Models: 38 convex MINLPs from the GAMS MINLPLib
Note that this is a quite small testset, so that conclusions based on the results presented here should be made with care.

Solver: BONMIN 0.99
using Bonmin/stable/0.99 rev. 1325 (26.08.08), CoinUtils/stable/2.3 rev. 1070, Clp/stable/1.8 rev. 1265, Cgl/stable/0.53 rev. 680, Osi/stable/0.99 rev. 1288, Cbc/stable/2.2 rev. 1052, Ipopt/stable/3.5 rev. 1314, MA27, MA28, MC19, Netlib Blas, Netlib Lapack

  1. BONMIN-1: Bonmin 0.99 with optionfile
    bonmin.algorithm B-BB
  2. BONMIN-2: Bonmin 0.99 with optionfile
    bonmin.algorithm B-BB
    bonmin.nlp_failure_behavior fathom
  3. BONMIN-3: Bonmin 0.99 with optionfile
    bonmin.algorithm B-BB
    bonmin.nlp_failure_behavior fathom
    bonmin.max_consecutive_infeasible 3
    bonmin.num_resolve_at_infeasibles 1
  4. BONMIN-5: Bonmin 0.99 with optionfile
    bonmin.algorithm B-Hyb
  5. BONMIN-6: BONMIN 0.99 with optionfile
    bonmin.algorithm B-OA

Timelimit: 3600 seconds
Gap tolerance: 1%


The following modifications on the generated tracefiles have been made manually:
