Resource Times:

Date / Time: 01/28/08 11:14:03

See the solver return definitions for optimal/feasible model and solve statuses. Solutions are not checked for how close they are to eachother. Resource times are considered the same, if they are within 10% of eachother. A solver is considered faster than another, if it is less than 50% faster than the other. A solver is considered much faster than another, if it is more than 50% faster than the other.

If a model was not solved optimal/feasible by both solvers, the resource time is considered the same. If a model was solved optimal/feasible by solver A but not by solver B, then solver A is considered infinitely faster than solver B. Similarly, if one solver has trace data and the other has no data, then the first solver is consideredinfinitely faster.

A solver is considered to have a better objective function value, if the relative objective value difference is greater than 1.00E-05 For objective values below 1e-1 we use absolute differences.

Tracefile 1 :1-CBC2004.trc
Tracefile 2 :3-GLPK2004.trc
Solvers used : CBC2004
Modeltype(s)   LP
Threshold: Solver Faster 10%
Threshold: Solver Much Faster 50%
Threshold: Solver Infinitely Faster Other solver failed

Total Obj CBC2004 better Obj same Obj GLPK2004 better
Solver CBC2004 infinitely faster : 29 29 - -
Solver CBC2004 much faster : 49 - 49 -
Solver CBC2004 faster : 12 - 12 -
Solvers perform the same : 2 - 2 -
Solver GLPK2004 faster : 2 - 2 -
Solver GLPK2004 much faster : 4 - 4 -
Solver GLPK2004 infinitely faster : 5 - - 5
Both solvers failed to solve optimally : 17 - 17 -
Total models: : 12029865

Solver return definition:

OutcomeModel StatusSolver Status
globally optimal 1 or 15 1
locally optimal/feasible 2 or 7 or 16 or 17 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5

Resource Times:

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Solver CBC2004 infinitely faster - Obj of CBC2004 better:

Modelname Time (CBC2004) Time (GLPK2004) Ratio (CBC2004 / GLPK2004) Obj (CBC2004) Obj (GLPK2004)
aa30.0000fail -- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
aa40.0000fail -- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
aa50.0000fail -- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
aa60.0000fail -- 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
baxter12.4400fail -- 5.60072557E+07 NA
co947.0400fail -- 9.46920430E+05 NA
gen119.2800fail -- 5.20042799E-07 NA
gen473.6200fail -- 1.32852119E-06 NA
ken-1311.1500fail -- -1.02573948E+10 NA
l3037.4900fail -- 9.52661199E-01 NA
lp2270.0600fail -- 4.58944594E+02 NA
mod282.7900fail -- 2.77373714E+07 NA
model10344.9900fail -- -1.54599570E+05 NA
nemswrld166.8100fail -- 2.60308966E+02 NA
scfxm1-2b-6414.6300fail -- 2.87756386E+03 NA
south3170.3600fail -- 1.81894020E+09 NA
world70.5200fail -- 4.03648732E+07 NA
cre-b101.5700fail -- 2.31296399E+07 NA
cre-d46.1800fail -- 2.44549698E+07 NA
fome20201.5600fail -- 2.38216586E+10 NA
fome21458.8000fail -- 4.73463189E+10 NA
ken-18149.3000fail -- -5.22170253E+10 NA
pds-20187.4400fail -- 2.38216586E+10 NA
pds-30683.4400fail -- 2.13854457E+10 NA
pds-401267.7100fail -- 1.88551988E+10 NA
pds-501777.9000fail -- 1.66035257E+10 NA
pds-602534.8000fail -- 1.42659044E+10 NA
scsd8-2r-4321.1700fail -- 2.57999697E+01 NA
watson_11739.3500fail -- -1.60928078E+03 NA

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Solver CBC2004 much faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (CBC2004) Time (GLPK2004) Ratio (CBC2004 / GLPK2004) Obj (CBC2004) Obj (GLPK2004)
aa014.840023.95000.202 5.55354364E+04 5.55354364E+04
aa032.290022.95000.100 4.96163636E+04 4.96163636E+04
air020.07000.18000.389 7.64000000E+03 7.64000000E+03
air062.290024.29000.094 4.96163636E+04 4.96163636E+04
car42.190012.02000.182 3.54603702E+01 3.54603702E+01
cari0.21000.79000.266 5.81893058E+02 5.81893058E+02
co58.330033.80000.246 7.14469554E+05 7.14469554E+05
cq54.940019.25000.257 4.00133807E+05 4.00133807E+05
cq932.720095.64000.342 5.05541710E+05 5.05541710E+05
fit2d1.500024.32000.062 -6.84642933E+04 -6.84642933E+04
fit2p9.500040.67000.234 6.84642933E+04 6.84642933E+04
jendrec13.640028.85000.126 7.02846050E+03 7.02846051E+03
ken-112.8400110.99000.026 -6.97238226E+09 -6.97238226E+09
lpl311.310025.47000.444 2.73180000E+04 2.73180000E+04
model113.970020.46000.194 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
model95.400015.43000.350 -1.41123091E+05 -1.41123094E+05
nemspmm216.510036.06000.458 -2.91794836E+05 -2.91794836E+05
p0105.630035.84000.157 1.11504792E+06 1.11504792E+06
p051.70006.97000.244 5.56000277E+05 5.56000277E+05
pcb30001.320010.27000.129 1.37416420E+05 1.37416420E+05
pds-063.880025.65000.151 2.77610376E+10 2.77610376E+10
pds-1016.3000152.31000.107 2.67270950E+10 2.67270950E+10
r053.17007.78000.407 5.57831859E+05 5.57831859E+05
rosen100.96004.06000.236 -1.74215456E+05 -1.74215456E+05
scfxm1-2r-643.520051.20000.069 2.87756386E+03 2.87756386E+03
scfxm1-2r-968.8700125.72000.071 2.89170611E+03 2.89170611E+03
scrs8-2r-5121.550026.62000.058 1.07409934E+03 1.07409934E+03
scsd8-2b-640.500099.00000.005 1.59986680E+01 1.59986680E+01
scsd8-2c-640.500086.55000.006 1.49992320E+01 1.49992320E+01
scsd8-2r-1080.10009.63000.010 2.36999943E+01 2.36999943E+01
scsd8-2r-2160.380050.99000.007 2.33999840E+01 2.33999843E+01
sctap1-2b-641.470092.70000.016 4.84560000E+02 4.84560000E+02
slptsk4.520013.35000.339 2.98953660E+01 2.98953660E+01
stocfor311.830073.43000.161 -3.99767839E+04 -3.99767839E+04
testbig5.740099.90000.057 -6.04229607E+01 -6.04229607E+01
wood1p0.14000.39000.359 1.44290241E+00 1.44290241E+00
bas1lp0.910018.85000.048 3.63000000E+02 3.63000000E+02
kl020.66002.13000.310 2.15250000E+02 2.15250000E+02
nemsemm22.380047.56000.050 5.81079571E+05 5.81079571E+05
nsct211.420092.56000.123 -3.71750820E+07 -3.71750820E+07
rail50721.850064.12000.341 1.72145567E+02 1.72145567E+02
rail5168.190030.03000.273 1.82000000E+02 1.82000000E+02
rail58216.270068.97000.236 2.09712233E+02 2.09712233E+02
rlfddd0.61003.84000.159 -1.30000000E+01 -1.30000000E+01
rlfprim6.590071.11000.093 1.00000000E+00 1.00000000E+00
route1.2400121.61000.010 5.94165028E+03 5.94165028E+03
us040.55003.38000.163 1.77316667E+04 1.77316667E+04
nemsemm15.640041.66000.135 5.12959601E+05 5.12959601E+05
nw141.65008.27000.200 6.18440000E+04 6.18440000E+04

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Solver CBC2004 faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (CBC2004) Time (GLPK2004) Ratio (CBC2004 / GLPK2004) Obj (CBC2004) Obj (GLPK2004)
crew10.41000.57000.719 2.05555556E+01 2.05555556E+01
ex3sta128.310047.12000.601 -6.30754033E+01 -6.30754033E+01
fome110.08000.09000.889 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
fome120.15000.19000.789 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
model516.310025.74000.634 -8.58440729E+05 -8.58440729E+05
nemspmm114.700018.89000.778 -3.27415836E+05 -3.27415836E+05
osa-071.15001.38000.833 5.35722517E+05 5.35722517E+05
fome130.31000.42000.738 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
osa-145.47006.88000.795 1.10646284E+06 1.10646284E+06
rlfdual24.320027.82000.874 -1.00000000E+00 -1.00000000E+00
t0331-4l71.7600134.70000.533 2.97300334E+04 2.97300334E+04
self17.830023.74000.751 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00

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Solvers perform the same - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (CBC2004) Time (GLPK2004) Ratio (CBC2004 / GLPK2004) Obj (CBC2004) Obj (GLPK2004)
gen270.630065.71001.075 3.29279078E+00 3.29279078E+00
model715.880016.95000.937 4.93800855E+04 4.93800855E+04

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Solver GLPK2004 faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (CBC2004) Time (GLPK2004) Ratio (CBC2004 / GLPK2004) Obj (CBC2004) Obj (GLPK2004)
pilot8762.880039.74001.582 3.01710347E+02 3.01710393E+02
osa-3034.650030.71001.128 2.14213987E+06 2.14213987E+06

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Solver GLPK2004 much faster - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (CBC2004) Time (GLPK2004) Ratio (CBC2004 / GLPK2004) Obj (CBC2004) Obj (GLPK2004)
maros-r744.710013.93003.210 1.49718517E+06 1.49718517E+06
rat1127.60004.340029.401 1.99953166E+06 1.99953166E+06
rat577.01008.25009.335 3.08370701E+06 3.08370701E+06
rat7a413.170067.18006.150 2.07437142E+06 2.07437142E+06

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Solver GLPK2004 infinitely faster - Obj of GLPK2004 better:

Modelname Time (CBC2004) Time (GLPK2004) Ratio (CBC2004 / GLPK2004) Obj (CBC2004) Obj (GLPK2004)
nsir1infeasible 3.8300 -- -3.15035900E+07 -2.89090330E+07
nsir2infeasible 14.7100 -- -2.88980360E+07 -2.71755935E+07
nsct1infeasible 54.4400 -- -3.90925630E+07 -3.89224360E+07
dbir1infeasible 110.8000 -- -8.10266600E+06 -8.10670700E+06
osa-60fail 142.7900 -- NA 4.04407250E+06

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Both solvers failed to solve optimally - Obj same for both solvers:

Modelname Time (CBC2004) Time (GLPK2004) Ratio (CBC2004 / GLPK2004) Obj (CBC2004) Obj (GLPK2004)
bgindyinfeasible infeasible -- 9.55484000E+06 5.08900400E+06
goshinfeasible infeasible -- 2.35994385E+02 6.05657085E+02
nug15infeasible fail -- 8.62786712E+02 NA
qap15infeasible fail -- 8.35443283E+02 NA
ulevimininfeasible fail -- -5.19198575E+09 NA
lpl1infeasible fail -- 2.84200000E+06 NA
nug20infeasible fail -- 8.96328302E+02 NA
sgpf5y6infeasible fail -- 1.21116221E+06 NA
dbic1infeasible fail -- -1.00000000E+20 NA
dbir2infeasible fail -- -6.65951550E+06 NA
nug30fail fail -- NA NA
pds-100fail fail -- NA NA
pds-70fail fail -- NA NA
pds-80fail fail -- NA NA
pds-90fail fail -- NA NA
rail2586fail fail -- NA NA
rail4284fail fail -- NA NA

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