Cgl  0.60.3
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1 // $Id$
2 // Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 #ifndef OsiClpSolverInterface_H
7 #define OsiClpSolverInterface_H
9 #include <string>
10 #include <cfloat>
11 #include <map>
13 #include "ClpSimplex.hpp"
14 #include "ClpLinearObjective.hpp"
15 #include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp"
16 #include "OsiSolverInterface.hpp"
17 #include "CoinWarmStartBasis.hpp"
18 #include "ClpEventHandler.hpp"
19 #include "ClpNode.hpp"
20 #include "CoinIndexedVector.hpp"
21 #include "CoinFinite.hpp"
23 class OsiRowCut;
24 class OsiClpUserSolver;
26 class CoinSet;
27 static const double OsiClpInfinity = COIN_DBL_MAX;
29 //#############################################################################
37 class OsiClpSolverInterface : virtual public OsiSolverInterface {
38  friend void OsiClpSolverInterfaceUnitTest(const std::string &mpsDir, const std::string &netlibDir);
40 public:
41  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
44  virtual void initialSolve();
48  virtual void resolve();
51  virtual void resolveGub(int needed);
54  virtual void branchAndBound();
63  void crossover(int options, int basis);
81  virtual int canDoSimplexInterface() const;
91  virtual void enableFactorization() const;
94  virtual void disableFactorization() const;
100  virtual bool basisIsAvailable() const;
117  virtual void getBasisStatus(int *cstat, int *rstat) const;
129  virtual int setBasisStatus(const int *cstat, const int *rstat);
132  virtual void getReducedGradient(double *columnReducedCosts,
133  double *duals,
134  const double *c) const;
137  virtual void getBInvARow(int row, double *z, double *slack = NULL) const;
143  virtual void getBInvARow(int row, CoinIndexedVector *z, CoinIndexedVector *slack = NULL,
144  bool keepScaled = false) const;
147  virtual void getBInvRow(int row, double *z) const;
150  virtual void getBInvACol(int col, double *vec) const;
153  virtual void getBInvACol(int col, CoinIndexedVector *vec) const;
159  virtual void getBInvACol(CoinIndexedVector *vec) const;
162  virtual void getBInvCol(int col, double *vec) const;
168  virtual void getBasics(int *index) const;
176  virtual void enableSimplexInterface(bool doingPrimal);
179  virtual void disableSimplexInterface();
188  virtual int pivot(int colIn, int colOut, int outStatus);
201  virtual int primalPivotResult(int colIn, int sign,
202  int &colOut, int &outStatus,
203  double &t, CoinPackedVector *dx);
211  virtual int dualPivotResult(int &colIn, int &sign,
212  int colOut, int outStatus,
213  double &t, CoinPackedVector *dx);
216  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
232  // Set an integer parameter
233  bool setIntParam(OsiIntParam key, int value);
234  // Set an double parameter
235  bool setDblParam(OsiDblParam key, double value);
236  // Set a string parameter
237  bool setStrParam(OsiStrParam key, const std::string &value);
238  // Get an integer parameter
239  bool getIntParam(OsiIntParam key, int &value) const;
240  // Get an double parameter
241  bool getDblParam(OsiDblParam key, double &value) const;
242  // Get a string parameter
243  bool getStrParam(OsiStrParam key, std::string &value) const;
244  // Set a hint parameter - overrides OsiSolverInterface
245  virtual bool setHintParam(OsiHintParam key, bool yesNo = true,
246  OsiHintStrength strength = OsiHintTry,
247  void *otherInformation = NULL);
250  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
253  virtual bool isAbandoned() const;
256  virtual bool isProvenOptimal() const;
258  virtual bool isProvenPrimalInfeasible() const;
260  virtual bool isProvenDualInfeasible() const;
262  virtual bool isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached() const;
264  virtual bool isDualObjectiveLimitReached() const;
266  virtual bool isIterationLimitReached() const;
269  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
280  virtual CoinWarmStart *getEmptyWarmStart() const;
283  virtual CoinWarmStart *getWarmStart() const;
286  {
287  return &basis_;
288  }
291  {
292  return &basis_;
293  }
296  virtual bool setWarmStart(const CoinWarmStart *warmstart);
306  virtual CoinWarmStart *getPointerToWarmStart(bool &mustDelete);
309  void setColumnStatus(int iColumn, ClpSimplex::Status status);
313  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
320  virtual void markHotStart();
323  virtual void solveFromHotStart();
325  virtual void unmarkHotStart();
334  int startFastDual(int options);
336  void stopFastDual();
338  void setStuff(double tolerance, double increment);
340  OsiRowCut *smallModelCut(const double *originalLower, const double *originalUpper,
341  int numberRowsAtContinuous, const int *whichGenerator,
342  int typeCut = 0);
346  OsiRowCut *modelCut(const double *originalLower, const double *originalUpper,
347  int numberRowsAtContinuous, const int *whichGenerator,
348  int typeCut = 0);
351  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
366  virtual int getNumCols() const
368  {
369  return modelPtr_->numberColumns();
370  }
373  virtual int getNumRows() const
374  {
375  return modelPtr_->numberRows();
376  }
379  virtual CoinBigIndex getNumElements() const
380  {
381  CoinBigIndex retVal = 0;
382  const CoinPackedMatrix *matrix = modelPtr_->matrix();
383  if (matrix != NULL)
384  retVal = matrix->getNumElements();
385  return retVal;
386  }
390  virtual std::string getRowName(int rowIndex,
391  unsigned maxLen = static_cast< unsigned >(std::string::npos)) const;
395  virtual std::string getColName(int colIndex,
396  unsigned maxLen = static_cast< unsigned >(std::string::npos)) const;
399  virtual const double *getColLower() const { return modelPtr_->columnLower(); }
402  virtual const double *getColUpper() const { return modelPtr_->columnUpper(); }
413  virtual const char *getRowSense() const;
423  virtual const double *getRightHandSide() const;
433  virtual const double *getRowRange() const;
436  virtual const double *getRowLower() const { return modelPtr_->rowLower(); }
439  virtual const double *getRowUpper() const { return modelPtr_->rowUpper(); }
442  virtual const double *getObjCoefficients() const
443  {
444  if (fakeMinInSimplex_)
445  return linearObjective_;
446  else
447  return modelPtr_->objective();
448  }
451  virtual double getObjSense() const
452  {
454  }
457  virtual bool isContinuous(int colNumber) const;
459  virtual bool isBinary(int colIndex) const;
465  virtual bool isInteger(int colIndex) const;
468  virtual bool isIntegerNonBinary(int colIndex) const;
471  virtual bool isFreeBinary(int colIndex) const;
477  virtual const char *getColType(bool refresh = false) const;
484  bool isOptionalInteger(int colIndex) const;
486  void setOptionalInteger(int index);
488  inline bool isHeuristicInteger(int colIndex) const
489  {
490  return (integerInformation_ && integerInformation_[colIndex] == 1);
491  }
493  inline int integerType(int colIndex) const
494  {
495  return integerInformation_ ? integerInformation_[colIndex] : 0;
496  }
498  inline void setIntegerType(int colIndex, int value)
499  {
500  integerInformation_[colIndex] = static_cast< char >(value);
501  }
503  virtual const CoinPackedMatrix *getMatrixByRow() const;
506  virtual const CoinPackedMatrix *getMatrixByCol() const;
509  virtual CoinPackedMatrix *getMutableMatrixByCol() const;
512  virtual double getInfinity() const { return OsiClpInfinity; }
517  virtual const double *getColSolution() const;
521  virtual const double *getRowPrice() const;
524  virtual const double *getReducedCost() const;
528  virtual const double *getRowActivity() const;
531  virtual double getObjValue() const;
535  virtual int getIterationCount() const
536  {
537  return modelPtr_->numberIterations();
538  }
557  virtual std::vector< double * > getDualRays(int maxNumRays,
558  bool fullRay = false) const;
570  virtual std::vector< double * > getPrimalRays(int maxNumRays) const;
575  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
579  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
583  virtual void setObjCoeff(int elementIndex, double elementValue);
587  virtual void setColLower(int elementIndex, double elementValue);
591  virtual void setColUpper(int elementIndex, double elementValue);
594  virtual void setColBounds(int elementIndex,
595  double lower, double upper);
605  virtual void setColSetBounds(const int *indexFirst,
606  const int *indexLast,
607  const double *boundList);
611  virtual void setRowLower(int elementIndex, double elementValue);
615  virtual void setRowUpper(int elementIndex, double elementValue);
618  virtual void setRowBounds(int elementIndex,
619  double lower, double upper);
622  virtual void setRowType(int index, char sense, double rightHandSide,
623  double range);
633  virtual void setRowSetBounds(const int *indexFirst,
634  const int *indexLast,
635  const double *boundList);
647  virtual void setRowSetTypes(const int *indexFirst,
648  const int *indexLast,
649  const char *senseList,
650  const double *rhsList,
651  const double *rangeList);
656  virtual void setObjective(const double *array);
662  virtual void setColLower(const double *array);
668  virtual void setColUpper(const double *array);
670  // using OsiSolverInterface::setRowName ;
672  // virtual void setRowName(int rowIndex, std::string & name) ;
673  virtual void setRowName(int rowIndex, std::string name);
675  // using OsiSolverInterface::setColName ;
677  // virtual void setColName(int colIndex, std::string & name) ;
678  virtual void setColName(int colIndex, std::string name);
682  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
686  virtual void setContinuous(int index);
688  virtual void setInteger(int index);
691  virtual void setContinuous(const int *indices, int len);
694  virtual void setInteger(const int *indices, int len);
696  inline int numberSOS() const
697  {
698  return numberSOS_;
699  }
701  inline const CoinSet *setInfo() const
702  {
703  return setInfo_;
704  }
716  virtual int findIntegersAndSOS(bool justCount);
719  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
721  virtual void setObjSense(double s)
722  {
723  modelPtr_->setOptimizationDirection(s < 0 ? -1 : 1);
724  }
736  virtual void setColSolution(const double *colsol);
748  virtual void setRowPrice(const double *rowprice);
750  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
756  //using OsiSolverInterface::addCol ;
758  virtual void addCol(const CoinPackedVectorBase &vec,
759  const double collb, const double colub,
760  const double obj);
763  virtual void addCol(const CoinPackedVectorBase &vec,
764  const double collb, const double colub,
765  const double obj, std::string name);
767  virtual void addCol(int numberElements, const int *rows, const double *elements,
768  const double collb, const double colub,
769  const double obj);
772  virtual void addCol(int numberElements,
773  const int *rows, const double *elements,
774  const double collb, const double colub,
775  const double obj, std::string name);
777  virtual void addCols(const int numcols,
778  const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *cols,
779  const double *collb, const double *colub,
780  const double *obj);
782  virtual void addCols(const int numcols,
783  const CoinBigIndex *columnStarts, const int *rows, const double *elements,
784  const double *collb, const double *colub,
785  const double *obj);
787  virtual void deleteCols(const int num, const int *colIndices);
790  virtual void addRow(const CoinPackedVectorBase &vec,
791  const double rowlb, const double rowub);
798  virtual void addRow(const CoinPackedVectorBase &vec,
799  const double rowlb, const double rowub,
800  std::string name);
801  virtual void addRow(const CoinPackedVectorBase &vec,
802  const char rowsen, const double rowrhs,
803  const double rowrng);
805  virtual void addRow(int numberElements, const int *columns, const double *element,
806  const double rowlb, const double rowub);
809  virtual void addRow(const CoinPackedVectorBase &vec,
810  const char rowsen, const double rowrhs,
811  const double rowrng, std::string name);
813  virtual void addRows(const int numrows,
814  const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *rows,
815  const double *rowlb, const double *rowub);
817  virtual void addRows(const int numrows,
818  const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *rows,
819  const char *rowsen, const double *rowrhs,
820  const double *rowrng);
823  virtual void addRows(const int numrows,
824  const CoinBigIndex *rowStarts, const int *columns, const double *element,
825  const double *rowlb, const double *rowub);
827  void modifyCoefficient(int row, int column, double newElement,
828  bool keepZero = false)
829  {
830  modelPtr_->modifyCoefficient(row, column, newElement, keepZero);
831  }
834  virtual void deleteRows(const int num, const int *rowIndices);
837  virtual void saveBaseModel();
841  virtual void restoreBaseModel(int numberRows);
843  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
847  virtual void applyRowCuts(int numberCuts, const OsiRowCut *cuts);
852  virtual void applyRowCuts(int numberCuts, const OsiRowCut **cuts);
875  virtual ApplyCutsReturnCode applyCuts(const OsiCuts &cs,
876  double effectivenessLb = 0.0);
881  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
883 public:
897  virtual void loadProblem(const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix,
898  const double *collb, const double *colub,
899  const double *obj,
900  const double *rowlb, const double *rowub);
909  virtual void assignProblem(CoinPackedMatrix *&matrix,
910  double *&collb, double *&colub, double *&obj,
911  double *&rowlb, double *&rowub);
925  virtual void loadProblem(const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix,
926  const double *collb, const double *colub,
927  const double *obj,
928  const char *rowsen, const double *rowrhs,
929  const double *rowrng);
938  virtual void assignProblem(CoinPackedMatrix *&matrix,
939  double *&collb, double *&colub, double *&obj,
940  char *&rowsen, double *&rowrhs,
941  double *&rowrng);
945  virtual void loadProblem(const ClpMatrixBase &matrix,
946  const double *collb, const double *colub,
947  const double *obj,
948  const double *rowlb, const double *rowub);
952  virtual void loadProblem(const int numcols, const int numrows,
953  const CoinBigIndex *start, const int *index,
954  const double *value,
955  const double *collb, const double *colub,
956  const double *obj,
957  const double *rowlb, const double *rowub);
961  virtual void loadProblem(const int numcols, const int numrows,
962  const CoinBigIndex *start, const int *index,
963  const double *value,
964  const double *collb, const double *colub,
965  const double *obj,
966  const char *rowsen, const double *rowrhs,
967  const double *rowrng);
969  virtual int loadFromCoinModel(CoinModel &modelObject, bool keepSolution = false);
973  virtual int readMps(const char *filename,
974  const char *extension = "mps");
977  int readMps(const char *filename, bool keepNames, bool allowErrors);
979  virtual int readMps(const char *filename, const char *extension,
980  int &numberSets, CoinSet **&sets);
986  virtual void writeMps(const char *filename,
987  const char *extension = "mps",
988  double objSense = 0.0) const;
997  virtual int writeMpsNative(const char *filename,
998  const char **rowNames, const char **columnNames,
999  int formatType = 0, int numberAcross = 2,
1000  double objSense = 0.0) const;
1002  virtual int readLp(const char *filename, const double epsilon = 1e-5);
1008  virtual void writeLp(const char *filename,
1009  const char *extension = "lp",
1010  double epsilon = 1e-5,
1011  int numberAcross = 10,
1012  int decimals = 5,
1013  double objSense = 0.0,
1014  bool useRowNames = true) const;
1019  virtual void writeLp(FILE *fp,
1020  double epsilon = 1e-5,
1021  int numberAcross = 10,
1022  int decimals = 5,
1023  double objSense = 0.0,
1024  bool useRowNames = true) const;
1030  virtual void replaceMatrixOptional(const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix);
1032  virtual void replaceMatrix(const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix);
1045  virtual void passInMessageHandler(CoinMessageHandler *handler);
1047  void newLanguage(CoinMessages::Language language);
1049  {
1050  newLanguage(language);
1051  }
1053  void setLogLevel(int value);
1055  void generateCpp(FILE *fp);
1057  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1061  ClpSimplex *getModelPtr() const;
1065  {
1066  ClpSimplex *model = modelPtr_;
1067  modelPtr_ = newModel;
1068  return model;
1069  }
1071  inline unsigned int specialOptions() const
1072  {
1073  return specialOptions_;
1074  }
1075  void setSpecialOptions(unsigned int value);
1077  inline int lastAlgorithm() const
1078  {
1079  return lastAlgorithm_;
1080  }
1082  inline void setLastAlgorithm(int value)
1083  {
1084  lastAlgorithm_ = value;
1085  }
1087  inline int cleanupScaling() const
1088  {
1089  return cleanupScaling_;
1090  }
1103  inline void setCleanupScaling(int value)
1104  {
1105  cleanupScaling_ = value;
1106  }
1109  inline double smallestElementInCut() const
1110  {
1111  return smallestElementInCut_;
1112  }
1115  inline void setSmallestElementInCut(double value)
1116  {
1117  smallestElementInCut_ = value;
1118  }
1125  inline double smallestChangeInCut() const
1126  {
1127  return smallestChangeInCut_;
1128  }
1135  inline void setSmallestChangeInCut(double value)
1136  {
1137  smallestChangeInCut_ = value;
1138  }
1140  inline void setSolveOptions(const ClpSolve &options)
1141  {
1142  solveOptions_ = options;
1143  }
1147  virtual int tightenBounds(int lightweight = 0);
1149  int infeasibleOtherWay(char *whichWay);
1151  virtual CoinBigIndex getSizeL() const;
1153  virtual CoinBigIndex getSizeU() const;
1156  {
1157  return disasterHandler_;
1158  }
1163  {
1164  return fakeObjective_;
1165  }
1169  void setFakeObjective(double *fakeObjective);
1189  void setupForRepeatedUse(int senseOfAdventure = 0, int printOut = 0);
1191  virtual void synchronizeModel();
1196  void setSpecialOptionsMutable(unsigned int value) const;
1200  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1208  virtual OsiSolverInterface *clone(bool copyData = true) const;
1214  OsiClpSolverInterface(ClpSimplex *rhs, bool reallyOwn = false);
1217  void releaseClp();
1223  virtual ~OsiClpSolverInterface();
1226  virtual void reset();
1229  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1231 protected:
1235  virtual void applyRowCut(const OsiRowCut &rc);
1238  virtual void applyColCut(const OsiColCut &cc);
1241  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1243 protected:
1246  void gutsOfDestructor();
1250  void freeCachedResults() const;
1253  void freeCachedResults0() const;
1256  void freeCachedResults1() const;
1259  void extractSenseRhsRange() const;
1262  void fillParamMaps();
1271  CoinWarmStartBasis getBasis(ClpSimplex *model) const;
1280  void setBasis(const CoinWarmStartBasis &basis, ClpSimplex *model);
1282  void crunch();
1284  void redoScaleFactors(int numberRows, const CoinBigIndex *starts,
1285  const int *indices, const double *elements);
1287 public:
1290  void setBasis(const CoinWarmStartBasis &basis);
1292  inline void setBasis()
1293  {
1295  }
1297  CoinWarmStartDiff *getBasisDiff(const unsigned char *statusArray) const;
1299  CoinWarmStartBasis *getBasis(const unsigned char *statusArray) const;
1301  void deleteScaleFactors();
1303  inline const double *upRange() const
1304  {
1305  return rowActivity_;
1306  }
1307  inline const double *downRange() const
1308  {
1309  return columnActivity_;
1310  }
1312  inline void passInRanges(int *array)
1313  {
1314  whichRange_ = array;
1315  }
1317  void setSOSData(int numberSOS, const char *type,
1318  const int *start, const int *indices, const double *weights = NULL);
1320  void computeLargestAway();
1322  inline double largestAway() const
1323  {
1324  return largestAway_;
1325  }
1327  inline void setLargestAway(double value)
1328  {
1329  largestAway_ = value;
1330  }
1332  void lexSolve();
1335  {
1336  return continuousModel_;
1337  }
1339  inline void setContinuousModel(ClpSimplex *model)
1340  {
1341  continuousModel_ = model;
1342  }
1345 protected:
1348  mutable ClpSimplex *modelPtr_;
1353  mutable char *rowsense_;
1357  mutable double *rhs_;
1362  mutable double *rowrange_;
1369  mutable double *rowActivity_;
1370  mutable double *columnActivity_;
1407  mutable int lastAlgorithm_;
1427  //std::map<OsiIntParam, ClpIntParam> intParamMap_;
1428  //std::map<OsiDblParam, ClpDblParam> dblParamMap_;
1429  //std::map<OsiStrParam, ClpStrParam> strParamMap_;
1432  mutable bool fakeMinInSimplex_;
1439  mutable double *linearObjective_;
1486  mutable unsigned int specialOptions_;
1502 };
1505 public:
1509  virtual void intoSimplex();
1512  virtual bool check() const;
1514  virtual void saveInfo();
1516  virtual int typeOfDisaster();
1525  virtual ~OsiClpDisasterHandler();
1526  // Copy
1528  // Assignment
1531  virtual ClpDisasterHandler *clone() const;
1539  void setOsiModel(OsiClpSolverInterface *model);
1542  {
1543  return osiModel_;
1544  }
1546  inline void setWhereFrom(int value)
1547  {
1548  whereFrom_ = value;
1549  }
1551  inline int whereFrom() const
1552  {
1553  return whereFrom_;
1554  }
1556  inline void setPhase(int value)
1557  {
1558  phase_ = value;
1559  }
1561  inline int phase() const
1562  {
1563  return phase_;
1564  }
1566  bool inTrouble() const;
1570 protected:
1591  int phase_;
1595 };
1596 // So unit test can find out if NDEBUG set
1597 bool OsiClpHasNDEBUG();
1598 //#############################################################################
1600 void OsiClpSolverInterfaceUnitTest(const std::string &mpsDir, const std::string &netlibDir);
1601 #endif
1603 /* vi: softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab tabstop=2
1604 */
virtual int pivot(int colIn, int colOut, int outStatus)
Perform a pivot by substituting a colIn for colOut in the basis.
void setStuff(double tolerance, double increment)
Sets integer tolerance and increment.
This is a very simple class to guide algorithms.
Definition: ClpSolve.hpp:20
virtual CoinBigIndex getNumElements() const
Get number of nonzero elements.
char * integerInformation_
Pointer to integer information.
virtual void getBInvACol(int col, double *vec) const
Get a column of the tableau.
unsigned int specialOptions_
Special options 0x80000000 off 0 simple stuff for branch and bound 1 try and keep work regions as muc...
virtual void writeMps(const char *filename, const char *extension="mps", double objSense=0.0) const
Write the problem into an mps file of the given filename.
int numberSOS_
Number of SOS sets.
int phase_
phase 0 initial 1 trying continuing with back in and maybe different perturb 2 trying continuing with...
virtual void branchAndBound()
Invoke solver&#39;s built-in enumeration algorithm.
virtual const double * getReducedCost() const
Get a pointer to array[getNumCols()] of reduced costs.
virtual const double * getRowActivity() const
Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row activity levels (constraint matrix times the solution vecto...
virtual void initialSolve()
Solve initial LP relaxation.
virtual void markHotStart()
Create a hotstart point of the optimization process.
CoinBigIndex getNumElements() const
Number of entries in the packed matrix.
double smallestElementInCut_
Smallest allowed element in cut.
void redoScaleFactors(int numberRows, const CoinBigIndex *starts, const int *indices, const double *elements)
Extend scale factors.
virtual std::string getRowName(int rowIndex, unsigned maxLen=static_cast< unsigned >(std::string::npos)) const
Return name of row if one exists or Rnnnnnnn maxLen is currently ignored and only there to match the ...
enums for status of various sorts.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:114
void lexSolve()
Sort of lexicographic resolve.
virtual bool isBinary(int colIndex) const
Return true if variable is binary.
void freeCachedResults0() const
Deletes all mutable stuff for row ranges etc.
int lastAlgorithm_
Last algorithm used.
double * linearObjective_
Linear objective.
void setLargestAway(double value)
Set largest amount continuous away from bound.
double * objective() const
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:713
virtual void assignProblem(CoinPackedMatrix *&matrix, double *&collb, double *&colub, double *&obj, double *&rowlb, double *&rowub)
Load in an problem by assuming ownership of the arguments (the constraints on the rows are given by l...
bool isOptionalInteger(int colIndex) const
Return true if column is integer but does not have to be declared as such.
virtual bool isContinuous(int colNumber) const
Return true if column is continuous.
virtual void passInMessageHandler(CoinMessageHandler *handler)
Pass in a message handler.
Abstract base class for Clp Matrices.
void setWhereFrom(int value)
Set where from.
double * rowActivity_
also save row and column information for hot starts only used in hotstarts so can be casual ...
virtual void getBInvRow(int row, double *z) const
Get a row of the basis inverse.
virtual void disableFactorization() const
Undo any setting changes made by enableFactorization.
virtual void applyRowCuts(int numberCuts, const OsiRowCut *cuts)
Apply a collection of row cuts which are all effective.
double * columnLower() const
Column Lower.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:750
virtual int primalPivotResult(int colIn, int sign, int &colOut, int &outStatus, double &t, CoinPackedVector *dx)
Obtain a result of the primal pivot Outputs: colOut – leaving column, outStatus – its status...
friend void OsiClpSolverInterfaceUnitTest(const std::string &mpsDir, const std::string &netlibDir)
A function that tests the methods in the OsiClpSolverInterface class.
virtual int readLp(const char *filename, const double epsilon=1e-5)
Read file in LP format (with names)
virtual bool isIntegerNonBinary(int colIndex) const
Return true if variable is general integer.
virtual CoinWarmStart * getWarmStart() const
Get warmstarting information.
virtual void enableSimplexInterface(bool doingPrimal)
Enables simplex mode 2 (individual pivot control)
double * rowUpper() const
Row upper.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:544
virtual ~OsiClpSolverInterface()
void setSpecialOptionsMutable(unsigned int value) const
Set special options in underlying clp solver.
void newLanguage(CoinMessages::Language language)
Set language.
ClpSimplex * continuousModel_
Continuous model.
double optimizationDirection() const
Direction of optimization (1 - minimize, -1 - maximize, 0 - ignore.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:485
void setSpecialOptions(unsigned int value)
void replaceSetInfo(int numberSOS, CoinSet *setInfo)
Replace setInfo (takes over ownership)
virtual const double * getRowUpper() const
Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row upper bounds.
ClpSimplex * modelPtr_
Clp model represented by this class instance.
virtual bool isProvenOptimal() const
Is optimality proven?
virtual double getObjSense() const
Get objective function sense (1 for min (default), -1 for max)
bool setDblParam(OsiDblParam key, double value)
Set a double parameter.
Base class for Clp disaster handling.
virtual void synchronizeModel()
Synchronize model (really if no cuts in tree)
virtual void setObjSense(double s)
Set objective function sense (1 for min (default), -1 for max,)
Collections of row cuts and column cuts.
Definition: OsiCuts.hpp:19
Column Cut Class.
Definition: OsiColCut.hpp:23
ClpSimplex * smallModel_
Alternate model (hot starts) - but also could be permanent and used for crunch.
virtual void applyColCut(const OsiColCut &cc)
Apply a column cut (adjust one or more bounds).
This is a simple minded model which is stored in a format which makes it easier to construct and modi...
Definition: CoinModel.hpp:181
Clp Solver Interface.
ClpSimplex * swapModelPtr(ClpSimplex *newModel)
Set pointer to Clp model and return old.
virtual void getBasics(int *index) const
Get basic indices (order of indices corresponds to the order of elements in a vector retured by getBI...
CoinDoubleArrayWithLength columnScale_
Column scale factors (has inverse at end)
virtual int typeOfDisaster()
Type of disaster 0 can fix, 1 abort.
void setPhase(int value)
Set phase.
This just implements CoinFactorization when an ClpMatrixBase object is passed.
int lastNumberRows_
Number of rows when last &quot;scaled&quot;.
The default COIN simplex (basis-oriented) warm start class.
virtual void setRowSetTypes(const int *indexFirst, const int *indexLast, const char *senseList, const double *rhsList, const double *rangeList)
Set the type of a number of rows simultaneously The default implementation just invokes setRowType()...
void setSmallestElementInCut(double value)
Set smallest allowed element in cut.
void setLogLevel(int value)
Set log level (will also set underlying solver&#39;s log level)
virtual void setColBounds(int elementIndex, double lower, double upper)
Set a single column lower and upper bound.
ClpSimplex * baseModel_
Copy of model when option 131072 set.
Base class for message handling.
virtual void disableSimplexInterface()
Undo setting changes made by enableSimplexInterface.
void generateCpp(FILE *fp)
Create C++ lines to get to current state.
ClpSimplex * getModelPtr() const
Get pointer to Clp model.
virtual void solveFromHotStart()
Optimize starting from the hotstart.
virtual void getReducedGradient(double *columnReducedCosts, double *duals, const double *c) const
Get the reduced gradient for the cost vector c.
int phase() const
Get phase.
virtual const double * getColLower() const
Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of column lower bounds.
bool isHeuristicInteger(int colIndex) const
Return true only if integer and not optional.
virtual int writeMpsNative(const char *filename, const char **rowNames, const char **columnNames, int formatType=0, int numberAcross=2, double objSense=0.0) const
Write the problem into an mps file of the given filename, names may be null.
int whereFrom() const
Get where from.
int numberColumns() const
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:328
virtual int canDoSimplexInterface() const
Simplex API capability.
OsiClpDisasterHandler * disasterHandler_
Possible disaster handler.
void crossover(int options, int basis)
Solve when primal column and dual row solutions are near-optimal options - 0 no presolve (use primal ...
virtual const CoinPackedMatrix * getMatrixByCol() const
Get pointer to column-wise copy of matrix.
ClpFactorization * factorization_
factorization for hot starts
virtual double getObjValue() const
Get objective function value.
virtual CoinBigIndex getSizeU() const
Return number of entries in U part of current factorization.
Abstract Base Class for describing an interface to a solver.
void setIntegerType(int colIndex, int value)
Set integer type (0,1,2=optional,3=sc,4=scint)
ClpLinearObjective * fakeObjective() const
Get fake objective.
Default Constructor.
virtual void restoreBaseModel(int numberRows)
Strip off rows to get to this number of rows.
virtual int dualPivotResult(int &colIn, int &sign, int colOut, int outStatus, double &t, CoinPackedVector *dx)
Obtain a result of the dual pivot (similar to the previous method) Differences: entering variable and...
virtual int findIntegersAndSOS(bool justCount)
Identify integer variables and SOS and create corresponding objects.
Abstract base class for various sparse vectors.
virtual void setRowSetBounds(const int *indexFirst, const int *indexLast, const double *boundList)
Set the bounds on a number of rows simultaneously The default implementation just invokes setRowLowe...
unsigned int specialOptions() const
Get special options.
const double * downRange() const
char * spareArrays_
Arrays for hot starts.
void setBasis()
Just puts current basis_ into ClpSimplex model.
virtual bool check() const
Checks if disaster.
virtual void deleteRows(const int num, const int *rowIndices)
Delete a set of rows (constraints) from the problem.
int numberSOS() const
Number of SOS sets.
virtual void setObjective(const double *array)
Set the objective coefficients for all columns array [getNumCols()] is an array of values for the obj...
double smallestChangeInCut_
Smallest change in cut.
int cleanupScaling_
Scaling option When scaling is on it is possible that the scaled problem is feasible but the unscaled...
virtual const double * getRowLower() const
Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row lower bounds.
bool setStrParam(OsiStrParam key, const std::string &value)
Set a string parameter.
virtual void addCol(const CoinPackedVectorBase &vec, const double collb, const double colub, const double obj)
Add a column (primal variable) to the problem.
double * rhs_
Pointer to dense vector of row right-hand side values.
double * columnUpper() const
Column Upper.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:759
virtual void addRow(const CoinPackedVectorBase &vec, const double rowlb, const double rowub)
Add a row (constraint) to the problem.
virtual void writeLp(const char *filename, const char *extension="lp", double epsilon=1e-5, int numberAcross=10, int decimals=5, double objSense=0.0, bool useRowNames=true) const
Write the problem into an Lp file of the given filename.
void setCleanupScaling(int value)
Set Scaling option When scaling is on it is possible that the scaled problem is feasible but the unsc...
bool OsiClpHasNDEBUG()
virtual void setColUpper(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
Set a single column upper bound Use DBL_MAX for infinity.
bool notOwned_
To say if destructor should delete underlying model.
This solves LPs using the simplex method.
Definition: ClpSimplex.hpp:106
void setOptimizationDirection(double value)
ClpDataSave saveData_
To save data in OsiSimplex stuff.
void setSolveOptions(const ClpSolve &options)
Pass in initial solve options.
Indexed Vector.
void gutsOfDestructor()
The real work of a copy constructor (used by copy and assignment)
CoinWarmStartBasis getBasis(ClpSimplex *model) const
Warm start.
int infeasibleOtherWay(char *whichWay)
See if any integer variables make infeasible other way.
const CoinWarmStartBasis * getConstPointerToWarmStart() const
Get warmstarting information.
virtual void setColName(int colIndex, std::string name)
Set name of column.
virtual void setRowUpper(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
Set a single row upper bound Use DBL_MAX for infinity.
virtual void setRowType(int index, char sense, double rightHandSide, double range)
Set the type of a single row
void passInRanges(int *array)
Pass in range array.
virtual const CoinPackedMatrix * getMatrixByRow() const
Get pointer to row-wise copy of matrix.
virtual void intoSimplex()
Into simplex.
OsiClpDisasterHandler(OsiClpSolverInterface *model=NULL)
Default constructor.
void crunch()
Crunch down problem a bit.
int * whichRange_
Pointer to variables for which we want range information The number is in [0] memory is not owned by ...
double * rowLower() const
Row lower.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:535
virtual const double * getRowRange() const
Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row ranges.
CoinSet * setInfo_
SOS set info.
void modifyCoefficient(int row, int column, double newElement, bool keepZero=false)
virtual void setColSetBounds(const int *indexFirst, const int *indexLast, const double *boundList)
Set the bounds on a number of columns simultaneously The default implementation just invokes setColL...
virtual ~OsiClpDisasterHandler()
virtual void replaceMatrix(const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix)
And if it does matter (not used at present)
virtual const double * getRowPrice() const
Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of dual prices.
virtual void setRowName(int rowIndex, std::string name)
Set name of row.
void setFakeObjective(ClpLinearObjective *fakeObjective)
Set fake objective (and take ownership)
const double * upRange() const
If doing fast hot start then ranges are computed.
int itlimOrig_
The original iteration limit before hotstarts started.
This is a tiny class where data can be saved round calls.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:1397
void setLastAlgorithm(int value)
Set last algorithm used , 1 = primal, 2 = dual other unknown.
void stopFastDual()
Stop fast dual.
virtual void setContinuous(int index)
Set the index-th variable to be a continuous variable.
virtual bool setHintParam(OsiHintParam key, bool yesNo=true, OsiHintStrength strength=OsiHintTry, void *otherInformation=NULL)
Set a hint parameter.
OsiRowCut * modelCut(const double *originalLower, const double *originalUpper, int numberRowsAtContinuous, const int *whichGenerator, int typeCut=0)
Return a conflict analysis cut from model If type is 0 then genuine cut, if 1 then only partially pro...
OsiClpSolverInterface & operator=(const OsiClpSolverInterface &rhs)
Assignment operator.
virtual ClpDisasterHandler * clone() const
virtual bool isIterationLimitReached() const
Iteration limit reached?
virtual int setBasisStatus(const int *cstat, const int *rstat)
Set the status of structural/artificial variables and factorize, update solution etc.
bool inTrouble_
Are we in trouble.
virtual void reset()
Resets as if default constructor.
CoinPackedMatrix * matrixByRow_
Pointer to row-wise copy of problem matrix coefficients.
void freeCachedResults() const
Deletes all mutable stuff.
virtual bool isDualObjectiveLimitReached() const
Is the given dual objective limit reached?
virtual bool isAbandoned() const
Are there a numerical difficulties?
ClpNodeStuff stuff_
Stuff for fast dual.
virtual void enableFactorization() const
Enables simplex mode 1 (tableau access)
double * rowrange_
Pointer to dense vector of slack upper bounds for range constraints (undefined for non-range rows) ...
Row Cut Class.
Definition: OsiRowCut.hpp:29
virtual void applyRowCut(const OsiRowCut &rc)
Apply a row cut (append to constraint matrix).
Linear Objective Class.
CoinWarmStartDiff * getBasisDiff(const unsigned char *statusArray) const
Warm start difference from basis_ to statusArray.
virtual void setRowPrice(const double *rowprice)
Set dual solution vector.
virtual CoinBigIndex getSizeL() const
Return number of entries in L part of current factorization.
CoinPackedMatrix * matrixByRowAtContinuous_
Pointer to row-wise copy of continuous problem matrix coefficients.
virtual bool isInteger(int colIndex) const
Return true if column is integer.
virtual int getNumRows() const
Get number of rows.
virtual void setRowBounds(int elementIndex, double lower, double upper)
Set a single row lower and upper bound.
bool fakeMinInSimplex_
Faking min to get proper dual solution signs in simplex API.
Sparse Matrix Base Class.
static const double OsiClpInfinity
ClpLinearObjective * fakeObjective_
Fake objective.
double largestAway() const
Get largest amount continuous away from bound.
virtual bool isProvenPrimalInfeasible() const
Is primal infeasiblity proven?
virtual int readMps(const char *filename, const char *extension="mps")
Read an mps file from the given filename (defaults to Osi reader) - returns number of errors (see Osi...
virtual void addCols(const int numcols, const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *cols, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj)
Add a set of columns (primal variables) to the problem.
CoinWarmStartBasis * getPointerToWarmStart()
Get warmstarting information.
virtual ApplyCutsReturnCode applyCuts(const OsiCuts &cs, double effectivenessLb=0.0)
Apply a collection of cuts.
virtual const double * getColSolution() const
Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of primal solution vector.
ClpSolve solveOptions_
Options for initialSolve.
void OsiClpSolverInterfaceUnitTest(const std::string &mpsDir, const std::string &netlibDir)
A function that tests the methods in the OsiClpSolverInterface class.
virtual bool isFreeBinary(int colIndex) const
Return true if variable is binary and not fixed at either bound.
This means it is only a hint.
virtual void setColLower(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
Set a single column lower bound Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity.
ClpSimplex * getContinuousModel() const
Get continuous model.
void setOsiModel(OsiClpSolverInterface *model)
set model.
int numberRows() const
Number of rows.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:315
virtual void resolveGub(int needed)
Resolve an LP relaxation after problem modification (try GUB)
virtual double getInfinity() const
Get solver&#39;s value for infinity.
Supported languages.
void modifyCoefficient(int row, int column, double newElement, bool keepZero=false)
Modify one element of a matrix.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:230
double largestAway_
Largest amount continuous away from bound.
virtual std::string getColName(int colIndex, unsigned maxLen=static_cast< unsigned >(std::string::npos)) const
Return name of column if one exists or Cnnnnnnn maxLen is currently ignored and only there to match t...
int CoinBigIndex
virtual void replaceMatrixOptional(const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix)
I (JJF) am getting annoyed because I can&#39;t just replace a matrix.
virtual CoinPackedMatrix * getMutableMatrixByCol() const
Get pointer to mutable column-wise copy of matrix.
int lastAlgorithm() const
Last algorithm used , 1 = primal, 2 = dual other unknown.
CoinWarmStartBasis basis_
Warmstart information to be used in resolves.
void setupForRepeatedUse(int senseOfAdventure=0, int printOut=0)
Set up solver for repeated use by Osi interface.
Abstract base class for warm start `diff&#39; objects.
OsiRowCut * smallModelCut(const double *originalLower, const double *originalUpper, int numberRowsAtContinuous, const int *whichGenerator, int typeCut=0)
Return a conflict analysis cut from small model.
virtual void loadProblem(const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub)
Load in an problem by copying the arguments (the constraints on the rows are given by lower and upper...
virtual void setRowLower(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
Set a single row lower bound Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity.
void setSOSData(int numberSOS, const char *type, const int *start, const int *indices, const double *weights=NULL)
Pass in sos stuff from AMPl.
int whereFrom_
Where from 0 dual (resolve) 1 crunch 2 primal (resolve) 4 dual (initialSolve) 6 primal (initialSolve)...
virtual void getBInvCol(int col, double *vec) const
Get a column of the basis inverse.
virtual void resolve()
Resolve an LP relaxation after problem modification.
virtual void setInteger(int index)
Set the index-th variable to be an integer variable.
virtual void getBasisStatus(int *cstat, int *rstat) const
The following two methods may be replaced by the methods of OsiSolverInterface using OsiWarmStartBasi...
void extractSenseRhsRange() const
A method that fills up the rowsense_, rhs_ and rowrange_ arrays.
bool getStrParam(OsiStrParam key, std::string &value) const
Get a string parameter.
virtual void unmarkHotStart()
Delete the snapshot.
void setContinuousModel(ClpSimplex *model)
Set continuous model.
void setSmallestChangeInCut(double value)
Set smallest change in cut.
void passInDisasterHandler(OsiClpDisasterHandler *handler)
Pass in disaster handler.
virtual int tightenBounds(int lightweight=0)
Tighten bounds - lightweight or very lightweight 0 - normal, 1 lightweight but just integers...
CoinWarmStartBasis * ws_
A pointer to the warmstart information to be used in the hotstarts.
virtual void setColSolution(const double *colsol)
Set the primal solution column values.
const CoinSet * setInfo() const
SOS set info.
void setLanguage(CoinMessages::Language language)
virtual int getIterationCount() const
Get how many iterations it took to solve the problem (whatever &quot;iteration&quot; mean to the solver...
virtual void deleteCols(const int num, const int *colIndices)
Remove a set of columns (primal variables) from the problem.
const OsiClpDisasterHandler * disasterHandler() const
Get disaster handler.
void deleteScaleFactors()
Delete all scale factor stuff and reset option.
OsiClpDisasterHandler & operator=(const OsiClpDisasterHandler &)
virtual std::vector< double * > getDualRays(int maxNumRays, bool fullRay=false) const
Get as many dual rays as the solver can provide.
OsiClpSolverInterface * osiModel() const
Get model.
void computeLargestAway()
Compute largest amount any at continuous away from bound.
virtual void addRows(const int numrows, const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *rows, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub)
Add a set of rows (constraints) to the problem.
virtual bool isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached() const
Is the given primal objective limit reached?
virtual const double * getColUpper() const
Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of column upper bounds.
bool getIntParam(OsiIntParam key, int &value) const
Get an integer parameter.
virtual OsiSolverInterface * clone(bool copyData=true) const
void setColumnStatus(int iColumn, ClpSimplex::Status status)
Set column status in ClpSimplex and warmStart.
const double COIN_DBL_MAX
Definition: CoinFinite.hpp:18
virtual void getBInvARow(int row, double *z, double *slack=NULL) const
Get a row of the tableau (slack part in slack if not NULL)
int integerType(int colIndex) const
Return integer type (0,1,2=optional,3=sc,4=scint)
int numberIterations() const
Number of iterations.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:374
virtual int getNumCols() const
Get number of columns.
bool setIntParam(OsiIntParam key, int value)
Set an integer parameter.
bool getDblParam(OsiDblParam key, double &value) const
Get a double parameter.
CoinDoubleArrayWithLength rowScale_
Row scale factors (has inverse at end)
Sparse Vector.
virtual void saveInfo()
saves information for next attempt
virtual const double * getRightHandSide() const
Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of rows right-hand sides.
virtual bool basisIsAvailable() const
Returns true if a basis is available AND problem is optimal.
void freeCachedResults1() const
Deletes all mutable stuff for matrix etc.
int cleanupScaling() const
Get scaling action option.
virtual CoinWarmStart * getEmptyWarmStart() const
Get an empty warm start object.
virtual const char * getColType(bool refresh=false) const
Return array of column length 0 - continuous 1 - binary (may get fixed later) 2 - general integer (ma...
void setOptionalInteger(int index)
Set the index-th variable to be an optional integer variable.
virtual std::vector< double * > getPrimalRays(int maxNumRays) const
Get as many primal rays as the solver can provide.
virtual void setObjCoeff(int elementIndex, double elementValue)
Set an objective function coefficient.
bool inTrouble() const
are we in trouble
CoinPackedMatrix * matrix() const
Matrix (if not ClpPackedmatrix be careful about memory leak.
Definition: ClpModel.hpp:768
virtual bool isProvenDualInfeasible() const
Is dual infeasiblity proven?
double smallestElementInCut() const
Get smallest allowed element in cut.
Abstract base class for warm start information.
double smallestChangeInCut() const
Get smallest change in cut.
virtual const double * getObjCoefficients() const
Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of objective function coefficients.
char * rowsense_
Pointer to dense vector of row sense indicators.
OsiClpSolverInterface * osiModel_
Pointer to model.
virtual const char * getRowSense() const
Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row constraint senses.
virtual int loadFromCoinModel(CoinModel &modelObject, bool keepSolution=false)
This loads a model from a coinModel object - returns number of errors.
virtual bool setWarmStart(const CoinWarmStart *warmstart)
Set warmstarting information.
int startFastDual(int options)
Start faster dual - returns negative if problems 1 if infeasible, Options to pass to solver 1 - creat...
void releaseClp()
Releases so won&#39;t error.
Very simple class for containing data on set.
Definition: CoinMpsIO.hpp:269
virtual void saveBaseModel()
If solver wants it can save a copy of &quot;base&quot; (continuous) model here.