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Building the OS Project on Unix/Linux Systems

In order to build the OS project on Unix/Linux systems do the following.

Step 1: Make and connect to the distribution root directory.

mkdir COIN-OS

Step 2: Run the configure script that will generate the makefiles. If you are running on a machine with a FORTRAN 95 compiler present (e.g. gfortran) run the command


otherwise for now use

./configure  COIN_SKIP_PROJECTS=Ipopt
as COIN-OR's Ipopt project currently uses Fortran to compile some of its dependent libraries.


Step 3: Run the make files.


Step 4: Run the unitTest.

make test

Depending upon which third party software you have installed, the result of running the unitTest should look something like (we have included the third-party solvers LINDO and Knitro in the test results below; they are not part of the default build):


Solved problem avion2.osil with Ipopt
Solved problem HS071.osil with Ipopt
Solved problem rosenbrockmod.osil with Ipopt
Solved problem parincQuadratic.osil with Ipopt
Solved problem parincLinear.osil with Ipopt
Solved problem callBack.osil with Ipopt
Solved problem callBackRowMajor.osil with Ipopt
Solved problem parincLinear.osil with Clp
Solved problem p0033.osil with Cbc
Solved problem rosenbrockmod.osil with Knitro
Solved problem callBackTest.osil with Knitro
Solved problem parincQuadratic.osil with Knitro
Solved problem HS071_NLP.osil with Knitro
Solved problem p0033.osil with SYMPHONY
Solved problem parincLinear.osil with DyLP
Solved problem volumeTest.osil with Vol
Solved problem p0033.osil with GLPK
Solved problem lindoapiaddins.osil with Lindo
Solved problem rosenbrockmod.osil with Lindo
Solved problem parincQuadratic.osil with Lindo
Solved problem wayneQuadratic.osil with Lindo
Test the MPS -> OSiL converter on parinc.mps using Cbc
Test the AMPL nl -> OSiL converter on using LINDO
Test a problem written in b64 and then converted to OSInstance
Successful test of OSiL parser on problem parincLinear.osil
Successful test of OSrL parser on problem parincLinear.osrl
Successful test of prefix and postfix conversion routines on problem rosenbrockmod.osil
Successful test of all of the nonlinear operators on file testOperators.osil
Successful test of AD gradient and Hessian calculations on problem CppADTestLag.osil

All tests completed successfully

If you do not see

All tests completed successfully
then you have not passed the unitTest and hopefully some semi-intelligible error message was given.

Step 5: Install the libraries and executables.

make install

This will install all of the libraries in the lib directory. In particular, the main OS library libOS along with the libraries of the other COIN-OR projects that download with the OS project will get installed in the lib directory. In addition the make install command will install four executable programs in the bin directory. One of these binaries is OSSolverService which is the main OS project executable. This is described in Section 10. In addition clp, cbc, ipopt, and symphony get installed in the bin directory. Necessary header files are installed in the include directory. In this case, bin, lib, and include are all subdirectories of where ./configure is run. If the user wants these files installed elsewhere, then configure should specify the prefix of these directories. That is,

./configure  --prefix=prefixDirctory  COIN_SKIP_PROJECTS=Ipopt

For example, running

./configure  --prefix=/usr/local  COIN_SKIP_PROJECTS=Ipopt

and then running make and make install will put the relevant files in


Run an Example! If make test works, proceed to Section 10 to run the key executable, OSSolverService.

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Kipp Martin 2008-01-16