// Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines // Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. #ifndef _BCP_TM_PARAM_H #define _BCP_TM_PARAM_H /** Parameters used in the Tree Manager process. These parameters can be set in the original parameter file by including the following line:
BCP_{parameter name} {parameter value} */ struct BCP_tm_par{ /** Character parameters. Most of these variables are used as booleans (true = 1, false = 0). */ enum chr_params{ /** Indicates whether to debug LP processes or not. Values: 1 (true), 0 (false). Default: 0. */ DebugLpProcesses, /** Indicates whether to debug Cut Generator processes or not. Values: 1 (true), 0 (false). Default: 0. */ DebugCgProcesses, /** Indicates whether to debug Variable Generator processes or not. Values: 1 (true), 0 (false). Default: 0. */ DebugVgProcesses, /** Indicates whether to debug Cut Pool processes or not. Values: 1 (true), 0 (false). Default: 0. */ DebugCpProcesses, /** Indicates whether to debug Variable Pool processes or not. Values: 1 (true), 0 (false). Default: 0. */ DebugVpProcesses, /** Indicates whether to variable generation will take place or not. Values: 1 (true), 0 (false). Default: 0. */ GenerateVars, /** Indicates whether message passing is serial (all processes are on the same processor) or not. Values: 1 (true), 0 (false). Default: 0. */ MessagePassingIsSerial, /** Print out a message when the default version of an overridable method is executed. Default: 1. */ ReportWhenDefaultIsExecuted, /** Indicates whether to trim the search tree before a new phase. Values: 1 (true), 0 (false). Default: 0. */ TrimTreeBeforeNewPhase, /** Indicates whether that part of the tree that's completely explored should be freed as soon as possible. This conserves memory, but may make it harder to track what's happening in the tree. Values: 1 (true), 0 (false). Default: 1. */ RemoveExploredBranches, /** A flag that instructs BCP to be (almost) absolutely silent. It zeros out all the XxVerb flags even if the verbosity flag is set to 1 later in the parameter file. Exceptions (flags whose status is not changed) are: TmVerb_SingleLineInfoFrequency, TmVerb_FinalStatistics and TmVerb_BestFeasibleSolution. Default: 0. */ VerbosityShutUp, /** Verbosity flags for the tree manager */ /*@{*/ /** Just a marker for the first TmVerb */ TmVerb_First, /** Print the value of *any* integer feasible solution found. (BCP_tm_prob::process_message) */ TmVerb_AllFeasibleSolutionValue, /** Invoke the user-written "display_feasible_solution" function if *any* feasible solution is found. (BCP_tm_prob::process_message) */ TmVerb_AllFeasibleSolution, /** Print the value of the integer solution when a solution better than the current best solution is found. (BCP_tm_prob::process_message) */ TmVerb_BetterFeasibleSolutionValue, /** Invoke the user-written "display_feasible_solution" function if a better integral feasible solution is found. (BCP_tm_prob::process_message) */ TmVerb_BetterFeasibleSolution, /** Invoke "display_feasible_solution" user routine for the best feasible solution after the entire tree is processed. (BCP_tm_wrapup) */ TmVerb_BestFeasibleSolution, /** Print the "Starting phase x" line. (BCP_tm_tasks_before_new_phase) */ TmVerb_NewPhaseStart, /** Print information about nodes that are pruned by bound in the tree manager. These nodes would be returned by the LP if they were sent there, so prune them in the TM instead. (BCP_tm_start_one_node) */ TmVerb_PrunedNodeInfo, /** Print the time (and the solution value and solution if the above paramters are set appropriately) when any/better solution is found. (BCP_tm_prob::process_message) */ TmVerb_TimeOfImprovingSolution, /** Print the number of nodes trimmed between phases. (BCP_tm_trim_tree_wrapper) */ TmVerb_TrimmedNum, /** Print statistics: running time, tree size, best solution value. (For the best solution set TmVerb_BestFeasibleSolution. */ TmVerb_FinalStatistics, /** Print out a message when the default version of an overridable method is executed. Default: 1. */ TmVerb_ReportDefault, /** Just a marker for the last TmVerb */ TmVerb_Last, /*@}*/ // end_of_chr_params }; /** Integer parameters. */ enum int_params{ /** Specifies how warmstart information should be stored in the TM. Possible valueas: BCP_WarmstartNone, BCP_WarmstartRoot, BCP_WarmstartParent. The first is obvious, the second means the root node's warmstart info should be sent out along with each node, the last means the parent's warmstart info should be sent out. Default: BCP_WarmstartParent */ WarmstartInfo, /** The maximum size of the memory heap the TM can use. If the TM reaches this limit then it converts an LP process into a TS (storage) process). If positive, it's the number of megabytes. 0 indicates the TM should attempt to find this out. -1 indicates that no TS process should be created. Default: -1. */ MaxHeapSize, /** At every this many search tree node provide a single line info on the progress of the search tree. If <= 0 then never. Default: 0. */ TmVerb_SingleLineInfoFrequency, /** Which search tree enumeration strategy should be used. Values: 0 (BCP_BestFirstSearch), 1 (BCP_BreadthFirstSearch), 2 (BCP_DepthFirstSearch). Default: 0 */ TreeSearchStrategy, /** How resource-hog the processes should be. Interpretation is system dependent, and the value is passed directly to the renice() function. Usually the bigger the number the less demanding the processes will be. */ NiceLevel, /** The number of LP processes that should be spawned. */ LpProcessNum, /** The number of Cut Generator processes that should be spawned. */ CgProcessNum, /** The number of Cut Pool processes that should be spawned. Values: */ CpProcessNum, /** The number of Variable Generator processes that should be spawned. */ VgProcessNum, /** The number of Variable Pool processes that should be spawned. */ VpProcessNum, /** ??? */ TmTimeout, /** Parameters related to scheduling the LP processes */ LPscheduler_MaxNodeIdNum, /** Max how many SB nodes should the scheduler give to an LP process */ LPscheduler_MaxSbIdNum, /** Parameters related to scheduling the LP processes */ LPscheduler_MinSbIdNum, // end_of_int_params }; /** Double parameters. */ enum dbl_params{ /** The probability with which the LP process is directed to dive. Values: Default: */ UnconditionalDiveProbability, /** The LP process is allowed to dive if the ratio between the quality (for now the presolved objective value) of the child to be kept and the best quality among the candidate nodes is not larger the this parameter. This ratio is applied if an upper bound already exists. Values: Default: */ QualityRatioToAllowDiving_HasUB, /** Same as above, but this value is used if an upper bound does not exist yet. Values: Default: */ QualityRatioToAllowDiving_NoUB, /** ??? Values: Default: */ Granularity, /** Maximum allowed running time */ MaxRunTime, /** ??? Values: Default: */ TerminationGap_Absolute, /** ??? Values: Default: */ TerminationGap_Relative, /** ??? Values: Default: */ UpperBound, /** Parameters related to scheduling the LP processes */ LPscheduler_OverEstimationStatic, LPscheduler_SwitchToRateThreshold, LPscheduler_FactorTimeHorizon, LPscheduler_OverEstimationRate, LPscheduler_MaxNodeIdRatio, // end_of_dbl_params }; /** String parameters. */ enum str_params{ /** The name of the file where those cuts should be saved that were in the root node in the 0-th phase at the end of processing the root node. */ SaveRootCutsTo, /** The name of the file where cuts to be added to the root description should be read ot from. */ ReadRootCutsFrom, /** The name of the executable that's running (and that should be spawned on the other processors. */ ExecutableName, /** ??? */ LogFileName, // end_of_str_params }; /** ??? */ enum str_array_params{ /** ??? */ LpMachines, /** ??? */ CgMachines, /** ??? */ VgMachines, /** ??? */ CpMachines, /** ??? */ VpMachines, // end_of_str_array_params }; }; #endif