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ckbs-0.20130204.0: Constrained/Robust Kalman-Bucy Smoothers
One web page per Section   All as one web page
Math in Latex   ckbs.htm _printable.htm
Math in MathML   ckbs.xml _priintable.xml

a: Purpose
The programs in this package compute a smoothed estimate of a time series given process models for the state evolution, measurement models for the observations, variance estimates, and the sequence of observations.

a.a: Affine Constrained Smoother
The program 6: constrained_affine performs Kalman smoothing when the process and measurement models are affine. Affine inequality constraints may also be imposed on the state.

a.b: Nonlinear Constrained Smoother
The program 4: constrained_nonlinear performs Kalman smoothing for general nonlinear process measurement. Nonlinear inequality constraints may also be imposed on the state.

a.c: Affine L1 Robust Smoother
The program 8: robust_affine performs robust Kalman smoothing when the process and measurement models are affine and the measurement sequence may contain outliers.

a.d: Nonlinear L1 Robust Smoother
The program 5: robust_nonlinear performs robust Kalman smoothing for general nonlinear process and measurement models when the measurement sequence may contain outliers.

a.e: General Student's T smoother
The program 3: t_general performs robust Student's t Kalman smoothing for general nonlinear process and measurement models. The measurements may contain very large outliers. Also, there may be sudden changes in trend data. The user can specify which components of process and measurement residuals to model using Student's t.

b: MathML
This documentation is in XHTML + MathML. If you have trouble viewing it in your browser see Viewing MathML on the web page

c: System Requirements
This constrained Kalman-Bucy smoother runs under both the Matlab® (http://www.mathworks.com/) and Octave (http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/) While it will work under MS windows, these download instructions are for the Unix operating system.

d: Download

d.a: Release Tarballs
You can download a tarball release of ckbs from the directory
Theses releases are named
where yyyy is the year, mm is the month, dd is the day, r is the release number, and ext is tgz or zip.

If ext is tgz the command
     tar -xvzf ckbs-0.
will create the ckbs-0.yyyymmdd.r directory.

If ext is zip the command
     unzip ckbs-0.
will create the ckbs-0.yyyymmdd.r directory.

d.b: Using Subversion
If you are going to use subversion to download a version of ckbs, start with the following commands:
     mkdir ckbs
     cd ckbs
For each release listed in the download directory (http://www.coin-or.org/download/source/CoinBazaar) you can use subversion to download the release with the commands
     svn checkout $web/releases/0.
This will create the ckbs/0.yyyymmdd.r directory. You can also download the most recent version of ckbs (called the trunk) using the commands
     svn checkout $web/trunk
This will create the ckbs/trunk directory.

e: Test Install
Change into the directory ckbs/0.yyyymmdd.r/example or ckbs/trunk/example and use Matlab® or Octave to run the program all_ok.m. It will print the test results for all the components of ckbs. You can run some more tests by changing into the directory ckbs/0.yyyymmdd.r/test or ckbs/trunk/test and running the program all_ok.m which will have a similar output.

f: Documentation
If you download a release, a copy of the documentation for the release can be found be viewed in your browser by opening the file
If you download the latest version (the trunk), a copy of the documentation for this version can be built by executing the commands
in the ckbs/trunk directory. You can then view the documentation in your browser by opening the file

g: Contents
_contents: 1Table of Contents
license: 2Your License to use the ckbs Software
ckbs_t_general: 3The General Student's t Smoother
ckbs_nonlinear: 4The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
ckbs_L1_nonlinear: 5The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
ckbs_affine: 6Constrained Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
ckbs_affine_singular: 7Singular Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
ckbs_L1_affine: 8Robust L1 Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
utility: 9ckbs Utility Functions
all_ok.m: 10Run All Correctness Tests
whatsnew: 11Changes and Additions to ckbs
wishlist: 12List of Future Improvements to ckbs
bib: 13Bibliography
_reference: 14Alphabetic Listing of Cross Reference Tags
_index: 15Keyword Index
_external: 16External Internet References

Input File: ckbs.omh
1: Table of Contents
ckbs-0.20130204.0: Constrained/Robust Kalman-Bucy Smoothers: : ckbs
    Table of Contents: 1: _contents
    Your License to use the ckbs Software: 2: license
    The General Student's t Smoother: 3: ckbs_t_general
        ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test: 3.1: t_general_ok.m
        ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test: 3.2: t_general_noisy_jump.m
    The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother: 4: ckbs_nonlinear
        ckbs_nonlinear: A Simple Example and Test: 4.1: get_started_ok.m
        ckbs_nonlinear: Example and Test of Tracking a Sine Wave: 4.2: sine_wave_ok.m
        ckbs_nonlinear: Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test: 4.3: vanderpol_ok.m
            Van der Pol Oscillator Simulation (No Noise): 4.3.1: vanderpol_sim
                Example Use of vanderpol_sim: vanderpol_sim_ok.m
            ckbs_nonlinear: Vanderpol Transition Model Mean Example: 4.3.2: vanderpol_g.m
        ckbs_nonlinear: General Purpose Utilities: 4.4: nonlinear_utility
            ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Box Constraints: 4.4.1: box_f.m
            ckbs_nonlinear: Example Direct Measurement Model: 4.4.2: direct_h.m
            ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Distance Measurement Model: 4.4.3: distance_h.m
            ckbs_nonlinear: Example of No Constraint: 4.4.4: no_f.m
            ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Persistence Transition Function: 4.4.5: persist_g.m
            ckbs_nonlinear: Example Position and Velocity Transition Model: 4.4.6: pos_vel_g.m
            ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Nonlinear Constraint: 4.4.7: sine_f.m
    The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother: 5: ckbs_L1_nonlinear
        ckbs_L1_nonlinear: Robust Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test: 5.1: L1_nonlinear_ok.m
    Constrained Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother: 6: ckbs_affine
        ckbs_affine Box Constrained Smoothing Spline Example and Test: 6.1: affine_ok_box.m
    Singular Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother: 7: ckbs_affine_singular
        ckbs_affine_singular Singular Smoothing Spline Example and Test: 7.1: affine_singular_ok.m
    Robust L1 Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother: 8: ckbs_L1_affine
        ckbs_L1_affine Robust Smoothing Spline Example and Test: 8.1: L1_affine_ok.m
    ckbs Utility Functions: 9: utility
        Student's t Sum of Squares Objective: 9.1: ckbs_t_obj
            ckbs_t_obj Example and Test: 9.1.1: t_obj_ok.m
        Student's t Gradient: 9.2: ckbs_t_grad
            ckbs_t_grad Example and Test: 9.2.1: t_grad_ok.m
        Student's t Hessian: 9.3: ckbs_t_hess
            ckbs_t_hess Example and Test: 9.3.1: t_hess_ok.m
        Block Diagonal Algorithm: 9.4: ckbs_diag_solve
            ckbs_diag_solve Example and Test: 9.4.1: diag_solve_ok.m
        Block Bidiagonal Algorithm: 9.5: ckbs_bidiag_solve
            ckbs_bidiag_solve Example and Test: 9.5.1: bidiag_solve_ok.m
        Block Bidiagonal Algorithm: 9.6: ckbs_bidiag_solve_t
            ckbs_bidiag_solve_t Example and Test: 9.6.1: bidiag_solve_t_ok.m
        Packed Block Bidiagonal Matrix Symmetric Multiply: 9.7: ckbs_blkbidiag_symm_mul
            blkbidiag_symm_mul Example and Test: 9.7.1: blkbidiag_symm_mul_ok.m
        Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector or Matrix: 9.8: ckbs_blkdiag_mul
            blkdiag_mul Example and Test: 9.8.1: blkdiag_mul_ok.m
        Transpose of Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector or Matrix: 9.9: ckbs_blkdiag_mul_t
            blkdiag_mul_t Example and Test: 9.9.1: blkdiag_mul_t_ok.m
        Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Transpose Times a Vector: 9.10: ckbs_blkbidiag_mul_t
            blkbidiag_mul_t Example and Test: 9.10.1: blkbidiag_mul_t_ok.m
        Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Times a Vector: 9.11: ckbs_blkbidiag_mul
            blkbidiag_mul Example and Test: 9.11.1: blkbidiag_mul_ok.m
        Packed Block Tridiagonal Matrix Times a Vector: 9.12: ckbs_blktridiag_mul
            blktridiag_mul Example and Test: 9.12.1: blktridiag_mul_ok.m
        Affine Residual Sum of Squares Objective: 9.13: ckbs_sumsq_obj
            ckbs_sumsq_obj Example and Test: 9.13.1: sumsq_obj_ok.m
        Affine Least Squares with Robust L1 Objective: 9.14: ckbs_L2L1_obj
            ckbs_L2L1_obj Example and Test: 9.14.1: L2L1_obj_ok.m
        Affine Residual Sum of Squares Gradient: 9.15: ckbs_sumsq_grad
            ckbs_sumsq_grad Example and Test: 9.15.1: sumsq_grad_ok.m
        Affine Residual Process Sum of Squares Gradient: 9.16: ckbs_process_grad
            ckbs_process_grad Example and Test: 9.16.1: process_grad_ok.m
        Affine Residual Sum of Squares Hessian: 9.17: ckbs_sumsq_hes
            ckbs_sumsq_hes Example and Test: 9.17.1: sumsq_hes_ok.m
        Affine Process Residual Sum of Squares Hessian: 9.18: ckbs_process_hes
            ckbs_process_hes Example and Test: 9.18.1: process_hes_ok.m
        Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm: 9.19: ckbs_tridiag_solve
            ckbs_tridiag_solve Example and Test: 9.19.1: tridiag_solve_ok.m
        Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Backward version): 9.20: ckbs_tridiag_solve_b
            ckbs_tridiag_solve_b Example and Test: 9.20.1: tridiag_solve_b_ok.m
        Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Conjugate Gradient version): 9.21: ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg
            ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg Example and Test: 9.21.1: tridiag_solve_pcg_ok.m
        Affine Constrained Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step: 9.22: ckbs_newton_step
            ckbs_newton_step Example and Test: 9.22.1: newton_step_ok.m
        Affine Robust L1 Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step: 9.23: ckbs_newton_step_L1
            ckbs_newton_step_L1 Example and Test: 9.23.1: newton_step_L1_ok.m
        Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions: 9.24: ckbs_kuhn_tucker
            ckbs_kuhn_tucker Example and Test: 9.24.1: kuhn_tucker_ok.m
        Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions for Robust L1: 9.25: ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1
            ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1 Example and Test: 9.25.1: kuhn_tucker_L1_ok.m
    Run All Correctness Tests: 10: all_ok.m
        Set Up Path for Testing: 10.1: test_path.m
    Changes and Additions to ckbs: 11: whatsnew
    List of Future Improvements to ckbs: 12: wishlist
    Bibliography: 13: bib
    Alphabetic Listing of Cross Reference Tags: 14: _reference
    Keyword Index: 15: _index
    External Internet References: 16: _external

2: Your License to use the ckbs Software

                 Version 2, June 1991

 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
your programs, too.

  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.

  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.

  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their

  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.

  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.

  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.

  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.


  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".

Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.

  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.

You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.

  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.

    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
    parties under the terms of this License.

    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)

These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.

Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.

In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.

  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
    customarily used for software interchange; or,

    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
    received the program in object code or executable form with such
    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)

The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.

If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.

  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.

  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.

  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.

If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other

It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.

This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.

  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.

  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.

Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software

  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.

                   NO WARRANTY




         How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs

  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.

  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.

    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:

    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.

You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:

  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.

  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
  Ty Coon, President of Vice

This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.

Input File: omh/license.omh
3: The General Student's t Smoother

3.a: Syntax
[x_outinfo] = ckbs_t_general(
g_funh_fun, ...

3.b: Purpose
This routine minimizes the objective that results when Student's t errors are used for user specified components of the process and measurement model. Process and measurement models must be passed in as function handles, so even in the affine case function handles, rather than vectors and matrices, must be provided.

3.c: Notation
The general objective solved by the smoother is given by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
\rho_k^p\left([ z_k - h_k ( x_k ) ]^\R{T} * R_k^{-1} * [ z_k - h_k ( x_k
) ]\right)
& + &
\rho_k^m\left([ x_k - g_k ( x_{k-1} ) ]^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * [ x_k - g_k (
x_{k-1} ) ]\right)
where  \rho_k^p and  \rho_k^m are either quadratic, Student's t, or component-wise mixtures of these functions, depending on user-specified indices. The matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero. Note that the process model  g_fun should provide an initial state estimate for  k=1 , and  Q_1 is the corresponding covariance.

3.d: Problem
The full general Student's t problem is given by  \[
{\rm minimize}
      & S( x_1 , \ldots , x_N )
      & {\rm w.r.t.} \; x_1 \in \B{R}^n , \ldots , x_N \in \B{R}^n

3.e: g_fun
The ckbs_nonlinear argument g_fun is a function that supports both of the following syntaxes
gk] = feval(g_funkxk1)
gkGk] = feval(g_funkxk1)

3.e.a: k
The g_fun argument k is an integer with  1 \leq k \leq N . The case  k = 1 serves to specify the initial state estimate.

3.e.b: xk1
The g_fun argument xk1 is an column vector with length  n . It specifies the state vector at time index k  \[
      xk1 = x_{k-1}
. In the case  k = 1 , the value of xk1 does not matter.

3.e.c: gk
The g_fun result gk is an column vector with length  n and  \[
      gk = g_k ( x_{k-1} )
In the case  k = 1 , the value of gk is the initial state estimate at time index k .

3.e.d: Gk
If the g_fun result Gk is present in the syntax, it is the  n \times n matrix given by and  \[
      Gk = \partial_{k-1} g_k ( x_{k-1} )
In the case  k = 1 , the value of Gk is the zero matrix; i.e.,  g_k does not depend on the value of  x_{k-1} .

3.f: h_fun
The ckbs_nonlinear argument h_fun is a function that supports both of the following syntaxes
hk] = feval(h_funkxk)
hkHk] = feval(h_funkxk)

3.f.a: k
The h_fun argument k is an integer with  1 \leq k \leq N .

3.f.b: xk
The h_fun argument xk is an column vector with length  n . It specifies the state vector at time index k  \[
      xk = x_k

3.f.c: hk
The h_fun result hk is an column vector with length  m and  \[
      hk = h_k ( x_k )

3.f.d: Hk
If the h_fun result Hk is present in the syntax, it is the  m \times n matrix given by and  \[
      Hk = \partial_k h_k ( x_k )

3.g: max_itr
The integer scalar max_itr specifies the maximum number of iterations of the algorithm to execute. It must be greater than or equal to zero. Note that if it is zero, the first row of the 4.r: info return value will still be computed. This can be useful for deciding what is a good value for the argument 4.j: epsilon .

3.h: epsilon
The ckbs_nonlinear argument epsilon is a positive scalar. It specifies the convergence criteria value; i.e.,  \[
      \varepsilon = epsilon

3.i: x_in
The ckbs_nonlinear argument x_in is a two dimensional array with size  n \times N . It specifies a sequence of state values; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x\_in (:, k) = x_k
The closer the initial state sequence is to the solution the faster, and more likely, the ckbs_nonlinear will converge. The initial state sequence need not be feasible; i.e. it is not necessary that  \[
      f_k ( x_k ) \leq 0
for all  k .

3.j: z
The ckbs_nonlinear argument z is a two dimensional array with size  m \times N . It specifies the sequence of measurement vectors; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      z(:, k) = z_k

3.k: qinv
The ckbs_nonlinear argument qinv is a three dimensional array with size  n \times n \times N . It specifies the inverse of the variance of the measurement noise; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      qinv(:,:, k) = Q_k^{-1}
In the case  k = 1 , the value of  Q_k is the variance of the initial state estimate (see 4.g: g_fun .

3.l: rinv
The ckbs_nonlinear argument rinv is a three dimensional array, with size  m \times m \times N . it specifies the inverse of the variance of the transition noise; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      rinv(:,:, k) = R_k^{-1}
It is ok to signify a missing data value by setting the corresponding row and column of rinv to zero. This also enables use to interpolate the state vector  x_k to points where there are no measurements.

3.m: params
The params structure specifies auxiliary parameters required by the smoother. The structure is passed to the objective, gradient, and hessian functions; some parameter values are required for these to work correctly (see below).

3.m.a: level
The level argument sets the output level. If level is greater than 1, numerical derivatives are computed.

3.m.b: df_proc
The dif_proc is the Student's t degree of freedom parameter used for any Student's t process component.

3.m.c: df_meas
The dif_meas is the Student's t degree of freedom parameter used for any Student's t measurement component.

3.m.d: inds_proc_st
The inds_proc_st lists indicies of the state (process residual) that are to be modeled using Student's t. Setting this structure to empty  [] means quadratic model is used for entire state.

3.m.e: inds_meas_st
The inds_meas_st lists indicies of the measurement residual that are to be modeled using Student's t. Setting this structure to empty  [] means quadratic model is used for entire measurement.

3.n: x_out
The result x_out is a two dimensional array with size  n \times N .  ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) . It contains an approximation for the optimal sequence; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x\_out(:, k) = x_k

3.o: info
The result info is a matrix with each row corresponding to an iteration of the algorithm. Note that ckbs_nonlinear has satisfied the convergence condition if and only if
info(end, 1) <= epsilon )
info(end, 3) <= epsilon )

3.p: Example

3.p.a: Simple
The file 3.1: t_general_ok.m contains a simple example and test of ckbs_t_general. It returns true if ckbs_t_general passes the test (meaning algorithm converges to stationary point) and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_t_general.m
3.1: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test

3.1.a: Syntax
[ok] = affine_ok(draw_plot)

3.1.b: draw_plot
If this argument is true, a plot is drawn showing the results

3.1.c: ok
If the return value ok is true, the test passed, otherwise the test failed.

3.1.d: State Vector
 x1 (t) derivative of function we are estimating
 x2 (t) value of function we are estimating

3.1.e: Measurement
 z1 (t) value of  x2 (t) plus noise

3.1.f: Source Code

function [ok]= t_general_ok(draw_plot, conVar, conFreq, noise)

% --------------------------------------------------------

N     = 100;        % number of measurement time points

dt    = 4*pi / N;  % time between measurement points

%dt = 1;

gamma =  1;        % transition covariance multiplier

sigma =  0.5;       % standard deviation of measurement noise

if (strcmp(noise,'student'))
    sigma = sqrt(2);

max_itr = 100;      % maximum number of iterations

epsilon = 1e-3;    % convergence criteria

h_min   = 0;       % minimum horizontal value in plots

h_max   = 14;       % maximum horizontal value in plots

v_min   = -10.0;    % minimum vertical value in plots

v_max   = 10.0;    % maximum vertical value in plots

% ---------------------------------------------------------

if nargin < 1

     draw_plot = false;


% number of measurements per time point
m     = 1;
% number of state vector components per time point
n     = 2;

params.level = 1;

% simulate the true trajectory and measurement noise

t1       =  (1 : N/2 - 2) * dt;
t2       =  (N/2 - 1: N/2 + 1)*dt;
t3       =  (N/2 +2 : N)*dt;

t = [t1, t2, t3];

% alpha = 8;
% beta = 4;
% gammaOne = 20;

jump = 10;
derivs = jump/(4*dt) * ones(1,3);

    t2 = [-cos(t1), derivs, -cos(t3)];
    t1 = [-jump/2-sin(t1), -jump/2-sin(N/2 - 2) + cumsum(derivs)*dt, jump/2-sin(t3)];

   x1_true = t1(1:N);
   x2_true = t2(1:N);

x_true  = [ x1_true ; x2_true ];

params.direct_h_index = 1;
h_fun = @(k,x) direct_h(k,x,params);

params.pos_vel_g_dt = .01;
params.pos_vel_g_initial = x_true(:,1); % initialize to true values for now
g_fun = @(k,x) pos_vel_g(k,x,params);

df_meas = 4;
df_proc = 4;
params.df_proc = df_proc;
params.df_meas = df_meas;
params.inds_proc_st = 1:2;
params.inds_meas_st = [];

% measurement values and model

%exp_true = random('exponential', 1/sigma, 1, N);
%bin = 2*random('binomial', 1, 0.5, 1, N) - 1;
%exp_true = exp_true .* bin;
%z        = x2_true + exp_true;

% Normal Noise

v_true = zeros(1,N);
%temp = zeros(1,N);
%bin = zeros(1,N);

randn('state', sum(100*clock))
rand('twister', sum(100*clock));

if (strcmp(noise,  'normal'))
    v_true  = sigma * randn(1, N);

%Laplace Noise
if (strcmp(noise,'laplace'))
    temp = sigma*exprnd(1/sigma, 1,100);
    bin  = 2*(binornd(1, 0.5, 1, 100)-0.5);
    v_true = temp.*bin/sqrt(2);

if (strcmp(noise,'student'))
  v_true = trnd(4,1,100);

nI= binornd(1, conFreq, 1, N);
newNoise = sqrt(conVar)*randn(1,N);

z = x1_true + v_true + nI.*newNoise;

rk      = sigma * sigma;

rinvk   = 1 / rk;

rinv    = zeros(m, m, N);

for k = 1 : N
    if (mod(k, 2) == 0)
        rinv(:, :, k) = rinvk;

% transition model

qinv    = zeros(n, n, N);
qk      = gamma * [ dt , dt^2/2 ; dt^2/2 , dt^3/3 ];
%qk       = gamma * [ dt^3/3 , dt^2/2 ; dt^2/2 , dt ];
qinvk   = inv(qk);

for k = 2 : N
     qinv(:,:, k)  = qinvk;

qinv(:,:,1) = 100*eye(n);

xZero = zeros(n, N);
% L1 Kalman-Bucy Smoother

w = 1;
[xOut, info] = ckbs_t_general(g_fun, h_fun, max_itr, epsilon, xZero, z, qinv, w*rinv, params);

ok = info(end, 3) < epsilon || info(1) < 1e-8;

% % --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if draw_plot



     hold on

     plot(t', x_true(1,:)', '-k', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );

     meas = z(1,:);
     meas(meas > v_max) = v_max;
     meas(meas < v_min) = v_min;
     plot(t', meas, 'bd',  'MarkerFaceColor', [.49 1 .63], 'MarkerSize', 6);

     %zWrong = z.*nI;
     %i = 0;
     %for(i = 1:N)
     %    if (zWrong(1,i) ~=0)
     %       plot(t(i)', zWrong(1,i)', 'rs',  'MarkerFaceColor', [.49 1 .63], 'MarkerSize', 4);
     %    end

     %plot(t', xOut(2,:)', 'r-' );
   %plot(t', xfilt(2,:)', '-b', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
   plot(t', xOut(1,:)', '-m', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );

%   plot(t', xOut2(2,:)', '-r', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
%   plot(t', xOut3(2,:)', '-y', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
%   plot(t', xOut4(2,:)', '-g', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
%   plot(t', xOut5(2,:)', '-b', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
   %plot(t', xsmooth(2,:)', '-m', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
     %plot(t', xfilt(2,:)', '-b', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
%     plot(t', - ones(N,1), 'b-');

%     plot(t', ones(N,1), 'b-');

%    xlabel('Time', 14);
 %   ylabel('Position', 'Fontsize', 14);
  %  set(gca,'FontSize',14);

  axis([h_min, h_max, v_min, v_max]);

  hold off


Input File: example/t_general_ok.m
3.2: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test

3.2.a: Syntax
[ok] = affine_ok(draw_plotconVarconFreqproc_ind,

3.2.b: draw_plot
If this argument is true, a plot is drawn showing the results

3.2.c: conVar
This argument gives the variance of the contaminating signal. The larger the variance, the bigger the outliers.

3.2.d: conFreq
This argument gives outlier frequency. For example, .1 means 1/10 measurements will be an outlier.

3.2.e: proc_ind
This selects which process indices the smoother will model using Student's t. The choices are [], 1, 2, and 1:2.

3.2.f: meas_ind
This selects which measurement indices the smoother will model using Student's t. The choices are [] and 1.

3.2.g: ok
If the return value ok is true, the test passed, otherwise the test failed.

3.2.h: State Vector
 x1 (t) derivative of function we are estimating
 x2 (t) value of function we are estimating

3.2.i: Measurement
 z1 (t) value of  x2 (t) plus noise

3.2.j: Source Code

function [ok]= t_general_noisy_jump(draw_plot, conVar, conFreq, proc_ind, meas_ind)

noise = 'normal';

if(nargin < 5)
    conFreq = 0;
    conVar = 0;
    proc_ind = 1:2;
    meas_ind = [];
% --------------------------------------------------------

N     = 100;        % number of measurement time points

dt    = 4*pi / N;  % time between measurement points

%dt = 1;

gamma =  1;        % transition covariance multiplier

sigma =  0.5;       % standard deviation of measurement noise

if (strcmp(noise,'student'))
    sigma = sqrt(2);

max_itr = 100;      % maximum number of iterations

epsilon = 1e-3;    % convergence criteria

h_min   = 0;       % minimum horizontal value in plots

h_max   = 14;       % maximum horizontal value in plots

v_min   = -10.0;    % minimum vertical value in plots

v_max   = 10.0;    % maximum vertical value in plots

% ---------------------------------------------------------

if nargin < 1

     draw_plot = false;


% number of measurements per time point
m     = 1;
% number of state vector components per time point
n     = 2;

params.level = 1;

% simulate the true trajectory and measurement noise

t1       =  (1 : N/2 - 2) * dt;
t2       =  (N/2 - 1: N/2 + 1)*dt;
t3       =  (N/2 +2 : N)*dt;

t = [t1, t2, t3];

% alpha = 8;
% beta = 4;
% gammaOne = 20;

jump = 10;
derivs = jump/(4*dt) * ones(1,3);

    t2 = [-cos(t1), derivs, -cos(t3)];
    t1 = [-jump/2-sin(t1), -jump/2-sin(N/2 - 2) + cumsum(derivs)*dt, jump/2-sin(t3)];

   x1_true = t1(1:N);
   x2_true = t2(1:N);

x_true  = [ x1_true ; x2_true ];

params.direct_h_index = 1;
h_fun = @(k,x) direct_h(k,x,params);

params.pos_vel_g_dt = .01;
params.pos_vel_g_initial = x_true(:,1); % initialize to true values for now
g_fun = @(k,x) pos_vel_g(k,x,params);

df_meas = 4;
df_proc = 4;
params.df_proc = df_proc;
params.df_meas = df_meas;
params.inds_proc_st = proc_ind;
params.inds_meas_st = meas_ind;

% measurement values and model

%exp_true = random('exponential', 1/sigma, 1, N);
%bin = 2*random('binomial', 1, 0.5, 1, N) - 1;
%exp_true = exp_true .* bin;
%z        = x2_true + exp_true;

% Normal Noise

v_true = zeros(1,N);
%temp = zeros(1,N);
%bin = zeros(1,N);

randn('state', sum(100*clock))
rand('twister', sum(100*clock));

if (strcmp(noise,  'normal'))
    v_true  = sigma * randn(1, N);

%Laplace Noise
if (strcmp(noise,'laplace'))
    temp = sigma*exprnd(1/sigma, 1,100);
    bin  = 2*(binornd(1, 0.5, 1, 100)-0.5);
    v_true = temp.*bin/sqrt(2);

if (strcmp(noise,'student'))
  v_true = trnd(4,1,100);

nI= binornd(1, conFreq, 1, N);
newNoise = sqrt(conVar)*randn(1,N);

z = x1_true + v_true + nI.*newNoise;

rk      = sigma * sigma;

rinvk   = 1 / rk;

rinv    = zeros(m, m, N);

for k = 1 : N
    if (mod(k, 2) == 0)
        rinv(:, :, k) = rinvk;

% transition model

qinv    = zeros(n, n, N);
qk      = gamma * [ dt , dt^2/2 ; dt^2/2 , dt^3/3 ];
%qk       = gamma * [ dt^3/3 , dt^2/2 ; dt^2/2 , dt ];
qinvk   = inv(qk);

for k = 2 : N
     qinv(:,:, k)  = qinvk;

qinv(:,:,1) = 100*eye(n);

xZero = zeros(n, N);
% L1 Kalman-Bucy Smoother

w = 1;
[xOut, info] = ckbs_t_general(g_fun, h_fun, max_itr, epsilon, xZero, z, qinv, w*rinv, params);

ok = info(end, 3) < epsilon || info(1) < 1e-8;

% % --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if draw_plot



     hold on

     plot(t', x_true(1,:)', '-k', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );

     meas = z(1,:);
     meas(meas > v_max) = v_max;
     meas(meas < v_min) = v_min;
     rvec = rinv(1,:);
     meas(rvec==0) = v_max + 5; % take non-measurements out
     plot(t', meas, 'bd',  'MarkerFaceColor', [.49 1 .63], 'MarkerSize', 6);

     %zWrong = z.*nI;
     %i = 0;
     %for(i = 1:N)
     %    if (zWrong(1,i) ~=0)
     %       plot(t(i)', zWrong(1,i)', 'rs',  'MarkerFaceColor', [.49 1 .63], 'MarkerSize', 4);
     %    end

     %plot(t', xOut(2,:)', 'r-' );
   %plot(t', xfilt(2,:)', '-b', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
   plot(t', xOut(1,:)', '-m', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );

%   plot(t', xOut2(2,:)', '-r', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
%   plot(t', xOut3(2,:)', '-y', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
%   plot(t', xOut4(2,:)', '-g', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
%   plot(t', xOut5(2,:)', '-b', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
   %plot(t', xsmooth(2,:)', '-m', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
     %plot(t', xfilt(2,:)', '-b', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
%     plot(t', - ones(N,1), 'b-');

%     plot(t', ones(N,1), 'b-');

%    xlabel('Time', 14);
 %   ylabel('Position', 'Fontsize', 14);
  %  set(gca,'FontSize',14);

  axis([h_min, h_max, v_min, v_max]);

  res_x = zeros(n, N);
  xk = zeros(n, 1);
  for k = 1 : N
      xkm   = xk;
      xk    = xOut(:, k);
      gk    = feval(g_fun, k, xkm);
      res_x(:,k)  = xk - gk;
%   hold off
%   figure(2);
%   clf
%   hold on
%   plot(t', x_true(2,:)', '-k', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );
%   plot(t', xOut(2,:), '-m', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );
%   hold off
%   figure(3);
%   clf 
%   hold on
%   plot(t', res_x(1,:)', '-m', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );
%   hold off
%   figure(4)
%   clf
%   hold on
%   plot(t', res_x(2,:)', '-b', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );
%   hold off

Input File: example/t_general_noisy_jump.m
4: The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother

4.a: Syntax
[x_outu_outinfo] = ckbs_nonlinear(
g_funh_fun, ...

4.b: Purpose
This routine minimizes the Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares objective for a general nonlinear model functions (in the case where the model functions are affine, the routine 6: ckbs_affine is more efficient).

4.c: Notation
The Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares is defined by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
[ z_k - h_k ( x_k ) ]^\R{T} * R_k^{-1} * [ z_k - h_k ( x_k ) ]
& + &
[ x_k - g_k ( x_{k-1} ) ]^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * [ x_k - g_k ( x_{k-1} ) ]
where the matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero. Note that  g_1 ( x_0 ) is the initial state estimate and  Q_1 is the corresponding covariance.

4.d: Problem
Our constrained Kalman-Bucy smoother problem is  \[
{\rm minimize}
      & S( x_1 , \ldots , x_N )
      & {\rm w.r.t.} \; x_1 \in \B{R}^n , \ldots , x_N \in \B{R}^n
{\rm subject \; to}
      & f_k(x_k) \leq 0
      & {\rm for} \; k = 1 , \ldots , N

4.e: First Order Conditions
A state sequence  ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) is considered a solution if there is a Lagrange multiplier sequence  ( u_1 , \ldots , u_N ) such that the following conditions are satisfied for  i = 1 , \ldots , \ell and  k = 1 , \ldots , N :  \[
f_k ( x_k )                                & \leq & \varepsilon  \\
0                                          & \leq & u_k          \\
| u_k^\R{T} * \partial_k f_k ( x_k ) + \partial_k  S( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) |
                                           & \leq & \varepsilon \\
| f_k ( x_k )_i | * ( u_k )_i              & \leq & \varepsilon
Here the notation  \partial_k is used for the partial derivative of with respect to  x_k and the notation  (u_k)_i denotes the i-th component of  u_k .

4.f: f_fun
The ckbs_nonlinear argument f_fun is a function that supports both of the following syntaxes
fk] = feval(f_funkxk)
fkFk] = feval(f_funkxk)

4.f.a: no_f
In the case where there are no constraints, one can use 4.4.4: no_f.m which is equivalent to
      [fk, Fk] = f_fun(k, xk)
      n  = size(xk, 1);
      fk = -1;
      Fk =  zeros(1, n);

4.f.b: k
The f_fun argument k is an integer with  1 \leq k \leq N .

4.f.c: xk
The f_fun argument xk is an column vector with length  n . It specifies the state vector at time index k  \[
      xk = x_k

4.f.d: fk
The f_fun result fk is an column vector with length  \ell and  \[
      fk = f_k ( x_k )

4.f.e: Fk
If the f_fun result Fk is present in the syntax, it is the  \ell \times n matrix given by and  \[
      Fk = \partial_k f_k ( x_k )

4.g: g_fun
The ckbs_nonlinear argument g_fun is a function that supports both of the following syntaxes
gk] = feval(g_funkxk1)
gkGk] = feval(g_funkxk1)

4.g.a: k
The g_fun argument k is an integer with  1 \leq k \leq N . The case  k = 1 serves to specify the initial state estimate.

4.g.b: xk1
The g_fun argument xk1 is an column vector with length  n . It specifies the state vector at time index k  \[
      xk1 = x_{k-1}
. In the case  k = 1 , the value of xk1 does not matter.

4.g.c: gk
The g_fun result gk is an column vector with length  n and  \[
      gk = g_k ( x_{k-1} )
In the case  k = 1 , the value of gk is the initial state estimate at time index k .

4.g.d: Gk
If the g_fun result Gk is present in the syntax, it is the  n \times n matrix given by and  \[
      Gk = \partial_{k-1} g_k ( x_{k-1} )
In the case  k = 1 , the value of Gk is the zero matrix; i.e.,  g_k does not depend on the value of  x_{k-1} .

4.h: h_fun
The ckbs_nonlinear argument h_fun is a function that supports both of the following syntaxes
hk] = feval(h_funkxk)
hkHk] = feval(h_funkxk)

4.h.a: k
The h_fun argument k is an integer with  1 \leq k \leq N .

4.h.b: xk
The h_fun argument xk is an column vector with length  n . It specifies the state vector at time index k  \[
      xk = x_k

4.h.c: hk
The h_fun result hk is an column vector with length  m and  \[
      hk = h_k ( x_k )

4.h.d: Hk
If the h_fun result Hk is present in the syntax, it is the  m \times n matrix given by and  \[
      Hk = \partial_k h_k ( x_k )

4.i: max_itr
The integer scalar max_itr specifies the maximum number of iterations of the algorithm to execute. It must be greater than or equal to zero. Note that if it is zero, the first row of the 4.r: info return value will still be computed. This can be useful for deciding what is a good value for the argument 4.j: epsilon .

4.j: epsilon
The ckbs_nonlinear argument epsilon is a positive scalar. It specifies the convergence criteria value; i.e.,  \[
      \varepsilon = epsilon
In some instances, ckbs_nonlinear will return after printing a warning without convergence; see 4.r: info .

4.k: x_in
The ckbs_nonlinear argument x_in is a two dimensional array with size  n \times N . It specifies a sequence of state values; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x\_in (:, k) = x_k
The closer the initial state sequence is to the solution the faster, and more likely, the ckbs_nonlinear will converge. The initial state sequence need not be feasible; i.e. it is not necessary that  \[
      f_k ( x_k ) \leq 0
for all  k .

4.l: z
The ckbs_nonlinear argument z is a two dimensional array with size  m \times N . It specifies the sequence of measurement vectors; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      z(:, k) = z_k

4.m: qinv
The ckbs_nonlinear argument qinv is a three dimensional array with size  n \times n \times N . It specifies the inverse of the variance of the measurement noise; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      qinv(:,:, k) = Q_k^{-1}
In the case  k = 1 , the value of  Q_k is the variance of the initial state estimate (see 4.g: g_fun .

4.n: rinv
The ckbs_nonlinear argument rinv is a three dimensional array, with size  m \times m \times N . it specifies the inverse of the variance of the transition noise; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      rinv(:,:, k) = R_k^{-1}
It is ok to signify a missing data value by setting the corresponding row and column of rinv to zero. This also enables use to interpolate the state vector  x_k to points where there are no measurements.

4.o: level
The integer scalar level specifies the level of tracing to do. If level == 0 , no tracing is done. If level >= 1 , the row index q and the correspond row of info are printed as soon as soon as they are computed. If level >= 2 , a check of the derivative calculations is printed before the calculations start. In this case, control will return to the keyboard so that you can print values, continue, or abort the calculation.

4.p: x_out
The result x_out is a two dimensional array with size  n \times N .  ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) . It contains an approximation for the optimal sequence; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x\_out(:, k) = x_k

4.q: u_out
The result u_out is a two dimensional array with size %  \ell \times N . It contains the Lagrange multiplier sequence corresponding to x_out ; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      u\_out(:, k) = u_k
The pair x_out , u_out satisfy the 4.e: first order conditions .

4.r: info
The result info is a matrix with each row corresponding to an iteration of the algorithm. Note that ckbs_nonlinear has satisfied the convergence condition if and only if
info(end, 1:3) <= epsilon )

We use  \{ x_k^q \} to denote the state vector sequence at the at the end of iteration  q-1 and  \{ u_k^q \} for the dual vector sequence (  u_k^q \geq 0 ).

4.r.a: max_f
The value
max_f(q) = info(q, 1)
is a bound on the constraint functions at the end of iteration q-1 . To be specific  \[
       max\_f(q) = \max_{i, k} [ f_k ( x_k^q )_i ]
where the maximum is with respect to  i = 1 , \ldots , \ell and  k = 1 , \ldots , N . Convergence requires this value to be less than or equal epsilon .

4.r.b: max_grad
The value
max_grad(q) = info(q, 2)
is a bound on the partial of the Lagrangian with respect to  x at the end of iteration q-1 . To be specific  \[
max\_grad(q) = \max_{j, k} \left[ \left|
(u_k^q)^\R{T} * \partial_k f_k(x_k^q) + \partial_k  S(x_1^q, \ldots ,x_N^q)
\right| \right]_j
where the maximum is with respect to  j = 1 , \ldots , n and  k = 1 , \ldots , N . This value should converge to zero.

4.r.c: max_fu
The value
max_fu = info(q, 3)
is a bound on the complementarity conditions at the end of iteration q-1 . To be specific  \[
max\_fu(q) = \max_{i, k} [ | f_k ( x_k )_i | * ( u_k )_i ]
where the maximum is with respect to  i = 1 , \ldots , \ell and  k = 1 , \ldots , N . This value should converge to be less than or equal zero.

4.r.d: obj_cur
The value
obj_cur(q) = info(q, 4)
is the value of the objective function at the end of  q-1 ; i.e.,  \[
      obj\_cur(q) = S( x_1^q , \ldots , x_k^q )
(Note that  info(1, 4)% is the value of the objective corresponding to x_in .

4.r.e: lambda
The value
lambda(q) = info(q, 5)
is the line search step size used during iteration  q-1 of ckbs_nonlinear. If the problem is nearly affine (if the affine approximate is accurate) this will be one. Much small step sizes indicate highly non-affine problems (with the exception that info(1, 5) is always zero).

4.r.f: lam_aff
The value
lam_aff(q) = info(q, 6)
is the minimum line search step size while solving the affine sub-problem that corresponds to iteration  q-1 of ckbs_nonlinear. If the sub-problem solution is working well, this will be one. Much small step sizes indicate the sub-problem solution is not working well.

4.r.g: Penalty Parameter
The exact penalty function  \[
      S( x_1 , \ldots , x_k )
      + \alpha \sum_{k=1}^N \sum_{i=1}^\ell \max [ f_k ( x_k )_i , 0 ]
is used to determine the line search step size. The value info(q, 7) is the penalty parameter  \alpha during iteration  q-1 of ckbs_nonlinear.

4.s: Example

4.s.a: Simple
The file 4.1: get_started_ok.m contains a simple example and test of ckbs_nonlinear. It returns true if ckbs_nonlinear passes the tests and false otherwise.

4.s.b: Unconstrained
The option constraint = 'no_constraint' to the routine 4.2: sine_wave_ok.m runs an unconstrained example / test.

4.s.c: Box Constraints
The option constraint = 'box_constraint' to the routine 4.2: sine_wave_ok.m runs a example / test with upper and lower constraints.

4.s.d: Nonlinear Constraints
The option constraint = 'sine_constraint' to the routine 4.2: sine_wave_ok.m runs a example / test with a nonlinear constraint.

4.s.e: Van Der Pol Oscillator
The file 4.3: vanderpol_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_nonlinear estimating the position of a Van Der Pol oscillator (an oscillator with non-linear dynamics). It returns true if ckbs_nonlinear passes the tests and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_nonlinear.m
4.1: ckbs_nonlinear: A Simple Example and Test

4.1.a: Syntax
[ok] = get_started_ok(draw_plot)

4.1.b: Running This Example
Change into the example directory, start octave (or matlab), and then execute the commands

4.1.c: draw_plot
If this optional argument is true, a plot is drawn displaying the results. If draw_plot is no present or false, no plot is drawn.

4.1.d: ok
If the return value ok is true, the test passed, otherwise the test failed.

4.1.e: Simulated State Vector
The state vector for this example is in  \B{R}^n and the sequence of state vector values is simulated with  x_{j,k} = 1 for  j = 1 , \ldots , n and  k = 1 , \ldots N .

4.1.f: Transition Model
We simulate imperfect knowledge of this dynamical system using the persistence model. To be specific,  \[
     x_k = x_{k-1} + w_k
where  w_k \sim \B{N} ( 0 , Q_k ) and the variance  Q_k = I_n (and  I_n is the  n \times n identity matrix. The routine 4.4.5: persist_g.m calculates the mean for  x_k given  x_{k-1} . Note that the initial state estimate is returned by this routine as  \hat{x} = g_1 (x) and has  \hat{x}_{j,k} = 1 for  j = 1 , \ldots , n . Also not that the corresponding variance  Q_1 = I_n .

4.1.g: Measurements
For this example, the measurements are direct observations of the state  \[
     z_k = x_k + v_k
where  v_k \sim \B{N} ( 0 , R_k ) and the variance  R_k = I_n . The routine 4.4.2: direct_h.m calculates the mean for  z_k , given the value of  x_k .

4.1.h: Constraints
For this example, the constraints are  \[
     0.5 \leq x_{k,j} \leq 1.5
for  j = 1 , \ldots , n and  k = 1 , \ldots , N . The routine 4.4.1: box_f.m represents these constraints in the form  f_k ( x_k ) \leq 0 as expected by 4: ckbs_nonlinear .

4.1.i: Call Back Functions
4.4.5: persist_g.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Persistence Transition Function
4.4.2: direct_h.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example Direct Measurement Model
4.4.1: box_f.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Box Constraints

4.1.j: Source Code
function [ok] = get_started_ok(draw_plot)
    if nargin < 1
        draw_plot = false;
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    max_itr = 20;      % maximum number of iterations
    epsilon = 1e-5;    % convergence criteria
    N       = 40;      % number of time points
    n       = 1;       % number of state vector components per time point
    sigma_r = 1;       % variance of measurement noise
    sigma_q = 1;       % variance of transition noise
    sigma_e = 1;       % variance of initial state estimate
    initial = ones(n); % estimate for initial state value
    randn('seed', 4321)
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    % Level of tracing during optimization
    if draw_plot
        level = 1;
        level = 0;
    m       = n;       % number of measurements per time point
    ell     = 2 * n;   % number of constraints
    index   = 1 : n;   % index vector
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    %  information used by box_f
    params.box_f_lower = 0.5 * ones(n, 1);
    params.box_f_upper = 1.5 * ones(n, 1);
    params.box_f_index = index;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    % global information used by persist_g
    params.persist_g_initial = initial;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    % global information used by direct_h
    %global direct_h_info
    params.direct_h_index = index;
     h_fun = @(k,x) direct_h(k,x,params);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    % simulated true trajectory 
    x_true  = ones(n, N);
    % initial vector during optimization process
    x_in    = 0.5 * ones(n, N);
    % measurement variances
    rinv    = zeros(m, m, N);
    qinv    = zeros(n, n, N);
    z       = zeros(m, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        xk           = x_true(:, k);
        ek           = randn(m, 1);
        hk           = h_fun(k, xk);
        z(:, k)      = hk + ek;
        qinv(:,:, k) = eye(n) / (sigma_q * sigma_q);
        rinv(:,:, k) = eye(n) / (sigma_r * sigma_r);
    qinv(:,:,1)       = eye(n) / (sigma_e * sigma_e);
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    % call back functions
    f_fun = @(k,xk) box_f(k,xk,params);
    g_fun = @(k,xk) persist_g(k,xk,params);
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    % call optimizer
    [x_out, u_out, info] = ckbs_nonlinear( ...
        f_fun,    ...
        g_fun,    ...
        h_fun,    ...
        max_itr,  ...
        epsilon,  ...
        x_in,     ...
        z,        ...
        qinv,     ...
        rinv,     ...
        level     ...
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ok     = size(info, 1) <= max_itr;
    % Set up affine problem corresponding to x_out (for a change in x).
    % Check constraint feasibility and complementarity.
    f_out  = zeros(ell, N);
    g_out  = zeros(n,   N);
    h_out  = zeros(m,   N);
    df_out = zeros(ell, n, N);
    dg_out = zeros(n, n,   N);
    dh_out = zeros(m, n,   N);
    xk1    = zeros(n, 1);
    for k = 1 : N
        xk       = x_out(:, k);
        uk       = u_out(:, k);
        [fk, Fk] = f_fun(k, xk);
        [gk, Gk] = g_fun(k, xk1);
        [hk, Hk] = h_fun(k, xk);
        ok       = ok & all( fk <= epsilon);              % feasibility
        ok       = ok & all( abs(fk) .* uk <= epsilon );  % complementarity
        f_out(:, k)    = fk;
        g_out(:, k)    = gk - xk;
        h_out(:, k)    = hk;
        df_out(:,:, k) = Fk;
        dg_out(:,:, k) = Gk;
        dh_out(:,:, k) = Hk;
        xk1 = xk;
    ok     = ok & all( all( u_out >= 0 ) );
    % Compute gradient of unconstrained affine problem at dx equal to zero
    % and then check the gradient of the Lagrangian
    dx_out = zeros(n, N);
    grad  = ckbs_sumsq_grad(dx_out, z, g_out, h_out, dg_out, dh_out, qinv, rinv);
    for k = 1 : N
        uk  = u_out(:, k);
        Fk  = df_out(:,:, k);
        dk  = grad(:, k);
        ok  = ok & all( abs(Fk' * uk + dk) <= epsilon );
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    if draw_plot
        hold on
        time = 1 : N;
        plot(time, x_true(1,:),    'b-');
        plot(time, x_out(1,:),     'g-');
        plot(time, z(1,:),         'ko'); 
        plot(time, 0.5*ones(1,N),  'r-');
        plot(time, 1.5*ones(1,N),  'r-');
        title('Position: blue=truth, green=estimate, red=constraint, o=data');
        axis( [ 0 , N , -1, 3 ] )
        hold off

Input File: example/nonlinear/get_started_ok.m
4.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Example and Test of Tracking a Sine Wave

4.2.a: Syntax
[ok] = sine_wave_ok(constraintdraw_plot)

4.2.b: constraint
is a character row vector with one of the following values:
value meaning
no_constraint solve unconstrained problem
box_constraint use box constraints
sine_constraint use a sine wave constraint

4.2.c: draw_plot
If draw_plot is false, no plot is drawn. If this argument is true, a plot is drawn showing the results.

4.2.d: ok
If the return value ok is true, the test passed, otherwise the test failed.

4.2.e: Simulated State Vector
 x1 (t) = 1 first component of velocity
 x2 (t) = t first component of position
 x3 (t) = \cos(t) second component of velocity
 x4 (t) = \sin(t) second component of position

4.2.f: Transition Model
We simulate imperfect knowledge of the dynamical system as follows  \[
      x_{1,k} & = & x_{1,k-1} + x_{2,k-1} \Delta t + w_{1,k}
      x_{2,k} & = & x_{2,k-1} + w_{2,k}
      x_{3,k} & = & x_{3,k-1} + x_{4,k-1} \Delta t + w_{3,k}
      x_{4,k} & = & x_{4,k-1} + w_{4,k}
where  \Delta t = 2 \pi / N is the time between measurements,  N = 50 is the number of measurement times,  w_k \sim \B{N}( 0 , Q_k ) , and the transition variance is given by  \[
Q_k = \left( \begin{array}{cccc}
      \Delta t       & \Delta t^2 / 2 & 0 & 0 \\
      \Delta t^2 / 2 & \Delta t^3 / 3 & 0 & 0 \\
      0              & 0              & \Delta t       & \Delta t^2 / 2 \\
      0              & 0              & \Delta t^2 / 2 & \Delta t^3 / 3
\end{array} \right)
The routine 4.4.6: pos_vel_g.m calculates the mean for  x_k given  x_{k-1} .

4.2.g: Initial State Estimate
The routine 4.4.6: pos_vel_g.m also returns the initial state estimate  \hat{x} = g_1 ( x_0 ) as the simulated state value at the first measurement point; i.e.,  \[
      \hat{x} = [ 1 , \Delta t , \cos ( \Delta t ) , \sin ( \Delta t ) ]^\R{T}
The variance of the initial state estimate is  Q_1 = 10^4 I_4  where  I_4 is the four by four identity matrix.

4.2.h: Measurement Model
For this example, the measurements are noisy observations of the distance to two positions  a = (0, -1.5)^\R{T} and  b = ( 2 \pi , -1.5) ; i.e.,  \[
      z_{1,k} & = & \sqrt{ ( x_{2,k} - a_1 )^2 + ( x_{4,k} - a_2 )^2 } + v_{1,k}
      z_{2,k} & = & \sqrt{ ( x_{2,k} - b_1 )^2 + ( x_{4,k} - b_2 )^2 } + v_{2,k}
where  v_k \sim \B{N} ( 0 , R_k ) and the measurement variance  R_k = \R{diag}( .25 , .25 ) . The routine 4.4.3: distance_h.m calculates the mean for  z_k , given the value of  x_k .

4.2.h.a: Exception
The simulated state sequence and the measurement model above are used to simulate the data with the following exception: if  \hat{k} is the time index where  x_{4,k} is maximal,  \[
      z_{1,k} & = & 
      \sqrt{ ( x_{2,k} - a_1 )^2 + ( x_{4,k} + .5 - a_2 )^2 } 
      z_{2,k} & = & 
      \sqrt{ ( x_{2,k} - b_1 )^2 + ( x_{4,k} + .5 - b_2 )^2 }
This increases the probability that the upper constraint will be active at the optimal solution.

4.2.i: Constraint Model
The are three possible constraints depending on the constraint argument:

4.2.i.a: no_constraint
if constraint == 'no_constraint' , the function 4.4.4: no_f.m is used and the unconstrained problem is solved.

4.2.i.b: box_constraint
if constraint == 'box_constraint' , the function 4.4.1: box_f.m is used to represent the following constraints: for  k = 1 , \ldots , N ,  \[
      -1 \leq x_{4,k} \leq +1

4.2.i.c: sine_constraint
if constraint == 'sine_constraint' , the function 4.4.7: sine_f.m is used to represent the following constraints: for  k = 1 , \ldots , N ,  \[
      x_{4,k} \leq \sin( x_{2,k} ) + .1

4.2.j: Call Back Functions
4.4.6: pos_vel_g.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example Position and Velocity Transition Model
4.4.3: distance_h.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Distance Measurement Model
4.4.4: no_f.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example of No Constraint
4.4.1: box_f.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Box Constraints
4.4.7: sine_f.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Nonlinear Constraint

4.2.k: Source Code
function [ok] = sine_wave_ok(constraint, draw_plot)
    % --------------------------------------------------------
    % Simulation problem parameters
    max_itr    = 100;             % maximum number of iterations
    epsilon    = 1e-5;           % convergence criteria
    N          = 50;             % number of measurement time points
    dt         = 2 * pi / N;     % time between measurement points
    sigma_r    = .5;             % standard deviation of measurement noise
    sigma_q    = 1;              % square root of multiplier for transition variance
    sigma_e    = 100;            % standard deviation           
    delta_box  = 0.;             % distance from truth to box constraint
    delta_sine = .1;             % distance from truth to sine constraint
    h_min      = 0;              % minimum horizontal value in plots
    h_max      = 7;              % maximum horizontal value in plots
    v_min      = -1.5;           % minimum vertical value in plots
    v_max      = +1.5;           % maximum vertical value in plots 
    a          = [ 0    ; -1.5]; % position that range one measures from
    b          = [ 2*pi ; -1.5]; % position that range two measures to
    randn('seed', 1234);         % Random number generator seed
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % level of tracing during the optimization
    if draw_plot
            level   = 1;
            level   = 0;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % simulate the true trajectory and measurement noise
    t        =  (1 : N) * dt;         % time
    x_true   = [ ones(1, N) ; t ; cos(t) ; sin(t) ];
    initial  = x_true(:,1);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % information used by box_f
    params.box_f_lower = - 1 - delta_box;
    params.box_f_upper = + 1 + delta_box;
    params.box_f_index = 4;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % information used by sine_f

    params.sine_f_index  = [ 2 ; 4 ];
    params.sine_f_offset = [ 0 ; delta_sine ];
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % information used by pos_vel_g
    params.pos_vel_g_dt       = dt;
    params.pos_vel_g_initial  = initial;
    g_fun     = @(k,x) pos_vel_g(k,x,params);

    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    %  information used by distance_h
    params.distance_h_index    = [ 2 ; 4 ];
    params.distance_h_position = [a , b ];
    h_fun = @(k,x) distance_h(k,x, params);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % problem dimensions
    m     = 2; % number of measurements per time point
    n     = 4; % number of state vector components per time point
    ell   = 0; % number of constraint (reset to proper value below)
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % simulate the measurements
    [c,k_max] = max(x_true(4,:));    % index where second position component is max
    rinv      = zeros(m, m, N);      % inverse covariance of measurement noise
    z         = zeros(m, N);         % measurement values
    randn('state',sum(100*clock));   % random input
    for k = 1 : N
            x_k   = x_true(:, k);
            if k == k_max
                    % special case to increase chance that upper constraint is active 
                    x_k(2)   = x_k(2) + .5;
                    h_k      = h_fun(k, x_k);
                    z(:, k)  = h_k; 
                    % simulation according to measurement model
                    h_k      = h_fun(k, x_k);
                    z(:, k)  = h_k + sigma_r * randn(2, 1); 
            rinv(:,:, k) = eye(m) / (sigma_r * sigma_r);

    %fid = fopen('z4.dat', 'wt');
    %fprintf(fid, '%6.6f %6.6f\n', z);
    z = load('z3.dat')';

    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % inverse transition variance
    qk       = sigma_q * sigma_q * [ ...
            dt       , dt^2 / 2 , 0 , 0 
            dt^2 / 2 , dt^3 / 3 , 0 , 0 
            0        , 0        , dt       , dt^2 / 2
            0        , 0        , dt^2 / 2 , dt^3 / 3
    qinvk    = inv(qk);
    qinv     = zeros(n, n, N);
    for k = 2 : N
            qinv(:,:, k) = qinvk;
    % inverse initial estimate covariance
    qinv(:,:,1) = eye(n) * sigma_e * sigma_e; 
    % ----------------------------------------------------------
    % initialize x vector at position and velocity zero
    x_in = zeros(n, N);
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    is_no_f   = false;
    is_box_f  = false;
    is_sine_f = false;
    switch constraint
            case {'no_constraint'}
            ell       = 1;
            f_fun     = @ no_f;
            is_no_f   = true;

            case {'box_constraint'}
            ell       = 2;
            f_fun     = @(k,xk) box_f(k,xk,params);
            is_box_f  = true;

            case {'sine_constraint'}
            ell       = 1;
            f_fun     = @(k,xk) sine_f(k,xk,params);
            is_sine_f = true;

            constraint = constraint
            error('sine_wave_ok: invalid value for constraint')
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    [x_out, u_out, info] = ckbs_nonlinear( ...
            f_fun,    ...
            g_fun,    ...
            h_fun,    ...
            max_itr,  ...
            epsilon,  ...
            x_in,     ...
            z,        ...
            qinv,     ...
            rinv,     ...
            level     ...
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ok         = true;
    ok         = ok & (size(info,1) <= max_itr);
    % Set up affine problem (for change in x) corresponding to x_out.
    % Check constraint feasibility and complementarity.
    f_out      = zeros(ell, N);
    g_out      = zeros(n, N);
    h_out      = zeros(m, N);
    df_out     = zeros(ell, n, N);
    dg_out     = zeros(n, n, N);
    dh_out     = zeros(m, n, N);
    xk1        = zeros(n, 1);
    for k = 1 : N
            xk    = x_out(:, k);
            uk    = u_out(:, k);
            [fk, Fk]   = f_fun(k, xk);
            [gk, Gk]   = g_fun(k, xk1);
            [hk, Hk]   = h_fun(k, xk);
            ok   = ok & all( fk <= epsilon );              % feasibility
            ok   = ok & all( abs(fk) .* uk <= epsilon );   % complementarity
            f_out(:, k)    = fk;
            g_out(:, k)    = gk - xk;
            h_out(:, k)    = hk;
            df_out(:,:, k) = Fk;
            dg_out(:,:, k) = Gk;
            dh_out(:,:, k) = Hk;
            xk1 = xk;
    ok   = ok & all( all( u_out >= 0 ) );
    % Compute gradient of unconstrained affine problem at zero
    % and check gradient of Lagrangian
    dx_out = zeros(n, N);
    d_out  = ckbs_sumsq_grad(dx_out, z, g_out, h_out, dg_out, dh_out, qinv, rinv);
    for k = 1 : N
            uk = u_out(:, k);
            Fk = df_out(:,:, k);
            dk = d_out(:, k);
            ok = ok & (max ( abs( Fk' * uk + dk ) ) <= 1e2*epsilon);
    if draw_plot
            hold on
            plot( x_true(2,:) , x_true(4,:) , 'b-' );
            plot( x_out(2,:)  , x_out(4,:)  , 'g-' );
            if is_no_f
                    title('blue=truth, green=estimate, no constraint')
            if is_box_f
                    title('blue=truth, green=estimate, red=linear constraint')
                    plot( t , + ones(1, N) + delta_box , 'r-'); 
                    plot( t , - ones(1, N) - delta_box , 'r-'); 
            if is_sine_f
                    title('blue=truth, green=estimate, red=nonlinear constraint')
                    plot( x_out(2,:) , sin( x_out(2,:) ) + delta_sine , 'r-'); 
            axis( [ h_min, h_max, v_min, v_max] );

Input File: example/nonlinear/sine_wave_ok.m
4.3: ckbs_nonlinear: Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

4.3.a: Syntax
[ok] = vanderpol_ok(draw_plot)

4.3.b: draw_plot
If this optional argument is true, a plot is drawn showing the results. If draw_plot is not present or false, no plot is drawn.

4.3.c: ok
If the return value ok is true, the test passed, otherwise the test failed.

4.3.d: Reference
This example appears in many places; for example
  1. Section 4.1.1 of Applying the unscented Kalman filter for nonlinear state estimation , R. Kandepu, B. Foss , L. Imsland, Journal of Process Control, vol. 18, pp. 753, 2008.
  2. Section V of What Is the Ensemble Kalman Filter and How Well Does it Work? , S. Gillijns et-al. Proceedings of the 2006 American Control Conference, Minneapolis, June 14-16, 2006

4.3.e: Simulated State Vector
We use  x1 (t) and  x2 (t) to denote the oscillator position and velocity as a function of time. The deterministic ordinary differential equation for the Van der Pol oscillator is  \[
      x1 '(t) & = & x2 (t)
      x2 '(t) & = & \mu [ 1 - x1(t)^2 ] x2 (t) - x1(t)
The simulated state vector values are the solution to this ODE with nonlinear parameter  \mu = 2 and initial conditions  x1 (0) = 0 ,  x2 (0) = -5. . The routine 4.3.1: vanderpol_sim calculates these values.

4.3.f: Transition Model
We simulate imperfect knowledge in the dynamical system by using Euler's approximation for the ODE with a step size of  \Delta t = .1 . In other words, given  x_{k-1} , the value of the state at time  t_{k-1} , we model  x_k , the state value at time  t_k = t_{k-1} + \Delta t , by  \[
      x_{1,k} & = & x_{1,k-1} + x_{2,k-1} \Delta t + w_{1,k}
      x_{2,k} & = & x_{2,k-1} +
      [ \mu ( 1 - x_{1,k-1}^2 ) x_{2,k-1} - x_{1,k-1} ] \Delta t
      + w_{2,k}
where  w_k \sim \B{N}( 0 , Q_k ) and the variance  Q_k = \R{diag} ( 0.01, 0.01 ) . The routine 4.3.2: vanderpol_g.m calculates the mean for  x_k given  x_{k-1} . Note that the initial state estimate is calculated by this routine as  \hat{x} = g_1 ( x_0 ) and has  \hat{x}_1 = \hat{x}_2 = 0 and  Q_1 = \R{diag} ( 100. , 100. ) .

4.3.g: Measurements
For this example, the measurements are noisy direct observations of position  \[
      z_{1,k} & = & x_{1,k} + v_{1,k}
where  v_k \sim \B{N}( 0 , R_k ) and the measurement variance  R_k = \R{diag} ( 0.01, 0.01 ) . The routine 4.4.2: direct_h.m calculates the mean for  z_k , given the value of  x_k ; i.e.  x_{1,k} .

4.3.h: Constraints
There are no constraints for this example so we define  \[
      f_k ( x_k ) = - 1
The routine 4.4.4: no_f.m is used for these calculations.

4.3.i: Call Back Functions
4.3.1: vanderpol_sim Van der Pol Oscillator Simulation (No Noise)
4.3.2: vanderpol_g.m ckbs_nonlinear: Vanderpol Transition Model Mean Example
4.4.2: direct_h.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example Direct Measurement Model
4.4.4: no_f.m ckbs_nonlinear: Example of No Constraint

4.3.j: Source Code
function [ok] = vanderpol_ok(draw_plot)
    if nargin < 1
        draw_plot = false;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------
    % Simulation problem parameters
    max_itr = 20;           % Maximum number of optimizer iterations
    epsilon = 1e-4;         % Convergence criteria
    N       = 41;           % Number of measurement points (N > 1)
    T       = 4.;           % Total time
    ell     = 1;            % Number of constraints (never active)
    n       = 2;            % Number of components in the state vector (n = 2)
    m       = 1;            % Number of measurements at each time point (m <= n)
    xi      = [ 0. , -5.]'; % True initial value for the state at time zero
    x_in    = zeros(n, N);  % Initial sequence where optimization begins
    initial = [ 0. , -5.]'; % Estimate of initial state (at time index one)
    mu      = 2.0;          % ODE nonlinearity parameter
    sigma_r = 1.;           % Standard deviation of measurement noise
    sigma_q = .1;           % Standard deviation of the transition noise
    sigma_e = 10;           % Standard deviation of initial state estimate
    randn('seed', 4321);    % Random number generator seed
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------
    % Level of tracing during optimization
    if draw_plot
        level = 1;
        level = 0;
    % spacing between time points
    dt = T / (N - 1);
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------
    %  information used by vanderpol_g
    params.vanderpol_g_initial  = initial;
    params.vanderpol_g_dt       = dt;
    params.vanderpol_g_mu       = mu;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------
    % global information used by direct_h
    %global direct_h_info
    params.direct_h_index = 1;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------
    % Rest of the information required by ckbs_nonlinear
    % Step size for fourth order Runge-Kutta method in vanderpol_sim
    % is the same as time between measurement points
    step    = dt;
    % Simulate the true values for the state vector
    x_true  = vanderpol_sim(mu, xi, N, step);
    time    = linspace(0., T, N);
    % Simulate the measurement values
    z       = x_true(1:m,:) + sigma_r * randn(m, N);
    % Inverse covariance of the measurement and transition noise
    rinv    = zeros(m, m, N);
    qinv    = zeros(n, n, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        rinv(:, :, k) = eye(m, m) / sigma_r^2;
        qinv(:, :, k) = eye(n, n) / sigma_q^2;
    qinv(:, :, 1) = eye(n, n) / sigma_e^2;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------
    % call back functions
    f_fun = @ no_f;
    g_fun = @ (k,x) vanderpol_g(k,x,params);
    h_fun = @(k,x) direct_h(k,x,params);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------
    % call the optimizer
    [ x_out , u_out, info ] = ckbs_nonlinear( ...
        f_fun ,    ...
        g_fun ,    ...
        h_fun ,    ...
        max_itr ,  ...
        epsilon ,  ...
        x_in ,     ...
        z ,        ...
        qinv ,     ...
        rinv ,     ...
        level      ...
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    % Check that x_out is optimal
    % (this is an unconstrained case, so there is no need to check f).
    ok     = size(info, 1) <= max_itr;
    g_out  = zeros(n,   N);
    h_out  = zeros(m,   N);
    dg_out = zeros(n, n,   N);
    dh_out = zeros(m, n,   N);
    xk     = zeros(n, 1);
    for k = 1 : N
        xkm      = xk;
        xk       = x_out(:, k);
        uk       = u_out(:, k);
        [gk, Gk] = g_fun(k, xkm);
        [hk, Hk] = h_fun(k, xk);
        g_out(:, k) = gk - xk;
        h_out(:, k) = hk;
        dg_out(:,:, k) = Gk;
        dh_out(:,:, k) = Hk;
    dx    = zeros(n, N);
    grad  = ckbs_sumsq_grad(dx, z, g_out, h_out, dg_out, dh_out, qinv, rinv);
    ok    = max( max( abs(grad) ) ) < epsilon;
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    if draw_plot
        hold on
        plot(time, x_true(1,:), 'b-');
        plot(time, x_out(1,:),  'g-');
        plot(time, z(1,:),      'ko');
        title('Position: blue=truth, green=estimate, o=data');
        hold off

Input File: example/nonlinear/vanderpol_ok.m
4.3.1: Van der Pol Oscillator Simulation (No Noise)

4.3.1.a: Syntax
[x_out] = vanderpol_sim( muxin_outstep)

4.3.1.b: Differential Equation
We use  x_1 (t) and  x_2 (t) to denote the oscillator position and velocity as a function of time. The ordinary differential equation for the Van der Pol oscillator with no noise satisfies the differential equation  \[
      x_1 '(t) & = & x_2 (t)
      x_2 '(t) & = & \mu [ 1 - x_1(t)^2 ] x_2 (t) - x_1(t)

4.3.1.c: mu
Is a scalar specifying the value of  \mu is the differential equation above.

4.3.1.d: xi
is a column vector with two elements specifying the initial value for  x(t) \in \B{R}^2  . To be specific,  x_1 (0) is equal to xi(1) and  x_2(0) is equal to xi(2) .

4.3.1.e: n_out
is an integer scalar that specifies the number of time points at which the approximate solution to the ODE is returned.

4.3.1.f: step
is a scalar that specifies the difference in time between points at which the solution of the ODE is approximated.

4.3.1.g: x_out
is a matrix with row size two and column size n_out that contains the approximation solution to the ODE. To be specific, for k = 1 , ... , n_out , x_out(i,k) is an approximation for  x_i [ (k-1) \Delta t ] .

4.3.1.h: Method
A fourth-order Runge method with step size step is used to approximate the solution of the ODE.

4.3.1.i: Example
The file vanderpol_sim_ok.m is an example and test of vanderpol_sim. It returns true, if the test passes, and false otherwise.
Input File: example/nonlinear/vanderpol_sim.m Example Use of vanderpol_sim Source Code
function [ok] = vanderpol_sim_ok()
    mu     = 1.;
    xi     = [ 2 ; 0 ];
    n_out  = 21;
    step   = .1;
    x_out  = vanderpol_sim(mu, xi, n_out, step);
    t_sol  = [ 0.0    , 0.5    , 1.0    ,  1.5   , 2.0    ];
    x1_sol = [ 2.0000 , 1.8377 , 1.5081 ,  1.0409, 0.3233 ];
    ok     = 1;
    for k = 1 : 5
        ok = ok & abs( x_out(1, (k-1)*5 + 1) - x1_sol(k) ) < 1e-4;

Input File: example/nonlinear/vanderpol_sim_ok.m
4.3.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Vanderpol Transition Model Mean Example

4.3.2.a: Syntax
[gk    = vanderpol_g(kxk1params)
[gkGk] = vanderpol_g(kxk1params)

4.3.2.b: Notation

initial  = params.vanderpol_g_info.initial
dt       = params.vanderpol_g_info.dt
mu       = params.vanderpol_g_info.mu

4.3.2.c: Purpose
Computes gk as the mean of the state at time index k given xk1 is its value at time index k-1 . This mean is Euler's discrete approximation for the solution of the Van Der Pol oscillator ODE; i.e.,  \[
      x_1 '(t) & = & x_2 (t)
      x_2 '(t) & = & \mu [ 1 - x_1(t)^2 ] x_2 (t) - x_1(t)
where the initial state is xk1 and the time step is dt .

4.3.2.d: initial
is a column vector of length two specifying the initial estimate for the state vector at time index one.

4.3.2.e: dt
is a scalar specifying the time between points for this Kalman smoother (also referred to as  \Delta t below).

4.3.2.f: mu
is a scalar specifying the value of  \mu in the Van Der Pol ODE.

4.3.2.g: k
is a positive integer scalar specifying the current time index (not used).

4.3.2.h: xk1
is a column vector with two elements specifying a value for the state vector at the previous time index k-1 .

4.3.2.i: gk
If k == 1 , the return value gk is two element column vector equal to initial . Otherwise, gk is the two element column vector given by  \[
      g_{1,k} & = & x_{1,k-1} + x_{2,k-1} \Delta t
      g_{2,k} & = & x_{2,k-1}
                + [ \mu ( 1 - x_{1,k-1}^2 ) x_{2,k-1} - x_{1,k-1} ] \Delta t
where  ( g_{1,k} , g_{2,k} )^\R{T} is gk and  ( x_{1,k-1} , x_{2,k-1} )^\R{T} is xk1 .

4.3.2.j: Gk
The return value Gk is an n x n matrix equal to the Jacobian of gk w.r.t xk1 .

4.3.2.k: Source Code
function [gk, Gk] = vanderpol_g(k, xk1, params)
    initial = params.vanderpol_g_initial;
    dt      = params.vanderpol_g_dt;
    mu      = params.vanderpol_g_mu;
    n       = 2;
    if (size(xk1,1) ~= n) | (size(xk1,2) ~= 1)
        size_xk1_1 = size(xk1, 1)
        size_xk1_2 = size(xk1, 2)
        error('vanderpol_g: xk1 not a column vector with two elements')
    if (size(initial,1) ~= n) | (size(initial,2) ~= 1)
        size_initial_1 = size(initial, 1)
        size_initial_2 = size(initial, 2)
        error('vanderpol_g: initial not a column vector with two elements')
    if (size(dt,1)*size(dt,2) ~= 1) | (size(mu,1)*size(mu,2) ~= 1)
        size_dt_1 = size(dt, 1)
        size_dt_2 = size(dt, 2)
        size_mu_1 = size(mu, 1)
        size_mu_2 = size(mu, 2)
        error('vanderpol_g: dt or mu is not a scalar')
    if k == 1
        gk = initial;
        Gk = zeros(n, n);
        gk      = zeros(n, 1);
        gk(1)   = xk1(1) + xk1(2) * dt;
        gk(2)   = xk1(2) + (mu * (1 - xk1(1)*xk1(1)) * xk1(2) - xk1(1)) * dt;
        Gk      = zeros(n, n);
        Gk(1,1) = 1;
        Gk(1,2) = dt;
        Gk(2,1) = (mu * (- 2 * xk1(1)) * xk1(2) - 1) * dt;
        Gk(2,2) = 1 + mu * (1 - xk1(1)*xk1(1)) * dt;

Input File: example/nonlinear/vanderpol_g.m
4.4: ckbs_nonlinear: General Purpose Utilities
The following routines are example general purpose utilities for use with 4: ckbs_nonlinear :

4.4.a: Contents
box_f.m: 4.4.1ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Box Constraints
direct_h.m: 4.4.2ckbs_nonlinear: Example Direct Measurement Model
distance_h.m: 4.4.3ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Distance Measurement Model
no_f.m: 4.4.4ckbs_nonlinear: Example of No Constraint
persist_g.m: 4.4.5ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Persistence Transition Function
pos_vel_g.m: 4.4.6ckbs_nonlinear: Example Position and Velocity Transition Model
sine_f.m: 4.4.7ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Nonlinear Constraint

Input File: example/nonlinear/utility.omh
4.4.1: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Box Constraints

4.4.1.a: Syntax
[fk    = box_f(kxkparams)
[fkFk] = box_f(kxkparams)

4.4.1.b: Notation

lower = params.box_f_lower
upper = params.box_f_upper
index = params.box_f_index
ell   = 2 * size(index, 1)

4.4.1.c: Purpose
Implements box constraints with upper and lower limits that are the same for all time indices k . To be specific, for p = 1 , ... , ell / 2 ,
lower(p) <= xkindex(p) ) <= upper(p)

4.4.1.d: k
is an integer scalar specifying the time index (not used).

4.4.1.e: xk
is a column vector with length n specifying a value for the state vector at the current time index.

4.4.1.f: index
is an integer column vector with ell / 2 elements specifying the state vector indices for which there is a box constraints. Each such index must be between one and n .

4.4.1.g: lower
is a column vector with ell / 2 elements specifying the lower limits for the box constraints.

4.4.1.h: upper
is a column vector with ell / 2 elements specifying the upper limits for the box constraints.

4.4.1.i: fk
The return value fk is a column vector of length ell such that the condition all( fk <= 0 is equivalent to the constraints in the 4.4.1.c: purpose above.

4.4.1.j: Fk
The return value Fk is an ell x n matrix equal to the Jacobian of fk w.r.t xk .

4.4.1.k: Source Code
function [fk, Fk] = box_f(k, xk, params)
    index = params.box_f_index;
    lower = params.box_f_lower;
    upper = params.box_f_upper;
    ell    = 2 * size(lower, 1);
    n      = size(xk,    1);
    if (size(lower, 2) ~= 1) | (size(upper, 2) ~= 1) | ...
            (size(xk, 2) ~= 1)
        size_lower_2 = size(lower, 2)
        size_upper_2 = size(upper, 2)
        size_index_2 = size(index, 2)
        size_xk_2    = size(xk,    2)
        error('box_f: either lower, upper, index or xk not a column vector')
    if (2 * size(upper, 1) ~= ell) | (2 * size(index, 1) ~= ell)
        size_lower_1 = size(lower, 1)
        size_upper_1 = size(upper, 1)
        size_index_1 = size(index, 1)
        error('box_f: lower, upper, or index has a different size')
    if (max(index) > n) | (min(index) < 1)
        max_index = max(index)
        min_index = min(index)
        error('box_f: max(index) > size(xk, 1) or min(index) < 1')
    fk = zeros(ell, 1);
    Fk = zeros(ell, n);
    for p = 1 : (ell / 2)
        j                = index(p);
        fk(2 * p - 1, 1) = xk(j) - upper(p);
        Fk(2 * p - 1, j) = +1.;
        fk(2 * p,     1) = lower(p) - xk(j);
        Fk(2 * p,     j) = -1.;

Input File: example/nonlinear/box_f.m
4.4.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Example Direct Measurement Model

4.4.2.a: Syntax
[hk    = direct_h(kxkparams)
[hkHk] = direct_h(kxkparams)

4.4.2.b: Notation

index     = params.direct_h_index
m         = size(index, 1)
n         = size(xk, 1)

4.4.2.c: Purpose
For i = 1 , ... , m , the mean of the i-th measurement given xk (the state at time index k ) is
xkindex(i) )

4.4.2.d: k
is an integer scalar specifying the time index (not used).

4.4.2.e: xk
is a column vector with length n specifying a value for the state vector at the current time index.

4.4.2.f: index
is an integer column vector that specifies which components of xk correspond to the direct measurements. Each element of index must be between one and n .

4.4.2.g: hk
The return value hk is a column vector of length m with i-th element equal to the mean of the i-th measurement given xk .

4.4.2.h: Hk
The return value Hk is a m x n matrix equal to the Jacobian of hk w.r.t xk .

4.4.2.i: Source Code
function [hk, Hk] = direct_h(k, xk, params)
    index = params.direct_h_index;
    m        = size(index, 1);
    n        = size(xk, 1);
    if (size(xk, 2)~=1) | (size(index,2)~=1)
        size_xk_2    = size(xk, 2)
        size_index_2 = size(index, 2)
        error('direct_h: xk or index is not a column vector')
    if (max(index) > n) | (min(index) < 1)
        max_index = max(index)
        min_index = min(index)
        error('direct_h: max(index) > size(xk, 1) or min(index) < 1')
    hk  = xk(index);
    Hk  = zeros(m, n);
    for i = 1 : m
        Hk( i, index(i) ) = 1;

Input File: example/nonlinear/direct_h.m
4.4.3: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Distance Measurement Model

4.4.3.a: Syntax
[hk    = distance_h(kxkparams)
[hkHk] = distance_h(kxk)

4.4.3.b: Notation

index     = distance_h.index
position  = distance_h.position
n         = size(xk, 1)
m         = size(position, 2)

4.4.3.c: Purpose
For i = 1 , ... , m , the mean of the i-th measurement given xk (the state at time index k ) is the distance from xk to position(:,i) ; i.e.
xk(index) - position(:, i) )

4.4.3.d: index
the integer column vector index specifies which components of xk correspond to the current moving position which the distance measurements are made to. It must have the same number of rows as the matrix position .

4.4.3.e: position
The matrix position with m columns. Each column specifies a fixed locations that a distance measurements are made from.

4.4.3.f: k
is an integer scalar specifying the time index (not used).

4.4.3.g: xk
is a column vector with length n specifying a value for the state vector at the current time index.

4.4.3.h: hk
The return value hk is a column vector of length m with i-th element equal to the mean of the distance from position(:,i) to xk(index) .

4.4.3.i: Hk
The return value Hk is a m x n matrix equal to the Jacobian of hk w.r.t xk . (In the special case where one of the distances is zero, the corresponding row of HK is returned as zero.)

4.4.3.j: Source Code
function [hk, Hk] = distance_h(k, xk, params)
	index    = params.distance_h_index;
	position = params.distance_h_position;
	n        = size(xk, 1);
	m        = size(position, 2);
	if (size(xk, 2)~=1) | (size(index,2)~=1)
		size_xk_2    = size(xk, 2)
		size_index_2 = size(index, 2)
		error('distance_h: xk or index is not a column vector')
	if size(position,1) ~= size(index,1)
		size_position_1 = size(position, 1)
		size_index_1    = size(index, 1)
		error('distance_h: position and index have different number of rows')
	hk  = zeros(m, 1);
	Hk  = zeros(m, n);
	p_x = xk(index);
	for i = 1 : m
		p_i          = position(:, i);
		hk(i)        = norm( p_x - p_i );
		if hk(i) ~= 0
			Hk(i, index) = (p_x - p_i) / hk(i);

Input File: example/nonlinear/distance_h.m
4.4.4: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of No Constraint

4.4.4.a: Syntax
[fk    = no_f(kxk)
[fkFk] = no_f(kxk)

4.4.4.b: Purpose
Implements a constraint that is always satisfies by defining the function  \[
      f_k ( x_k ) \equiv -1
so that the condition  f_k ( x_k ) \leq 0 is satisfied for all  x_k .

4.4.4.c: k
is an integer scalar specifying the time index (not used).

4.4.4.d: xk
The column vector xk specifies the current state vector (only used to determine the size of the state vector at each time point).

4.4.4.e: fk
The return value fk is a scalar equal to minus one.

4.4.4.f: Fk
The return value Fk is a row vector equal to the Jacobian of fk w.r.t xk ; i.e. zero.

4.4.4.g: Source Code
function [fk, Fk] = no_f(k, xk)
    % no constraint case: f(x) = -1 for all x
    n  = size(xk, 1);
    fk = -1;
    Fk = zeros(1, n);

Input File: example/nonlinear/no_f.m
4.4.5: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Persistence Transition Function

4.4.5.a: Syntax
[gk    = persist_g(kxk1params)
[gkGk] = persist_g(kxk1params)

4.4.5.b: Notation

initial = persist_g.initial
n       = size(xk1, 1)

4.4.5.c: Purpose
Implements the persistence model for state transitions; i.e., the mean of the state at time index k given the state at time index k-1 is its value at time index k-1 . (This corresponds to a random walk model.)

4.4.5.d: initial
is a column vector of length n specifying the initial estimate for the state vector at time index one.

4.4.5.e: k
is a positive integer scalar specifies the current time index.

4.4.5.f: xk1
is a column vector specifying a value for the state vector at the previous time index k-1 .

4.4.5.g: gk
If k == 1 , the return value gk is equal to initial . Otherwise, gk is equal to xk1 .

4.4.5.h: Gk
The return value Gk is an n x n matrix equal to the Jacobian of gk w.r.t xk1 ; i.e., the identity matrix.

4.4.5.i: Source Code
function [gk, Gk] = persist_g(k, xk1, params)
    initial = params.persist_g_initial;
    n       = size(xk1, 1);
    if k == 1
        gk = initial;
        Gk = zeros(n, n);
        gk = xk1;
        Gk = eye(n);

Input File: example/nonlinear/persist_g.m
4.4.6: ckbs_nonlinear: Example Position and Velocity Transition Model

4.4.6.a: Syntax
[gk    = pos_vel_g(kxk1params)
[gkGk] = pos_vel_g(kxk1)

4.4.6.b: Notation

initial = params.pos_vel_initial
dt      = params.pos_vel_g_dt
n       = size(xk1, 1)
v(j)  = xk1(2 * j - 1)
p(j)  = xk1(2 * j)

4.4.6.c: Purpose
For j = 1 , ... , n / 2 , p(j) is a position estimate at time index k-1 , and v(j) is the corresponding velocity estimate at time index k-1 , The mean for the corresponding position at time index k , given xk1 , is
p(j) + v(j) * dt
. The mean for the corresponding velocity at time index k , given xk1 , is

4.4.6.d: dt
is a scalar specifying the time between points for this Kalman smoother.

4.4.6.e: initial
is a column vector of length n specifying the initial estimate for the state vector at time index one.

4.4.6.f: k
is a positive integer scalar specifies the current time index.

4.4.6.g: xk1
is a column vector specifying a value for the state vector at the previous time index k-1 .

4.4.6.h: gk
If k == 1 , the return value gk is equal to initial . Otherwise, gk is a column vector of length n equal to the mean for the state at time index k given the value for the state at time index k-1 ; i.e., xk1 .

4.4.6.i: Gk
The return value Gk is an n x n matrix equal to the Jacobian of gk w.r.t xk1 .

4.4.6.j: Source Code
function [gk, Gk] = pos_vel_g(k, xk1, params)
    dt      = params.pos_vel_g_dt;
    initial = params.pos_vel_g_initial;
    n  = size(xk1, 1);
    if (size(xk1, 2)~=1) | (size(initial, 1)~=n) | (size(initial, 2)~=1)
        size_xk1_1     = size(xk1, 1)
        size_initial_1 = size(initial, 1)
        size_initial_2 = size(initial, 2)
        error('pos_vel_g: initial or xk1 not column vectors with same size')
    Gk = zeros(n, n);
    if k == 1
        gk = initial;
    % gk(2*j-1) = xk1(2*j-1)
    Gk     = eye(n);
    for j2 = 2 : 2 : n
        % gk(2*j) = xk1(2*j) + xk1(2*j-1) * dt
        Gk(j2, j2-1) = dt;
    gk = Gk * xk1;

Input File: example/nonlinear/pos_vel_g.m
4.4.7: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Nonlinear Constraint

4.4.7.a: Syntax
[fk    = sine_f(kxkparams)
[fkFk] = sine_f(kxkparams)

4.4.7.b: Notation

index  = params.sine_f_index
offset = params.sine_f_offset

4.4.7.c: Purpose
Implements an upper limit that is an offset sine wave To be specific,
xkindex(2) ) <= sin( xkindex(1) + offset(1) ) ) + offset(2)

4.4.7.d: k
is an integer scalar specifying the time index (not used).

4.4.7.e: xk
is a column vector with length n specifying a value for the state vector at the current time index.

4.4.7.f: index
is an integer column vector with two elements specifying the state vector indices for the sine wave constraint (see purpose above). Each such index must be between one and n .

4.4.7.g: offset
is an integer column vector with two elements specifying the offsets for the sine wave (see purpose above).

4.4.7.h: fk
The return value fk is a scalar equal to
xkindex(2) ) - sin( xkindex(1) + offset(1) ) ) - offset(2)
so that the condition fk <= 0 is equivalent to the constraints in the purpose above.

4.4.7.i: Fk
The return value Fk is a row vector with n elements equal to the derivative of fk w.r.t xk .

4.4.7.j: Source Code
function [fk, Fk] = sine_f(k, xk, params)
    n      = size(xk, 1);
    index  = params.sine_f_index;
    offset = params.sine_f_offset;
    if (size(index, 1) ~= 2) | (size(index, 2) ~= 1)
        size_index_1 = size(index, 1)
        size_index_2 = size(index, 2)
        error('sine_f: index is not a column vector with two elements')
    if (size(offset, 1) ~= 2) | (size(offset, 2) ~= 1)
        size_offset_1 = size(offset, 1)
        size_offset_2 = size(offset, 2)
        error('sine_f: offset is not a column vector with two elements')
    if (max(index) > n) | (min(index) < 1)
        max_index = max(index)
        min_index = min(index)
        error('sine_f: max(index) > size(xk, 1) or min(index) < 1')
    fk = xk( index(2) ) - sin( xk( index(1) + offset(1) ) ) - offset(2);
    Fk           = zeros(1, n);
    Fk(index(2)) = 1;
    Fk(index(1)) = Fk(index(1)) - cos( xk( index(1) + offset(1) ) );

Input File: example/nonlinear/sine_f.m
5: The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother

5.a: Syntax
[xOutrOutsOutpPlusOutpMinusOutinfo] = ckbs_L1_nonlinear(
g_funh_fun, ...

5.b: Purpose
This routine minimizes the robust L1 Kalman smoother objective for general nonlinear process and measurement models (in the case where the model functions are affine, the routine 8: ckbs_L1_affine is more efficient).

5.c: Notation
The state sequence  x  is defined by  x  = x_1, \ldots, x_N
, with each  x_i \in \B{R}^n  . The robust L1 Kalman-Bucy smoother objective is defined by  \[
S ( x ) & = & S^Q ( x ) + S^R ( x )
 S^Q ( x ) & = & \frac{1}{2}  \sum_{k=1}^N
( x_k - g_k ( x_{k-1} ) )^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k ( x_{k-1} ) )
S^R( x ) & = &  \sqrt{2} \sum_{k=1}^N  \|R_k^{-1/2}( z_k - h_k ( x_k  ) )\|_1
where the matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero. Note that  g_1 is the initial state estimate and  Q_1 is the corresponding covariance.

5.d: Problem
The robust L1 Kalman smoother problem is  \[
{\rm minimize}\;
       S( x ) \;
       {\rm w.r.t.} \; x

5.e: Optimality Conditions
Define  d = d_1, \ldots, d_N  with each  d_i \in \B{R}^n . Define  \[
\tilde{S} ( x ; d) & = & \tilde{S}^Q ( x ; d ) + \tilde{S}^R ( x
; d )
 \tilde{S}^Q ( x ; d ) & = & \frac{1}{2}  \sum_{k=1}^N
( x_k - g_k ( x_{k-1} ) - \partial_k g_k ( x_{k-1} ) d_k ) ^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k (
x_{k-1} ) - \partial_k g_k ( x_{k-1} ) d_k )
\tilde{S}^R( x ; d ) & = &  \sqrt{2}   \sum_{k=1}^N
\|R_k^{-1/2}( z_k - h_k ( x_k  ) - \partial_k h_k ( x_k) d_k )\|_1
A state sequence  x   is considered a solution if  \[
S( x ) - \min_d\; \tilde{S} ( x ; d  )  <  \varepsilon \;.
This follows directly from the convex composite structure of  S  .

5.f: f_fun
Constraints are current not supported in the robust L1 smoother. The syntax was left unchanged to match the constrained smoother, and because in future versions constraints may be supported.

5.g: g_fun
The ckbs_L1_nonlinear argument g_fun is a function that supports both of the following syntaxes
gk] = feval(g_funkxk1)
gkGk] = feval(g_funkxk1)

5.g.a: k
The g_fun argument k is an integer with  1 \leq k \leq N . The case  k = 1 serves to specify the initial state estimate.

5.g.b: xk1
The g_fun argument xk1 is an column vector with length  n . It specifies the state vector at time index k  \[
      xk1 = x_{k-1}
. In the case  k = 1 , the value of xk1 does not matter.

5.g.c: gk
The g_fun result gk is an column vector with length  n and  \[
      gk = g_k ( x_{k-1} )
In the case  k = 1 , the value of gk is the initial state estimate at time index k .

5.g.d: Gk
If the g_fun result Gk is present in the syntax, it is the  n \times n matrix given by and  \[
      Gk = \partial_{k-1} g_k ( x_{k-1} )
In the case  k = 1 , the value of Gk is the zero matrix; i.e.,  g_k does not depend on the value of  x_{k-1} .

5.h: h_fun
The ckbs_L1_nonlinear argument h_fun is a function that supports both of the following syntaxes
hk] = feval(h_funkxk)
hkHk] = feval(h_funkxk)

5.h.a: k
The h_fun argument k is an integer with  1 \leq k \leq N .

5.h.b: xk
The h_fun argument xk is an column vector with length  n . It specifies the state vector at time index k  \[
      xk = x_k

5.h.c: hk
The h_fun result hk is an column vector with length  m and  \[
      hk = h_k ( x_k )

5.h.d: Hk
If the h_fun result Hk is present in the syntax, it is the  m \times n matrix given by and  \[
      Hk = \partial_k h_k ( x_k )

5.i: max_itr
The integer scalar max_itr specifies the maximum number of iterations of the algorithm to execute. It must be greater than or equal to zero. Note that if it is zero, the first row of the 5.u: info return value will still be computed. This can be useful for deciding what is a good value for the argument 5.j: epsilon .

5.j: epsilon
The ckbs_L1_nonlinear argument epsilon is a positive scalar. It specifies the convergence criteria value; i.e.,  \[
      \varepsilon = epsilon

5.k: x_in
The ckbs_L1_nonlinear argument x_in is a two dimensional array with size  n \times N . It specifies a sequence of state values; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x\_in (:, k) = x_k
The closer the initial state sequence is to the solution the faster, and more likely, the ckbs_L1_nonlinear will converge.

5.l: z
The ckbs_L1_nonlinear argument z is a two dimensional array with size  m \times N . It specifies the sequence of measurement vectors; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      z(:, k) = z_k

5.m: qinv
The ckbs_L1_nonlinear argument qinv is a three dimensional array with size  n \times n \times N . It specifies the inverse of the variance of the measurement noise; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      qinv(:,:, k) = Q_k^{-1}
In the case  k = 1 , the value of  Q_k is the variance of the initial state estimate (see 5.g: g_fun .

5.n: rinv
The ckbs_L1_nonlinear argument rinv is a three dimensional array, with size  m \times m \times N . it specifies the inverse of the variance of the transition noise; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      rinv(:,:, k) = R_k^{-1}
It is ok to signify a missing data value by setting the corresponding row and column of rinv to zero. This also enables use to interpolate the state vector  x_k to points where there are no measurements.

5.o: level
The integer scalar level specifies the level of tracing to do. If level == 0 , no tracing is done. If level >= 1 , the row index q and the correspond row of info are printed as soon as soon as they are computed. If level >= 2 , a check of the derivative calculations is printed before the calculations start. In this case, control will return to the keyboard so that you can print values, continue, or abort the calculation.

5.p: x_out
The result x_out is a two dimensional array with size  n \times N .  ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) . It contains an approximation for the optimal sequence; i.e., for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x\_out(:, k) = x_k

5.q: rOut
The result rOut contains the structure rOut reported by 8: ckbs_L1_affine for the last affine subproblem.

5.r: sOut
The result sOut contains the structure sOut reported by 8: ckbs_L1_affine for the last affine subproblem.

5.s: pPlusOut
The result pPlusOut contains the structure pPlusOut reported by 8: ckbs_L1_affine for the last affine subproblem.

5.t: pMinusOut
The result pMinusOut contains the structure pMinusOut reported by 8: ckbs_L1_affine for the last affine subproblem.

5.u: info
The result info is a matrix with each row corresponding to a solution of 8: ckbs_L1_affine on an affine subproblem. There are five numbers output per iteration: the infinity norm of the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, the one-norm of the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, the affine improvement,  \mu , and the number of line search iterations. See 8: ckbs_L1_affine for the definitions of these quantities. Note that ckbs_L1_affine has satisfied the convergence condition if the affine improvement is close to zero, that is,
info(end, 3) <= epsilon

5.v: Example
The file 5.1: L1_nonlinear_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_L1_nonlinear estimating the position of a Van Der Pol oscillator (an oscillator with non-linear dynamics). The code runs both 4: ckbs_nonlinear and 5: ckbs_L1_nonlinear on the example, in cases where there are outliers in the data, and can be used to make a plot. It returns true if ckbs_L1_nonlinear converged on the problem, and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_L1_nonlinear.m
5.1: ckbs_L1_nonlinear: Robust Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

5.1.a: Syntax
[ok] = L1_nonlinear_ok(draw_plot)

5.1.b: draw_plot
If this optional argument is true, a plot is drawn showing the results. If draw_plot is not present or false, no plot is drawn.

5.1.c: ok
If the return value ok is true, the test passed, otherwise the test failed.

5.1.d: Van Der Pol Oscillator
The test for 5: ckbs_L1_nonlinear is based on the Van Der Pol oscillator, which is documented in the routine 4.3: vanderpol_ok.m .

5.1.e: Simulated State Vector
We use  x1 (t) and  x2 (t) to denote the oscillator position and velocity as a function of time. The deterministic ordinary differential equation for the Van der Pol oscillator is  \[
      x1 '(t) & = & x2 (t)
      x2 '(t) & = & \mu [ 1 - x1(t)^2 ] x2 (t) - x1(t)

5.1.f: Transition Model and Simulated State
We simulate the state sequence by using Euler's approximation for the ODE with a step size of  \Delta t = .1 , together with Gaussian noise. Given  x_{k-1} , the value of the state at time  t_{k-1} , we obtain  x_k , the state value at time  t_k = t_{k-1} + \Delta t , by  \[
      x_{1,k} & = & x_{1,k-1} + x_{2,k-1} \Delta t + w_{1,k}
      x_{2,k} & = & x_{2,k-1} +
      [ \mu ( 1 - x_{1,k-1}^2 ) x_{2,k-1} - x_{1,k-1} ] \Delta t
      + w_{2,k}
where  w_k \sim \B{N}( 0 , Q_k ) and the variance  Q_k = \R{diag} ( 0.01, 0.01 ) . The routine 4.3.2: vanderpol_g.m calculates the mean for  x_k given  x_{k-1} . The initial state estimate is  [0, -.5] , and its variance estimate is  Q_1 = \R{diag} ( .01 , .01 ) .

5.1.g: Measurements
For this example, the measurements are noisy direct observations of position  \[
      z_{1,k} & = & x_{1,k} + v_{1,k}
where  v_k is a mixture of nominal Gaussian noise and large outliers, so  v_k \sim 0.8 \B{N}( 0 , R_k ) + 0.2 \B{N}( 0 , 100 )  and the measurement variance is a scalar  R_k = 1 . The routine 4.4.2: direct_h.m calculates the mean for  z_k , given the value of  x_k ; i.e.  x_{1,k} .

5.1.h: Source Code

function [ok]= L1_nonlinear_ok(draw_plot)

    ok = 1;
    conVar = 100;
    conFreq = .2;

    numComp = 1;
    noise = 'normal';

    if nargin < 1
        draw_plot = false;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------
    % Simulation problem parameters
    max_itr = 100;           % Maximum number of optimizer iterations
    epsilon = 1e-6;         % Convergence criteria
    N       = 41;           % Number of measurement points (N > 1)
    T       = 4.;           % Total time
    ell     = 1;            % Number of constraints (never active)
    n       = 2;            % Number of components in the state vector (n = 2)
    m       = 1;            % Number of measurements at each time point (m <= n)
    xi      = [ 0. , -.5]'; % True initial value for the state at time zero
    x_in    = zeros(n, N);  % Initial sequence where optimization begins
    % SASHA: changed 0, .5 to 0 0
    x_est   = [ 0 , -.5]'; % Estimate of initial state (at time index one)
    mu      = 2.0;          % ODE nonlinearity parameter
    sigma_r = 1.;           % Standard deviation of measurement noise
    sigma_q = .1;  % Standard deviation of the transition noise
    sigma_qa = .1; % 'Actual' noise

    % Step size for fourth order Runge-Kutta method in vanderpol_sim
    % is the same as time between measurement points
    step    = T / (N-1);

    % SASHA: changed .1 to 1
    sigma_e = sqrt(.1);           % Standard deviation of initial state estimate
    rand('seed', 4321);     % Random number generator seed
    % Level of tracing during optimization
    if draw_plot
        level = 1;
        level = 0;

    if (strcmp(noise,'student'))
        sigma_r = sqrt(2);

    % Plotting parameters
    h_min   = 0;       % minimum horizontal value in plots
    h_max   = T;       % maximum horizontal value in plots
    v_min   = -5.0;    % minimum vertical value in plots
    v_max   = 5.0;    % maximum vertical value in plots

   f_fun = @ no_f;

    % -------------------------------------------------------------------
    % information used by vanderpol_g
    params.vanderpol_g_initial  = xi;
    params.vanderpol_g_dt       = step;
    params.vanderpol_g_mu       = mu;
    g_fun = @(k, xk) vanderpol_g(k, xk, params);
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------
    % information used by direct_h
    params.direct_h_index = 1;
    h_fun = @(k,x) direct_h(k,x,params);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------

    % ---------------------------------------------------------------
    % Rest of the information required by ckbs_nonlinear
    % Simulate the true values for the state vector
    x_vdp  = vanderpol_sim(mu, xi, N, step);
    time    = linspace(0., T, N);

    % x_trueLong = zeros(n, 10*N);
    % x_true = zeros(n, N);
    % vanderpol_info.N = 10*N;
    % x_trueLong(:,1) = xi; % + sigma_e*randn(n, 1);
    % for k = 2:10*N
    %     x_trueLong(:,k) = vanderpol_g(k, x_trueLong(:,k-1)) + sqrt(.1*sigma_q)*randn(n,1);
    % end
    % x_true = x_trueLong(:, [1 10:10:10*N-10]);
    % vanderpol_info.N = N;

    x_true = zeros(n, N);
    x_true(:,1) = xi;% + .1*sigma_e*randn(n, 1);
    for k = 2:N
        x_true(:,k) = g_fun(k, x_true(:,k-1)) + sigma_qa*randn(n,1);

    % Inverse covariance of the measurement and transition noise
    rinv    = zeros(m, m, N);
    qinv    = zeros(n, n, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        rinv(:, :, k) = eye(m, m) / sigma_r^2;
        qinv(:, :, k) = eye(n, n) / sigma_q^2;
    qinv(:, :, 1) = eye(n, n) / sigma_e^2;
    % call back functions

    v_true = zeros(m,N);
    temp = zeros(m,N);
    bin = zeros(n,N);

    iter = 0;
    while(iter <= numComp)
        iter = iter + 1;
        if(mod(iter, 100) == 0)
            fprintf('iter conVar conFreq\n');
            fprintf('%d %1.4f %1.4f\n', iter, conVar, conFreq);

        randn('state', sum(100*clock));
        rand('twister', sum(100*clock));

                v_true  = sigma_r * randn(m, N);

                temp = sigma_r*exprnd(1/sigma_r, m, N);
                bin  = 2*(binornd(1, 0.5, m, N)-0.5);
                v_true = temp.*bin/sqrt(2);

                v_true = trnd(4,m,N);

        % Create contaminating distribution

        nums = rand(1, N);
        biNums = nums < conFreq;
        %    nI= ones(m,1)*binornd(1, conFreq, 1, N); % contaminate entire measurement, not just componentwise
        nI = ones(m,1)*biNums;
        newNoise = sqrt(conVar)*randn(m,N); % Contaminating noise

        %M = 50;

        %newNoise = unidrnd(M, 1, N) - M/2;

        % Simulate the measurement values
        %measurement = x_true(1:m,:).*x_true(1:m, :); % measurement is x^2
        measurement =x_true(1,:); % measurement is x^2

        z       =  measurement + v_true + nI.*newNoise;
        %addNoise = v_true + nI.*newNoise;
        %z       = addNoise + x_true(1, :) + 0.5*(x_true(2,:) - 0).^2  ;
        %z1 = addNoise(1, :) + x_true(1, :);s
        %z2 = addNoise(2, :) + 0.5*x_true(1, :).*x_true(1, :) + 0.5*x_true(2,:).*x_true(2,:);
        %z = [z1; z2];
        %z = addNoise + (1/3)^3*(x_true(2,:)).^3 + x_true(2);

        % ---------------------------------------------------------------
        % call the optimizer

            ckbs_level = 0;
            [ x_out_Gauss , u_out, info ] = ckbs_nonlinear( ...
                f_fun ,    ...
                g_fun ,    ...
                h_fun ,    ...
                max_itr ,  ...
                epsilon ,  ...
                x_in ,     ...
                z ,        ...
                qinv ,     ...
                rinv ,     ...
                ckbs_level      ...
        [ x_out_L1 , rOut, sOut, pPlusOut, pMinusOut, info ] = ckbs_L1_nonlinear( ...
            f_fun ,    ...
            g_fun ,    ...
            h_fun ,    ...
            max_itr ,  ...
            epsilon ,  ...
            x_in ,     ...
            z ,        ...
            qinv ,     ...
            rinv ,     ...
            level      ...

        ok = ok && info(end, 3) < epsilon;

    % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    if draw_plot



        subplot(2, 1,1)
        hold on

        plot(time, x_vdp(1,:), 'r-.', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
        plot(time, x_true(1,:), 'k-', 'Linewidth', 3.5, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
        plot(time, x_out_Gauss(1,:), 'b--', 'Linewidth', 3.5, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
        plot(time, x_out_L1(1,:), 'm-.', 'Linewidth', 3.5, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');

        meas = z(1,:);
        meas(meas > v_max) = v_max;
        meas(meas < v_min) = v_min;
        %plot(time, z(1,:), 'o');
        plot(time, meas, 'bo',  'MarkerFaceColor', [.49 1 .63], 'MarkerSize', 6.2);

        axis([h_min, h_max, v_min, v_max]);

        hleg = legend('vdp solution', 'stochastic realization', 'Gaussian Smoother', 'L1 Smoother', 'Data', 'Location', 'NorthWest');
        xlabel('Time (s)', 'FontSize', 16);
        ylabel('X-component', 'FontSize', 16);
        set(hleg, 'Box', 'off');
        set(hleg, 'FontSize', 14);
        title('20% of measurement errors are N(0, 100)');

        %plot(time, z(1,:), 'o');

        hold off

        subplot(2,1, 2)
        hold on

        plot(time, x_vdp(2,:), 'r-.', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
        plot(time, x_true(2,:), 'k-', 'Linewidth', 3.5, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
        plot(time, x_out_Gauss(2,:), 'b--', 'Linewidth', 3.5, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
        plot(time, x_out_L1(2,:), 'm-.', 'Linewidth', 3.5, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
        axis([h_min, h_max, v_min, v_max]);

        hleg = legend('vdp solution', 'stochastic realization', 'Gaussian Smoother', 'L1 Smoother', 'Location', 'NorthWest');
        xlabel('Time(s)', 'FontSize', 16);
        ylabel('Y-component', 'FontSize', 16);
        set(hleg, 'Box', 'off');
        set(hleg, 'FontSize', 14);

        hold off



Input File: example/nonlinear/L1_nonlinear_ok.m
6: Constrained Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother

6.a: Syntax
[xOutuOutinfo] = ckbs_affine(max_itrepsilon

6.b: Purpose
This routine minimizes the affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares objective subject to an affine inequality constraint.

6.c: Notation
The affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares is defined by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )^\R{T} * R_k^{-1} * ( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )
& + &
( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
where the matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero. Note that  g_1 is the initial state estimate and  Q_1 is the corresponding covariance.

6.d: Problem
The affine constrained Kalman-Bucy smoother problem is  \[
{\rm minimize}
      & S( x_1 , \ldots , x_N )
      & {\rm w.r.t.} \; x_1 \in \B{R}^n , \ldots , x_N \in \B{R}^n
{\rm subject \; to}
      & b_k + B_k * x_k  \leq 0
      & {\rm for} \; k = 1 , \ldots , N

6.e: First Order Conditions
A state sequence  ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) is considered a solution if there is a Lagrange multiplier sequence  ( u_1 , \ldots , u_N ) such that the following conditions are satisfied.  \[
      b_k + B_k * x_k                 & \leq & \varepsilon    \\
      0                               & \leq & u_k         \\
      | ( B_k^T * u_k + d_k )_j |        & \leq & \varepsilon \\
      | (u_k)_i * ( b_k + B_k * x_k)_i | & \leq & \varepsilon
for  j = 1 , \ldots , n ,  i = 1 , \ldots , \ell , and  k = 1 , \ldots , N . Here  d_k is the partial derivative of  S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) with respect to  x_k and  (u_k)_i denotes the i-th component of  u_k .

6.f: max_itr
The integer scalar max_itr specifies the maximum number of iterations of the algorithm to execute. It must be greater than or equal to zero. Note that if it is zero, the first row of the 6.s: info return value will still be computed. This can be useful for deciding what is a good value for the argument 6.g: epsilon .

6.g: epsilon
The positive scalar epsilon specifies the convergence criteria value; i.e.,  \[
      \varepsilon = epsilon

6.h: z
The argument z is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      z_k = z(:, k)
and z has size  m \times N .

6.i: b
The argument b is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      b_k = b(:, k)
and b has size  \ell \times N . If  \ell = 0 , the problem is not constrained; i.e., it is the affine Kalman-Bucy smoother problem.

6.j: g
The argument g is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      g_k = g(:, k)
and g has size  n \times N . The value  g_1 serves as the initial state estimate.

6.k: h
The argument h is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      h_k = h(:, k)
and h has size  m \times N .

6.l: db
The argument db is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      B_k = db(:,:,k)
and db has size  \ell \times n \times N .

6.m: dg
The argument dg is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      G_k = dg(:,:,k)
and dg has size  n \times n \times N . The initial state estimate  g_1 does not depend on the value of  x_0 , hence  G_1 should be zero.

6.n: dh
The argument dh is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      H_k = dh(:,:,k)
and dh has size  m \times n \times N .

6.o: qinv
The argument qinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      Q_k^{-1} = qinv(:,:, k)
and qinv has size  n \times n \times N . The value of  Q_k is the variance of the initial state estimate  g_1 .

6.p: rinv
The argument rinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      R_k^{-1} = rinv(:,:, k)
and rinv has size  m \times m \times N . It is ok to signify a missing data value by setting the corresponding row and column of rinv to zero. This also enables use to interpolate the state vector  x_k to points where there are no measurements.

6.q: xOut
The result xOut contains the optimal sequence  ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) . For  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x_k = xOut(:, k)
and xOut is a two dimensional array with size  n \times N .

6.r: uOut
The result uOut contains the Lagrange multiplier sequence corresponding to xOut . For  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      u_k = uOut(:, k)
and uOut is a two dimensional array with size  \ell \times N . The pair xOut , uOut satisfy the 6.e: first order conditions .

6.s: info
The result info is a matrix with each row corresponding to an iteration of the algorithm. Note that ckbs_affine has satisfied the convergence condition if and only if
info(end, 1:3) <= epsilon )

We use  x_k^q (  u_k^q ) to denote the state vector (dual vector) for time point  k and at the end of iteration  q-1 . We use  d_k^q for the partial derivative of  S ( x_1^q , \ldots , x_N^q ) with respect to  x_k .

6.s.a: Constraint Bound
The value info(q, 1) is a bound on the constraint functions at the end of iteration  q-1 . To be specific  \[
info(q, 1) = \max_{i,k} ( b_k + B_k * x_k )_i

6.s.b: First Order Conditions
The value info(q, 2) is a bound on the partial derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to the state vector sequence at the end of iteration  q-1 :  \[
info(q, 2) = \max \left[ | ( B_k^T * u_k + d_k )_j | \right]
where the maximum is with respect to  j = 1 , \ldots , n and  k = 1 , \ldots , N .

6.s.c: Complementarity Conditions
The value info(q, 3) is a bound on the complementarity conditions at the end of iteration  q-1 :  \[
info(q, 3) = \max \left[ | (u_k)_i * ( b_k + B_k * x_k)_i | \right]
where the maximum is with respect to  i = 1 , \ldots , \ell and  k = 1 , \ldots , N .

6.s.d: Step Size
The value info(q, 4) is the line search step size used during iteration  q-1 . Small step sizes indicate problems with the interior point method used to solve the affine problem (with the exception that info(1, 4) is always zero).

6.t: Example
The file 6.1: affine_ok_box.m contains an example and test of ckbs_affine. It returns true if ckbs_affine passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_affine.m
6.1: ckbs_affine Box Constrained Smoothing Spline Example and Test

6.1.a: Syntax
[ok] = affine_ok_box(draw_plot)

6.1.b: draw_plot
If this argument is true, a plot is drawn showing the results and the nonlinear_ok_box.out file is written for use with the program nonlinear_ok_box.r.

6.1.c: ok
If the return value ok is true, the test passed, otherwise the test failed.

6.1.d: State Vector
 x1 (t) derivative of function we are estimating
 x2 (t) value of function we are estimating

6.1.e: Measurement
 z1 (t) value of  x2 (t) plus noise

6.1.f: Constraint
     -1 \leq x1 (t) \leq +1
     -1 \leq x2 (t) \leq +1

6.1.g: Source Code
function [ok] = affine_ok_box(draw_plot)
    % --------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    N     = 50;        % number of measurement time points
    dt    = 2*pi / N;  % time between measurement points
    gamma =  1;        % transition covariance multiplier
    sigma =  .5;       % standard deviation of measurement noise
    max_itr = 30;      % maximum number of iterations
    epsilon = 1e-5;    % convergence criteria
    h_min   = 0;       % minimum horizontal value in plots
    h_max   = 7;       % maximum horizontal value in plots
    v_min   = -2.0;    % minimum vertical value in plots
    v_max   = +2.0;    % maximum vertical value in plots
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    ok = true;
    if nargin < 1
        draw_plot = false;
    %  Define the problem
    rand('seed', 1234);
    % number of constraints per time point
    ell   = 4;
    % number of measurements per time point
    m     = 1;
    % number of state vector components per time point
    n     = 2;
    % simulate the true trajectory and measurement noise
    t       =  (1 : N) * dt;
    x1_true = - cos(t);
    x2_true = - sin(t);
    x_true  = [ x1_true ; x2_true ];
    v_true  = sigma * rand(1, N);
    % measurement values and model
    v_true  = sigma * randn(1, N);
    z       = x2_true + v_true;
    rk      = sigma * sigma;
    rinvk   = 1 / rk;
    rinv    = zeros(m, m, N);
    h       = zeros(m, N);
    dh      = zeros(m, n, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        rinv(:, :, k) = rinvk;
        h(:, k)       = 0;
        dh(:,:, k)    = [ 0 , 1 ];
    % transition model
    g       = zeros(n, N);
    dg      = zeros(n, n, N);
    qinv    = zeros(n, n, N);
    qk      = gamma * [ dt , dt^2/2 ; dt^2/2 , dt^3/3 ];
    qinvk   = inv(qk);
    for k = 2 : N
        g(:, k)       = 0;
        dg(:,:, k)    = [ 1 , 0 ; dt , 1 ];
        qinv(:,:, k)  = qinvk;
    % initial state estimate
    g(:, 1)      = x_true(:, 1);
    qinv(:,:, 1) = 100 * eye(2);
    % constraints
    b       = zeros(ell, N);
    db      = zeros(ell, n, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        % b(:, k) + db(:,:, k) * x(:, k) <= 0
        b(:, k)    = [ -1 ; -1 ; -1 ; -1 ];
        db(:,:, k) = [ -1 , 0 ; 1 , 0 ; 0 , -1 ; 0 , 1 ];
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [xOut, uOut, info] = ...
        ckbs_affine(max_itr, epsilon, z, b, g, h, db, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ok   = ok & all( info(end, 1:3) <= epsilon);
    d    = ckbs_sumsq_grad(xOut, z, g, h, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
    for k = 1 : N
        xk = xOut(:, k);
        uk = uOut(:, k);
        bk = b(:, k);
        Bk = db(:,:, k);
        dk = d(:, k);
        sk = - bk - Bk * xk;
        ok = ok & (min(uk) >= 0.);
        ok = ok & (max (bk + Bk * xk) <= epsilon);
        ok = ok & (max ( abs( Bk' * uk + dk ) ) <= epsilon);
        ok = ok & (max ( uk .* sk ) <= epsilon );
    if draw_plot
        hold on
        plot(t', x_true(2,:)', 'r-' );
        plot(t', z(1,:)', 'ko' );
        plot(t', xOut(2,:)', 'b-' );
        plot(t', - ones(N,1), 'b-');
        plot(t', ones(N,1), 'b-');
        axis([h_min, h_max, v_min, v_max]);
        hold off
        % constrained estimate
        x_con = xOut;
    % Unconstrained Case
    b           = zeros(0, N);
    db          = zeros(0, n, N);
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [xOut, uOut, info] = ...
        ckbs_affine(max_itr, epsilon, z, b, g, h, db, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
    % --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ok   = ok & all( info(end, 1:3) <= epsilon);
    d    = ckbs_sumsq_grad(xOut, z, g, h, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
    for k = 1 : N
        xk = xOut(:, k);
        dk = d(:, k);
        ok = ok & (min(dk) <= epsilon);
    if draw_plot
        hold on
        plot(t', x_true(2,:)', 'r-' );
        plot(t', z(1,:)', 'ko' );
        plot(t', xOut(2,:)', 'b-' );
        plot(t', - ones(N,1), 'b-');
        plot(t', ones(N,1), 'b-');
        axis([h_min, h_max, v_min, v_max]);
        hold off
        % unconstrained estimate
        x_free = xOut;
        % write out constrained and unconstrained results
        [fid, msg] = fopen('affine_ok_box.out', 'wt');
        if size(msg, 2) > 0 
            disp(['affine_ok: ', msg]);
        %                      123456789012345678901234'
        heading =             '       t';
        heading = [ heading , ' x2_true  x2_con x2_free' ];
        heading = [ heading , '      z1\n'               ];
        fprintf(fid, heading);
        for k = 1 : N
            fprintf(fid,'%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n', ...
                t(k), ...
                x_true(2,k), x_con(2,k), x_free(2,k), ...
                z(1,k) ...

Input File: example/affine_ok_box.m
7: Singular Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother

7.a: Syntax
[xOut,  info] = ckbs_affine_singular(...
zgh, ...

7.b: Purpose
This routine finds the smoothed estimate for affine process and measurement models when the variance matrices  Q and  R may be singular.

7.c: Notation
The singular Kalman-Bucy smoother state is given by  \[
G^{-1} (w - Q G^{-T}H^T\Phi^{-1}(HG^{-1}w-v))
where  \[
\Phi = HG^{-1}QG^{-T}H^T + R ,
and the matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive semidefinite. Note that  g_1 is the initial state estimate and  Q_1 is the corresponding covariance.

7.d: z
The argument z is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      z_k = z(:, k)
and z has size  m \times N .

7.e: g
The argument g is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      g_k = g(:, k)
and g has size  n \times N . The value  g_1 serves as the initial state estimate.

7.f: h
The argument h is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      h_k = h(:, k)
and h has size  m \times N .

7.g: dg
The argument dg is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      G_k = dg(:,:,k)
and dg has size  n \times n \times N . The initial state estimate  g_1 does not depend on the value of  x_0 , hence  G_1 should be zero.

7.h: dh
The argument dh is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      H_k = dh(:,:,k)
and dh has size  m \times n \times N .

7.i: q
The argument q is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      Q_k = q(:,:, k)
and q has size  n \times n \times N . The value of  Q_k is the variance of the initial state estimate  g_1 .

7.j: r
The argument r is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      R_k = r(:,:, k)
and r has size  m \times m \times N . It is ok to signify a missing data value by setting the corresponding row and column of r to infinity. This also enables use to interpolate the state vector  x_k to points where there are no measurements.

7.k: xOut
The result xOut contains the optimal sequence  ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) . For  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x_k = xOut(:, k)
and xOut is a two dimensional array with size  n \times N .

7.l: info
Contains infinity norm of each of the three KKT equations for the constrained reformulation.

7.m: Example
The file 7.1: affine_singular_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_affine_singular. It returns true if ckbs_affine_singular passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_affine_singular.m
7.1: ckbs_affine_singular Singular Smoothing Spline Example and Test

7.1.a: Syntax
[ok] = affine_singular_ok(draw_plot)

7.1.b: draw_plot
If this argument is true, a plot is drawn showing the results comparing 7: ckbs_affine_singular with 6: ckbs_affine .

7.1.c: ok
If the return value ok is true, the test passed, otherwise the test failed.

7.1.d: State Vector
 x1 (t) derivative of function we are estimating
 x2 (t) value of function we are estimating

7.1.e: Measurement
 z1 (t) value of  x2 (t) plus noise

7.1.f: Source Code
function [ok] = affine_singular_ok(draw_plot)

    % --------------------------------------------------------

    ok = true;
    % You can change these parameters

    conVar = 100;         % variance of contaminating distribution

    conFreq = .3;         % frequency of outliers

    noise = 'normal';     % type of noise

    N     = 1000;        % number of measurement time points

    dt    = 10*pi / N;  % time between measurement points

    %dt = 1;

    gamma =  1;        % transition covariance multiplier

    sigma =  1;       % standard deviation of measurement noise
    sigma_alg = 1;

    if (strcmp(noise,'student'))
        sigma = sqrt(2);

    max_itr = 30;      % maximum number of iterations

    epsilon = 1e-4;    % convergence criteria

    h_min   = 0;       % minimum horizontal value in plots

    h_max   = 14;       % maximum horizontal value in plots

    v_min   = -5.0;    % minimum vertical value in plots

    v_max   = 5.0;    % maximum vertical value in plots

    % ---------------------------------------------------------

    if nargin < 1

        draw_plot = false;


    %  Define the problem

    %rand('seed', 12);


    % number of constraints per time point

    % ell   = 0;


    % number of measurements per time point

    m     = 1;


    % number of state vector components per time point

    n     = 2;


    % simulate the true trajectory and measurement noise

    t       =  (1 : N) * dt;

    x1_true = - cos(t);
    x2_true = - sin(t);
    x_true  = [ x1_true ; x2_true ];

    % measurement values and model

    %exp_true = random('exponential', 1/sigma, 1, N);
    %bin = 2*random('binomial', 1, 0.5, 1, N) - 1;
    %exp_true = exp_true .* bin;
    %z        = x2_true + exp_true;

    % Normal Noise

    v_true = zeros(m,N);
    temp = zeros(m,N);
    bin = zeros(m,N);

    randn('state', sum(100*clock));
    rand('twister', sum(100*clock));

    if (strcmp(noise,  'normal'))
        v_true  = sigma * randn(m, N);

    %Laplace Noise
    if (strcmp(noise,'laplace'))
        temp = sigma*exprnd(1/sigma, 1,100);
        bin  = 2*(binornd(1, 0.5, 1, 100)-0.5);
        v_true = temp.*bin/sqrt(2);

    if (strcmp(noise,'student'))
        v_true = trnd(4,1,100);

    z = [x2_true] + v_true;

    rk      = sigma_alg * sigma_alg * eye(m);

    rinvk   = inv(rk);

    rinv    = zeros(m, m, N);
    r       = zeros(m, m, N);

    h       = zeros(m, N);

    % Covariance between process and measurement?
    dh      = zeros(m, n, N);

    for k = 1 : N

        rinv(:, :, k) = rinvk;
        r(:,:,k) = rk;

        h(:, k)       = 0;

        dh(:,:, k)    = [ 0 , 1 ];



    % transition model

    g       = zeros(n, N);

    dg      = zeros(n, n, N);

    qinv    = zeros(n, n, N);
    q       = zeros(n, n, N);

    qk      = gamma * [ dt , 0 ; 0 , 0 ];

    qinvk   = inv(qk);

    for k = 2 : N

        g(:, k)       = 0;

        dg(:,:, k)    = [ 1 , 0 ; dt , 1 ];

        qinv(:,:, k)  = qinvk;
        q(:,:,k) = qk;



    % initial state estimate

    g(:, 1)      = x_true(:, 1);

    qinv(:,:, 1) = 100 * eye(2);
    q(:,:,1) = inv(qinv(:,:,1));


    % constraints

    b       = zeros(0, N);

    db      = zeros(0, n, N);

    % -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    % -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    % L1 Kalman-Bucy Smoother
    % Linear unconstrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
    [xOut2, info] = ckbs_affine_singular(z, g, h, dg, dh, q, r);
    %qk      = gamma * [ dt , dt^2/2 ; dt^2/2 , dt^3/3 ];

    %for k = 2:N
    %    q(:,:,k) = qk;
    %[xOut3, info] = ckbs_affine_singular(z, g, h, dg, dh, q, r);
    iter = info(5);
    info(5) = 0;

    ok = (ok) && (max(info) < epsilon);


    % % --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if draw_plot

        qk      = gamma * [ dt , dt^2/2 ; dt^2/2 , dt^3/3 ];
        qinvk   = inv(qk);

        for k = 2 : N
            qinv(:,:, k)  = qinvk;       
        [xOut3, uOut, info] = ckbs_affine(max_itr, epsilon, z, b, g, h, db, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);


        hold on

        plot(t', x_true(2,:)', '-k', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );

        meas = z(1,:);
        meas(meas > v_max) = v_max;
        meas(meas < v_min) = v_min;
        plot(t', meas, 'bd',  'MarkerFaceColor', [.49 1 .63], 'MarkerSize', 6);

        plot(t', xOut2(2,:)', '-r', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
%        plot(t', xOut3(2,:)', '-b', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');

        axis([h_min, h_max, v_min, v_max]);

        title('Position Plot. Black=truth, Blue = meas, Magenta = Singular Smoother.');

        hold off


        hold on

        plot(t', x_true(1,:)', '-k', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );

        plot(t', xOut2(1,:)', '-r', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');

        plot(t', xOut3(1,:)', '-b', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');

        axis([h_min, h_max, v_min, v_max]);

        title('Derivative plot. Black=truth, Blue = SDE smoother, Magenta = Singular Smoother.');


        % constrained estimate

   % [norm(xOut2(2,:) - x_true(2,:)) norm(xOut3(2,:) - x_true(2,:))]

Input File: example/affine_singular_ok.m
8: Robust L1 Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother

8.a: Syntax
[xOutrOutsOutpPlusOutpMinusOutinfo] = ckbs_L1_affine(...
max_itrepsilonzbghdb, ...

8.b: Purpose
This routine minimizes the robust L1 Kalman-Bucy smoother objective for affine process and measurement models.

8.c: Notation
The robust L1 Kalman-Bucy smoother objective is defined by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
\|R_k^{-1/2}( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )^\R{T}\|_1
& + &
( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
where the matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero. Note that  g_1 is the initial state estimate and  Q_1 is the corresponding covariance.

8.d: Problem
The robust L1 Kalman-Bucy smoother problem is  \[
{\rm minimize}
& \frac{1}{2} y^\R{T} H(x) y + d(x)^\R{T} y
      + \sqrt{\B{2}}^\R{T} (p^+ + p^-)
   \;{\rm w.r.t} \;  y \in \B{R}^{nN}\; , \; p^+ \in \B{R}_+^{M} \; , \; p^- \in \B{R}_+^{M}
{\rm subject \; to} &  b(x) + B(x) y - p^+ + p^- = 0

8.e: Lagrangian and First Order Conditions
We denote the lagrange multiplier associated to the equality constraint by  q , the lagrange multiplier associated to the non-negativity constraint on  p^+ by  r , and the lagrange multiplier associated to the non-negativity of  p^- by  s . We also use  \B{1} to denote the vector of length  mN with all its components equal to one, and  \B{\sqrt{2}} to denote the vector of length  mN with all its components equal to
. The Lagrangian corresponding to the L1 Kalman-Bucy problem is given by  \[
L(p^+, p^-, y, q, r, s)  =
\frac{1}{2} y^\R{T} H y + d^\R{T} y + \B{\sqrt{2}}^T(p^+ + p^-)
+ q^\R{T} (b + B y - p^+ + p^-) - r^\R{T} p^+ - s^\R{T} p^- \;.
The partial gradients of the Lagrangian are given by  \[
\nabla L :=
\nabla_p^+ L(p^+, p^-, y, q ) & = & \B{\sqrt{2}} - q - r \\
\nabla_p^- L(p^+, p^-, y, q) & = & \B{\sqrt{2}} + q - s \\
\nabla_y L(p^+, p^-, y, q ) & = & H y + c + B^\R{T} q \\
\nabla_q L(p^+, p^-, y, q ) & = & b + B y - p^+ + p^- \\
At optimality, all of these gradients will be zero (or smaller than a tolerance  \varepsilon ), and complementarity conditions hold, i.e.
\[ r_i p_i^+ = s_i p_i^- = 0 \; \forall \; i \;.
(or again, each pairwise product is smaller than

8.f: max_itr
The integer scalar max_itr specifies the maximum number of iterations of the algorithm to execute. It must be greater than or equal to zero.

8.g: epsilon
The positive scalar epsilon specifies the convergence criteria value; i.e.,  \[
      \|\nabla L\|_1 \leq epsilon\;.

8.h: z
The argument z is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      z_k = z(:, k)
and z has size  m \times N .

8.i: g
The argument g is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      g_k = g(:, k)
and g has size  n \times N . The value  g_1 serves as the initial state estimate.

8.j: h
The argument h is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      h_k = h(:, k)
and h has size  m \times N .

8.k: dg
The argument dg is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      G_k = dg(:,:,k)
and dg has size  n \times n \times N . The initial state estimate  g_1 does not depend on the value of  x_0 , hence  G_1 should be zero.

8.l: dh
The argument dh is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      H_k = dh(:,:,k)
and dh has size  m \times n \times N .

8.m: qinv
The argument qinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      Q_k^{-1} = qinv(:,:, k)
and qinv has size  n \times n \times N . The value of  Q_k is the variance of the initial state estimate  g_1 .

8.n: rinv
The argument rinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      R_k^{-1} = rinv(:,:, k)
and rinv has size  m \times m \times N . It is ok to signify a missing data value by setting the corresponding row and column of rinv to zero. This also enables use to interpolate the state vector  x_k to points where there are no measurements.

8.o: xOut
The result xOut contains the optimal sequence  ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) . For  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x_k = xOut(:, k)
and xOut is a two dimensional array with size  n \times N .

8.p: rOut
The result rOut contains the Lagrange multiplier sequence corresponding to the non-negativity constraint on  p^+ . For  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      r_k = rOut(:, k)
and rOut is a two dimensional array with size  m \times N .

8.q: sOut
The result rOut contains the Lagrange multiplier sequence corresponding to the non-negativity constraint on  p^- . For  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      s_k = sOut(:, k)
and sOut is a two dimensional array with size  m \times N .

8.r: pPlusOut
The result pPlusOut contains the positive parts of the measurement residual  b(x) + B(x) y . For  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      p_k = pPlusOut(:, k)
and pPlusOut is a two dimensional array with size  m \times N .

8.s: pMinusOut
The result pMinusOut contains the negative parts of the measurement residual  b(x) + B(x) y . For  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      p_k = pMinusOut(:, k)
and pMinusOut is a two dimensional array with size  m \times N .

8.t: info
The result info is a matrix with each row corresponding to an iteration of the algorithm. There are five numbers output per iteration: the infinity norm of the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, the one-norm of the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, the duality gap,  \mu , and the number of line search Note that ckbs_L1_affine has satisfied the convergence condition if
info(end, 2) <= epsilon

8.u: Example
The file 8.1: L1_affine_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_L1_affine. It returns true if ckbs_L1_affine passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_L1_affine.m
8.1: ckbs_L1_affine Robust Smoothing Spline Example and Test

8.1.a: Syntax
[ok] = L1_affine_ok(draw_plot)

8.1.b: draw_plot
If this argument is true, a plot is drawn showing the results comparing 8: ckbs_L1_affine with 6: ckbs_affine .

8.1.c: ok
If the return value ok is true, the test passed, otherwise the test failed.

8.1.d: State Vector
 x1 (t) derivative of function we are estimating
 x2 (t) value of function we are estimating

8.1.e: Measurement
 z1 (t) value of  x2 (t) plus noise

8.1.f: Source Code
function [ok] = L1_affine_ok(draw_plot)

    % --------------------------------------------------------

    ok = true;
    % You can change these parameters

    conVar = 100;         % variance of contaminating distribution

    conFreq = .3;         % frequency of outliers

    noise = 'normal';     % type of noise

    N     = 30;        % number of measurement time points

    dt    = 4*pi / N;  % time between measurement points

    %dt = 1;

    gamma =  1;        % transition covariance multiplier

    sigma =  0.5;       % standard deviation of measurement noise

    if (strcmp(noise,'student'))
        sigma = sqrt(2);

    max_itr = 30;      % maximum number of iterations

    epsilon = 1e-5;    % convergence criteria

    h_min   = 0;       % minimum horizontal value in plots

    h_max   = 14;       % maximum horizontal value in plots

    v_min   = -5.0;    % minimum vertical value in plots

    v_max   = 5.0;    % maximum vertical value in plots

    % ---------------------------------------------------------

    if nargin < 1

        draw_plot = false;


    %  Define the problem

    %rand('seed', 12);


    % number of constraints per time point

    % ell   = 0;


    % number of measurements per time point

    m     = 1;


    % number of state vector components per time point

    n     = 2;


    % simulate the true trajectory and measurement noise

    t       =  (1 : N) * dt;

    x1_true = - cos(t);
    x2_true = - sin(t);
    x_true  = [ x1_true ; x2_true ];

    % measurement values and model

    %exp_true = random('exponential', 1/sigma, 1, N);
    %bin = 2*random('binomial', 1, 0.5, 1, N) - 1;
    %exp_true = exp_true .* bin;
    %z        = x2_true + exp_true;

    % Normal Noise

    v_true = zeros(1,N);
    temp = zeros(1,N);
    bin = zeros(1,N);

    randn('state', sum(100*clock));
    rand('twister', sum(100*clock));

    if (strcmp(noise,  'normal'))
        v_true  = sigma * randn(1, N);

    %Laplace Noise
    if (strcmp(noise,'laplace'))
        temp = sigma*exprnd(1/sigma, 1,100);
        bin  = 2*(binornd(1, 0.5, 1, 100)-0.5);
        v_true = temp.*bin/sqrt(2);

    if (strcmp(noise,'student'))
        v_true = trnd(4,1,100);

    temp = rand(1, N);
    nI = temp < conFreq;
    newNoise = sqrt(conVar)*randn(1,N);

    z = x2_true + v_true + nI.*newNoise;

    rk      = sigma * sigma;

    rinvk   = 1 / rk;

    rinv    = zeros(m, m, N);

    h       = zeros(m, N);

    % Covariance between process and measurement?
    dh      = zeros(m, n, N);

    for k = 1 : N

        rinv(:, :, k) = rinvk;

        h(:, k)       = 0;

        dh(:,:, k)    = [ 0 , 1 ];



    % transition model

    g       = zeros(n, N);

    dg      = zeros(n, n, N);

    qinv    = zeros(n, n, N);

    qk      = gamma * [ dt , dt^2/2 ; dt^2/2 , dt^3/3 ];

    qinvk   = inv(qk);

    for k = 2 : N

        g(:, k)       = 0;

        dg(:,:, k)    = [ 1 , 0 ; dt , 1 ];

        qinv(:,:, k)  = qinvk;



    % initial state estimate

    g(:, 1)      = x_true(:, 1);

    qinv(:,:, 1) = 100 * eye(2);


    % constraints

    b       = zeros(0, N);

    db      = zeros(0, n, N);

    % -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    % Linear unconstrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
    [xOut, uOut, info] = ckbs_affine(max_itr, epsilon, z, b, g, h, db, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);

    % -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    % L1 Kalman-Bucy Smoother
    [xOut2, rOut, sOut, pPlusOut, pMinusOut, info] = ckbs_L1_affine(max_itr, epsilon, z, g, h, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);

    ok = (ok) && (info(end, 2) < epsilon);

    % % --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if draw_plot



        hold on

        plot(t', x_true(2,:)', '-k', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );

        meas = z(1,:);
        meas(meas > v_max) = v_max;
        meas(meas < v_min) = v_min;
        plot(t', meas, 'bd',  'MarkerFaceColor', [.49 1 .63], 'MarkerSize', 6);

        plot(t', xOut(2,:)', '-m', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k' );

        plot(t', xOut2(2,:)', '-r', 'Linewidth', 2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');

        axis([h_min, h_max, v_min, v_max]);

        title('Gaussian and L1 smoothers. Black=truth, Blue = meas, Magenta = Gaussian, Red = L1.');

        hold off


        % constrained estimate


Input File: example/L1_affine_ok.m
9: ckbs Utility Functions

9.a: Contents
ckbs_t_obj: 9.1Student's t Sum of Squares Objective
ckbs_t_grad: 9.2Student's t Gradient
ckbs_t_hess: 9.3Student's t Hessian
ckbs_diag_solve: 9.4Block Diagonal Algorithm
ckbs_bidiag_solve: 9.5Block Bidiagonal Algorithm
ckbs_bidiag_solve_t: 9.6Block Bidiagonal Algorithm
ckbs_blkbidiag_symm_mul: 9.7Packed Block Bidiagonal Matrix Symmetric Multiply
ckbs_blkdiag_mul: 9.8Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector or Matrix
ckbs_blkdiag_mul_t: 9.9Transpose of Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector
or Matrix
ckbs_blkbidiag_mul_t: 9.10Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Transpose Times a Vector
ckbs_blkbidiag_mul: 9.11Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
ckbs_blktridiag_mul: 9.12Packed Block Tridiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
ckbs_sumsq_obj: 9.13Affine Residual Sum of Squares Objective
ckbs_L2L1_obj: 9.14Affine Least Squares with Robust L1 Objective
ckbs_sumsq_grad: 9.15Affine Residual Sum of Squares Gradient
ckbs_process_grad: 9.16Affine Residual Process Sum of Squares Gradient
ckbs_sumsq_hes: 9.17Affine Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
ckbs_process_hes: 9.18Affine Process Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
ckbs_tridiag_solve: 9.19Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm
ckbs_tridiag_solve_b: 9.20Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Backward version)
ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg: 9.21Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Conjugate Gradient version)
ckbs_newton_step: 9.22Affine Constrained Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step
ckbs_newton_step_L1: 9.23Affine Robust L1 Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step
ckbs_kuhn_tucker: 9.24Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1: 9.25Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions for Robust L1

Input File: omh/utility.omh
9.1: Student's t Sum of Squares Objective

9.1.a: Syntax
[obj] = ckbs_t_obj(

9.1.b: Purpose
This routine computes the value of the Student's t objective function.

9.1.c: Notation
The affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares is defined by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )^\R{T} * R_k^{-1} * ( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )
& + &
( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
where the matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero.

9.1.d: x
The argument x is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x_k = x(:, k)
and x has size  n \times N .

9.1.e: z
The argument z is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      z_k = z(:, k)
and z has size  m \times N .

9.1.f: g_fun
The argument g_fun is a function handle to the process model.

9.1.g: h_fun
The argument h_fun is a function handle to the measurement model.

9.1.h: qinv
The argument qinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      Q_k^{-1} = qinv(:,:, k)
and qinv has size  n \times n \times N .

9.1.i: rinv
The argument rinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      R_k^{-1} = rinv(:,:, k)
and rinv has size  m \times m \times N .

9.1.j: obj
The result obj is a scalar given by  \[
      obj = S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N )

9.1.k: Example
The file 9.1.1: t_obj_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_t_obj. It returns true if ckbs_t_obj passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_t_obj.m
9.1.1: ckbs_t_obj Example and Test

9.1.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = t_obj_ok()
ok = true;
% --------------------------------------------------------
% You can change these parameters
m    = 1;   % number of measurements per time point
n    = 2;   % number of state vector components per time point
N    = 3;   % number of time points
% ---------------------------------------------------------
%  Define the problem
rand('seed', 123);
x    = rand(n, N);
z    = rand(m, N);
qinv = zeros(n, n, N);
rinv = zeros(m, m, N);
for k = 1 : N
    tmp           = rand(m, m);
    rinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(m);
    tmp           = rand(n, n);
    qinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(n);
params.direct_h_index = 1;
h_fun = @(k,x) direct_h(k,x,params);

params.pos_vel_g_dt = .05;
params.pos_vel_g_initial = zeros(n,1);
g_fun = @(k,x) pos_vel_g(k,x,params);

df_meas = 4;
df_proc = 4;
params.df_proc = df_proc;
params.df_meas = df_meas;
params.inds_proc_st = [];
params.inds_meas_st = 1;

% ---------------------------------------------------------
% Compute the Objective using ckbs_t_obj
obj  = ckbs_t_obj(x, z, g_fun, h_fun, qinv, rinv, params);
% ---------------------------------------------------------
res_z = zeros(m, N);
for k = 1 : N
    xk    = x(:, k);
    res_z(:,k)    = z(:,k) - feval(h_fun, k, xk);

res_x = zeros(n, N);
xk = zeros(n, 1);
for k = 1 : N
	xkm   = xk;
	xk    = x(:, k);
	gk    = feval(g_fun, k, xkm);
	res_x(:,k)  = xk - gk;

obj2 = 0;
for k = 1 : N
    qinv_k = qinv(:, :, k);
    rinv_k = rinv(:, :, k);

    res_x_k = res_x(:,k);
    res_z_k = res_z(:,k);
    obj2   = obj2 + 0.5*(df_meas)*log(1 + (1/df_meas)*res_z_k' * rinv_k * res_z_k) + ...
        0.5*res_x_k' * qinv_k * res_x_k;

ok = ok & ( abs(obj - obj2) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/t_obj_ok.m
9.2: Student's t Gradient

9.2.a: Syntax
[grad] = ckbs_t_grad(

9.2.b: Purpose
This computes the gradient of the of the general Student's t objective.

9.2.c: Notation
The affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares is defined by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )^\R{T} * R_k^{-1} * ( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )
& + &
( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
where the matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero.

9.2.d: Gradient
We define  Q_{N+1} to be the  n \times n identity matrix and  G_{N+1} to be zero,  \[
\nabla_k S_k^{(1)} ( x_k , x_{k-1} )
& = &  H_k^\R{T} * R_k^{-1} * ( h_k + H_k * x_k - z_k )
  +    Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
\nabla_k S_{k+1}^{(1)} ( x_{k+1} , x_k )
& = & G_{k+1}^\R{T} * Q_{k+1}^{-1} * ( g_{k+1} + G_{k+1} * x_k  - x_{k+1} )
It follows that the gradient of the affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares is  \[
\nabla S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N )
& = &
\left( \begin{array}{c}
      d_1 \\ \vdots \\ d_N
\end{array} \right)
d_k & = & \nabla_k S_k^{(1)}     ( x_k , x_{k-1} )
      +   \nabla_k S_{k+1}^{(1)} ( x_{k+1} , x_k )
where  S_{N+1} ( x_{N+1} , x_N ) is defined as identically zero.

9.2.e: x
The argument x is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x_k = x(:, k)
and x has size  n \times N .

9.2.f: z
The argument z is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      z_k = z(:, k)
and z has size  m \times N .

9.2.g: g_fun
The argument g_fun is a function handle for the process model.

9.2.h: h_fun
The argument h_fun is a function handle for the measurement model.

9.2.i: qinv
The argument qinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      Q_k^{-1} = qinv(:,:,k)
and qinv has size  n \times n \times N .

9.2.j: rinv
The argument rinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      R_k^{-1} = rinv(:,:,k)
and rinv has size  m \times m \times N .

9.2.k: params
The argument params is a structure containing the requisite parameters.

9.2.l: grad
The result grad is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      d_k = grad(:, k)
and grad has size  n \times N .

9.2.m: Example
The file 9.2.1: t_grad_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_t_grad. It returns true if ckbs_t_grad passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_t_grad.m
9.2.1: ckbs_t_grad Example and Test

9.2.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = t_grad_ok()
ok = true;
% --------------------------------------------------------
% You can change these parameters
m    = 1;   % number of measurements per time point
n    = 2;   % number of state vector components per time point
N    = 1;   % number of time points
% ---------------------------------------------------------
%  Define the problem
rand('seed', 123);
%  Define the problem
rand('seed', 123);
x    = rand(n, N);
z    = rand(m, N);
qinv = zeros(n, n, N);
rinv = zeros(m, m, N);
for k = 1 : N
    tmp           = rand(m, m);
    rinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(m);
    tmp           = rand(n, n);
    qinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(n);
params.direct_h_index = 1;
h_fun = @(k,x) direct_h(k,x,params);

params.pos_vel_g_dt = .01;
params.pos_vel_g_initial = zeros(n,1);
g_fun = @(k,x) pos_vel_g(k,x,params);

df_meas = 4;
df_proc = 4;
params.df_proc = df_proc;
params.df_meas = df_meas;
params.inds_proc_st = 1;
params.inds_meas_st = [];
% ---------------------------------------------------------
% Compute the gradient using ckbs_t_grad
g1 = ckbs_t_grad(x, z, g_fun, h_fun, qinv, rinv, params);
f1 = ckbs_t_obj(x, z, g_fun, h_fun, qinv, rinv, params);

eps = 1e-5;
diff = eps*randn(size(x));
x2 = x + diff;
g2 = ckbs_t_grad(x2, z, g_fun, h_fun, qinv, rinv, params);
f2 = ckbs_t_obj(x2, z, g_fun, h_fun, qinv, rinv, params);
temp = 0.5 *(g1(:) + g2(:))'*(diff(:))/(f2 - f1);
y = abs(1-temp)

ok = ok & (abs(y) < 1e-8);

Input File: example/t_grad_ok.m
9.3: Student's t Hessian

9.3.a: Syntax
[grad] = ckbs_t_hess(

9.3.b: Purpose
This computes the gradient of the of the general Student's t objective.

9.3.c: Notation
The affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares is defined by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )^\R{T} * R_k^{-1} * ( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )
& + &
( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
where the matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero.

9.3.d: Gradient
We define  Q_{N+1} to be the  n \times n identity matrix and  G_{N+1} to be zero,  \[
\nabla_k S_k^{(1)} ( x_k , x_{k-1} )
& = &  H_k^\R{T} * R_k^{-1} * ( h_k + H_k * x_k - z_k )
  +    Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
\nabla_k S_{k+1}^{(1)} ( x_{k+1} , x_k )
& = & G_{k+1}^\R{T} * Q_{k+1}^{-1} * ( g_{k+1} + G_{k+1} * x_k  - x_{k+1} )
It follows that the gradient of the affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares is  \[
\nabla S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N )
& = &
\left( \begin{array}{c}
      d_1 \\ \vdots \\ d_N
\end{array} \right)
d_k & = & \nabla_k S_k^{(1)}     ( x_k , x_{k-1} )
      +   \nabla_k S_{k+1}^{(1)} ( x_{k+1} , x_k )
where  S_{N+1} ( x_{N+1} , x_N ) is defined as identically zero.

9.3.e: x
The argument x is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x_k = x(:, k)
and x has size  n \times N .

9.3.f: z
The argument z is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      z_k = z(:, k)
and z has size  m \times N .

9.3.g: g_fun
The argument g_fun is a function handle for the process model.

9.3.h: h_fun
The argument h_fun is a function handle for the measurement model.

9.3.i: qinv
The argument qinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      Q_k^{-1} = qinv(:,:,k)
and qinv has size  n \times n \times N .

9.3.j: rinv
The argument rinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      R_k^{-1} = rinv(:,:,k)
and rinv has size  m \times m \times N .

9.3.k: params
The argument params is a structure containing the requisite parameters.

9.3.l: D
The result D is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      D_k = hess(:, :, k)
and D has size  n\times n \times N .

9.3.m: A
The result A is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      A_k = hess(:,:,k)
and A has size  n\times n \times N .

9.3.n: Example
The file 9.3.1: t_hess_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_t_hess. It returns true if ckbs_t_hess passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_t_hess.m
9.3.1: ckbs_t_hess Example and Test

9.3.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = t_hess_ok()
    ok = true;
% --------------------------------------------------------
% You can change these parameters
m    = 1;   % number of measurements per time point
n    = 2;   % number of state vector components per time point
N    = 1;   % number of time points
% ---------------------------------------------------------
%  Define the problem
rand('seed', 123);
%  Define the problem
rand('seed', 123);
x    = rand(n, N);
z    = rand(m, N);
qinv = zeros(n, n, N);
rinv = zeros(m, m, N);
for k = 1 : N
    tmp           = rand(m, m);
    rinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(m);
    tmp           = rand(n, n);
    qinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(n);
params.direct_h_index = 1;
h_fun = @(k,x) direct_h(k,x,params);

params.pos_vel_g_dt = .05;
params.pos_vel_g_initial = zeros(n,1);
g_fun = @(k,x) pos_vel_g(k,x,params);

df_meas = 4;
df_proc = 4;
params.df_proc = df_proc;
params.df_meas = df_meas;
params.inds_proc_st = 2;
params.inds_meas_st = 1;
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % Compute the Hessian using ckbs_t_hess
    [D, A] = ckbs_t_hess(x, z, g_fun, h_fun, qinv, rinv, params);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    H = ckbs_blktridiag_mul(D, A, eye(n*N));
    % Use finite differences to check Hessian
    x    = rand(n, N);
    z    = rand(m, N);
    step   = 1e-5;
    for k = 1 : N
        for i = 1 : n
            % Check second partial w.r.t x(i, k)
            xm       = x;
            xm(i, k) = xm(i, k) - step;
            gradm = ckbs_t_grad(xm, z, g_fun, h_fun, qinv, rinv, params);
            xp       = x;
            xp(i, k) = xp(i, k) + step;
            gradp = ckbs_t_grad(xp, z, g_fun, h_fun, qinv, rinv, params);
            check  = (gradp - gradm) / ( 2 * step );
            for k1 = 1 : N
                for i1 = 1 : n
                    value = H(i + (k-1)*n, i1 + (k1-1)*n);
                    diff  = check(i1, k1) - value
                    ok     = ok & ( abs(diff) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/t_hess_ok.m
9.4: Block Diagonal Algorithm

9.4.a: Syntax
[elambda] = ckbs_diag_solve(br)

9.4.b: Purpose
This routine solves the following linear system of equations for  e :  \[
      A * e = r
where the diagonal matrix  A is defined by  \[
A =
\left( \begin{array}{ccccc}
b_1    & 0 & 0          & \cdots       \\
0    & b_2       & 0  &         \\
\vdots &           & \ddots     &               \\
0      & \cdots    & 0           & b_N    
\end{array} \right)

9.4.c: b
The argument b is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      b_k = b(:,:,k)
and b has size  n \times n \times N .

9.4.d: r
The argument r is an  (n * N) \times m matrix.

9.4.e: e
The result e is an  (n * N) \times m matrix.

9.4.f: lambda
The result lambda is a scalar equal to the logarithm of the determinant of  A .

9.4.g: Example
The file 9.4.1: diag_solve_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_diag_solve. It returns true if ckbs_diag_solve passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_diag_solve.m
9.4.1: ckbs_diag_solve Example and Test

9.4.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = diag_solve_ok()
    ok = true;
    m  = 2;
    n  = 3;
    N  = 4;
    % case where uk = 0, qk = I, and ak is random
    rand('seed', 123);
    a = rand(n, n, N);
    r = rand(n * N, m);
    for k = 1 : N
        ak         = a(:, :, k);
        b(:, :, k) = 2 * eye(n) + ak * ak';
    % ----------------------------------------
    [e, lambda] = ckbs_diag_solve(b, r);
    % ----------------------------------------

    check = ckbs_blkdiag_mul(b, e);

    ok = ok & max(max(abs(check - r))) < 1e-10;


Input File: example/diag_solve_ok.m
9.5: Block Bidiagonal Algorithm

9.5.a: Syntax
[elambda] = ckbs_bidiag_solve(bcr)

9.5.b: Purpose
This routine solves the following linear system of equations for  e :  \[
      A * e = r
where the bidiagonal matrix  A is defined by  \[
A =
\left( \begin{array}{ccccc}
b_1    & 0 & 0          & \cdots       \\
c_2    & b_2       & 0  &         \\
\vdots &           & \ddots     &               \\
0      & \cdots    & c_N           & b_N    
\end{array} \right)

9.5.c: b
The argument b is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      b_k = b(:,:,k)
and b has size  n \times n \times N .

9.5.d: c
The argument c is a three dimensional array, for  k = 2 , \ldots , N  \[
      c_k = c(:,:,k)
and c has size  n \times n \times N .

9.5.e: r
The argument r is an  (n * N) \times m matrix.

9.5.f: e
The result e is an  (n * N) \times m matrix.

9.5.g: lambda
The result lambda is a scalar equal to the logarithm of the determinant of  A .

9.5.h: Example
The file 9.5.1: bidiag_solve_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_bidiag_solve. It returns true if ckbs_bidiag_solve passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_bidiag_solve.m
9.5.1: ckbs_bidiag_solve Example and Test

9.5.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = bidiag_solve_ok()
    ok = true;
    m  = 2;
    n  = 3;
    N  = 4;
    % case where uk = 0, qk = I, and ak is random
    rand('seed', 123);
    a = rand(n, n, N);
    r = rand(n * N, m);
    c = zeros(n, n, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        ak         = a(:, :, k);
        b(:, :, k) = 2 * eye(n) + ak * ak';
        c(:, :, k) = ak';
    % ----------------------------------------
    [e, lambda] = ckbs_bidiag_solve(b, c, r);
    % ----------------------------------------

    check = ckbs_blkbidiag_mul(b, c, e);

    ok = ok & max(max(abs(check - r))) < 1e-10;


Input File: example/bidiag_solve_ok.m
9.6: Block Bidiagonal Algorithm

9.6.a: Syntax
[elambda] = ckbs_bidiag_solve_t(bcr)

9.6.b: Purpose
This routine solves the following linear system of equations for  e :  \[
      A^T * e = r
where the bidiagonal matrix  A is defined by  \[
A =
\left( \begin{array}{ccccc}
b_1    & 0 & 0          & \cdots       \\
c_2    & b_2       & 0  &         \\
\vdots &           & \ddots     &               \\
0      & \cdots    & c_N           & b_N    
\end{array} \right)

9.6.c: b
The argument b is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      b_k = b(:,:,k)
and b has size  n \times n \times N .

9.6.d: c
The argument c is a three dimensional array, for  k = 2 , \ldots , N  \[
      c_k = c(:,:,k)
and c has size  n \times n \times N .

9.6.e: r
The argument r is an  (n * N) \times m matrix.

9.6.f: e
The result e is an  (n * N) \times m matrix.

9.6.g: lambda
The result lambda is a scalar equal to the logarithm of the determinant of  A .

9.6.h: Example
The file 9.6.1: bidiag_solve_t_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_bidiag_solve_t. It returns true if ckbs_bidiag_solve_t passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_bidiag_solve_t.m
9.6.1: ckbs_bidiag_solve_t Example and Test

9.6.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = bidiag_solve_t_ok()
    ok = true;
    m  = 2;
    n  = 3;
    N  = 4; 
    % case where uk = 0, qk = I, and ak is random
    rand('seed', 123);
    a = rand(n, n, N);
    r = rand(n * N, m);
    c = zeros(n, n, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        ak         = a(:, :, k);
        b(:, :, k) = 2 * eye(n) + ak * ak';
        c(:, :, k) = ak';
    % ----------------------------------------
    [e, lambda] = ckbs_bidiag_solve_t(b, c, r);
    % ----------------------------------------

    check = ckbs_blkbidiag_mul_t(b, c, e);

    ok = ok & max(max(abs(check - r))) < 1e-10;


Input File: example/bidiag_solve_t_ok.m
9.7: Packed Block Bidiagonal Matrix Symmetric Multiply

9.7.a: Syntax
[rs] = ckbs_blkbidiag_symm_mul(BdiaBoffdiaDdia)

9.7.b: Purpose
This routine takes a packed block bidiagonal matrix and a packed block diagonal matrix (optional), and returns the symmetric product matrix (as packed tridiagonal matrix):  \[
      W = B * D * B^T
The actual output consists of a packed representation of the diagonal and off-diagonal blocks of the matrix  W .

9.7.c: Bdia
The argument Bdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  B_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      B_k = Bdia(:, :, k)

9.7.d: Boffdia
The argument Boffdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 2 , \ldots , N we define  C_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      C_k = Boffdia(:, :, k)

9.7.e: Ddia
The argument Ddia is an  n \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  D_k \in \B{R}^{n \times n} by  \[
      D_k = Ddia(:, :, k)

9.7.f: B
The matrix  B is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
      B_1 & 0      & 0      &           \\
      C_2^T   & B_2    & \ddots      & 0         \\
      0   & \ddots      & \ddots & 0         \\
          & 0      & C_N^T      & B_N
\end{array} \right)

9.7.g: D
The matrix  D is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
      D_1 & 0      & 0      &           \\
      0   & D_2    & \ddots      & 0         \\
      0   & \ddots      & \ddots & 0         \\
          & 0      & 0      & D_N
\end{array} \right)

9.7.h: r
The result r is an  n \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  r_k \in \B{R}^{n \times n} by  \[
      r_k = r(:, :, k)

9.7.i: s
The result s is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 2 , \ldots , N we define  r_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      s_k = s(:, :, k)

9.7.j: Example
The file 9.7.1: blkbidiag_symm_mul_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_blkbidiag_symm_mul. It returns true if ckbs_blkbidiag_symm_mul passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_blkbidiag_symm_mul.m
9.7.1: blkbidiag_symm_mul Example and Test

9.7.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = blkbidiag_symm_mul_ok()
ok = true;
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% You can change these parameters
m    = 2;
n    = 3;
N    = 4;
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% Define the problem
rand('seed', 123);

rand('seed', 123);

Hdia  = rand(n, n, N);
Hlow  = rand(n, n, N);
Ddia  = zeros(n, n, N); 

for k = 1:N
    dk = rand(n, n);
    Ddia(:,:,k)  = dk'*dk;

Hfull = ckbs_blkbidiag_mul(Hdia, Hlow, eye(n*N));
Dfull = ckbs_blkdiag_mul(Ddia, eye(n*N));

HDHfull = Hfull * Dfull *  Hfull';

[r, s]  = ckbs_blkbidiag_symm_mul(Hdia, Hlow, Ddia);

HDH     = ckbs_blktridiag_mul(r, s, eye(n*N));

check = HDH - HDHfull;

ok    = ok & ( max(max(abs(check))) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/blkbidiag_symm_mul_ok.m
9.8: Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector or Matrix

9.8.a: Syntax
[w] = ckbs_blkdiag_mul(Bdiav)

9.8.b: Purpose
This routine enables one to used the packed form of a block diagonal matrix and returns the matrix times a vector or matrix; i.e.,  \[
      W = B * V

9.8.c: Bdia
The argument Bdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  B_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      B_k = Bdia(:, :, k)

9.8.d: B
The matrix  B is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
      B_1 & 0      & 0      &           \\
      0   & B_2    & 0      & 0         \\
      0   & 0      & \ddots & 0         \\
          & 0      & 0      & B_N
\end{array} \right)

9.8.e: V
The argument V is a matrix of size  n * N \times
, with no restrictions on  p .

9.8.f: W
The result W is a matrix of size  m * N \times p .

9.8.g: Example
The file 9.8.1: blkdiag_mul_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_blkdiag_mul. It returns true if ckbs_blkdiag_mul passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_blkdiag_mul.m
9.8.1: blkdiag_mul Example and Test

9.8.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = blkdiag_mul_ok()
    ok = true;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 2;
    n    = 3;
    N    = 2;
    k    = 3;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    % Define the problem
    rand('seed', 123);
    v     = rand(n * N, k);
    Bdiag = zeros(m, n, N);
    B     = zeros(m * N , n * N);
    blk_m = 1 : m;
    blk_n = 1 : n;
    for k = 1 : N
        Bdiag(:, :, k)  = rand(m, n);
        B(blk_m, blk_n) = Bdiag(:, :, k);
        blk_m           = blk_m + m;
        blk_n           = blk_n + n;
    % -------------------------------------
    w     = ckbs_blkdiag_mul(Bdiag, v);
    % -------------------------------------
    check = B * v;
    ok    = ok & ( max(max(abs(w - check))) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/blkdiag_mul_ok.m
9.9: Transpose of Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector or Matrix

9.9.a: Syntax
[w] = ckbs_blkdiag_mul_t(Bdiav)

9.9.b: Purpose
This routine enables one to used the packed form of a block diagonal matrix and returns the transpose of the matrix times a matrix; i.e.,  \[
      W = B^\R{T} * V

9.9.c: Bdia
The argument Bdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  B_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      B_k = Bdia(:, :, k)

9.9.d: B
The matrix  B is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
      B_1 & 0      & 0      &           \\
      0   & B_2    & 0      & 0         \\
      0   & 0      & \ddots & 0         \\
          & 0      & 0      & B_N
\end{array} \right)

9.9.e: V
The argument V is a matrix of size  m * N \times
, with no restrictions on  p .

9.9.f: W
The result W is a matrix of size  n * N \times p .

9.9.g: Example
The file 9.9.1: blkdiag_mul_t_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_blkdiag_mul_t. It returns true if ckbs_blkdiag_mul_t passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_blkdiag_mul_t.m
9.9.1: blkdiag_mul_t Example and Test

9.9.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = blkdiag_mul_t_ok()
    ok = true;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 2;
    n    = 3;
    N    = 2;
    p   =  5;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    % Define the problem
    rand('seed', 123);
    v     = rand(m * N, p);
    Bdiag = zeros(m, n, N);
    B     = zeros(m * N , n * N);
    blk_m = 1 : m;
    blk_n = 1 : n;
    for k = 1 : N
        Bdiag(:, :, k)  = rand(m, n);
        B(blk_m, blk_n) = Bdiag(:, :, k);
        blk_m           = blk_m + m;
        blk_n           = blk_n + n;
    % -------------------------------------
    w     = ckbs_blkdiag_mul_t(Bdiag, v);
    % -------------------------------------
    check = B' * v;
    ok    = ok & ( max(max(abs(w - check))) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/blkdiag_mul_t_ok.m
9.10: Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Transpose Times a Vector

9.10.a: Syntax
[w] = ckbs_blkbidiag_mul_t(BdiaBoffdiav)

9.10.b: Purpose
This routine enables one to used the packed form of a lower block bidiagonal matrix and returns the transpose of the matrix times a vector or matrix; i.e.,  \[
      W = B^T * V

9.10.c: Bdia
The argument Bdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  B_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      B_k = Bdia(:, :, k)

9.10.d: Boffdia
The argument Boffdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 2 , \ldots , N we define  C_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      C_k = Boffdia(:, :, k)

9.10.e: B
The matrix  B is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
      B_1 & 0     & 0      &           \\
      C_2^T   & 0   & \ddots      & 0         \\
      0   & \ddots      & \ddots & 0         \\
          & 0      & C_N^T      & B_N
\end{array} \right)

9.10.f: V
The argument V is a matrix of size  n * N \times
, with no restriction on  k .

9.10.g: W
The result W is a matrix of size  m * N \times k .

9.10.h: Example
The file 9.10.1: blkbidiag_mul_t_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_blkbidiag_mul_t. It returns true if ckbs_blkbidiag_mul_t passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_blkbidiag_mul_t.m
9.10.1: blkbidiag_mul_t Example and Test

9.10.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = blkbidiag_mul_t_ok()
    ok = true;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 2;
    n    = 3;
    N    = 4;
    p   = 3;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    % Define the problem
    rand('seed', 123);
    v     = rand(n * N, 3);

    rand('seed', 123);
    a = rand(n, n, N);
    r = rand(n * N, m);
    Hdia  = rand(n, n, N);
    Hlow  = rand(n, n, N);
    Hcheck = zeros(n*N);

    blk_n = 1 : n;
    for k = 1 : N
        Hcheck(blk_n, blk_n) = Hdia(:,:, k)';
        blk_n           = blk_n + n;
    blk_n = 1:n;
    for k = 2:N;
        blk_minus       = blk_n;
        blk_n           = blk_n + n;
        Hcheck(blk_minus, blk_n) = Hlow(:,:, k)';
    % -------------------------------------

    H = ckbs_blkbidiag_mul_t(Hdia, Hlow, eye(n*N));

    % -------------------------------------
    check = H - Hcheck;
    ok    = ok & ( max(max(abs(check))) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/blkbidiag_mul_t_ok.m
9.11: Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Times a Vector

9.11.a: Syntax
[w] = ckbs_blkbidiag_mul(BdiaBoffdiav)

9.11.b: Purpose
This routine enables one to used the packed form of a lower block bidiagonal matrix and returns the matrix times a vector or matrix; i.e.,  \[
      W = B * V

9.11.c: Bdia
The argument Bdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  B_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      B_k = Bdia(:, :, k)

9.11.d: Boffdia
The argument Boffdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 2 , \ldots , N we define  C_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      C_k = Boffdia(:, :, k)

9.11.e: B
The matrix  B is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
      B_1 & 0     & 0      &           \\
      C_2^T   & 0   & \ddots      & 0         \\
      0   & \ddots      & \ddots & 0         \\
          & 0      & C_N^T      & B_N
\end{array} \right)

9.11.f: V
The argument V is a matrix of size  n * N \times
, with no restriction on  k .

9.11.g: W
The result W is a matrix of size  m * N \times k .

9.11.h: Example
The file 9.11.1: blkbidiag_mul_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_blkbidiag_mul. It returns true if ckbs_blkbidiag_mul passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_blkbidiag_mul.m
9.11.1: blkbidiag_mul Example and Test

9.11.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = blkbidiag_mul_ok()
    ok = true;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 2;
    n    = 3;
    N    = 4;
    p   = 3;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    % Define the problem
    rand('seed', 123);
    v     = rand(n * N, 3);

    rand('seed', 123);
    a = rand(n, n, N);
    r = rand(n * N, m);
    Hdia  = rand(n, n, N);
    Hlow  = rand(n, n, N);
    Hcheck = zeros(n*N);

    blk_n = 1 : n;
    for k = 1 : N
        Hcheck(blk_n, blk_n) = Hdia(:,:, k);
        blk_n           = blk_n + n;
    blk_n = 1:n;
    for k = 2:N;
        blk_minus       = blk_n;
        blk_n           = blk_n + n;
        Hcheck(blk_n, blk_minus) = Hlow(:,:, k);
    % -------------------------------------

    H = ckbs_blkbidiag_mul(Hdia, Hlow, eye(n*N));

    % -------------------------------------
    check = H - Hcheck;
    ok    = ok & ( max(max(abs(check))) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/blkbidiag_mul_ok.m
9.12: Packed Block Tridiagonal Matrix Times a Vector

9.12.a: Syntax
[w] = ckbs_blktridiag_mul(BdiaBoffdiav)

9.12.b: Purpose
This routine enables one to used the packed form of a block tridiagonal matrix and returns the matrix times a vector or matrix; i.e.,  \[
      W = B * V

9.12.c: Bdia
The argument Bdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  B_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      B_k = Bdia(:, :, k)

9.12.d: Boffdia
The argument Boffdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 2 , \ldots , N we define  C_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      C_k = Boffdia(:, :, k)

9.12.e: B
The matrix  B is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
      B_1 & C_2      & 0      &           \\
      C_2^T   & B_2    & \ddots      & 0         \\
      0   & \ddots      & \ddots & C_N         \\
          & 0      & C_N^T      & B_N
\end{array} \right)

9.12.f: V
The argument V is a matrix of size  n * N \times
, with no restriction on  k .

9.12.g: W
The result W is a matrix of size  m * N \times k .

9.12.h: Example
The file 9.12.1: blktridiag_mul_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_blktridiag_mul. It returns true if ckbs_blktridiag_mul passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_blktridiag_mul.m
9.12.1: blktridiag_mul Example and Test

9.12.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = blktridiag_mul_ok()
    ok = true;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 2;
    n    = 3;
    N    = 4;
    p   = 3;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    % Define the problem
    rand('seed', 123);
    v     = rand(n * N, 3);

    rand('seed', 123);
    a = rand(n, n, N);
    r = rand(n * N, m);
    Hdia  = rand(n, n, N);
    Hlow  = rand(n, n, N);
    Hcheck = zeros(n*N);

    blk_n = 1 : n;
    for k = 1 : N
        Hcheck(blk_n, blk_n) = Hdia(:,:, k);
        blk_n           = blk_n + n;
    blk_n = 1:n;
    for k = 2:N;
        blk_minus       = blk_n;
        blk_n           = blk_n + n;
        Hcheck(blk_n, blk_minus) = Hlow(:,:, k);
        Hcheck(blk_minus, blk_n) = Hlow(:,:, k)';
    % -------------------------------------

    H = ckbs_blktridiag_mul(Hdia, Hlow, eye(n*N));

    % -------------------------------------
    check = H - Hcheck;
    ok    = ok & ( max(max(abs(check))) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/blktridiag_mul_ok.m
9.13: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Objective

9.13.a: Syntax
[obj] = ckbs_sumsq_obj(

9.13.b: Purpose
This routine computes the value of the affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares objective function.

9.13.c: Notation
The affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares is defined by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )^\R{T} * R_k^{-1} * ( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )
& + &
( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
where the matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero.

9.13.d: x
The argument x is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x_k = x(:, k)
and x has size  n \times N .

9.13.e: z
The argument z is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      z_k = z(:, k)
and z has size  m \times N .

9.13.f: g
The argument g is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      g_k = g(:, k)
and g has size  n \times N .

9.13.g: h
The argument h is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      h_k = h(:, k)
and h has size  m \times N .

9.13.h: dg
The argument dg is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      G_k = dg(:,:,k)
and dg has size  n \times n \times N .

9.13.i: dh
The argument dh is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      H_k = dh(:,:,k)
and dh has size  m \times n \times N .

9.13.j: qinv
The argument qinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      Q_k^{-1} = qinv(:,:, k)
and qinv has size  n \times n \times N .

9.13.k: rinv
The argument rinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      R_k^{-1} = rinv(:,:, k)
and rinv has size  m \times m \times N .

9.13.l: obj
The result obj is a scalar given by  \[
      obj = S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N )

9.13.m: Example
The file 9.13.1: sumsq_obj_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_sumsq_obj. It returns true if ckbs_sumsq_obj passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_sumsq_obj.m
9.13.1: ckbs_sumsq_obj Example and Test

9.13.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = sumsq_obj_ok()
    ok = true;
    % --------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 1;   % number of measurements per time point
    n    = 2;   % number of state vector components per time point
    N    = 3;   % number of time points
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    %  Define the problem
    rand('seed', 123);
    x    = rand(n, N);
    z    = rand(m, N);
    h    = rand(m, N);
    g    = rand(n, N);
    dh   = zeros(m, n, N);
    dg   = zeros(n, n, N);
    qinv = zeros(n, n, N);
    rinv = zeros(m, m, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        dh(:, :, k)   = rand(m, n);
        dg(:, :, k)   = rand(n, n);
        tmp           = rand(m, m);
        rinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(m);
        tmp           = rand(n, n);
        qinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(n);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % Compute the Objective using ckbs_sumsq_obj
    obj  = ckbs_sumsq_obj(x, z, g, h, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    sumsq = 0;
    xk    = zeros(n, 1);
    for k = 1 : N
        xkm   = xk;
        xk    = x(:, k);
        xres  = xk      - g(:, k) - dg(:,:, k) * xkm;
        zres  = z(:, k) - h(:, k) - dh(:,:, k) * xk;
        sumsq = sumsq + xres' * qinv(:,:, k) * xres;
        sumsq = sumsq + zres' * rinv(:,:, k) * zres;
    ok = ok & ( abs(obj - sumsq/2) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/sumsq_obj_ok.m
9.14: Affine Least Squares with Robust L1 Objective

9.14.a: Syntax
[obj] = ckbs_L2L1_obj(

9.14.b: Purpose
This routine computes the value of the least squares (for process) with robust L1 norm (for residuals) objective function.

9.14.c: Notation
The affine least squares with robust L1 norm objective is defined by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
\|R_k^{-1/2}( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )^\R{T}\|_1
& + &
( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
where the matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero.

9.14.d: x
The argument x is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N ,  \[
x_k = x(:, k)
and x has size  n \times N .

9.14.e: z
The argument z is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      z_k = z(:, k)
and z has size  m \times N .

9.14.f: g
The argument g is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      g_k = g(:, k)
and g has size  n \times N .

9.14.g: h
The argument h is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      h_k = h(:, k)
and h has size  m \times N .

9.14.h: dg
The argument dg is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      G_k = dg(:,:,k)
and dg has size  n \times n \times N .

9.14.i: dh
The argument dh is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      H_k = dh(:,:,k)
and dh has size  m \times n \times N .

9.14.j: qinv
The argument qinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      Q_k^{-1} = qinv(:,:, k)
and qinv has size  n \times n \times N .

9.14.k: rinv
The argument rinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      R_k^{-1} = rinv(:,:, k)
and rinv has size  m \times m \times N .

9.14.l: obj
The result obj is a scalar given by  \[
      obj = S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N )

9.14.m: Example
The file 9.14.1: L2L1_obj_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_L2L1_obj. It returns true if ckbs_L2L1_obj passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_L2L1_obj.m
9.14.1: ckbs_L2L1_obj Example and Test

9.14.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = L2L1_obj_ok()
    ok = true;
    % --------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 1;   % number of measurements per time point
    n    = 2;   % number of state vector components per time point
    N    = 3;   % number of time points
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    %  Define the problem
    rand('seed', 123);
    x    = rand(n, N);
    z    = rand(m, N);
    h    = rand(m, N);
    g    = rand(n, N);
    dh   = zeros(m, n, N);
    dg   = zeros(n, n, N);
    qinv = zeros(n, n, N);
    rinv = zeros(m, m, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        dh(:, :, k)   = rand(m, n);
        dg(:, :, k)   = rand(n, n);
        tmp           = rand(m, m);
        rinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(m);
        tmp           = rand(n, n);
        qinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(n);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % Compute the Objective using ckbs_L2L1_obj
    obj  = ckbs_L2L1_obj(x, z, g, h, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    L2L1 = 0;
    xk    = zeros(n, 1);
    for k = 1 : N
        xkm   = xk;
        xk    = x(:, k);
        xres  = xk      - g(:, k) - dg(:,:, k) * xkm;
        zres  = z(:, k) - h(:, k) - dh(:,:, k) * xk;
        L2L1 = L2L1 + 0.5*norm(chol(qinv(:,:,k))*xres)^2;
        L2L1 = L2L1 + sqrt(2)*norm(chol(rinv(:,:,k))*zres, 1);
    ok = ok & ( abs(obj - L2L1) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/L2L1_obj_ok.m
9.15: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Gradient

9.15.a: Syntax
[grad] = ckbs_sumsq_grad(

9.15.b: Purpose
This computes the gradient of the of the affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares.

9.15.c: Notation
The affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares is defined by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )^\R{T} * R_k^{-1} * ( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )
& + &
( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
where the matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero.

9.15.d: Gradient
We define  Q_{N+1} to be the  n \times n identity matrix and  G_{N+1} to be zero,  \[
\nabla_k S_k^{(1)} ( x_k , x_{k-1} )
& = &  H_k^\R{T} * R_k^{-1} * ( h_k + H_k * x_k - z_k )
  +    Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
\nabla_k S_{k+1}^{(1)} ( x_{k+1} , x_k )
& = & G_{k+1}^\R{T} * Q_{k+1}^{-1} * ( g_{k+1} + G_{k+1} * x_k  - x_{k+1} )
It follows that the gradient of the affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares is  \[
\nabla S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N )
& = &
\left( \begin{array}{c}
      d_1 \\ \vdots \\ d_N
\end{array} \right)
d_k & = & \nabla_k S_k^{(1)}     ( x_k , x_{k-1} )
      +   \nabla_k S_{k+1}^{(1)} ( x_{k+1} , x_k )
where  S_{N+1} ( x_{N+1} , x_N ) is defined as identically zero.

9.15.e: x
The argument x is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x_k = x(:, k)
and x has size  n \times N .

9.15.f: z
The argument z is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      z_k = z(:, k)
and z has size  m \times N .

9.15.g: g
The argument g is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      g_k = g(:, k)
and g has size  n \times N .

9.15.h: h
The argument h is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      h_k = h(:, k)
and h has size  m \times N .

9.15.i: dg
The argument dg is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      G_k = dg(:,:,k)
and dg has size  n \times n \times N .

9.15.j: dh
The argument dh is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      H_k = dh(:,:,k)
and dh has size  m \times n \times N .

9.15.k: qinv
The argument qinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      Q_k^{-1} = qinv(:,:,k)
and qinv has size  n \times n \times N .

9.15.l: rinv
The argument rinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      R_k^{-1} = rinv(:,:,k)
and rinv has size  m \times m \times N .

9.15.m: grad
The result grad is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      d_k = grad(:, k)
and grad has size  n \times N .

9.15.n: Example
The file 9.15.1: sumsq_grad_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_sumsq_grad. It returns true if ckbs_sumsq_grad passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_sumsq_grad.m
9.15.1: ckbs_sumsq_grad Example and Test

9.15.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = sumsq_grad_ok()
    ok = true;
    % --------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 1;   % number of measurements per time point
    n    = 2;   % number of state vector components per time point
    N    = 3;   % number of time points
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    %  Define the problem
    rand('seed', 123);
    x    = rand(n, N);
    z    = rand(m, N);
    h    = rand(m, N);
    g    = rand(n, N);
    dg   = zeros(n, n, N);
    dh   = zeros(m, n, N);
    qinv = zeros(n, n, N);
    rinv = zeros(m, m, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        dh(:, :, k)   = rand(m, n);
        dg(:, :, k)   = rand(n, n);
        tmp           = rand(m, m);
        rinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(m);
        tmp           = rand(n, n);
        qinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(n);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % Compute the gradient using ckbs_sumsq_grad
    grad = ckbs_sumsq_grad(x, z, g, h, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % Use finite differences to check gradient
    step   = 1;
    for k  = 1 : N
        for i  = 1 : n
            % Check second partial w.r.t x(i,k)
            xm        = x;
            xm(i, k)  = xm(i, k) - step;
            Sm        = ckbs_sumsq_obj(xm, z, g, h, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
            xp        = x;
            xp(i, k)  = xp(i, k) + step;
            Sp        = ckbs_sumsq_obj(xp, z, g, h, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
            check  = (Sp - Sm) / ( 2 * step);
            diff   = grad(i, k) - check;
            ok     = ok & ( abs(diff) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/sumsq_grad_ok.m
9.16: Affine Residual Process Sum of Squares Gradient

9.16.a: Syntax
[grad] = ckbs_process_grad(

9.16.b: Purpose
This computes the gradient of the of the affine Kalman-Bucy smoother process residual sum of squares.

9.16.c: Notation
The affine Kalman-Bucy smoother process residual sum of squares is defined by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
where the matrix  Q_k is symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero.

9.16.d: Gradient
We define  Q_{N+1} to be the  n \times n identity matrix and  G_{N+1} to be zero,  \[
\nabla_k S_k^{(1)} ( x_k , x_{k-1} )
& = &  Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
\nabla_k S_{k+1}^{(1)} ( x_{k+1} , x_k )
& = & G_{k+1}^\R{T} * Q_{k+1}^{-1} * ( g_{k+1} + G_{k+1} * x_k  - x_{k+1} )
It follows that the gradient of the affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares is  \[
\nabla S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N )
& = &
\left( \begin{array}{c}
      d_1 \\ \vdots \\ d_N
\end{array} \right)
d_k & = & \nabla_k S_k^{(1)}     ( x_k , x_{k-1} )
      +   \nabla_k S_{k+1}^{(1)} ( x_{k+1} , x_k )
where  S_{N+1} ( x_{N+1} , x_N ) is defined as identically zero.

9.16.e: x
The argument x is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      x_k = x(:, k)
and x has size  n \times N .

9.16.f: g
The argument g is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      g_k = g(:, k)
and g has size  n \times N .

9.16.g: dg
The argument dg is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      G_k = dg(:,:,k)
and dg has size  n \times n \times N .

9.16.h: qinv
The argument qinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      Q_k^{-1} = qinv(:,:,k)
and qinv has size  n \times n \times N .

9.16.i: grad
The result grad is a two dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      d_k = grad(:, k)
and grad has size  n \times N .

9.16.j: Example
The file 9.16.1: process_grad_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_process_grad. It returns true if ckbs_process_grad passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_process_grad.m
9.16.1: ckbs_process_grad Example and Test

9.16.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = process_grad_ok()
    ok = true;
    % --------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 1;   % number of measurements per time point
    n    = 2;   % number of state vector components per time point
    N    = 3;   % number of time points
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    %  Define the problem
    rand('seed', 123);

    % Measurement terms are fixed at zero
    z    = zeros(m, N);
    h    = zeros(m, N);
    dh   = zeros(m, n, N);
    rinv = zeros(m, m, N);

    % Initialization of process terms
    x    = rand(n, N);
    g    = rand(n, N);
    dg   = zeros(n, n, N);
    qinv = zeros(n, n, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        dg(:, :, k)   = rand(n, n);
        tmp           = rand(n, n);
        qinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(n);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % Compute the gradient using ckbs_process_grad
    grad = ckbs_process_grad(x, g,dg, qinv);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % Use finite differences to check gradient
    step   = 1;
    for k  = 1 : N
        for i  = 1 : n
            % Check second partial w.r.t x(i,k), setting measurement
            % piece to 0
            xm        = x;
            xm(i, k)  = xm(i, k) - step;
            Sm        = ckbs_sumsq_obj(xm, z, g, h, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
            xp        = x;
            xp(i, k)  = xp(i, k) + step;
            Sp        = ckbs_sumsq_obj(xp, z, g, h, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
            check  = (Sp - Sm) / ( 2 * step);
            diff   = grad(i, k) - check;
            ok     = ok & ( abs(diff) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/process_grad_ok.m
9.17: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Hessian

9.17.a: Syntax
[DA] = ckbs_sumsq_hes(dgdhqinvrinv)

9.17.b: Purpose
This routine returns the diagonal and off diagonal blocks corresponding to the Hessian of the affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares.

9.17.c: Notation
The affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares is defined by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )^\R{T} * R_k^{-1} * ( z_k - h_k - H_k * x_k )
& + &
( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
where the matrices  R_k and  Q_k are symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero.

9.17.d: Hessian
If we define  Q_{N+1} to be the  n \times n identity matrix and  G_{N+1} to be zero, the Hessian of the affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual sum of squares is  \[
S^{(2)} ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = &
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
D_1 & A_2^\R{T} & 0         &           \\
A_2 & D_2       & A_3^\R{T} & 0         \\
0   & \ddots    & \ddots    & \ddots    \\
    & 0         & A_N       & D_N
\end{array} \right)
D_k & = & H_k^\R{T} * R_k^{-1} * H_k + Q_k^{-1}
      + G_{k+1}^\R{T} * Q_{k+1}^{-1} * G_{k+1}
A_k & = & - Q_k^{-1} * G_k

9.17.e: dg
The argument dg is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      G_k = dg(:,:,k)
and dg has size  n \times n \times N .

9.17.f: dh
The argument dh is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      H_k = dh(:,:,k)
and dh has size  m \times n \times N .

9.17.g: qinv
The argument qinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      Q_k^{-1} = qinv(:,:,k)
and qinv has size  n \times n \times N .

9.17.h: rinv
The argument rinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      R_k^{-1} = rinv(:,:,k)
and rinv has size  m \times m \times N .

9.17.i: D
The result D is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      D_k = D(:,:,k)
and D has size  n \times n \times N .

9.17.j: A
The result A is a three dimensional array, for  k = 2 , \ldots , N  \[
      A_k = A(:,:,k)
and A has size  n \times n \times N .

9.17.k: Example
The file 9.17.1: sumsq_hes_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_sumsq_hes. It returns true if ckbs_sumsq_hes passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_sumsq_hes.m
9.17.1: ckbs_sumsq_hes Example and Test

9.17.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = sumsq_hes_ok()
    ok = true;
    % --------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 1;   % number of measurements per time point
    n    = 2;   % number of state vector components per time point
    N    = 3;   % number of time points
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    %  Define the problem
    rand('seed', 123);
    dg   = zeros(n, n, N);
    dh   = zeros(m, n, N);
    qinv = zeros(n, n, N);
    rinv = zeros(m, m, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        dh(:, :, k)   = rand(m, n);
        dg(:, :, k)   = rand(n, n);
        tmp           = rand(m, m);
        rinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(m);
        tmp           = rand(n, n);
        qinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(n);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % Compute the Hessian using ckbs_sumsq_hes
    [D, A] = ckbs_sumsq_hes(dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    H    = zeros(n * N , n * N );
    for k = 1 : N
        index           = (k - 1) * n + (1 : n);
        H(index, index) = D(:, :, k);
        if k > 1
            H(index - n, index) = A(:, :, k)';
            H(index, index - n) = A(:, :, k);
    % Use finite differences to check Hessian
    x    = rand(n, N);
    z    = rand(m, N);
    h    = rand(m, N);
    g    = rand(n, N);
    step   = 1;
    for k = 1 : N
        for i = 1 : n
            % Check second partial w.r.t x(i, k)
            xm       = x;
            xm(i, k) = xm(i, k) - step;
            gradm = ckbs_sumsq_grad(xm, z, g, h, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
            xp       = x;
            xp(i, k) = xp(i, k) + step;
            gradp = ckbs_sumsq_grad(xp, z, g, h, dg, dh, qinv, rinv);
            check  = (gradp - gradm) / ( 2 * step );
            for k1 = 1 : N
                for i1 = 1 : n
                    value = H(i + (k-1)*n, i1 + (k1-1)*n);
                    diff  = check(i1, k1) - value;
                    ok     = ok & ( abs(diff) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/sumsq_hes_ok.m
9.18: Affine Process Residual Sum of Squares Hessian

9.18.a: Syntax
[DA] = ckbs_process_hes(dgqinv)

9.18.b: Purpose
This routine returns the diagonal and off diagonal blocks corresponding to the Hessian of the affine Kalman-Bucy smoother process residual sum of squares.

9.18.c: Notation
The affine Kalman-Bucy smoother residual process sum of squares is defined by  \[
S ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = & \sum_{k=1}^N S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} ) \\
S_k ( x_k , x_{k-1} )    & = &
( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )^\R{T} * Q_k^{-1} * ( x_k - g_k - G_k * x_{k-1} )
where the matrix  Q_k is symmetric positive definite and  x_0 is the constant zero.

9.18.d: Hessian
If we define  Q_{N+1} to be the  n \times n identity matrix and  G_{N+1} to be zero, the Hessian of the affine Kalman-Bucy smoother process residual sum of squares is  \[
S^{(2)} ( x_1 , \ldots , x_N ) & = &
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
D_1 & A_2^\R{T} & 0         &           \\
A_2 & D_2       & A_3^\R{T} & 0         \\
0   & \ddots    & \ddots    & \ddots    \\
    & 0         & A_N       & D_N
\end{array} \right)
D_k & = & Q_k^{-1} + G_{k+1}^\R{T} * Q_{k+1}^{-1} * G_{k+1}
A_k & = & - Q_k^{-1} * G_k

9.18.e: dg
The argument dg is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      G_k = dg(:,:,k)
and dg has size  n \times n \times N .

9.18.f: qinv
The argument qinv is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      Q_k^{-1} = qinv(:,:,k)
and qinv has size  n \times n \times N .

9.18.g: D
The result D is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      D_k = D(:,:,k)
and D has size  n \times n \times N .

9.18.h: A
The result A is a three dimensional array, for  k = 2 , \ldots , N  \[
      A_k = A(:,:,k)
and A has size  n \times n \times N .

9.18.i: Example
The file 9.18.1: process_hes_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_process_hes. It returns true if ckbs_process_hes passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_process_hes.m
9.18.1: ckbs_process_hes Example and Test

9.18.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = process_hes_ok()
    ok = true;
    % --------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 1;   % number of measurements per time point
    n    = 2;   % number of state vector components per time point
    N    = 3;   % number of time points
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    %  Define the problem
    rand('seed', 123);
    dg   = zeros(n, n, N);
    qinv = zeros(n, n, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        dg(:, :, k)   = rand(n, n);
        tmp           = rand(n, n);
        qinv(:, :, k) = (tmp + tmp') / 2 + 2 * eye(n);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    % Compute the Hessian using ckbs_process_hes
    [D, A] = ckbs_process_hes(dg, qinv);
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    H    = zeros(n * N , n * N );
    for k = 1 : N
        index           = (k - 1) * n + (1 : n);
        H(index, index) = D(:, :, k);
        if k > 1
            H(index - n, index) = A(:, :, k)';
            H(index, index - n) = A(:, :, k);
    % Use finite differences to check Hessian
    x    = rand(n, N);
    g    = rand(n, N);
    step   = 1;
    for k = 1 : N
        for i = 1 : n
            % Check second partial w.r.t x(i, k)
            xm       = x;
            xm(i, k) = xm(i, k) - step;
            gradm = ckbs_process_grad(xm, g, dg, qinv);
            xp       = x;
            xp(i, k) = xp(i, k) + step;
            gradp = ckbs_process_grad(xp, g, dg, qinv);
            check  = (gradp - gradm) / ( 2 * step );
            for k1 = 1 : N
                for i1 = 1 : n
                    value = H(i + (k-1)*n, i1 + (k1-1)*n);
                    diff  = check(i1, k1) - value;
                    ok     = ok & ( abs(diff) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/process_hes_ok.m
9.19: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm

9.19.a: Syntax
[elambda] = ckbs_tridiag_solve(bcr)

9.19.b: Purpose
This routine solves the following linear system of equations for  e :  \[
      A * e = r
where the symmetric block tridiagonal matrix  A is defined by  \[
A =
\left( \begin{array}{ccccc}
b_1    & c_2^\R{T} & 0          & \cdots & 0      \\
c_2    & b_2       & c_3^\R{T}  &        & \vdots \\
\vdots &           & \ddots     &        &        \\
0      & \cdots    &            & b_N    & c_N
\end{array} \right)
The routine 9.20: ckbs_tridiag_solve_b solves the same problem. The difference is that this routine runs the reduction starting at the first block rather than the last block of the matrix, which is less stable for this application.

9.19.c: b
The argument b is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      b_k = b(:,:,k)
and b has size  n \times n \times N .

9.19.d: c
The argument c is a three dimensional array, for  k = 2 , \ldots , N  \[
      c_k = c(:,:,k)
and c has size  n \times n \times N .

9.19.e: r
The argument r is an  (n * N) \times m matrix.

9.19.f: e
The result e is an  (n * N) \times m matrix.

9.19.g: lambda
The result lambda is a scalar equal to the logarithm of the determinant of  A .

9.19.h: Reference
The marginal likelihood for parameters in a discrete
Gauss Markov process
, Bradley M. Bell, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 48, No. 3, March 2000.

9.19.i: Lemma
The following result is proven as Lemma 6 of the reference above: Suppose that for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      b_k & = & u_k + q_{k-1}^{-1} + a_k * q_k^{-1} * a_k^\R{T}  \\
      c_k & = & q_{k-1}^{-1} * a_k^\R{T}
where  u_k is symmetric positive semi-definite and  q_k is symmetric positive definite. It follows that the algorithm used by ckbs_tridiag_solve is well conditioned and will not try to invert singular matrices.

9.19.j: Example
The file 9.19.1: tridiag_solve_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_tridiag_solve. It returns true if ckbs_tridiag_solve passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_tridiag_solve.m
9.19.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve Example and Test

9.19.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = tridiag_solve_ok()
    ok = true;
    m  = 2;
    n  = 3;
    N  = 4;
    % case where uk = 0, qk = I, and ak is random
    rand('seed', 123);
    a = rand(n, n, N);
    r = rand(n * N, m);
    c = zeros(n, n, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        ak         = a(:, :, k);
        b(:, :, k) = 2 * eye(n) + ak * ak';
        c(:, :, k) = ak';
    % ----------------------------------------
    [e, lambda] = ckbs_tridiag_solve(b, c, r);
    % ----------------------------------------
    check = ckbs_blktridiag_mul(b, c, e);
    ok = ok & max(abs(check - r)) < 1e-10;


Input File: example/tridiag_solve_ok.m
9.20: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Backward version)

9.20.a: Syntax
[elambda] = ckbs_tridiag_solve_b(bcr)

9.20.b: Purpose
This routine solves the following linear system of equations for  e :  \[
      A * e = r
where the symmetric block tridiagonal matrix  A is defined by  \[
A =
\left( \begin{array}{ccccc}
b_1    & c_2^\R{T} & 0          & \cdots & 0      \\
c_2    & b_2       & c_3^\R{T}  &        & \vdots \\
\vdots &           & \ddots     &        &        \\
0      & \cdots    &            & b_N    & c_N
\end{array} \right)
The routine 9.19: ckbs_tridiag_solve solves the same problem. The difference is that this routine runs the reduction starting at the last block rather than the first block of the matrix, which is more stable for this application.

9.20.c: b
The argument b is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      b_k = b(:,:,k)
and b has size  n \times n \times N .

9.20.d: c
The argument c is a three dimensional array, for  k = 2 , \ldots , N  \[
      c_k = c(:,:,k)
and c has size  n \times n \times N .

9.20.e: r
The argument r is an  (n * N) \times m matrix.

9.20.f: e
The result e is an  (n * N) \times m matrix.

9.20.g: lambda
The result lambda is a scalar equal to the logarithm of the determinant of  A .

9.20.h: Example
The file 9.20.1: tridiag_solve_b_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_tridiag_solve_b. It returns true if ckbs_tridiag_solve_b passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_tridiag_solve_b.m
9.20.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve_b Example and Test

9.20.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = tridiag_solve_b_ok()
    ok = true;
    m  = 2;
    n  = 3;
    N  = 4;
    % case where uk = 0, qk = I, and ak is random
    rand('seed', 123);
    a = rand(n, n, N);
    r = rand(n * N, m);
    c = zeros(n, n, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        ak         = a(:, :, k);
        b(:, :, k) = 2 * eye(n) + ak * ak';
        c(:, :, k) = ak';
    % ----------------------------------------
    [e, lambda] = ckbs_tridiag_solve_b(b, c, r);
    % ----------------------------------------

    check = ckbs_blktridiag_mul(b, c, e);

    ok = ok & max(abs(check - r)) < 1e-10;


Input File: example/tridiag_solve_b_ok.m
9.21: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Conjugate Gradient version)

9.21.a: Syntax
[eiter] = ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg(bcr)

9.21.b: Purpose
This routine solves the following linear system of equations for  e :  \[
      A * e = r
where the symmetric block tridiagonal matrix  A is defined by  \[
A =
\left( \begin{array}{ccccc}
b_1    & c_2^\R{T} & 0          & \cdots & 0      \\
c_2    & b_2       & c_3^\R{T}  &        & \vdots \\
\vdots &           & \ddots     &        &        \\
0      & \cdots    &            & b_N    & c_N
\end{array} \right)
The routines 9.19: ckbs_tridiag_solve and 9.20: ckbs_tridiag_solve_b solve the same problem, but only for one RHS. It is basically a wrapper for Matlab's pcg routine.

9.21.c: b
The argument b is a three dimensional array, for  k = 1 , \ldots , N  \[
      b_k = b(:,:,k)
and b has size  n \times n \times N .

9.21.d: c
The argument c is a three dimensional array, for  k = 2 , \ldots , N  \[
      c_k = c(:,:,k)
and c has size  n \times n \times N .

9.21.e: in
The argument in is an  (n * N) \times 1 vector.

9.21.f: e
The result e is an  (n * N) \times 1 vector.

9.21.g: iter
The result iter is a scalar equal to the number of iterations that the cg method took to finish.

9.21.h: Example
The file 9.21.1: tridiag_solve_pcg_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_tridiag_solve_cg. It returns true if ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg.m
9.21.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg Example and Test

9.21.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = tridiag_solve_pcg_ok()
    ok = true;
    m  = 1;
    n  = 50;
    N  = 40;
    eps = 1e-5;
    % case where uk = 0, qk = I, and ak is random
    %rand('seed', 123);
    a = rand(n, n, N);
    r = randn(n * N, m);
    c = zeros(n, n, N);
    for k = 1 : N
        ak         = a(:, :, k);
        b(:, :, k) = 5 * eye(n) + ak * ak';
        c(:, :, k) = ak';
    % ----------------------------------------
    [e, flag, relres, iter] = ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg(b, c, r);
    % ----------------------------------------
    check = ckbs_blktridiag_mul(b, c, e);
    max(abs(check - r))
    ok = ok & max(abs(check - r))/max(abs(r)) < eps;


Input File: example/tridiag_solve_pcg_ok.m
9.22: Affine Constrained Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step

9.22.a: Syntax
[dsdydu] = ckbs_newton_step(

9.22.b: Purpose
This routine computes one step of Newton's method for solving the non-linear Kuhn-Tucker conditions for the  \mu -relaxed affine constrained Kalman-Bucy smoother problem.

9.22.c: Problem
Given  \mu \in \B{R}_+ ,  H \in \B{R}^{p \times p} ,  d \in \B{R}^p ,  b \in \B{R}^r , and  B \in \B{R}^{r \times p} , the  \mu -relaxed affine constrained Kalman-Bucy smoother problem is:  \[
{\rm minimize} & \frac{1}{2} y^\R{T} H y + d^\R{T} y
- \mu \sum_{i=1}^r \log(s_i)
\; {\rm w.r.t} \; y \in \B{R}^p \; , \; s \in \B{R}_+^r
{\rm subject \; to} & s + b + B y  = 0
In addition,  H is symmetric block tri-diagonal with each block of size  n \times n and  B is block diagonal with each block of size  m \times n (there is an integer  N such that  p = n * N and  r = m * N ).

9.22.c.a: Lagrangian
We use  u \in \B{R}^r to denote the Lagrange multipliers corresponding to the constraint equation. The corresponding Lagrangian is  \[
L(y, s, u)  =
\frac{1}{2} y^\R{T} H y + d^\R{T} y
- \mu \sum_{i=1}^r \log(s_i)
+ u^\R{T} (s + b + B y)
The partial gradients of the Lagrangian are given by  \[
\nabla_y L(y, s, u ) & = & H y + B^\R{T} u + d  \\
\nabla_s L(y, s, u ) & = & u - \mu / s \\
\nabla_u L(y, s, u ) & = & s + b + B y \\
where  \mu / s  is the component by component division of  \mu  by the components of the  s . Note, from the second equation, that we only need consider  u \geq 0 because  s \geq 0 .

9.22.c.b: Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
We use  D(s) to denote the diagonal matrix with  s along its diagonal and  1_r to denote the vector, of length  r with all its components equal to one. We define  F : \B{R}^{r + p + r} \rightarrow \B{R}^{r + p + r} by  \[
F(s, u, y)
s + b + B y       \\
D(s) D(u) 1_r - \mu 1_r\\
H y + B^\R{T} u + d
The Kuhn-Tucker conditions for a solution of the  \mu -relaxed constrained affine Kalman-Bucy smoother problem is  F(s, u, y) = 0  .

9.22.c.c: Newton Step
Given a value for  (s, u, y) , the Newton step  ( \Delta s^\R{T} , \Delta u^\R{T} , \Delta y^\R{T} )^\R{T} solves the problem:  \[
F^{(1)} (s, u, y)
\left( \begin{array}{c} \Delta s \\ \Delta u \\ \Delta y \end{array} \right)
- F(s, u, y)

9.22.d: mu
The argument mu is a positive scalar specifying the relaxation parameter  \mu .

9.22.e: s
The argument s is a column vector of length  r . All the elements of s are greater than zero.

9.22.f: y
The argument y is a column vector of length  p

9.22.g: u
The argument u is a column vector of length  r . All the elements of s are greater than zero.

9.22.h: b
The argument b is a column vector of length  r .

9.22.i: d
The argument d is a column vector of length  p

9.22.j: Bdia
The argument Bdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  B_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      B_k = Bdia(:, :, k)

9.22.k: B
The matrix  B is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
B_1 & 0      & 0      &           \\
0   & B_2    & 0      & 0         \\
0   & 0      & \ddots & 0         \\
    & 0      & 0      & B_N
\end{array} \right)

9.22.l: Hdia
The argument Hdia is an  n \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  H_k \in \B{R}^{n \times n} by  \[
      H_k = Hdia(:, :, k)

9.22.m: Hlow
The argument Hlow is an  n \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  L_k \in \B{R}^{n \times n} by  \[
      L_k = Hlow(:, :, k)

9.22.n: H
The matrix  H is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
H_1 & L_2^\R{T} & 0      &           \\
L_2 & H_2    & L_3^\R{T} & 0         \\
0   & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots    \\
    & 0      & L_N    & H_N
\end{array} \right)

9.22.o: ds
The result ds is a column vector of length  r equal to the  \Delta s components of the Newton step.

9.22.p: dy
The result dy is a column vector of length  p equal to the  \Delta y components of the Newton step.

9.22.q: du
The result du is a column vector of length  r equal to the  \Delta u components of the Newton step.

9.22.r: Example
The file 9.22.1: newton_step_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_newton_step. It returns true if ckbs_newton_step passes the test and false otherwise.

9.22.s: Method
The derivative of  F is given by  \[
F^{(1)} (s, y, u) =
D( 1_r ) &  0  & B  \\
D( u )   & 0   & D(s) \\
0        & B^\R{T} & H
It follows that  \[
I & 0 & B \\
U & S & 0\\
0 & B^T & C \\
\Delta s \\ \Delta y \\ \Delta u
s + b + By \\
SU\B{1} - \mu\B{1}\\
Cy + B^Tu + d
Below,  r_i refers to row  i . Applying the row operations  \[
r_2 &=& r_2 - U r_1 \\
r_3 &=& r_3 - B^T S^{-1} r_2
we obtain the equivalent system  \[
I & 0 & B \\
0 & S & -UB\\
0 & 0 & C + B^T S^{-1} U B
\Delta s \\ \Delta y \\ \Delta u
s + b + B y \\
-U(b + B y) - \mu\B{1}\\
Cy + B^T u + d + B^T S^{-1}
\left(U(b + B y) + \mu \B{1}
 \Delta y is obtained from a single block tridiagonal solve (see third row of system). Then we immediately have  \[
\Delta u = US^{-1}(b + B(y + \Delta y)) + \frac{\mu}{s}
and  \[
\Delta s = -s -b -B(y + \Delta y)\;.
Input File: src/ckbs_newton_step.m
9.22.1: ckbs_newton_step Example and Test

9.22.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = newton_step_ok()
    ok = true;
    % --------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 2;   % number of measurements per time point
    n    = 3;   % number of state vector components per time point
    N    = 4;   % number of time points
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    %  Define the problem
    rand('seed', 123);
    mu    = .5;
    r     = m * N;
    p     = n * N;
    s     = rand(r, 1) + 1;
    y     = rand(p, 1);
    u     = rand(r, 1) + 1;
    b     = rand(r, 1);
    d     = rand(p, 1);
    H     = zeros(p, p);
    B     = zeros(r, r);
    Hdia  = zeros(n, n, N);
    Hlow  = zeros(n, n, N);
    Bdia  = rand(m, n, N);
    for k = N : -1 : 1
        tmp             = rand(n, n);
        Hlow(:,:, k)    = tmp;
        Hdia(:,:, k)   = (tmp * tmp') + 4 * eye(n);

    % Form full matrices
    B = ckbs_blkdiag_mul(Bdia, speye(p));
    H = ckbs_blktridiag_mul(Hdia, Hlow, speye(p));

    % -------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ds, dy, du] = ckbs_newton_step(mu, s, y, u, b, d, Bdia, Hdia, Hlow);
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------
    F      = ckbs_kuhn_tucker(mu, s, y, u, b, d, Bdia, Hdia, Hlow);

    dF     = [ ...
        eye(r)      , B           , zeros(r, r)
        zeros(p, r) , H           , B'
        diag(u)     , zeros(r, p) , diag(s) ...
    delta        = [ ds ; dy ; du ];
    ok           = ok & ( max( abs( F + dF * delta ) ) <= 1e-10 );

Input File: example/newton_step_ok.m
9.23: Affine Robust L1 Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step

9.23.a: Syntax
[dPPlusdPMinusdRdSdY] = ckbs_newton_step_L1(

9.23.b: Purpose
This routine computes one step of Newton's method for solving the non-linear Kuhn-Tucker conditions for the  \mu -relaxed affine robust L1 Kalman-Bucy smoother problem.

9.23.c: Problem
Given  \mu \in \B{R}_+ ,  s \in \B{R}^{m \times N} ,  y \in \B{R}^{n \times N} ,  r \in \B{R}^{m \times N} ,  b \in \B{R}^{m \times N} ,  d \in \B{R}^{n \times N} ,  B \in \B{R}^{m \times n \times N} ,  H \in \B{R}^{n \times n \times N} ,  p^+ \in \B{R}^{m \times N} ,  p^- \in \B{R}^{m \times N} , the  \mu -relaxed affine L1 robust Kalman-Bucy smoother problem is:  \[
{\rm minimize}
& \frac{1}{2} y^\R{T} H(x) y + d(x)^\R{T} y
      + \sqrt{\B{2}}^\R{T} (p^+ + p^-) -\mu \sum_{i =
      1}^{mN} \log(p_i^+) - \sum_{i=1}^{mN} \mu \log(p_i^-)
   \;{\rm w.r.t} \;  y \in \B{R}^{nN}\; , \; p^+ \in \B{R}_+^{M} \; , \; p^- \in \B{R}_+^{M}
{\rm subject \; to} &  b(x) + B(x) y - p^+ + p^- = 0
In addition,  H is symmetric block tri-diagonal with each block of size  n \times n and  B is block diagonal with each block of size  m \times n

9.23.d: Lagrangian
We use  r, \; s \in \B{R}^{m \times N} to denote  \mu /p^+\;,\; \mu/p^- , respectively, and we denote by  q the lagrange multiplier associated to the equality constraint. We also use  \B{1} to denote the vector of length  mN with all its components equal to one, and  \B{\sqrt{2}} to denote the vector of length  mN with all its components equal to
. The corresponding Lagrangian is  \[
L(p^+, p^-, y, q)  =
\frac{1}{2} y^\R{T} H y + d^\R{T} y + \B{\sqrt{2}}^T(p^+ + p^-)
- \mu \sum_{i=1}^{mN} \log(p_i^+) - \mu\sum_{i=1}^{mN}\log(p_i^-)
+ q^\R{T} (b + B y - p^+ + p^-)
The partial gradients of the Lagrangian are given by  \[
\nabla_p^+ L(p^+, p^-, y, q ) & = & \B{\sqrt{2}} - q - r \\
\nabla_p^- L(p^+, p^-, y, q) & = & \B{\sqrt{2}} + q - s \\
\nabla_y L(p^+, p^-, y, q ) & = & H y + c + B^\R{T} q \\
\nabla_q L(p^+, p^-, y, q ) & = & b + B y - p^+ + p^- \\
From the first two of the above equations, we have  q = (r - s)/2 .

9.23.e: Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
We use  D(s) to denote the diagonal matrix with  s along its diagonal. The Kuhn-Tucker Residual function  F : \B{R}^{4mN + nN} \rightarrow \B{R}^{4mN + nN} is defined by  \[
F(p^+, p^-, r, s, y)
p^+ - p^- - b - B y       \\
D(p^-) D(s) \B{1} - \tau \B{1} \\
r + s - 2 \B{\sqrt{2}} \\
D(p^+) D(r ) \B{1} - \tau \B{1}   \\
H y + d + B^\R{T} (r - s)/2
The Kuhn-Tucker conditions for a solution of the  \mu -relaxed constrained affine Kalman-Bucy smoother problem is  F(p^+, p^-, r, s, y) = 0  .

9.23.e.a: Newton Step
Given a value for  (p^+, p^-, r, s, y) , the Newton step  ( (\Delta p^+)^\R{T} , (\Delta p^-)^\R{T} , \Delta
r^\R{T}, \Delta s^\R{T}, \Delta y^\R{T} )^\R{T}
solves the problem:  \[
F_\mu^{(1)} (p^+, p^-, r, s, y)
\left( \begin{array}{c} \Delta p^+ \\ \Delta p^- \\ \Delta r \\
\Delta s \\ \Delta y \end{array} \right)
- F(p^+, p^-, r, s, y)

9.23.f: mu
The argument mu is a positive scalar specifying the relaxation parameter  \mu .

9.23.g: s
The argument s is an array of size  m \times
. All the elements of s are greater than zero.

9.23.h: y
The argument y is an array of size  n \times

9.23.i: r
The argument r is an array of size  m \times
. All the elements of r are greater than zero.

9.23.j: b
The argument b is an array of size  m \times N .

9.23.k: d
The argument d is an array of size  n \times

9.23.l: Bdia
The argument Bdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  B_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      B_k = Bdia(:, :, k)

9.23.m: B
The matrix  B is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
B_1 & 0      & 0      &           \\
0   & B_2    & 0      & 0         \\
0   & 0      & \ddots & 0         \\
    & 0      & 0      & B_N
\end{array} \right)

9.23.n: Hdia
The argument Hdia is an  n \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  H_k \in \B{R}^{n \times n} by  \[
      H_k = Hdia(:, :, k)

9.23.o: Hlow
The argument Hlow is an  n \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  L_k \in \B{R}^{n \times n} by  \[
      L_k = Hlow(:, :, k)

9.23.p: H
The matrix  H is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
H_1 & L_2^\R{T} & 0         &           \\
L_2 & H_2       & L_3^\R{T} & 0         \\
0   & \ddots    & \ddots    & \ddots    \\
    & 0         & L_N       & H_N
\end{array} \right)

9.23.q: dPPlus
The result dPPlus is an array of size  m \times N equal to the  \Delta p^+ components of the Newton step.

9.23.r: dPMinus
The result dPMinus is an array of size  m \times N equal to the  \Delta p^- components of the Newton step.

9.23.s: dR
The result dR is an array of size  m \times N equal to the  \Delta r components of the Newton step.

9.23.t: dS
The result dS is an array of size  m \times N equal to the  \Delta s components of the Newton step.

9.23.u: dY
The result dY is an array of size  n \times N equal to the  \Delta y components of the Newton step.

9.23.v: Example
The file 9.23.1: newton_step_L1_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_newton_step_L1. It returns true if ckbs_newton_step_L1 passes the test and false otherwise.

9.23.w: Method
The derivative of  F is given by  \[
F_\mu^{(1)} (p^+, p^-, r, s, y) =
I &  -I  & 0 & 0 & -B  \\
0 & D( s^- )   & 0   & D(p^-) & 0 \\
0 & 0 & I & I & 0 \\
D( s^+) & 0 & D( p^+ ) & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & - 0.5 B^\R{T} & 0.5 B^\R{T} & C
Given the inputs  p^+ , p^-, s^+ ,  s^- , y , B , b , C  and  c  , the following algorithm solves the Newton System for  \Delta p^+ , \Delta p^- , \Delta s^+ , \Delta s^-  , and  \Delta y : \[ \begin{array}{cccccc} \bar{d} &= & \tau \B{1} / s^+ - \tau \B{1} / s^- - b - B y + p^+ \\ \bar{e} &= & B^\R{T} ( \sqrt{\B{2}} - s^- ) - C y - c \\ \bar{f} &= & \bar{d} - D( s^+ )^{-1} D( p^+ ) ( 2 \sqrt{\B{2}} - s^- ) \\ T &= & D( s^+ )^{-1} D( p^+ ) + D( s^- )^{-1} D( p^- ) \\ \Delta y &= & [ C + B^\R{T} T^{-1} B ]^{-1} ( \bar{e} + B^\R{T} T^{-1} \bar{f} ) \\ \Delta s^- &= & T^{-1} B \Delta y - T^{-1} \bar{f} \\ \Delta s^+ &= & - \Delta s^- + 2 \sqrt{\B{2}} - s^+ - s^- \\ \Delta p^- &= & D( s^- )^{-1} [ \tau \B{1} - D( p^- ) \Delta s^- ] - p^- \\ \Delta p^+ &= & \Delta p^- + B \Delta y + b + B y - p^+ + p^- \end{array} \] where the matrix  T is diagonal with positive elements, and the matrix  C + B^\R{T} T^{-1} B \in \B{R}^{N n \times N n } is block tridiagonal positive definite.
Input File: src/ckbs_newton_step_L1.m
9.23.1: ckbs_newton_step_L1 Example and Test

9.23.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = newton_step_L1_ok()
    ok = true;
    % --------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 2;   % number of measurements per time point
    n    = 3;   % number of state vector components per time point
    N    = 4;   % number of time points
    % ---------------------------------------------------------
    %  Define the problem
    rand('seed', 123);
    mu    = .5;
    s     = rand(m, N);
    y     = rand(n, N);
    r     = rand(m, N);
    b     = rand(m, N);
    d     = rand(n, N);
    Hdia  = zeros(n, n, N);
    Hlow  = zeros(n, n, N);
    Bdia  = zeros(m, n, N);
    pPlus = rand(m, N);
    pMinus = rand(m, N);
    for k = N : -1 : 1
        Bdia(:,:, k)    = rand(m, n);
        tmp             = rand(n, n);
        Hlow(:,:, k)    = tmp;
        Hdia(:,:, k)   = (tmp * tmp') + 4 * eye(n);

    % Form full matrices.
    H = ckbs_blktridiag_mul(Hdia, Hlow, speye(n*N));
    B = ckbs_blkdiag_mul(Bdia, speye(n*N));

    % -------------------------------------------------------------------
    [dPPlus, dPMinus, dR, dS, dY] = ckbs_newton_step_L1(mu, s, y, r, b, d, Bdia, Hdia, Hlow, pPlus, pMinus);
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------
    F      =ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1(mu, s, y, r, b, d, Bdia, Hdia, Hlow, ...
        pPlus, pMinus);

    dF     = [ ...
        speye(m*N) , -speye(m*N), zeros(m*N), zeros(m*N), -B
        zeros(m*N) , diag(s(:)) , zeros(m*N), diag(pMinus(:)),zeros(m*N,n*N)
        zeros(m*N) , zeros(m*N) , speye(m*N), speye(m*N),zeros(m*N,n*N)
        diag(r(:)) , zeros(m*N) , diag(pPlus(:)), zeros(m*N),zeros(m*N,n*N)
        zeros(n*N, m*N), zeros(n*N, m*N), -B'/2, B'/2, H
    delta        = [ dPPlus(:); dPMinus(:); dR(:); dS(:); dY(:) ];
    ok           = ok & ( max( abs( F + dF * delta ) ) <= 1e-10 );

Input File: example/newton_step_L1_ok.m
9.24: Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions

9.24.a: Syntax
[F] = ckbs_kuhn_tucker(

9.24.b: Purpose
This routine computes the residual in the Kuhn-Tucker conditions for the  \mu -relaxed affine constrained Kalman-Bucy smoother problem.

9.24.c: Problem
Given  \mu \in \B{R}_+ ,  H \in \B{R}^{p \times p} ,  d \in \B{R}^p ,  b \in \B{R}^r , and  B \in \B{R}^{r \times p} , the  \mu -relaxed affine constrained Kalman-Bucy smoother problem is:  \[
{\rm minimize} & \frac{1}{2} y^\R{T} H y + d^\R{T} y
- \mu \sum_{i=1}^r \log(s_i)
\; {\rm w.r.t} \; y \in \B{R}^p \; , \; s \in \B{R}_+^r
{\rm subject \; to} & s + b + B y  = 0
In addition,  H is symmetric block tri-diagonal with each block of size  n \times n and  B is block diagonal with each block of size  m \times n (there is an integer  N such that  p = n * N and  r = m * N ).

9.24.d: Lagrangian
We use  u \in \B{R}^r to denote the Lagrange multipliers corresponding to the constraint equation. The corresponding Lagrangian is  \[
L(y, s, u)  =
\frac{1}{2} y^\R{T} H y + d^\R{T} y
- \mu \sum_{i=1}^r \log(s_i)
+ u^\R{T} (s + b + B y)
The partial gradients of the Lagrangian are given by  \[
\nabla_y L(y, s, u ) & = & H y + B^\R{T} u + d  \\
\nabla_s L(y, s, u ) & = & u - \mu / s \\
\nabla_u L(y, s, u ) & = & s + b + B y \\
where  \mu / s  is the component by component division of  \mu  by the components of the  s . Note, from the second equation, that we only need consider  u \geq 0 because  s \geq 0 .

9.24.e: Kuhn-Tucker Residual
We use  D(s) to denote the diagonal matrix with  s along its diagonal and  1_r to denote the vector, of length  r with all its components equal to one. The Kuhn-Tucker Residual function  F : \B{R}^{r + p + r} \rightarrow \B{R}^{r + p + r} is defined by  \[
F(s, y, u)
s + b + B y       \\
H y + B^\R{T} u + d   \\
D(s) D(u) 1_r - \mu 1_r
The Kuhn-Tucker conditions for a solution of the  \mu -relaxed constrained affine Kalman-Bucy smoother problem is  F(s, y, u) = 0  .

9.24.f: mu
The argument mu is a positive scalar specifying the relaxation parameter  \mu .

9.24.g: s
The argument s is a column vector of length  r . All the elements of s are greater than zero.

9.24.h: y
The argument y is a column vector of length  p

9.24.i: u
The argument u is a column vector of length  r . All the elements of s are greater than zero.

9.24.j: b
The argument b is a column vector of length  r .

9.24.k: d
The argument d is a column vector of length  p

9.24.l: Bdia
The argument Bdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  B_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      B_k = Bdia(:, :, k)

9.24.m: B
The matrix  B is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
B_1 & 0      & 0      &           \\
0   & B_2    & 0      & 0         \\
0   & 0      & \ddots & 0         \\
    & 0      & 0      & B_N
\end{array} \right)

9.24.n: Hdia
The argument Hdia is an  n \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  H_k \in \B{R}^{n \times n} by  \[
      H_k = Hdia(:, :, k)

9.24.o: Hlow
The argument Hlow is an  n \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  L_k \in \B{R}^{n \times n} by  \[
      L_k = Hlow(:, :, k)

9.24.p: H
The matrix  H is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
H_1 & L_2^\R{T} & 0         &           \\
L_2 & H_2       & L_3^\R{T} & 0         \\
0   & \ddots    & \ddots    & \ddots    \\
    & 0         & L_N       & H_N
\end{array} \right)

9.24.q: F
The result F is a column vector of length  r + p + r containing the value of the 9.24.e: Kuhn-Tucker residual ; i.e.,  F(s, y, u) .

9.24.r: Example
The file 9.24.1: kuhn_tucker_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_kuhn_tucker. It returns true if ckbs_kuhn_tucker passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_kuhn_tucker.m
9.24.1: ckbs_kuhn_tucker Example and Test

9.24.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = kuhn_tucker_ok()
    ok = true;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 5;
    n    = 4;
    N    = 3;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    rand('seed', 123);
    p     = n * N;
    r     = m * N;
    mu    = 1.5;
    s     = rand(r, 1);
    y     = rand(p, 1);
    u     = rand(r, 1);
    b     = rand(r, 1);
    d     = rand(p, 1);
    Bdia  = rand(m, n, N);
    Hdia  = rand(n, n, N);
    Hlow  = rand(n, n, N);

    By = ckbs_blkdiag_mul(Bdia, y);
    Btu = ckbs_blkdiag_mul_t(Bdia, u);
    Hy = ckbs_blktridiag_mul(Hdia, Hlow, y);

    % -------------------------------------
    F = ckbs_kuhn_tucker(mu, s, y, u, b, d, Bdia, Hdia, Hlow);
    % -------------------------------------
    check = [ ...
        s + b + By; ...
        Hy + Btu + d; ...
        s .* u - mu ...
    ok    = ok & ( max(abs(F - check)) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/kuhn_tucker_ok.m
9.25: Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions for Robust L1

9.25.a: Syntax
[F] = ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1(

9.25.b: Purpose
This routine computes the residual in the Kuhn-Tucker conditions for the  \mu -relaxed affine L1 robust smoother problem.

9.25.c: Problem
Given  \mu \in \B{R}_+ ,  s \in \B{R}^{m \times N} ,  y \in \B{R}^{n \times N} ,  r \in \B{R}^{m \times N} ,  b \in \B{R}^{m \times N} ,  d \in \B{R}^{n \times N} ,  B \in \B{R}^{m \times n \times N} ,  H \in \B{R}^{n \times n \times N} ,  p^+ \in \B{R}^{m \times N} ,  p^- \in \B{R}^{m \times N} , the  \mu -relaxed affine L1 robust Kalman-Bucy smoother problem is:  \[
{\rm minimize}
& \frac{1}{2} y^\R{T} H(x) y + d(x)^\R{T} y
      + \sqrt{\B{2}}^\R{T} (p^+ + p^-) -\mu \sum_{i =
      1}^{mN} \log(p_i^+) - \sum_{i=1}^{mN} \mu \log(p_i^-)
   \;{\rm w.r.t} \;  y \in \B{R}^{nN}\; , \; p^+ \in \B{R}_+^{M} \; , \; p^- \in \B{R}_+^{M}
{\rm subject \; to} &  b(x) + B(x) y - p^+ + p^- = 0
In addition,  H is symmetric block tri-diagonal with each block of size  n \times n and  B is block diagonal with each block of size  m \times n

9.25.d: Lagrangian
We use  r, \; s \in \B{R}^{m \times N} to denote  \mu /p^+\;,\; \mu/p^- , respectively, and we denote by  q the lagrange multiplier associated to the equality constraint. We also use  \B{1} to denote the vector of length  mN with all its components equal to one, and  \B{\sqrt{2}} to denote the vector of length  mN with all its components equal to
. The corresponding Lagrangian is  \[
L(p^+, p^-, y, q)  =
\frac{1}{2} y^\R{T} H y + d^\R{T} y + \B{\sqrt{2}}^T(p^+ + p^-)
- \mu \sum_{i=1}^{mN} \log(p_i^+) - \mu\sum_{i=1}^{mN}\log(p_i^-)
+ q^\R{T} (b + B y - p^+ + p^-)
The partial gradients of the Lagrangian are given by  \[
\nabla_p^+ L(p^+, p^-, y, q ) & = & \B{\sqrt{2}} - q - r \\
\nabla_p^- L(p^+, p^-, y, q) & = & \B{\sqrt{2}} + q - s \\
\nabla_y L(p^+, p^-, y, q ) & = & H y + c + B^\R{T} q \\
\nabla_q L(p^+, p^-, y, q ) & = & b + B y - p^+ + p^- \\
From the first two of the above equations, we have  q = (r - s)/2 .

9.25.e: Kuhn-Tucker Residual
We use  D(s) to denote the diagonal matrix with  s along its diagonal. The Kuhn-Tucker Residual function  F : \B{R}^{4mN + nN} \rightarrow \B{R}^{4mN + nN} is defined by  \[
F(p^+, p^-, r, s, y)
p^+ - p^- - b - B y       \\
D(p^-) D(s) \B{1} - \tau \B{1} \\
r + s - 2 \B{\sqrt{2}} \\
D(p^+) D(r ) \B{1} - \tau \B{1}   \\
H y + d + B^\R{T} (r - s)/2
The Kuhn-Tucker conditions for a solution of the  \mu -relaxed constrained affine Kalman-Bucy smoother problem is  F(p^+, p^-, r, s, y) = 0  ; see Equation (13) in 13.a: Aravkin et al 2009

9.25.f: mu
The argument mu is a positive scalar specifying the relaxation parameter  \mu .

9.25.g: s
The argument s is an array of size  m \times
. All the elements of s are greater than zero.

9.25.h: y
The argument y is an array of size  n \times

9.25.i: r
The argument r is an array of size  m \times
. All the elements of r are greater than zero.

9.25.j: b
The argument b is an array of size  m \times N .

9.25.k: d
The argument d is an array of size  n \times

9.25.l: Bdia
The argument Bdia is an  m \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  B_k \in \B{R}^{m \times n} by  \[
      B_k = Bdia(:, :, k)

9.25.m: B
The matrix  B is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
B_1 & 0      & 0      &           \\
0   & B_2    & 0      & 0         \\
0   & 0      & \ddots & 0         \\
    & 0      & 0      & B_N
\end{array} \right)

9.25.n: Hdia
The argument Hdia is an  n \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  H_k \in \B{R}^{n \times n} by  \[
      H_k = Hdia(:, :, k)

9.25.o: Hlow
The argument Hlow is an  n \times n \times N array. For  k = 1 , \ldots , N we define  L_k \in \B{R}^{n \times n} by  \[
      L_k = Hlow(:, :, k)

9.25.p: H
The matrix  H is defined by  \[
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
H_1 & L_2^\R{T} & 0         &           \\
L_2 & H_2       & L_3^\R{T} & 0         \\
0   & \ddots    & \ddots    & \ddots    \\
    & 0         & L_N       & H_N
\end{array} \right)

9.25.q: F
The result F is a column vector of length  4mN + nN containing the value of the 9.25: ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1 ; Kuhn-Tucker L1 residual, i.e.,  F(p^+, p^-, s^+, s^-, y) .

9.25.r: Example
The file 9.25.1: kuhn_tucker_L1_ok.m contains an example and test of ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1. It returns true if ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1 passes the test and false otherwise.
Input File: src/ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1.m
9.25.1: ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1 Example and Test

9.25.1.a: Source Code
function [ok] = kuhn_tucker_L1_ok()
    ok = true;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    % You can change these parameters
    m    = 5;
    n    = 4;
    N    = 3;
    % -------------------------------------------------------------
    rand('seed', 123);
    %r     = m * N;
    mu    = 1.5;
    s     = rand(m, N);
    y     = rand(n, N);
    r     = rand(m, N);
    b     = rand(m, N);
    d     = rand(n, N);
    Bdia  = rand(m, n, N);
    Hdia  = rand(n, n, N);
    Hlow  = rand(n, n, N);
    pPlus = rand(m, N);
    pMinus = rand(m, N);

    % -------------------------------------
    F =ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1(mu, s, y, r, b, d, Bdia, Hdia, Hlow, pPlus, pMinus);
    % -------------------------------------

    yVec = y(:);
    dVec = d(:);
    pPlusVec   = pPlus(:);
    pMinusVec  = pMinus(:);
    rVec = r(:);
    sVec = s(:);
    bVec = b(:);
    Hy = ckbs_blktridiag_mul(Hdia, Hlow, y(:));
    Bt_SmR = ckbs_blkdiag_mul_t(Bdia, s(:)-r(:));
    By = ckbs_blkdiag_mul(Bdia, y(:));

    check = [ ...
        pPlusVec - pMinusVec - bVec - By; ...
        pMinusVec.*sVec - mu;...
        rVec + sVec - 2*sqrt(2); ...
        pPlusVec.*rVec - mu; ...
        Hy + dVec + 0.5*Bt_SmR; ...
    ok    = ok & ( max(abs(F - check)) < 1e-10 );

Input File: example/kuhn_tucker_L1_ok.m
10: Run All Correctness Tests

10.a: Syntax

10.b: Test Utility Functions
10.1: test_path.m Set Up Path for Testing

10.c: Source Code
function [ok] = all_ok()
    ok = true;
    t0 = cputime;
    ok = ok & one_ok('t_obj_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('t_grad_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('affine_ok_box');
    ok = ok & one_ok('bidiag_solve_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('bidiag_solve_t_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('blkbidiag_symm_mul_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('blkbidiag_mul_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('blkbidiag_mul_t_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('t_general_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('L1_affine_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('L1_nonlinear_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('blkdiag_mul_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('blkdiag_mul_t_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('blktridiag_mul_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('kuhn_tucker_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('kuhn_tucker_L1_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('newton_step_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('newton_step_L1_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('get_started_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('sumsq_grad_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('process_grad_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('sumsq_hes_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('process_hes_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('sumsq_obj_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('L2L1_obj_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('tridiag_solve_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('tridiag_solve_b_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('tridiag_solve_pcg_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('vanderpol_sim_ok');
    ok = ok & one_ok('vanderpol_ok');
    constraint={'no_constraint', 'box_constraint', 'sine_constraint'};
    for c = 1 : 3
        if sine_wave_ok(constraint{c}, false)
            ['Ok:    sine_wave_ok ', constraint{c}]
            ['Error: sine_wave_ok ', constraint{c}]
            ok = false
    t1 = cputime;
    if ok
        disp(['All tests passed: cputime (secs) = ', num2str(t1-t0)]);
        disp(['One or more tests failed: cputime (secs) = ', num2str(t1-t0)]);
    function [ok] = one_ok(name)
    ok = feval(name);
    if ok
        ['Ok:    ', name ]
        ['Error: ', name ]

Input File: example/all_ok.m
10.1: Set Up Path for Testing

10.1.a: Syntax

10.1.b: Purpose
The directory ../src is added to the current path setting. This is needed when running the tests in the test subdirectory.

10.1.c: Source Code
function test_path()

Input File: example/test_path.m
11: Changes and Additions to ckbs

11.a: Introduction
This section contains a list of changes to ckbs (in reverse order by date). Its purpose is to assist you in learning about changes between versions.

11.b: 11-08-01
Merged following changes from aravkin branch into the trunk:  

11.b.a: 11-7-15
  1. Removed block tridiagonal inverter from this branch, along with example for it. This will go into a different branch and different release.
  2. Modernized 9.24: ckbs_kuhn_tucker to use block tridiagonal and block diagonal multiplication
  3. Modified 6: ckbs_affine to do a more robust interior point relaxation scheme, where the maximum of the complementarity conditions is taken into account.
  4. Made progress in fixing bug in 4: ckbs_nonlinear that was causing the unit test to fail for the constrained sine and box sine. Committed algorithm now passes committed test.
  5. Added two more difficult datasets, z2 and z3, to allow for better testing.

11.b.b: 2-6-17
Updated nonlinear test to read in dataset that makes the algorithm crash on Matlab. Added dataset to the nonlinear folder.

11.b.c: 11-5-17
Added routine 5: ckbs_L1_nonlinear and a test. The routine is the nonlinear robust L1 smoother, and the test checks that the optimization problem has converged and makes a plot of the robust smoother result compared to the iterated result from 6: ckbs_affine for the Van Der Pol oscillator. The problem is set up to have a moderately high proportion of very noisy outliers, and the user can easily tweak the parameters to experiment by using 5.1: L1_nonlinear_ok.m as a template.

11.b.d: 11-5-10
Added routine 8: ckbs_L1_affine and a test. The routine is the affine robust L1 smoother, and the test checks that the optimization problem has converged and makes a plot of the robust smoother result compared to the iterated result from 6: ckbs_affine . The problem is set up to have a high proportion of very noisy outliers, and the user can easily tweak the parameters to experiment by using 8.1: L1_affine_ok.m as a template.

11.b.e: 11-5-9
  1. Rewrote 9.8: ckbs_blkdiag_mul and 9.9: ckbs_blkdiag_mul_t to work on matrices as well as vectors.
  2. Rewrote test for 9.12: ckbs_blktridiag_mul so that it does not rely on any other routines.
  3. Rewrote tests for 9.24: ckbs_kuhn_tucker and 9.22: ckbs_newton_step to use lower level routines, eliminating redundant code and increasing transparency of these tests.
  4. Rewrote tests for 9.19: ckbs_tridiag_solve and 9.20: ckbs_tridiag_solve_b to use 9.12: ckbs_blktridiag_mul for transparency.
  5. Added routines 9.23: ckbs_newton_step_L1 and test to compute the newton iteration for the L1 robust smoother.

11.b.f: 11-5-4
Added 9.25: ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1 and test. This function computes the Kuhn-Tucker residual for the robust L1 smoothing problem.

11.b.g: 11-5-3
  1. Added 9.14: ckbs_L2L1_obj and test. This function computes the affine least squares (for process) and L1 robust (for residuals) norm, and is used by the robust L1 smoother.
  2. Added 9.16: ckbs_process_grad and test. This routine computes the process portion of the gradient of the objective, and is used by the L1 smoother.
  3. Added 9.18: ckbs_process_hes and test. This routine computes the process portion of the Hessian to the objective, and is used by the L1 smoother.

11.b.h: 11-5-2
Rewrote 9.22: ckbs_newton_step . New algorithm uses one fewer tridiagonal solve, only inverts the augmented tridiagonal system, avoid the Woodbury inversion lemma, and requires much less exposition.

11.b.i: 11-5-1
Added tridiagonal inverse routine and test, subsequently deleted. Given a packed tridiagonal matrix  A , the routine computes the block diagonal of  A^{-1} . The work to compute this scales linearly with the number of time points. This routine is useful for obtaining the a posteriori variance estimate from a kalman smoothing fit.

11.b.j: 11-4-30
Added 9.20: ckbs_tridiag_solve_b to src directory and 9.20.1: tridiag_solve_b_ok.m to example directory. This routine is an alternate version to 9.19: ckbs_tridiag_solve currently used by ckbs. The new routine is used by the robust smoother, and in some instances it may be more stable than the standard version.

11.b.k: 11-4-29
Added 9.12: ckbs_blktridiag_mul to src directory and 9.12.1: blktridiag_mul_ok.m to example directory. This utility routine is used by the robust smoother, and also can be used to quickly convert a block tridiagonal matrix from compact to explicit form via multiplication with the identity.  

11.c: 10-11-15
  1. Move 4.3: vanderpol_ok.m , 4.3.1: vanderpol_sim and vanderpol_sim_ok.m from example directory to example/nonlinear directory.
  2. Create 4.4.5: persist_g.m a general purpose transition utility for use with 4: ckbs_nonlinear . Change 4.1: get_started_ok.m to use this utility.
  3. Change 4.1: get_started_ok.m to use 4.4.2: direct_h.m and 4.4.1: box_f.m . In addition, make other improvements to get_started_ok.m.

11.d: 10-11-14
  1. Make the unconstrained, box constrained, and nonlinear constrained cases options to the routine 4.2: sine_wave_ok.m . This replaces the old nl_measure_ok.m and nonlinear_ok_sin.m examples.
  2. Create 4.4.7: sine_f.m a general purpose constraint utility for use with 4: ckbs_nonlinear . Change 4.2: sine_wave_ok.m to use this utility.

11.e: 10-11-13
Create 4.4.3: distance_h.m a general purpose distance measurement utility for use with 4: ckbs_nonlinear . Change examples to use this utility.

11.f: 10-11-12
Create 4.4.6: pos_vel_g.m a general purpose position and velocity utility for use with 4: ckbs_nonlinear . Change examples to use this utility.

11.g: 10-11-10
  1. Create 4.4.1: box_f.m a general purpose box constraint utility for use with 4: ckbs_nonlinear . Change examples to use this utility.
  2. Document and make 4.4.4: no_f.m a general purpose utility for unconstrained problems. Change examples to use this utility.

11.h: 10-11-03
Create a subdirectory called example/nonlinear and move nonlinear_ok_simple.m to nonlinear/get_started_ok.m, and nonlinear_ok_box.m to nonlinear/nl_measure_ok.m. Improve the 4.1: get_started_ok.m and nl_measure_ok.m, implementation and documentation.

11.i: 10-10-28
Add the 4.3: vanderpol_ok.m example and test of non-linear dynamical system. You can run this example as follows:
	cd example
You can replace octave by matlab. The argument true instructs vanderpol_ok to plot the results.

11.j: 10-06-07
Have 4: ckbs_nonlinear report an error when an argument, or call back function return value, is not finite valued.

11.k: 10-03-25
  1. Moves the test directory to example
  2. Created the file test/affine_line_search_ok.m which demonstrated a bug in 6: ckbs_affine .
  3. Fixed the bug in 6: ckbs_affine .

11.l: 10-02-28
Change d: download instructions to correspond COIN-OR (http://www.coin-or.org) distribution instead of form Brad Bell's home page (http://www.seanet.com/~bradbell) .

11.m: 07-09-02
The 4: ckbs_nonlinear algorithm has been modified to conform with the global convergence theory of Burke and Han. This involved adding the exact penalty parameter  \alpha which is included in the trace and info return.

11.n: 07-08-31
In the case where the constraints were not active, the ckbs_affine return value 6.r: uOut was a three dimensional array instead of a matrix. This has been fixed.

11.o: 06-11-05
Fix plotting the wrong variables in constrained case for nl_measure_ok.m.

Improve the documentation of the initial state estimate in 4.g: g_fun and 4.m: qinv for ckbs_nonlinear.

Improve the documentation of the initial state estimate in 4.g: g_fun and 4.m: qinv for ckbs_nonlinear.

11.p: 06-11-03
The order of the variables in the state vector for nl_measure_ok.m and for nonlinear_ok_sin.m was changed to group each component of velocity with the corresponding position (instead of grouping position with position and velocity with velocity). This made the variance matrix  Q_k block diagonal (simpler).

11.q: 06-10-24
The fonts got misaligned in the ckbs_affine 6.a: syntax documentation. This has been fixed.

11.r: 06-10-20
The 4: ckbs_nonlinear implementation was greatly simplified using the fact that 6: ckbs_affine no longer requires a feasible starting point. This removed the need for an augmented problem and hence the 4.r: info return value from ckbs_nonlinear no longer has a penalty parameter; i.e., it has one less value per row.

10: all_ok.m was extended so that if no argument is provided, only the quick tests are run.

11.s: 06-10-19
The 6: ckbs_affine routine has been improved so that it no longer requires a feasible input point so the input argument xIn has been removed. Since the sequence of iterates is no longer necessarily feasible, the 6.s: info return value now has been changed so that it now includes a measure of feasibility. The input argument 6.f: max_itr has been added to ckbs_affine. The 6.1: affine_ok_box.m example has been changed to use the new meaning for the arguments and return values of ckbs_affine.

The itr_out return value has been removed from the 4: ckbs_nonlinear syntax. It was the same as size(info, 1). The following examples have been changed to remove the use of itr_out in the calls to ckbs_nonlinear: 4.1: get_started_ok.m , nl_measure_ok.m, nonlinear_ok_sin.m.

The implementation of 4: ckbs_nonlinear has been changed to use the new calling sequence to 6: ckbs_affine (this is implementation detail and does not affect the user).

11.t: 06-10-13
The line search in 6: ckbs_affine had a bug where the sign of the condition it was checking was reversed. This has been changed. In addition, the minimum line search step size in the sub-problem was added to the 4.r: info return value for 4: ckbs_nonlinear .

There was a syntax error in 4.1: get_started_ok.m that caused a problem in Matlab®, but not in octave. This has been fixed.

11.u: 06-10-05
  1. Matlab® does not combine character matrices with different numbers of columns. A debugging message assignment in ckbs_nonlinear.m was removed to avoid this.
  2. Documentation for missing data values was added to 4.n: rinv .
  3. Some minor Matlab compatibility problems in the files example/nonlinear/nl_measure_ok.m and example/nonlinear_ok_sin.m were fixed.
  4. The directory created when the d.a: download file was extracted was ckbs instead of ckbs-yy-mm-dd. This has been fixed.
  5. The 9: utility section, and all its subsections, were missing from the documentation.
  6. The number of input arguments and output values for 4: ckbs_nonlinear has been changes to allow for control of the number of iterations.
  7. Line search failure in 4: ckbs_nonlinear was converted from an error to a warning.

11.v: 06-10-01
  1. The 10.1: test_path.m function was added so that it is easier to run a single test at the command line (you need to run this function first).
  2. A tracing argument called level was added to 4: ckbs_nonlinear . This tracing was turned on in the nl_measure_ok.m example.
  3. The nonlinear constraint example nonlinear_ok_sin.m was added. It demonstrates significant improvement by the inclusion of the constraints.
  4. The draw_plot argument to the nl_measure_ok.m example was documented.
  5. The quick argument was added to 10: all_ok.m .
  6. The files example/nonlinear_ok_sin.r and example/nonlinear/nl_measure_ok.r were added to the distribution. (These are R source code files that are used to make plots from the corresponding example output files.)

11.w: 06-09-30
The function ckbs has been changed to 4: ckbs_nonlinear . This enables the : ckbs section to refer to the documentation for the entire system.
Input File: omh/whatsnew.omh
12: List of Future Improvements to ckbs

12.a: Documentation

12.a.a: H
Fix double use of H as linear term in the measurement model and as the quadratic term in the affine subproblem.

12.b: Speed

12.b.a: Block tridiagonal solver
Implement 9.20: ckbs_tridiag_solve_b as a mex file that runs under both matlab and octave. (Possibly include a parallelized version).

12.c: Tests

12.c.a: Derivatives
Use the complex step method instead of simple differences to check derivatives. This can be used to check Kuhn-Tucker conditions using complex step on the Lagrangian.
Input File: omh/wishlist.omh
13: Bibliography

13.a: Aravkin2009
A.Aravkin, B. Bell, J. Burke, G. Pillonetto, An  \ell_1 Laplace Robust Kalman Smoother, to appear in IEEE TAC in November, 2011.
Input File: omh/bib.omh
14: Alphabetic Listing of Cross Reference Tags
6.1: affine_ok_box.m
ckbs_affine Box Constrained Smoothing Spline Example and Test
7.1: affine_singular_ok.m
ckbs_affine_singular Singular Smoothing Spline Example and Test
10: all_ok.m
Run All Correctness Tests
13: bib
9.5.1: bidiag_solve_ok.m
ckbs_bidiag_solve Example and Test
9.6.1: bidiag_solve_t_ok.m
ckbs_bidiag_solve_t Example and Test
9.11.1: blkbidiag_mul_ok.m
blkbidiag_mul Example and Test
9.10.1: blkbidiag_mul_t_ok.m
blkbidiag_mul_t Example and Test
9.7.1: blkbidiag_symm_mul_ok.m
blkbidiag_symm_mul Example and Test
9.8.1: blkdiag_mul_ok.m
blkdiag_mul Example and Test
9.9.1: blkdiag_mul_t_ok.m
blkdiag_mul_t Example and Test
9.12.1: blktridiag_mul_ok.m
blktridiag_mul Example and Test
4.4.1: box_f.m
ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Box Constraints
: ckbs
ckbs-0.20130204.0: Constrained/Robust Kalman-Bucy Smoothers
6: ckbs_affine
Constrained Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
7: ckbs_affine_singular
Singular Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
9.5: ckbs_bidiag_solve
Block Bidiagonal Algorithm
9.6: ckbs_bidiag_solve_t
Block Bidiagonal Algorithm
9.11: ckbs_blkbidiag_mul
Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
9.10: ckbs_blkbidiag_mul_t
Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Transpose Times a Vector
9.7: ckbs_blkbidiag_symm_mul
Packed Block Bidiagonal Matrix Symmetric Multiply
9.8: ckbs_blkdiag_mul
Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector or Matrix
9.9: ckbs_blkdiag_mul_t
Transpose of Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector or Matrix
9.12: ckbs_blktridiag_mul
Packed Block Tridiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
9.4: ckbs_diag_solve
Block Diagonal Algorithm
9.24: ckbs_kuhn_tucker
Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
9.25: ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1
Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions for Robust L1
8: ckbs_L1_affine
Robust L1 Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
5: ckbs_L1_nonlinear
The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
9.14: ckbs_L2L1_obj
Affine Least Squares with Robust L1 Objective
9.22: ckbs_newton_step
Affine Constrained Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step
9.23: ckbs_newton_step_L1
Affine Robust L1 Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step
4: ckbs_nonlinear
The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
9.16: ckbs_process_grad
Affine Residual Process Sum of Squares Gradient
9.18: ckbs_process_hes
Affine Process Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
9.15: ckbs_sumsq_grad
Affine Residual Sum of Squares Gradient
9.17: ckbs_sumsq_hes
Affine Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
9.13: ckbs_sumsq_obj
Affine Residual Sum of Squares Objective
3: ckbs_t_general
The General Student's t Smoother
9.2: ckbs_t_grad
Student's t Gradient
9.3: ckbs_t_hess
Student's t Hessian
9.1: ckbs_t_obj
Student's t Sum of Squares Objective
9.19: ckbs_tridiag_solve
Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm
9.20: ckbs_tridiag_solve_b
Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Backward version)
9.21: ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg
Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Conjugate Gradient version)
9.4.1: diag_solve_ok.m
ckbs_diag_solve Example and Test
4.4.2: direct_h.m
ckbs_nonlinear: Example Direct Measurement Model
4.4.3: distance_h.m
ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Distance Measurement Model
4.1: get_started_ok.m
ckbs_nonlinear: A Simple Example and Test
9.25.1: kuhn_tucker_L1_ok.m
ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1 Example and Test
9.24.1: kuhn_tucker_ok.m
ckbs_kuhn_tucker Example and Test
8.1: L1_affine_ok.m
ckbs_L1_affine Robust Smoothing Spline Example and Test
5.1: L1_nonlinear_ok.m
ckbs_L1_nonlinear: Robust Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test
9.14.1: L2L1_obj_ok.m
ckbs_L2L1_obj Example and Test
2: license
Your License to use the ckbs Software
9.23.1: newton_step_L1_ok.m
ckbs_newton_step_L1 Example and Test
9.22.1: newton_step_ok.m
ckbs_newton_step Example and Test
4.4.4: no_f.m
ckbs_nonlinear: Example of No Constraint
4.4: nonlinear_utility
ckbs_nonlinear: General Purpose Utilities
4.4.5: persist_g.m
ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Persistence Transition Function
4.4.6: pos_vel_g.m
ckbs_nonlinear: Example Position and Velocity Transition Model
9.16.1: process_grad_ok.m
ckbs_process_grad Example and Test
9.18.1: process_hes_ok.m
ckbs_process_hes Example and Test
4.4.7: sine_f.m
ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Nonlinear Constraint
4.2: sine_wave_ok.m
ckbs_nonlinear: Example and Test of Tracking a Sine Wave
9.15.1: sumsq_grad_ok.m
ckbs_sumsq_grad Example and Test
9.17.1: sumsq_hes_ok.m
ckbs_sumsq_hes Example and Test
9.13.1: sumsq_obj_ok.m
ckbs_sumsq_obj Example and Test
3.2: t_general_noisy_jump.m
ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
3.1: t_general_ok.m
ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
9.2.1: t_grad_ok.m
ckbs_t_grad Example and Test
9.3.1: t_hess_ok.m
ckbs_t_hess Example and Test
9.1.1: t_obj_ok.m
ckbs_t_obj Example and Test
10.1: test_path.m
Set Up Path for Testing
9.20.1: tridiag_solve_b_ok.m
ckbs_tridiag_solve_b Example and Test
9.19.1: tridiag_solve_ok.m
ckbs_tridiag_solve Example and Test
9.21.1: tridiag_solve_pcg_ok.m
ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg Example and Test
9: utility
ckbs Utility Functions
4.3.2: vanderpol_g.m
ckbs_nonlinear: Vanderpol Transition Model Mean Example
4.3: vanderpol_ok.m
ckbs_nonlinear: Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test
4.3.1: vanderpol_sim
Van der Pol Oscillator Simulation (No Noise) vanderpol_sim_ok.m
Example Use of vanderpol_sim
11: whatsnew
Changes and Additions to ckbs
12: wishlist
List of Future Improvements to ckbs

15: Keyword Index
     constrained smoother 6: Constrained Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
     example and test 6.1: ckbs_affine Box Constrained Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     robust smoother 8: Robust L1 Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
     singular smoother 7: Singular Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
all_ok 10: Run All Correctness Tests
     constrained smoother 4: The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
     block tridiagonal solve 9.20: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Backward version)
bidiag_solve 9.5: Block Bidiagonal Algorithm
     example and test 9.5.1: ckbs_bidiag_solve Example and Test
bidiag_solve_9.6: Block Bidiagonal Algorithm
     example and test 9.6.1: ckbs_bidiag_solve_t Example and Test
     block solve 9.5: Block Bidiagonal Algorithm
bidiagonal symmetric
     block multiply 9.7: Packed Block Bidiagonal Matrix Symmetric Multiply
bidiagonal transpose
     block solve 9.6: Block Bidiagonal Algorithm
blkbidiag_mul 9.11: Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
              9.10: Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Transpose Times a Vector
     example and test 9.11.1: blkbidiag_mul Example and Test
     example and test 9.10.1: blkbidiag_mul_t Example and Test
blkbidiag_symm_mul 9.7: Packed Block Bidiagonal Matrix Symmetric Multiply
     example and test 9.7.1: blkbidiag_symm_mul Example and Test
blkdiag_mul 9.8: Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector or Matrix
     example and test 9.8.1: blkdiag_mul Example and Test
blkdiag_mul_9.9: Transpose of Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector
or Matrix

     example and test 9.9.1: blkdiag_mul_t Example and Test
blktridiag_mul 9.12: Packed Block Tridiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
     example and test 9.12.1: blktridiag_mul Example and Test
     bidiagonal symmetric multiply 9.7: Packed Block Bidiagonal Matrix Symmetric Multiply
     diagonal multiply 9.9: Transpose of Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector
or Matrix

     diagonal multiply 9.8: Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector or Matrix
     lower bidiagonal multiply 9.11: Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
     lower bidiagonal transpose multiply 9.10: Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Transpose Times a Vector
     tridiagonal multiply 9.12: Packed Block Tridiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
     constraint utility 4.4.1: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Box Constraints
     block tridiagonal solve 9.21: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Conjugate Gradient version)
ckbs_affine 6: Constrained Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
     example and test 6.1: ckbs_affine Box Constrained Smoothing Spline Example and Test
ckbs_affine_singular 7: Singular Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
     example and test 7.1: ckbs_affine_singular Singular Smoothing Spline Example and Test
ckbs_bidiag_solve 9.5: Block Bidiagonal Algorithm
     example and test 9.5.1: ckbs_bidiag_solve Example and Test
ckbs_bidiag_solve_9.6: Block Bidiagonal Algorithm
     example and test 9.6.1: ckbs_bidiag_solve_t Example and Test
ckbs_blkbidiag_mul 9.11: Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
                   9.10: Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Transpose Times a Vector
     example and test 9.11.1: blkbidiag_mul Example and Test
     example and test 9.10.1: blkbidiag_mul_t Example and Test
ckbs_blkbidiag_symm_mul 9.7: Packed Block Bidiagonal Matrix Symmetric Multiply
     example and test 9.7.1: blkbidiag_symm_mul Example and Test
ckbs_blkdiag_mul 9.8: Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector or Matrix
     example and test 9.8.1: blkdiag_mul Example and Test
ckbs_blkdiag_mul_9.9: Transpose of Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector
or Matrix

     example and test 9.9.1: blkdiag_mul_t Example and Test
ckbs_blktridiag_mul 9.12: Packed Block Tridiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
     example and test 9.12.1: blktridiag_mul Example and Test
ckbs_diag_solve 9.4: Block Diagonal Algorithm
     example and test 9.4.1: ckbs_diag_solve Example and Test
ckbs_kuhn_tucker 9.24: Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
     example and test 9.24.1: ckbs_kuhn_tucker Example and Test
ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1 9.25: Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions for Robust L1
     example and test 9.25.1: ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1 Example and Test
ckbs_L1_affine 8: Robust L1 Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
     example and test 8.1: ckbs_L1_affine Robust Smoothing Spline Example and Test
ckbs_L1_nonlinear 5: The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
     robust 5.1: ckbs_L1_nonlinear:
Robust Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

ckbs_L2L1_obj 9.14: Affine Least Squares with Robust L1 Objective
     example and test 9.14.1: ckbs_L2L1_obj Example and Test
ckbs_newton_step 9.22: Affine Constrained Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step
     example and test 9.22.1: ckbs_newton_step Example and Test
ckbs_newton_step_L1 9.23: Affine Robust L1 Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step
     example and test 9.23.1: ckbs_newton_step_L1 Example and Test
ckbs_nonlinear 4: The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
     box constraint 4.4.1: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Box Constraints
     get_started 4.1: ckbs_nonlinear: A Simple Example and Test
     measure 4.4.3: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Distance Measurement Model
     measure 4.4.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Example Direct Measurement Model
     persistence 4.4.5: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Persistence Transition Function
     simple 4.1: ckbs_nonlinear: A Simple Example and Test
     sine wave 4.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Example and Test of Tracking a Sine Wave
     sine wave constraint 4.4.7: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Nonlinear Constraint
     transition 4.4.6: ckbs_nonlinear: Example Position and Velocity Transition Model
     transition 4.3.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Vanderpol Transition Model Mean Example
     unconstrained 4.4.4: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of No Constraint
     unconstrained 4.3: ckbs_nonlinear:
Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

ckbs_process_grad 9.16: Affine Residual Process Sum of Squares Gradient
     example and test 9.16.1: ckbs_process_grad Example and Test
ckbs_process_hes 9.18: Affine Process Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
     example and test 9.18.1: ckbs_process_hes Example and Test
ckbs_sumsq_grad 9.15: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Gradient
     example and test 9.15.1: ckbs_sumsq_grad Example and Test
ckbs_sumsq_hes 9.17: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
     example and test 9.17.1: ckbs_sumsq_hes Example and Test
ckbs_sumsq_obj 9.13: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Objective
     example and test 9.13.1: ckbs_sumsq_obj Example and Test
ckbs_t_general 3: The General Student's t Smoother
     example and test 3.2: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
     example and test 3.1: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
ckbs_t_grad 9.2: Student's t Gradient
     example and test 9.2.1: ckbs_t_grad Example and Test
ckbs_t_hess 9.3: Student's t Hessian
     example and test 9.3.1: ckbs_t_hess Example and Test
ckbs_t_obj 9.1: Student's t Sum of Squares Objective
     example and test 9.1.1: ckbs_t_obj Example and Test
ckbs_tridiag_solve 9.19: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm
     example and test 9.19.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve Example and Test
ckbs_tridiag_solve_9.20: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Backward version)
     example and test 9.20.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve_b Example and Test
ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg 9.21: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Conjugate Gradient version)
     example and test 9.21.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg Example and Test
     affine smoother 6: Constrained Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
     Kalman-Bucy Smoother 4: The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
     box utility 4.4.1: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Box Constraints
     none 4.4.4: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of No Constraint
     sine wave 4.4.7: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Nonlinear Constraint
     test all 10: Run All Correctness Tests
diag_solve 9.4: Block Diagonal Algorithm
     example and test 9.4.1: ckbs_diag_solve Example and Test
     block multiply 9.9: Transpose of Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector
or Matrix

     block multiply 9.8: Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector or Matrix
     block solve 9.4: Block Diagonal Algorithm
     measure 4.4.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Example Direct Measurement Model
     measure 4.4.3: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Distance Measurement Model
     persistence 4.4.5: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Persistence Transition Function
     position and velocity 4.4.6: ckbs_nonlinear: Example Position and Velocity Transition Model
     vanderpol 4.3.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Vanderpol Transition Model Mean Example
     affine 6.1: ckbs_affine Box Constrained Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     bidiag_solve 9.5.1: ckbs_bidiag_solve Example and Test
     bidiag_solve_9.6.1: ckbs_bidiag_solve_t Example and Test
     blkbidiag_mul 9.11.1: blkbidiag_mul Example and Test
     blkbidiag_mul_9.10.1: blkbidiag_mul_t Example and Test
     blkbidiag_symm_mul 9.7.1: blkbidiag_symm_mul Example and Test
     blkdiag_mul 9.8.1: blkdiag_mul Example and Test
     blkdiag_mul_9.9.1: blkdiag_mul_t Example and Test
     blktridiag_mul 9.12.1: blktridiag_mul Example and Test
     ckbs_nonlinear 4.1: ckbs_nonlinear: A Simple Example and Test
     diag_solve 9.4.1: ckbs_diag_solve Example and Test
     get_started 4.1: ckbs_nonlinear: A Simple Example and Test
     kuhn_tucker 9.24.1: ckbs_kuhn_tucker Example and Test
     kuhn_tucker_L1 9.25.1: ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1 Example and Test
     L2L1_obj 9.14.1: ckbs_L2L1_obj Example and Test
     newton_step 9.22.1: ckbs_newton_step Example and Test
     newton_step_L1 9.23.1: ckbs_newton_step_L1 Example and Test
     nonlinear 4.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Example and Test of Tracking a Sine Wave
     process_grad 9.16.1: ckbs_process_grad Example and Test
     process_hes 9.18.1: ckbs_process_hes Example and Test
     robust affine 8.1: ckbs_L1_affine Robust Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     robust nonlinear 5.1: ckbs_L1_nonlinear:
Robust Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

     robust smoother spline 8.1: ckbs_L1_affine Robust Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     singular affine 7.1: ckbs_affine_singular Singular Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     singular smoother spline 7.1: ckbs_affine_singular Singular Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     smoother spline 6.1: ckbs_affine Box Constrained Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     smoothing and jump tracking 3.2: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
     smoothing and jump tracking 3.1: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
     sumsq_grad 9.15.1: ckbs_sumsq_grad Example and Test
     sumsq_hes 9.17.1: ckbs_sumsq_hes Example and Test
     sumsq_obj 9.13.1: ckbs_sumsq_obj Example and Test
     t_general 3.2: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
     t_general 3.1: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
     t_grad 9.2.1: ckbs_t_grad Example and Test
     t_hess 9.3.1: ckbs_t_hess Example and Test
     t_obj 9.1.1: ckbs_t_obj Example and Test
     transition nonlinear 5.1: ckbs_L1_nonlinear:
Robust Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

     transition nonlinear 4.3: ckbs_nonlinear:
Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

     tridiag_solve 9.19.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve Example and Test
     tridiag_solve_9.20.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve_b Example and Test
     tridiag_solve_pcg 9.21.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg Example and Test
     unconstrained 4.3: ckbs_nonlinear:
Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

     unconstrained 4.3: ckbs_nonlinear:
Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

     ckbs_nonlinear 4.1: ckbs_nonlinear: A Simple Example and Test
     of objective 9.15: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Gradient
     of process objective 9.16: Affine Residual Process Sum of Squares Gradient
     of Student's t objective 9.2: Student's t Gradient
     of objective 9.17: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
     of process objective 9.18: Affine Process Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
     of Student's t objective 9.3: Student's t Hessian
     constrained smoother 4: The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
     robust L1 smoother 5: The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
     Student's t smoother 3: The General Student's t Smoother
     residual 9.24: Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
Kuhn-Tucker for L1
     residual 9.25: Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions for Robust L1
kuhn_tucker 9.24: Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
     example and test 9.24.1: ckbs_kuhn_tucker Example and Test
kuhn_tucker_L1 9.25: Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions for Robust L1
     example and test 9.25.1: ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1 Example and Test
L2L1_obj 9.14: Affine Least Squares with Robust L1 Objective
     example and test 9.14.1: ckbs_L2L1_obj Example and Test
least squares with robust L1 norm
     objective 9.14: Affine Least Squares with Robust L1 Objective
lower bidiagonal
     block multiply 9.11: Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
     block transpose multiply 9.10: Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Transpose Times a Vector
     direct 4.4.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Example Direct Measurement Model
     distance 4.4.3: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Distance Measurement Model
     block diagonal 9.9: Transpose of Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector
or Matrix

     block diagonal 9.8: Packed Block Diagonal Matrix Times a Vector or Matrix
     block lower bidiagonal 9.11: Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
     block lower bidiagonal transpose 9.10: Packed Lower Block Bidiagonal Matrix Transpose Times a Vector
     block tridiagonal 9.12: Packed Block Tridiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
newton_step 9.22: Affine Constrained Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step
     example and test 9.22.1: ckbs_newton_step Example and Test
newton_step_L1 9.23: Affine Robust L1 Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step
     example and test 9.23.1: ckbs_newton_step_L1 Example and Test
     vanderpol oscillator 4.3.1: Van der Pol Oscillator Simulation (No Noise)
     transition 4.3.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Vanderpol Transition Model Mean Example
     gradient 9.15: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Gradient
     Hessian 9.17: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
     least squares with robust L1 norm 9.14: Affine Least Squares with Robust L1 Objective
     process gradient 9.16: Affine Residual Process Sum of Squares Gradient
     process Hessian 9.18: Affine Process Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
     residual sum of squares 9.13: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Objective
     Student's 9.1: Student's t Sum of Squares Objective
     vanderpol no noise 4.3.1: Van der Pol Oscillator Simulation (No Noise)
     for testing 10.1: Set Up Path for Testing
     transition 4.4.5: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Persistence Transition Function
     velocity transition 4.4.6: ckbs_nonlinear: Example Position and Velocity Transition Model
process residual
     gradient 9.16: Affine Residual Process Sum of Squares Gradient
process sum of squares
     Hessian 9.18: Affine Process Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
process_grad 9.16: Affine Residual Process Sum of Squares Gradient
     example and test 9.16.1: ckbs_process_grad Example and Test
process_hes 9.18: Affine Process Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
     example and test 9.18.1: ckbs_process_hes Example and Test
random walk
     transition 4.4.5: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Persistence Transition Function
reference 4.3.d: ckbs_nonlinear:
Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test: Reference

     gradient 9.15: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Gradient
     Hessian 9.17: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
     Hessian process 9.18: Affine Process Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
     Kuhn-Tucker 9.24: Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
     Kuhn-Tucker for L1 9.25: Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions for Robust L1
     sum of squares objective 9.13: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Objective
     affine smoother 8: Robust L1 Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
     ckbs_L1_nonlinear 5.1: ckbs_L1_nonlinear:
Robust Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

robust affine
     example and test 8.1: ckbs_L1_affine Robust Smoothing Spline Example and Test
robust L1
     Kalman Smoother 5: The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
robust L1 norm objective
     affine least squares with 9.14: Affine Least Squares with Robust L1 Objective
robust smoothing
     spline example and test 8.1: ckbs_L1_affine Robust Smoothing Spline Example and Test
Student's t
     Kalman-Bucy Smoother 3: The General Student's t Smoother
     objective 9.1: Student's t Sum of Squares Objective
Student's t residual
     gradient 9.2: Student's t Gradient
Students t objective
     gradient 9.2: Student's t Gradient
     hessian 9.3: Student's t Hessian
     ckbs_nonlinear 4.1: ckbs_nonlinear: A Simple Example and Test
sine wave
     constraint 4.4.7: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Nonlinear Constraint
     affine smoother 7: Singular Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
singular affine
     example and test 7.1: ckbs_affine_singular Singular Smoothing Spline Example and Test
singular smoothing
     spline example and test 7.1: ckbs_affine_singular Singular Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     affine constrained 6: Constrained Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
     affine robust 8: Robust L1 Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
     affine singular 7: Singular Affine Kalman Bucy Smoother
     constrained Kalman-Bucy 4: The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
     robust L1 Kalman 5: The Nonlinear Constrained Kalman-Bucy Smoother
     Student's 3: The General Student's t Smoother
     jump tracking example and test 3.2: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
     jump tracking example and test 3.1: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
     spline example and test 6.1: ckbs_affine Box Constrained Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     backward block tridiagonal 9.20: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Backward version)
     block bidiagonal 9.5: Block Bidiagonal Algorithm
     block bidiagonal transpose 9.6: Block Bidiagonal Algorithm
     block diagonal 9.4: Block Diagonal Algorithm
     block tridiagonal 9.19: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm
     cg block tridiagonal 9.21: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Conjugate Gradient version)
     Newton 9.23: Affine Robust L1 Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step
     Newton 9.22: Affine Constrained Kalman Bucy Smoother Newton Step
sum of squares
     gradient 9.15: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Gradient
     Hessian 9.17: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
     residual objective 9.13: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Objective
sum of squares of process
     gradient 9.16: Affine Residual Process Sum of Squares Gradient
sumsq_grad 9.15: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Gradient
     example and test 9.15.1: ckbs_sumsq_grad Example and Test
sumsq_hes 9.17: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Hessian
     example and test 9.17.1: ckbs_sumsq_hes Example and Test
sumsq_obj 9.13: Affine Residual Sum of Squares Objective
     example and test 9.13.1: ckbs_sumsq_obj Example and Test
symmetric multiply
     block bidiagonal 9.7: Packed Block Bidiagonal Matrix Symmetric Multiply
     Kuhn residual 9.24: Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
     Kuhn residual for L1 9.25: Compute Residual in Kuhn-Tucker Conditions for Robust L1
     example and test 3.2: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
     example and test 3.1: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
t_grad 9.2: Student's t Gradient
     example and test 9.2.1: ckbs_t_grad Example and Test
t_hess 9.3: Student's t Hessian
     example and test 9.3.1: ckbs_t_hess Example and Test
t_obj 9.1: Student's t Sum of Squares Objective
     example and test 9.1.1: ckbs_t_obj Example and Test
     affine 6.1: ckbs_affine Box Constrained Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     bidiag_solve 9.5.1: ckbs_bidiag_solve Example and Test
     bidiag_solve_9.6.1: ckbs_bidiag_solve_t Example and Test
     blkbidiag_mul 9.11.1: blkbidiag_mul Example and Test
     blkbidiag_mul_9.10.1: blkbidiag_mul_t Example and Test
     blkbidiag_symm_mul 9.7.1: blkbidiag_symm_mul Example and Test
     blkdiag_mul 9.8.1: blkdiag_mul Example and Test
     blkdiag_mul_t% 9.9.1: blkdiag_mul_t Example and Test
     blktridiag_mul 9.12.1: blktridiag_mul Example and Test
     ckbs_nonlinear 4.1: ckbs_nonlinear: A Simple Example and Test
     diag_solve 9.4.1: ckbs_diag_solve Example and Test
     get_started 4.1: ckbs_nonlinear: A Simple Example and Test
     kuhn_tucker 9.24.1: ckbs_kuhn_tucker Example and Test
     kuhn_tucker_L1 9.25.1: ckbs_kuhn_tucker_L1 Example and Test
     L2L1_obj 9.14.1: ckbs_L2L1_obj Example and Test
     newton_step 9.22.1: ckbs_newton_step Example and Test
     newton_step_L1 9.23.1: ckbs_newton_step_L1 Example and Test
     nonlinear 4.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Example and Test of Tracking a Sine Wave
     path 10.1: Set Up Path for Testing
     process_grad 9.16.1: ckbs_process_grad Example and Test
     process_hes 9.18.1: ckbs_process_hes Example and Test
     robust 5.1: ckbs_L1_nonlinear:
Robust Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

     robust affine 8.1: ckbs_L1_affine Robust Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     robust nonlinear 5.1: ckbs_L1_nonlinear:
Robust Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

     robust smoothing spline 8.1: ckbs_L1_affine Robust Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     run all 10: Run All Correctness Tests
     Student's 3.2: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
     Student's 3.1: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
     singular affine 7.1: ckbs_affine_singular Singular Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     singular smoothing spline 7.1: ckbs_affine_singular Singular Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     smoothing spline 6.1: ckbs_affine Box Constrained Smoothing Spline Example and Test
     smoothing spline with jump 3.2: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
     smoothing spline with jump 3.1: ckbs_t_general Jump Tracking Example and Test
     sumsq_grad 9.15.1: ckbs_sumsq_grad Example and Test
     sumsq_hes 9.17.1: ckbs_sumsq_hes Example and Test
     sumsq_obj 9.13.1: ckbs_sumsq_obj Example and Test
     t_grad 9.2.1: ckbs_t_grad Example and Test
     t_hess 9.3.1: ckbs_t_hess Example and Test
     t_obj 9.1.1: ckbs_t_obj Example and Test
     transition nonlinear 5.1: ckbs_L1_nonlinear:
Robust Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

     transition nonlinear 4.3: ckbs_nonlinear:
Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

     tridiag_solve 9.19.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve Example and Test
     tridiag_solve_9.20.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve_b Example and Test
     tridiag_solve_pcg 9.21.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg Example and Test
     unconstrained 4.3: ckbs_nonlinear:
Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

     unconstrained 4.3: ckbs_nonlinear:
Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

test_path 10.1: Set Up Path for Testing
     persistence 4.4.5: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of Persistence Transition Function
     position and velocity 4.4.6: ckbs_nonlinear: Example Position and Velocity Transition Model
     vanderpol 4.3.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Vanderpol Transition Model Mean Example
tridiag_solve 9.20: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Backward version)
              9.19: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm
     example and test 9.19.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve Example and Test
     example and test 9.20.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve_b Example and Test
tridiag_solve_pcg 9.21: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Conjugate Gradient version)
     example and test 9.21.1: ckbs_tridiag_solve_pcg Example and Test
     backward block solve 9.20: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Backward version)
     block multiply 9.12: Packed Block Tridiagonal Matrix Times a Vector
     block solve 9.19: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm
     pcg block solve 9.21: Symmetric Block Tridiagonal Algorithm (Conjugate Gradient version)
     ckbs_nonlinear 4.3: ckbs_nonlinear:
Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

     utility 4.4.4: ckbs_nonlinear: Example of No Constraint
     oscillator no noise 4.3.1: Van der Pol Oscillator Simulation (No Noise)
     robust 5.1: ckbs_L1_nonlinear:
Robust Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

     transition 4.3.2: ckbs_nonlinear: Vanderpol Transition Model Mean Example
     unconstrained 4.3: ckbs_nonlinear:
Unconstrained Nonlinear Transition Model Example and Test

     position transition 4.4.6: ckbs_nonlinear: Example Position and Velocity Transition Model

16: External Internet References
Reference Location
_priintable.xml: ckbs
_printable.htm: ckbs
ckbs.htm: ckbs
ckbs.xml: ckbs
http://www.coin-or.org11.l: whatsnew#10-02-28
http://www.coin-or.org/download/source/CoinBazaard.a: ckbs#Download.Release Tarballs
http://www.coin-or.org/download/source/CoinBazaard.b: ckbs#Download.Using Subversion
http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/c: ckbs#System Requirements
http://www.mathworks.com/c: ckbs#System Requirements
http://www.seanet.com/~bradbell11.l: whatsnew#10-02-28
http://www.seanet.com/~bradbell/packages.htmb: ckbs#MathML