/** @file osTestCode.cpp * * @author Jun Ma, Kipp Martin, * @version 1.0, 10/05/2005 * @since OS1.0 * * \remarks * Copyright (C) 2005, Jun Ma, Kipp Martin, * Northwestern University, and the University of Chicago. * All Rights Reserved. * This software is licensed under the Common Public License. * Please see the accompanying LICENSE file in root directory for terms. * */ #include #include "OSConfig.h" #include "OSCoinSolver.h" #ifdef COIN_HAS_IPOPT #ifndef COIN_HAS_ASL #include "OSIpoptSolver.h" #undef COIN_HAS_ASL #else #include "OSIpoptSolver.h" #endif #endif #include "OSResult.h" #include "OSiLReader.h" #include "OSiLWriter.h" #include "OSrLReader.h" #include "OSrLWriter.h" #include "OSInstance.h" #include "OSFileUtil.h" #include "OSDefaultSolver.h" #include "OSWSUtil.h" #include "OSSolverAgent.h" #include "OShL.h" #include "OSErrorClass.h" #include "OSmps2osil.h" #include "OSBase64.h" #include "OSCommonUtil.h" #include "OSErrorClass.h" #include "OSMathUtil.h" #include using std::cout; using std::endl; //int main(int argC, char* argV[]){ int main( ){ std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl; }// end main