Resource Times:

Date / Time: 01/28/08 11:14:04

See the solver return definitions for optimal/feasible model and solve statuses. Solutions are not checked for how close they are to eachother. Resource times are considered the same, if they are within 10% of eachother. A solver is considered faster than another, if it is less than 50% faster than the other. A solver is considered much faster than another, if it is more than 50% faster than the other.

If a model was not solved optimal/feasible by both solvers, the resource time is considered the same. If a model was solved optimal/feasible by solver A but not by solver B, then solver A is considered infinitely faster than solver B. Similarly, if one solver has trace data and the other has no data, then the first solver is consideredinfinitely faster.

A solver is considered to have a better objective function value, if the relative objective value difference is greater than 1.00E-05 For objective values below 1e-1 we use absolute differences.

Tracefile 1 :3-GLPK2004.trc
Tracefile 2 :5-IPOPT2008.trc
Solvers used : GLPK2004
Modeltype(s)   LP
Threshold: Solver Faster 10%
Threshold: Solver Much Faster 50%
Threshold: Solver Infinitely Faster Other solver failed

Total Obj GLPK2004 better Obj same Obj IPOPT2008 better
Solver GLPK2004 infinitely faster : 5 5 - -
Solver GLPK2004 much faster : 28 4 24 -
Solver GLPK2004 faster : 6 - 6 -
Solvers perform the same :- - - -
Solver IPOPT2008 faster : 5 - 5 -
Solver IPOPT2008 much faster : 30 1 29 -
Solver IPOPT2008 infinitely faster : 27 - - 27
Both solvers failed to solve optimally : 19 - 19 -
Total models: : 120108327

Solver return definition:

OutcomeModel StatusSolver Status
globally optimal 1 or 15 1
locally optimal/feasible 2 or 7 or 16 or 17 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5

Resource Times:

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Solver GLPK2004 infinitely faster - Obj of GLPK2004 better:

Modelname Time (GLPK2004) Time (IPOPT2008) Ratio (GLPK2004 / IPOPT2008) Obj (GLPK2004) Obj (IPOPT2008)
pds-0625.6500fail -- 2.77610376E+10 2.28359671E+10
pds-10152.3100fail -- 2.67270950E+10 2.11376299E+09
nsct154.4400fail -- -3.89224360E+07 -2.20578599E+07
dbir1110.8000fail -- -8.10670700E+06 -8.10705967E+06
osa-60142.7900fail -- 4.04407250E+06 5.68360517E+09

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Solver GLPK2004 much faster - Obj of GLPK2004 better:

Modelname Time (GLPK2004) Time (IPOPT2008) Ratio (GLPK2004 / IPOPT2008) Obj (GLPK2004) Obj (IPOPT2008)
fome110.0900496.52000.000 0.00000000E+00 2.57147096E-02
fome120.19001012.50000.000 0.00000000E+00 5.14294193E-02
lpl325.47003825.66000.007 2.73180000E+04 4.21323465E+04
fome130.42002111.08000.000 0.00000000E+00 1.02858839E-01

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Solver GLPK2004 much faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (GLPK2004) Time (IPOPT2008) Ratio (GLPK2004 / IPOPT2008) Obj (GLPK2004) Obj (IPOPT2008)
air020.18002.52000.071 7.64000000E+03 7.64000001E+03
cari0.790015.92000.050 5.81893058E+02 5.81893058E+02
ex3sta147.1200110.81000.425 -6.30754033E+01 -6.30754033E+01
maros-r713.930036.65000.380 1.49718517E+06 1.49718517E+06
model716.9500378.09000.045 4.93800855E+04 4.93800855E+04
nsir13.830058.49000.065 -2.89090330E+07 -2.89090330E+07
osa-071.380027.41000.050 5.35722517E+05 5.35722517E+05
pilot8739.7400100.28000.396 3.01710393E+02 3.01713357E+02
rat14.340062.00000.070 1.99953166E+06 1.99953166E+06
rat58.250055.04000.150 3.08370701E+06 3.08370701E+06
scrs8-2r-51226.6200203.22000.131 1.07409934E+03 1.07409935E+03
wood1p0.39003.81000.102 1.44290241E+00 1.44290249E+00
bas1lp18.8500110.33000.171 3.63000000E+02 3.63000000E+02
kl022.130019.38000.110 2.15250000E+02 2.15250000E+02
nsct292.56001777.29000.052 -3.71750820E+07 -3.71750820E+07
osa-146.8800155.46000.044 1.10646284E+06 1.10646284E+06
osa-3030.7100621.67000.049 2.14213987E+06 2.14213987E+06
rat7a67.1800160.20000.419 2.07437142E+06 2.07437142E+06
rlfddd3.840033.02000.116 -1.30000000E+01 -1.29999993E+01
rlfdual27.8200188.99000.147 -1.00000000E+00 -9.99999417E-01
rlfprim71.1100248.10000.287 1.00000000E+00 1.00000074E+00
us043.380031.61000.107 1.77316667E+04 1.77316667E+04
nw148.2700759.77000.011 6.18440000E+04 6.18440001E+04
self23.7400418.54000.057 0.00000000E+00 2.08140901E-10

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Solver GLPK2004 faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (GLPK2004) Time (IPOPT2008) Ratio (GLPK2004 / IPOPT2008) Obj (GLPK2004) Obj (IPOPT2008)
crew10.57001.00000.570 2.05555556E+01 2.05555558E+01
nsir214.710018.80000.782 -2.71755935E+07 -2.71755935E+07
r057.780015.09000.516 5.57831859E+05 5.57831859E+05
slptsk13.350018.52000.721 2.98953660E+01 2.98953660E+01
rail51630.030035.94000.836 1.82000000E+02 1.82000001E+02
nemsemm141.660074.83000.557 5.12959601E+05 5.12959684E+05

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Solver IPOPT2008 faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (GLPK2004) Time (IPOPT2008) Ratio (GLPK2004 / IPOPT2008) Obj (GLPK2004) Obj (IPOPT2008)
aa0123.950014.47001.655 5.55354364E+04 5.55354364E+04
cq995.640055.83001.713 5.05541710E+05 5.05541710E+05
model525.740016.59001.552 -8.58440729E+05 -8.58440713E+05
rail50764.120040.44001.586 1.72145567E+02 1.72145567E+02
rail58268.970058.81001.173 2.09712233E+02 2.09712234E+02

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Solver IPOPT2008 much faster - Obj of GLPK2004 better:

Modelname Time (GLPK2004) Time (IPOPT2008) Ratio (GLPK2004 / IPOPT2008) Obj (GLPK2004) Obj (IPOPT2008)
model1120.46003.84005.328 0.00000000E+00 1.02089865E-03

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Solver IPOPT2008 much faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (GLPK2004) Time (IPOPT2008) Ratio (GLPK2004 / IPOPT2008) Obj (GLPK2004) Obj (IPOPT2008)
aa0322.95009.02002.544 4.96163636E+04 4.96163636E+04
air0624.29009.14002.658 4.96163636E+04 4.96163636E+04
car412.02002.47004.866 3.54603702E+01 3.54603861E+01
co533.800011.82002.860 7.14469554E+05 7.14469563E+05
cq519.25008.30002.319 4.00133807E+05 4.00133852E+05
fit2d24.32008.89002.736 -6.84642933E+04 -6.84642932E+04
fit2p40.67001.640024.799 6.84642933E+04 6.84642933E+04
gen265.710023.09002.846 3.29279078E+00 3.29279078E+00
jendrec128.85005.37005.372 7.02846051E+03 7.02846052E+03
ken-11110.99005.720019.404 -6.97238226E+09 -6.97238226E+09
model915.43004.20003.674 -1.41123094E+05 -1.41123078E+05
nemspmm118.89003.48005.428 -3.27415836E+05 -3.27415836E+05
nemspmm236.06005.91006.102 -2.91794836E+05 -2.91794828E+05
p01035.84006.67005.373 1.11504792E+06 1.11504792E+06
p056.97002.82002.472 5.56000277E+05 5.56000277E+05
pcb300010.27003.09003.324 1.37416420E+05 1.37416431E+05
rosen104.06001.34003.030 -1.74215456E+05 -1.74215456E+05
scfxm1-2r-6451.20002.720018.824 2.87756386E+03 2.87756386E+03
scfxm1-2r-96125.72005.240023.992 2.89170611E+03 2.89170612E+03
scsd8-2b-6499.00001.690058.580 1.59986680E+01 1.59986684E+01
scsd8-2c-6486.55001.780048.624 1.49992320E+01 1.49992324E+01
scsd8-2r-1089.63001.09008.835 2.36999943E+01 2.36999945E+01
scsd8-2r-21650.99002.250022.662 2.33999843E+01 2.33999843E+01
sctap1-2b-6492.70003.900023.769 4.84560000E+02 4.84560000E+02
stocfor373.43004.460016.464 -3.99767839E+04 -3.99767839E+04
testbig99.90002.410041.452 -6.04229607E+01 -6.04229605E+01
nemsemm247.560010.65004.466 5.81079571E+05 5.81079644E+05
route121.610018.68006.510 5.94165028E+03 5.94165028E+03
t0331-4l134.700049.85002.702 2.97300334E+04 2.97300334E+04

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Solver IPOPT2008 infinitely faster - Obj of IPOPT2008 better:

Modelname Time (GLPK2004) Time (IPOPT2008) Ratio (GLPK2004 / IPOPT2008) Obj (GLPK2004) Obj (IPOPT2008)
aa3fail 0.0000 -- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
aa4fail 0.0000 -- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
aa5fail 0.0000 -- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
aa6fail 0.0000 -- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
baxterfail 83.2600 -- NA 5.60072557E+07
co9fail 66.2300 -- NA 9.46920431E+05
gen1fail 14.4600 -- NA 1.64555231E-06
gen4fail 39.9400 -- NA 9.34175517E-06
ken-13fail 12.1900 -- NA -1.02573948E+10
l30fail 2.7300 -- NA 9.52179223E-01
lp22fail 312.5200 -- NA 4.58944669E+02
mod2fail 482.1800 -- NA 2.77373716E+07
model10fail 253.0800 -- NA -1.54599602E+05
nemswrldfail 133.0500 -- NA 2.60309062E+02
nug15fail 3640.1900 -- NA 1.04099790E+03
qap15fail 3748.4000 -- NA 1.04099451E+03
scfxm1-2b-64fail 7.4200 -- NA 2.87756386E+03
south31fail 6.4800 -- NA 1.81894020E+09
uleviminfail 149.3700 -- NA -5.19110186E+09
worldfail 330.2500 -- NA 4.03648731E+07
cre-dfail 3809.3600 -- NA 2.44549703E+07
ken-18fail 578.4100 -- NA -5.22170253E+10
scsd8-2r-432fail 5.1000 -- NA 2.57999725E+01
watson_1fail 3972.5200 -- NA -1.58614353E+03
dbic1fail 3290.6800 -- NA -9.76897300E+06
dbir2fail 637.7000 -- NA -6.11691650E+06
rail4284fail 7231.9500 -- NA 2.11919800E+07

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Both solvers failed to solve optimally - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (GLPK2004) Time (IPOPT2008) Ratio (GLPK2004 / IPOPT2008) Obj (GLPK2004) Obj (IPOPT2008)
bgindyinfeasible fail -- 5.08900400E+06 6.13151538E+17
goshinfeasible fail -- 6.05657085E+02 7.07682701E+14
cre-bfail fail -- NA 2.31299404E+07
fome20fail fail -- NA 2.38218707E+10
fome21fail fail -- NA 4.74113316E+10
lpl1fail fail -- NA 4.12249696E+12
nug20fail fail -- NA 1.06509674E+07
pds-20fail fail -- NA 2.38220039E+10
pds-30fail fail -- NA 2.13329680E+10
pds-40fail fail -- NA 1.61452480E+10
pds-50fail fail -- NA 8.96843273E+09
pds-60fail fail -- NA NA
sgpf5y6fail fail -- NA NA
nug30fail fail -- NA NA
pds-100fail fail -- NA 8.08778775E+08
pds-70fail fail -- NA 3.71765814E+09
pds-80fail fail -- NA NA
pds-90fail fail -- NA NA
rail2586fail fail -- NA NA

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