Resource Times:

Results created on 02/25/11 16:11:31 using the PAVER Server/Performance tools available at

See the solver return definitions for optimal/feasible model and solve statuses. Solutions are not checked for how close they are to eachother.

Resource times are considered the same, if they are within 10% of eachother. A solver is considered faster than another, if it is less than 50% faster than the other. A solver is considered much faster than another, if it is more than 50% faster than the other.

If a model was not solved optimal/feasible by both solvers, the resource time is considered the same. If a model was solved optimal/feasible by solver A but not by solver B, then solver A is considered infinitely faster than solver B. Similarly, if one solver has trace data and the other has no data, then the first solver is consideredinfinitely faster.

A solver is considered to have a better objective function value, if the relative objective value difference is greater than 1.50E-04 For objective values below 1e-1 we use absolute differences.

Input File Number Filename
Tracefile 1: MINLPconvex.BONMIN.bonmin-oa-cpx.pav
Tracefile 2: MINLPconvex.BONMIN.bonmin-oa.pav
Solvers used : BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx
Modeltype(s)   MINLP
Threshold: Solver Faster 10%
Threshold: Solver Much Faster 50%
Threshold: Solver Infinitely Faster Other solver failed

Total Obj BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx better Obj same Obj BONMIN_bonmin-oa better
Solver BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx infinitely faster : 25 25 - -
Solver BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx much faster : 16 1 15 -
Solver BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx faster : 1 - 1 -
Solvers perform the same :- - - -
Solver BONMIN_bonmin-oa faster :- - - -
Solver BONMIN_bonmin-oa much faster :- - - -
Solver BONMIN_bonmin-oa infinitely faster :- - - -
Both solvers failed to solve optimally : 5 - 5 -
Total models: : 4726210

Solver return definition:

Outcome Model Status Solver Status
globally optimal 1 or 15 1
locally optimal/feasible 2 or 8 or 16 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 8

Resource Times:

Solver BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx infinitely faster - Obj of BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx better:

Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx) Time (BONMIN_bonmin-oa) Ratio (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx / BONMIN_bonmin-oa) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-oa)
BatchS121208M4.1370fail -- 1.24113000E+06 1.00000000E+20
BatchS151208M14.1860fail -- 1.54347000E+06 1.00000000E+20
FLay06M5.5250fail -- 6.69328000E+01 1.00000000E+20
fo749.2510fail -- 2.07298000E+01 1.00000000E+20
fo8155.6810fail -- 2.23819000E+01 1.00000000E+20
o7_23363.0500fail -- 1.16946000E+02 1.00000000E+20
RSyn0805M02M23.0470fail -- 2.23840000E+03 2.18180000E+03
RSyn0805M03M31.3840fail -- 3.06893000E+03 -1.00000000E+20
RSyn0805M04M11.6180fail -- 7.17422000E+03 7.06131000E+03
RSyn0810M02M12.3630fail -- 1.74139000E+03 1.71139000E+03
RSyn0810M03M22.1170fail -- 2.72245000E+03 -1.00000000E+20
RSyn0820M0.5800fail -- 1.15030000E+03 1.14603000E+03
RSyn0830M04H5.0920fail -- 2.52907000E+03 2.52851000E+03
RSyn0840M0.8750fail -- 3.25555000E+02 8.48187000E+01
SLay07H5.1670fail -- 6.47488000E+04 1.00000000E+20
SLay08H16.3770fail -- 8.49602000E+04 1.00000000E+20
SLay09H83.2580fail -- 1.07806000E+05 1.00000000E+20
SLay09M24.8570fail -- 1.07806000E+05 1.00000000E+20
SLay10M1420.6400fail -- 1.29580000E+05 1.00000000E+20
Syn20M04M0.5250fail -- 3.53274000E+03 3.51801000E+03
Syn30M02M0.5740fail -- 3.99683000E+02 3.92683000E+02
Syn40M03H1.8010fail -- 3.95149000E+02 3.95066000E+02
sssd-12-5-315.1870fail -- 2.61143000E+05 1.00000000E+20
sssd-15-6-3215.4670fail -- 4.40711000E+05 1.00000000E+20
uflquad-30-1003602.7000fail -- 2.95274000E+03 1.00000000E+20

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Solver BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx much faster - Obj of BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx better:

Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx) Time (BONMIN_bonmin-oa) Ratio (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx / BONMIN_bonmin-oa) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-oa)
BatchS201210M28.14303624.76000.008 2.29535000E+06 2.30130000E+06

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Solver BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx much faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx) Time (BONMIN_bonmin-oa) Ratio (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx / BONMIN_bonmin-oa) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-oa)
BatchS101006M6.2860738.15400.009 7.69440000E+05 7.69440000E+05
clay0303h2.17105.25300.413 2.66691000E+04 2.66691000E+04
clay0304h11.824084.53100.140 4.02624000E+04 4.02624000E+04
clay0305h16.2650222.30600.073 8.09250000E+03 8.09250000E+03
clay0305m14.364087.26700.165 8.09250000E+03 8.09250000E+03
FLay04H23.624061.00600.387 5.44059000E+01 5.44059000E+01
fo7_224.06902825.86000.009 1.77493000E+01 1.77493000E+01
m60.315023.19600.014 8.22569000E+01 8.22569000E+01
m71.1780390.70200.003 1.06757000E+02 1.06757000E+02
RSyn0830M0.7740286.24800.003 5.10072000E+02 5.10072000E+02
SLay06H1.7240762.85200.002 3.27570000E+04 3.27570000E+04
Syn15M04M0.40808.95300.046 4.93748000E+03 4.93748000E+03
Syn20M03M0.399010.90000.037 2.64695000E+03 2.64695000E+03
Syn40M0.28501.54600.184 6.77133000E+01 6.77133000E+01
sssd-10-4-31.0390393.77200.003 1.52710000E+05 1.52710000E+05

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Solver BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx) Time (BONMIN_bonmin-oa) Ratio (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx / BONMIN_bonmin-oa) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-oa)
RSyn0805H0.20400.26600.767 1.29612000E+03 1.29612000E+03

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Both solvers failed to solve optimally - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx) Time (BONMIN_bonmin-oa) Ratio (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx / BONMIN_bonmin-oa) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-oa-cpx) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-oa)
clay0304mfail fail -- 1.00000000E+20 6.89913000E+04
FLay05Hfail fail -- 1.00000000E+20 1.00000000E+20
FLay05Mfail fail -- 1.00000000E+20 1.00000000E+20
uflquad-20-150fail fail -- 1.00000000E+20 1.00000000E+20
uflquad-40-80fail fail -- 1.00000000E+20 1.00000000E+20

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