Solver Square Comparison: Considers all models.

Date / Time: 08/24/07 19:22:08

Solver comparison utility.

Compares all solver return outcomes (for example optimal, locally optimal, infeasible, unbounded, fail) of one solver with all return outcomes of another solver. Interrupt denotes resource or iteration limit has been reached. Solver BARON is represented on the left (rows) and solver LaGO on top (columns). See the solver return definitions for return codes.

Models having trace data only in one trace file are listed in the "no data" column of the other.

Tracefile 1 :1-BARON7.8.1.QQPs.trc
Tracefile 2 :2-LaGO-1.trc
Solvers used : BARON
Modeltype(s)   NLP

locally optimal
no data
total BARON
1 24 - - - - - 25
locally optimal
- 136 - - - 1 - 137
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
no data
- - - - - - - -
total LaGO 1 160 - - - 1 - 162

Solver return definitions:

OutcomeModel StatusSolver Status
optimal 1 or 15 1
locally optimal 2 any
feasible 7 or 16 or 17 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
infeasible4 or 5 or 19 1
unbounded3 or 18 1
fail all other all other

Solver Resource Times

BARON: optimal -- LaGO: optimal    Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON) Time (LaGO) Ratio (BARON/LaGO) Obj (BARON) Obj (LaGO)
nemhaus 0.0000 0.0420 --- 31.00000000 31.00000000

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BARON: optimal -- LaGO: locally optimal    Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON) Time (LaGO) Ratio (BARON/LaGO) Obj (BARON) Obj (LaGO)
ex14_1_6 0.0000 2.3170 0.000 0.00000000 0.00000000
ex2_1_2 0.0000 0.0380 --- -213.00000000 -213.00000000
ex3_1_3 0.0000 0.0520 0.000 -310.00000000 -310.00000000
ex9_1_1 0.0100 0.1080 0.093 -13.00000000 -13.00000000
ex9_1_10 0.0000 1.5240 0.000 -3.25000000 -3.25000000
ex9_1_2 0.0100 2.6150 0.004 -16.00000001 -16.00000000
ex9_1_4 0.0000 2.4720 0.000 -37.00000000 -37.00000000
ex9_1_5 0.0000 0.0700 0.000 -1.00000000 -1.00000000
ex9_1_8 0.0000 1.5250 0.000 -3.25000000 -3.25000000
ex9_2_2 0.0000 0.1300 0.000 99.99998248 99.99996939
ex9_2_3 0.0300 2.0340 0.015 0.00000000 0.00000000
immun 0.0300 0.2070 0.145 0.00000000 0.00000000
st_bpv1 0.0000 0.0430 --- 10.00000000 10.00000000
st_bsj3 0.0000 0.0600 0.000 -86768.55000000 -86768.55000000
st_e02 0.0000 0.0600 0.000 201.15912557 201.15933406
st_e34 0.0000 0.0620 0.000 0.01561953 0.01561953
st_fp2 0.0000 0.0520 0.000 -213.00000000 -213.00000000
st_fp3 0.0200 0.0720 0.278 -15.00000000 -15.00000000
st_ph10 0.0000 0.0440 --- -10.50000000 -10.50000000
st_qpc-m3b 0.0600 5.6040 0.011 0.00000000 0.00000000
st_qpc-m3c 0.0000 0.0790 0.000 0.00000000 0.00000000
st_qpc-m4 0.0100 0.1030 0.097 0.00000000 0.00000000
st_robot 0.0300 0.1400 0.214 0.00000000 0.00000000
st_z 0.0100 0.0600 0.167 0.00000000 0.00000000

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BARON: locally optimal -- LaGO: locally optimal    Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON) Time (LaGO) Ratio (BARON/LaGO) Obj (BARON) Obj (LaGO)
abel 3600.0100 0.1470 24489.864 225.19458319 225.19458319
bayes2_10 0.3000 2.5980 0.115 13.67748915 0.00030565
bayes2_20 3600.0000 1.5170 2373.105 0.00032609 0.00970679
bayes2_30 3600.0100 5.2170 690.054 0.00010752 0.00010752
bayes2_50 492.4100 3600.6330 0.137 0.52020774 0.52020774
camshape100 3600.0200 3600.2700 1.000 -4.28423607 -4.28414712
camshape200 3600.1000 3602.6840 0.999 -4.27850988 -4.27850079
camshape400 3600.4000 3610.5380 0.997 -4.27574754 -4.27568848
catmix100 3600.5100 3600.2900 1.000 -0.04806570 -0.04806933
catmix200 3602.3000 3603.4870 1.000 -0.04805517 -0.04805899
circle 0.0300 0.1020 0.294 4.57424778 4.57424779
demo7 0.2900 0.5440 0.533 -1589042.38620000 -1589042.38619811
dispatch 0.0100 0.0540 0.185 3155.28792686 3155.28792686
ex2_1_1 0.0200 0.0730 0.274 -17.00000000 -17.00000000
ex2_1_10 0.0400 0.2640 0.152 49318.01795840 49318.01795841
ex2_1_3 0.0000 0.0470 --- -15.00000000 -15.00000000
ex2_1_4 0.0000 0.0480 --- -11.00002574 -11.00000000
ex2_1_5 0.0300 0.0810 0.370 -268.01463169 -268.01463154
ex2_1_6 0.0200 0.0820 0.244 -39.00000000 -39.00000000
ex2_1_7 0.4000 13.3140 0.030 -4150.41013393 -4150.41013393
ex2_1_8 0.0700 0.3240 0.216 15639.00000000 15639.00000000
ex2_1_9 3.2200 3600.3380 0.001 -0.37500000 -0.37500000
ex3_1_1 0.2000 3600.2390 0.000 7049.24807534 7049.24802053
ex3_1_2 0.0100 0.0590 0.169 -30665.53867290 -30665.53867179
ex3_1_4 0.0200 2.2600 0.009 -4.00000000 -4.00000000
ex5_2_2_case1 0.0200 3600.0460 0.000 -400.00000000 -400.00000000
ex5_2_2_case2 0.0400 3600.1760 0.000 -600.00000000 -600.00000000
ex5_2_2_case3 0.0100 3600.0280 0.000 -750.00000000 -750.00000000
ex5_2_4 0.0400 59.9070 0.001 -450.00000000 -450.00000000
ex5_2_5 3600.0200 3600.4060 1.000 -3500.00009029 -3500.00000000
ex5_3_2 0.1300 3600.1540 0.000 1.86415946 1.86415946
ex5_4_2 0.1300 3600.2640 0.000 7512.23013503 7512.23014448
ex7_3_3 0.0400 95.5140 0.000 0.81752905 0.81752905
ex8_3_2 3600.0200 3600.5520 1.000 -0.41233021 -0.41233018
ex8_3_3 3600.0300 3600.1120 1.000 -0.41660308 -0.41660308
ex8_3_4 3600.0100 3600.4570 1.000 -3.55044156 -3.57998238
ex8_3_5 3600.0200 3600.1240 1.000 -0.06911967 -0.06911967
ex8_3_8 3600.0800 3600.7550 1.000 -3.25611909 -3.25611909
ex8_3_9 3600.0100 3600.1260 1.000 -0.76300275 -0.76300193
ex8_4_1 0.6600 3600.5750 0.000 0.61857276 0.61857276
ex9_2_1 0.0200 0.3210 0.062 17.00000000 17.00000000
ex9_2_4 0.0400 1.0820 0.037 0.50000000 0.50000000
ex9_2_5 0.0200 3600.3430 0.000 5.00000000 5.00000000
ex9_2_6 0.0300 142.2150 0.000 -1.00000000 -1.00000000
ex9_2_7 0.0200 0.3250 0.062 17.00000000 17.00000000
ex9_2_8 0.0000 0.0430 --- 1.50000000 1.50000000
haverly 0.0500 3600.1920 0.000 -400.00000000 -400.00000000
himmel11 0.0100 0.0670 0.149 -30665.53867740 -30665.53867178
himmel16 31.1100 3600.4060 0.009 -0.86602540 -0.86602540
house 0.0100 2813.4900 0.000 -4500.00000000 -4500.00000000
hydro 0.0400 0.1800 0.222 4366944.15974000 4366944.15975814
meanvar 0.6800 0.0620 10.968 5.24339907 5.24339907
prob05 0.0000 0.1440 0.000 0.74178196 0.74178196
prob06 0.0000 0.0760 0.000 1.17712434 1.17712434
prolog 0.2800 3600.2510 0.000 -0.00000001 0.00000000
qp1 3600.2200 1.4170 2540.734 0.00080932 0.00080932
qp2 3600.1500 0.9580 3757.985 0.00080932 0.00080932
qp3 3600.0100 3600.3330 1.000 0.00080932 0.00080932
qp4 0.3000 3.1160 0.096 0.00080932 0.00080932
sambal 0.0700 0.0800 0.875 3.96822036 3.96822036
st_bpaf1a 0.0100 8.2830 0.001 -45.37971014 -45.37971014
st_bpaf1b 0.0000 1.4280 0.000 -42.96255760 -42.96255760
st_bpk1 0.0100 0.0680 0.147 -13.00000000 -13.00000000
st_bpk2 0.0000 0.0600 0.000 -13.00000000 -13.00000000
st_bpv2 0.0000 0.0570 0.000 -8.00000000 -8.00000000
st_bsj2 0.0100 0.0620 0.161 1.00000000 1.00000000
st_bsj4 0.0100 0.0760 0.132 -70262.05000000 -70262.05000000
st_cqpf 0.0000 0.0410 --- -2.75000206 -2.75000000
st_cqpjk1 0.0100 0.0630 0.159 -12.44444222 -12.44444222
st_cqpjk2 0.0000 0.0510 0.000 -12.50000000 -12.50000000
st_e01 0.0000 0.0550 0.000 -6.66666667 -6.66666667
st_e05 0.1200 233.3930 0.001 7049.24927248 7049.24927248
st_e07 0.0200 1.8420 0.011 -400.00000000 -400.00000000
st_e08 0.0000 0.1480 0.000 0.74178196 0.74178196
st_e09 0.0100 0.1540 0.065 -0.50000001 -0.50000000
st_e18 0.0000 0.0490 --- -2.82842712 -2.82842712
st_e22 0.0000 0.0570 0.000 -85.00000000 -85.00000000
st_e23 0.0100 0.0700 0.143 -1.08333333 -1.08333333
st_e24 0.0100 0.0520 0.192 3.00000000 3.00000000
st_e25 0.0100 0.0610 0.164 0.89019359 0.89019359
st_e26 0.0100 0.0460 --- -185.77920000 -185.77920000
st_e28 0.0100 0.0630 0.159 -30665.53867740 -30665.53867178
st_e30 0.0800 55.5070 0.001 -1.58113883 -1.58113883
st_e33 0.0300 1.2070 0.025 -400.00000000 -400.00000000
st_e42 0.0100 0.0520 0.192 18.78420000 18.78420000
st_fp1 0.0100 0.0950 0.105 -17.00000000 -17.00000000
st_fp4 0.0100 0.0530 0.189 -11.00000000 -11.00000000
st_fp5 0.0200 0.0950 0.211 -268.01463169 -268.01463154
st_fp6 0.0300 0.1010 0.297 -39.00000000 -39.00000000
st_fp7a 0.1200 1.6180 0.074 -354.75061242 -354.75061242
st_fp7b 0.1100 1.0800 0.102 -634.75061242 -634.75061242
st_fp7c 0.1100 1.5800 0.070 -8695.01224832 -8695.01224832
st_fp7d 0.1500 2.1800 0.069 -114.75061242 -114.75061242
st_fp7e 7.5500 13.6840 0.552 -3730.41013393 -3730.41013393
st_fp8 0.0600 0.4530 0.132 15639.00000000 15639.00000000
st_glmp_fp1 0.0000 0.0630 0.000 9.99998574 10.00000000
st_glmp_fp2 0.0000 0.1290 0.000 7.34454542 7.34454542
st_glmp_fp3 0.0000 0.0610 0.000 -12.00000000 -12.00000000
st_glmp_kk90 0.0000 0.0550 0.000 3.00000000 3.00000000
st_glmp_kk92 0.0000 0.0620 0.000 -12.00000000 -12.00000000
st_glmp_kky 0.0100 0.2530 0.040 -2.50000000 -2.50000000
st_glmp_ss1 0.0100 0.1220 0.082 -24.57142857 -24.57142857
st_glmp_ss2 0.0000 0.0620 0.000 2.99999713 3.00000000
st_ht 0.0200 0.0540 0.370 -1.60000000 -1.60000000
st_iqpbk1 0.3000 0.6290 0.477 -621.48782500 -621.48782500
st_iqpbk2 0.3400 0.3460 0.983 -1195.22565000 -1195.22565000
st_jcbpaf2 0.0200 89.2410 0.000 -794.85591401 -794.85591398
st_jcbpafex 0.0000 0.0690 0.000 -1.08333333 -1.08333333
st_kr 0.0000 0.0670 0.000 -85.00000000 -85.00000000
st_m1 0.0700 0.8980 0.078 -461356.93887900 -461356.93887879
st_m2 0.2000 382.2090 0.001 -856648.81868500 -856648.81868507
st_pan1 0.0100 0.0600 0.167 -5.28370925 -5.28370918
st_pan2 0.0100 0.0870 0.115 -17.00000000 -17.00000000
st_ph1 0.0100 0.0640 0.156 -230.11728395 -230.11728395
st_ph11 0.0000 0.0650 0.000 -11.28125000 -11.28125000
st_ph12 0.0100 0.0570 0.175 -22.62500000 -22.62500000
st_ph13 0.0000 0.0630 0.000 -11.28125000 -11.28125000
st_ph14 0.0000 0.0610 0.000 -229.72222222 -229.72222222
st_ph15 0.0100 0.0610 0.164 -392.70370370 -392.70370370
st_ph2 0.0000 0.0670 0.000 -1028.11728395 -1028.11728395
st_ph20 0.0100 0.0550 0.182 -158.00000000 -158.00000000
st_ph3 0.0100 0.0670 0.149 -420.23481985 -420.23481985
st_phex 0.0100 0.0560 0.179 -85.00000000 -85.00000000
st_qpc-m0 0.0100 0.0470 --- -5.00000000 -5.00000000
st_qpc-m1 0.0100 0.2410 0.041 -473.77777778 -473.77777778
st_qpc-m3a 0.2100 3600.2090 0.000 -382.69500000 -382.69500000
st_qpk1 0.0000 0.0560 0.000 -3.00000000 -3.00000000
st_qpk2 0.1500 0.4100 0.366 -12.25000000 -12.25000000
st_qpk3 3.7000 11.3020 0.327 -36.00000000 -36.00000000
st_rv1 0.0200 0.0800 0.250 -59.94391660 -59.90434506
st_rv2 0.1500 0.3170 0.473 -64.48069510 -64.48069510
st_rv3 0.1000 0.7780 0.129 -35.76067064 -35.76067064
st_rv7 0.2000 0.9570 0.209 -138.18749713 -138.18749713
st_rv8 0.3500 1.4970 0.234 -132.66162896 -132.66162896
st_rv9 27.3300 5.8620 4.662 -120.11640294 -120.11640294
turkey 10.9600 22.1270 0.495 -29330.15804000 -29330.15804003

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BARON: locally optimal -- LaGO: fail    Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON) Time (LaGO) Ratio (BARON/LaGO) Obj (BARON) Status (LaGO)
ex5_3_3 3600.0100 NA --- 3.23401822 mstat(13) sstat(13)

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BARON: optimal:     Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON) Obj (BARON)
ex14_1_6 0.0000 0.00000000
ex2_1_2 0.0000 -213.00000000
ex3_1_3 0.0000 -310.00000000
ex9_1_1 0.0100 -13.00000000
ex9_1_10 0.0000 -3.25000000
ex9_1_2 0.0100 -16.00000001
ex9_1_4 0.0000 -37.00000000
ex9_1_5 0.0000 -1.00000000
ex9_1_8 0.0000 -3.25000000
ex9_2_2 0.0000 99.99998248
ex9_2_3 0.0300 0.00000000
immun 0.0300 0.00000000
nemhaus 0.0000 31.00000000
st_bpv1 0.0000 10.00000000
st_bsj3 0.0000 -86768.55000000
st_e02 0.0000 201.15912557
st_e34 0.0000 0.01561953
st_fp2 0.0000 -213.00000000
st_fp3 0.0200 -15.00000000
st_ph10 0.0000 -10.50000000
st_qpc-m3b 0.0600 0.00000000
st_qpc-m3c 0.0000 0.00000000
st_qpc-m4 0.0100 0.00000000
st_robot 0.0300 0.00000000
st_z 0.0100 0.00000000

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BARON: locally optimal:     Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON) Obj (BARON)
abel 3600.0100 225.19458319
bayes2_10 0.3000 13.67748915
bayes2_20 3600.0000 0.00032609
bayes2_30 3600.0100 0.00010752
bayes2_50 492.4100 0.52020774
camshape100 3600.0200 -4.28423607
camshape200 3600.1000 -4.27850988
camshape400 3600.4000 -4.27574754
catmix100 3600.5100 -0.04806570
catmix200 3602.3000 -0.04805517
circle 0.0300 4.57424778
demo7 0.2900 -1589042.38620000
dispatch 0.0100 3155.28792686
ex2_1_1 0.0200 -17.00000000
ex2_1_10 0.0400 49318.01795840
ex2_1_3 0.0000 -15.00000000
ex2_1_4 0.0000 -11.00002574
ex2_1_5 0.0300 -268.01463169
ex2_1_6 0.0200 -39.00000000
ex2_1_7 0.4000 -4150.41013393
ex2_1_8 0.0700 15639.00000000
ex2_1_9 3.2200 -0.37500000
ex3_1_1 0.2000 7049.24807534
ex3_1_2 0.0100 -30665.53867290
ex3_1_4 0.0200 -4.00000000
ex5_2_2_case1 0.0200 -400.00000000
ex5_2_2_case2 0.0400 -600.00000000
ex5_2_2_case3 0.0100 -750.00000000
ex5_2_4 0.0400 -450.00000000
ex5_2_5 3600.0200 -3500.00009029
ex5_3_2 0.1300 1.86415946
ex5_3_3 3600.0100 3.23401822
ex5_4_2 0.1300 7512.23013503
ex7_3_3 0.0400 0.81752905
ex8_3_2 3600.0200 -0.41233021
ex8_3_3 3600.0300 -0.41660308
ex8_3_4 3600.0100 -3.55044156
ex8_3_5 3600.0200 -0.06911967
ex8_3_8 3600.0800 -3.25611909
ex8_3_9 3600.0100 -0.76300275
ex8_4_1 0.6600 0.61857276
ex9_2_1 0.0200 17.00000000
ex9_2_4 0.0400 0.50000000
ex9_2_5 0.0200 5.00000000
ex9_2_6 0.0300 -1.00000000
ex9_2_7 0.0200 17.00000000
ex9_2_8 0.0000 1.50000000
haverly 0.0500 -400.00000000
himmel11 0.0100 -30665.53867740
himmel16 31.1100 -0.86602540
house 0.0100 -4500.00000000
hydro 0.0400 4366944.15974000
meanvar 0.6800 5.24339907
prob05 0.0000 0.74178196
prob06 0.0000 1.17712434
prolog 0.2800 -0.00000001
qp1 3600.2200 0.00080932
qp2 3600.1500 0.00080932
qp3 3600.0100 0.00080932
qp4 0.3000 0.00080932
sambal 0.0700 3.96822036
st_bpaf1a 0.0100 -45.37971014
st_bpaf1b 0.0000 -42.96255760
st_bpk1 0.0100 -13.00000000
st_bpk2 0.0000 -13.00000000
st_bpv2 0.0000 -8.00000000
st_bsj2 0.0100 1.00000000
st_bsj4 0.0100 -70262.05000000
st_cqpf 0.0000 -2.75000206
st_cqpjk1 0.0100 -12.44444222
st_cqpjk2 0.0000 -12.50000000
st_e01 0.0000 -6.66666667
st_e05 0.1200 7049.24927248
st_e07 0.0200 -400.00000000
st_e08 0.0000 0.74178196
st_e09 0.0100 -0.50000001
st_e18 0.0000 -2.82842712
st_e22 0.0000 -85.00000000
st_e23 0.0100 -1.08333333
st_e24 0.0100 3.00000000
st_e25 0.0100 0.89019359
st_e26 0.0100 -185.77920000
st_e28 0.0100 -30665.53867740
st_e30 0.0800 -1.58113883
st_e33 0.0300 -400.00000000
st_e42 0.0100 18.78420000
st_fp1 0.0100 -17.00000000
st_fp4 0.0100 -11.00000000
st_fp5 0.0200 -268.01463169
st_fp6 0.0300 -39.00000000
st_fp7a 0.1200 -354.75061242
st_fp7b 0.1100 -634.75061242
st_fp7c 0.1100 -8695.01224832
st_fp7d 0.1500 -114.75061242
st_fp7e 7.5500 -3730.41013393
st_fp8 0.0600 15639.00000000
st_glmp_fp1 0.0000 9.99998574
st_glmp_fp2 0.0000 7.34454542
st_glmp_fp3 0.0000 -12.00000000
st_glmp_kk90 0.0000 3.00000000
st_glmp_kk92 0.0000 -12.00000000
st_glmp_kky 0.0100 -2.50000000
st_glmp_ss1 0.0100 -24.57142857
st_glmp_ss2 0.0000 2.99999713
st_ht 0.0200 -1.60000000
st_iqpbk1 0.3000 -621.48782500
st_iqpbk2 0.3400 -1195.22565000
st_jcbpaf2 0.0200 -794.85591401
st_jcbpafex 0.0000 -1.08333333
st_kr 0.0000 -85.00000000
st_m1 0.0700 -461356.93887900
st_m2 0.2000 -856648.81868500
st_pan1 0.0100 -5.28370925
st_pan2 0.0100 -17.00000000
st_ph1 0.0100 -230.11728395
st_ph11 0.0000 -11.28125000
st_ph12 0.0100 -22.62500000
st_ph13 0.0000 -11.28125000
st_ph14 0.0000 -229.72222222
st_ph15 0.0100 -392.70370370
st_ph2 0.0000 -1028.11728395
st_ph20 0.0100 -158.00000000
st_ph3 0.0100 -420.23481985
st_phex 0.0100 -85.00000000
st_qpc-m0 0.0100 -5.00000000
st_qpc-m1 0.0100 -473.77777778
st_qpc-m3a 0.2100 -382.69500000
st_qpk1 0.0000 -3.00000000
st_qpk2 0.1500 -12.25000000
st_qpk3 3.7000 -36.00000000
st_rv1 0.0200 -59.94391660
st_rv2 0.1500 -64.48069510
st_rv3 0.1000 -35.76067064
st_rv7 0.2000 -138.18749713
st_rv8 0.3500 -132.66162896
st_rv9 27.3300 -120.11640294
turkey 10.9600 -29330.15804000

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LaGO: optimal:     Back to top

Modelname Time (LaGO) Obj (LaGO)
nemhaus 0.0420 31.00000000

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LaGO: locally optimal:     Back to top

Modelname Time (LaGO) Obj (LaGO)
abel 0.1470 225.19458319
bayes2_10 2.5980 0.00030565
bayes2_20 1.5170 0.00970679
bayes2_30 5.2170 0.00010752
bayes2_50 3600.6330 0.52020774
camshape100 3600.2700 -4.28414712
camshape200 3602.6840 -4.27850079
camshape400 3610.5380 -4.27568848
catmix100 3600.2900 -0.04806933
catmix200 3603.4870 -0.04805899
circle 0.1020 4.57424779
demo7 0.5440 -1589042.38619811
dispatch 0.0540 3155.28792686
ex14_1_6 2.3170 0.00000000
ex2_1_1 0.0730 -17.00000000
ex2_1_10 0.2640 49318.01795841
ex2_1_2 0.0380 -213.00000000
ex2_1_3 0.0470 -15.00000000
ex2_1_4 0.0480 -11.00000000
ex2_1_5 0.0810 -268.01463154
ex2_1_6 0.0820 -39.00000000
ex2_1_7 13.3140 -4150.41013393
ex2_1_8 0.3240 15639.00000000
ex2_1_9 3600.3380 -0.37500000
ex3_1_1 3600.2390 7049.24802053
ex3_1_2 0.0590 -30665.53867179
ex3_1_3 0.0520 -310.00000000
ex3_1_4 2.2600 -4.00000000
ex5_2_2_case1 3600.0460 -400.00000000
ex5_2_2_case2 3600.1760 -600.00000000
ex5_2_2_case3 3600.0280 -750.00000000
ex5_2_4 59.9070 -450.00000000
ex5_2_5 3600.4060 -3500.00000000
ex5_3_2 3600.1540 1.86415946
ex5_4_2 3600.2640 7512.23014448
ex7_3_3 95.5140 0.81752905
ex8_3_2 3600.5520 -0.41233018
ex8_3_3 3600.1120 -0.41660308
ex8_3_4 3600.4570 -3.57998238
ex8_3_5 3600.1240 -0.06911967
ex8_3_8 3600.7550 -3.25611909
ex8_3_9 3600.1260 -0.76300193
ex8_4_1 3600.5750 0.61857276
ex9_1_1 0.1080 -13.00000000
ex9_1_10 1.5240 -3.25000000
ex9_1_2 2.6150 -16.00000000
ex9_1_4 2.4720 -37.00000000
ex9_1_5 0.0700 -1.00000000
ex9_1_8 1.5250 -3.25000000
ex9_2_1 0.3210 17.00000000
ex9_2_2 0.1300 99.99996939
ex9_2_3 2.0340 0.00000000
ex9_2_4 1.0820 0.50000000
ex9_2_5 3600.3430 5.00000000
ex9_2_6 142.2150 -1.00000000
ex9_2_7 0.3250 17.00000000
ex9_2_8 0.0430 1.50000000
haverly 3600.1920 -400.00000000
himmel11 0.0670 -30665.53867178
himmel16 3600.4060 -0.86602540
house 2813.4900 -4500.00000000
hydro 0.1800 4366944.15975814
immun 0.2070 0.00000000
meanvar 0.0620 5.24339907
prob05 0.1440 0.74178196
prob06 0.0760 1.17712434
prolog 3600.2510 0.00000000
qp1 1.4170 0.00080932
qp2 0.9580 0.00080932
qp3 3600.3330 0.00080932
qp4 3.1160 0.00080932
sambal 0.0800 3.96822036
st_bpaf1a 8.2830 -45.37971014
st_bpaf1b 1.4280 -42.96255760
st_bpk1 0.0680 -13.00000000
st_bpk2 0.0600 -13.00000000
st_bpv1 0.0430 10.00000000
st_bpv2 0.0570 -8.00000000
st_bsj2 0.0620 1.00000000
st_bsj3 0.0600 -86768.55000000
st_bsj4 0.0760 -70262.05000000
st_cqpf 0.0410 -2.75000000
st_cqpjk1 0.0630 -12.44444222
st_cqpjk2 0.0510 -12.50000000
st_e01 0.0550 -6.66666667
st_e02 0.0600 201.15933406
st_e05 233.3930 7049.24927248
st_e07 1.8420 -400.00000000
st_e08 0.1480 0.74178196
st_e09 0.1540 -0.50000000
st_e18 0.0490 -2.82842712
st_e22 0.0570 -85.00000000
st_e23 0.0700 -1.08333333
st_e24 0.0520 3.00000000
st_e25 0.0610 0.89019359
st_e26 0.0460 -185.77920000
st_e28 0.0630 -30665.53867178
st_e30 55.5070 -1.58113883
st_e33 1.2070 -400.00000000
st_e34 0.0620 0.01561953
st_e42 0.0520 18.78420000
st_fp1 0.0950 -17.00000000
st_fp2 0.0520 -213.00000000
st_fp3 0.0720 -15.00000000
st_fp4 0.0530 -11.00000000
st_fp5 0.0950 -268.01463154
st_fp6 0.1010 -39.00000000
st_fp7a 1.6180 -354.75061242
st_fp7b 1.0800 -634.75061242
st_fp7c 1.5800 -8695.01224832
st_fp7d 2.1800 -114.75061242
st_fp7e 13.6840 -3730.41013393
st_fp8 0.4530 15639.00000000
st_glmp_fp1 0.0630 10.00000000
st_glmp_fp2 0.1290 7.34454542
st_glmp_fp3 0.0610 -12.00000000
st_glmp_kk90 0.0550 3.00000000
st_glmp_kk92 0.0620 -12.00000000
st_glmp_kky 0.2530 -2.50000000
st_glmp_ss1 0.1220 -24.57142857
st_glmp_ss2 0.0620 3.00000000
st_ht 0.0540 -1.60000000
st_iqpbk1 0.6290 -621.48782500
st_iqpbk2 0.3460 -1195.22565000
st_jcbpaf2 89.2410 -794.85591398
st_jcbpafex 0.0690 -1.08333333
st_kr 0.0670 -85.00000000
st_m1 0.8980 -461356.93887879
st_m2 382.2090 -856648.81868507
st_pan1 0.0600 -5.28370918
st_pan2 0.0870 -17.00000000
st_ph1 0.0640 -230.11728395
st_ph10 0.0440 -10.50000000
st_ph11 0.0650 -11.28125000
st_ph12 0.0570 -22.62500000
st_ph13 0.0630 -11.28125000
st_ph14 0.0610 -229.72222222
st_ph15 0.0610 -392.70370370
st_ph2 0.0670 -1028.11728395
st_ph20 0.0550 -158.00000000
st_ph3 0.0670 -420.23481985
st_phex 0.0560 -85.00000000
st_qpc-m0 0.0470 -5.00000000
st_qpc-m1 0.2410 -473.77777778
st_qpc-m3a 3600.2090 -382.69500000
st_qpc-m3b 5.6040 0.00000000
st_qpc-m3c 0.0790 0.00000000
st_qpc-m4 0.1030 0.00000000
st_qpk1 0.0560 -3.00000000
st_qpk2 0.4100 -12.25000000
st_qpk3 11.3020 -36.00000000
st_robot 0.1400 0.00000000
st_rv1 0.0800 -59.90434506
st_rv2 0.3170 -64.48069510
st_rv3 0.7780 -35.76067064
st_rv7 0.9570 -138.18749713
st_rv8 1.4970 -132.66162896
st_rv9 5.8620 -120.11640294
st_z 0.0600 0.00000000
turkey 22.1270 -29330.15804003

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Modelname Time (LaGO) Status (LaGO)
ex5_3_3 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)

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