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Robust L1 Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother

[xOutrOutsOutpPlusOutpMinusOutinfo] = ckbs_L1_affine(...
max_itrepsilonzbghdb, ...

This routine minimizes the robust L1 Kalman-Bucy smoother objective for affine process and measurement models.

The robust L1 Kalman-Bucy smoother objective is defined by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
\|R_k^{-1/2}( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )^\R{T}\|_1
& + &
( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
where the matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero. Note that  g_1 is the initial state estimate and  Q_1 is the corresponding covariance.

The robust L1 Kalman-Bucy smoother problem is  \[
{\rm minimize}
& \frac{1}{2} y^\R{T} H(x) y + d(x)^\R{T} y
      + \sqrt{\B{2}}^\R{T} (p^+ + p^-)
   \;{\rm w.r.t} \;  y \in \B{R}^{nN}\; , \; p^+ \in \B{R}_+^{M} \; , \; p^- \in \B{R}_+^{M}
{\rm subject \; to} &  b(x) + B(x) y - p^+ + p^- = 0

Lagrangian and First Order Conditions
We denote the lagrange multiplier associated to the equality constraint by  q , the lagrange multiplier associated to the non-negativity constraint on  p^+ by  r , and the lagrange multiplier associated to the non-negativity of  p^- by  s . We also use  \B{1} to denote the vector of length  mN with all its components equal to one, and  \B{\sqrt{2}} to denote the vector of length  mN with all its components equal to
. The Lagrangian corresponding to the L1 Kalman-Bucy problem is given by  \[
L(p^+, p^-, y, q, r, s)  =
\frac{1}{2} y^\R{T} H y + d^\R{T} y + \B{\sqrt{2}}^T(p^+ + p^-)
+ q^\R{T} (b + B y - p^+ + p^-) - r^\R{T} p^+ - s^\R{T} p^- \;.
The partial gradients of the Lagrangian are given by  \[
\nabla L :=
\nabla_p^+ L(p^+, p^-, y, q ) & = & \B{\sqrt{2}} - q - r \\
\nabla_p^- L(p^+, p^-, y, q) & = & \B{\sqrt{2}} + q - s \\
\nabla_y L(p^+, p^-, y, q ) & = & H y + c + B^\R{T} q \\
\nabla_q L(p^+, p^-, y, q ) & = & b + B y - p^+ + p^- \\
At optimality, all of these gradients will be zero (or smaller than a tolerance  \varepsilon ), and complementarity conditions hold, i.e.
\[ r_i p_i^+ = s_i p_i^- = 0 \; \forall \; i \;.
(or again, each pairwise product is smaller than

The integer scalar max_itr specifies the maximum number of iterations of the algorithm to execute. It must be greater than or equal to zero.

The positive scalar epsilon specifies the convergence criteria value; i.e.,  \[
      \|\nabla L\|_1 \leq epsilon\;.

The argument z is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      z_k = z(:, k)
and z has size  m \times N .

The argument g is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      g_k = g(:, k)
and g has size  n \times N . The value  g_1 serves as the initial state estimate.

The argument h is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      h_k = h(:, k)
and h has size  m \times N .

The argument dg is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      G_k = dg(:,:,k)
and dg has size  n \times n \times N . The initial state estimate  g_1 does not depend on the value of  x_0 , hence  G_1 should be zero.

The argument dh is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      H_k = dh(:,:,k)
and dh has size  m \times n \times N .

The argument qinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      Q_k^{-1} = qinv(:,:, k)
and qinv has size  n \times n \times N . The value of  Q_k is the variance of the initial state estimate  g_1 .

The argument rinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      R_k^{-1} = rinv(:,:, k)
and rinv has size  m \times m \times N . It is ok to signify a missing data value by setting the corresponding row and column of rinv to zero. This also enables use to interpolate the state vector  x_k to points where there are no measurements.

The result xOut contains the optimal sequence  ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) . For  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x_k = xOut(:, k)
and xOut is a two dimensional array with size  n \times N .

The result rOut contains the Lagrange multiplier sequence corresponding to the non-negativity constraint on  p^+ . For  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      r_k = rOut(:, k)
and rOut is a two dimensional array with size  m \times N .

The result rOut contains the Lagrange multiplier sequence corresponding to the non-negativity constraint on  p^- . For  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      s_k = sOut(:, k)
and sOut is a two dimensional array with size  m \times N .

The result pPlusOut contains the positive parts of the measurement residual  b(x) + B(x) y . For  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      p_k = pPlusOut(:, k)
and pPlusOut is a two dimensional array with size  m \times N .

The result pMinusOut contains the negative parts of the measurement residual  b(x) + B(x) y . For  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      p_k = pMinusOut(:, k)
and pMinusOut is a two dimensional array with size  m \times N .

The result info is a matrix with each row corresponding to an iteration of the algorithm. There are five numbers output per iteration: the infinity norm of the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, the one-norm of the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, the duality gap,  \mu , and the number of line search Note that ckbs_L1_affine has satisfied the convergence condition if
info(end, 2) <= epsilon

The file L1_affine_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_L1_affine. It returns true if ckbs_L1_affine passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_L1_affine.m