In many applications, the bounding operation is accomplished using the tools of linear programming (LP), a technique first described in full generality by Hoffman and Padberg [17]. This general class of algorithms is known as LP-based branch and bound. Typically, the integrality constraints of an integer programming formulation of the problem are relaxed to obtain a LP relaxation, which is then solved to obtain a lower bound for the problem. In [27], Padberg and Rinaldi improved on this basic idea by describing a method of using globally valid inequalities (i.e., inequalities valid for the convex hull of integer solutions) to strengthen the LP relaxation. They called this technique branch and cut. Since then, many implementations (including ours) have been fashioned around the framework they described for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem.
As an example, let a combinatorial optimization problem
Once we have failed to either prune the current subproblem or separate
the current fractional solution from , we are forced to
branch. The branching operation is accomplished by specifying a set of
hyperplanes which divide the current subproblem in such a way that the
current solution is not feasible for the LP relaxation of any of the
new subproblems. For example, in a combinatorial optimization problem,
branching could be accomplished simply by fixing a variable whose
current value is fractional to 0 in one branch and 1
in the other. The procedure is described more formally in Figure
2. Figure 3 gives a high level description
of the generic branch and cut algorithm.
As with cutting planes, the columns of can also be defined
implicitly if
is large. If column
is not present in the
current matrix, then variable
is implicitly taken to have value
zero. The process of dynamically generating variables is called pricing in the jargon of linear programming, but can also be viewed
as that of generating cutting planes for the dual of the current
LP relaxation. Hence, LP-based branch and bound algorithms in which
the variables are generated dynamically when needed are known as branch and price algorithms. In [5], Barnhart,
et al. provide a thorough review of these methods.
When both variables and cutting planes are generated dynamically during LP-based branch and bound, the technique becomes known as branch, cut, and price (BCP). In such a scheme, there is a pleasing symmetry between the treatment of cuts and that of variables. We will further examine this symmetry later in the manual. For now, however, it is important to note that while branch, cut, and price does combine ideas from both branch and cut and branch and price (which are very similar to each other anyway), combining the two techniques requires much more sophisticated methods than either one requires on its own. This is an important idea that is at the core of our design.
In the remainder of the manual, we will often use the term search tree. This term derives from the common representation of the list of subproblems as the nodes of a graph in which each subproblem is connected only to its parent and its children. Storing the subproblems in such a form is an important aspect of our global data structures. Since the subproblems correspond to the nodes of this graph, they will sometimes be referred to as nodes in the search tree or simply as nodes. The root node or root of the tree is the node representing the initial subproblem.