Performance Results

Date / Time: 10/04/08 13:46:28

This page is a summary of the performance tests, using the solver square, resource time, and performance profile utilities. The Performance Tools are described in detail in the Performance World webpage at

Trace files used:

Tracefile 1: CPLEX-1.trc
Tracefile 2: CBC-1.trc
Tracefile 3: SCIP11-1.trc
Tracefile 4: SCIP10-1.trc
Tracefile 5: GLPK-1.trc

Inconsistencies in input data:

The inconsistencies utility crosschecks the solver outcomes of any number of given solvers (up to 8) over a model test set. The tool is NOT described in detail at

Inconsistencies found in input data: inconsistencies.htm

Performance profile summary:

The profile utility compares solver outcomes of any number of given solvers (up to 8) over a model test set. The tool is described in detail at

Solver square summary:

The solver square utility compares solver outcomes of two given solvers over a model test set. The tool is described in detail at

CPLEX-1.trc CBC-1.trc SCIP11-1.trc SCIP10-1.trc GLPK-1.trc
CPLEX-1.trc -- results results results results
CBC-1.trc -- -- results results results
SCIP11-1.trc -- -- -- results results
SCIP10-1.trc -- -- -- -- results
GLPK-1.trc -- -- -- -- --

Resource time summary:

The resource time utility compares solver resource times of two given solvers over a model test set.

The tool is described in detail at

CPLEX-1.trc CBC-1.trc SCIP11-1.trc SCIP10-1.trc GLPK-1.trc
CPLEX-1.trc -- results results results results
CBC-1.trc -- -- results results results
SCIP11-1.trc -- -- -- results results
SCIP10-1.trc -- -- -- -- results
GLPK-1.trc -- -- -- -- --

For simple timing information and model statistics, see the timings benchmarking tables: timings.htm