Resource Times:

Date / Time: 09/02/07 15:50:38

See the solver return definitions for optimal/feasible model and solve statuses. Solutions are not checked for how close they are to eachother. Resource times are considered the same, if they are within 10% of eachother. A solver is considered faster than another, if it is less than 50% faster than the other. A solver is considered much faster than another, if it is more than 50% faster than the other.

If a model was not solved optimal/feasible by both solvers, the resource time is considered the same. If a model was solved optimal/feasible by solver A but not by solver B, then solver A is considered infinitely faster than solver B. Similarly, if one solver has trace data and the other has no data, then the first solver is consideredinfinitely faster.

A solver is considered to have a better objective function value, if the relative objective value difference is greater than 1.00E-05 For objective values below 1e-1 we use absolute differences.

Tracefile 1 :2-AlphaECP-1_noSOSsemicon.trc
Tracefile 2 :4-Bonmin-1.trc
Solvers used : AlphaECP-CPLEX
Modeltype(s)   MINLP
Threshold: Solver Faster 10%
Threshold: Solver Much Faster 50%
Threshold: Solver Infinitely Faster Other solver failed

Total Obj AlphaECP-CPLEX better Obj same Obj BONMIN better
Solver AlphaECP-CPLEX infinitely faster : 22 22 - -
Solver AlphaECP-CPLEX much faster : 6 1 2 3
Solver AlphaECP-CPLEX faster : 5 - 3 2
Solvers perform the same : 7 - 4 3
Solver BONMIN faster :- - - -
Solver BONMIN much faster : 74 22 39 13
Solver BONMIN infinitely faster : 28 - - 28
Both solvers failed to solve optimally : 19 - 19 -
Total models: : 161456749

Solver return definition:

OutcomeModel StatusSolver Status
globally optimal 1 or 15 1
locally optimal/feasible 2 or 8 or 16 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5

Resource Times:

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Solver AlphaECP-CPLEX infinitely faster - Obj of AlphaECP-CPLEX better:

Modelname Time (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Time (BONMIN) Ratio (AlphaECP-CPLEX / BONMIN) Obj (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Obj (BONMIN)
dosemin2d3600.0000fail -- 5.10609279E+02 NA
ex1263a0.0000infeasible -- 3.01000000E+01 NA
ex12662.0000infeasible -- 1.63000000E+01 NA
ex1266a1.0000infeasible -- 1.63000000E+01 NA
fuzzy186.0000fail -- -3.97226190E-01 NA
fo7504.0000fail -- 2.07291844E+01 2.07298251E+01
minlphix3.0000fail -- 3.16692380E+02 NA
hmittelman3600.0000infeasible -- 2.10000000E+01 NA
o73606.0000fail -- 1.53819887E+02 1.34678221E+02
ortez7.0000infeasible -- -1.28489817E-02 NA
pb3020352.0000fail -- 3.70914700E+06 NA
pb30209519.0000fail -- 5.75331400E+06 NA
pb3515353.0000fail -- 5.17505400E+06 NA
pb351595132.0000fail -- 6.74234600E+06 NA
qap14.0000fail -- 3.99894000E+05 NA
qapw635.0000fail -- 3.99406000E+05 NA
st_e350.0000fail -- 1.07419804E+05 NA
st_miqp21.0000fail -- 2.00000000E+00 NA
stockcycle3600.0000fail -- 4.36419130E+05 1.79191271E+05
tloss1.0000infeasible -- 1.63000000E+01 NA
tltr1.0000infeasible -- 5.46000000E+01 NA
mbtd3689.0000fail -- 1.07500200E+01 NA

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Solver AlphaECP-CPLEX much faster - Obj of AlphaECP-CPLEX better:

Modelname Time (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Time (BONMIN) Ratio (AlphaECP-CPLEX / BONMIN) Obj (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Obj (BONMIN)
gear21.00004.19000.239 -5.37629908E-04 2.35764066E-09

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Solver AlphaECP-CPLEX much faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Time (BONMIN) Ratio (AlphaECP-CPLEX / BONMIN) Obj (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Obj (BONMIN)
m67.0000128.19000.055 8.22568769E+01 8.22568769E+01
m733.0000729.51000.045 1.06756877E+02 1.06756877E+02

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Solver AlphaECP-CPLEX much faster - Obj of BONMIN better:

Modelname Time (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Time (BONMIN) Ratio (AlphaECP-CPLEX / BONMIN) Obj (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Obj (BONMIN)
eg_all_s1.00003.10000.323 1.59032891E+01 1.08441757E+01
eg_disc2_s1.00006.65000.150 1.39407327E+01 5.64210058E+00
ex12441.00002.18000.459 9.54152333E+04 8.20429052E+04

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Solver AlphaECP-CPLEX faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Time (BONMIN) Ratio (AlphaECP-CPLEX / BONMIN) Obj (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Obj (BONMIN)
ravempb4.00007.30000.548 2.69590219E+05 2.69590219E+05
st_testgr12.00002.99000.669 -1.28116000E+01 -1.28116000E+01
st_testgr31.00001.80000.556 -2.05900000E+01 -2.05900000E+01

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Solver AlphaECP-CPLEX faster - Obj of BONMIN better:

Modelname Time (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Time (BONMIN) Ratio (AlphaECP-CPLEX / BONMIN) Obj (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Obj (BONMIN)
eg_disc_s2.00003.68000.543 1.20817980E+01 6.46585587E+00
ex12431.00001.17000.855 5.15069761E+05 8.34025064E+04

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Solvers perform the same - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Time (BONMIN) Ratio (AlphaECP-CPLEX / BONMIN) Obj (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Obj (BONMIN)
ex12630.00000.0800--- 3.01000000E+01 3.01000000E+01
ex1264a0.00000.0100--- 1.11000000E+01 1.11000000E+01
ex12650.00000.0700--- 1.51000000E+01 1.51000000E+01
prob030.00000.0100--- 1.00000000E+01 1.00000000E+01

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Solvers perform the same - Obj of BONMIN better:

Modelname Time (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Time (BONMIN) Ratio (AlphaECP-CPLEX / BONMIN) Obj (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Obj (BONMIN)
eg_int_s1.00000.91001.099 1.54225990E+01 8.12691365E+00
ex12250.00000.0200--- 3.40000000E+01 3.10000000E+01
ex12260.00000.0100--- -8.33333333E+00 -1.70000000E+01

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Solver BONMIN much faster - Obj of AlphaECP-CPLEX better:

Modelname Time (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Time (BONMIN) Ratio (AlphaECP-CPLEX / BONMIN) Obj (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Obj (BONMIN)
csched1a2.00000.0300--- -3.04301771E+04 -3.02797471E+04
du-opt5453.000031.490014.386 8.07307759E+00 8.07365758E+00
du-opt1124.000028.470039.480 3.55567908E+00 3.55634005E+00
elf5.00000.070071.429 1.58568780E+00 5.02500000E+00
eniplac3600.000012.3600291.262 -1.31143926E+05 -1.31091693E+05
ex12221.00000.0100--- 1.07611140E+00 1.07654308E+00
ex3pb19.00000.1300146.154 6.78834858E+01 6.80097441E+01
ex46.00001.87003.209 -8.06499026E+00 -8.06413616E+00
gear1.00000.0300--- -8.81687379E-04 5.04146363E-07
gear31.00000.15006.667 -8.81687379E-04 5.04146363E-07
gear43.00000.130023.077 2.34384034E+03 3.96816236E+04
gkocis2.00000.050040.000 -1.92904678E+00 -1.72097169E+00
meanvarx1.00000.16006.250 1.43690751E+01 1.43692321E+01
oaer1.00000.050020.000 -1.92622281E+00 -1.72097163E+00
prob102.00000.050040.000 3.44472251E+00 3.44550379E+00
procsel2.00000.090022.222 -1.92405073E+00 -1.72097169E+00
spectra2174.000010.910015.949 1.39722135E+01 1.39783059E+01
st_e361.00000.060016.667 -2.43856813E+02 -2.37688891E+02
st_test81.00000.0100--- -2.96050000E+04 -2.95750000E+04
synthes11.00000.13007.692 6.00965002E+00 6.00975891E+00
synthes25.00000.100050.000 7.30345496E+01 7.30353125E+01
tln6495.000030.800016.071 1.71000000E+01 2.49000000E+01

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Solver BONMIN much faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Time (BONMIN) Ratio (AlphaECP-CPLEX / BONMIN) Obj (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Obj (BONMIN)
alan1.00000.090011.111 2.92500000E+00 2.92500000E+00
batch2.00000.88002.273 2.85506481E+05 2.85506508E+05
batchdes2.00000.0300--- 1.67427656E+05 1.67427657E+05
enpro48pb27.00004.61005.857 1.87277259E+05 1.87277259E+05
enpro56pb33.000013.77002.397 2.63428274E+05 2.63428301E+05
ex12233.00000.300010.000 4.57957678E+00 4.57958241E+00
ex1223a3.00000.0200--- 4.57957997E+00 4.57958240E+00
ex1223b3.00000.250012.000 4.57957678E+00 4.57958240E+00
ex1233686.00001.5000457.333 1.55010670E+05 1.55010671E+05
ex12641.00000.0400--- 1.11000000E+01 1.11000000E+01
ex1265a1.00000.0100--- 1.51000000E+01 1.51000000E+01
fac183.00000.1300638.462 1.60912612E+08 1.60912612E+08
fac288.00000.4800183.333 3.31837498E+08 3.31837498E+08
fac38.00001.84004.348 3.19823098E+07 3.19823098E+07
fuel4.00000.0300--- 8.56611451E+03 8.56611896E+03
gbd1.00000.0100--- 2.20000000E+00 2.20000000E+00
johnall2.00000.150013.333 -2.24730162E+02 -2.24730162E+02
m32.00000.46004.348 3.78000000E+01 3.78000000E+01
nvs031.00000.0100--- 1.60000000E+01 1.60000000E+01
nvs045.00000.0000--- 2.12000000E+00 2.12000000E+00
nvs061.00000.0300--- 1.77031250E+00 1.77031250E+00
nvs071.00000.0000--- 4.00000000E+00 4.00000000E+00
nvs084.00000.080050.000 2.34495073E+01 2.34497273E+01
nvs091.00000.0000--- -4.31343371E+01 -4.31343369E+01
nvs102.00000.0300--- -3.10800000E+02 -3.10800000E+02
prob021.00000.0100--- 1.12235000E+05 1.12235000E+05
risk2bpb2.00000.78002.564 -5.58761394E+01 -5.58761394E+01
st_e142.00000.30006.667 4.57957678E+00 4.57958241E+00
st_e271.00000.0100--- 2.00000000E+00 2.00000000E+00
st_e381.00000.0100--- 7.19772715E+03 7.19772715E+03
st_miqp11.00000.0200--- 2.81000000E+02 2.81000000E+02
st_miqp31.00000.0100--- -6.00000000E+00 -6.00000000E+00
st_miqp41.00000.0400--- -4.57400000E+03 -4.57400000E+03
st_miqp51.00000.0200--- -3.33889031E+02 -3.33888889E+02
st_test51.00000.0000--- -1.10000000E+02 -1.10000000E+02
st_test61.00000.0100--- 4.71000000E+02 4.71000000E+02
st_testph41.00000.0100--- -8.05000000E+01 -8.05000000E+01
synheat28.00000.860032.558 1.54997335E+05 1.54997335E+05
synthes34.00000.45008.889 6.80093274E+01 6.80097405E+01

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Solver BONMIN much faster - Obj of BONMIN better:

Modelname Time (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Time (BONMIN) Ratio (AlphaECP-CPLEX / BONMIN) Obj (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Obj (BONMIN)
cecil_1378.000030.25002.579 -1.05505796E+05 -1.08883312E+05
contvar3601.000029.6500121.450 1.98647509E+06 8.09149827E+05
csched126.00000.690037.681 -3.02885046E+04 -3.06392578E+04
csched23600.0000245.710014.651 -1.55538614E+05 -1.63376576E+05
csched2a3600.000045.680078.809 -1.50847174E+05 -1.61131371E+05
ex12242.00000.0300--- -7.19370688E-01 -9.43470500E-01
gastrans8.00000.150053.333 8.91353529E+01 8.90858400E+01
parallel1.00000.16006.250 1.37168965E+04 9.24295551E+02
sep12.00000.0400--- -4.65466997E+02 -5.10080984E+02
st_e291.00000.0200--- -7.19370688E-01 -9.43470500E-01
st_e312.00000.26007.692 -1.98442883E+00 -2.00000000E+00
util7.00001.16006.034 1.00300239E+03 9.99578750E+02
waterx9.00000.410021.951 9.28092168E+02 9.09027863E+02

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Solver BONMIN infinitely faster - Obj of BONMIN better:

Modelname Time (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Time (BONMIN) Ratio (AlphaECP-CPLEX / BONMIN) Obj (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Obj (BONMIN)
deb7infeasible 39.5900 -- 1.00000000E+20 1.20682589E+02
deb8infeasible 8.9300 -- 1.00000000E+20 1.20682589E+02
deb9infeasible 100.9600 -- 1.00000000E+20 1.20682589E+02
enpro48fail 5.0300 -- 1.00000000E+20 1.87277259E+05
enpro56fail 8.5600 -- 1.00000000E+20 2.63428301E+05
ex1221fail 0.0000 -- 1.00000000E+20 7.66718007E+00
ex1252fail 0.7700 -- 1.00000000E+20 1.49530994E+05
ex3fail 0.1200 -- 1.00000000E+20 6.80097441E+01
feedtrayinfeasible 0.0500 -- 1.00000000E+20 -1.34059977E+01
feedtray2infeasible 1.0100 -- 1.00000000E+20 0.00000000E+00
nous2fail 0.4100 -- 1.00000000E+20 6.25967412E-01
nuclear14ainfeasible 2.0000 -- 1.00000000E+20 -1.12953160E+00
nuclear24ainfeasible 2.0000 -- 1.00000000E+20 -1.12953160E+00
nuclearvainfeasible 0.9300 -- 1.00000000E+20 -1.01122505E+00
nvs01fail 0.0100 -- 1.00000000E+20 1.24696688E+01
nvs02fail 0.0300 -- 1.00000000E+20 5.96418452E+00
oil2infeasible 1.0900 -- 1.00000000E+20 -7.33108858E-01
pumpfail 0.0200 -- 1.00000000E+20 1.34263585E+05
ravemfail 4.7300 -- 1.00000000E+20 2.69590219E+05
risk2bfail 0.9400 -- 1.00000000E+20 -5.58761394E+01
space25fail 38.3800 -- 1.00000000E+20 5.62319686E+02
springinfeasible 0.0700 -- 1.00000000E+20 1.10182608E+00
st_e13fail 0.0100 -- 1.00000000E+20 2.00000000E+00
st_e15fail 0.0000 -- 1.00000000E+20 7.66718007E+00
tln12fail 3362.4500 -- 1.00000000E+20 2.37400000E+02
var_con10infeasible 4.7200 -- 1.00000000E+20 4.44213954E+02
var_con5infeasible 0.8100 -- 1.00000000E+20 2.78144894E+02
windfacfail 0.0300 -- 1.00000000E+20 2.54487298E-01

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Both solvers failed to solve optimally - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Time (BONMIN) Ratio (AlphaECP-CPLEX / BONMIN) Obj (AlphaECP-CPLEX) Obj (BONMIN)
4stufeninfeasible fail -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
beusterinfeasible fail -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
blendgapfail infeasible -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
deb10infeasible infeasible -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
deb6infeasible infeasible -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
ex1252afail infeasible -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
gasnetfail infeasible -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
hdainfeasible infeasible -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
lop97icxfail fail -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
nous1fail infeasible -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
nvs05fail fail -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
space25afail infeasible -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
st_e32fail infeasible -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
st_e40fail infeasible -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
tln7fail fail -- 1.00000000E+20 4.18000000E+01
tls12fail fail -- 1.00000000E+20 NA
tls6fail fail -- 1.00000000E+20 1.68000000E+01
tls7fail fail -- 1.00000000E+20 1.92000000E+01
water4fail infeasible -- 1.00000000E+20 NA

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