Performance Profile Summary

Date / Time: 09/01/07 15:43:56

Performance profiles for different objective value tolerances. The profile utility compares solver outcomes of any number of given solvers (up to 8) over a model test set. The tool is described in detail at

A solver is considered feasible or optimal, if it has the proper model and solver return codes and the relative objective value error is within n % of the best possible solution. If the best found objective value is 0, then the absolute objective value error is used.

The following relative objective value tolerances are used:
Quality of Solution (within 0% wrt to best value)
Data File: profile_0.txt
Black and White EPS file: profile_0.eps
Efficiency Only (within Inf% wrt to best value)
Data File: profile_Inf.txt
Black and White EPS file - profile_Inf.eps

Absolute Time Performance Profile Summary

Below are absolute time performance profile plots. In this case, the performance metric uses absolute time instead of the fastest solver time. That is a model/solver pair passes if it solves the problem within the absolute time given. Objective value tolerances used are the same as for the regular performance profile plots as above.

There are curves for three additional super solvers shown:

Quality of Solution (within 0% wrt to best value)
Data File: profilet_0.txt
Black and White EPS file: profilet_0.eps
Efficiency Only (within Inf% wrt to best value)
Data File: profilet_Inf.txt
Black and White EPS file - profilet_Inf.eps