Solver Square Comparison: Considers all models.

Date / Time: 08/24/07 21:45:31

Solver comparison utility.

Compares all solver return outcomes (for example optimal, locally optimal, infeasible, unbounded, fail) of one solver with all return outcomes of another solver. Interrupt denotes resource or iteration limit has been reached. Solver LaGO is represented on the left (rows) and solver SBB on top (columns). See the solver return definitions for return codes.

Models having trace data only in one trace file are listed in the "no data" column of the other.

Tracefile 1 :5-LaGO-1.trc.convex
Tracefile 2 :6-SBB-1.trc.convex
Solvers used : LaGO
Modeltype(s)   MINLP

no data
total LaGO
- 11 - - - - 11
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- 1 - - 5 - 6
no data
- - - - - - -
total SBB - 12 - - 5 - 17

Solver return definitions:

OutcomeModel StatusSolver Status
optimal 1 or 15 1
locally optimal 2 any
feasible 8 or 16 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
infeasible 4 or 5 or 10 or 19 1
unbounded 3 or 18 1
fail all other all other

Solver Resource Times

LaGO: optimal -- SBB: feasible    Back to top

Modelname Time (LaGO) Time (SBB) Ratio (LaGO/SBB) Obj (LaGO) Obj (SBB)
nvs03 0.0410 0.0200 --- 16.00000000 16.00000000
nvs10 0.0620 0.0200 3.100 -310.80000000 -310.80000000
st_miqp1 0.0520 0.0300 1.733 281.00000000 281.00000000
st_miqp2 0.0570 0.0300 1.900 2.00000000 2.00000000
stockcycle 3600.1560 98.0100 36.733 121476.07166667 143295.16500000
st_test5 0.0830 0.0600 1.383 -110.00000000 -110.00000000
st_test6 0.1020 0.0900 1.133 471.00000000 471.00000000
st_test8 0.1480 0.0100 14.800 -29605.00000000 -29605.00000000
st_testgr1 0.0890 0.0400 2.225 -12.78595000 -12.72810000
st_testgr3 0.3220 0.0600 5.367 -20.54560000 -20.46880000
st_testph4 0.0460 0.0200 --- -80.50000000 -80.50000000

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LaGO: fail -- SBB: feasible    Back to top

Modelname Time (LaGO) Time (SBB) Ratio (LaGO/SBB) Status (LaGO) Obj (SBB)
st_miqp4 0.0670 0.0000 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) -4574.00000000

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LaGO: fail -- SBB: fail    Back to top

Modelname Time (LaGO) Time (SBB) Ratio (LaGO/SBB) Status (LaGO) Status (SBB)
fo7 NA 324.9200 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) mstat(14) sstat( 4)
o7 NA 317.6600 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) mstat(14) sstat( 4)
tls12 NA 578.4800 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) mstat(14) sstat( 4)
tls6 NA 173.5400 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) mstat(14) sstat( 4)
tls7 NA 259.4800 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) mstat(14) sstat( 4)

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LaGO: optimal:     Back to top

Modelname Time (LaGO) Obj (LaGO)
nvs03 0.0410 16.00000000
nvs10 0.0620 -310.80000000
st_miqp1 0.0520 281.00000000
st_miqp2 0.0570 2.00000000
st_miqp3 0.0380 -6.00000000
stockcycle 3600.1560 121476.07166667
st_test5 0.0830 -110.00000000
st_test6 0.1020 471.00000000
st_test8 0.1480 -29605.00000000
st_testgr1 0.0890 -12.78595000
st_testgr3 0.3220 -20.54560000
st_testph4 0.0460 -80.50000000

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LaGO: fail:     Back to top

Modelname Time (LaGO) Status (LaGO)
fo7 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
o7 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
st_miqp4 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
tls12 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
tls6 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
tls7 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)

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SBB: feasible:     Back to top

Modelname Time (SBB) Obj (SBB)
alan 0.0100 2.92500000
batch 0.2300 285506.50815158
du-opt 1.7400 3.56108965
du-opt5 20.8200 8.07365758
ex1223 0.0600 4.57958240
ex1223a 0.0100 4.57958240
ex1223b 0.0000 4.57958240
fac1 0.0100 160912612.35016900
fac3 0.2900 31982309.84800000
m3 0.4000 37.80000000
m6 196.7700 129.82493644
m7 223.4600 123.96437781
meanvarx 0.0200 14.49698300
nvs03 0.0200 16.00000000
nvs10 0.0200 -310.80000000
risk2b 0.3900 -55.73616850
risk2bpb 0.4200 -55.73616850
st_e14 0.0200 4.57958240
st_miqp1 0.0300 281.00000000
st_miqp2 0.0300 2.00000000
st_miqp4 0.0000 -4574.00000000
stockcycle 98.0100 143295.16500000
st_test5 0.0600 -110.00000000
st_test6 0.0900 471.00000000
st_test8 0.0100 -29605.00000000
st_testgr1 0.0400 -12.72810000
st_testgr3 0.0600 -20.46880000
st_testph4 0.0200 -80.50000000
synthes1 0.0300 6.00975891
synthes2 0.0400 73.03531253
synthes3 0.1800 68.00974052

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SBB: fail:     Back to top

Modelname Time (SBB) Status (SBB)
fo7 -- mstat(14) sstat( 4)
o7 -- mstat(14) sstat( 4)
tls12 -- mstat(14) sstat( 4)
tls6 -- mstat(14) sstat( 4)
tls7 -- mstat(14) sstat( 4)

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