Models: 81 NLPs with at least 1000 nonlinear nonzeros from the GAMS GlobalLib


  1. IPOPT-1: Ipopt with MA27 as linear solver (Ipopt stable/3.5 rev. 1331, ATLAS 3.8.2, Lapack 3.1.1)
    linear_solver ma27
    tol 1e-8
    acceptable_tol 1e-8
    constr_viol_tol 1e-4
    compl_inf_tol 1e-4
  2. IPOPT-2: Ipopt with MUMPS 4.8.2 as linear solver (Ipopt stable/3.5 rev. 1331, ATLAS 3.8.2, Lapack 3.1.1)
    linear_solver mumps
    tol 1e-8
    acceptable_tol 1e-8
    constr_viol_tol 1e-4
    compl_inf_tol 1e-4
  3. KNITRO 5.1.2
    NOTE: The GAMS/KNITRO interface does not reformulate the constraint that represents the objective function as objective function. This may have an adverse effect on the performance of the solver.
    feastol 1e-8
    opttol  1e-8
    maxit   9999999
  4. CONOPT 3.14S
    rtredg  1e-8
    rtnwma  1e-8
  5. MINOS 5.51
    Row tolerance         1e-8
    Optimality tolerance  1e-8
    Superbasics limit     10000
  6. SNOPT 7.2-4
    Major feasibility tolerance 1e-8
    Major optimality tolerance  1e-8
    Superbasics limit           5000

Timelimit: 3600 seconds
Relative optimality and feasibility tolerance: 1e-8

