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The retrieve Service Method

The retrieve method is used to get information the instance solution. This method has a single string argument which is an OSoL instance. Here is an example of using the retrieve method with OSSolverService.

./OSSolverService -config ../data/configFiles/testremoteRetrieve.config
The testremoteRetrieve.config file is
-osol ../data/osolFiles/retrieve.osol
-serviceMethod retrieve
-osrl /home/kmartin/temp/test.osrl
and the retrieve.osol file is
<?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''UTF-8''?>
<osol xmlns=''...
The OSoL file retrieve.osol contains a tag <jobID> that is communicated to the remote service. The remove service locates the result and returns it as a string. The string that is returned is an OSrL instance. The user must modify the line
-osrl /home/kmartin/temp/test.osrl
to reflect a valid path for their own machine. Also, the <jobID> should reflect a <jobID> that was previously submitted. The send() and retrieve() <jobID> must match up.

Kipp Martin 2008-01-16