Solver Square Comparison: Considers all models.

Date / Time: 09/29/08 16:20:24

Solver comparison utility.

Compares all solver return outcomes (for example optimal, locally optimal, infeasible, unbounded, fail) of one solver with all return outcomes of another solver. Interrupt denotes resource or iteration limit has been reached. Solver BARON2 is represented on the left (rows) and solver DICOPT on top (columns). See the solver return definitions for return codes.

Models having trace data only in one trace file are listed in the "no data" column of the other.

Tracefile 1 :BARON-2.trc.convex
Tracefile 2 :DICOPT-1.trc.convex
Solvers used : BARON2
Modeltype(s)   MINLP

no data
total BARON2
- 1 - - 1 - 2
- 29 - - 4 - 33
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - 1 - 1
no data
- - - - - - -
total DICOPT - 30 - - 6 - 36

Solver return definitions:

OutcomeModel StatusSolver Status
optimal 1 or 15 1
locally optimal 2 any
feasible 8 or 16 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
infeasible 4 or 5 or 10 or 19 1
unbounded 3 or 18 1
fail all other all other

Solver Resource Times

BARON2: optimal -- DICOPT: feasible    Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON2) Time (DICOPT) Ratio (BARON2/DICOPT) Obj (BARON2) Obj (DICOPT)
nvs03 0.0100 0.0000 --- 16.00000000 16.00000000

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BARON2: optimal -- DICOPT: fail    Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON2) Time (DICOPT) Ratio (BARON2/DICOPT) Obj (BARON2) Status (DICOPT)
st_miqp3 0.0000 NA --- -6.00000000 mstat(13) sstat(13)

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BARON2: feasible -- DICOPT: feasible    Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON2) Time (DICOPT) Ratio (BARON2/DICOPT) Obj (BARON2) Obj (DICOPT)
alan 0.0300 0.0000 --- 2.92595245 2.92500000
batch 1.2400 0.0200 62.000 285506.50824400 285506.50824405
du-opt5 106.1400 7.0700 15.013 8.07365758 8.07365758
du-opt 62.5000 3600.0100 0.017 3.58039065 3.55915370
ex1223 0.0600 0.0100 6.000 4.57958240 4.57958240
ex1223a 0.0100 0.0000 --- 4.57958240 4.57958240
ex1223b 0.0400 0.0100 --- 4.57958240 4.57958240
fac1 0.0300 0.0100 --- 160912612.35000000 160912612.35016900
fac3 0.3500 0.1500 2.333 31982309.84800000 31982309.84800000
fo7 3600.0000 1160.2200 3.103 22.11876985 20.72982507
m3 0.0600 0.0700 0.857 37.80000000 37.80000000
m6 110.3400 1.0500 105.086 82.25687691 82.28551882
m7 569.2100 0.8500 669.659 106.75687691 106.75687691
meanvarx 0.1300 0.0000 +INF.000 14.36923211 14.36923211
nvs10 0.0200 3600.0000 0.000 -310.80000000 -310.80000000
risk2bpb 2.0900 0.0800 26.125 -55.73616850 -55.87613940
st_e14 0.0600 0.0400 1.500 4.57958240 4.57958240
st_miqp1 0.0100 0.0000 --- 281.00000000 281.00000000
st_miqp2 0.0100 0.0100 --- 2.00000000 2.00000000
st_test5 0.0200 0.0000 --- -110.00000000 -110.00000000
st_test6 0.0400 0.0100 --- 471.00000000 471.00000000
st_test8 0.0200 0.0000 --- -29605.00000000 -29605.00000000
st_testgr1 0.0200 0.6800 0.029 -12.73920000 -12.81160000
st_testgr3 0.2800 0.0100 28.000 -20.49105000 -20.59000000
st_testph4 0.0100 0.0000 --- -80.50000000 -80.50000000
stockcycle 12.9600 2661.7500 0.005 120359.71333300 137349.47583333
synthes1 0.0100 0.0000 --- 6.00975891 6.00975891
synthes2 0.0200 0.0100 --- 73.03533264 73.03531253
synthes3 0.0600 0.0500 1.200 68.01195780 68.00974052

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BARON2: feasible -- DICOPT: fail    Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON2) Time (DICOPT) Ratio (BARON2/DICOPT) Obj (BARON2) Status (DICOPT)
o7 3600.0000 3600.0000 --- 136.73131828 mstat( 9) sstat( 3)
st_miqp4 0.0000 NA --- -4574.00000000 mstat(13) sstat(13)
tls6 3600.0000 3600.0100 --- 16.40000000 mstat( 9) sstat( 3)
tls7 3600.0000 3600.0000 --- 17.20000000 mstat( 9) sstat( 3)

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BARON2: fail -- DICOPT: fail    Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON2) Time (DICOPT) Ratio (BARON2/DICOPT) Status (BARON2) Status (DICOPT)
tls12 3600.0000 3600.0200 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) mstat( 9) sstat( 3)

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BARON2: optimal:     Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON2) Obj (BARON2)
gbd 0.0000 2.20000000
nvs03 0.0100 16.00000000
st_miqp3 0.0000 -6.00000000

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BARON2: feasible:     Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON2) Obj (BARON2)
alan 0.0300 2.92595245
batch 1.2400 285506.50824400
du-opt5 106.1400 8.07365758
du-opt 62.5000 3.58039065
ex1223 0.0600 4.57958240
ex1223a 0.0100 4.57958240
ex1223b 0.0400 4.57958240
fac1 0.0300 160912612.35000000
fac3 0.3500 31982309.84800000
fo7 3600.0000 22.11876985
m3 0.0600 37.80000000
m6 110.3400 82.25687691
m7 569.2100 106.75687691
meanvarx 0.1300 14.36923211
nvs10 0.0200 -310.80000000
o7 3600.0000 136.73131828
risk2bpb 2.0900 -55.73616850
st_e14 0.0600 4.57958240
st_miqp1 0.0100 281.00000000
st_miqp2 0.0100 2.00000000
st_miqp4 0.0000 -4574.00000000
st_miqp5 0.0100 -333.88888889
st_test5 0.0200 -110.00000000
st_test6 0.0400 471.00000000
st_test8 0.0200 -29605.00000000
st_testgr1 0.0200 -12.73920000
st_testgr3 0.2800 -20.49105000
st_testph4 0.0100 -80.50000000
stockcycle 12.9600 120359.71333300
synthes1 0.0100 6.00975891
synthes2 0.0200 73.03533264
synthes3 0.0600 68.01195780
tls6 3600.0000 16.40000000
tls7 3600.0000 17.20000000

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BARON2: fail:     Back to top

Modelname Time (BARON2) Status (BARON2)
tls12 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)

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DICOPT: feasible:     Back to top

Modelname Time (DICOPT) Obj (DICOPT)
alan 0.0000 2.92500000
batch 0.0200 285506.50824405
du-opt5 7.0700 8.07365758
du-opt 3600.0100 3.55915370
ex1223 0.0100 4.57958240
ex1223a 0.0000 4.57958240
ex1223b 0.0100 4.57958240
fac1 0.0100 160912612.35016900
fac3 0.1500 31982309.84800000
fo7 1160.2200 20.72982507
m3 0.0700 37.80000000
m6 1.0500 82.28551882
m7 0.8500 106.75687691
meanvarx 0.0000 14.36923211
nvs03 0.0000 16.00000000
nvs10 3600.0000 -310.80000000
risk2bpb 0.0800 -55.87613940
st_e14 0.0400 4.57958240
st_miqp1 0.0000 281.00000000
st_miqp2 0.0100 2.00000000
st_test5 0.0000 -110.00000000
st_test6 0.0100 471.00000000
st_test8 0.0000 -29605.00000000
st_testgr1 0.6800 -12.81160000
st_testgr3 0.0100 -20.59000000
st_testph4 0.0000 -80.50000000
stockcycle 2661.7500 137349.47583333
synthes1 0.0000 6.00975891
synthes2 0.0100 73.03531253
synthes3 0.0500 68.00974052

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DICOPT: fail:     Back to top

Modelname Time (DICOPT) Status (DICOPT)
o7 -- mstat( 9) sstat( 3)
st_miqp3 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
st_miqp4 -- mstat(13) sstat(13)
tls12 -- mstat( 9) sstat( 3)
tls6 -- mstat( 9) sstat( 3)
tls7 -- mstat( 9) sstat( 3)

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BARON2: all -- DICOPT: all :     Back to top

Rows with light red background in the model name mark inconsistencies, caused by negative gaps or objective values of one solver that are better than the objestive estimate of the other solver.
A "(max)" behind a model names indicates that this model is a maximization model.

A model is counted as solved if the gap reported by the solver is at most 0.015. The gap is in this case displayed with a green background

For time and timeratios, a shifted geometric mean is used, where unsolved instances are counted with twice the reslim (3600.00 seconds). The shift is 10s for time and 0.0001 for timeratios.

Modelname Time (BARON2) Time (DICOPT) Ratio (BARON2/DICOPT) Obj (BARON2) Obj (DICOPT) ObjEst (BARON2) ObjEst (DICOPT) Gap (BARON2) Gap (DICOPT)
alan 0.0300 0.0000 --- 2.92595245 2.92500000 2.89698263 +INF 0.0100 NA
batch 1.2400 0.0200 62.000 285506.50824400 285506.50824405 282679.71113300 +INF 0.0100 NA
du-opt5 106.1400 7.0700 15.013 8.07365758 8.07365758 7.99437871 +INF 0.0099 NA
du-opt 62.5000 3600.0100 0.017 3.58039065 3.55915370 3.55262236 +INF 0.0078 NA
ex1223 0.0600 0.0100 6.000 4.57958240 4.57958240 4.53424000 +INF 0.0100 NA
ex1223a 0.0100 0.0000 --- 4.57958240 4.57958240 4.53424000 +INF 0.0100 NA
ex1223b 0.0400 0.0100 --- 4.57958240 4.57958240 4.53424000 +INF 0.0100 NA
fac1 0.0300 0.0100 --- 160912612.35000000 160912612.35016900 160079450.12500000 +INF 0.0052 NA
fac3 0.3500 0.1500 2.333 31982309.84800000 31982309.84800000 31665653.31490000 +INF 0.0100 NA
fo7 3600.0000 1160.2200 3.103 22.11876985 20.72982507 14.31763600 +INF 0.5449 NA
m3 0.0600 0.0700 0.857 37.80000000 37.80000000 37.42574257 +INF 0.0100 NA
m6 110.3400 1.0500 105.086 82.25687691 82.28551882 81.44245239 +INF 0.0100 NA
m7 569.2100 0.8500 669.659 106.75687691 106.75687691 105.69987813 +INF 0.0100 NA
meanvarx 0.1300 0.0000 +INF.000 14.36923211 14.36923211 14.22696249 +INF 0.0100 NA
nvs03 0.0100 0.0000 --- 16.00000000 16.00000000 16.00000000 +INF 0.0000 NA
nvs10 0.0200 3600.0000 0.000 -310.80000000 -310.80000000 -313.93939394 +INF 0.0100 NA
o7 3600.0000 3600.0000 --- 136.73131828 mstat( 9) sstat( 3) 81.76346430 --- 0.6723 ---
risk2bpb 2.0900 0.0800 26.125 -55.73616850 -55.87613940 -56.29916010 +INF 0.0100 NA
st_e14 0.0600 0.0400 1.500 4.57958240 4.57958240 4.53424000 +INF 0.0100 NA
st_miqp1 0.0100 0.0000 --- 281.00000000 281.00000000 278.21782178 +INF 0.0100 NA
st_miqp2 0.0100 0.0100 --- 2.00000000 2.00000000 1.98019802 +INF 0.0100 NA
st_miqp3 0.0000 NA --- -6.00000000 mstat(13) sstat(13) -6.00000000 --- 0.0000 ---
st_miqp4 0.0000 NA --- -4574.00000000 mstat(13) sstat(13) -4620.20202020 --- 0.0100 ---
st_test5 0.0200 0.0000 --- -110.00000000 -110.00000000 -111.11111111 +INF 0.0100 NA
st_test6 0.0400 0.0100 --- 471.00000000 471.00000000 466.33663366 +INF 0.0100 NA
st_test8 0.0200 0.0000 --- -29605.00000000 -29605.00000000 -29904.04040400 +INF 0.0100 NA
st_testgr1 0.0200 0.6800 0.029 -12.73920000 -12.81160000 -12.86787879 +INF 0.0100 NA
st_testgr3 0.2800 0.0100 28.000 -20.49105000 -20.59000000 -20.69803030 +INF 0.0100 NA
st_testph4 0.0100 0.0000 --- -80.50000000 -80.50000000 -81.31313131 +INF 0.0100 NA
stockcycle 12.9600 2661.7500 0.005 120359.71333300 137349.47583333 119168.03300300 +INF 0.0100 NA
synthes1 0.0100 0.0000 --- 6.00975891 6.00975891 5.95025634 +INF 0.0100 NA
synthes2 0.0200 0.0100 --- 73.03533264 73.03531253 72.31221053 +INF 0.0100 NA
synthes3 0.0600 0.0500 1.200 68.01195780 68.00974052 67.33857208 +INF 0.0100 NA
tls12 3600.0000 3600.0200 --- mstat(13) sstat(13) mstat( 9) sstat( 3) --- --- --- ---
tls6 3600.0000 3600.0100 --- 16.40000000 mstat( 9) sstat( 3) 8.11111111 --- 1.0219 ---
tls7 3600.0000 3600.0000 --- 17.20000000 mstat( 9) sstat( 3) 1.77080649 --- 8.7131 ---
mean 25.05 7200.00 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
unsolved 13.89% 100.00%         

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