, doublereal *y)
	// check that directly follows call to Independent
	assert( Recording );
	assert( Range == 0 );

	// make sure the set of dependent variables is not empty
	assert( m > 0 );

	// declare the independent variables
	int i;
	double yi;
	for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
		y[i] >>= yi;

	// allocate memory for dependent variable value and differential
	// and store domain value in first column of X
	Ymemory = new double[2 * m];
	Y       = new double *[m];
	for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
		Y[i] = Ymemory + 2 * i;

	// stop the recording
	Range     = m;
	Recording = false;


// linked here from Partial<doublereal>(integer i, integer j)
double Partial(const doublereal &zero, integer i, integer j)
	// check that function is defined
	assert( ! Recording );
	assert( Domain > 0 );

	// check dimension of arguments
	int m = Range;
	int n = Domain;
	assert( 0 <= i );
	assert( 0 <= j );
	assert( i < m  );
	assert( j < n );
	assert( zero == doublereal(0) );

	// move data into structure expected by Adolc
	int k;
	for(k = 0; k < Domain; k++)
		X[k][1] = 0.;
	X[j][1] = 1.;

	// compute dy
	int tag  = 1; // tape identifier
	int keep = 1; // keep data in tape
	int d    = 1; // highest derivative degree
	forward(tag, m, n, d, keep, X, Y);

	// return the result
	return Y[i][1];

double Value(const doublereal &z)
{	doublereal tmp = z;
	return tmp.value(); 

doublereal Sign(const doublereal* x, const doublereal* y)
{	if( *y >= 0. )
		return abs(*x);
	return -abs(*x);

} // end f2cad namespace

Input File: lib/adolc/f2c_adolc.cpp
8.3.2: f2cad Common Interface for CppAD
 // assume that F2CAD_USE_CppAD is defined
# include <f2cad/f2cad.hpp>

namespace {
	static CppADvector< CppAD::AD<double> > X;
	static CppAD::ADFun<double> *F = 0;

namespace f2cad {

void Independent(integer n, doublereal *x)
	// check not two Independents in a row
	assert( X.size() == 0 );

	// make sure the set of independent variables not empty
	assert( n > 0 );

	// check for a previously defined function (nonzero pointer)
	if( F != 0 )
	{	delete F;
		F = 0;

	// move data into structure expected by CppAD
	integer j;
	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
		X[j] = x[j];

	// declare independent variables

	// make x equivalent to X
	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
		x[j] = X[j];


void Dependent(integer m, doublereal *y)
	// check that directly follows call to Independent
	assert( X.size() > 0 );
	assert( F == 0 );

	// make sure the set of dependent variables not empty
	assert( m > 0 );

	// move data into structure expected by CppAD
	CppADvector< CppAD::AD<double> > Y(m);
	integer i;
	for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
		Y[i] = y[i];

	// construct the AD function object
	F = new CppAD::ADFun<double>(X, Y);

	// no longer need independent variable information

// linked here from Partial<doublereal>(integer i, integer j)
double Partial(const doublereal &zero, integer i, integer j)
	// check that directly follows call to Dependent
	assert( X.size() == 0 );
	assert( F != 0 );

	// check dimension of arguments
	integer m = F->Range();
	integer n = F->Domain();
	assert( 0 <= i );
	assert( 0 <= j );
	assert( i < m );
	assert( j < n );
	assert( zero == doublereal(0) );

	// move data into structure expected by CppAD
	CppADvector<double> dx(n);
	integer k;
	for(k = 0; k < n; k++)
		dx[k] = 0.;
	dx[j] = 1.; 

	// Forward mode calculation
	CppADvector<double> dy(m);
	dy = F->Forward(1, dx);

	// return the result
	return dy[i];

double Value(const doublereal &z)
{	// convert in a way that works even if we are recording
	return CppAD::Value( Var2Par(z) ); 

doublereal Sign(const doublereal* x, const doublereal* y)
{	if( *y >= 0. )
		return abs(*x);
	return -abs(*x);

} // end f2cad namespace

Input File: lib/cppad/f2c_cppad.cpp
8.3.3: f2cad Common Interface for Fadbad
 // assume that F2CAD_USE_Fadbad is defined
# include <f2cad/f2cad.hpp>

namespace {
	static bool Recording  = false; // currently recording a function
	static int Domain      = 0;     // domain dimension
	static int Range       = 0;     // range dimension
	static doublereal *Fun = 0;     // currently defined function object

namespace f2cad {

void Independent(integer n, doublereal *x)
	// check not two Independents in a row
	assert( ! Recording );

	// make sure the set of independent variables not empty
	assert( n > 0 );

	// delete old function object
	if( Fun != 0 )
	{	delete [] Fun;
		Fun = 0;

	// declare independent variables
	int j;
	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
		x[j].diff(j, n);

	// change to recording state
	Recording = true;
	Domain    = n;
	Range     = 0;


void Dependent(integer m, doublereal *y)
	// check that directly follows call to Independent
	assert( Recording );
	assert( Range == 0 );
	assert( Fun == 0 );

	// make sure the set of dependent variables is not empty
	assert( m > 0 );

	// create the function object
	Fun = new doublereal[m];
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
		Fun[i] = y[i];

	// stop the recording
	Range     = m;
	Recording = false;

// linked here from Partial<doublereal>(integer i, integer j)
double Partial(const doublereal &zero, integer i, integer j)
	// check that function is defined
	assert( ! Recording );
	assert( Fun != 0 );

	assert( 0 <= i );
	assert( 0 <= j );
	assert( i < Range );
	assert( j < Domain );
	assert( zero == doublereal(0) );

	// compute dy
	return Fun[i].d(j);

double Value(const doublereal &z)
{	// value member function is not const
	doublereal tmp = z;
	return tmp.x(); 

doublereal Sign(const doublereal* x, const doublereal* y)
{	if( *y >= 0. )
		return abs(*x);
	return -abs(*x);

} // end f2cad namespace

Input File: lib/fadbad/f2c_fadbad.cpp
8.4: Determine if Two Double Values Are Nearly Equal
Syntax # include <f2cad/near_equal.hpp>
bool near_equal(double x, double y, double r, double a)

8.4.a: Description
Returns true if  \[
     x = y
     \; {\rm or} \;
     | x - y | \leq a
     \; {\rm or} \;
     \frac{ | x - y | } { |x| + |y| } \leq r
Otherwise, it return false. Note that r is a relative error bound and a is an absolute error bound.

8.4.b: Linking
Each of the libraries libf2c_adolc.a, libf2c_cppad.a, and libf2c_fadbad.a has a copy of this routine in it.
Input File: lib/near_equal.cpp
8.5: Implementation of Cmlib xerror Routine in Cpp

8.5.a: Syntax

8.5.b: Description
The f2cad version of 6.16.1: xerror.f uses this routine for its implementation. This is not completely faithful to the specifications for xerror.

8.5.c: message
The argument message has prototype
     const char *message
It points to the beginning of the error message to be printed.

8.5.d: n
The argument n has prototype
     const int *n
It is the number of characters in the error message.

8.5.e: nerr
The argument nerr has prototype
     const int *nerr
It is a number that identifies the error.

8.5.f: level
The argument level has prototype
     const int *level
It has the following meaning:
-1 a warning, message is printed (but not multiple times in a row)
0 a warning, message is printed
1 a non-fatal error, error number and message are printed
2 a fatal error, error number and message are printed and program aborts

Input File: lib/xerror2cpp.cpp
9: Adding a Fortran Routine to the f2cad Libraries

9.a: Required Software
f2c (http://netlib.sandia.gov/f2c/index.html) , autoconf (http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/) , automake (http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/) , omhelp (http://www.seanet.com/~bradbell/omhelp/installunix.xml) , cppad (http://http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/) , fadbad (http://www.fadbad.com/fadbad.html) , adolc (https://projects.coin-or.org/ADOL-C)

9.b: Example Steps
  1. Convert to lower case and copy the Fortran source code for the routine you are adding to the fortran subdirectory of the distribution directory. For the mysub example, execute the following command in the distribution directory:
         tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < mysub.f > fortran/mysub.f
  2. In the f2cad distribution directory, execute the command
    where name is the name of the Fortran routine. For the mysub example, execute the following command
         ./add2lib.sh mysub
  3. In the f2cad distribution directory, execute the command
         ./add2lib.sh use_new_files
    This command will copy the *.new files to the corresponding files (but first it will back up the corresponding files in *.old ). If name is not mysub, the initial version of
    will return test_none. You can edit this file to create a real test and example of name .
  4. In the file build.sh, make sure that F2C_DIR, ADOLC_DIR, and FADBAD_DIR have the proper values for your system. Then execute the command
    	./build.sh all
  5. You can undo the effect of the add2lib.sh commands above by executing
    	./add2lib.sh use_old_files

Input File: add2lib.sh
10: Changes And Additions To f2cad

10.a: Introduction
This section contains a list of changes to f2cad in reverse order by date. Its purpose is to assist you in learning about changes between various versions.

10.b: 10-04-28
  1. Added the routines 6.5: dbskes and 6.4: dbesks .
  2. Bring install instructions up to date.

10.c: 10-04-27
  1. Added the routine 6.1: d9knus .
  2. Added instructions for converting Fortran to lower case to 9: add2lib.sh .
  3. Improved sed script that converts from C to C++ so that it handles more cases.
  4. Fix undefined external MAIN_ on Fedora where using yum installed version of f2c (related to dynamic link -lf2c).

10.d: 10-04-26
  1. Update 3: install for move to CoinBazaar.
  2. Change the configure flag CPP_ERROR_WARN to CXX_FLAG.

10.e: 10-04-25
  1. Change the test return type to
    	typedef enum { test_none, test_pass, test_fail } test_return;
    This enables the driver program to inform the user when there is no test for a routine (which is how 9: add2lib.sh initializes each example / test).
  2. Added the 8.1: i1mach utility.
  3. Added the 6.12: dint , 6.2: d9lgmc , and 6.9: dgamma library functions.

10.f: 10-04-24
Alphabetize the 6: library section. Put a direct link to the Fortran source code directly after the prototype for each subsection of 6: library (the Fortran source has the documentation).

10.g: 10-04-04
  1. Move f2cad source code to https://projects.coin-or.org/CoinBazaar/browser
  2. Fix an upper/lower case bug that did not show up under cygwin (which is case insensitive on file names).
  3. Remove some unused files.

10.h: 10-04-03
  1. Moved example/*.h to example/*.cpp .
  2. Separated the example build for each packages into its own directory. For example, moved example/RunAdolc to example/adolc/adolc, example/RunCppAD to example/cppad/cppad, and example/RunFadbad to example/fadbad/fadbad.
  3. Change C++ include file names from *.h to *.hpp .
  4. Fix mistake in function all return value prototypes (stored in f2cad/*.omh ).
  5. Make fortran/mysub.f a working example for using 9: add2lib.sh .

10.i: 10-04-02
Added the routine 6.6: dcsevl .

10.j: 10-03-31
  1. Convert Blas routine names to the standard for double precision; e.g., saxpy was changes to 6.3: daxpy .
  2. Added the routines 8.2: d1mach and 6.8: dgamlm .

10.k: 10-03-29
  1. Modifications to bring up to date so worked with current versions of all the tools used.
  2. Fix a bug in 4.1: start_adolc.cpp (accessing memory after it had been freed).
  3. Include original Fortran and add links in examples to: 6.14.1: idamax.f , 6.3.1: daxpy.f , 6.7.1: ddot.f , 6.10.1: dgefa.f , 6.11.1: dgesl.f , 6.13.1: dscal.f .
  4. Add the routines 6.16: xerror and 8.5: xerror2cpp to the library.
  5. Add the cmlib routine 6.15: initds .

10.l: 09-03-01
The location of f2c on the web changed and its instructions no longer worked. An f2c_install.sh script was written which automates most of the install process (and works with the new location of f2c on the web).

Upgrade to new versions of 3.h: Adolc , and 3.j: Fadbad .

10.m: 05-08-27
The 9: add2lib.sh example fortran/mysub.f has been added. This shows to add multiple fortran functions and subroutines in one file. The advantage (or disadvantage) of this is that you only have to test one of the routines in the file.

10.n: 05-08-25
A script file that makes it easier to add new fortran routines to the libraries 9: add2lib.sh was added.

10.o: 05-04-09
The first version of f2cad was uploaded to
http://www.seanet.com/~bradbell/f2cad.unix.tar.gz .

10.p: 05-04-10
Use the vector  f for the function value in the example and test of 6.3: daxpy , 6.7: ddot , and 6.13: dscal .
Input File: omh/whats_new.omh
11: Alphabetic Listing of Cross Reference Tags
9: add2lib.sh
Adding a Fortran Routine to the f2cad Libraries
8.3.1: AdolcLink
f2cad Common Interface for Adolc
8.3.2: CppADLink
f2cad Common Interface for CppAD
8.2: d1mach
Implementation of Cmlib d1mach Routine in Cpp
6.1: d9knus
6.1.1: d9knus.f
6.2: d9lgmc
6.2.1: d9lgmc.f
6.3: daxpy
6.3.1: daxpy.f
6.4: dbesks
6.4.1: dbesks.f
6.5: dbskes
6.5.1: dbskes.f
6.6: dcsevl
6.6.1: dcsevl.f
6.7: ddot
6.7.1: ddot.f
6.8: dgamlm
6.8.1: dgamlm.f
6.9: dgamma
6.9.1: dgamma.f
6.10: dgefa
6.10.1: dgefa.f
6.11: dgesl
6.11.1: dgesl.f
6.12: dint
6.12.1: dint.f
6.13: dscal
6.13.1: dscal.f
: f2cad
f2cad-20100428: Convert Fortran 77 to C++ AD Types
8.3: f2cad_link
f2cad Common Interface to Adolc, CppAD, and Fadbad
8.3.3: FadbadLink
f2cad Common Interface for Fadbad
4: get_started
Getting Started Using the f2cad Libraries
8.1: i1mach
Implementation of Cmlib i1mach Routine in Cpp
6.14: idamax
6.14.1: idamax.f
6.15: initds
6.15.1: initds.f
3: Install
Installing f2cad
6: library
f2cad Library
2: license
Your License for the f2cad Software
8.4: near_equal
Determine if Two Double Values Are Nearly Equal
5: prototype
C++ Types Corresponding to Fortran Prototypes
7: run.cpp
Run Test of All the Library Routines
4.1: start_adolc.cpp
Getting Started Using Adolc with f2cad Library
4.2: start_cppad.cpp
Getting Started Using CppAD with f2cad Library
4.3: start_fadbad.cpp
Getting Started Using Fadbad with f2cad Library
8: utility
Utilities used to Test Library
10: whats_new
Changes And Additions To f2cad
6.16: xerror
6.16.1: xerror.f
8.5: xerror2cpp
Implementation of Cmlib xerror Routine in Cpp

12: Keyword Index
     getting started 4.1: Getting Started Using Adolc with f2cad Library
     difference 8.4: Determine if Two Double Values Are Nearly Equal
     run examples 7: Run Test of All the Library Routines
     daxpy 6.3: daxpy
     ddot 6.7: ddot
     dgefa 6.10: dgefa
     dgesl 6.11: dgesl
     dscal 6.13: dscal
     idamax 6.14: idamax
     d1mach 8.2: Implementation of Cmlib d1mach Routine in Cpp
     i1mach 8.1: Implementation of Cmlib i1mach Routine in Cpp
     getting started 4.2: Getting Started Using CppAD with f2cad Library
     derivative a.a: f2cad-20100428: Convert Fortran 77 to C++ AD Types: Purpose.cmlib AD Library
     initds 6.15: initds
     xerror 6.16: xerror
Dependent 8.3.h: f2cad Common Interface to Adolc, CppAD, and Fadbad: Dependent
     C++ 8.2: Implementation of Cmlib d1mach Routine in Cpp
d9knus 6.1: d9knus
d9lgmc 6.2: d9lgmc
     blas 6.3: daxpy
dbesks 6.4: dbesks
dbskes 6.5: dbskes
     fnlib 6.6: dcsevl
     blas 6.7: ddot
     cmlib a.a: f2cad-20100428: Convert Fortran 77 to C++ AD Types: Purpose.cmlib AD Library
     fnlib 6.8: dgamlm
dgamma 6.9: dgamma
     blas 6.10: dgefa
dgesl 6.10: dgefa
     blas 6.11: dgesl
     absolute or relative 8.4: Determine if Two Double Values Are Nearly Equal
dint 6.12: dint
     near equal 8.4: Determine if Two Double Values Are Nearly Equal
doublereal 8.3.b: f2cad Common Interface to Adolc, CppAD, and Fadbad: Purpose
     blas 6.13: dscal
     near 8.4: Determine if Two Double Values Are Nearly Equal
     xerror 8.5: Implementation of Cmlib xerror Routine in Cpp
     run 7: Run Test of All the Library Routines
     getting started 4.3: Getting Started Using Fadbad with f2cad Library
     common interface 8.3: f2cad Common Interface to Adolc, CppAD, and Fadbad
     dcsevl 6.6: dcsevl
     dgamlm 6.8: dgamlm
     prototype 5: C++ Types Corresponding to Fortran Prototypes
     started Adolc 4.1: Getting Started Using Adolc with f2cad Library
     started CppAD 4.2: Getting Started Using CppAD with f2cad Library
     started Fadbad 4.3: Getting Started Using Fadbad with f2cad Library
Independent 8.3.g: f2cad Common Interface to Adolc, CppAD, and Fadbad: Independent
     C++ 8.1: Implementation of Cmlib i1mach Routine in Cpp
     blas 6.14: idamax
     cmlib 6.15: initds
     f2cad common 8.3: f2cad Common Interface to Adolc, CppAD, and Fadbad
     f2cad common 8.3: f2cad Common Interface to Adolc, CppAD, and Fadbad
Partial 8.3.i: f2cad Common Interface to Adolc, CppAD, and Fadbad: Partial
     fortran 5: C++ Types Corresponding to Fortran Prototypes
     difference 8.4: Determine if Two Double Values Are Nearly Equal
     examples 7: Run Test of All the Library Routines
     Adolc 4.1: Getting Started Using Adolc with f2cad Library
     CppAD 4.2: Getting Started Using CppAD with f2cad Library
     Fadbad 4.3: Getting Started Using Fadbad with f2cad Library
Value 8.3.j: f2cad Common Interface to Adolc, CppAD, and Fadbad: Value
     C++ 8.5: Implementation of Cmlib xerror Routine in Cpp
     cmlib 6.16: xerror

13: External Internet References
Reference Location
_priintable.xml: f2cad
_printable.htm: f2cad
f2cad.htm: f2cad
f2cad.xml: f2cad
http://http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/9.a: add2lib.sh#Required Software
http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/cmlib/index/indexa.a: f2cad#Purpose.cmlib AD Library
http://netlib.sandia.gov/f2c/index.html3.d: Install#Built Sources
http://netlib.sandia.gov/f2c/index.html3.g: Install#F2C_DIR
http://netlib.sandia.gov/f2c/index.html9.a: add2lib.sh#Required Software
http://subversion.tigris.org/3.a: Install#Subversion
http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/a.a: f2cad#Purpose.cmlib AD Library
http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/3.i: Install#CPPAD_DIR
http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/8.3.b: f2cad_link#Purpose
http://www.coin-or.org/download/source/CoinBazaar/3.b.a: Install#Tarballs.Download
http://www.fadbad.com/3.j: Install#FADBAD_DIR
http://www.fadbad.com/fadbad.htmla.a: f2cad#Purpose.cmlib AD Library
http://www.fadbad.com/fadbad.html8.3.b: f2cad_link#Purpose
http://www.fadbad.com/fadbad.html9.a: add2lib.sh#Required Software
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt2.a: license#Short Copyright Notice
http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/9.a: add2lib.sh#Required Software
http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/9.a: add2lib.sh#Required Software
http://www.imm.dtu.dk/fadbad.html/4.3.b: start_fadbad.cpp#Description
http://www.math.tu-dresden.de/~adol-c/4.1.b: start_adolc.cpp#Description
http://www.seanet.com/~bradbell/CppAD/4.2.b: start_cppad.cpp#Description
http://www.seanet.com/~bradbell/f2cad.unix.tar.gz10.o: whats_new#05-04-09
http://www.seanet.com/~bradbell/omhelp/installunix.xml9.a: add2lib.sh#Required Software
https://projects.coin-or.org/ADOL-Ca.a: f2cad#Purpose.cmlib AD Library
https://projects.coin-or.org/ADOL-C3.h: Install#ADOLC_DIR
https://projects.coin-or.org/ADOL-C8.3.b: f2cad_link#Purpose
https://projects.coin-or.org/ADOL-C9.a: add2lib.sh#Required Software
https://projects.coin-or.org/CoinBazaar/browser10.g: whats_new#10-04-04