Resource Times:

Results created on 11/09/09 18:57:37 using the PAVER Server/Performance tools available at

See the solver return definitions for optimal/feasible model and solve statuses. Solutions are not checked for how close they are to eachother.

Resource times are considered the same, if they are within 10% of eachother. A solver is considered faster than another, if it is less than 50% faster than the other. A solver is considered much faster than another, if it is more than 50% faster than the other.

If a model was not solved optimal/feasible by both solvers, the resource time is considered the same. If a model was solved optimal/feasible by solver A but not by solver B, then solver A is considered infinitely faster than solver B. Similarly, if one solver has trace data and the other has no data, then the first solver is consideredinfinitely faster.

A solver is considered to have a better objective function value, if the relative objective value difference is greater than 1.00E-05 For objective values below 1e-1 we use absolute differences.

Input File Number Filename
Tracefile 1: COINIPOPT-1.trc
Tracefile 2: IPOPT-1.trc
Solvers used : COINIPOPTma27
Modeltype(s)   NLP
Threshold: Solver Faster 10%
Threshold: Solver Much Faster 50%
Threshold: Solver Infinitely Faster Other solver failed

Total Obj COINIPOPTma27 better Obj same Obj IPOPTma27 better
Solver COINIPOPTma27 infinitely faster : 1 1 - -
Solver COINIPOPTma27 much faster : 17 - 17 -
Solver COINIPOPTma27 faster : 22 - 22 -
Solvers perform the same : 25 - 25 -
Solver IPOPTma27 faster : 7 - 7 -
Solver IPOPTma27 much faster : 1 - 1 -
Solver IPOPTma27 infinitely faster :- - - -
Both solvers failed to solve optimally : 8 - 8 -
Total models: : 811800

Solver return definition:

Outcome Model Status Solver Status
globally optimal 1 or 15 1
locally optimal/feasible 2 or 7 or 16 or 17 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5

Resource Times:

Solver COINIPOPTma27 infinitely faster - Obj of COINIPOPTma27 better:

Modelname Time (COINIPOPTma27) Time (IPOPTma27) Ratio (COINIPOPTma27 / IPOPTma27) Obj (COINIPOPTma27) Obj (IPOPTma27)
glider2002014.5600infeasible -- -1.24880943E+03 -5.07735343E-10

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Solver COINIPOPTma27 much faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (COINIPOPTma27) Time (IPOPTma27) Ratio (COINIPOPTma27 / IPOPTma27) Obj (COINIPOPTma27) Obj (IPOPTma27)
arki00200.07000.19000.368 -4.10749544E+01 -4.10749544E+01
arki00210.23001.14000.202 -7.25821009E+01 -7.25821009E+01
arki00220.35002.19000.160 -8.70990913E+01 -8.70990913E+01
arki00230.72008.26000.087 -1.53660078E+02 -1.53660078E+02
elec20057.70001218.37000.047 1.84392677E+04 1.84392677E+04
jbearing1000.47007.01000.067 -1.55041943E-01 -1.55041943E-01
jbearing250.11000.51000.216 -1.54015507E-01 -1.54015507E-01
jbearing500.20001.64000.122 -1.54823813E-01 -1.54823813E-01
jbearing750.32003.77000.085 -1.54984461E-01 -1.54984461E-01
minsurf1000.58008.92000.065 2.50694962E+00 2.50694962E+00
minsurf250.13000.61000.213 2.51948798E+00 2.51948798E+00
minsurf500.26002.29000.114 2.51489003E+00 2.51489003E+00
minsurf751.570015.04000.104 2.50568664E+00 2.50568679E+00
torsion1000.610013.53000.045 -4.18239199E-01 -4.18239199E-01
torsion250.13000.82000.159 -4.17510726E-01 -4.17510726E-01
torsion500.29003.52000.082 -4.18087625E-01 -4.18087625E-01
torsion750.45007.79000.058 -4.18199390E-01 -4.18199390E-01

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Solver COINIPOPTma27 faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (COINIPOPTma27) Time (IPOPTma27) Ratio (COINIPOPTma27 / IPOPTma27) Obj (COINIPOPTma27) Obj (IPOPTma27)
arki00042.76004.09000.675 3.27733013E+02 3.27733013E+02
arki001355.190072.03000.766 -2.24253088E+05 -2.24253085E+05
arki001450.020066.21000.755 -2.23977086E+05 -2.23977086E+05
camshape4000.16000.20000.800 -4.27569663E+00 -4.27569663E+00
catmix4000.09000.10000.900 -4.80565435E-02 -4.80565435E-02
catmix8000.15000.19000.789 -4.80558974E-02 -4.80558974E-02
ex8_2_5a2.41002.70000.893 -8.30338068E+02 -8.30338068E+02
flowchan4000.17000.20000.850 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
gasoil1000.15000.18000.833 5.23659432E-03 5.23659432E-03
gasoil2000.33000.37000.892 5.23659587E-03 5.23659587E-03
infeas10.35000.41000.854 1.36855965E+04 1.36855965E+04
lnts4000.08000.10000.800 5.54572414E-01 5.54572414E-01
methanol2002.57003.43000.749 9.02228981E-03 9.02228981E-03
methanol4004.09004.74000.863 9.02228992E-03 9.02228992E-03
methanol500.09000.14000.643 9.02228685E-03 9.02228685E-03
pinene1000.16000.18000.889 1.98721701E+01 1.98721701E+01
pinene500.08000.09000.889 1.98721655E+01 1.98721655E+01
polygon500.65000.74000.878 -7.82132559E-01 -7.82132559E-01
popdynm1000.23000.40000.575 1.97465286E+04 1.97465286E+04
popdynm2000.64000.86000.744 1.97465296E+04 1.97465296E+04
rocket1001.84002.30000.800 -1.01283202E+00 -1.01283202E+00
rocket20011.830013.81000.857 -1.01283569E+00 -1.01283569E+00

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Solvers perform the same - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (COINIPOPTma27) Time (IPOPTma27) Ratio (COINIPOPTma27 / IPOPTma27) Obj (COINIPOPTma27) Obj (IPOPTma27)
arki00020.06000.06001.000 1.87252774E+00 1.87252774E+00
arki00152.68002.97000.902 -2.66940688E+02 -2.66940688E+02
arki00170.43000.47000.915 -1.21833080E+02 -1.21833080E+02
arki00180.31000.33000.939 1.04566244E-02 1.04566244E-02
camshape8000.32000.33000.970 -4.27430687E+00 -4.27430687E+00
catmix1000.04000.0600--- -4.80694133E-02 -4.80694133E-02
catmix2000.04000.0500--- -4.80591358E-02 -4.80591358E-02
chain4000.02000.0600--- 5.06862169E+00 5.06862169E+00
ex8_2_2a2.33002.45000.951 -5.52666259E+02 -5.52666259E+02
ex8_2_2b3.05003.06000.997 -5.52666260E+02 -5.52666260E+02
ex8_2_3a6.76006.59001.026 -3.73107930E+03 -3.73107930E+03
ex8_2_3b8.19007.82001.047 -3.73107930E+03 -3.73107930E+03
ex8_2_5b8.61009.36000.920 -8.30338068E+02 -8.30338068E+02
flowchan1000.03000.0500--- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
gasoil4001.01001.06000.953 5.23659583E-03 5.23659583E-03
gasoil500.06000.06001.000 5.23664002E-03 5.23664002E-03
lnts1000.03000.0200--- 5.54595401E-01 5.54595401E-01
methanol1000.27000.29000.931 9.02229108E-03 9.02229108E-03
pinene2000.47000.48000.979 1.98721668E+01 1.98721668E+01
pinene250.08000.08001.000 1.98721655E+01 1.98721655E+01
polygon1003.84004.12000.932 -7.85056137E-01 -7.85056137E-01
polygon752.87003.13000.917 -7.84463757E-01 -7.84463757E-01
robot2000.27000.30000.900 9.14139675E+00 9.14139684E+00
robot4000.76000.82000.927 9.14102607E+00 9.14102607E+00
rocket400116.9400127.79000.915 -1.01283661E+00 -1.01283661E+00

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Solver IPOPTma27 faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (COINIPOPTma27) Time (IPOPTma27) Ratio (COINIPOPTma27 / IPOPTma27) Obj (COINIPOPTma27) Obj (IPOPTma27)
arki001180.780058.49001.381 -2.24086460E+05 -2.24086460E+05
arki0012175.090093.70001.869 -2.24252435E+05 -2.24252427E+05
flowchan2000.09000.08001.125 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
lnts2000.06000.05001.200 5.54577016E-01 5.54577016E-01
polygon250.07000.06001.167 -7.79740541E-01 -7.79740541E-01
popdynm250.14000.11001.273 1.97522154E+04 1.97522154E+04
popdynm500.16000.13001.231 1.97465452E+04 1.97465452E+04

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Solver IPOPTma27 much faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (COINIPOPTma27) Time (IPOPTma27) Ratio (COINIPOPTma27 / IPOPTma27) Obj (COINIPOPTma27) Obj (IPOPTma27)
arki001612.30002.37005.190 8.67973166E+02 8.67973166E+02

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Both solvers failed to solve optimally - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (COINIPOPTma27) Time (IPOPTma27) Ratio (COINIPOPTma27 / IPOPTma27) Obj (COINIPOPTma27) Obj (IPOPTma27)
arki0003infeasible fail -- 8.63071054E+00 2.58498717E+03
arki0008fail fail -- 3.28465611E+05 3.20252348E+05
ex8_2_2fail fail -- -1.40516419E+03 -1.40558229E+03
glider100infeasible infeasible -- 0.00000000E+00 -3.55524467E-10
glider400infeasible infeasible -- -1.17108212E-09 -1.02593784E-09
glider50infeasible infeasible -- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
robot100unbounded unbounded -- -1.00002177E+24 -1.01370790E+22
robot50unbounded fail -- -2.50210118E+23 -1.21570388E+20

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