Solver Square Comparison: Considers all models.

Date / Time: 09/29/08 16:20:33

Solver comparison utility.

Compares all solver return outcomes (for example optimal, locally optimal, infeasible, unbounded, fail) of one solver with all return outcomes of another solver. Interrupt denotes resource or iteration limit has been reached. Solver BONMINOA is represented on the left (rows) and solver SBB on top (columns). See the solver return definitions for return codes.

Models having trace data only in one trace file are listed in the "no data" column of the other.

Tracefile 1 :BONMIN-6.trc.convex
Tracefile 2 :SBB-1.trc.convex
Solvers used : BONMINOA
Modeltype(s)   MINLP

no data
- - - - - - -
- 30 - - 2 - 32
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- 2 - - 1 - 3
no data
- - - - - - -
total SBB - 32 - - 3 - 35

Solver return definitions:

OutcomeModel StatusSolver Status
optimal 1 or 15 1
locally optimal 2 any
feasible 8 or 16 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
infeasible 4 or 5 or 10 or 19 1
unbounded 3 or 18 1
fail all other all other

Solver Resource Times

BONMINOA: feasible -- SBB: feasible    Back to top

Modelname Time (BONMINOA) Time (SBB) Ratio (BONMINOA/SBB) Obj (BONMINOA) Obj (SBB)
alan 0.2400 0.2080 1.154 2.92500000 2.92500000
batch 2.2100 0.4870 4.538 285506.50824410 285506.50815158
du-opt5 6.5600 21.3160 0.308 8.07365758 8.07365758
du-opt 9.7300 1.7230 5.647 3.56127566 3.55699635
ex1223 0.1200 0.2150 0.558 4.57958249 4.57958240
ex1223a 0.0200 0.1630 0.123 4.57958240 4.57958240
ex1223b 0.0700 0.2150 0.326 4.57958240 4.57958240
fac1 0.1200 0.2300 0.522 160912612.35018700 160912612.35016900
fac3 0.5000 0.5570 0.898 31982309.84800050 31982309.84800000
fo7 1187.0800 6719.6300 0.177 20.72982507 30.03641833
m3 0.1300 1.1120 0.117 37.80000000 37.80000000
m6 12.7300 2884.9770 0.004 82.25687691 82.25687691
m7 119.7300 5959.9000 0.020 106.75687691 123.96437781
meanvarx 0.3100 0.2120 1.462 14.36923211 14.49698300
nvs03 0.0000 0.2040 0.000 16.00000000 16.00000000
nvs10 0.0200 0.1480 0.135 -310.80000000 -310.80000000
o7 3605.8700 6631.9400 0.544 131.65313814 181.46472807
risk2bpb 2.5900 0.5240 4.943 -55.87613939 -55.73616850
st_e14 0.1100 0.2140 0.514 4.57958249 4.57958240
st_miqp1 0.0100 0.2000 0.050 281.00000000 281.00000000
st_miqp4 0.0800 0.1340 0.597 -4574.00000000 -4574.00000000
st_test5 0.0000 0.3790 0.000 -110.00000000 -110.00000000
st_test6 0.0100 0.4920 0.020 471.00000000 471.00000000
st_test8 0.0000 0.1410 0.000 -29575.00000000 -29605.00000000
st_testgr1 0.3100 0.3260 0.951 -12.76375000 -12.72810000
st_testgr3 0.0400 0.3160 0.127 -20.47750000 -20.46880000
st_testph4 0.0100 0.3650 0.027 -80.50000000 -80.50000000
synthes1 0.1600 0.1670 0.958 6.00975891 6.00975891
synthes2 0.1600 0.2650 0.604 73.03531253 73.03531253
synthes3 0.5900 0.4320 1.366 68.00974052 68.00974052

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BONMINOA: feasible -- SBB: fail    Back to top

Modelname Time (BONMINOA) Time (SBB) Ratio (BONMINOA/SBB) Obj (BONMINOA) Status (SBB)
tls6 3605.3500 10020.9100 --- 15.90000000 mstat(14) sstat( 8)
tls7 3605.5800 5234.9090 --- 16.60000000 mstat(13) sstat(13)

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BONMINOA: fail -- SBB: feasible    Back to top

Modelname Time (BONMINOA) Time (SBB) Ratio (BONMINOA/SBB) Status (BONMINOA) Obj (SBB)
st_miqp2 NA 0.2720 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) 2.00000000
stockcycle NA 591.1400 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) 119948.68833333

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BONMINOA: fail -- SBB: fail    Back to top

Modelname Time (BONMINOA) Time (SBB) Ratio (BONMINOA/SBB) Status (BONMINOA) Status (SBB)
tls12 NA 11222.8460 --- mstat(14) sstat( 3) mstat(14) sstat( 8)

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BONMINOA: feasible:     Back to top

Modelname Time (BONMINOA) Obj (BONMINOA)
alan 0.2400 2.92500000
batch 2.2100 285506.50824410
du-opt5 6.5600 8.07365758
du-opt 9.7300 3.56127566
ex1223 0.1200 4.57958249
ex1223a 0.0200 4.57958240
ex1223b 0.0700 4.57958240
fac1 0.1200 160912612.35018700
fac3 0.5000 31982309.84800050
fo7 1187.0800 20.72982507
gbd 0.0100 2.20000000
m3 0.1300 37.80000000
m6 12.7300 82.25687691
m7 119.7300 106.75687691
meanvarx 0.3100 14.36923211
nvs03 0.0000 16.00000000
nvs10 0.0200 -310.80000000
o7 3605.8700 131.65313814
risk2bpb 2.5900 -55.87613939
st_e14 0.1100 4.57958249
st_miqp1 0.0100 281.00000000
st_miqp3 0.0100 -6.00000000
st_miqp4 0.0800 -4574.00000000
st_miqp5 0.0600 -333.88888889
st_test5 0.0000 -110.00000000
st_test6 0.0100 471.00000000
st_test8 0.0000 -29575.00000000
st_testgr1 0.3100 -12.76375000
st_testgr3 0.0400 -20.47750000
st_testph4 0.0100 -80.50000000
synthes1 0.1600 6.00975891
synthes2 0.1600 73.03531253
synthes3 0.5900 68.00974052
tls6 3605.3500 15.90000000
tls7 3605.5800 16.60000000

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BONMINOA: fail:     Back to top

Modelname Time (BONMINOA) Status (BONMINOA)
st_miqp2 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
stockcycle -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
tls12 -- mstat(14) sstat( 3)

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SBB: feasible:     Back to top

Modelname Time (SBB) Obj (SBB)
alan 0.2080 2.92500000
batch 0.4870 285506.50815158
du-opt5 21.3160 8.07365758
du-opt 1.7230 3.55699635
ex1223 0.2150 4.57958240
ex1223a 0.1630 4.57958240
ex1223b 0.2150 4.57958240
fac1 0.2300 160912612.35016900
fac3 0.5570 31982309.84800000
fo7 6719.6300 30.03641833
m3 1.1120 37.80000000
m6 2884.9770 82.25687691
m7 5959.9000 123.96437781
meanvarx 0.2120 14.49698300
nvs03 0.2040 16.00000000
nvs10 0.1480 -310.80000000
o7 6631.9400 181.46472807
risk2bpb 0.5240 -55.73616850
st_e14 0.2140 4.57958240
st_miqp1 0.2000 281.00000000
st_miqp2 0.2720 2.00000000
st_miqp4 0.1340 -4574.00000000
st_test5 0.3790 -110.00000000
st_test6 0.4920 471.00000000
st_test8 0.1410 -29605.00000000
st_testgr1 0.3260 -12.72810000
st_testgr3 0.3160 -20.46880000
st_testph4 0.3650 -80.50000000
stockcycle 591.1400 119948.68833333
synthes1 0.1670 6.00975891
synthes2 0.2650 73.03531253
synthes3 0.4320 68.00974052

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SBB: fail:     Back to top

Modelname Time (SBB) Status (SBB)
tls12 -- mstat(14) sstat( 8)
tls6 -- mstat(14) sstat( 8)
tls7 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)

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BONMINOA: all -- SBB: all :     Back to top

Rows with light red background in the model name mark inconsistencies, caused by negative gaps or objective values of one solver that are better than the objestive estimate of the other solver.
A "(max)" behind a model names indicates that this model is a maximization model.

A model is counted as solved if the gap reported by the solver is at most 0.015. The gap is in this case displayed with a green background

For time and timeratios, a shifted geometric mean is used, where unsolved instances are counted with twice the reslim (3600.00 seconds). The shift is 10s for time and 0.0001 for timeratios.

Modelname Time (BONMINOA) Time (SBB) Ratio (BONMINOA/SBB) Obj (BONMINOA) Obj (SBB) ObjEst (BONMINOA) ObjEst (SBB) Gap (BONMINOA) Gap (SBB)
alan 0.2400 0.2080 1.154 2.92500000 2.92500000 2.92500000 2.89903846 0.0000 0.0090
batch 2.2100 0.4870 4.538 285506.50824410 285506.50815158 285506.50824416 284567.76892499 0.0000 0.0033
du-opt5 6.5600 21.3160 0.308 8.07365758 8.07365758 8.07365758 7.99724376 0.0000 0.0096
du-opt 9.7300 1.7230 5.647 3.56127566 3.55699635 3.55000000 3.55405398 0.0032 0.0008
ex1223 0.1200 0.2150 0.558 4.57958249 4.57958240 4.57958241 4.57958240 0.0000 0.0000
ex1223a 0.0200 0.1630 0.123 4.57958240 4.57958240 4.57958240 4.57958240 0.0000 0.0000
ex1223b 0.0700 0.2150 0.326 4.57958240 4.57958240 4.57958240 4.57958240 0.0000 0.0000
fac1 0.1200 0.2300 0.522 160912612.35018700 160912612.35016900 160912612.35017000 160912612.35016900 0.0000 0.0000
fac3 0.5000 0.5570 0.898 31982309.84800050 31982309.84800000 31982309.84800000 31683857.91231900 0.0000 0.0094
fo7 1187.0800 6719.6300 0.177 20.72982507 30.03641833 20.72982507 8.85834264 0.0000 2.3907
m3 0.1300 1.1120 0.117 37.80000000 37.80000000 37.80000000 37.80000000 0.0000 0.0000
m6 12.7300 2884.9770 0.004 82.25687691 82.25687691 82.25687691 81.44282503 0.0000 0.0100
m7 119.7300 5959.9000 0.020 106.75687691 123.96437781 106.75687691 69.83328560 0.0000 0.7751
meanvarx 0.3100 0.2120 1.462 14.36923211 14.49698300 14.36923212 14.36923211 0.0000 0.0089
nvs03 0.0000 0.2040 0.000 16.00000000 16.00000000 16.00000000 16.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
nvs10 0.0200 0.1480 0.135 -310.80000000 -310.80000000 -310.80000000 -313.09000000 0.0000 0.0073
o7 3605.8700 6631.9400 0.544 131.65313814 181.46472807 104.49266820 51.70454545 0.2599 2.5096
risk2bpb 2.5900 0.5240 4.943 -55.87613939 -55.73616850 -55.87613885 -56.28559232 0.0000 0.0098
st_e14 0.1100 0.2140 0.514 4.57958249 4.57958240 4.57958241 4.57958240 0.0000 0.0000
st_miqp1 0.0100 0.2000 0.050 281.00000000 281.00000000 281.00000000 281.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
st_miqp2 NA 0.2720 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) 2.00000000 --- 2.00000000 --- 0.0000
st_miqp4 0.0800 0.1340 0.597 -4574.00000000 -4574.00000000 -4574.00000000 -4576.50000000 0.0000 0.0005
st_test5 0.0000 0.3790 0.000 -110.00000000 -110.00000000 -110.00000000 -110.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
st_test6 0.0100 0.4920 0.020 471.00000000 471.00000000 471.00000000 471.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
st_test8 0.0000 0.1410 0.000 -29575.00000000 -29605.00000000 +INF -29605.42105263 NA 0.0000
st_testgr1 0.3100 0.3260 0.951 -12.76375000 -12.72810000 +INF -12.82570493 NA 0.0076
st_testgr3 0.0400 0.3160 0.127 -20.47750000 -20.46880000 +INF -20.66761092 NA 0.0096
st_testph4 0.0100 0.3650 0.027 -80.50000000 -80.50000000 -80.50000000 -80.50000000 0.0000 0.0000
stockcycle NA 591.1400 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) 119948.68833333 --- 119356.39972719 --- 0.0050
synthes1 0.1600 0.1670 0.958 6.00975891 6.00975891 6.00975891 6.00975891 0.0000 0.0000
synthes2 0.1600 0.2650 0.604 73.03531253 73.03531253 73.03531253 73.03531253 0.0000 0.0000
synthes3 0.5900 0.4320 1.366 68.00974052 68.00974052 68.00974052 68.00974052 0.0000 0.0000
tls12 NA 11222.8460 --- mstat(14) sstat( 3) mstat(14) sstat( 8) --- --- --- ---
tls6 3605.3500 10020.9100 --- 15.90000000 mstat(14) sstat( 8) 4.01632928 --- 2.9588 ---
tls7 3605.5800 5234.9090 --- 16.60000000 mstat(13) sstat(13) 2.40202263 --- 5.9108 ---
mean 62.37 33.34 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
unsolved 25.71% 17.14%         

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