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Download The CppAD Source Code

CppAD is an include file library and you therefore need the source code to use it. This section discusses how to download the different versions of CppAD.

Distribution Directory
We refer to the CppAD source directory created by the download instructions below as the distribution directory. To be specific, the distribution directory contains the file cppad/cppad.hpp.

A CppAD version number has the following fields: yyyy is four decimal digits denoting a year, mm is two decimal digits denoting a month, and dd is two decimal digits denoting a day. For example version = 20160101 corresponds to January 1, 2016.

Special versions corresponding to the beginning of each year have mm and dd equal to zero. These version numbers are combined with release numbers denoted by rel . Higher release numbers correspond to more bug fixes. For example version.rel = 20160000.0 corresponds to the first release of the version for 2016, 20160000.1 corresponds to the first bug fix for 2016.

We use lic to denote the licence corresponding to an archived version of CppAD. The GNU General Public License is denoted by lic = gpl and the Eclipse Public License is denoted by lic = epl .

Compressed Archives
The Coin compressed archives have the documentation built into them. If you downloading an old version using another method; see building documentation .

The compressed archive names on the Coin download page have one of the following formats:
In Unix, you can extract these compressed archives using tar. For example,
     tar -xzf cppad-
No matter what the format of the name, the corresponding distribution directory is cppad-version . To see that the extraction has been done correctly, check for the following file:

The compressed archive names on the Github download page have the format
These archives correspond to the Eclipse Public License.

Source Code Control
These methods only provide the Eclipse Public License version of CppAD.

CppAD source code development is current done using git You can a git clone of the current version using the command
    git clone cppad.git
This procedure requires that the git is installed on your system.

A subversion copy of the source code is kept on the Coin web site. You can obtain this subversion copy using the command
     svn checkout cppad.svn/trunk
This procedure requires that the subversion program is installed on your system.

Monthly Versions
Monthly versions of the compressed tar files are available on the Coin download page . These are kept until the end of the current year, when the next release is created. The monthly versions have the form

Windows File Extraction and Testing
If you know how to extract the distribution directory from the tar file, just do so. Otherwise, below is one way you can do it. (Note that if 7z.exe, cmake.exe, and nmake.exe are you your execution path, you will not need to specify their paths below.)
  1. Download and install the open source program .
  2. Download and install the Visual Studio Express; for example Visual Studio 2013
  3. In a command window, execute the following commands:
         set PATH=
         set PATH=
         set VCDIR=
         call "%VCDIR%\vcvarsall.bat" x86
    For example, on one machine these paths had the following values:
    path_to_7_zip=C:\Program Files\7-zip
    path_to_cmake=C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin
    path_to_vcdir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC
  4. Use the following commands to extract the distribution from the compressed archive:
         7z x cppad-
         7z x cppad-
  5. To see if this has been done correctly, check for the following file:
  6. The commands below are optional. They run the CppAD tests using the default cmake settings (except for the generator option)
         mkdir build
         cd build
         cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..
         nmake check

Install Instructions
The install instructions on this web site correspond to the current version of CppAD. If you are using an old version of CppAD these instructions may work. If you have trouble (or just to be careful), you should follow the instructions in the doc subdirectory of the distribution directory. If there is no such documentation, you can build it; see building documentation .

Building Documentation
If you are using one of these download methods, you can build the documentation to get the corresponding install instructions. The documentation for CppAD is built from the source code files using OMhelp . You will need to install the omhelp command so that
     which omhelp
shows it is in your path. Once you have done this, in the distribution directory execute the following command:
     bin/ htm
You will then be able to follow the install instructions in the doc subdirectory of the distribution directory.
Input File: omh/install/download.omh