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ckbs_affine_singular Singular Smoothing Spline Example and Test

[ok] = affine_singular_ok(draw_plot)

If this argument is true, a plot is drawn showing the results comparing ckbs_affine_singular with ckbs_affine .

If the return value ok is true, the test passed, otherwise the test failed.

State Vector
 x1 (t) derivative of function we are estimating
 x2 (t) value of function we are estimating

 z1 (t) value of  x2 (t) plus noise

Source Code
function [ok] = affine_singular_ok(draw_plot)

    % --------------------------------------------------------

    ok = true;
    % You can change these parameters

    conVar = 100;         % variance of contaminating distribution

    conFreq = .3;         % frequency of outliers

    noise = 'normal';     % type of noise

    N     = 1000;        % number of measurement time points

    dt    = 10*pi / N;  % time between measurement points

    %dt = 1;

    gamma =  1;        % transition covariance multiplier

    sigma =  1;       % standard deviation of measurement noise
    sigma_alg = 1;

    if (strcmp(noise,'student'))
        sigma = sqrt(2);

    max_itr = 30;      % maximum number of iterations

    epsilon = 1e-4;    % convergence criteria

    h_min   = 0;       % minimum horizontal value in plots

    h_max   = 14;       % maximum horizontal value in plots

    v_min   = -5.0;    % minimum vertical value in plots

    v_max   = 5.0;    % maximum vertical value in plots

    % ---------------------------------------------------------

    if nargin < 1

        draw_plot = false;


    %  Define the problem

    %rand('seed', 12);


    % number of constraints per time point

    % ell   = 0;


    % number of measurements per time point

    m     = 1;


    % number of state vector components per time point

    n     = 2;


    % simulate the true trajectory and measurement noise

    t       =  (1 : N) * dt;

    x1_true = - cos(t);
    x2_true = - sin(t);
    x_true  = [ x1_true ; x2_true ];

    % measurement values and model

    %exp_true = random('exponential', 1/sigma, 1, N);
    %bin = 2*random('binomial', 1, 0.5, 1, N) - 1;
    %exp_true = exp_true .* bin;
    %z        = x2_true + exp_true;

    % Normal Noise

    v_true = zeros(m,N);
    temp = zeros(m,N);
    bin = zeros(m,N);

    randn('state', sum(100*clock));
    rand('twister', sum(100*clock));

    if (strcmp(noise,  'normal'))
        v_true  = sigma * randn(m, N);

    %Laplace Noise
    if (strcmp(noise,'laplace'))
        temp = sigma*exprnd(1/sigma, 1,100);
        bin  = 2*(binornd(1, 0.5, 1, 100)-0.5);
        v_true = temp.*bin/sqrt(2);

    if (strcmp(noise,'student'))
        v_true = trnd(4,1,100);

    z = [x2_true] + v_true;

    rk      = sigma_alg * sigma_alg * eye(m);

    rinvk   = inv(rk);

    rinv    = zeros(m, m, N);
    r       = zeros(m, m, N);

    h       = zeros(m, N);

    % Covariance between process and measurement?
    dh      = zeros(m, n, N);

    for k = 1 : N

        rinv(:, :, k) = rinvk;
        r(:,:,k) = rk;

        h(:, k)       = 0;

        dh(:,:, k)    = [ 0 , 1 ];



    % transition model

    g       = zeros(n, N);

    dg      = zeros(n, n, N);

    qinv    = zeros(n, n, N);
    q       = zeros(n, n, N);

    qk      = gamma * [ dt , 0 ; 0 , 0 ];

    qinvk   = inv(qk);

    for k = 2 : N

        g(:, k)       = 0;

        dg(:,:, k)    = [ 1 , 0 ; dt , 1 ];

        qinv(:,:, k)  = qinvk;
        q(:,:,k) = qk;



    % initial state estimate

    g(:, 1)      = x_true(:, 1);

    qinv(:,:, 1) = 100 * eye(2);
    q(:,:,1) = inv(qinv(:,:,1));


    % constraints

    b       = zeros(0, N);

    db      = zeros(0, n, N);

    % -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    % -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    % L1 Kalman-Bucy Smoother
    % Linear unconstrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
    [xOut2, info] = ckbs_affine_singular(z, g, h, dg, dh, q, r);
    %qk      = gamma * [ dt , dt^2/2 ; dt^2/2 , dt^3/3 ];

    %for k = 2:N
    %    q(:,:,k) = qk;
    %[xOut3, info] = ckbs_affine_singular(z, g, h, dg, dh, q, r);
    iter = info(5);
    info(5) = 0;

    ok = (ok) && (max(info) < epsilon);


    % % --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if draw_plot

        qk      = gamma * [ dt , dt^2/2 ; dt^2/2 , dt^3/3 ];
        qinvk   = inv(qk);

        for k = 2 : N
            qinv(:,:, k)  = qinvk;       
        [xOut3, uOut, info] = ckbs_affine(max_itr, epsilon, z, b, g, h, db, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);


        hold on

        plot(t', x_true(2,:)', '-k', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );

        meas = z(1,:);
        meas(meas > v_max) = v_max;
        meas(meas < v_min) = v_min;
        plot(t', meas, 'bd',  'MarkerFaceColor', [.49 1 .63], 'MarkerSize', 6);

        plot(t', xOut2(2,:)', '-r', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
%        plot(t', xOut3(2,:)', '-b', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');

        axis([h_min, h_max, v_min, v_max]);

        title('Position Plot. Black=truth, Blue = meas, Magenta = Singular Smoother.');

        hold off


        hold on

        plot(t', x_true(1,:)', '-k', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );

        plot(t', xOut2(1,:)', '-r', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');

        plot(t', xOut3(1,:)', '-b', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');

        axis([h_min, h_max, v_min, v_max]);

        title('Derivative plot. Black=truth, Blue = SDE smoother, Magenta = Singular Smoother.');


        % constrained estimate

   % [norm(xOut2(2,:) - x_true(2,:)) norm(xOut3(2,:) - x_true(2,:))]

Input File: example/affine_singular_ok.m