Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* $Id: ClpSimplex.hpp 2385 2019-01-06 19:43:06Z unxusr $ */
2 // Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
5 /*
6  Authors
8  John Forrest
10  */
11 #ifndef ClpSimplex_H
12 #define ClpSimplex_H
14 #include <iostream>
15 #include <cfloat>
16 #include "ClpModel.hpp"
17 #include "ClpMatrixBase.hpp"
18 #include "ClpSolve.hpp"
19 #include "ClpConfig.h"
20 #include "CoinIndexedVector.hpp"
21 class ClpDualRowPivot;
23 class ClpFactorization;
24 class CoinFactorization;
25 class CoinIndexedVector;
26 class ClpNonLinearCost;
27 class ClpNodeStuff;
30 class CoinWarmStartBasis;
31 class ClpDisasterHandler;
32 class ClpConstraint;
33 /*
34  May want to use Clp defaults so that with ABC defined but not used
35  it behaves as Clp (and ABC used will be different than if not defined)
36  */
37 #ifdef ABC_INHERIT
39 #define CLP_INHERIT_MODE 1
40 #endif
42 #define ABC_CLP_DEFAULTS 0
43 #endif
44 #else
46 #define ABC_CLP_DEFAULTS 1
47 #endif
48 #ifdef CLP_HAS_ABC
49 #include "AbcCommon.hpp"
50 class AbcTolerancesEtc;
51 class AbcSimplex;
52 #include "CoinAbcCommon.hpp"
53 #endif
54 #ifndef ABC_INHERIT
56 #ifndef FAKE_CILK
57 #include <cilk/cilk.h>
58 #else
59 #undef cilk_for
60 #undef cilk_spawn
61 #undef cilk_sync
62 #define cilk_for for
63 #define cilk_spawn
64 #define cilk_sync
65 #endif
66 #ifndef LONG_REGION_2
67 #define LONG_REGION_2 1
68 #endif
69 #define SHORT_REGION 1
70 #else
71 #define cilk_spawn
72 #define cilk_sync
73 #endif
74 #ifdef LONG_REGION_2
75 #define SHORT_REGION 1
76 #else
77 #define SHORT_REGION 2
78 #endif
79 // for now keep simple
80 #undef LONG_REGION_2
81 #undef SHORT_REGION
82 #define SHORT_REGION 2
83 #else
85 #define LONG_REGION_2 1
86 #define SHORT_REGION 1
87 #endif
106 class ClpSimplex : public ClpModel {
107  friend void ClpSimplexUnitTest(const std::string &mpsDir);
109 public:
114  enum Status {
115  isFree = 0x00,
116  basic = 0x01,
117  atUpperBound = 0x02,
118  atLowerBound = 0x03,
119  superBasic = 0x04,
120  isFixed = 0x05
121  };
122  // For Dual
123  enum FakeBound {
124  noFake = 0x00,
125  lowerFake = 0x01,
126  upperFake = 0x02,
127  bothFake = 0x03
128  };
132  ClpSimplex(bool emptyMessages = false);
139  ClpSimplex(const ClpSimplex &rhs, int scalingMode = -1);
144  ClpSimplex(const ClpModel &rhs, int scalingMode = -1);
151  ClpSimplex(const ClpModel *wholeModel,
152  int numberRows, const int *whichRows,
153  int numberColumns, const int *whichColumns,
154  bool dropNames = true, bool dropIntegers = true,
155  bool fixOthers = false);
162  ClpSimplex(const ClpSimplex *wholeModel,
163  int numberRows, const int *whichRows,
164  int numberColumns, const int *whichColumns,
165  bool dropNames = true, bool dropIntegers = true,
166  bool fixOthers = false);
170  ClpSimplex(ClpSimplex *wholeModel,
171  int numberColumns, const int *whichColumns);
174  void originalModel(ClpSimplex *miniModel);
175 #ifdef ABC_INHERIT
176  inline int abcState() const
177  {
178  return abcState_;
179  }
180  inline void setAbcState(int state)
181  {
182  abcState_ = state;
183  }
184  inline AbcSimplex *abcSimplex() const
185  {
186  return abcSimplex_;
187  }
188  inline void setAbcSimplex(AbcSimplex *simplex)
189  {
190  abcSimplex_ = simplex;
191  }
193  int doAbcDual();
195  int doAbcPrimal(int ifValuesPass);
196 #endif
202  void setPersistenceFlag(int value);
204  void makeBaseModel();
206  void deleteBaseModel();
208  inline ClpSimplex *baseModel() const
209  {
210  return baseModel_;
211  }
215  void setToBaseModel(ClpSimplex *model = NULL);
217  ClpSimplex &operator=(const ClpSimplex &rhs);
219  ~ClpSimplex();
220  // Ones below are just ClpModel with some changes
232  void loadProblem(const ClpMatrixBase &matrix,
233  const double *collb, const double *colub,
234  const double *obj,
235  const double *rowlb, const double *rowub,
236  const double *rowObjective = NULL);
237  void loadProblem(const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix,
238  const double *collb, const double *colub,
239  const double *obj,
240  const double *rowlb, const double *rowub,
241  const double *rowObjective = NULL);
245  void loadProblem(const int numcols, const int numrows,
246  const CoinBigIndex *start, const int *index,
247  const double *value,
248  const double *collb, const double *colub,
249  const double *obj,
250  const double *rowlb, const double *rowub,
251  const double *rowObjective = NULL);
253  void loadProblem(const int numcols, const int numrows,
254  const CoinBigIndex *start, const int *index,
255  const double *value, const int *length,
256  const double *collb, const double *colub,
257  const double *obj,
258  const double *rowlb, const double *rowub,
259  const double *rowObjective = NULL);
264  int loadProblem(CoinModel &modelObject, bool keepSolution = false);
266  int readMps(const char *filename,
267  bool keepNames = false,
268  bool ignoreErrors = false);
270  int readGMPL(const char *filename, const char *dataName,
271  bool keepNames = false);
274  int readLp(const char *filename, const double epsilon = 1e-5);
279  void writeLp(const char *filename,
280  const char *extension = "lp",
281  double epsilon = 1e-5,
282  int numberAcross = 10,
283  int decimals = 5,
284  double objSense = 0.0,
285  bool useRowNames = true) const;
290  void borrowModel(ClpModel &otherModel);
291  void borrowModel(ClpSimplex &otherModel);
295  void getbackSolution(const ClpSimplex &smallModel, const int *whichRow, const int *whichColumn);
304  int loadNonLinear(void *info, int &numberConstraints,
305  ClpConstraint **&constraints);
306 #ifdef ABC_INHERIT
307  void loadTolerancesEtc(const AbcTolerancesEtc &data);
310  void unloadTolerancesEtc(AbcTolerancesEtc &data);
311 #endif
319  int initialSolve(ClpSolve &options);
321  int initialSolve();
323  int initialDualSolve();
325  int initialPrimalSolve();
327  int initialBarrierSolve();
340  int dual(int ifValuesPass = 0, int startFinishOptions = 0);
341  // If using Debug
342  int dualDebug(int ifValuesPass = 0, int startFinishOptions = 0);
353  int primal(int ifValuesPass = 0, int startFinishOptions = 0);
359  int nonlinearSLP(int numberPasses, double deltaTolerance);
365  int nonlinearSLP(int numberConstraints, ClpConstraint **constraints,
366  int numberPasses, double deltaTolerance);
369  int barrier(bool crossover = true);
372  int reducedGradient(int phase = 0);
374  int solve(CoinStructuredModel *model);
375 #ifdef ABC_INHERIT
381  AbcSimplex *dealWithAbc(int solveType, int startUp, bool interrupt = false);
382  //void dealWithAbc(int solveType,int startUp,bool interrupt=false);
383 #endif
390  int loadProblem(CoinStructuredModel &modelObject,
391  bool originalOrder = true, bool keepSolution = false);
406  int cleanup(int cleanupScaling);
417  int cleanPrimalSolution(double exactMultiple);
438  int dualRanging(int numberCheck, const int *which,
439  double *costIncrease, int *sequenceIncrease,
440  double *costDecrease, int *sequenceDecrease,
441  double *valueIncrease = NULL, double *valueDecrease = NULL);
456  int primalRanging(int numberCheck, const int *which,
457  double *valueIncrease, int *sequenceIncrease,
458  double *valueDecrease, int *sequenceDecrease);
468  int modifyCoefficientsAndPivot(int number,
469  const int *which,
470  const CoinBigIndex *start,
471  const int *row,
472  const double *newCoefficient,
473  const unsigned char *newStatus = NULL,
474  const double *newLower = NULL,
475  const double *newUpper = NULL,
476  const double *newObjective = NULL);
484  int outDuplicateRows(int numberLook, int *whichRows, bool noOverlaps = false, double tolerance = -1.0,
485  double cleanUp = 0.0);
488  double moveTowardsPrimalFeasible();
491  void removeSuperBasicSlacks(int threshold = 0);
504  ClpSimplex *miniPresolve(char *rowType, char *columnType, void **info);
506  void miniPostsolve(const ClpSimplex *presolvedModel, void *info);
508  void miniSolve(char *rowType, char *columnType, int algorithm, int startUp);
523  int writeBasis(const char *filename,
524  bool writeValues = false,
525  int formatType = 0) const;
528  int readBasis(const char *filename);
530  CoinWarmStartBasis *getBasis() const;
533  // Swaps factorization
546  int tightenPrimalBounds(double factor = 0.0, int doTight = 0, bool tightIntegers = false);
563  int crash(double gap, int pivot);
569  void markHotStart(void *&saveStuff);
571  void solveFromHotStart(void *saveStuff);
573  void unmarkHotStart(void *saveStuff);
582  int strongBranching(int numberVariables, const int *variables,
583  double *newLower, double *newUpper,
584  double **outputSolution,
585  int *outputStatus, int *outputIterations,
586  bool stopOnFirstInfeasible = true,
587  bool alwaysFinish = false,
588  int startFinishOptions = 0);
590  int fathom(void *stuff);
596  int fathomMany(void *stuff);
598  double doubleCheck();
600  int startFastDual2(ClpNodeStuff *stuff);
602  int fastDual2(ClpNodeStuff *stuff);
604  void stopFastDual2(ClpNodeStuff *stuff);
611  ClpSimplex *fastCrunch(ClpNodeStuff *stuff, int mode);
621  int pivot();
628  int primalPivotResult();
635  int dualPivotResultPart1();
639  int pivotResultPart2(int algorithm, int state);
652  int startup(int ifValuesPass, int startFinishOptions = 0);
653  void finish(int startFinishOptions = 0);
656  bool statusOfProblem(bool initial = false);
660  void copyEnabledStuff(const ClpSimplex *rhs);
665  inline bool primalFeasible() const
667  {
668  return (numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ == 0);
669  }
671  inline bool dualFeasible() const
672  {
673  return (numberDualInfeasibilities_ == 0);
674  }
677  {
678  return factorization_;
679  }
681  bool sparseFactorization() const;
682  void setSparseFactorization(bool value);
684  int factorizationFrequency() const;
685  void setFactorizationFrequency(int value);
687  inline double dualBound() const
688  {
689  return dualBound_;
690  }
691  void setDualBound(double value);
693  inline double infeasibilityCost() const
694  {
695  return infeasibilityCost_;
696  }
697  void setInfeasibilityCost(double value);
714  inline int perturbation() const
715  {
716  return perturbation_;
717  }
718  void setPerturbation(int value);
720  inline int algorithm() const
721  {
722  return algorithm_;
723  }
725  inline void setAlgorithm(int value)
726  {
727  algorithm_ = value;
728  }
730  bool isObjectiveLimitTestValid() const;
732  inline double sumDualInfeasibilities() const
733  {
735  }
736  inline void setSumDualInfeasibilities(double value)
737  {
738  sumDualInfeasibilities_ = value;
739  }
741  inline double sumOfRelaxedDualInfeasibilities() const
742  {
744  }
745  inline void setSumOfRelaxedDualInfeasibilities(double value)
746  {
748  }
750  inline int numberDualInfeasibilities() const
751  {
753  }
754  inline void setNumberDualInfeasibilities(int value)
755  {
757  }
760  {
762  }
764  inline double sumPrimalInfeasibilities() const
765  {
767  }
768  inline void setSumPrimalInfeasibilities(double value)
769  {
771  }
773  inline double sumOfRelaxedPrimalInfeasibilities() const
774  {
776  }
777  inline void setSumOfRelaxedPrimalInfeasibilities(double value)
778  {
780  }
782  inline int numberPrimalInfeasibilities() const
783  {
785  }
786  inline void setNumberPrimalInfeasibilities(int value)
787  {
789  }
796  int saveModel(const char *fileName);
799  int restoreModel(const char *fileName);
808  void checkSolution(int setToBounds = 0);
811  void checkSolutionInternal();
813  void checkUnscaledSolution();
815  inline CoinIndexedVector *rowArray(int index) const
816  {
817  return rowArray_[index];
818  }
820  inline CoinIndexedVector *columnArray(int index) const
821  {
822  return columnArray_[index];
823  }
826  /******************** End of most useful part **************/
832  int getSolution(const double *rowActivities,
833  const double *columnActivities);
837  int getSolution();
844  int createPiecewiseLinearCosts(const int *starts,
845  const double *lower, const double *gradient);
848  {
849  return dualRowPivot_;
850  }
853  {
854  return primalColumnPivot_;
855  }
857  inline bool goodAccuracy() const
858  {
859  return (largestPrimalError_ < 1.0e-7 && largestDualError_ < 1.0e-7);
860  }
862  void returnModel(ClpSimplex &otherModel);
870  int internalFactorize(int solveType);
874  void restoreData(ClpDataSave saved);
876  void cleanStatus();
878  int factorize();
881  void computeDuals(double *givenDjs);
883  void computePrimals(const double *rowActivities,
884  const double *columnActivities);
886  void add(double *array,
887  int column, double multiplier) const;
893  void unpack(CoinIndexedVector *rowArray) const;
899  void unpack(CoinIndexedVector *rowArray, int sequence) const;
913  void unpackPacked(CoinIndexedVector *rowArray, int sequence);
914 #ifndef CLP_USER_DRIVEN
915 protected:
916 #endif
921  int housekeeping(double objectiveChange);
924  void checkPrimalSolution(const double *rowActivities = NULL,
925  const double *columnActivies = NULL);
928  void checkDualSolution();
930  void checkBothSolutions();
935  double scaleObjective(double value);
937  int solveDW(CoinStructuredModel *model, ClpSolve &options);
939  int solveBenders(CoinStructuredModel *model, ClpSolve &options);
941 public:
952  void setValuesPassAction(double incomingInfeasibility,
953  double allowedInfeasibility);
956  int cleanFactorization(int ifValuesPass);
960 public:
962  inline double alphaAccuracy() const
963  {
964  return alphaAccuracy_;
965  }
966  inline void setAlphaAccuracy(double value)
967  {
968  alphaAccuracy_ = value;
969  }
971 public:
973  //inline double objectiveValue() const {
974  //return (objectiveValue_-bestPossibleImprovement_)*optimizationDirection_ - dblParam_[ClpObjOffset];
975  //}
978  {
979  disasterArea_ = handler;
980  }
983  {
984  return disasterArea_;
985  }
987  inline double largeValue() const
988  {
989  return largeValue_;
990  }
991  void setLargeValue(double value);
993  inline double largestPrimalError() const
994  {
995  return largestPrimalError_;
996  }
998  inline double largestDualError() const
999  {
1000  return largestDualError_;
1001  }
1003  inline void setLargestPrimalError(double value)
1004  {
1005  largestPrimalError_ = value;
1006  }
1008  inline void setLargestDualError(double value)
1009  {
1010  largestDualError_ = value;
1011  }
1013  inline double zeroTolerance() const
1014  {
1015  return zeroTolerance_; /*factorization_->zeroTolerance();*/
1016  }
1018  inline void setZeroTolerance(double value)
1019  {
1020  zeroTolerance_ = value;
1021  }
1023  inline int *pivotVariable() const
1024  {
1025  return pivotVariable_;
1026  }
1028  inline bool automaticScaling() const
1029  {
1030  return automaticScale_ != 0;
1031  }
1032  inline void setAutomaticScaling(bool onOff)
1033  {
1034  automaticScale_ = onOff ? 1 : 0;
1035  }
1037  inline double currentDualTolerance() const
1038  {
1039  return dualTolerance_;
1040  }
1041  inline void setCurrentDualTolerance(double value)
1042  {
1043  dualTolerance_ = value;
1044  }
1046  inline double currentPrimalTolerance() const
1047  {
1048  return primalTolerance_;
1049  }
1050  inline void setCurrentPrimalTolerance(double value)
1051  {
1052  primalTolerance_ = value;
1053  }
1055  inline int numberRefinements() const
1056  {
1057  return numberRefinements_;
1058  }
1059  void setNumberRefinements(int value);
1061  inline double alpha() const
1062  {
1063  return alpha_;
1064  }
1065  inline void setAlpha(double value)
1066  {
1067  alpha_ = value;
1068  }
1070  inline double dualIn() const
1071  {
1072  return dualIn_;
1073  }
1075  inline void setDualIn(double value)
1076  {
1077  dualIn_ = value;
1078  }
1080  inline int pivotRow() const
1081  {
1082  return pivotRow_;
1083  }
1084  inline void setPivotRow(int value)
1085  {
1086  pivotRow_ = value;
1087  }
1089  double valueIncomingDual() const;
1092 #ifndef CLP_USER_DRIVEN
1093 protected:
1094 #endif
1100  int gutsOfSolution(double *givenDuals,
1101  const double *givenPrimals,
1102  bool valuesPass = false);
1104  void gutsOfDelete(int type);
1106  void gutsOfCopy(const ClpSimplex &rhs);
1118  bool createRim(int what, bool makeRowCopy = false, int startFinishOptions = 0);
1120  void createRim1(bool initial);
1122  void createRim4(bool initial);
1124  void createRim5(bool initial);
1129  void deleteRim(int getRidOfFactorizationData = 2);
1131  bool sanityCheck();
1133 public:
1138  inline double *solutionRegion(int section) const
1139  {
1140  if (!section)
1141  return rowActivityWork_;
1142  else
1143  return columnActivityWork_;
1144  }
1145  inline double *djRegion(int section) const
1146  {
1147  if (!section)
1148  return rowReducedCost_;
1149  else
1150  return reducedCostWork_;
1151  }
1152  inline double *lowerRegion(int section) const
1153  {
1154  if (!section)
1155  return rowLowerWork_;
1156  else
1157  return columnLowerWork_;
1158  }
1159  inline double *upperRegion(int section) const
1160  {
1161  if (!section)
1162  return rowUpperWork_;
1163  else
1164  return columnUpperWork_;
1165  }
1166  inline double *costRegion(int section) const
1167  {
1168  if (!section)
1169  return rowObjectiveWork_;
1170  else
1171  return objectiveWork_;
1172  }
1174  inline double *solutionRegion() const
1175  {
1176  return solution_;
1177  }
1178  inline double *djRegion() const
1179  {
1180  return dj_;
1181  }
1182  inline double *lowerRegion() const
1183  {
1184  return lower_;
1185  }
1186  inline double *upperRegion() const
1187  {
1188  return upper_;
1189  }
1190  inline double *costRegion() const
1191  {
1192  return cost_;
1193  }
1194  inline Status getStatus(int sequence) const
1195  {
1196  return static_cast< Status >(status_[sequence] & 7);
1197  }
1198  inline void setStatus(int sequence, Status newstatus)
1199  {
1200  unsigned char &st_byte = status_[sequence];
1201  st_byte = static_cast< unsigned char >(st_byte & ~7);
1202  st_byte = static_cast< unsigned char >(st_byte | newstatus);
1203  }
1205  bool startPermanentArrays();
1210  void setInitialDenseFactorization(bool onOff);
1211  bool initialDenseFactorization() const;
1213  inline int sequenceIn() const
1214  {
1215  return sequenceIn_;
1216  }
1217  inline int sequenceOut() const
1218  {
1219  return sequenceOut_;
1220  }
1222  inline void setSequenceIn(int sequence)
1223  {
1224  sequenceIn_ = sequence;
1225  }
1226  inline void setSequenceOut(int sequence)
1227  {
1228  sequenceOut_ = sequence;
1229  }
1231  inline int directionIn() const
1232  {
1233  return directionIn_;
1234  }
1235  inline int directionOut() const
1236  {
1237  return directionOut_;
1238  }
1240  inline void setDirectionIn(int direction)
1241  {
1242  directionIn_ = direction;
1243  }
1244  inline void setDirectionOut(int direction)
1245  {
1246  directionOut_ = direction;
1247  }
1249  inline double valueOut() const
1250  {
1251  return valueOut_;
1252  }
1254  inline double lowerOut() const
1255  {
1256  return lowerOut_;
1257  }
1259  inline double upperOut() const
1260  {
1261  return upperOut_;
1262  }
1264  inline void setValueOut(double value)
1265  {
1266  valueOut_ = value;
1267  }
1269  inline double dualOut() const
1270  {
1271  return dualOut_;
1272  }
1274  inline void setDualOut(double value)
1275  {
1276  dualOut_ = value;
1277  }
1279  inline void setLowerOut(double value)
1280  {
1281  lowerOut_ = value;
1282  }
1284  inline void setUpperOut(double value)
1285  {
1286  upperOut_ = value;
1287  }
1289  inline void setTheta(double value)
1290  {
1291  theta_ = value;
1292  }
1294  inline int isColumn(int sequence) const
1295  {
1296  return sequence < numberColumns_ ? 1 : 0;
1297  }
1299  inline int sequenceWithin(int sequence) const
1300  {
1301  return sequence < numberColumns_ ? sequence : sequence - numberColumns_;
1302  }
1304  inline double solution(int sequence)
1305  {
1306  return solution_[sequence];
1307  }
1309  inline double &solutionAddress(int sequence)
1310  {
1311  return solution_[sequence];
1312  }
1313  inline double reducedCost(int sequence)
1314  {
1315  return dj_[sequence];
1316  }
1317  inline double &reducedCostAddress(int sequence)
1318  {
1319  return dj_[sequence];
1320  }
1321  inline double lower(int sequence)
1322  {
1323  return lower_[sequence];
1324  }
1326  inline double &lowerAddress(int sequence)
1327  {
1328  return lower_[sequence];
1329  }
1330  inline double upper(int sequence)
1331  {
1332  return upper_[sequence];
1333  }
1335  inline double &upperAddress(int sequence)
1336  {
1337  return upper_[sequence];
1338  }
1339  inline double cost(int sequence)
1340  {
1341  return cost_[sequence];
1342  }
1344  inline double &costAddress(int sequence)
1345  {
1346  return cost_[sequence];
1347  }
1349  inline double originalLower(int iSequence) const
1350  {
1351  if (iSequence < numberColumns_)
1352  return columnLower_[iSequence];
1353  else
1354  return rowLower_[iSequence - numberColumns_];
1355  }
1357  inline double originalUpper(int iSequence) const
1358  {
1359  if (iSequence < numberColumns_)
1360  return columnUpper_[iSequence];
1361  else
1362  return rowUpper_[iSequence - numberColumns_];
1363  }
1365  inline double theta() const
1366  {
1367  return theta_;
1368  }
1370  inline double lowerIn() const
1371  {
1372  return lowerIn_;
1373  }
1375  inline double valueIn() const
1376  {
1377  return valueIn_;
1378  }
1380  inline double upperIn() const
1381  {
1382  return upperIn_;
1383  }
1386  inline double bestPossibleImprovement() const
1387  {
1388  return bestPossibleImprovement_;
1389  }
1392  {
1393  return nonLinearCost_;
1394  }
1423  inline int moreSpecialOptions() const
1424  {
1425  return moreSpecialOptions_;
1426  }
1428  inline int vectorMode() const
1429  {
1430  return vectorMode_;
1431  }
1458  inline void setMoreSpecialOptions(int value)
1459  {
1460  moreSpecialOptions_ = value;
1461  }
1463  inline void setVectorMode(int value)
1464  {
1465  vectorMode_ = value;
1466  }
1470  inline void setFakeBound(int sequence, FakeBound fakeBound)
1471  {
1472  unsigned char &st_byte = status_[sequence];
1473  st_byte = static_cast< unsigned char >(st_byte & ~24);
1474  st_byte = static_cast< unsigned char >(st_byte | (fakeBound << 3));
1475  }
1476  inline FakeBound getFakeBound(int sequence) const
1477  {
1478  return static_cast< FakeBound >((status_[sequence] >> 3) & 3);
1479  }
1480  inline void setRowStatus(int sequence, Status newstatus)
1481  {
1482  unsigned char &st_byte = status_[sequence + numberColumns_];
1483  st_byte = static_cast< unsigned char >(st_byte & ~7);
1484  st_byte = static_cast< unsigned char >(st_byte | newstatus);
1485  }
1486  inline Status getRowStatus(int sequence) const
1487  {
1488  return static_cast< Status >(status_[sequence + numberColumns_] & 7);
1489  }
1490  inline void setColumnStatus(int sequence, Status newstatus)
1491  {
1492  unsigned char &st_byte = status_[sequence];
1493  st_byte = static_cast< unsigned char >(st_byte & ~7);
1494  st_byte = static_cast< unsigned char >(st_byte | newstatus);
1495  }
1496  inline Status getColumnStatus(int sequence) const
1497  {
1498  return static_cast< Status >(status_[sequence] & 7);
1499  }
1500  inline void setPivoted(int sequence)
1501  {
1502  status_[sequence] = static_cast< unsigned char >(status_[sequence] | 32);
1503  }
1504  inline void clearPivoted(int sequence)
1505  {
1506  status_[sequence] = static_cast< unsigned char >(status_[sequence] & ~32);
1507  }
1508  inline bool pivoted(int sequence) const
1509  {
1510  return (((status_[sequence] >> 5) & 1) != 0);
1511  }
1513  void setFlagged(int sequence);
1514  inline void clearFlagged(int sequence)
1515  {
1516  status_[sequence] = static_cast< unsigned char >(status_[sequence] & ~64);
1517  }
1518  inline bool flagged(int sequence) const
1519  {
1520  return ((status_[sequence] & 64) != 0);
1521  }
1523  inline void setActive(int iRow)
1524  {
1525  status_[iRow] = static_cast< unsigned char >(status_[iRow] | 128);
1526  }
1527  inline void clearActive(int iRow)
1528  {
1529  status_[iRow] = static_cast< unsigned char >(status_[iRow] & ~128);
1530  }
1531  inline bool active(int iRow) const
1532  {
1533  return ((status_[iRow] & 128) != 0);
1534  }
1536  inline void setPerturbed(int iSequence)
1537  {
1538  status_[iSequence] = static_cast< unsigned char >(status_[iSequence] | 128);
1539  }
1540  inline void clearPerturbed(int iSequence)
1541  {
1542  status_[iSequence] = static_cast< unsigned char >(status_[iSequence] & ~128);
1543  }
1544  inline bool perturbed(int iSequence) const
1545  {
1546  return ((status_[iSequence] & 128) != 0);
1547  }
1550  void createStatus();
1553  void allSlackBasis(bool resetSolution = false);
1556  inline int lastBadIteration() const
1557  {
1558  return lastBadIteration_;
1559  }
1561  inline void setLastBadIteration(int value)
1562  {
1563  lastBadIteration_ = value;
1564  }
1566  inline int progressFlag() const
1567  {
1568  return (progressFlag_ & 3);
1569  }
1572  {
1573  return &progress_;
1574  }
1576  inline int forceFactorization() const
1577  {
1578  return forceFactorization_;
1579  }
1581  inline void forceFactorization(int value)
1582  {
1583  forceFactorization_ = value;
1584  }
1586  inline double rawObjectiveValue() const
1587  {
1588  return objectiveValue_;
1589  }
1591  void computeObjectiveValue(bool useWorkingSolution = false);
1596  double *infeasibilityRay(bool fullRay = false) const;
1600  inline int numberExtraRows() const
1601  {
1602  return numberExtraRows_;
1603  }
1606  inline int maximumBasic() const
1607  {
1608  return maximumBasic_;
1609  }
1611  inline int baseIteration() const
1612  {
1613  return baseIteration_;
1614  }
1616  void generateCpp(FILE *fp, bool defaultFactor = false);
1620  void setEmptyFactorization();
1622  void moveInfo(const ClpSimplex &rhs, bool justStatus = false);
1626  // These are only to be used using startFinishOptions (ClpSimplexDual, ClpSimplexPrimal)
1627  // *** At present only without scaling
1628  // *** Slacks havve -1.0 element (so == row activity) - take care
1630  void getBInvARow(int row, double *z, double *slack = NULL);
1633  void getBInvRow(int row, double *z);
1636  void getBInvACol(int col, double *vec);
1639  void getBInvCol(int col, double *vec);
1645  void getBasics(int *index);
1648  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1652  void setObjectiveCoefficient(int elementIndex, double elementValue);
1654  inline void setObjCoeff(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
1655  {
1656  setObjectiveCoefficient(elementIndex, elementValue);
1657  }
1661  void setColumnLower(int elementIndex, double elementValue);
1665  void setColumnUpper(int elementIndex, double elementValue);
1668  void setColumnBounds(int elementIndex,
1669  double lower, double upper);
1679  void setColumnSetBounds(const int *indexFirst,
1680  const int *indexLast,
1681  const double *boundList);
1685  inline void setColLower(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
1686  {
1687  setColumnLower(elementIndex, elementValue);
1688  }
1691  inline void setColUpper(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
1692  {
1693  setColumnUpper(elementIndex, elementValue);
1694  }
1697  inline void setColBounds(int elementIndex,
1698  double newlower, double newupper)
1699  {
1700  setColumnBounds(elementIndex, newlower, newupper);
1701  }
1709  inline void setColSetBounds(const int *indexFirst,
1710  const int *indexLast,
1711  const double *boundList)
1712  {
1713  setColumnSetBounds(indexFirst, indexLast, boundList);
1714  }
1718  void setRowLower(int elementIndex, double elementValue);
1722  void setRowUpper(int elementIndex, double elementValue);
1725  void setRowBounds(int elementIndex,
1726  double lower, double upper);
1734  void setRowSetBounds(const int *indexFirst,
1735  const int *indexLast,
1736  const double *boundList);
1738  void resize(int newNumberRows, int newNumberColumns);
1743 protected:
1770  double largeValue_;
1778  double dualBound_;
1780  double alpha_;
1782  double theta_;
1784  double lowerIn_;
1786  double valueIn_;
1788  double upperIn_;
1790  double dualIn_;
1792  double lowerOut_;
1794  double valueOut_;
1796  double upperOut_;
1798  double dualOut_;
1818 #define CLP_INFEAS_SAVE 5
1821  double *lower_;
1823  double *rowLowerWork_;
1827  double *upper_;
1829  double *rowUpperWork_;
1833  double *cost_;
1855  double *dj_;
1861  double *solution_;
1904  unsigned char *saveStatus_;
1952 #ifdef ABC_INHERIT
1953  AbcSimplex *abcSimplex_;
1954  int abcState_;
1955 #define CLP_ABC_WANTED 1
1957 #define CLP_ABC_FULL_DONE 8
1958  // bits 256,512,1024 for crash
1959 #endif
1960 #define CLP_ABC_BEEN_FEASIBLE 65536
1964 public:
1966  mutable int spareIntArray_[4];
1968  mutable double spareDoubleArray_[4];
1970 protected:
1976 };
1977 //#############################################################################
1986 void ClpSimplexUnitTest(const std::string &mpsDir);
1988 // For Devex stuff
1989 #define DEVEX_TRY_NORM 1.0e-4
1990 #define DEVEX_ADD_ONE 1.0
1991 #if defined(ABC_INHERIT) || defined(CBC_THREAD) || defined(THREADS_IN_ANALYZE)
1992 // Use pthreads
1993 #include <pthread.h>
1994 typedef struct {
1995  double result;
1996  //const CoinIndexedVector * constVector; // can get rid of
1997  //CoinIndexedVector * vectors[2]; // can get rid of
1998  void *extraInfo;
1999  void *extraInfo2;
2000  int status;
2001  int stuff[4];
2002 } CoinThreadInfo;
2003 class CoinPthreadStuff {
2004 public:
2009  CoinPthreadStuff(int numberThreads = 0,
2010  void *parallelManager(void *stuff) = NULL);
2012  CoinPthreadStuff &operator=(const CoinPthreadStuff &rhs);
2014  ~CoinPthreadStuff();
2016  inline void setStopStart(int value)
2017  {
2018  stopStart_ = value;
2019  }
2020 #ifndef NUMBER_THREADS
2021 #define NUMBER_THREADS 8
2022 #endif
2023  // For waking up thread
2024  inline pthread_mutex_t *mutexPointer(int which, int thread = 0)
2025  {
2026  return mutex_ + which + 3 * thread;
2027  }
2029  inline pthread_barrier_t *barrierPointer()
2030  {
2031  return &barrier_;
2032  }
2033 #endif
2034  inline int whichLocked(int thread = 0) const
2035  {
2036  return locked_[thread];
2037  }
2038  inline CoinThreadInfo *threadInfoPointer(int thread = 0)
2039  {
2040  return threadInfo_ + thread;
2041  }
2042  void startParallelTask(int type, int iThread, void *info = NULL);
2043  int waitParallelTask(int type, int &iThread, bool allowIdle);
2044  void waitAllTasks();
2046  int whichThread() const;
2047  void sayIdle(int iThread);
2048  //void startThreads(int numberThreads);
2049  //void stopThreads();
2050  // For waking up thread
2051  pthread_mutex_t mutex_[3 * (NUMBER_THREADS + 1)];
2053  pthread_barrier_t barrier_;
2054 #endif
2055  CoinThreadInfo threadInfo_[NUMBER_THREADS + 1];
2056  pthread_t abcThread_[NUMBER_THREADS + 1];
2057  int locked_[NUMBER_THREADS + 1];
2058  int stopStart_;
2059  int numberThreads_;
2060 };
2061 void *clp_parallelManager(void *stuff);
2062 #endif
2063 typedef struct {
2064  double upperTheta;
2067  double tolerance;
2069  double theta;
2070  double primalRatio;
2071  double changeObj;
2072  const double *COIN_RESTRICT cost;
2075  const double *COIN_RESTRICT lower;
2076  const double *COIN_RESTRICT upper;
2080  const unsigned char *COIN_RESTRICT status;
2084  const double *COIN_RESTRICT element;
2086  const int *COIN_RESTRICT row;
2093 } clpTempInfo;
2094 #ifndef ABC_INHERIT
2095 #if ABOCA_LITE
2096 void moveAndZero(clpTempInfo *info, int type, void *extra);
2097 // 2 is owner of abcState_
2098 #ifdef ABCSTATE_LITE
2099 #if ABCSTATE_LITE == 2
2100 int abcState_ = 0;
2101 #else
2102 extern int abcState_;
2103 #endif
2104 inline int abcState()
2105 {
2106  return abcState_;
2107 }
2108 inline void setAbcState(int state)
2109 {
2110  abcState_ = state;
2111 }
2112 #endif
2113 #else
2114 #define abcState 0
2115 #endif
2116 #endif
2117 #ifdef CLP_USER_DRIVEN
2118 // expand as needed
2119 typedef struct {
2120  double alpha;
2121  double totalThru;
2122  double rhs;
2123  double value;
2124  double lower;
2125  double upper;
2126  double cost;
2127  int type;
2128  int row;
2129  int sequence;
2130  int printing;
2131  int change;
2132 } clpUserStruct;
2133 #endif
2134 #endif
2136 /* vi: softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab tabstop=2
2137 */
void setLargestPrimalError(double value)
Largest error on Ax-b.
void stopFastDual2(ClpNodeStuff *stuff)
Stops Fast dual2.
ClpFactorization * factorization_
int housekeeping(double objectiveChange)
This does basis housekeeping and does values for in/out variables.
int CoinBigIndex
void setAlphaAccuracy(double value)
If problem is primal feasible.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:966
double * costRegion() const
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
double rawObjectiveValue() const
Raw objective value (so always minimize in primal)
int gutsOfSolution(double *givenDuals, const double *givenPrimals, bool valuesPass=false)
May change basis and then returns number changed.
int fathom(void *stuff)
Fathom - 1 if solution.
int vectorMode_
Vector mode - try and use vector instructions.
int numberExtraRows_
Number of extra rows.
double valueIn() const
Value of In variable.
double lowerIn() const
Lower Bound on In variable.
double * perturbationArray_
Perturbation array (maximumPerturbationSize_)
void setAlpha(double value)
If problem is primal feasible.
double & reducedCostAddress(int sequence)
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
bool pivoted(int sequence) const
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
void createStatus()
Set up status array (can be used by OsiClp).
This is a simple minded model which is stored in a format which makes it easier to construct and modi...
Definition: CoinModel.hpp:181
double largestPrimalError() const
Largest error on Ax-b.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:993
int readGMPL(const char *filename, const char *dataName, bool keepNames=false)
Read GMPL files from the given filenames.
double * savedSolution_
Saved version of solution.
double *COIN_RESTRICT spare
void setColumnSetBounds(const int *indexFirst, const int *indexLast, const double *boundList)
Set the bounds on a number of columns simultaneously The default implementation just invokes setColL...
const double *COIN_RESTRICT element
double * columnLowerWork_
Column lower bounds - working copy.
int baseIteration_
Iteration when we entered dual or primal.
ClpDataSave saveData()
Save data.
void setDualRowPivotAlgorithm(ClpDualRowPivot &choice)
Sets row pivot choice algorithm in dual.
double largestPrimalError_
Largest error on Ax-b.
int lastBadIteration() const
So we know when to be cautious.
void setFactorizationFrequency(int value)
If problem is primal feasible.
int writeBasis(const char *filename, bool writeValues=false, int formatType=0) const
Write the basis in MPS format to the specified file.
void clearActive(int iRow)
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
double tolerance
double originalLower(int iSequence) const
Return original lower bound.
double currentDualTolerance() const
Current dual tolerance.
int changeMade_
If change has been made (first attempt at stopping looping)
This is a very simple class to guide algorithms.
Definition: ClpSolve.hpp:20
Dual Row Pivot Abstract Base Class.
int solveBenders(CoinStructuredModel *model, ClpSolve &options)
Solve using Benders decomposition and maybe in parallel.
double allowedInfeasibility_
Best possible improvement using djs (primal) or obj change by flipping bounds to make dual feasible (...
double incomingInfeasibility_
For advanced use.
double dualOut_
Infeasibility (dual) or ? (primal) of Out variable.
void setColUpper(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
Set a single column upper bound Use DBL_MAX for infinity.
double zeroTolerance_
Zero tolerance.
void setPrimalColumnPivotAlgorithm(ClpPrimalColumnPivot &choice)
Sets column pivot choice algorithm in primal.
double scaleObjective(double value)
If input negative scales objective so maximum &lt;= -value and returns scale factor used.
double largestDualError() const
Largest error on basic duals.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:998
void add(double *array, int column, double multiplier) const
Adds multiple of a column into an array.
This is a tiny class where data can be saved round calls.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:1397
void setLowerOut(double value)
Set lower of out variable.
int numberColumns_
Number of columns.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:1254
double averageInfeasibility_[CLP_INFEAS_SAVE]
Best possible improvement using djs (primal) or obj change by flipping bounds to make dual feasible (...
double * rowUpper_
Row upper.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:1266
void setNonLinearCost(ClpNonLinearCost &nonLinearCost)
Set pointer to details of costs.
bool sanityCheck()
Sanity check on input rim data (after scaling) - returns true if okay.
bool startPermanentArrays()
Start or reset using maximumRows_ and Columns_ - true if change.
void unmarkHotStart(void *saveStuff)
Delete the snapshot.
int rowPrimalSequence_
Sequence of worst (-1 if feasible)
double dualTolerance
double sumPrimalInfeasibilities() const
Sum of primal infeasibilities.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:764
int pivot()
Pivot in a variable and out a variable.
#define abcState
double moveTowardsPrimalFeasible()
Try simple crash like techniques to get closer to primal feasibility returns final sum of infeasibili...
double * cost_
Working copy of objective (Owner of arrays below)
void setColumnUpper(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
Set a single column upper bound Use DBL_MAX for infinity.
void setRowStatus(int sequence, Status newstatus)
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
void restoreData(ClpDataSave saved)
Restore data.
double * djRegion(int section) const
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
ClpNonLinearCost * nonLinearCost() const
Return pointer to details of costs.
int numberPrimalInfeasibilities_
Number of primal infeasibilities.
void setSumDualInfeasibilities(double value)
If problem is primal feasible.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:736
void setSumOfRelaxedDualInfeasibilities(double value)
If problem is primal feasible.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:745
int forceFactorization_
Now for some reliability aids This forces re-factorization early.
void setSparseFactorization(bool value)
If problem is primal feasible.
double & upperAddress(int sequence)
Return address of row or column upper bound.
int moreSpecialOptions_
More special options - see set for details.
void setNumberRefinements(int value)
If problem is primal feasible.
void miniPostsolve(const ClpSimplex *presolvedModel, void *info)
After mini presolve.
double zeroTolerance() const
Get zero tolerance.
int solveType() const
Solve type - 1 simplex, 2 simplex interface, 3 Interior.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:387
Constraint Abstract Base Class.
void setSequenceOut(int sequence)
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
int maximumBasic() const
Maximum number of basic variables - can be more than number of rows if GUB.
void solveFromHotStart(void *saveStuff)
Optimize starting from the hotstart.
double valueOut_
Value of Out variable.
void setPersistenceFlag(int value)
Array persistence flag If 0 then as now (delete/new) 1 then only do arrays if bigger needed 2 as 1 bu...
void setObjCoeff(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
Set an objective function coefficient.
void setVectorMode(int value)
Set vector mode.
CoinWarmStartBasis * getBasis() const
Returns a basis (to be deleted by user)
double upperIn() const
Upper Bound on In variable.
int numberInfeasibilities
void loadProblem(const ClpMatrixBase &matrix, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub, const double *rowObjective=NULL)
Loads a problem (the constraints on the rows are given by lower and upper bounds).
CoinPackedMatrix * matrix() const
Matrix (if not ClpPackedmatrix be careful about memory leak.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:768
FakeBound getFakeBound(int sequence) const
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
const double *COIN_RESTRICT lower
int strongBranching(int numberVariables, const int *variables, double *newLower, double *newUpper, double **outputSolution, int *outputStatus, int *outputIterations, bool stopOnFirstInfeasible=true, bool alwaysFinish=false, int startFinishOptions=0)
For strong branching.
int readBasis(const char *filename)
Read a basis from the given filename, returns -1 on file error, 0 if no values, 1 if values...
ClpSimplex * fastCrunch(ClpNodeStuff *stuff, int mode)
Deals with crunch aspects mode 0 - in 1 - out with solution 2 - out without solution returns small mo...
void createRim4(bool initial)
Does objective.
unsigned char * status_
Status (i.e.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:1301
double * rowReducedCost_
Reduced costs of slacks not same as duals (or - duals)
double & solutionAddress(int sequence)
Return address of row or column values.
void gutsOfCopy(const ClpSimplex &rhs)
Does most of copying.
void copyEnabledStuff(const ClpSimplex *rhs)
Copy across enabled stuff from one solver to another.
double lowerIn_
Lower Bound on In variable.
double minimumPrimalTolerance_
Minimum primal tolerance.
bool active(int iRow) const
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
CoinIndexedVector * columnArray_[6]
Useful column length arrays.
void getBasics(int *index)
Get basic indices (order of indices corresponds to the order of elements in a vector retured by getBI...
ClpNonLinearCost * nonLinearCost_
Very wasteful way of dealing with infeasibilities in primal.
double solution(int sequence)
Return row or column values.
int dualDebug(int ifValuesPass=0, int startFinishOptions=0)
General solve algorithm which can do presolve.
void defaultFactorizationFrequency()
If user left factorization frequency then compute.
ClpSimplex & operator=(const ClpSimplex &rhs)
Assignment operator. This copies the data.
void setCurrentPrimalTolerance(double value)
If problem is primal feasible.
double sumDualInfeasibilities_
Sum of dual infeasibilities.
bool flagged(int sequence) const
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
int primal(int ifValuesPass=0, int startFinishOptions=0)
Primal algorithm - see ClpSimplexPrimal.hpp for method.
bool automaticScaling() const
If automatic scaling on.
void setSumOfRelaxedPrimalInfeasibilities(double value)
If problem is primal feasible.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:777
int numberRows() const
Number of rows.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:315
int reducedGradient(int phase=0)
Solves non-linear using reduced gradient.
double *COIN_RESTRICT solution
double largeValue() const
Large bound value (for complementarity etc)
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:987
int numberChanged_
Can be used for count of changed costs (dual) or changed bounds (primal)
void setColumnBounds(int elementIndex, double lower, double upper)
Set a single column lower and upper bound.
int firstFree_
First free/super-basic variable (-1 if none)
int numberRefinements_
How many iterative refinements to do.
double * lowerRegion(int section) const
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
int cleanPrimalSolution(double exactMultiple)
Clean primal solution If you expect solution to only have exact multiples of &quot;exactMultiple&quot; then thi...
Sparse Matrix Base Class.
ClpEventHandler * eventHandler() const
Event handler.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:998
double * rowActivityWork_
Row activities - working copy.
void setValueOut(double value)
Set value of out variable.
For saving extra information to see if looping.
Definition: ClpSolve.hpp:310
void forceFactorization(int value)
Force re-factorization early.
void setValuesPassAction(double incomingInfeasibility, double allowedInfeasibility)
For advanced use.
int columnPrimalSequence_
Sequence of worst (-1 if feasible)
double alpha_
Alpha (pivot element)
Primal Column Pivot Abstract Base Class.
double * lowerRegion() const
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
void checkPrimalSolution(const double *rowActivities=NULL, const double *columnActivies=NULL)
This sets largest infeasibility and most infeasible and sum and number of infeasibilities (Primal) ...
int directionOut() const
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
double * reducedCostWork_
Possible scaled reduced costs.
void setDualOut(double value)
Set dual value of out variable.
double originalUpper(int iSequence) const
Return original lower bound.
double * columnUpper_
Column Upper.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:1274
const double *COIN_RESTRICT upper
void checkBothSolutions()
This sets sum and number of infeasibilities (Dual and Primal)
void setInfeasibilityCost(double value)
If problem is primal feasible.
int isColumn(int sequence) const
Returns 1 if sequence indicates column.
double bestObjectiveValue_
&quot;Best&quot; objective value
int readMps(const char *filename, bool keepNames=false, bool ignoreErrors=false)
Read an mps file from the given filename.
void gutsOfDelete(int type)
Does most of deletion (0 = all, 1 = most, 2 most + factorization)
void setPivoted(int sequence)
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
int cleanup(int cleanupScaling)
When scaling is on it is possible that the scaled problem is feasible but the unscaled is not...
void setDualIn(double value)
Set reduced cost of last incoming to force error.
void returnModel(ClpSimplex &otherModel)
Return model - updates any scalars.
int barrier(bool crossover=true)
Solves using barrier (assumes you have good cholesky factor code).
int * pivotVariable() const
Basic variables pivoting on which rows.
double sumOfRelaxedPrimalInfeasibilities_
Sum of Primal infeasibilities using tolerance based on error in primals.
double changeObj
double * rowObjective() const
Row Objective.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:741
double * columnActivityWork_
Column activities - working copy.
ClpDisasterHandler * disasterHandler() const
Get disaster handler.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:982
void computePrimals(const double *rowActivities, const double *columnActivities)
Computes primals from scratch.
double cost(int sequence)
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
int modifyCoefficientsAndPivot(int number, const int *which, const CoinBigIndex *start, const int *row, const double *newCoefficient, const unsigned char *newStatus=NULL, const double *newLower=NULL, const double *newUpper=NULL, const double *newObjective=NULL)
Modifies coefficients etc and if necessary pivots in and out.
int dontFactorizePivots_
If may skip final factorize then allow up to this pivots (default 20)
ClpSimplex(bool emptyMessages=false)
Default constructor.
int forceFactorization() const
Force re-factorization early value.
void checkSolutionInternal()
Just check solution (for internal use) - sets sum of infeasibilities etc.
void setCurrentDualTolerance(double value)
If problem is primal feasible.
double primalToleranceToGetOptimal_
Primal tolerance needed to make dual feasible (&lt;largeTolerance)
void setToBaseModel(ClpSimplex *model=NULL)
Reset to base model (just size and arrays needed) If model NULL use internal copy.
int crash(double gap, int pivot)
Crash - at present just aimed at dual, returns -2 if dual preferred and crash basis created -1 if dua...
int algorithm() const
Current (or last) algorithm.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:720
int lastBadIteration_
So we know when to be cautious.
void writeLp(const char *filename, const char *extension="lp", double epsilon=1e-5, int numberAcross=10, int decimals=5, double objSense=0.0, bool useRowNames=true) const
Write the problem into an Lp file of the given filename.
int fastDual2(ClpNodeStuff *stuff)
Like Fast dual.
Last few infeasibilities.
int pivotResultPart2(int algorithm, int state)
Do actual pivot state is 0 if need tableau column, 1 if in rowArray_[1].
int numberPrimalInfeasibilities() const
Number of primal infeasibilities.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:782
double * infeasibilityRay(bool fullRay=false) const
Infeasibility/unbounded ray (NULL returned if none/wrong) Up to user to use delete [] on these arrays...
double sumPrimalInfeasibilities_
Sum of primal infeasibilities.
int baseIteration() const
Iteration when we entered dual or primal.
int numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_
Number of dual infeasibilities (without free)
double acceptablePivot_
Acceptable pivot value just after factorization.
int numberDualInfeasibilities_
Number of dual infeasibilities.
void setUpperOut(double value)
Set upper of out variable.
ClpFactorization * swapFactorization(ClpFactorization *factorization)
General solve algorithm which can do presolve.
double * columnLower_
Column Lower.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:1272
ClpDisasterHandler * disasterArea_
Disaster handler.
double * columnUpperWork_
Column upper bounds - working copy.
void setStatus(int sequence, Status newstatus)
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
void getBInvACol(int col, double *vec)
Get a column of the tableau.
int primalRanging(int numberCheck, const int *which, double *valueIncrease, int *sequenceIncrease, double *valueDecrease, int *sequenceDecrease)
Primal ranging.
int tightenPrimalBounds(double factor=0.0, int doTight=0, bool tightIntegers=false)
Tightens primal bounds to make dual faster.
void checkDualSolution()
This sets largest infeasibility and most infeasible and sum and number of infeasibilities (Dual) ...
void clearPivoted(int sequence)
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
double largestDualError_
Largest error on basic duals.
double * solution_
Working copy of primal solution (Owner of arrays below)
double upperTheta
void computeDuals(double *givenDjs)
Computes duals from scratch.
int startFastDual2(ClpNodeStuff *stuff)
Starts Fast dual2.
double valueIncomingDual() const
value of incoming variable (in Dual)
CoinIndexedVector * columnArray(int index) const
Useful column length arrays (0,1,2,3,4,5)
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:820
void ClpSimplexUnitTest(const std::string &mpsDir)
A function that tests the methods in the ClpSimplex class.
double primalRatio
bool perturbed(int iSequence) const
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
int createPiecewiseLinearCosts(const int *starts, const double *lower, const double *gradient)
Constructs a non linear cost from list of non-linearities (columns only) First lower of each column i...
int lastFlaggedIteration_
So we know when to open up again.
void setDirectionIn(int direction)
Set directionIn or Out.
void setZeroTolerance(double value)
Set zero tolerance.
double theta() const
Theta (pivot change)
enums for status of various sorts.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:114
Status getColumnStatus(int sequence) const
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
int internalFactorize(int solveType)
Factorizes using current basis.
void setLargestDualError(double value)
Largest error on basic duals.
void clearPerturbed(int iSequence)
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
void setFactorization(ClpFactorization &factorization)
Passes in factorization.
void generateCpp(FILE *fp, bool defaultFactor=false)
Create C++ lines to get to current state.
ClpSimplexProgress * progress()
For dealing with all issues of cycling etc.
void setSequenceIn(int sequence)
Set sequenceIn or Out.
ClpSimplex * baseModel_
A copy of model with certain state - normally without cuts.
double * rowObjectiveWork_
Row objective - working copy.
double sumDualInfeasibilities() const
Sum of dual infeasibilities.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:732
int numberColumns() const
Number of rows.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:328
void setNumberPrimalInfeasibilities(int value)
If problem is primal feasible.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:786
void setRowLower(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
Set a single row lower bound Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity.
double largeValue_
Large bound value (for complementarity etc)
bool initialDenseFactorization() const
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
Status getStatus(int sequence) const
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
ClpSimplex * baseModel() const
See if we have base model.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:208
int sequenceWithin(int sequence) const
Returns sequence number within section.
double * rowUpperWork_
Row upper bounds - working copy.
void borrowModel(ClpModel &otherModel)
Borrow model.
double lowerOut_
Lower Bound on Out variable.
void checkUnscaledSolution()
Check unscaled primal solution but allow for rounding error.
double dualIn_
Reduced cost of In variable.
int initialDualSolve()
Dual initial solve.
int maximumPerturbationSize_
Maximum perturbation array size (take out when code rewritten)
void setColumnLower(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
Set a single column lower bound Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity.
double bestPossibleImprovement() const
Best possible improvement using djs (primal) or obj change by flipping bounds to make dual feasible (...
double valueIn_
Value of In variable.
Base class for Clp disaster handling.
void setTheta(double value)
Set theta of out variable.
int numberRefinements() const
How many iterative refinements to do.
void deleteBaseModel()
Switch off base model.
void setRowUpper(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
Set a single row upper bound Use DBL_MAX for infinity.
double * solutionRegion() const
Return region as single array.
void setNumberDualInfeasibilities(int value)
If problem is primal feasible.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:754
int progressFlag() const
Progress flag - at present 0 bit says artificials out.
void setFlagged(int sequence)
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
int getSolution()
Given an existing factorization computes and checks primal and dual solutions.
int saveModel(const char *fileName)
Save model to file, returns 0 if success.
ClpDualRowPivot * dualRowPivot() const
dual row pivot choice
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:847
void setActive(int iRow)
To say row active in primal pivot row choice.
double objectiveValue_
Objective value.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:1244
int numberFake_
Can be used for count of fake bounds (dual) or fake costs (primal)
void setDirectionOut(int direction)
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
double *COIN_RESTRICT reducedCost
int sequenceIn_
Sequence of In variable.
double * upper_
Working copy of upper bounds (Owner of arrays below)
void setFakeBound(int sequence, FakeBound fakeBound)
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
Indexed Vector.
int outDuplicateRows(int numberLook, int *whichRows, bool noOverlaps=false, double tolerance=-1.0, double cleanUp=0.0)
Take out duplicate rows (includes scaled rows and intersections).
void setMoreSpecialOptions(int value)
Set more special options 1 bit - if presolve says infeasible in ClpSolve return 2 bit - if presolved ...
Clp Solver Interface.
void setPerturbed(int iSequence)
To say perturbed.
int readLp(const char *filename, const double epsilon=1e-5)
Read file in LP format from file with name filename.
int fathomMany(void *stuff)
Do up to N deep - returns -1 - no solution nNodes_ valid nodes &gt;= if solution and that node gives sol...
int initialBarrierSolve()
Barrier initial solve.
double upperOut() const
Upper of out variable.
int directionIn() const
Return direction In or Out.
int dual(int ifValuesPass=0, int startFinishOptions=0)
Dual algorithm - see ClpSimplexDual.hpp for method.
ClpSimplexProgress progress_
For dealing with all issues of cycling etc.
double * solutionRegion(int section) const
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
int *COIN_RESTRICT index
bool statusOfProblem(bool initial=false)
Factorizes and returns true if optimal.
void setRowSetBounds(const int *indexFirst, const int *indexLast, const double *boundList)
Set the bounds on a number of rows simultaneously
int initialSolve()
Default initial solve.
double computeInternalObjectiveValue()
Compute minimization objective value from internal solution without perturbation. ...
double sumOfRelaxedPrimalInfeasibilities() const
Sum of relaxed primal infeasibilities.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:773
friend void ClpSimplexUnitTest(const std::string &mpsDir)
A function that tests the methods in the ClpSimplex class.
const CoinBigIndex *COIN_RESTRICT start
This solves LPs using the simplex method.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:106
void setObjectiveCoefficient(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
Set an objective function coefficient.
int startup(int ifValuesPass, int startFinishOptions=0)
Common bits of coding for dual and primal.
double dualBound_
Dual bound.
double * upperRegion() const
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
int automaticScale_
Automatic scaling of objective and rhs and bounds.
void checkSolution(int setToBounds=0)
Just check solution (for external use) - sets sum of infeasibilities etc.
void finish(int startFinishOptions=0)
Pivot in a variable and out a variable.
void createRim1(bool initial)
Does rows and columns.
double lowerOut() const
Lower of out variable.
double spareDoubleArray_[4]
Spare double array for passing information [0]!=0 switches on.
Base class for Clp event handling.
void moveInfo(const ClpSimplex &rhs, bool justStatus=false)
Move status and solution across.
void setAlgorithm(int value)
Set algorithm.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:725
ClpPrimalColumnPivot * primalColumnPivot() const
primal column pivot choice
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:852
int dualRanging(int numberCheck, const int *which, double *costIncrease, int *sequenceIncrease, double *costDecrease, int *sequenceDecrease, double *valueIncrease=NULL, double *valueDecrease=NULL)
Dual ranging.
Abstract base class for Clp Matrices.
double sumOfRelaxedDualInfeasibilities_
Sum of Dual infeasibilities using tolerance based on error in duals.
int vectorMode() const
Get vector mode.
int initialBarrierNoCrossSolve()
Barrier initial solve, not to be followed by crossover.
int moreSpecialOptions() const
Return more special options 1 bit - if presolve says infeasible in ClpSolve return 2 bit - if presolv...
Status getRowStatus(int sequence) const
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
void originalModel(ClpSimplex *miniModel)
This copies back stuff from miniModel and then deletes miniModel.
double alphaAccuracy_
For computing whether to re-factorize.
int directionOut_
Direction of Out, 1 to upper bound, -1 to lower bound, 0 - superbasic.
int progressFlag_
Progress flag - at present 0 bit says artificials out, 1 free in.
double doubleCheck()
Double checks OK.
void setDualBound(double value)
If problem is primal feasible.
void passInEventHandler(const ClpEventHandler *eventHandler)
Pass in Event handler (cloned and deleted at end)
void setInitialDenseFactorization(bool onOff)
Normally the first factorization does sparse coding because the factorization could be singular...
void unpackPacked(CoinIndexedVector *rowArray)
Unpacks one column of the matrix into indexed array as packed vector Uses sequenceIn_ Also applies sc...
int spareIntArray_[4]
Spare int array for passing information [0]!=0 switches on.
double upperOut_
Upper Bound on Out variable.
bool primalFeasible() const
If problem is primal feasible.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:666
void copyFactorization(ClpFactorization &factorization)
Copies in factorization to existing one.
double dualIn() const
Reduced cost of last incoming for use by classes e.g. steepestedge.
bool sparseFactorization() const
Sparsity on or off.
double * objectiveWork_
Column objective - working copy.
double * upperRegion(int section) const
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
void removeSuperBasicSlacks(int threshold=0)
Try simple crash like techniques to remove super basic slacks but only if &gt; threshold.
void getBInvCol(int col, double *vec)
Get a column of the basis inverse.
void setPivotRow(int value)
If problem is primal feasible.
double valueOut() const
Value of Out variable.
void setColSetBounds(const int *indexFirst, const int *indexLast, const double *boundList)
Set the bounds on a number of columns simultaneously
void getBInvRow(int row, double *z)
Get a row of the basis inverse.
double theta_
Theta (pivot change)
void resize(int newNumberRows, int newNumberColumns)
Resizes rim part of model.
void deleteRim(int getRidOfFactorizationData=2)
releases above arrays and does solution scaling out.
double dualBound() const
Dual bound.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:687
double reducedCost(int sequence)
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
bool goodAccuracy() const
Returns true if model looks OK.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:857
const unsigned char *COIN_RESTRICT status
int pivotRow_
Pivot Row.
double upper(int sequence)
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
int dualPivotResultPart1()
Pivot out a variable and choose an incoing one.
void markHotStart(void *&saveStuff)
Create a hotstart point of the optimization process.
int factorizationFrequency() const
Factorization frequency.
double * costRegion(int section) const
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
double *COIN_RESTRICT infeas
double bestPossible
void setRowBounds(int elementIndex, double lower, double upper)
Set a single row lower and upper bound.
ClpFactorization * getEmptyFactorization()
Gets clean and emptyish factorization.
int solveDW(CoinStructuredModel *model, ClpSolve &options)
Solve using Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition and maybe in parallel.
void setLastBadIteration(int value)
Set so we know when to be cautious.
void makeBaseModel()
Save a copy of model with certain state - normally without cuts.
void miniSolve(char *rowType, char *columnType, int algorithm, int startUp)
mini presolve and solve
void setColBounds(int elementIndex, double newlower, double newupper)
Set a single column lower and upper bound.
double * rowLowerWork_
Row lower bounds - working copy.
void setPerturbation(int value)
If problem is primal feasible.
int directionIn_
Direction of In, 1 going up, -1 going down, 0 not a clue.
void dropNames()
Drops names - makes lengthnames 0 and names empty.
double * rowLower_
Row lower.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:1264
const int *COIN_RESTRICT row
void computeObjectiveValue(bool useWorkingSolution=false)
Compute objective value from solution and put in objectiveValue_.
ClpSimplex * miniPresolve(char *rowType, char *columnType, void **info)
Mini presolve (faster) Char arrays must be numberRows and numberColumns long on entry second part mus...
CoinIndexedVector * rowArray(int index) const
Useful row length arrays (0,1,2,3,4,5)
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:815
double * lower_
Working copy of lower bounds (Owner of arrays below)
void setColumnStatus(int sequence, Status newstatus)
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
int factorize()
Factorizes using current basis. For external use.
friend class OsiCLPSolverInterface
And OsiCLP.
int lastGoodIteration_
Last good iteration (immediately after a re-factorization)
int pivotRow() const
Pivot Row for use by classes e.g. steepestedge.
int solve(CoinStructuredModel *model)
Solve using structure of model and maybe in parallel.
int algorithm_
Algorithm &gt;0 == Primal, &lt;0 == Dual.
double acceptablePivot
double alpha() const
Alpha (pivot element) for use by classes e.g. steepestedge.
double upperIn_
Upper Bound on In variable.
double dualOut() const
Dual value of Out variable.
This deals with Factorization and Updates.
bool dualFeasible() const
If problem is dual feasible.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:671
double sumOfRelaxedDualInfeasibilities() const
Sum of relaxed dual infeasibilities.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:741
int sequenceOut_
Sequence of Out variable.
int sequenceIn() const
Return sequence In or Out.
int perturbation() const
Amount of print out: 0 - none 1 - just final 2 - just factorizations 3 - as 2 plus a bit more 4 - ver...
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:714
void setDisasterHandler(ClpDisasterHandler *handler)
Objective value.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:977
int numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree() const
Number of dual infeasibilities (without free)
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:759
double bestPossibleImprovement_
Best possible improvement using djs (primal) or obj change by flipping bounds to make dual feasible (...
void cleanStatus()
Clean up status.
void allSlackBasis(bool resetSolution=false)
Sets up all slack basis and resets solution to as it was after initial load or readMps.
int numberDualInfeasibilities() const
Number of dual infeasibilities.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:750
int *COIN_RESTRICT which
void setLargeValue(double value)
If problem is primal feasible.
int maximumBasic_
Maximum number of basic variables - can be more than number of rows if GUB.
bool createRim(int what, bool makeRowCopy=false, int startFinishOptions=0)
puts in format I like (rowLower,rowUpper) also see StandardMatrix 1 bit does rows (now and columns)...
double & costAddress(int sequence)
Return address of row or column cost.
void getbackSolution(const ClpSimplex &smallModel, const int *whichRow, const int *whichColumn)
Puts solution back into small model.
const double *COIN_RESTRICT cost
double dualTolerance_
Current dual tolerance for algorithm.
int perturbation_
Perturbation: -50 to +50 - perturb by this power of ten (-6 sounds good) 100 - auto perturb if takes ...
ClpDualRowPivot * dualRowPivot_
dual row pivot choice
CoinIndexedVector * rowArray_[6]
Useful row length arrays.
int * pivotVariable_
Basic variables pivoting on which rows.
double currentPrimalTolerance() const
Current primal tolerance.
bool isObjectiveLimitTestValid() const
Return true if the objective limit test can be relied upon.
int numberExtraRows() const
Number of extra rows.
int nonlinearSLP(int numberPasses, double deltaTolerance)
Solves nonlinear problem using SLP - may be used as crash for other algorithms when number of iterati...
int numberDegeneratePivots_
Number of degenerate pivots since last perturbed.
int primalPivotResult()
Pivot in a variable and choose an outgoing one.
int loadNonLinear(void *info, int &numberConstraints, ClpConstraint **&constraints)
Load nonlinear part of problem from AMPL info Returns 0 if linear 1 if quadratic objective 2 if quadr...
double infeasibilityCost_
Weight assigned to being infeasible in primal.
double lower(int sequence)
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
void unpack(CoinIndexedVector *rowArray) const
Unpacks one column of the matrix into indexed array Uses sequenceIn_ Also applies scaling if needed...
const int *COIN_RESTRICT pivotVariable
void createRim5(bool initial)
Does rows and columns and objective.
ClpFactorization * factorization() const
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:676
double & lowerAddress(int sequence)
Return address of row or column lower bound.
double *COIN_RESTRICT work
The default COIN simplex (basis-oriented) warm start class.
This just implements CoinFactorization when an ClpMatrixBase object is passed.
unsigned char * saveStatus_
Saved status regions.
void getBInvARow(int row, double *z, double *slack=NULL)
Get a row of the tableau (slack part in slack if not NULL)
int numberTimesOptimal_
Number of times code has tentatively thought optimal.
int sequenceOut() const
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
ClpPrimalColumnPivot * primalColumnPivot_
primal column pivot choice
double alphaAccuracy() const
Initial value for alpha accuracy calculation (-1.0 off)
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:962
void setSumPrimalInfeasibilities(double value)
If problem is primal feasible.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:768
int cleanFactorization(int ifValuesPass)
Get a clean factorization - i.e.
void clearFlagged(int sequence)
To flag a variable (not inline to allow for column generation)
int restoreModel(const char *fileName)
Restore model from file, returns 0 if success, deletes current model.
double infeasibilityCost() const
Infeasibility cost.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:693
double primalTolerance_
Current primal tolerance for algorithm.
void setEmptyFactorization()
May delete or may make clean and emptyish factorization.
double * djRegion() const
Return row or column sections - not as much needed as it once was.
int initialPrimalSolve()
Primal initial solve.
void setAutomaticScaling(bool onOff)
If problem is primal feasible.
void setColLower(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
Set a single column lower bound Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity.
double * dj_
Working copy of reduced costs (Owner of arrays below)