OS Options

GAMS/OS brings the open source Optimization Services project to the broad audience of GAMS users. The code has been written primarily by Jun Ma and Kipp Martin. The GAMS interface for OS is maintained by Stefan Vigerske, Humboldt University, in a COIN-OR project called GAMSlinks. For more information visit the web site for COIN-OR, OS, and GAMSlinks.
For documentation of GAMS parameters, see the GAMS parameters documentation.

Summary of OS Options

General Options

readosol read the solver options from an OSoL file
readospl read knock request as OSpL file
service address of an Optimization Services Agent for a remote solve
service_method method of an OS Agent to call
solver specification of a solver
writeosil write the problem instance as OSiL file
writeospl write knock or kill reply into OSpL file
writeosrl write the optimization result as OSrL file

Detailed Descriptions of OS Options

readosol (string) read the solver options from an OSoL file

readospl (string) read knock request as OSpL file

service (string) address of an Optimization Services Agent for a remote solve

service_method (string) method of an OS Agent to call

(default = solve)

solver (string) specification of a solver

writeosil (string) write the problem instance as OSiL file

writeospl (string) write knock or kill reply into OSpL file

writeosrl (string) write the optimization result as OSrL file