Solver Square Comparison: Considers all models.

Results created on 02/25/11 16:06:55 using the PAVER Server/Performance tools available at

Compares all solver return outcomes (for example optimal, locally optimal, infeasible, unbounded, fail) of one solver with all return outcomes of another solver. Interrupt denotes resource or iteration limit has been reached.

Solver BONMIN_bonmin-bb is represented on the left (rows) and solver BONMIN_bonmin-hyb on top (columns).

See the solver return definitions for return codes. Models having trace data only in one trace file are listed in the "no data" column of the other.

Input File Number Filename
Tracefile 1: MINLPconvex.BONMIN.bonmin-bb.pav
Tracefile 2: MINLPconvex.BONMIN.bonmin-hyb.pav
Solvers used : BONMIN_bonmin-bb
Modeltype(s)   MINLP

locally optimal
no data
total BONMIN_bonmin-bb
26 - 2 - - - - 28
locally optimal
- - - - - - - -
15 - 2 - - 1 - 18
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
1 - - - - - - 1
no data
- - - - - - - -
total BONMIN_bonmin-hyb 42 - 4 - - 1 - 47

Solver return definitions:

Outcome Model Status Solver Status
optimal 1 or 15 1
locally optimal 2 any
feasible 8 or 16 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
infeasible 4 or 5 or 10 or 19 1
unbounded 3 or 18 1
fail all other all other

Solver Resource Times

BONMIN_bonmin-bb: optimal -- BONMIN_bonmin-hyb: optimal    

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Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Time (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Ratio (BONMIN_bonmin-bb/BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb)
BatchS101006M 22.7760 18.9740 1.200 769440.00000000 769440.00000000
BatchS121208M 44.9290 56.5990 0.794 1241130.00000000 1241130.00000000
BatchS151208M 138.4870 59.9860 2.309 1543470.00000000 1543470.00000000
BatchS201210M 181.7730 182.6540 0.995 2295350.00000000 2295350.00000000
clay0303h 28.7740 6.8460 4.203 26669.10000000 26669.10000000
clay0304h 197.5510 69.1840 2.855 40262.40000000 40262.40000000
clay0304m 87.6430 12.3160 7.116 40262.40000000 40262.40000000
clay0305m 900.8890 15.5700 57.861 8092.50000000 8092.50000000
FLay04H 48.0610 35.7110 1.346 54.40590000 54.40590000
FLay05H 2894.0300 302.4860 9.567 64.49810000 64.49810000
FLay05M 549.2450 94.3820 5.819 64.49810000 64.49810000
m6 494.4440 9.1820 53.849 82.25690000 82.25690000
RSyn0805H 3.1030 0.6990 4.439 1296.12000000 1296.12000000
RSyn0830M04H 337.7570 18.8840 17.886 2529.07000000 2529.07000000
SLay06H 4.1570 43.0890 0.096 32757.00000000 32757.00000000
SLay07H 68.4250 65.0440 1.052 64748.80000000 64748.80000000
SLay08H 71.0830 160.1740 0.444 84960.20000000 84960.20000000
SLay09H 85.6580 294.0040 0.291 107806.00000000 107806.00000000
SLay09M 8.6660 35.1580 0.246 107806.00000000 107806.00000000
SLay10M 100.3260 229.2490 0.438 129580.00000000 129582.00000000
Syn15M04M 260.6110 2.4350 107.027 4937.48000000 4937.48000000
Syn40M03H 22.1460 4.7770 4.636 395.14900000 395.14900000
Syn40M 1153.7900 0.5890 1958.896 67.71330000 67.71330000
sssd-10-4-3 14.2500 1.5680 9.088 152710.00000000 152710.00000000
sssd-12-5-3 61.0080 18.5690 3.285 261143.00000000 261143.00000000
sssd-15-6-3 273.2360 104.8710 2.605 440711.00000000 440711.00000000

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BONMIN_bonmin-bb: optimal -- BONMIN_bonmin-hyb: feasible    

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Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Time (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Ratio (BONMIN_bonmin-bb/BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb)
uflquad-20-150 371.6570 3607.4200 0.103 550.11200000 588.81000000
uflquad-30-100 540.4610 3613.8700 0.150 361.91700000 361.91700000

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BONMIN_bonmin-bb: feasible -- BONMIN_bonmin-hyb: optimal    

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Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Time (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Ratio (BONMIN_bonmin-bb/BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb)
clay0305h 3616.8200 64.7660 55.844 8102.00000000 8092.50000000
fo7_2 3658.2500 82.4550 44.367 18.52120000 17.74930000
fo7 3662.9400 133.7430 27.388 24.99370000 20.72980000
fo8 3659.7200 1010.1000 3.623 32.36270000 22.38190000
m7 3643.9700 44.2190 82.407 130.75700000 106.75700000
o7_2 3660.6100 689.4210 5.310 134.01600000 116.94600000
RSyn0805M02M 3654.7200 56.3000 64.915 2238.06000000 2238.40000000
RSyn0805M03M 3641.6500 90.6620 40.167 3068.83000000 3068.93000000
RSyn0810M02M 3659.7600 93.3340 39.211 1723.03000000 1741.39000000
RSyn0810M03M 3660.7800 182.2310 20.089 2695.73000000 2722.45000000
RSyn0820M 3661.9600 3.9910 917.554 1150.30000000 1150.30000000
RSyn0830M 3624.1000 5.3450 678.036 509.93700000 510.07200000
RSyn0840M 3659.7300 4.0740 898.314 318.55500000 325.55500000
Syn20M04M 3654.3400 6.0280 606.228 3517.74000000 3532.74000000
Syn30M02M 3664.5900 2.1440 1709.230 381.68300000 399.68300000

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BONMIN_bonmin-bb: feasible -- BONMIN_bonmin-hyb: feasible    

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Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Time (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Ratio (BONMIN_bonmin-bb/BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb)
FLay06M 3650.6700 3645.6700 1.001 66.93280000 66.93280000
uflquad-40-80 3620.7600 3649.4600 0.992 348.14600000 1404.99000000

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BONMIN_bonmin-bb: feasible -- BONMIN_bonmin-hyb: fail    

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Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Time (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Ratio (BONMIN_bonmin-bb/BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Status (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb)
RSyn0805M04M 3622.5600 64.4320 --- 7171.22000000 mstat( 7)sstat( 1)

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BONMIN_bonmin-bb: fail -- BONMIN_bonmin-hyb: optimal    

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Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Time (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Ratio (BONMIN_bonmin-bb/BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Status (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb)
Syn20M03M 3646.6500 1.5150 --- mstat( 7)sstat( 1) 2646.95000000

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BONMIN_bonmin-bb: optimal:

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Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-bb)
BatchS101006M 22.7760 769440.00000000
BatchS121208M 44.9290 1241130.00000000
BatchS151208M 138.4870 1543470.00000000
BatchS201210M 181.7730 2295350.00000000
clay0303h 28.7740 26669.10000000
clay0304h 197.5510 40262.40000000
clay0304m 87.6430 40262.40000000
clay0305m 900.8890 8092.50000000
FLay04H 48.0610 54.40590000
FLay05H 2894.0300 64.49810000
FLay05M 549.2450 64.49810000
m6 494.4440 82.25690000
RSyn0805H 3.1030 1296.12000000
RSyn0830M04H 337.7570 2529.07000000
SLay06H 4.1570 32757.00000000
SLay07H 68.4250 64748.80000000
SLay08H 71.0830 84960.20000000
SLay09H 85.6580 107806.00000000
SLay09M 8.6660 107806.00000000
SLay10M 100.3260 129580.00000000
Syn15M04M 260.6110 4937.48000000
Syn40M03H 22.1460 395.14900000
Syn40M 1153.7900 67.71330000
sssd-10-4-3 14.2500 152710.00000000
sssd-12-5-3 61.0080 261143.00000000
sssd-15-6-3 273.2360 440711.00000000
uflquad-20-150 371.6570 550.11200000
uflquad-30-100 540.4610 361.91700000

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BONMIN_bonmin-bb: feasible:

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Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-bb)
clay0305h 3616.8200 8102.00000000
FLay06M 3650.6700 66.93280000
fo7_2 3658.2500 18.52120000
fo7 3662.9400 24.99370000
fo8 3659.7200 32.36270000
m7 3643.9700 130.75700000
o7_2 3660.6100 134.01600000
RSyn0805M02M 3654.7200 2238.06000000
RSyn0805M03M 3641.6500 3068.83000000
RSyn0805M04M 3622.5600 7171.22000000
RSyn0810M02M 3659.7600 1723.03000000
RSyn0810M03M 3660.7800 2695.73000000
RSyn0820M 3661.9600 1150.30000000
RSyn0830M 3624.1000 509.93700000
RSyn0840M 3659.7300 318.55500000
Syn20M04M 3654.3400 3517.74000000
Syn30M02M 3664.5900 381.68300000
uflquad-40-80 3620.7600 348.14600000

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BONMIN_bonmin-bb: fail:

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Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Status (BONMIN_bonmin-bb)
Syn20M03M -- mstat( 7) sstat( 1)

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BONMIN_bonmin-hyb: optimal:

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Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb)
BatchS101006M 18.9740 769440.00000000
BatchS121208M 56.5990 1241130.00000000
BatchS151208M 59.9860 1543470.00000000
BatchS201210M 182.6540 2295350.00000000
clay0303h 6.8460 26669.10000000
clay0304h 69.1840 40262.40000000
clay0304m 12.3160 40262.40000000
clay0305h 64.7660 8092.50000000
clay0305m 15.5700 8092.50000000
FLay04H 35.7110 54.40590000
FLay05H 302.4860 64.49810000
FLay05M 94.3820 64.49810000
fo7_2 82.4550 17.74930000
fo7 133.7430 20.72980000
fo8 1010.1000 22.38190000
m6 9.1820 82.25690000
m7 44.2190 106.75700000
o7_2 689.4210 116.94600000
RSyn0805H 0.6990 1296.12000000
RSyn0805M02M 56.3000 2238.40000000
RSyn0805M03M 90.6620 3068.93000000
RSyn0810M02M 93.3340 1741.39000000
RSyn0810M03M 182.2310 2722.45000000
RSyn0820M 3.9910 1150.30000000
RSyn0830M04H 18.8840 2529.07000000
RSyn0830M 5.3450 510.07200000
RSyn0840M 4.0740 325.55500000
SLay06H 43.0890 32757.00000000
SLay07H 65.0440 64748.80000000
SLay08H 160.1740 84960.20000000
SLay09H 294.0040 107806.00000000
SLay09M 35.1580 107806.00000000
SLay10M 229.2490 129582.00000000
Syn15M04M 2.4350 4937.48000000
Syn20M03M 1.5150 2646.95000000
Syn20M04M 6.0280 3532.74000000
Syn30M02M 2.1440 399.68300000
Syn40M03H 4.7770 395.14900000
Syn40M 0.5890 67.71330000
sssd-10-4-3 1.5680 152710.00000000
sssd-12-5-3 18.5690 261143.00000000
sssd-15-6-3 104.8710 440711.00000000

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BONMIN_bonmin-hyb: feasible:

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Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb)
FLay06M 3645.6700 66.93280000
uflquad-20-150 3607.4200 588.81000000
uflquad-30-100 3613.8700 361.91700000
uflquad-40-80 3649.4600 1404.99000000

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BONMIN_bonmin-hyb: fail:

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Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Status (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb)
RSyn0805M04M -- mstat( 7)sstat( 1)

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BONMIN_bonmin-bb: all -- BONMIN_bonmin-hyb: all

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A "(max)" behind a model names indicates that this model is a maximization model.

Rows with red background in the model name mark inconsistencies, caused by negative gaps or objective values of one solver that are better than the objestive estimate of the other solver.

A model is counted as solved if the gap reported by the solver is at most 0.00015. The gap is in this case displayed with a green background.

A shifted geometric mean of the solver time is computed, where unsolved instances and instances above the timelimit are counted with the timelimit (3664.59 seconds). The shift is 10s.

Modelname Time (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Time (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Ratio (BONMIN_bonmin-bb/ BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Obj (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) ObjEst (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) ObjEst (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb) Gap (BONMIN_bonmin-bb) Gap (BONMIN_bonmin-hyb)
BatchS101006M 22.7760 18.9740 1.200 769440.00000000 769440.00000000 769440.00000000 769440.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
BatchS121208M 44.9290 56.5990 0.794 1241130.00000000 1241130.00000000 1241130.00000000 1241130.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
BatchS151208M 138.4870 59.9860 2.309 1543470.00000000 1543470.00000000 1543470.00000000 1543470.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
BatchS201210M 181.7730 182.6540 0.995 2295350.00000000 2295350.00000000 2295350.00000000 2295350.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
clay0303h 28.7740 6.8460 4.203 26669.10000000 26669.10000000 26669.10000000 26669.10000000 0.0000 0.0000
clay0304h 197.5510 69.1840 2.855 40262.40000000 40262.40000000 40262.40000000 40262.40000000 0.0000 0.0000
clay0304m 87.6430 12.3160 7.116 40262.40000000 40262.40000000 40262.40000000 40262.40000000 0.0000 0.0000
clay0305h 3616.8200 64.7660 55.844 8102.00000000 8092.50000000 7950.00000000 8092.50000000 0.0191 0.0000
clay0305m 900.8890 15.5700 57.861 8092.50000000 8092.50000000 8092.50000000 8092.50000000 0.0000 0.0000
FLay04H 48.0610 35.7110 1.346 54.40590000 54.40590000 54.40590000 54.40590000 0.0000 0.0000
FLay05H 2894.0300 302.4860 9.567 64.49810000 64.49810000 64.49810000 64.49810000 0.0000 0.0000
FLay05M 549.2450 94.3820 5.819 64.49810000 64.49810000 64.49810000 64.49810000 0.0000 0.0000
FLay06M 3650.6700 3645.6700 1.001 66.93280000 66.93280000 64.49810000 64.48520000 0.0377 0.0380
fo7_2 3658.2500 82.4550 44.367 18.52120000 17.74930000 8.95940000 17.74930000 1.0672 0.0000
fo7 3662.9400 133.7430 27.388 24.99370000 20.72980000 8.47036000 20.72980000 1.9507 0.0000
fo8 3659.7200 1010.1000 3.623 32.36270000 22.38190000 9.13875000 22.38190000 2.5413 0.0000
m6 494.4440 9.1820 53.849 82.25690000 82.25690000 82.25690000 82.25690000 0.0000 0.0000
m7 3643.9700 44.2190 82.407 130.75700000 106.75700000 44.90410000 106.75700000 1.9119 0.0000
o7_2 3660.6100 689.4210 5.310 134.01600000 116.94600000 29.82670000 116.94600000 3.4932 0.0000
RSyn0805H (max) 3.1030 0.6990 4.439 1296.12000000 1296.12000000 1296.12000000 1296.12000000 0.0000 0.0000
RSyn0805M02M (max) 3654.7200 56.3000 64.915 2238.06000000 2238.40000000 2310.14000000 2238.40000000 0.0312 0.0000
RSyn0805M03M (max) 3641.6500 90.6620 40.167 3068.83000000 3068.93000000 3293.88000000 3068.93000000 0.0683 0.0000
RSyn0805M04M (max) 3622.5600 64.4320 --- 7171.22000000 mstat( 7) sstat(1) 7651.92000000 --- 0.0628 ---
RSyn0810M02M (max) 3659.7600 93.3340 39.211 1723.03000000 1741.39000000 3051.60000000 1741.39000000 0.4354 0.0000
RSyn0810M03M (max) 3660.7800 182.2310 20.089 2695.73000000 2722.45000000 4040.11000000 2722.45000000 0.3328 0.0000
RSyn0820M (max) 3661.9600 3.9910 917.554 1150.30000000 1150.30000000 1264.78000000 1150.30000000 0.0905 0.0000
RSyn0830M04H (max) 337.7570 18.8840 17.886 2529.07000000 2529.07000000 2529.07000000 2529.07000000 0.0000 0.0000
RSyn0830M (max) 3624.1000 5.3450 678.036 509.93700000 510.07200000 641.69000000 510.07200000 0.2053 0.0000
RSyn0840M (max) 3659.7300 4.0740 898.314 318.55500000 325.55500000 777.04800000 325.55500000 0.5900 0.0000
SLay06H 4.1570 43.0890 0.096 32757.00000000 32757.00000000 32757.00000000 32757.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
SLay07H 68.4250 65.0440 1.052 64748.80000000 64748.80000000 64748.80000000 64748.80000000 0.0000 0.0000
SLay08H 71.0830 160.1740 0.444 84960.20000000 84960.20000000 84960.20000000 84960.20000000 0.0000 0.0000
SLay09H 85.6580 294.0040 0.291 107806.00000000 107806.00000000 107806.00000000 107806.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
SLay09M 8.6660 35.1580 0.246 107806.00000000 107806.00000000 107806.00000000 107806.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
SLay10M 100.3260 229.2490 0.438 129580.00000000 129582.00000000 129580.00000000 129582.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
Syn15M04M (max) 260.6110 2.4350 107.027 4937.48000000 4937.48000000 4937.48000000 4937.48000000 0.0000 0.0000
Syn20M03M (max) 3646.6500 1.5150 --- mstat( 7) sstat(1) 2646.95000000 --- 2646.95000000 --- 0.0000
Syn20M04M (max) 3654.3400 6.0280 606.228 3517.74000000 3532.74000000 4524.25000000 3532.74000000 0.2225 0.0000
Syn30M02M (max) 3664.5900 2.1440 1709.230 381.68300000 399.68300000 642.30300000 399.68300000 0.4058 0.0000
Syn40M03H (max) 22.1460 4.7770 4.636 395.14900000 395.14900000 395.14900000 395.14900000 0.0000 0.0000
Syn40M (max) 1153.7900 0.5890 1958.896 67.71330000 67.71330000 67.71330000 67.71330000 0.0000 0.0000
sssd-10-4-3 14.2500 1.5680 9.088 152710.00000000 152710.00000000 152710.00000000 152710.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
sssd-12-5-3 61.0080 18.5690 3.285 261143.00000000 261143.00000000 261143.00000000 261143.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
sssd-15-6-3 273.2360 104.8710 2.605 440711.00000000 440711.00000000 440711.00000000 440711.00000000 0.0000 0.0000
uflquad-20-150 371.6570 3607.4200 0.103 550.11200000 588.81000000 550.11200000 250.95000000 0.0000 1.3463
uflquad-30-100 540.4610 3613.8700 0.150 361.91700000 361.91700000 361.91700000 161.84600000 0.0000 1.2362
uflquad-40-80 3620.7600 3649.4600 0.992 348.14600000 1404.99000000 311.97000000 103.07000000 0.1160 12.6314
Shifted Geometric Mean
491.29 71.50              
% Unsolved 40.43% 10.64%         

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