CoinBuild Member List

This is the complete list of members for CoinBuild, including all inherited members.
addCol(int numberInColumn, const int *rows, const double *elements, double columnLower=0.0, double columnUpper=COIN_DBL_MAX, double objectiveValue=0.0)CoinBuild [inline]
addColumn(int numberInColumn, const int *rows, const double *elements, double columnLower=0.0, double columnUpper=COIN_DBL_MAX, double objectiveValue=0.0)CoinBuild
addItem(int numberInItem, const int *indices, const double *elements, double itemLower, double itemUpper, double objectiveValue)CoinBuild [private]
addRow(int numberInRow, const int *columns, const double *elements, double rowLower=-COIN_DBL_MAX, double rowUpper=COIN_DBL_MAX)CoinBuild
CoinBuild(int type)CoinBuild
CoinBuild(const CoinBuild &)CoinBuild
column(int whichColumn, double &columnLower, double &columnUpper, double &objectiveValue, const int *&indices, const double *&elements) const CoinBuild
currentColumn(double &columnLower, double &columnUpper, double &objectiveValue, const int *&indices, const double *&elements) const CoinBuild
currentColumn() const CoinBuild
currentItem(double &itemLower, double &itemUpper, double &objectiveValue, const int *&indices, const double *&elements) const CoinBuild [private]
currentItem() const CoinBuild [private]
currentItem_CoinBuild [mutable, private]
currentRow(double &rowLower, double &rowUpper, const int *&indices, const double *&elements) const CoinBuild
currentRow() const CoinBuild
firstItem_CoinBuild [private]
item(int whichItem, double &itemLower, double &itemUpper, double &objectiveValue, const int *&indices, const double *&elements) const CoinBuild [private]
lastItem_CoinBuild [private]
numberColumns() const CoinBuild [inline]
numberElements() const CoinBuild [inline]
numberElements_CoinBuild [private]
numberItems_CoinBuild [private]
numberOther_CoinBuild [private]
numberRows() const CoinBuild [inline]
operator=(const CoinBuild &)CoinBuild
row(int whichRow, double &rowLower, double &rowUpper, const int *&indices, const double *&elements) const CoinBuild
setCurrentColumn(int whichColumn)CoinBuild
setCurrentItem(int whichItem)CoinBuild [private]
setCurrentRow(int whichRow)CoinBuild
setMutableCurrent(int which) const CoinBuild [private]
type() const CoinBuild [inline]
type_CoinBuild [private]

Generated on 15 Mar 2015 for Coin-All by  doxygen 1.6.1