BCP_enum.hpp File Reference
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enum  BCP_slack_cut_discarding { BCP_DiscardSlackCutsAtNewNode, BCP_DiscardSlackCutsAtNewIteration }
 This enumerative constant describes when to purge the slack cut pool (in the LP process). More...
enum  BCP_CutViolationNorm { BCP_CutViolationNorm_Plain, BCP_CutViolationNorm_Distance, BCP_CutViolationNorm_Directional }
 This enumerative constant describes how to compute the "violation" of a generated cut. More...
enum  BCP_object_t { BCP_CoreObj, BCP_AlgoObj, BCP_NoObj }
 This enumerative constant describes the possible types of objects (variables and cuts). More...
enum  BCP_column_generation { BCP_DoNotGenerateColumns_Fathom, BCP_DoNotGenerateColumns_Send, BCP_GenerateColumns }
 This enumerative constant describes what to do when a search tree node becomes fathomable for the current set of columns. More...
enum  BCP_storage_t { BCP_Storage_NoData, BCP_Storage_Explicit, BCP_Storage_WrtParent, BCP_Storage_WrtCore }
 This enumerative constant describes how to store certain data for a search tree node. More...
enum  BCP_obj_status {
  BCP_ObjNoInfo = 0x00, BCP_ObjDoNotSendToPool = 0x01, BCP_ObjCannotBeBranchedOn = 0x02, BCP_ObjNotRemovable = 0x04,
  BCP_ObjToBeRemoved = 0x08, BCP_ObjInactive = 0x10
 This enumerative constant gives the status of an object (variable or cut). More...
enum  BCP_primal_solution_description { BCP_PrimalSolution_Nonzeros, BCP_PrimalSolution_Fractions, BCP_PrimalSolution_Full }
 This enumerative constant describes how the primal solution should be packed into a buffer if the default packing routine is used. More...
enum  BCP_dual_solution_description { BCP_DualSolution_Nonzeros, BCP_DualSolution_Full }
 This enumerative constant describes how the dual solution should be packed into a buffer if the default packing routine is used. More...
enum  BCP_var_t { BCP_BinaryVar, BCP_IntegerVar, BCP_ContinuousVar }
 This enumerative constant describes the integrality type of a variable. More...
enum  BCP_IneffectiveConstraints { BCP_IneffConstr_None, BCP_IneffConstr_NonzeroSlack, BCP_IneffConstr_ZeroDualValue }
 This enumerative constant describes which constraints should be considered ineffective after solving an LP relaxation. More...
enum  BCP_feasibility { BCP_NotFeasible, BCP_Feasible, BCP_HeuristicFeasible }
 This enumerative constant describes the possible return codes of the function that tests MIP feasibility of a solution to an LP relaxation. More...
enum  BCP_feasibility_test { BCP_Binary_Feasible, BCP_Integral_Feasible, BCP_FullTest_Feasible }
 This enumerative constant describes which built-in feasibility-testing routine should be invoked. More...
enum  BCP_warmstart_info { BCP_WarmstartNone, BCP_WarmstartRoot, BCP_WarmstartParent }
 This enumerative constant describes how warmstarting information should be passed from the end of a parent node to the beginning of its children. More...
enum  BCP_object_origin {
  BCP_Object_Leftover, BCP_Object_Branching, BCP_Object_FromGenerator, BCP_Object_FromPool,
 This enumerative constant describes the origin (originating process) of an object (variable or cut). More...
enum  BCP_object_compare_result { BCP_ObjsAreSame, BCP_FirstObjIsBetter, BCP_SecondObjIsBetter, BCP_DifferentObjs }
 This enumerative constant describes the possible outcomes when comparing two objects (variables or cuts). More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

This enumerative constant describes when to purge the slack cut pool (in the LP process).

Possible values are:


Purge the slack cuts when the LP starts processing a new search tree node.


Purge the slack cuts at every iteration while processing search tree nodes.

(Note that purging will be performed more often in this case.)

Definition at line 15 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

This enumerative constant describes how to compute the "violation" of a generated cut.

Possible values are:


The violation is interpreted in the normal sense, i.e., max(0, max(lb-lhs, lhs-ub))


The violation is the distance of the fractional point from the cut.


The violation is the directional (in the direction of the objective distance of the fractional point from the cut.

Definition at line 31 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

This enumerative constant describes the possible types of objects (variables and cuts).


Base object.


Algorithmic object.


No object type is given.

Definition at line 49 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

This enumerative constant describes what to do when a search tree node becomes fathomable for the current set of columns.


Do fathom the node.


Do not generate columns, but send back the node to the Tree Manager for processing in the next phase.


Attempt column generation.

If new columns are found, continue processing this search tree node, otherwise fathom it.

Definition at line 65 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

This enumerative constant describes how to store certain data for a search tree node.

Examples for such data include warmstart information, current lower and upper bounds.


No data is stored.


The data stored is an explicit listing of values.


The data stored is with respect to the same kind of data in the parent of the search tree node.

(In this case only the changes are stored.)


The data stored is with respect to the original description of the base problem (as was given by the user).

Definition at line 84 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

This enumerative constant gives the status of an object (variable or cut).

It is comprised of some constants representing different properties; the actual status is the OR of these constants.


No special information is given about the object.


The object does not need to be sent to the variable/cut pool.


The object cannot be branched on.


The object is not removable from the LP formulation, even if the object becomes inactive.

E.g., every object that has been branched on has this flag set.


The object is to be removed next time when the formulation is compressed.

For instance, the object can be marked for removal when it becomes inactive, or before branching.


The object is inactive.

Inactivity for variables means that the variable is fixed to one of its bounds, for cuts it means that the corresponding constraint is free in the formulation.

Definition at line 105 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

This enumerative constant describes how the primal solution should be packed into a buffer if the default packing routine is used.


Pack only those variables that are currently at nonzero levels.


Pack only those variables that are currently at fractional (i.e., non-integral) levels.


Pack all primal variables.

Definition at line 133 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

This enumerative constant describes how the dual solution should be packed into a buffer if the default packing routine is used.


Pack only those variables that are currently at nonzero levels.


Pack all dual variables.

Definition at line 148 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

enum BCP_var_t

This enumerative constant describes the integrality type of a variable.


Binary (0-1) variable.


General integer variable.


Continuous variable.

Definition at line 161 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

This enumerative constant describes which constraints should be considered ineffective after solving an LP relaxation.


None of the constraints are ever considered ineffective.

That is, once a constraint is added to the formulation it will remain there.


Constraints with nonzero (primal) slack value are considered ineffective.


Constraints with dual variables at level zero are considered ineffective.

Note that for any primal-dual solution pair that is optimal for the LP relaxation, this set of constraints is a superset of the previous set.

Definition at line 177 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

This enumerative constant describes the possible return codes of the function that tests MIP feasibility of a solution to an LP relaxation.


The solution is not MIP feasible.


The solution is MIP feasible.


The solution is not MIP feasible but the user was able to derive a MIP feasible solution from it (e.g.

by rounding). In this case, the feasible solution will be sent to the Tree Manager.

Definition at line 198 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

This enumerative constant describes which built-in feasibility-testing routine should be invoked.

This assumes the user does not override the feasibility-testing method. Note that the last option could be used for any problem. However, if we do know the integrality types of the variables then specifying the corresponding option leads to a more efficient code.


The problem is feasible if all primal variables take values 0 or 1.

(Use this if and only if every variable is binary.)


The problem is feasible if all primal variables are integral.

(Use this if and only if every variable is integral.)


The problem is feasible if all non-continuous variables are integral.

Definition at line 217 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

This enumerative constant describes how warmstarting information should be passed from the end of a parent node to the beginning of its children.


Do not use any warmstart information.


Use the warmstart info from the end of the root in all search tree nodes.


Use the warmstart info from the end of the parent in the children.

Definition at line 233 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

This enumerative constant describes the origin (originating process) of an object (variable or cut).


The object was left over in the local variable or cut pool of the LP process from the previous iteration.


The object originates from a branching object.

(The object is generated in the LP process.)


The object was generated by a variable or cut generator.


The object is from a variable or cut pool.


The object is from the Tree Manager.

Definition at line 249 of file BCP_enum.hpp.

This enumerative constant describes the possible outcomes when comparing two objects (variables or cuts).

Two objects are comparable if they expand to the same column/row with the possible exception of their objective coefficient/bounds.
A cut is "better" than another (comparable) cut if its bounds define a subinterval of the interval defined by the bounds of the comparable cut.
THINK*: How to compare variables?


The two objects are the same.


The two objects are comparable but the first object is better.


The two objects are comparable but the second object is better.


The two objects are not comparable or neither is better than the other.

Definition at line 276 of file BCP_enum.hpp.