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Setting up a Solver Service with Tomcat

Download the java binary distribution at

The server side of the Java distribution is based on the Tomcat 5.5 implementation. After unpacking there is a directory os-server-1.0 and a single file os.war. For users that have not installed the Tomcat server, os-server-1.0 contains all of the necessary files for a OS Solver Service. If you do not have a Tomcat server running do the following to setup a Tomcat server with the OS Solver Service on a Unix system:

Step 1.
Put the folder os-server-1.0 in the desired location for the OS Solver Service on the server machine.

Step 2.
Connect to the Tomcat bin directory in the os-server-1.0 root and execute ./

Step 3.
Test to see if the server is running the OSSolverService. Open a browser on the server and enter the URL
You should see a message Click to see the WSDL. Click on the link and you should see an XML description of the various methods available from the OSSolverService.

Step 4.
On a client machine, create the file testremote.config with the following lines of text
-serviceLocation http://***.***.***.***:8080/os/OSSolverService.jws
-osil /parincLinear.osil
where ***.***.***.*** is the IP address of the Tomcat server machine. Then, assuming the files testremote.config and parincLinear.osil are in the same directory on the client machine as the OSSolverService execute:
./OSSolverService -config testremote.config
You should get back an OSrL message saying the problem was optimized.

In a Windows environment you may want to start the Tomcat server as a service so you can log off (not shutdown) the machine and have the server continue to run. On a Windows machine do the following:

Step 1.
Put the folder os-server-1.0 in the desired location for the OS Solver Service on the server machine.

Step 2.
Connect to the Tomcat bin directory in the os-server-1.0 root and execute
service.bat install
This will install Tomcat as a Windows service. To remove the service execute
service.bat remove

Step 3.
Connect to the Tomcat bin directory and and double click on the tomcat5w.exe application. This will open a Window for controlling the Tomcat server.

Step 4.
Select the Startup tab and set the Working Directory to the path to os-server-1.0.

Step 5.
Select the General tab and then click the Start button.

Step 6.
Same as Step 3 for Unix.

Step 7:
Same as Step 4 for Unix.

Note: There are many ways to start the Tomcat server and the exact way you choose may be different. See and check out Tomcat version 5.5 for more detail. But do remember to properly set the Tomcat Working Directory to the path to os-server-1.0. By default, if you start Tomcat on Windows, the Working Directory is set to the Windows system folder, which will yield unpredictable results.

If you already have a Tomcat server with Axis installed do the following:

copy the file os.war into the Tomcat WEB-INF directory in the ROOT folder under webapps.

Follow Steps 2-5 outlined above.

In the directory,

there is a configuration file OSParameter.xml that can be modified to fit individual user needs. You can configure such parameters as service name, service URL/URI. Refer to the xml file for more detail. Descriptions for all the parameters are within the file itself.

Below is a summary of the common and important directories and files you may want to know.

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Kipp Martin 2008-01-16