CoinLpIO Member List

This is the complete list of members for CoinLpIO, including all inherited members.
are_invalid_names(char const *const *vnames, const int card_vnames, const bool check_ranged) const CoinLpIO
card_previous_names_CoinLpIO [protected]
checkColNames()CoinLpIO [protected]
checkRowNames()CoinLpIO [protected]
collower_CoinLpIO [protected]
columnIndex(const char *name) const CoinLpIO
columnName(int index) const CoinLpIO
colupper_CoinLpIO [protected]
convertBoundToSense(const double lower, const double upper, char &sense, double &right, double &range) const CoinLpIO [inline]
decimals_CoinLpIO [protected]
epsilon_CoinLpIO [protected]
fileName_CoinLpIO [protected]
find_obj(FILE *fp) const CoinLpIO [protected]
findHash(const char *name, int section) const CoinLpIO [protected]
first_is_number(const char *buff) const CoinLpIO [protected]
freePreviousNames(const int section)CoinLpIO
getColLower() const CoinLpIO
getColNames() const CoinLpIO
getColUpper() const CoinLpIO
getDecimals() const CoinLpIO
getEpsilon() const CoinLpIO
getInfinity() const CoinLpIO
getMatrixByCol() const CoinLpIO
getMatrixByRow() const CoinLpIO
getNumberAcross() const CoinLpIO
getNumCols() const CoinLpIO
getNumElements() const CoinLpIO
getNumRows() const CoinLpIO
getObjCoefficients() const CoinLpIO
getObjName() const CoinLpIO
getPreviousColNames(char const *const *prev, int *card_prev) const CoinLpIO
getPreviousRowNames(char const *const *prev, int *card_prev) const CoinLpIO
getProblemName() const CoinLpIO
getRightHandSide() const CoinLpIO
getRowLower() const CoinLpIO
getRowNames() const CoinLpIO
getRowRange() const CoinLpIO
getRowSense() const CoinLpIO
getRowUpper() const CoinLpIO
hash_CoinLpIO [mutable, protected]
infinity_CoinLpIO [protected]
insertHash(const char *thisName, int section)CoinLpIO [protected]
integerColumns() const CoinLpIO
integerType_CoinLpIO [protected]
is_comment(const char *buff) const CoinLpIO [protected]
is_free(const char *buff) const CoinLpIO [protected]
is_invalid_name(const char *buff, const bool ranged) const CoinLpIO
is_keyword(const char *buff) const CoinLpIO [protected]
is_sense(const char *buff) const CoinLpIO [protected]
is_subject_to(const char *buff) const CoinLpIO [protected]
isInteger(int columnNumber) const CoinLpIO
matrixByColumn_CoinLpIO [mutable, protected]
matrixByRow_CoinLpIO [protected]
maxHash_CoinLpIO [protected]
names_CoinLpIO [protected]
numberAcross_CoinLpIO [protected]
numberColumns_CoinLpIO [protected]
numberElements_CoinLpIO [protected]
numberHash_CoinLpIO [protected]
numberRows_CoinLpIO [protected]
objective_CoinLpIO [protected]
objectiveOffset() const CoinLpIO
objectiveOffset_CoinLpIO [protected]
objName_CoinLpIO [protected]
out_coeff(FILE *fp, double v, int print_1) const CoinLpIO [protected]
previous_names_CoinLpIO [protected]
print() const CoinLpIO
problemName_CoinLpIO [protected]
read_monom_obj(FILE *fp, double *coeff, char **name, int *cnt, char **obj_name)CoinLpIO [protected]
read_monom_row(FILE *fp, char *start_str, double *coeff, char **name, int cnt_coeff) const CoinLpIO [protected]
read_row(FILE *fp, char *buff, double **pcoeff, char ***pcolNames, int *cnt_coeff, int *maxcoeff, double *rhs, double *rowlow, double *rowup, int *cnt_row, double inf) const CoinLpIO [protected]
readLp(const char *filename, const double epsilon)CoinLpIO
readLp(const char *filename)CoinLpIO
readLp(FILE *fp, const double epsilon)CoinLpIO
readLp(FILE *fp)CoinLpIO
realloc_coeff(double **coeff, char ***colNames, int *maxcoeff) const CoinLpIO [protected]
realloc_col(double **collow, double **colup, char **is_int, int *maxcol) const CoinLpIO [protected]
realloc_row(char ***rowNames, int **start, double **rhs, double **rowlow, double **rowup, int *maxrow) const CoinLpIO [protected]
rhs_CoinLpIO [mutable, protected]
rowIndex(const char *name) const CoinLpIO
rowlower_CoinLpIO [protected]
rowName(int index) const CoinLpIO
rowrange_CoinLpIO [mutable, protected]
rowsense_CoinLpIO [mutable, protected]
rowupper_CoinLpIO [protected]
scan_next(char *buff, FILE *fp) const CoinLpIO [protected]
setDecimals(const int)CoinLpIO
setEpsilon(const double)CoinLpIO
setInfinity(const double)CoinLpIO
setLpDataRowAndColNames(char const *const *const rownames, char const *const *const colnames)CoinLpIO
setLpDataWithoutRowAndColNames(const CoinPackedMatrix &m, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj_coeff, const char *integrality, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub)CoinLpIO
setNumberAcross(const int)CoinLpIO
setObjectiveOffset(double value)CoinLpIO [inline]
setProblemName(const char *name)CoinLpIO
skip_comment(char *buff, FILE *fp) const CoinLpIO [protected]
startHash(char const *const *const names, const COINColumnIndex number, int section)CoinLpIO [protected]
stopHash(int section)CoinLpIO [protected]
writeLp(const char *filename, const double epsilon, const int numberAcross, const int decimals, const bool useRowNames=true)CoinLpIO
writeLp(FILE *fp, const double epsilon, const int numberAcross, const int decimals, const bool useRowNames=true)CoinLpIO
writeLp(const char *filename, const bool useRowNames=true)CoinLpIO
writeLp(FILE *fp, const bool useRowNames=true)CoinLpIO

Generated on 15 Mar 2015 for Coin-All by  doxygen 1.6.1