Solver Square Comparison: Considers all models.

Date / Time: 10/19/08 15:15:31

Solver comparison utility.

Compares all solver return outcomes (for example optimal, locally optimal, infeasible, unbounded, fail) of one solver with all return outcomes of another solver. Interrupt denotes resource or iteration limit has been reached. Solver KNITRO is represented on the left (rows) and solver SNOPT on top (columns). See the solver return definitions for return codes.

Models having trace data only in one trace file are listed in the "no data" column of the other.

Tracefile 1 :KNITRO-1.trc
Tracefile 2 :SNOPT-1.trc
Solvers used : KNITRO
Modeltype(s)   NLP

locally optimal
no data
total KNITRO
- - - - - - - -
locally optimal
- 62 1 2 - 1 - 66
- - 1 - - - - 1
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- 9 3 1 - 1 - 14
no data
- - - - - - - -
total SNOPT - 71 5 3 - 2 - 81

Solver return definitions:

OutcomeModel StatusSolver Status
optimal 1 or 15 1
locally optimal 2 any
feasible 7 or 16 or 17 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
infeasible4 or 5 or 19 1
unbounded3 or 18 1
fail all other all other

Solver Resource Times

KNITRO: locally optimal -- SNOPT: locally optimal    Back to top

Modelname Time (KNITRO) Time (SNOPT) Ratio (KNITRO/SNOPT) Obj (KNITRO) Obj (SNOPT)
arki0002 0.2300 204.7300 0.001 1.87252774 1.05777733
arki0015 4.7700 4.4800 1.065 -263.42945620 -272.29977820
arki0020 0.4200 32.5100 0.013 -41.07495436 -41.07495436
arki0021 2.5400 91.9600 0.028 -72.58210091 -72.58210091
arki0022 4.5000 133.2400 0.034 -87.09909125 -87.09909127
camshape400 0.2900 0.1200 2.417 -4.27568803 -4.27568692
camshape800 0.6900 0.5400 1.278 -4.27427209 -4.27427301
catmix100 0.0400 0.2000 0.200 -0.04806926 -0.04806940
catmix200 0.0800 0.9400 0.085 -0.04805887 -0.04805914
catmix400 0.1700 3.2400 0.052 -0.04805603 -0.04805655
catmix800 0.4000 13.8000 0.029 -0.04805487 -0.04805590
chain400 0.0700 9.1000 0.008 5.06862169 5.06862169
ex8_2_2a 7.1400 69.5800 0.103 -552.66624685 -552.66070523
ex8_2_2b 8.5100 9.8300 0.866 -552.66624684 -551.76977070
ex8_2_3a 23.3400 63.4100 0.368 -3731.07927498 -3731.07717832
ex8_2_3b 30.4400 25.6000 1.189 -3731.07927499 -3730.72924988
ex8_2_5a 5.8900 186.8800 0.032 -830.33806266 -830.33782177
ex8_2_5b 15.5200 8.1300 1.909 -830.33806266 -830.07940808
flowchan100 0.0800 0.4300 0.186 0.00000000 0.00000000
flowchan200 0.1900 1.3800 0.138 0.00000000 0.00000000
flowchan400 0.3800 4.6200 0.082 0.00000000 0.00000000
gasoil100 0.3000 0.6400 0.469 0.00523659 0.00523659
gasoil200 0.7900 2.1400 0.369 0.00523660 0.00523660
gasoil400 2.5400 8.3500 0.304 0.00523660 0.00523660
gasoil50 0.1300 0.2600 0.500 0.00523664 0.00523664
glider100 56.2100 1190.9000 0.047 -249.99810068 -1255.05860055
glider400 27.0900 640.7300 0.042 -249.99944886 -256.61124569
glider50 22.0400 102.5300 0.215 -249.99925690 -1286.97737315
jbearing100 8.9500 53.0200 0.169 -0.15504059 -0.15504196
jbearing25 0.8200 9.3900 0.087 -0.15401519 -0.15401554
jbearing50 2.6600 39.7100 0.067 -0.15482352 -0.15482422
jbearing75 5.2200 28.0500 0.186 -0.15498349 -0.15498453
lnts100 0.0500 0.3400 0.147 0.55459540 0.55459540
lnts200 0.1400 1.6100 0.087 0.55457702 0.55457702
lnts400 0.3000 8.0800 0.037 0.55457241 0.55457241
methanol100 1.4500 1.1500 1.261 0.00902229 0.00902229
methanol200 9.3400 3.1000 3.013 0.00902229 0.00902229
methanol400 114.6200 12.4800 9.184 0.00902229 0.00902229
methanol50 0.4400 1.3000 0.338 0.00902229 0.00902229
minsurf100 532.7000 400.9100 1.329 2.50695092 2.50694926
minsurf25 20.7300 12.4600 1.664 2.51948819 2.51948768
minsurf50 54.3900 81.2800 0.669 2.51489007 2.51488916
minsurf75 174.6700 189.1700 0.923 2.50568773 2.50568648
pinene100 0.7400 2.9000 0.255 19.87217015 19.87217015
pinene200 2.0300 9.9700 0.204 19.87216684 19.87216684
pinene25 0.3300 0.7400 0.446 19.87216552 19.87216552
pinene50 0.3200 0.7000 0.457 19.87216552 19.87216552
polygon100 9.7400 13.6500 0.714 -0.72686840 -0.78501552
polygon25 0.1100 0.0400 2.750 -0.74913723 -0.77973670
polygon50 0.7200 1.8600 0.387 -0.73359787 -0.78401305
polygon75 3.1200 7.7300 0.404 -0.72686816 -0.78478846
popdynm100 11.9800 2.5100 4.773 19746.52860218 19746.52860217
popdynm200 50.4100 7.5000 6.721 19746.52964661 19746.52964660
popdynm25 0.2900 0.3900 0.744 19752.21541511 19752.21541511
popdynm50 5.6500 1.2500 4.520 19746.54515628 19746.54515628
rocket100 0.7000 0.4600 1.522 -1.01283174 -1.01283202
rocket200 1.8700 6.5900 0.284 -1.01283558 -1.01283569
rocket400 4.3100 18.7300 0.230 -1.01283547 -1.01283661
torsion100 20.1700 24.4500 0.825 -0.41823436 -0.41823921
torsion25 1.2200 2.1800 0.560 -0.41750918 -0.41751073
torsion50 11.8600 16.4700 0.720 -0.41808461 -0.41808763
torsion75 11.4700 14.6000 0.786 -0.41819577 -0.41819940

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KNITRO: locally optimal -- SNOPT: feasible    Back to top

Modelname Time (KNITRO) Time (SNOPT) Ratio (KNITRO/SNOPT) Obj (KNITRO) Obj (SNOPT)
arki0023 17.7500 97.3500 0.182 -153.66007765 -153.41732339

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KNITRO: locally optimal -- SNOPT: infeasible    Back to top

Modelname Time (KNITRO) Time (SNOPT) Ratio (KNITRO/SNOPT) Obj (KNITRO) Status (SNOPT)
glider200 47.1500 1.9100 --- -249.99920263 mstat( 5) sstat( 1)
infeas1 1.6200 0.0200 --- 13685.59646090 mstat( 4) sstat( 1)

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KNITRO: locally optimal -- SNOPT: fail    Back to top

Modelname Time (KNITRO) Time (SNOPT) Ratio (KNITRO/SNOPT) Obj (KNITRO) Status (SNOPT)
arki0016 8.4100 NA --- 867.97316604 mstat(13) sstat(13)

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KNITRO: feasible -- SNOPT: feasible    Back to top

Modelname Time (KNITRO) Time (SNOPT) Ratio (KNITRO/SNOPT) Obj (KNITRO) Obj (SNOPT)
arki0017 3600.0000 2696.2200 1.335 -119.74852541 -121.83308010

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KNITRO: fail -- SNOPT: locally optimal    Back to top

Modelname Time (KNITRO) Time (SNOPT) Ratio (KNITRO/SNOPT) Status (KNITRO) Obj (SNOPT)
arki0003 3600.2700 1.3100 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 3795.20606777
arki0011 NA 622.2000 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) -224086.45866225
arki0013 NA 2230.8800 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) -224253.08922071
elec200 3604.1600 15.2400 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 18438.99267601
arki0004 3600.0300 0.7200 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 323.46703883
robot100 3600.0000 0.9800 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 9.14268538
robot200 3600.0100 10.1700 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 9.14139550
robot400 3600.0200 26.7000 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 9.14102603
robot50 3600.0000 0.1600 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 9.14687850

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KNITRO: fail -- SNOPT: feasible    Back to top

Modelname Time (KNITRO) Time (SNOPT) Ratio (KNITRO/SNOPT) Status (KNITRO) Obj (SNOPT)
arki0012 NA 3600.4600 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) -224120.68981706
arki0014 NA 3600.4500 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) -223911.58838547
arki0018 3600.0200 48.4100 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 0.01198002

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KNITRO: fail -- SNOPT: infeasible    Back to top

Modelname Time (KNITRO) Time (SNOPT) Ratio (KNITRO/SNOPT) Status (KNITRO) Status (SNOPT)
arki0008 3600.0200 15.4400 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) mstat( 5) sstat( 1)

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KNITRO: fail -- SNOPT: fail    Back to top

Modelname Time (KNITRO) Time (SNOPT) Ratio (KNITRO/SNOPT) Status (KNITRO) Status (SNOPT)
ex8_2_2 3693.5500 26.7800 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) mstat( 6) sstat( 4)

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KNITRO: locally optimal:     Back to top

Modelname Time (KNITRO) Obj (KNITRO)
arki0002 0.2300 1.87252774
arki0015 4.7700 -263.42945620
arki0016 8.4100 867.97316604
arki0020 0.4200 -41.07495436
arki0021 2.5400 -72.58210091
arki0022 4.5000 -87.09909125
arki0023 17.7500 -153.66007765
camshape400 0.2900 -4.27568803
camshape800 0.6900 -4.27427209
catmix100 0.0400 -0.04806926
catmix200 0.0800 -0.04805887
catmix400 0.1700 -0.04805603
catmix800 0.4000 -0.04805487
chain400 0.0700 5.06862169
ex8_2_2a 7.1400 -552.66624685
ex8_2_2b 8.5100 -552.66624684
ex8_2_3a 23.3400 -3731.07927498
ex8_2_3b 30.4400 -3731.07927499
ex8_2_5a 5.8900 -830.33806266
ex8_2_5b 15.5200 -830.33806266
flowchan100 0.0800 0.00000000
flowchan200 0.1900 0.00000000
flowchan400 0.3800 0.00000000
gasoil100 0.3000 0.00523659
gasoil200 0.7900 0.00523660
gasoil400 2.5400 0.00523660
gasoil50 0.1300 0.00523664
glider100 56.2100 -249.99810068
glider200 47.1500 -249.99920263
glider400 27.0900 -249.99944886
glider50 22.0400 -249.99925690
infeas1 1.6200 13685.59646090
jbearing100 8.9500 -0.15504059
jbearing25 0.8200 -0.15401519
jbearing50 2.6600 -0.15482352
jbearing75 5.2200 -0.15498349
lnts100 0.0500 0.55459540
lnts200 0.1400 0.55457702
lnts400 0.3000 0.55457241
methanol100 1.4500 0.00902229
methanol200 9.3400 0.00902229
methanol400 114.6200 0.00902229
methanol50 0.4400 0.00902229
minsurf100 532.7000 2.50695092
minsurf25 20.7300 2.51948819
minsurf50 54.3900 2.51489007
minsurf75 174.6700 2.50568773
pinene100 0.7400 19.87217015
pinene200 2.0300 19.87216684
pinene25 0.3300 19.87216552
pinene50 0.3200 19.87216552
polygon100 9.7400 -0.72686840
polygon25 0.1100 -0.74913723
polygon50 0.7200 -0.73359787
polygon75 3.1200 -0.72686816
popdynm100 11.9800 19746.52860218
popdynm200 50.4100 19746.52964661
popdynm25 0.2900 19752.21541511
popdynm50 5.6500 19746.54515628
rocket100 0.7000 -1.01283174
rocket200 1.8700 -1.01283558
rocket400 4.3100 -1.01283547
torsion100 20.1700 -0.41823436
torsion25 1.2200 -0.41750918
torsion50 11.8600 -0.41808461
torsion75 11.4700 -0.41819577

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KNITRO: feasible:     Back to top

Modelname Time (KNITRO) Obj (KNITRO)
arki0017 3600.0000 -119.74852541

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KNITRO: fail:     Back to top

Modelname Time (KNITRO) Status (KNITRO)
arki0003 -- mstat( 6) sstat( 3)
arki0011 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
arki0012 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
arki0013 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
arki0014 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
elec200 -- mstat( 6) sstat( 3)
ex8_2_2 -- mstat( 6) sstat( 3)
arki0004 -- mstat( 6) sstat( 3)
arki0008 -- mstat( 6) sstat( 3)
arki0018 -- mstat( 6) sstat( 3)
robot100 -- mstat( 6) sstat( 3)
robot200 -- mstat( 6) sstat( 3)
robot400 -- mstat( 6) sstat( 3)
robot50 -- mstat( 6) sstat( 3)

Back to top

SNOPT: locally optimal:     Back to top

Modelname Time (SNOPT) Obj (SNOPT)
arki0002 204.7300 1.05777733
arki0003 1.3100 3795.20606777
arki0011 622.2000 -224086.45866225
arki0013 2230.8800 -224253.08922071
arki0015 4.4800 -272.29977820
arki0020 32.5100 -41.07495436
arki0021 91.9600 -72.58210091
arki0022 133.2400 -87.09909127
camshape400 0.1200 -4.27568692
camshape800 0.5400 -4.27427301
catmix100 0.2000 -0.04806940
catmix200 0.9400 -0.04805914
catmix400 3.2400 -0.04805655
catmix800 13.8000 -0.04805590
chain400 9.1000 5.06862169
elec200 15.2400 18438.99267601
ex8_2_2a 69.5800 -552.66070523
ex8_2_2b 9.8300 -551.76977070
ex8_2_3a 63.4100 -3731.07717832
ex8_2_3b 25.6000 -3730.72924988
ex8_2_5a 186.8800 -830.33782177
ex8_2_5b 8.1300 -830.07940808
flowchan100 0.4300 0.00000000
flowchan200 1.3800 0.00000000
flowchan400 4.6200 0.00000000
gasoil100 0.6400 0.00523659
gasoil200 2.1400 0.00523660
gasoil400 8.3500 0.00523660
gasoil50 0.2600 0.00523664
glider100 1190.9000 -1255.05860055
glider400 640.7300 -256.61124569
glider50 102.5300 -1286.97737315
jbearing100 53.0200 -0.15504196
jbearing25 9.3900 -0.15401554
jbearing50 39.7100 -0.15482422
jbearing75 28.0500 -0.15498453
lnts100 0.3400 0.55459540
lnts200 1.6100 0.55457702
lnts400 8.0800 0.55457241
methanol100 1.1500 0.00902229
methanol200 3.1000 0.00902229
methanol400 12.4800 0.00902229
methanol50 1.3000 0.00902229
minsurf100 400.9100 2.50694926
minsurf25 12.4600 2.51948768
minsurf50 81.2800 2.51488916
minsurf75 189.1700 2.50568648
pinene100 2.9000 19.87217015
pinene200 9.9700 19.87216684
pinene25 0.7400 19.87216552
pinene50 0.7000 19.87216552
polygon100 13.6500 -0.78501552
polygon25 0.0400 -0.77973670
polygon50 1.8600 -0.78401305
polygon75 7.7300 -0.78478846
popdynm100 2.5100 19746.52860217
popdynm200 7.5000 19746.52964660
popdynm25 0.3900 19752.21541511
popdynm50 1.2500 19746.54515628
rocket100 0.4600 -1.01283202
rocket200 6.5900 -1.01283569
rocket400 18.7300 -1.01283661
torsion100 24.4500 -0.41823921
torsion25 2.1800 -0.41751073
torsion50 16.4700 -0.41808763
torsion75 14.6000 -0.41819940
arki0004 0.7200 323.46703883
robot100 0.9800 9.14268538
robot200 10.1700 9.14139550
robot400 26.7000 9.14102603
robot50 0.1600 9.14687850

Back to top

SNOPT: feasible:     Back to top

Modelname Time (SNOPT) Obj (SNOPT)
arki0012 3600.4600 -224120.68981706
arki0014 3600.4500 -223911.58838547
arki0023 97.3500 -153.41732339
arki0017 2696.2200 -121.83308010
arki0018 48.4100 0.01198002

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SNOPT: infeasible:     Back to top

Modelname Time (SNOPT) Status (SNOPT)
glider200 -- mstat( 5) sstat( 1)
infeas1 -- mstat( 4) sstat( 1)
arki0008 -- mstat( 5) sstat( 1)

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SNOPT: fail:     Back to top

Modelname Time (SNOPT) Status (SNOPT)
arki0016 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
ex8_2_2 -- mstat( 6) sstat( 4)

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KNITRO: all -- SNOPT: all :     Back to top

A "(max)" behind a model names indicates that this model is a maximization model.

A model is counted as solved if a feasible point has been found.

For time and timeratios, a shifted geometric mean is used, where unsolved instances are counted with twice the reslim (3600.00 seconds). The shift is 10s for time and 0.0001 for timeratios.

Modelname Time (KNITRO) Time (SNOPT) Ratio (KNITRO/SNOPT) Obj (KNITRO) Obj (SNOPT)
arki0002 0.2300 204.7300 0.001 1.87252774 1.05777733
arki0003 3600.2700 1.3100 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 3795.20606777
arki0011 NA 622.2000 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) -224086.45866225
arki0012 NA 3600.4600 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) -224120.68981706
arki0013 NA 2230.8800 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) -224253.08922071
arki0014 NA 3600.4500 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) -223911.58838547
arki0015 4.7700 4.4800 1.065 -263.42945620 -272.29977820
arki0016 8.4100 NA --- 867.97316604 mstat(13) sstat(13)
arki0020 0.4200 32.5100 0.013 -41.07495436 -41.07495436
arki0021 2.5400 91.9600 0.028 -72.58210091 -72.58210091
arki0022 4.5000 133.2400 0.034 -87.09909125 -87.09909127
arki0023 17.7500 97.3500 0.182 -153.66007765 -153.41732339
camshape400 0.2900 0.1200 2.417 -4.27568803 -4.27568692
camshape800 0.6900 0.5400 1.278 -4.27427209 -4.27427301
catmix100 0.0400 0.2000 0.200 -0.04806926 -0.04806940
catmix200 0.0800 0.9400 0.085 -0.04805887 -0.04805914
catmix400 0.1700 3.2400 0.052 -0.04805603 -0.04805655
catmix800 0.4000 13.8000 0.029 -0.04805487 -0.04805590
chain400 0.0700 9.1000 0.008 5.06862169 5.06862169
elec200 3604.1600 15.2400 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 18438.99267601
ex8_2_2 3693.5500 26.7800 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) mstat( 6) sstat( 4)
ex8_2_2a 7.1400 69.5800 0.103 -552.66624685 -552.66070523
ex8_2_2b 8.5100 9.8300 0.866 -552.66624684 -551.76977070
ex8_2_3a 23.3400 63.4100 0.368 -3731.07927498 -3731.07717832
ex8_2_3b 30.4400 25.6000 1.189 -3731.07927499 -3730.72924988
ex8_2_5a 5.8900 186.8800 0.032 -830.33806266 -830.33782177
ex8_2_5b 15.5200 8.1300 1.909 -830.33806266 -830.07940808
flowchan100 0.0800 0.4300 0.186 0.00000000 0.00000000
flowchan200 0.1900 1.3800 0.138 0.00000000 0.00000000
flowchan400 0.3800 4.6200 0.082 0.00000000 0.00000000
gasoil100 0.3000 0.6400 0.469 0.00523659 0.00523659
gasoil200 0.7900 2.1400 0.369 0.00523660 0.00523660
gasoil400 2.5400 8.3500 0.304 0.00523660 0.00523660
gasoil50 0.1300 0.2600 0.500 0.00523664 0.00523664
glider100 56.2100 1190.9000 0.047 -249.99810068 -1255.05860055
glider200 47.1500 1.9100 --- -249.99920263 mstat( 5) sstat( 1)
glider400 27.0900 640.7300 0.042 -249.99944886 -256.61124569
glider50 22.0400 102.5300 0.215 -249.99925690 -1286.97737315
infeas1 (max) 1.6200 0.0200 --- 13685.59646090 mstat( 4) sstat( 1)
jbearing100 8.9500 53.0200 0.169 -0.15504059 -0.15504196
jbearing25 0.8200 9.3900 0.087 -0.15401519 -0.15401554
jbearing50 2.6600 39.7100 0.067 -0.15482352 -0.15482422
jbearing75 5.2200 28.0500 0.186 -0.15498349 -0.15498453
lnts100 0.0500 0.3400 0.147 0.55459540 0.55459540
lnts200 0.1400 1.6100 0.087 0.55457702 0.55457702
lnts400 0.3000 8.0800 0.037 0.55457241 0.55457241
methanol100 1.4500 1.1500 1.261 0.00902229 0.00902229
methanol200 9.3400 3.1000 3.013 0.00902229 0.00902229
methanol400 114.6200 12.4800 9.184 0.00902229 0.00902229
methanol50 0.4400 1.3000 0.338 0.00902229 0.00902229
minsurf100 532.7000 400.9100 1.329 2.50695092 2.50694926
minsurf25 20.7300 12.4600 1.664 2.51948819 2.51948768
minsurf50 54.3900 81.2800 0.669 2.51489007 2.51488916
minsurf75 174.6700 189.1700 0.923 2.50568773 2.50568648
pinene100 0.7400 2.9000 0.255 19.87217015 19.87217015
pinene200 2.0300 9.9700 0.204 19.87216684 19.87216684
pinene25 0.3300 0.7400 0.446 19.87216552 19.87216552
pinene50 0.3200 0.7000 0.457 19.87216552 19.87216552
polygon100 9.7400 13.6500 0.714 -0.72686840 -0.78501552
polygon25 0.1100 0.0400 2.750 -0.74913723 -0.77973670
polygon50 0.7200 1.8600 0.387 -0.73359787 -0.78401305
polygon75 3.1200 7.7300 0.404 -0.72686816 -0.78478846
popdynm100 11.9800 2.5100 4.773 19746.52860218 19746.52860217
popdynm200 50.4100 7.5000 6.721 19746.52964661 19746.52964660
popdynm25 0.2900 0.3900 0.744 19752.21541511 19752.21541511
popdynm50 5.6500 1.2500 4.520 19746.54515628 19746.54515628
rocket100 0.7000 0.4600 1.522 -1.01283174 -1.01283202
rocket200 1.8700 6.5900 0.284 -1.01283558 -1.01283569
rocket400 4.3100 18.7300 0.230 -1.01283547 -1.01283661
torsion100 20.1700 24.4500 0.825 -0.41823436 -0.41823921
torsion25 1.2200 2.1800 0.560 -0.41750918 -0.41751073
torsion50 11.8600 16.4700 0.720 -0.41808461 -0.41808763
torsion75 11.4700 14.6000 0.786 -0.41819577 -0.41819940
arki0004 3600.0300 0.7200 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 323.46703883
arki0008 3600.0200 15.4400 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) mstat( 5) sstat( 1)
arki0017 3600.0000 2696.2200 1.335 -119.74852541 -121.83308010
arki0018 3600.0200 48.4100 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 0.01198002
robot100 3600.0000 0.9800 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 9.14268538
robot200 3600.0100 10.1700 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 9.14139550
robot400 3600.0200 26.7000 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 9.14102603
robot50 3600.0000 0.1600 --- mstat( 6) sstat( 3) 9.14687850
mean 43.04 38.13 --- --- ---
unsolved 17.28% 6.17%    

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