OsiDylpSolverInterface Class Reference

COIN OSI layer for dylp. More...

#include <OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for OsiDylpSolverInterface:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for OsiDylpSolverInterface:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Solver instance control variables

These variables maintain state for individual ODSI instances.

enum  basisCondition { basisNone = 0, basisFresh, basisModified, basisDamaged }
 Codes for basis condition. More...
ioid local_outchn
 Output file for this ODSI instance.
ioid local_logchn
 Log file for this ODSI instance.
bool initial_gtxecho
 Controls output of log information to stdout during initialSolve().
bool resolve_gtxecho
 Controls output of log information to stdout during resolve() and solveFromHotStart().
lpret_enum lp_retval
 Result of last call to solver for this ODSI instance.
double obj_sense
 Objective function sense for this ODSI instance.
double odsiInfinity
 The value of infinity.
const std::string solvername
 Solver name (dylp).
void * info_ [OsiLastHintParam]
 Array for info blocks associated with hints.
bool mps_debug
 Allow messages from CoinMpsIO package.
 Warm start object used as a fallback for hot start.
struct {
   CoinWarmStart *   basis
   basisCondition   condition
   int   balance
 Active basis.
bool solnIsFresh
 The most recent solution from dylp is valid.

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors
 OsiDylpSolverInterface ()
 Default constructor.
 OsiDylpSolverInterface (const OsiDylpSolverInterface &src)
 Copy constructor.
OsiSolverInterfaceclone (bool copyData=true) const
 Clone the solver object.
OsiDylpSolverInterfaceoperator= (const OsiDylpSolverInterface &rhs)
 ~OsiDylpSolverInterface ()
void reset ()
 Reset the solver object to the state produced by the default constructor.
Methods to load a problem
int readMps (const char *filename, const char *extension="mps")
 Read a problem description in MPS format from a file.
int readMps (const char *filename, const char *extension, int &numberSets, CoinSet **&sets)
 Read a problem description in MPS format from a file, including SOS information.
void writeMps (const char *basename, const char *extension="mps", double objsense=0.0) const
 Write the problem into the specified file in MPS format.
void loadProblem (const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const char *rowsen, const double *rowrhs, const double *rowrng)
 Load a problem description (OSI packed matrix, row sense, parameters unaffected).
void loadProblem (const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub)
 Load a problem description (OSI packed matrix, row bounds, parameters unaffected).
void loadProblem (const int colcnt, const int rowcnt, const int *start, const int *index, const double *value, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const char *sense, const double *rhsin, const double *range)
 Load a problem description (standard column-major packed matrix, row sense, parameters unaffected).
void loadProblem (const int colcnt, const int rowcnt, const int *start, const int *index, const double *value, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *row_lower, const double *row_upper)
 Load a problem description (standard column-major packed matrix, row bounds, parameters unaffected).
void assignProblem (CoinPackedMatrix *&matrix, double *&collb, double *&colub, double *&obj, char *&rowsen, double *&rowrhs, double *&rowrng)
 Load a problem description (OSI packed matrix, row sense, parameters destroyed).
void assignProblem (CoinPackedMatrix *&matrix, double *&collb, double *&colub, double *&obj, double *&rowlb, double *&rowub)
 Load a problem description (OSI packed matrix, row bounds, parameters destroyed).
Methods to obtain problem information
int getNumCols () const
 Get the number of columns (variables).
int getNumRows () const
 Get the number of rows (constraints).
int getNumElements () const
 Get the number of non-zero coefficients.
int getNumIntegers () const
 Get the number of integer variables.
const double * getColLower () const
 Get the column (variable) lower bound vector.
const double * getColUpper () const
 Get the column (variable) upper bound vector.
bool isContinuous (int colIndex) const
 Return true if the variable is continuous.
bool isBinary (int colIndex) const
 Return true if the variable is binary.
bool isIntegerNonBinary (int colIndex) const
 Return true if the variable is general integer.
bool isInteger (int colIndex) const
 Return true if the variable is integer (general or binary).
const char * getRowSense () const
 Get the row sense (constraint type) vector.
const double * getRightHandSide () const
 Get the row (constraint) right-hand-side vector.
const double * getRowRange () const
 Get the row (constraint) range vector.
const double * getRowLower () const
 Get the row (constraint) lower bound vector.
const double * getRowUpper () const
 Get the row (constraint) upper bound vector.
const double * getObjCoefficients () const
 Get the objective function coefficient vector.
double getObjSense () const
 Get the objective function sense (min/max).
const CoinPackedMatrixgetMatrixByRow () const
 Get a pointer to a row-major copy of the constraint matrix.
const CoinPackedMatrixgetMatrixByCol () const
 Get a pointer to a column-major copy of the constraint matrix.
Methods to modify the problem
void setContinuous (int index)
 Set a single variable to be continuous.
void setContinuous (const int *indices, int len)
 Set a list of variables to be continuous.
void setInteger (int index)
 Set a single variable to be integer.
void setInteger (const int *indices, int len)
 Set a list of variables to be integer.
void setColLower (int index, double value)
 Set the lower bound on a column (variable).
void setColUpper (int index, double value)
 Set the upper bound on a column (variable).
void setRowLower (int index, double value)
 Set the lower bound on a row (constraint).
void setRowUpper (int index, double value)
 Set the upper bound on a row (constraint).
void setRowType (int index, char rowsen, double rowrhs, double rowrng)
 Set the type of a row (constraint).
void setObjCoeff (int index, double value)
 Set an objective function coefficient.
void setObjSense (double sense)
 Set the sense (min/max) of the objective.
void setColSolution (const double *colsol)
 Set the value of the primal variables in the problem solution.
void setRowPrice (const double *)
 Set the value of the dual variables in the problem solution.
void addCol (const CoinPackedVectorBase &vec, const double collb, const double colub, const double obj)
 Add a column (variable) to the problem.
void deleteCols (const int num, const int *colIndices)
 Remove column(s) (variable(s)) from the problem.
void addRow (const CoinPackedVectorBase &row, const double rowlb, const double rowub)
 Add a row (constraint) to the problem.
void addRow (const CoinPackedVectorBase &row, const char rowsen, const double rowrhs, const double rowrng)
 Add a row (constraint) to the problem.
void deleteRows (const int num, const int *rowIndices)
 Delete row(s) (constraint(s)) from the problem.
void applyRowCut (const OsiRowCut &cut)
 Apply a row (constraint) cut (add one constraint).
void applyColCut (const OsiColCut &cut)
 Apply a column (variable) cut (adjust one or more bounds).
Solve methods
void initialSolve ()
 Solve an lp from scratch.
CoinWarmStartgetEmptyWarmStart () const
 Get an empty OsiDylpWarmStartBasis object.
CoinWarmStartgetWarmStart () const
 Build a warm start object for the current lp solution.
bool setWarmStart (const CoinWarmStart *warmStart)
 Apply a warm start object.
void resolve ()
 Call dylp to reoptimize (warm start).
void markHotStart ()
 Create a hot start snapshot.
void solveFromHotStart ()
 Call dylp to reoptimize (hot start).
void unmarkHotStart ()
 Delete the hot start snapshot.
Methods returning solver termination status
bool isAbandoned () const
 True if dylp abandoned the problem.
bool isProvenOptimal () const
 True if dylp reported an optimal solution.
bool isProvenPrimalInfeasible () const
 True if dylp reported the problem to be primal infeasible.
bool isProvenDualInfeasible () const
 True if dylp reported the problem to be dual infeasible (primal unbounded).
bool isIterationLimitReached () const
 True if dylp reached the iteration limit.
int getIterationCount () const
 Get the number of iterations for the last lp.
bool isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached () const
 Is the primal objective limit reached?
bool isDualObjectiveLimitReached () const
 Is the dual objective limit reached?
Methods to set/get solver parameters
double getInfinity () const
 Get dylp's value for infinity.
bool setIntParam (OsiIntParam key, int value)
 Set an OSI integer parameter.
bool setDblParam (OsiDblParam key, double value)
 Set an OSI double parameter.
bool setStrParam (OsiStrParam key, const std::string &value)
 Set an OSI string parameter.
bool setHintParam (OsiHintParam key, bool sense=true, OsiHintStrength strength=OsiHintTry, void *info=0)
 Set an OSI hint.
bool getIntParam (OsiIntParam key, int &value) const
 Get an OSI integer parameter.
bool getDblParam (OsiDblParam key, double &value) const
 Get an OSI double parameter.
bool getStrParam (OsiStrParam key, std::string &value) const
 Get an OSI string parameter.
bool getHintParam (OsiHintParam key, bool &sense, OsiHintStrength &strength, void *&info) const
 Get an OSI hint.
void newLanguage (CoinMessages::Language language)
 Change the language for OsiDylp messages.
void setLanguage (CoinMessages::Language language)
 An alias for OsiDylpSolverInterface::newLanguage.
Methods to obtain solution information
const double * getColSolution () const
 Return the vector of primal variables for the solution.
const double * getRowPrice () const
 Return the vector of dual variables for the solution.
const double * getReducedCost () const
 Return the vector of reduced costs for the solution.
const double * getRowActivity () const
 Return the vector of row activity for the solution.
double getObjValue () const
 Get the objective function value for the solution.
Methods for row and column names.
Only the set methods need to be overridden to ensure consistent names between OsiDylp and the OSI base class.

void setObjName (std::string name)
 Set the objective function name.
void setRowName (int ndx, std::string name)
 Set a row name.
void setColName (int ndx, std::string name)
 Set a column name.
Debugging Methods
void activateRowCutDebugger (const char *modelName)
 Activate the row cut debugger.
void activateRowCutDebugger (const double *solution)
 Activate the row cut debugger.
Dylp-specific methods
void dylp_controlfile (const char *name, const bool silent, const bool mustexist=true)
 Process an options (.spc) file.
void dylp_logfile (const char *name, bool echo=false)
 Establish a log file.
void dylp_outfile (const char *name)
 Establish an output (solution and/or statistics) file.
void dylp_printsoln (bool wantSoln, bool wantStats)
 Print the solution and/or statistics to the output file.
void setOsiDylpMessages (CoinMessages::Language local_language)
 Set the language for messages.
Unsupported functions
void branchAndBound ()
 Invoke the solver's built-in branch-and-bound algorithm.
std::vector< double * > getDualRays (int) const
 Get as many dual rays as the solver can provide.
std::vector< double * > getPrimalRays (int) const
 Get as many primal rays as the solver can provide.

Public Attributes

Dylp data structures
These structures contain dylp control options and tolerances.

lpopts_struct * initialSolveOptions
lpopts_struct * resolveOptions
lptols_struct * tolerances

Private Member Functions

Helper functions for presolve
Functions used to access the CoinPresolve capabilities. There are no public functions associated with presolve --- the only control is the OsiDoPresolveInInitial and OsiDoPresolveInResolve hints. The functions declared here do the work. See OsiDylpPresolve.cpp for additional explanation.

CoinPresolveMatrixinitialisePresolve (bool keepIntegers)
 Create and load a presolve object.
void doPresolve ()
 Perform presolve transformations.
bool evalPresolve ()
 Decide whether presolve was effective enough to use.
void saveOriginalSys ()
 Save the original problem.
void installPresolve ()
 Load the presolved problem into the ODSI object.
CoinPostsolveMatrixinitialisePostsolve (CoinPresolveMatrix *&preObj)
 Create and load a postsolve object.
void doPostsolve ()
 Apply the postsolve transforms from postActions_.
void installPostsolve ()
 Reload the original constraint system with the postsolved basis.
void destruct_presolve ()
 Delete presolve information.
Helper functions for problem construction
void construct_lpprob ()
void construct_options ()
void construct_consys (int cols, int rows)
void dylp_ioinit ()
void gen_rowparms (int rowcnt, double *rhs, double *rhslow, contyp_enum *ctyp, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub)
void gen_rowparms (int rowcnt, double *rhs, double *rhslow, contyp_enum *ctyp, const char *sense, const double *rhsin, const double *range)
void load_problem (const CoinMpsIO &mps)
void load_problem (const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix, const double *col_lower, const double *col_upper, const double *obj, const contyp_enum *ctyp, const double *rhs, const double *rhslow)
void load_problem (const int colcnt, const int rowcnt, const int *start, const int *lens, const int *index, const double *value, const double *col_lower, const double *col_upper, const double *obj, const contyp_enum *ctyp, const double *rhs, const double *rhslow)
Helper functions for invoking dylp
lpret_enum do_lp (ODSI_start_enum start)
 Common core method to invoke dylp.
Destructor helpers
void destruct_col_cache (bool structure)
void destruct_row_cache (bool structure)
void destruct_cache (bool rowStructure, bool colStructure)
void destruct_problem (bool preserve_interface)
void detach_dylp ()
Helper functions for problem modification
void add_col (const CoinPackedVectorBase &coin_coli, vartyp_enum vtypi, double vlbi, double vubi, double obji, const std::string *nme)
void add_row (const CoinPackedVectorBase &coin_rowi, char clazzi, contyp_enum ctypi, double rhsi, double rhslowi, const std::string *nme)
void calc_objval ()
contyp_enum bound_to_type (double lower, double upper)
void gen_rowiparms (contyp_enum *ctypi, double *rhsi, double *rhslowi, char sensei, double rhsini, double rangei)
void gen_rowiparms (contyp_enum *ctypi, double *rhsi, double *rhslowi, double rowlbi, double rowubi)
void unimp_hint (bool dylpSense, bool hintSense, OsiHintStrength hintStrength, const char *msgString)
void pessimal_primal ()
void reduceActiveBasis ()

Static Private Member Functions

Helper functions for problem modification
static contyp_enum sense_to_type (char type)
static char type_to_sense (contyp_enum type)
Copy helpers
Copy function templates for simple vectors and fixed-size objects, and specializations for various complex structures.

template<class T>
static void copy (const T *src, T *dst, int n)
template<class T>
static T * copy (const T *src, int n)
template<class T>
static T * copy (const T *src)
static basis_struct * copy_basis (const basis_struct *src, int dstsze)
static void copy_basis (const basis_struct *src, basis_struct *dst)
static lpprob_struct * copy_lpprob (const lpprob_struct *src)
Copy verification functions
Copy verification functions, to check that two structures are identical.

template<class T>
static void assert_same (const T &t1, const T &t2, bool exact)
template<class T>
static void assert_same (const T *t1, const T *t2, int n, bool exact)
static void assert_same (double d1, double d2, bool exact)
static void assert_same (const basis_struct &b1, const basis_struct &b2, bool exact)
static void assert_same (const consys_struct &c1, const consys_struct &c2, bool exact)
static void assert_same (const conbnd_struct &c1, const conbnd_struct &c2, bool exact)
static void assert_same (const lpprob_struct &l1, const lpprob_struct &l2, bool exact)
static void assert_same (const OsiDylpSolverInterface &o1, const OsiDylpSolverInterface &o2, bool exact)
Vector helper functions
template<class T>
static T * idx_vec (T *data)
static int idx (int i)
template<class T>
static T * inv_vec (T *data)
static int inv (int i)
static pkvec_struct * packed_vector (const CoinShallowPackedVector vector, int dimension)
static void packed_vector (const CoinShallowPackedVector vector, int dimension, pkvec_struct *dst)
File i/o helper routines
static std::string make_filename (const char *filename, const char *ext1, const char *ext2)

Private Attributes

Dylp data structures
These fields hold pointers to the data structures which are used to pass an lp problem to dylp.

consys_struct * consys
lpprob_struct * lpprob
lpstats_struct * statistics
Cached problem information
Problem information is cached for efficiency, to avoid repeated reconstruction of OSI structures from dylp structures.

double _objval
double * _col_obj
double * _col_x
double * _col_cbar
double * _row_rhs
double * _row_lower
double * _row_upper
char * _row_sense
double * _row_range
double * _row_lhs
double * _row_price
Data for presolve
Data related to the use of the CoinPresolve capabilities (which see for further information).

 The presolve object.
const CoinPresolveActionpostActions_
 List of postsolve actions.
 The postsolve object.
int passLimit_
 Limit for iterations of the major presolve loop.
bool keepIntegers_
 true if presolve should consider integrality
consys_struct * savedConsys_
 Saved copy of original problem.
double * saved_col_obj
 Saved pointers to cached structural vectors.
double * saved_row_rhs
 The presolve object.
double * saved_row_lower
 The presolve object.
double * saved_row_upper
 The presolve object.
char * saved_row_sense
 The presolve object.
double * saved_row_range
 The presolve object.
 The presolve object.
 The presolve object.

Static Private Attributes

Dylp residual control variables
static int reference_count
static bool basis_ready
static OsiDylpSolverInterfacedylp_owner


int OsiDylpSolverInterfaceUnitTest (const std::string &mpsDir, const std::string &netLibDir)
 Unit test for OsiDylpSolverInterface.

Detailed Description

COIN OSI layer for dylp.

The class OsiDylpSolverInterface (ODSI) implements the public functions defined for a COIN OsiSolverInterface (OSI) object.

OsiDylpSolverInterface Principles for Users

In addition to the principles outlined for the OsiSolverInterface class, ODSI maintains the following:

Construction of a Constraint System: A constraint system can be batch loaded from a file (MPS format) or from a data structure, or it can be built incrementally. When building a constraint system incrementally, keep in mind that you must create a row or column (addRow or addCol, respectively) before you can adjust other properties (row or column bounds, objective, variable values, etc.)

Existence of a Solution: For proper operation, OSI requires that a SI maintain a basic primal solution at all times after a problem has been loaded.

When a problem is loaded, ODSI generates a basic primal solution (primal variable values and a matching basis). The solution is not necessarily primal or dual feasible. In terms of the objective function, this solution is pessimistic, but not necessarily worst-case. ODSI does not generate matching values for the dual variables (row prices).

Any successful call to dylp (i.e., a call that results in an optimal, infeasible, or unbounded result, or that terminates on iteration limit) will replace the existing solution with the result of the call to dylp.

It is possible to specify initial values for the primal and dual variables using setColSolution() and setRowPrice(). To specify an initial basis, see the documentation for the CoinWarmStartBasis and OsiDylpWarmStartBasis classes. When these functions are used, it is the responsibility of the client to ensure validity and consistency.

Maintenance of an LP Basis Skirting the edges of the principle that changing the problem invalidates the solution, OsiDylp will maintain a valid basis across two common operations used in branch-and-cut: deletion of a loose constraint and deletion of a nonbasic variable. Arguably the set of allowable modifications could be increased.

Assignment Assignment (operator=()) works pretty much as you'd expect, with one exception. Only one ODSI object can control the dylp solver at a time, so hot start information is not copied on assignment.

Detailed documentation is contained in OsiDylpSolverInterface.cpp, which is not normally scanned when generating COIN OSI layer documentation.

Definition at line 100 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum OsiDylpSolverInterface::basisCondition [private]

Codes for basis condition.

`Good' modifications are deletion of a loose constraint (specifically, a constraint with a basic logical) or a variable at bound (specifically, a nonbasic variable). `Bad' modifications are deletion of a tight constraint (specifically, a constraint with a nonbasic logical) or deletion of a variable not at bound (specifically, a basic variable). Bad modifications will in general cause the basis to be primal and/or dual infeasible after it's patched up.

A subtle point: basisModified will also be used in situations where ODSI has constructed a basis but not set it into a lpprob structure. This is the case when a solution is invented for a newly loaded problem.


Definition at line 818 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OsiDylpSolverInterface::OsiDylpSolverInterface (  ) 

Default constructor.

OsiDylpSolverInterface::OsiDylpSolverInterface ( const OsiDylpSolverInterface src  ) 

Copy constructor.

OsiDylpSolverInterface::~OsiDylpSolverInterface (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

OsiSolverInterface* OsiDylpSolverInterface::clone ( bool  copyData = true  )  const [virtual]

Clone the solver object.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

OsiDylpSolverInterface& OsiDylpSolverInterface::operator= ( const OsiDylpSolverInterface rhs  ) 


void OsiDylpSolverInterface::reset (  )  [virtual]

Reset the solver object to the state produced by the default constructor.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

int OsiDylpSolverInterface::readMps ( const char *  filename,
const char *  extension = "mps" 
) [virtual]

Read a problem description in MPS format from a file.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

int OsiDylpSolverInterface::readMps ( const char *  filename,
const char *  extension,
int &  numberSets,
CoinSet **&  sets 
) [virtual]

Read a problem description in MPS format from a file, including SOS information.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::writeMps ( const char *  basename,
const char *  extension = "mps",
double  objsense = 0.0 
) const [virtual]

Write the problem into the specified file in MPS format.

objsense == 1 forces the file to be written as a maximisation problem, while -1 forces a minimisation problem. The default of 0 writes the file as maximisation or minimisation using the solver's current setting.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::loadProblem ( const CoinPackedMatrix matrix,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const char *  rowsen,
const double *  rowrhs,
const double *  rowrng 
) [virtual]

Load a problem description (OSI packed matrix, row sense, parameters unaffected).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::loadProblem ( const CoinPackedMatrix matrix,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const double *  rowlb,
const double *  rowub 
) [virtual]

Load a problem description (OSI packed matrix, row bounds, parameters unaffected).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::loadProblem ( const int  colcnt,
const int  rowcnt,
const int *  start,
const int *  index,
const double *  value,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const char *  sense,
const double *  rhsin,
const double *  range 
) [virtual]

Load a problem description (standard column-major packed matrix, row sense, parameters unaffected).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::loadProblem ( const int  colcnt,
const int  rowcnt,
const int *  start,
const int *  index,
const double *  value,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const double *  row_lower,
const double *  row_upper 
) [virtual]

Load a problem description (standard column-major packed matrix, row bounds, parameters unaffected).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::assignProblem ( CoinPackedMatrix *&  matrix,
double *&  collb,
double *&  colub,
double *&  obj,
char *&  rowsen,
double *&  rowrhs,
double *&  rowrng 
) [virtual]

Load a problem description (OSI packed matrix, row sense, parameters destroyed).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::assignProblem ( CoinPackedMatrix *&  matrix,
double *&  collb,
double *&  colub,
double *&  obj,
double *&  rowlb,
double *&  rowub 
) [virtual]

Load a problem description (OSI packed matrix, row bounds, parameters destroyed).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

int OsiDylpSolverInterface::getNumCols (  )  const [virtual]

Get the number of columns (variables).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

int OsiDylpSolverInterface::getNumRows (  )  const [virtual]

Get the number of rows (constraints).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

int OsiDylpSolverInterface::getNumElements (  )  const [virtual]

Get the number of non-zero coefficients.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

int OsiDylpSolverInterface::getNumIntegers (  )  const [virtual]

Get the number of integer variables.

Counts both binary and general integer variables.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

const double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getColLower (  )  const [virtual]

Get the column (variable) lower bound vector.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

const double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getColUpper (  )  const [virtual]

Get the column (variable) upper bound vector.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::isContinuous ( int  colIndex  )  const [virtual]

Return true if the variable is continuous.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::isBinary ( int  colIndex  )  const [virtual]

Return true if the variable is binary.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::isIntegerNonBinary ( int  colIndex  )  const [virtual]

Return true if the variable is general integer.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::isInteger ( int  colIndex  )  const [virtual]

Return true if the variable is integer (general or binary).

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

const char* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getRowSense (  )  const [virtual]

Get the row sense (constraint type) vector.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

const double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getRightHandSide (  )  const [virtual]

Get the row (constraint) right-hand-side vector.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

const double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getRowRange (  )  const [virtual]

Get the row (constraint) range vector.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

const double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getRowLower (  )  const [virtual]

Get the row (constraint) lower bound vector.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

const double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getRowUpper (  )  const [virtual]

Get the row (constraint) upper bound vector.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

const double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getObjCoefficients (  )  const [virtual]

Get the objective function coefficient vector.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

double OsiDylpSolverInterface::getObjSense (  )  const [virtual]

Get the objective function sense (min/max).

A value of 1 indicates minimisation; -1 indicates maximisation.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

const CoinPackedMatrix* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getMatrixByRow (  )  const [virtual]

Get a pointer to a row-major copy of the constraint matrix.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

const CoinPackedMatrix* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getMatrixByCol (  )  const [virtual]

Get a pointer to a column-major copy of the constraint matrix.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setContinuous ( int  index  )  [virtual]

Set a single variable to be continuous.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setContinuous ( const int *  indices,
int  len 
) [virtual]

Set a list of variables to be continuous.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setInteger ( int  index  )  [virtual]

Set a single variable to be integer.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setInteger ( const int *  indices,
int  len 
) [virtual]

Set a list of variables to be integer.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setColLower ( int  index,
double  value 
) [virtual]

Set the lower bound on a column (variable).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setColUpper ( int  index,
double  value 
) [virtual]

Set the upper bound on a column (variable).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setRowLower ( int  index,
double  value 
) [virtual]

Set the lower bound on a row (constraint).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setRowUpper ( int  index,
double  value 
) [virtual]

Set the upper bound on a row (constraint).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setRowType ( int  index,
char  rowsen,
double  rowrhs,
double  rowrng 
) [virtual]

Set the type of a row (constraint).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setObjCoeff ( int  index,
double  value 
) [virtual]

Set an objective function coefficient.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setObjSense ( double  sense  )  [virtual]

Set the sense (min/max) of the objective.

Use 1 for minimisation, -1 for maximisation. (The default is minimisation; the objective is multiplied by -1 to maximise.)

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setColSolution ( const double *  colsol  )  [virtual]

Set the value of the primal variables in the problem solution.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setRowPrice ( const double *   )  [virtual]

Set the value of the dual variables in the problem solution.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::addCol ( const CoinPackedVectorBase vec,
const double  collb,
const double  colub,
const double  obj 
) [virtual]

Add a column (variable) to the problem.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::deleteCols ( const int  num,
const int *  colIndices 
) [virtual]

Remove column(s) (variable(s)) from the problem.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::addRow ( const CoinPackedVectorBase row,
const double  rowlb,
const double  rowub 
) [virtual]

Add a row (constraint) to the problem.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::addRow ( const CoinPackedVectorBase row,
const char  rowsen,
const double  rowrhs,
const double  rowrng 
) [virtual]

Add a row (constraint) to the problem.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::deleteRows ( const int  num,
const int *  rowIndices 
) [virtual]

Delete row(s) (constraint(s)) from the problem.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::applyRowCut ( const OsiRowCut cut  )  [virtual]

Apply a row (constraint) cut (add one constraint).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::applyColCut ( const OsiColCut cut  )  [virtual]

Apply a column (variable) cut (adjust one or more bounds).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::initialSolve (  )  [virtual]

Solve an lp from scratch.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

CoinWarmStart* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getEmptyWarmStart (  )  const [virtual]

Get an empty OsiDylpWarmStartBasis object.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

CoinWarmStart* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getWarmStart (  )  const [virtual]

Build a warm start object for the current lp solution.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::setWarmStart ( const CoinWarmStart warmStart  )  [virtual]

Apply a warm start object.

By definition, a null parameter is a request to synch the warm start basis with the solver. ODSI interprets a 0x0 basis as a request to remove warm start information.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::resolve (  )  [virtual]

Call dylp to reoptimize (warm start).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::markHotStart (  )  [virtual]

Create a hot start snapshot.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::solveFromHotStart (  )  [virtual]

Call dylp to reoptimize (hot start).

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::unmarkHotStart (  )  [virtual]

Delete the hot start snapshot.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::isAbandoned (  )  const [virtual]

True if dylp abandoned the problem.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::isProvenOptimal (  )  const [virtual]

True if dylp reported an optimal solution.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::isProvenPrimalInfeasible (  )  const [virtual]

True if dylp reported the problem to be primal infeasible.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::isProvenDualInfeasible (  )  const [virtual]

True if dylp reported the problem to be dual infeasible (primal unbounded).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::isIterationLimitReached (  )  const [virtual]

True if dylp reached the iteration limit.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

int OsiDylpSolverInterface::getIterationCount (  )  const [virtual]

Get the number of iterations for the last lp.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached (  )  const [virtual]

Is the primal objective limit reached?

Put in different terms, quit when the objective value becomes better than the given limit for an acceptable value.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::isDualObjectiveLimitReached (  )  const [virtual]

Is the dual objective limit reached?

Put in different terms, quit when the objective value becomes worse than the given limit for an acceptable value.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

double OsiDylpSolverInterface::getInfinity (  )  const [virtual]

Get dylp's value for infinity.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::setIntParam ( OsiIntParam  key,
int  value 
) [virtual]

Set an OSI integer parameter.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::setDblParam ( OsiDblParam  key,
double  value 
) [virtual]

Set an OSI double parameter.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::setStrParam ( OsiStrParam  key,
const std::string &  value 
) [virtual]

Set an OSI string parameter.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::setHintParam ( OsiHintParam  key,
bool  sense = true,
OsiHintStrength  strength = OsiHintTry,
void *  info = 0 
) [virtual]

Set an OSI hint.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::getIntParam ( OsiIntParam  key,
int &  value 
) const [virtual]

Get an OSI integer parameter.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::getDblParam ( OsiDblParam  key,
double &  value 
) const [virtual]

Get an OSI double parameter.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::getStrParam ( OsiStrParam  key,
std::string &  value 
) const [virtual]

Get an OSI string parameter.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::getHintParam ( OsiHintParam  key,
bool &  sense,
OsiHintStrength strength,
void *&  info 
) const [virtual]

Get an OSI hint.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::newLanguage ( CoinMessages::Language  language  )  [inline]

Change the language for OsiDylp messages.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 537 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

References setOsiDylpMessages().

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setLanguage ( CoinMessages::Language  language  )  [inline]

An alias for OsiDylpSolverInterface::newLanguage.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 542 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

References setOsiDylpMessages().

const double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getColSolution (  )  const [virtual]

Return the vector of primal variables for the solution.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

const double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getRowPrice (  )  const [virtual]

Return the vector of dual variables for the solution.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

const double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getReducedCost (  )  const [virtual]

Return the vector of reduced costs for the solution.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

const double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::getRowActivity (  )  const [virtual]

Return the vector of row activity for the solution.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

double OsiDylpSolverInterface::getObjValue (  )  const [virtual]

Get the objective function value for the solution.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setObjName ( std::string  name  )  [virtual]

Set the objective function name.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setRowName ( int  ndx,
std::string  name 
) [virtual]

Set a row name.

Quietly does nothing if the name discipline (OsiNameDiscipline) is auto. Quietly fails if the row index is invalid.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setColName ( int  ndx,
std::string  name 
) [virtual]

Set a column name.

Quietly does nothing if the name discipline (OsiNameDiscipline) is auto. Quietly fails if the column index is invalid.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::activateRowCutDebugger ( const char *  modelName  )  [virtual]

Activate the row cut debugger.

Activate the debugger for a model known to the debugger. The debugger will consult an internal database for an optimal solution vector.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::activateRowCutDebugger ( const double *  solution  )  [virtual]

Activate the row cut debugger.

Activate the debugger for a model not included in the debugger's internal database. solution must be a full solution vector, but only the integer values need to be correct.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::dylp_controlfile ( const char *  name,
const bool  silent,
const bool  mustexist = true 

Process an options (.spc) file.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::dylp_logfile ( const char *  name,
bool  echo = false 

Establish a log file.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::dylp_outfile ( const char *  name  ) 

Establish an output (solution and/or statistics) file.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::dylp_printsoln ( bool  wantSoln,
bool  wantStats 

Print the solution and/or statistics to the output file.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::setOsiDylpMessages ( CoinMessages::Language  local_language  ) 

Set the language for messages.

Referenced by newLanguage(), and setLanguage().

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::branchAndBound (  )  [virtual]

Invoke the solver's built-in branch-and-bound algorithm.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

std::vector<double *> OsiDylpSolverInterface::getDualRays ( int   )  const [virtual]

Get as many dual rays as the solver can provide.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

std::vector<double *> OsiDylpSolverInterface::getPrimalRays ( int   )  const [virtual]

Get as many primal rays as the solver can provide.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

CoinPresolveMatrix* OsiDylpSolverInterface::initialisePresolve ( bool  keepIntegers  )  [private]

Create and load a presolve object.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::doPresolve (  )  [private]

Perform presolve transformations.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::evalPresolve (  )  [private]

Decide whether presolve was effective enough to use.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::saveOriginalSys (  )  [private]

Save the original problem.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::installPresolve (  )  [private]

Load the presolved problem into the ODSI object.

CoinPostsolveMatrix* OsiDylpSolverInterface::initialisePostsolve ( CoinPresolveMatrix *&  preObj  )  [private]

Create and load a postsolve object.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::doPostsolve (  )  [private]

Apply the postsolve transforms from postActions_.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::installPostsolve (  )  [private]

Reload the original constraint system with the postsolved basis.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::destruct_presolve (  )  [private]

Delete presolve information.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::construct_lpprob (  )  [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::construct_options (  )  [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::construct_consys ( int  cols,
int  rows 
) [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::dylp_ioinit (  )  [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::gen_rowparms ( int  rowcnt,
double *  rhs,
double *  rhslow,
contyp_enum *  ctyp,
const double *  rowlb,
const double *  rowub 
) [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::gen_rowparms ( int  rowcnt,
double *  rhs,
double *  rhslow,
contyp_enum *  ctyp,
const char *  sense,
const double *  rhsin,
const double *  range 
) [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::load_problem ( const CoinMpsIO mps  )  [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::load_problem ( const CoinPackedMatrix matrix,
const double *  col_lower,
const double *  col_upper,
const double *  obj,
const contyp_enum *  ctyp,
const double *  rhs,
const double *  rhslow 
) [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::load_problem ( const int  colcnt,
const int  rowcnt,
const int *  start,
const int *  lens,
const int *  index,
const double *  value,
const double *  col_lower,
const double *  col_upper,
const double *  obj,
const contyp_enum *  ctyp,
const double *  rhs,
const double *  rhslow 
) [private]

lpret_enum OsiDylpSolverInterface::do_lp ( ODSI_start_enum  start  )  [private]

Common core method to invoke dylp.

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::destruct_col_cache ( bool  structure  )  [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::destruct_row_cache ( bool  structure  )  [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::destruct_cache ( bool  rowStructure,
bool  colStructure 
) [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::destruct_problem ( bool  preserve_interface  )  [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::detach_dylp (  )  [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::add_col ( const CoinPackedVectorBase coin_coli,
vartyp_enum  vtypi,
double  vlbi,
double  vubi,
double  obji,
const std::string *  nme 
) [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::add_row ( const CoinPackedVectorBase coin_rowi,
char  clazzi,
contyp_enum  ctypi,
double  rhsi,
double  rhslowi,
const std::string *  nme 
) [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::calc_objval (  )  [private]

contyp_enum OsiDylpSolverInterface::bound_to_type ( double  lower,
double  upper 
) [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::gen_rowiparms ( contyp_enum *  ctypi,
double *  rhsi,
double *  rhslowi,
char  sensei,
double  rhsini,
double  rangei 
) [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::gen_rowiparms ( contyp_enum *  ctypi,
double *  rhsi,
double *  rhslowi,
double  rowlbi,
double  rowubi 
) [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::unimp_hint ( bool  dylpSense,
bool  hintSense,
OsiHintStrength  hintStrength,
const char *  msgString 
) [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::pessimal_primal (  )  [private]

void OsiDylpSolverInterface::reduceActiveBasis (  )  [private]

static contyp_enum OsiDylpSolverInterface::sense_to_type ( char  type  )  [static, private]

static char OsiDylpSolverInterface::type_to_sense ( contyp_enum  type  )  [static, private]

template<class T>
static void OsiDylpSolverInterface::copy ( const T *  src,
T *  dst,
int  n 
) [static, private]

template<class T>
static T* OsiDylpSolverInterface::copy ( const T *  src,
int  n 
) [static, private]

template<class T>
static T* OsiDylpSolverInterface::copy ( const T *  src  )  [static, private]

static basis_struct* OsiDylpSolverInterface::copy_basis ( const basis_struct *  src,
int  dstsze 
) [static, private]

static void OsiDylpSolverInterface::copy_basis ( const basis_struct *  src,
basis_struct *  dst 
) [static, private]

static lpprob_struct* OsiDylpSolverInterface::copy_lpprob ( const lpprob_struct *  src  )  [static, private]

template<class T>
static void OsiDylpSolverInterface::assert_same ( const T &  t1,
const T &  t2,
bool  exact 
) [static, private]

template<class T>
static void OsiDylpSolverInterface::assert_same ( const T *  t1,
const T *  t2,
int  n,
bool  exact 
) [static, private]

static void OsiDylpSolverInterface::assert_same ( double  d1,
double  d2,
bool  exact 
) [static, private]

static void OsiDylpSolverInterface::assert_same ( const basis_struct &  b1,
const basis_struct &  b2,
bool  exact 
) [static, private]

static void OsiDylpSolverInterface::assert_same ( const consys_struct &  c1,
const consys_struct &  c2,
bool  exact 
) [static, private]

static void OsiDylpSolverInterface::assert_same ( const conbnd_struct &  c1,
const conbnd_struct &  c2,
bool  exact 
) [static, private]

static void OsiDylpSolverInterface::assert_same ( const lpprob_struct &  l1,
const lpprob_struct &  l2,
bool  exact 
) [static, private]

static void OsiDylpSolverInterface::assert_same ( const OsiDylpSolverInterface o1,
const OsiDylpSolverInterface o2,
bool  exact 
) [static, private]

template<class T>
static T* OsiDylpSolverInterface::idx_vec ( T *  data  )  [static, private]

static int OsiDylpSolverInterface::idx ( int  i  )  [static, private]

template<class T>
static T* OsiDylpSolverInterface::inv_vec ( T *  data  )  [static, private]

static int OsiDylpSolverInterface::inv ( int  i  )  [static, private]

static pkvec_struct* OsiDylpSolverInterface::packed_vector ( const CoinShallowPackedVector  vector,
int  dimension 
) [static, private]

static void OsiDylpSolverInterface::packed_vector ( const CoinShallowPackedVector  vector,
int  dimension,
pkvec_struct *  dst 
) [static, private]

static std::string OsiDylpSolverInterface::make_filename ( const char *  filename,
const char *  ext1,
const char *  ext2 
) [static, private]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

int OsiDylpSolverInterfaceUnitTest ( const std::string &  mpsDir,
const std::string &  netLibDir 
) [friend]

Unit test for OsiDylpSolverInterface.

Performs various tests to see if ODSI is functioning correctly. Not an exhaustive test, but it'll (usually) catch gross problems.

Member Data Documentation

lpopts_struct* OsiDylpSolverInterface::initialSolveOptions

Definition at line 687 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

lpopts_struct * OsiDylpSolverInterface::resolveOptions

Definition at line 687 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

lptols_struct* OsiDylpSolverInterface::tolerances

Definition at line 688 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

consys_struct* OsiDylpSolverInterface::consys [private]

Definition at line 706 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

lpprob_struct* OsiDylpSolverInterface::lpprob [private]

Definition at line 707 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

lpstats_struct* OsiDylpSolverInterface::statistics [private]

Definition at line 708 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

int OsiDylpSolverInterface::reference_count [static, private]

Definition at line 715 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::basis_ready [static, private]

Definition at line 716 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

OsiDylpSolverInterface* OsiDylpSolverInterface::dylp_owner [static, private]

Definition at line 717 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

ioid OsiDylpSolverInterface::local_outchn [private]

Output file for this ODSI instance.

Holds the name of the file that will be used to write out the solution and statistics.

Definition at line 734 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

ioid OsiDylpSolverInterface::local_logchn [private]

Log file for this ODSI instance.

Holds the name of the file that will be used for dylp log information.

Definition at line 741 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::initial_gtxecho [private]

Controls output of log information to stdout during initialSolve().

Definition at line 747 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::resolve_gtxecho [private]

Controls output of log information to stdout during resolve() and solveFromHotStart().

Definition at line 753 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

lpret_enum OsiDylpSolverInterface::lp_retval [private]

Result of last call to solver for this ODSI instance.

The default value is lpINV (i.e., the code is not valid). A call to dylp will set lp_retval to the dylp return code. Errors in the interface's interaction with other dylp routines will set this value to the return code given by the routine, or lpFATAL if the routine does not return anything more specific.

Definition at line 764 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double OsiDylpSolverInterface::obj_sense [private]

Objective function sense for this ODSI instance.

Coded 1.0 to minimize (default), -1.0 to maximize.

Definition at line 771 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double OsiDylpSolverInterface::odsiInfinity [private]

The value of infinity.

Definition at line 775 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

const std::string OsiDylpSolverInterface::solvername [private]

Solver name (dylp).

Definition at line 779 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

void* OsiDylpSolverInterface::info_[OsiLastHintParam] [mutable, private]

Array for info blocks associated with hints.

Definition at line 783 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::mps_debug [private]

Allow messages from CoinMpsIO package.

Definition at line 787 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

CoinWarmStart* OsiDylpSolverInterface::hotstart_fallback [private]

Warm start object used as a fallback for hot start.

If some other ODSI object uses the underlying solver between calls to solveFromHotStart(), the solver must be reloaded. This basis is kept for just such a situation.

Definition at line 796 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

CoinWarmStart* OsiDylpSolverInterface::basis [private]

Definition at line 839 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

basisCondition OsiDylpSolverInterface::condition [private]

Definition at line 840 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

int OsiDylpSolverInterface::balance [private]

Definition at line 841 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

struct { ... } OsiDylpSolverInterface::activeBasis [private]

Active basis.

The active basis is set with each successful return from the solver (where successful means a result of optimal, infeasible, unbounded, or iterlim), or by an explicit call to setWarmStart() with a valid basis. By definition, calling setWarmStart() with a null parameter is a request to synch the active basis with the solver (a noop for ODSI). Calling setWarmStart() with an empty (0x0) basis is taken as a request to delete activeBasis.

Condition will take a value from the basisCondition enum (which see).

Balance records whether we have an excess or shortage of basic variables. Deletion of tight constraints will result in an excess. Deletion of basic variables will result in a shortage.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::solnIsFresh [private]

The most recent solution from dylp is valid.

True if the solution held in lpprob is valid. False if changes to the constraint system have rendered the solution invalid.

Definition at line 848 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double OsiDylpSolverInterface::_objval [mutable, private]

Definition at line 861 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::_col_obj [mutable, private]

Definition at line 862 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::_col_x [mutable, private]

Definition at line 863 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::_col_cbar [mutable, private]

Definition at line 864 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::_row_rhs [mutable, private]

Definition at line 866 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::_row_lower [mutable, private]

Definition at line 867 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::_row_upper [mutable, private]

Definition at line 868 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

char* OsiDylpSolverInterface::_row_sense [mutable, private]

Definition at line 869 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::_row_range [mutable, private]

Definition at line 870 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::_row_lhs [mutable, private]

Definition at line 871 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::_row_price [mutable, private]

Definition at line 872 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

CoinPackedMatrix* OsiDylpSolverInterface::_matrix_by_col [mutable, private]

Definition at line 874 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

CoinPackedMatrix* OsiDylpSolverInterface::_matrix_by_row [mutable, private]

Definition at line 875 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

CoinPresolveMatrix* OsiDylpSolverInterface::preObj_ [private]

The presolve object.

In more detail, preObj_ is loaded with the original system. Presolve transformations are applied to convert it to a presolved system.

Definition at line 891 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

const CoinPresolveAction* OsiDylpSolverInterface::postActions_ [private]

List of postsolve actions.

The list of postsolve (reverse) transformations required to convert the presolved system back to the original system. Built as presolve transformations are applied.

Definition at line 899 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

CoinPostsolveMatrix* OsiDylpSolverInterface::postObj_ [private]

The postsolve object.

In more detail, postObj_ is loaded with the presolved system and its optimal basis. The postsolve transformations held by postActions_ are applied to convert back to the original system. For ODSI, our only interest is the basis.

Definition at line 908 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

int OsiDylpSolverInterface::passLimit_ [private]

Limit for iterations of the major presolve loop.

Definition at line 911 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

bool OsiDylpSolverInterface::keepIntegers_ [private]

true if presolve should consider integrality

Definition at line 914 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

consys_struct* OsiDylpSolverInterface::savedConsys_ [private]

Saved copy of original problem.

Definition at line 917 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::saved_col_obj [mutable, private]

Saved pointers to cached structural vectors.

Definition at line 920 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::saved_row_rhs [mutable, private]

The presolve object.

In more detail, preObj_ is loaded with the original system. Presolve transformations are applied to convert it to a presolved system.

Definition at line 921 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::saved_row_lower [mutable, private]

The presolve object.

In more detail, preObj_ is loaded with the original system. Presolve transformations are applied to convert it to a presolved system.

Definition at line 922 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::saved_row_upper [mutable, private]

The presolve object.

In more detail, preObj_ is loaded with the original system. Presolve transformations are applied to convert it to a presolved system.

Definition at line 923 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

char* OsiDylpSolverInterface::saved_row_sense [mutable, private]

The presolve object.

In more detail, preObj_ is loaded with the original system. Presolve transformations are applied to convert it to a presolved system.

Definition at line 924 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

double* OsiDylpSolverInterface::saved_row_range [mutable, private]

The presolve object.

In more detail, preObj_ is loaded with the original system. Presolve transformations are applied to convert it to a presolved system.

Definition at line 925 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

CoinPackedMatrix* OsiDylpSolverInterface::saved_matrix_by_col [mutable, private]

The presolve object.

In more detail, preObj_ is loaded with the original system. Presolve transformations are applied to convert it to a presolved system.

Definition at line 926 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

CoinPackedMatrix* OsiDylpSolverInterface::saved_matrix_by_row [mutable, private]

The presolve object.

In more detail, preObj_ is loaded with the original system. Presolve transformations are applied to convert it to a presolved system.

Definition at line 927 of file OsiDylpSolverInterface.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun Nov 14 14:14:18 2010 for Coin-All by  doxygen 1.4.7