Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* $Id: CoinSimpFactorization.hpp 1416 2011-04-17 09:57:29Z stefan $ */
2 // Copyright (C) 2008, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 /*
7  This is a simple factorization of the LP Basis
8  */
9 #ifndef CoinSimpFactorization_H
10 #define CoinSimpFactorization_H
12 #include <iostream>
13 #include <string>
14 #include <cassert>
15 #include "CoinTypes.hpp"
16 #include "CoinIndexedVector.hpp"
18 class CoinPackedMatrix;
23 public:
24  double *rowMax;
26  int *prevRow;
27  int *nextRow;
29  int *prevColumn;
30  int *nextColumn;
31  int *newCols;
32  //constructor
33  FactorPointers( int numRows, int numCols, int *UrowLengths_, int *UcolLengths_ );
34  // destructor
36 };
39  friend void CoinSimpFactorizationUnitTest( const std::string & mpsDir );
41 public:
51  virtual ~CoinSimpFactorization ( );
55  virtual CoinOtherFactorization * clone() const ;
60  virtual void getAreas ( int numberRows,
62  int numberColumns,
63  CoinBigIndex maximumL,
64  CoinBigIndex maximumU );
67  virtual void preProcess ( );
73  virtual int factor ( );
75  virtual void postProcess(const int * sequence, int * pivotVariable);
77  virtual void makeNonSingular(int * sequence, int numberColumns);
82  virtual inline int numberElements ( ) const {
85  }
87  double maximumCoefficient() const;
100  virtual int replaceColumn ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
101  int pivotRow,
102  double pivotCheck ,
103  bool checkBeforeModifying=false,
104  double acceptablePivot=1.0e-8);
117  virtual int updateColumnFT ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
118  CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2,
119  bool noPermute=false);
123  virtual int updateColumn ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
124  CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2,
125  bool noPermute=false) const;
127  virtual int updateTwoColumnsFT(CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse1,
128  CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2,
129  CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse3,
130  bool noPermute=false);
132  int upColumn ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
133  CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2,
134  bool noPermute=false, bool save=false) const;
139  virtual int updateColumnTranspose ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
140  CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2) const;
142  int upColumnTranspose ( CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse,
143  CoinIndexedVector * regionSparse2) const;
150  inline void clearArrays()
152  { gutsOfDestructor();}
154  inline int * indices() const
155  { return reinterpret_cast<int *> (elements_+numberRows_*numberRows_);}
157  virtual inline int * permute() const
158  { return pivotRow_;}
162  void gutsOfDestructor();
164  void gutsOfInitialize();
166  void gutsOfCopy(const CoinSimpFactorization &other);
170  void factorize(int numberOfRows,
171  int numberOfColumns,
172  const int colStarts[],
173  const int indicesRow[],
174  const double elements[]);
176  int mainLoopFactor (FactorPointers &pointers );
178  void copyLbyRows();
180  void copyUbyColumns();
182  int findPivot(FactorPointers &pointers, int &r, int &s, bool &ifSlack);
184  int findPivotShCol(FactorPointers &pointers, int &r, int &s);
186  int findPivotSimp(FactorPointers &pointers, int &r, int &s);
188  void GaussEliminate(FactorPointers &pointers, int &r, int &s);
190  int findShortRow(const int column, const int length, int &minRow,
191  int &minRowLength, FactorPointers &pointers);
193  int findShortColumn(const int row, const int length, int &minCol,
194  int &minColLength, FactorPointers &pointers);
196  double findMaxInRrow(const int row, FactorPointers &pointers);
198  void pivoting(const int pivotRow, const int pivotColumn,
199  const double invPivot, FactorPointers &pointers);
201  void updateCurrentRow(const int pivotRow, const int row,
202  const double multiplier, FactorPointers &pointers,
203  int &newNonZeros);
205  void increaseLsize();
207  void increaseRowSize(const int row, const int newSize);
209  void increaseColSize(const int column, const int newSize, const bool b);
211  void enlargeUrow(const int numNewElements);
213  void enlargeUcol(const int numNewElements, const bool b);
215  int findInRow(const int row, const int column);
217  int findInColumn(const int column, const int row);
219  void removeRowFromActSet(const int row, FactorPointers &pointers);
221  void removeColumnFromActSet(const int column, FactorPointers &pointers);
223  void allocateSpaceForU();
225  void allocateSomeArrays();
227  void initialSomeNumbers();
229  void Lxeqb(double *b) const;
231  void Lxeqb2(double *b1, double *b2) const;
233  void Uxeqb(double *b, double *sol) const;
235  void Uxeqb2(double *b1, double *sol1, double *sol2, double *b2) const;
237  void xLeqb(double *b) const;
239  void xUeqb(double *b, double *sol) const;
241  int LUupdate(int newBasicCol);
243  void newEta(int row, int numNewElements);
245  void copyRowPermutations();
247  void Hxeqb(double *b) const;
249  void Hxeqb2(double *b1, double *b2) const;
251  void xHeqb(double *b) const;
253  void ftran(double *b, double *sol, bool save) const;
255  void ftran2(double *b1, double *sol1, double *b2, double *sol2) const;
257  void btran(double *b, double *sol) const;
263 protected:
266  int checkPivot(double saveFromU, double oldPivot) const;
268 protected:
272  double *denseVector_;
275  double *workArea2_;
277  double *workArea3_;
284  double *auxVector_;
286  int *auxInd_;
289  double *vecKeep_;
291  int *indKeep_;
293  mutable int keepSize_;
302  double *Lrows_;
304  int *LrowInd_;
306  int LrowSize_;
308  int LrowCap_;
315  double *Lcolumns_;
317  int *LcolInd_;
321  int LcolCap_;
329  int *UrowCapacities_;
331 #endif
332  double *Urows_;
335  int *UrowInd_;
339  int UrowEnd_;
354  int *UcolCapacities_;
356 #endif
357  double *Ucolumns_;
360  int *UcolInd_;
372  int UcolEnd_;
374  int *colSlack_;
377  double *invOfPivots_;
380  int *colOfU_;
384  int *rowOfU_;
399  int *EtaInd_;
401  double *Eta_;
403  int EtaSize_;
414  double updateTol_;
418  double maxU_;
420  double maxGrowth_;
422  double maxA_;
430 };
431 #endif
bool doSuhlHeuristic_
do Shul heuristic
void Uxeqb2(double *b1, double *sol1, double *sol2, double *b2) const
same as above but with two rhs
int maxEtaRows_
maximum number of eta vectors
int CoinBigIndex
double * Ucolumns_
U by columns.
void increaseColSize(const int column, const int newSize, const bool b)
allocates more space for a column of U
void gutsOfInitialize()
The real work of constructor.
int firstNumberSlacks_
number of slacks in irst basis
int * auxInd_
auxiliary vector
void Hxeqb(double *b) const
solves H x = b, where H is a product of eta matrices
void GaussEliminate(FactorPointers &pointers, int &r, int &s)
does Gauss elimination
int numberColumns_
Number of Columns in factorization.
CoinSimpFactorization & operator=(const CoinSimpFactorization &other)
= copy
int * LcolInd_
indices in the columns of L
int checkPivot(double saveFromU, double oldPivot) const
virtual void makeNonSingular(int *sequence, int numberColumns)
Makes a non-singular basis by replacing variables.
void copyUbyColumns()
copies U by columns
virtual int factor()
Does most of factorization returning status 0 - OK -99 - needs more memory -1 - singular - use number...
int * EtaStarts_
Starts of eta vectors.
void gutsOfDestructor()
The real work of destructor.
void ftran(double *b, double *sol, bool save) const
does FTRAN
int * indKeep_
indices of this vector
int * vecLabels_
array of labels (should be initialized to zero)
int numberColumns() const
Total number of columns in factorization.
virtual int updateColumn(CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse, CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse2, bool noPermute=false) const
This version has same effect as above with FTUpdate==false so number returned is always &gt;=0...
int * colPosition_
position of column after permutation
int findShortRow(const int column, const int length, int &minRow, int &minRowLength, FactorPointers &pointers)
finds short row that intersects a given column
Abstract base class which also has some scalars so can be used from Dense or Simp.
void newEta(int row, int numNewElements)
creates a new eta vector
virtual int updateColumnTranspose(CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse, CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse2) const
Updates one column (BTRAN) from regionSparse2 regionSparse starts as zero and is zero at end Note - i...
virtual CoinFactorizationDouble * elements() const
Returns array to put basis elements in.
int mainLoopFactor(FactorPointers &pointers)
main loop of factorization
void Lxeqb2(double *b1, double *b2) const
same as above but with two rhs
int numberSlacks_
number of slacks in basis
virtual int updateTwoColumnsFT(CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse1, CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse2, CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse3, bool noPermute=false)
does FTRAN on two columns
Sparse Matrix Base Class.
virtual CoinOtherFactorization * clone() const
int UcolMaxCap_
maximum capacity of Ucolumns_
int * indVector_
array of indices
void xLeqb(double *b) const
solves x L = b
int upColumnTranspose(CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse, CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse2) const
does updateColumnTranspose, the other is a wrapper
int LrowSize_
Size of Lrows_;.
double * invOfPivots_
inverse values of the elements of diagonal of U
int * nextColInU_
next column in U
int findPivotSimp(FactorPointers &pointers, int &r, int &s)
finds a pivot in the first column available
void removeColumnFromActSet(const int column, FactorPointers &pointers)
declares a column inactive
virtual int replaceColumn(CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse, int pivotRow, double pivotCheck, bool checkBeforeModifying=false, double acceptablePivot=1.0e-8)
Replaces one Column to basis, returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular, 3=no room If checkBeforeModify...
int LcolCap_
maximum capacity of L
pointers used during factorization
void increaseRowSize(const int row, const int newSize)
allocates more space for a row of U
int * indices() const
Returns array to put basis indices in.
void increaseLsize()
allocates more space for L
int pivotCandLimit_
maximum number of candidates for pivot
void ftran2(double *b1, double *sol1, double *b2, double *sol2) const
same as above but with two columns
int * LrowInd_
indices in the rows of L
int * colOfU_
permutation of columns
int keepSize_
number of nonzeros
int findPivotShCol(FactorPointers &pointers, int &r, int &s)
finds a pivot in a shortest column
double * workArea2_
work array
void factorize(int numberOfRows, int numberOfColumns, const int colStarts[], const int indicesRow[], const double elements[])
calls factorization
virtual int updateColumnFT(CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse, CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse2, bool noPermute=false)
Updates one column (FTRAN) from regionSparse2 Tries to do FT update number returned is negative if no...
int UrowEnd_
number of used places in Urows
int LrowCap_
Capacity of Lrows_.
int firstRowInU_
first row in U
int * LcolStarts_
Starts of the columns of L.
void Lxeqb(double *b) const
solves L x = b
void Hxeqb2(double *b1, double *b2) const
same as above but with two rhs
int * rowPosition_
position of row after permutation
int * EtaLengths_
Lengths of eta vectors.
void xHeqb(double *b) const
solves x H = b
int LUupdate(int newBasicCol)
updates factorization after a Simplex iteration
void pivoting(const int pivotRow, const int pivotColumn, const double invPivot, FactorPointers &pointers)
does pivoting
double * Lcolumns_
L by columns.
int findInRow(const int row, const int column)
finds a given row in a column
CoinFactorizationDouble * elements_
Elements of factorization and updates length is maxR*maxR+maxSpace will always be long enough so can ...
friend void CoinSimpFactorizationUnitTest(const std::string &mpsDir)
int EtaSize_
number of elements in Eta_
int findInColumn(const int column, const int row)
finds a given column in a row
Indexed Vector.
int minIncrease_
minimum storage increase
Default constructor.
double * workArea3_
work array
double maxGrowth_
bound on the growth rate
double * Eta_
elements of eta vectors
int * UcolStarts_
Starts of the columns of U.
int * nextRowInU_
next row in U
int UrowMaxCap_
maximum capacity of Urows
virtual int * permute() const
Returns permute in.
int * colSlack_
indicator of slack variables
virtual int numberElements() const
Total number of elements in factorization.
void allocateSpaceForU()
allocates space for U
double updateTol_
maximum size for the diagonal of U after update
int * LrowStarts_
Starts of the rows of L.
void removeRowFromActSet(const int row, FactorPointers &pointers)
declares a row inactive
void initialSomeNumbers()
initializes some numbers
virtual void preProcess()
PreProcesses column ordered copy of basis.
int numberRows() const
Number of Rows after factorization.
int * UcolInd_
Indices in the columns of U.
int findShortColumn(const int row, const int length, int &minCol, int &minColLength, FactorPointers &pointers)
finds short column that intersects a given row
double * vecKeep_
vector to keep for LUupdate
int * LcolLengths_
Lengths of the columns of L.
void btran(double *b, double *sol) const
does BTRAN
int LcolSize_
numbers of elements in L
void clearArrays()
Get rid of all memory.
int * EtaPosition_
position of Eta vector
int upColumn(CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse, CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse2, bool noPermute=false, bool save=false) const
does updatecolumn if save==true keeps column for replace column
int UcolEnd_
last used position in Ucolumns_
int findPivot(FactorPointers &pointers, int &r, int &s, bool &ifSlack)
finds a pivot element using Markowitz count
int * UrowLengths_
Lengths of the rows of U.
void Uxeqb(double *b, double *sol) const
solves U x = b
int firstColInU_
first column in U
virtual int * pivotRow() const
Returns pivot row.
void updateCurrentRow(const int pivotRow, const int row, const double multiplier, FactorPointers &pointers, int &newNonZeros)
part of pivoting
void enlargeUrow(const int numNewElements)
allocates more space for rows of U
int * secRowPosition_
position of row after permutation during LUupdate
int numberPivots_
Number pivots since last factorization.
int * EtaInd_
columns of eta vectors
virtual void getAreas(int numberRows, int numberColumns, CoinBigIndex maximumL, CoinBigIndex maximumU)
Gets space for a factorization.
int * prevRowInU_
previous row in U
virtual void postProcess(const int *sequence, int *pivotVariable)
Does post processing on valid factorization - putting variables on correct rows.
int * LrowLengths_
Lengths of the rows of L.
int * secRowOfU_
permutations of rows during LUupdate
int * UrowInd_
Indices in the rows of U.
double findMaxInRrow(const int row, FactorPointers &pointers)
finds maximum absolute value in a row
int * prevColInU_
previous column in U
int EtaMaxCap_
Capacity of Eta_.
int * rowOfU_
permutations of rows
int numberRows_
Number of Rows in factorization.
void copyRowPermutations()
makes a copy of row permutations
double maximumCoefficient() const
Returns maximum absolute value in factorization.
int lastColInU_
last column in U
double * auxVector_
auxiliary vector
int * UrowStarts_
Starts of the rows of U.
virtual ~CoinSimpFactorization()
double * denseVector_
work array (should be initialized to zero)
void gutsOfCopy(const CoinSimpFactorization &other)
The real work of copy.
int * UcolLengths_
Lengths of the columns of U.
void copyLbyRows()
copies L by rows
FactorPointers(int numRows, int numCols, int *UrowLengths_, int *UcolLengths_)
void allocateSomeArrays()
allocates several working arrays
void xUeqb(double *b, double *sol) const
solves x U = b
void enlargeUcol(const int numNewElements, const bool b)
allocates more space for columns of U